Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/N2SmartsliderApplicationInfo.php
Error occurred
<?php N2Loader::import('libraries.mvc.applicationInfo'); class N2SmartsliderApplicationInfo extends N2ApplicationInfo { public function __construct() { $this->path = dirname(__FILE__); $this->assetPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../media"); parent::__construct(); } public function isPublic() { return true; } public function getName() { return 'smartslider'; } public function getLabel() { return 'Smart Slider'; } public function getInstance() { require_once $this->path . NDS . "N2SmartsliderApplication.php"; return new N2SmartSliderApplication($this); } public function getPathKey() { return '$ss$'; } public function onReady() { parent::onReady(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/libraries/storage.php'; } public function assetsBackend() { static $once; if ($once != null) { return; } $once = true; $path = $this->getAssetsPath(); N2CSS::addInline('.n2-expert {display: none !important;'); N2CSS::addStaticGroup($path . '/admin/dist/smartslider-backend.min.css', 'smartslider-backend'); N2Localization::addJS(array( 'Insert', 'Insert variable', 'Choose the group', 'Choose the variable', 'Result', 'Filter', 'No', 'Clean HTML', 'Remove HTML', 'Split', 'Chars', 'Words', 'Start', 'Length', 'Find image', 'Index', 'Find link', 'Index' )); N2JS::addStaticGroup($path . '/dist/smartslider-backend.min.js', 'smartslider-backend'); if (!N2Base::getApplication('smartslider')->storage->get('free', 'subscribeOnImport')) { N2JS::addInline(' nextend.joinCommunity = function(cb){ var modal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 600, 460 ], title: n2_(\'' . n2_('Join the Smart Slider community!') . '\'), back: false, close: true, content: \'<form class="n2-form"></form>\', fn: { show: function () { var form = this.content.find(\'.n2-form\'); form.append(\'<img src="' . N2ImageHelper::fixed('$ss$/admin/images/free/newsletter.jpg') . '" />\'); form.append(this.createHeading("Join more than 15,000 subscribers and get access to the latest Sample Sliders, Tip & tricks and other exclusive contents directly to your inbox!")); form.append(\'<div class="n2-input-button"><input type="email" id="EMAIL" name="EMAIL" value="" /><a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">Get Free Sliders</a></div>\'); form.append(\'<input type="hidden" name="' . strtoupper(N2Platform::getPlatform()) . '" value="Yes" />\'); form.append(\'<input type="hidden" name="SOURCE" value="Smart Slider 3" />\'); var key = $(\'#EMAIL\').val(\'' . N2Platform::getUserEmail() . '\').focus(), button = form.find(\'.n2-button-green\'); form.on(\'submit\', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger(\'click\'); }); button.on(\'click\', $.proxy(function (e) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "//secure.nextendweb.com/mailchimp/subscribe.php", data: form.serialize(), dataType: \'json\' }).done($.proxy(function (response) { cb(); }, this)); }, this)); }, hide: function () { cb(); } } } }); modal.setCustomClass(\'n2-ss-modal-subscribe\'); modal.show(); };'); } } public function assetsFrontend($force = false) { static $once; if ($once != null && !$force) { return; } $once = true; if (N2Platform::$isAdmin) { N2JS::addGlobalInline('window.N2SSPRO=0;'); N2JS::addGlobalInline('window.N2SS3C="' . N2SS3::$campaign . '";'); } $path = $this->getAssetsPath(); N2JS::addStaticGroup($path . '/dist/smartslider-frontend.min.js', 'smartslider-frontend'); } } return new N2SmartsliderApplicationInfo();
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |