Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/popup-maker/assets/js/admin-shortcode-ui.js
Error occurred
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2019, Code Atlantic LLC ******************************************************************************/ (function ($) { if (typeof window.pum_newsletter_initialized !== 'undefined') { return; } window.pum_newsletter_initialized = true; /** * Checks shortcode editor provider field and hides/shows the appropriate subtab for that provider. */ function check_provider() { var $provider = $('#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form #provider'), provider = $provider.val() !== '' && $provider.val() !== 'none' ? $provider.val() : pum_admin_vars.default_provider, $provider_tabs = $('.pum-modal-content .tabs .tab a[href^="#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form_provider_"]'), $provider_contents = $('[id^="pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form_provider_"]'), $selected_tab = $provider_tabs.filter('[href="#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form_provider_' + provider + '"]'), $selected_contents = $provider_contents.filter('[id="pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form_provider_' + provider + '"]'); $provider_tabs.each(function () { $(this).parent().hide(); }); $provider_contents.find(':input').attr('disable', true); if ($selected_tab.length) { $selected_tab.parent().show(); $selected_contents.find(':input').attr('disable', false); } } $(document) .on('pum_init', '#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form', check_provider) .on('change', '#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form #provider', check_provider); /** * Here for compatibility with the MC extension prior to v1.3.0 */ function check_list() { var $list_id = $('#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form_provider_mailchimp #list_id'), list_id = $list_id.val(), $list_options = $('#pum-mci-list-' + list_id+',.pum-mci-list-' + list_id), $all_options = $('.pum-mci-list-options'); $all_options.hide(); $all_options.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('disabled', true); if ($list_options.length) { $list_options.show(); $list_options.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('disabled', false); } } /** * Check API key when the "Check" button is clicked. */ $(document) .on('pumInit pum_init', '#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form', check_list) .on('change', '#pum-shortcode-editor-pum_sub_form_provider_mailchimp #list_id', check_list); }(jQuery)); /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2019, Code Atlantic LLC ******************************************************************************/ (function ($) { "use strict"; if (window.pum_shortcode_ui_vars === undefined) { return; } var I10n = pum_shortcode_ui_vars.I10n || { error_loading_shortcode_preview: '', shortcode_ui_button_tooltip: '', insert: '', update: '' }, shortcodes = pum_shortcode_ui_vars.shortcodes || {}, base = { version: 1, shortcode_args: {}, shortcode_data: {}, initialize: function (options) { }, /** * Returns cleaned attributes object. * * @param attrs * @returns {*} */ cleanAttrs: function (attrs) { _.each(attrs, function (v, k) { if (null === v || '' === v) { delete attrs[k]; } // Multicheck converts keys to array. if (typeof v === 'object') { attrs[k] = Object.keys(v); } }); return attrs; }, /** * Renders preview from template when available. * * @param attrs */ template: function (attrs) { var template = 'pum-shortcode-view-' + this.type, _template, options = { evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g, interpolate: /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g, escape: /\{\{([^\}]+?)\}\}(?!\})/g, variable: 'attrs' }; if (this.version === 1) { options.variable = 'attr'; } if (!$('#tmpl-' + template).length) { return this.text; } _template = _.template($('#tmpl-' + template).html(), options); if (attrs.class) { attrs.classes = attrs.class; delete attrs.class; } attrs = this.cleanAttrs(attrs); return _template(attrs); }, /** * Get shortcode attr values. * * @returns {*} */ getShortcodeValues: function () { if (typeof this.shortcode === 'undefined' || typeof this.shortcode.attrs === 'undefined') { return {}; } var values = {}; if (typeof this.shortcode.attrs.named !== 'undefined') { values = _.extend(values, this.shortcode.attrs.named || {}); } if (typeof this.shortcode.attrs.numeric !