Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/wordpress/assetInjector.php
Error occurred
<?php class N2WordpressAssetInjector { private static $nextend_js = ''; private static $nextend_css = ''; private static $priority = 100; public static function init() { /** * Borlabs cache * @url https://borlabs.io/download/ */ if (defined('BORLABS_CACHE_SLUG') && !is_admin()) { add_action('template_redirect', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::outputStart', -1 * self::$priority); add_action('shutdown', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::closeOutputBuffers', -1 * self::$priority); } else { add_action('init', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::outputStart', self::$priority); add_action('shutdown', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::closeOutputBuffers', -1 * self::$priority); add_action('pp_end_html', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::closeOutputBuffers', -10000); // ProPhoto 6 theme: we must close the buffer before the cache add_action('headway_html_close', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::closeOutputBuffers', self::$priority); // Headway theme } add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::injectCSSComment'); /** * Fix for Gravity Forms MC Unique ID Generator Field * @url https://wordpress.org/plugins/gf-mc-unique-id-generator-field/ */ if (defined('MCGFUIDGEN_PLUGIN_VERSION')) { remove_action('init', 'mcgfuidgen_head', 0); add_action('init', 'mcgfuidgen_head', 1000000); } /** * Fix for KeyCDN cache enabled * @url https://wordpress.org/plugins/cache-enabler/ */ if (class_exists('Cache_Enabler', false)) { add_action('template_redirect', function () { ob_start("N2WordpressAssetInjector::output_callback"); }, 0); } /** * Fix for Hyper Cache * @url https://wordpress.org/plugins/hyper-cache/ */ if (function_exists('hyper_cache_callback')) { add_filter('cache_buffer', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::platformRenderEnd'); } } public static function outputStart() { static $started = false; if ($started) { return true; } $started = true; if (defined('AUTOPTIMIZE_PLUGIN_DIR')) { add_filter('autoptimize_filter_html_before_minify', array( 'N2WordpressAssetInjector', 'platformRenderEnd' )); } /** * Gantry 4 improvement to use the inbuilt output filter */ if (defined('GANTRY_VERSION') && version_compare(GANTRY_VERSION, '4.0.0', '>=') && version_compare(GANTRY_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) { if (!is_admin()) { add_filter('gantry_before_render_output', array( 'N2WordpressAssetInjector', 'platformRenderEnd' )); remove_action('shutdown', 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::closeOutputBuffers', -1 * self::$priority); remove_action('wp_head', 'N2SS3Shortcode::shortcodeModeToNoop', -10000); remove_action('wp_head', 'N2SS3Shortcode::shortcodeModeToNormal', 10000); remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'N2SS3Shortcode::shortcodeModeToNormal', -1000000); remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'N2SS3Shortcode::shortcodeModeToNoop', 1000000); return true; } } ob_start("N2WordpressAssetInjector::output_callback"); if (defined('SMART_SLIDER_OB_START')) { for ($i = 0; $i < SMART_SLIDER_OB_START; $i++) { ob_start(); } } /** * Ultimate reviews open a buffer on init and tries to close it on wp_footer. * To prevent that, lets open a new buffer which can be closed on wp_footer. * * @bug install Speed Contact Bar + Ultimate Reviews * @see https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-reviews/ */ if (function_exists('EWD_URP_add_ob_start')) { ob_start(); } /** * Cart66 closes our output buffer in forceDownload method * @url http://www.cart66.com */ if (class_exists('Cart66')) { ob_start(); } return true; } public static function closeOutputBuffers() { $handlers = ob_list_handlers(); if (in_array('N2WordpressAssetInjector::output_callback', $handlers)) { for ($i = count($handlers) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { ob_end_flush(); if ($handlers[$i] === 'N2WordpressAssetInjector::output_callback') { break; } } } } public static function output_callback($buffer, $phase) { if ($phase & PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_FINAL || $phase & PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END) { return self::platformRenderEnd($buffer); } return $buffer; } private static $htmlCommentTokens = array(); public static function tokenizeHtmlComments($matches) { $index = count(self::$htmlCommentTokens); self::$htmlCommentTokens[$index] = $matches[0]; return '<!--TOKEN' . $index . '-->'; } public static function restoreHtmlComments($matches) { return self::$htmlCommentTokens[$matches[1]]; } public static function platformRenderEnd($buffer) { static $once = false; if (!$once) { $once = true; self::finalizeCssJs(); if (!empty(self::$nextend_css)) { if (strpos($buffer, '<!--n2css-->') !== false) { $buffer = str_replace('<!--n2css-->', self::$nextend_css, $buffer); self::$nextend_css = ''; } else { list($head, $body) = preg_split('/<\/head[\s]*>/i', $buffer, 2); /** * We must tokenize the HTML comments in the head to prepare for condition CSS/scripts * Eg.: <!--[if lt IE 9]><link rel='stylesheet' href='ie8.css?ver=1.0' type='text/css' media='all' /> <![endif]--> */ $head = preg_replace_callback('/<!--.*?-->/s', array( 'N2WordpressAssetInjector', 'tokenizeHtmlComments' ), $head); /** * Find the first <script> tag with src attribute */ $pattern = '/<script[^>]+src=[\'"][^>"\']*[\'"]/si'; if (preg_match($pattern, $head, $matches)) { $splitBy = $matches[0]; $headParts = preg_split($pattern, $head, 2); /** * Find the last stylesheet before the first script */ if (preg_match_all('/<link[^>]*rel=[\'"]stylesheet[\'"][^>]*>/si', $headParts[0], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { /** * If there is a match we insert our stylesheet after that. */ $match = array_pop($matches); $lastStylesheet = $match[0]; $headParts[0] = str_replace($lastStylesheet, $lastStylesheet . self::$nextend_css, $headParts[0]); self::$nextend_css = ''; } else { /** * No stylesheet found, so we insert our stylesheet before the first <script>. */ $headParts[0] .= self::$nextend_css; self::$nextend_css = ''; } $head = implode($splitBy, $headParts); /** * Restore HTML comments */ $head = preg_replace_callback('/<!--TOKEN([0-9]+)-->/', array( 'N2WordpressAssetInjector', 'restoreHtmlComments' ), $head); $buffer = $head . '</head>' . $body; } } } if (self::$nextend_css != '' || self::$nextend_js != '') { $parts = preg_split('/<\/head[\s]*>/', $buffer, 2); return implode(self::$nextend_css . self::$nextend_js . '</head>', $parts); } } return $buffer; } public static function finalizeCssJs() { static $finalized = false; if (!$finalized) { $finalized = true; if (defined('N2LIBRARY')) { if (class_exists('N2AssetsManager')) { self::$nextend_css = N2AssetsManager::getCSS(); } if (class_exists('N2AssetsManager')) { self::$nextend_js = N2AssetsManager::getJs(); } } } return true; } public static function injectCSSComment() { static $once; if (!$once) { echo "<!--n2css-->"; $once = true; } } } N2WordpressAssetInjector::init();
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.09 |