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<?php /** * Created by JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: sQrt121 * Date: 9/16/13 * Time: 2:36 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ class MorpheusUtils { public function __construct() { add_filter('post_class', array($this, 'add_portfolio_post_classes')); add_action('wp_ajax_get_thumbs', array($this, 'retrieve_thumb_from_id')); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_send_mail', array($this, 'send_email')); add_action('wp_ajax_send_mail', array($this, 'send_email')); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* add tag classes to the portfolio item post_class /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function add_portfolio_post_classes($classes) { global $post; $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'coll-portfolio-category'); foreach ($terms as $tag) { $classes[] = $tag->slug; } return $classes; } public function retrieve_thumb_from_id() { global $wpdb; // this is how you get access to the database $id = intval($_POST['id']); $thumb_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'thumbnail'); echo $thumb_src[0]; die(); // this is required to return a proper result } public function send_email() { if ($_POST) { //check if its an ajax request, exit if not if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) AND strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest') { die(); } //check $_POST vars are set, exit if any missing if (!isset($_POST["name"]) || !isset($_POST["email"]) || !isset($_POST["message"])) { die(); } //Sanitize input data using PHP filter_var(). $subject = __('Contact form', 'framework'); //Subject line for emails $to_Email = filter_var($_POST["to_email"], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $user_Name = filter_var($_POST["name"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $user_Email = filter_var($_POST["email"], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $user_Message = filter_var($_POST["message"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); //additional php validation if (strlen($user_Name) < 4) // If length is less than 4 it will throw an HTTP error. { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Name is too short or empty!'); exit(); } if (!filter_var($user_Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) //email validation { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Please enter a valid email!'); exit(); } if (strlen($user_Message) < 15) //check emtpy message { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Too short message! Please enter something.'); exit(); } //proceed with PHP email. $headers = 'From: ' . $user_Name . ' <' . $user_Email . '>' . '' . "\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $user_Name . ' <' . $user_Email . '>' . '' . "\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); @$sentMail = wp_mail($to_Email, $subject, $user_Message, $headers); if (!$sentMail) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Couldnot send mail! Sorry..'); exit(); } else { echo __('Your message has been sent. Thank you!', 'framework'); } } die(); // this is required to return a proper result } public static function the_content($id = NULL) { if (!$id) { global $post; $id = $post->ID; } echo self::get_the_content($id); } public static function get_the_content($id = NULL) { if (!$id) { global $post; $id = $post->ID; } $post_data = get_post($id); $the_content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>>', apply_filters('the_content', $post_data->post_content)); return $the_content; } public static function first_word($str = '') { $output = ''; $space_pos = strpos($str, ' '); $before = '<span class="coll-first-word">'; $after = '</span>'; if ($space_pos) { $title = $before . $str; $output = substr_replace($title, $after . ' ', $space_pos + strlen($before), 1); } else { $output = $before . $str . $after; } return $output; } public static function fix_video($input) { $output = ''; preg_match('#<iframe[^>]+src=([\'"])(.*)\1#isU', $input, $matches); $src = $matches[2]; if (false !== strstr($src, 'youtube')) { //fix src if (false !== strstr($src, '?')) { $src .= '&enablejsapi=1&hd=1&controls=0&html5=1&showinfo=0&autoplay=1'; } else { $src .= '?enablejsapi=1&hd=1&controls=0&html5=1&showinfo=0&autoplay=1'; } $output .= preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($matches[2]) . '#', $src, $input); // add id $output = substr_replace($output, ' id="yt-' . rand(1, 1000) . '"', -10, -10); } else { $vimeo_id = 'vimeo-player-'. rand(1, 1000); if (false !== strstr($src, '?')) { $src .= '&api=1&player_id='.$vimeo_id; $src = str_replace("&autoplay=1", "", $src); $src = str_replace("&autoplay=1", "", $src); $src = str_replace("autoplay=1", "", $src); } else { $src .= '?api=1&player_id='.$vimeo_id; } $output .= preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($matches[2]) . '#', $src, $input); $output = substr_replace($output, ' id="' . $vimeo_id . '"', -10, -10); } return $output; } public static function get_flex_sliders() { $arr = array(); // first $arr[] = array( 'label' => __('-- Choose One --', 'framework'), 'value' => '' ); $args = array( 'post_type' => 'coll-flexslider', 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); $query = new WP_Query($args); //print_r($query); if (is_array($query->posts)) { foreach ($query->posts as $post) { $arr[] = array( 'label' => $post->post_title, 'value' => $post->ID ); } } return $arr; } public static function get_layer_sliders() { $arr = array(); // first $arr[] = array( 'label' => __('-- Choose One --', 'framework'), 'value' => '' ); // add if (class_exists('LS_Sliders')) { $sliders = LS_Sliders::find(array('limit' => 100)); foreach ($sliders as $slider) { $arr[] = array( 'label' => $slider['name'], 'value' => $slider['id'] ); } } return $arr; } } new MorpheusUtils;
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