Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/popup-maker/assets/js/admin-batch.js
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/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2019, Code Atlantic LLC ******************************************************************************/ "use strict"; (function ($) { /** * Batch Processor. * * @since 1.7.0 */ var batch = { form: { beforeSubmit: function ($form) { var $submit = $form.find('.pum-field-submit input[type="submit"]'), $messages = $form.find('.pum-upgrade-messages'), $progress = $form.find('.pum-batch-progress'), // Handle the Are You Sure (AYS) if present on the form element. ays = $form.data('ays'); if (!$submit.hasClass('button-disabled')) { if (ays !== undefined && !confirm(ays)) { return false; } $progress.removeClass('pum-batch-progress--active'); $progress.find('progress').prop('value', null); // Clear messages. $messages.html(''); // Disable the button. $submit.addClass('button-disabled'); // Add the spinner. $('<span class="spinner is-active"></span>').insertAfter($submit); return true; } return false; } }, complete: function ($form) { var $alert = $form.parents('.pum-alert'); $form.find('.pum-field-submit, progress').hide(); $('p.pum-upgrade-notice').hide(); $alert.removeClass('pum-alert__warning').addClass('pum-alert__success'); $alert.prepend('<h2>' + pum_batch_vars.complete + '</h2>'); }, action: 'pum_process_batch_request', /** * Processes a single batch of data. * * @param {integer|number|string} step Step in the process. * @param {object} data Form data. */ process_step: function (step, data) { var self = this; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { batch_id: data.batch_id, action: self.action, nonce: data.nonce, form: data.form, step: parseInt(step), data: data }, dataType: "json", success: function (response) { if (response.data.done || response.data.error) { var batchSelector = response.data.mapping ? '.pum-batch-import-form' : '.pum-batch-form', // We need to get the actual in progress form, not all forms on the page $batchForm = $(batchSelector), spinner = $batchForm.find('.spinner'), notice_wrap = $batchForm.find('.notice-wrap'); $batchForm.find('.button-disabled').removeClass('button-disabled'); if (response.data.error) { spinner.remove(); notice_wrap.html('<div class="updated error"><p>' + response.data.error + '</p></div>'); } else if (response.data.done) { spinner.remove(); notice_wrap.html('<div id="pum-batch-success" class="updated notice"><p class="pum-batch-success">' + response.data.message + '</p></div>'); if (response.data.url) { window.location = response.data.url; } } else { notice_wrap.remove(); } } else { $('.pum-batch-progress div').animate({ width: response.data.percentage + '%' }, 50); self.process_step(response.data.step, data); } } }).fail(function (response) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log(response); } }); } }, batch_upgrades = $.extend(true, {}, batch, { action: 'pum_process_upgrade_request', /** * Processes a que of batch upgrades. * * @param {integer|number|string} step Step in the process. * @param {object} data Form data. */ process_step: function (step, data) { var self = this; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { upgrade_id: data.upgrade_id, action: self.action, nonce: data.nonce, form: data.form, step: parseInt(step), data: data }, dataType: "json", success: function (response) { var $form = $('.pum-upgrade-form'), // We need to get the actual in progress form, not all forms on the page $spinner = $form.find('.spinner'), $submit = $form.find('.button-disabled'), $messages = $form.find('.pum-upgrade-messages'); if (response.data.done || response.data.error) { // Reset submit button. $submit.removeClass('button-disabled'); if (response.data.error) { $spinner.remove(); $messages.prepend('<div class="notice notice-error notice-alt"><p>' + response.data.error + '</p></div>'); } else if (response.data.done) { $messages.prepend('<div class="notice notice-success"><p><strong>' + response.data.message + '</strong></p></div>'); if (response.data.next) { $form .data('upgrade_id', response.data.next) .data('step', 1) .data('ays', false); self.process_step(1, { upgrade_id: response.data.next, nonce: data.nonce, form: data.form }); } else { $submit.parent().hide(); $spinner.remove(); batch.complete($form); } if (response.data.url) { window.location = response.data.url; } } else { if (response.data.message !== '') { $messages.prepend('<div class="notice"><p class="">' + response.data.message + '</p></div>'); } } } else { if (response.data.message !== '') { $messages.prepend('<div class="notice"><p class="">' + response.data.message + '</p></div>'); } $('.pum-batch-progress').addClass('pum-batch-progress--active'); $('.pum-batch-progress progress.pum-task-progress').addClass('active').val(response.data.percentage); self.process_step(response.data.step, data); } } }).fail(function (response) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log(response); } }); } }); // Import this module. window.PUM_Admin = window.PUM_Admin || {}; window.PUM_Admin.batch = batch; window.PUM_Admin.batch_upgrades = batch_upgrades; /** * Handles form submission preceding batch processing. */ $(document) .on('submit', '.pum-batch-form[data-batch_id]', function (event) { var $this = $(this), submitButton = $this.find('input[type="submit"]'), // Handle the Are You Sure (AYS) if present on the form element. ays = $this.data('ays'), data = { batch_id: $this.data('batch_id'), nonce: $this.data('nonce'), form: $this.serializeAssoc(), test: $this.pumSerializeObject() }; event.preventDefault(); if (!submitButton.hasClass('button-disabled')) { if (ays !== undefined && !confirm(ays)) { return; } // Remove existing notice & progress bars. $this.find('.notice-wrap').remove(); // Add the progress bar. $this.append($('<div class="notice-wrap"><div class="pum-batch-progress"><div></div>')); // Disable the button. submitButton.addClass('button-disabled'); // Add the spinner. submitButton.parent().append('<span class="spinner is-active"></span>'); // Start the process. batch.process_step(1, data); } }) .on('submit', '.pum-batch-form.pum-upgrade-form[data-upgrade_id]', function (event) { var $form = $(this), data = { upgrade_id: $form.data('upgrade_id'), nonce: $form.data('nonce'), form: $form.serializeAssoc(), test: $form.pumSerializeObject() }; event.preventDefault(); // Process presubmit actions like showing progress data and validating info. if (batch_upgrades.form.beforeSubmit($form)) { // Start the process. batch_upgrades.process_step($form.data('step') || 1, data); } }) .ready(function () { }); }(jQuery)); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $.extend({ arrayMerge: function () { var a = {}; var n = 0; var argv = $.arrayMerge.arguments; for (var i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) { if (Array.isArray(argv[i])) { for (var j = 0; j < argv[i].length; j++) { a[n++] = argv[i][j]; } a = $.makeArray(a); } else { for (var k in argv[i]) { if (argv[i].hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (isNaN(k)) { var v = argv[i][k]; if (typeof v === 'object' && a[k]) { v = $.arrayMerge(a[k], v); } a[k] = v; } else { a[n++] = argv[i][k]; } } } } } return a; }, count: function (arr) { return Array.isArray(arr) ? arr.length : typeof arr === 'object' ? Object.keys(arr).length : false; } }); $.fn.extend({ serializeAssoc: function () { var o = { aa: {}, add: function (name, value) { var tmp = name.match(/^(.*)\[([^\]]*)]$/), v = {}; if (tmp) { if (tmp[2]) v[tmp[2]] = value; else v[$.count(v)] = value; this.add(tmp[1], v); } else if (typeof value === 'object') { if (typeof this.aa[name] !== 'object') { this.aa[name] = {}; } this.aa[name] = $.arrayMerge(this.aa[name], value); } else { this.aa[name] = value; } } }; var a = $(this).serializeArray(); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { o.add(a[i].name, a[i].value); } return o.aa; } }); });
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.05 |