== 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < this.shortcode.attrs.numeric.length; i++) { values[this.shortcode.attrs.numeric[i]] = true; } } return values; }, /** * Get shortcode raw content. * * @returns {string} */ getShortcodeContent: function () { if (typeof this.shortcode === 'undefined') { return ''; } return this.shortcode.content || ''; }, /** * Return the preview HTML. * If empty, fetches data. * * @return string */ getContent: function () { if (!this.content) { this.fetch(); } return this.content; }, /** * Format shortcode for text tab. * * @param values */ formatShortcode: function (values) { var has_content = this.shortcode_args.has_content, content = this.getShortcodeContent(); values = values || this.getShortcodeValues(); if (has_content && typeof values._inner_content !== 'undefined') { content = values._inner_content; delete values._inner_content; } values = this.cleanAttrs(values); return PUM_Admin.templates.shortcode({ tag: this.type, meta: values, has_content: has_content, content: content }); }, /** * Fetch preview. * Async. Sets this.content and calls this.render. * * @return undefined */ fetch: function () { var self = this, values = self.getShortcodeValues(), data = { action: 'pum_do_shortcode', post_id: $('#post_ID').val(), tag: self.type, shortcode: self.formatShortcode(), nonce: pum_shortcode_ui_vars.nonce }; if (!self.fetching) { self.fetching = true; /* * If shortcode has inner content, pass that to the renderer. */ if (self.shortcode_args.has_content) { values._inner_content = self.getShortcodeContent(); } /* * Render templates immediately when available. * Otherwise request rendering via ajax. */ if (!self.shortcode_args.ajax_rendering) { self.content = self.template(values); delete self.fetching; self.render(); } else { $.post(ajaxurl, data) .done(function (response) { self.content = response.data; }) .fail(function () { self.content = '<span class="pum_shortcode_ui_vars_error">' + I10n.error_loading_shortcode_preview + '</span>'; }) .always(function () { delete self.fetching; self.render(); }); } } }, edit: function (text, update) { var values = _.extend({}, this.getShortcodeValues()); if (this.shortcode_args.has_content) { values._inner_content = this.getShortcodeContent(); } this.renderForm(values, update); }, /** * Renders loading placeholder. */ setLoader: function () { this.setContent( '<div class="loading-placeholder">' + '<div class="dashicons dashicons-admin-generic"></div>' + '<div class="wpview-loading"><ins></ins></div>' + '</div>' ); }, /** * Render the shortcode edit form. * * @param values * @param callback */ renderForm: function (values, callback) { var self = this, data = $.extend(true, {}, { tag: this.type, id: 'pum-shortcode-editor-' + this.type, label: '', tabs: {}, sections: {}, fields: {} }, self.shortcode_args); values = values || {}; PUM_Admin.modals.reload('#' + data.id, PUM_Admin.templates.modal({ id: data.id, title: data.label, description: data.description, classes: 'tabbed-content pum-shortcode-editor', save_button: undefined === values ? I10n.insert : I10n.update, content: PUM_Admin.forms.render({ id: 'pum-shortcode-editor-' + this.type, tabs: data.tabs || {}, sections: data.sections || {}, fields: data.fields || {} }, values || {}), meta: { 'data-shortcode_tag': this.type } })); $('#' + data.id + ' form').on('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this), raw_values = $form.pumSerializeObject(), values = PUM_Admin.forms.parseValues($form.pumSerializeObject().attrs, PUM_Admin.forms.flattenFields(data)), content; content = self.formatShortcode(values); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(content); } PUM_Admin.modals.closeAll(); }); } }; $(document) .on('pumFormDependencyMet pumFormDependencyUnmet', '.pum-shortcode-editor .pum-field', function (event) { var $input = $(this).find(':input'); if (event.type.toString() === 'pumFormDependencyUnmet') { $input.prop('disabled', true); } else { $input.prop('disabled', false); } }) .ready(function () { window.wp = window.wp || {}; window.wp.mce = window.wp.mce || {}; window.wp.mce.pum_shortcodes = window.wp.mce.pum_shortcodes || {}; _.each(shortcodes, function (args, tag) { /** * Create and store a view object for each shortcode. * * @type Object */ wp.mce.pum_shortcodes[tag] = _.extend({}, base, { version: args.version || 1, shortcode_args: args, /** * For compatibility with WP prior to v4.2: */ View: { // type: tag, template: function (options) { return wp.mce.pum_shortcodes[this.type].template(options); }, postID: $('#post_ID').val(), initialize: function (options) { this.shortcode = options.shortcode; wp.mce.pum_shortcodes[this.type].shortcode_data = this.shortcode; }, getHtml: function () { var values = this.shortcode.attrs.named; if (this.shortcode_args.has_content) { values._inner_content = this.shortcode.content; } return this.template(values); } } }); /** * Register each view with MCE. */ if (typeof wp.mce.views !== 'undefined' && typeof wp.mce.views.register === 'function') { wp.mce.views.register(tag, wp.mce.pum_shortcodes[tag]); } }); }); }(jQuery));
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.05 |