Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/wp-content/plugins-BAK/testimonials-widget/changelog.txt
Error occurred
=== Testimonials Widget === == Changelog == = trunk = = 2.10.2 = * BUGFIX Settings initialization overwrote previous settings = 2.10.1 = * Moved [FAQ](http://aihr.us/testimonials-widget/faq/) * Removed premium screenshots * Rename screenshot-3.png screenshot-2.png * Rename screenshot-4.png screenshot-3.png * Rename screenshot-5.png screenshot-4.png * Rename screenshot-6.png screenshot-5.png * Rename screenshot-7.png screenshot-6.png * Rename screenshot-8.png screenshot-7.png * Rename screenshot-13.png screenshot-8.png * Rename screenshot-14.png screenshot-9.png * Rename screenshot-21.png screenshot-10.png * Rename screenshot-22.png screenshot-11.png * Rename screenshot-23.png screenshot-12.png * Rename screenshot-24.png screenshot-13.png * Rename screenshot-25.png screenshot-14.png * Rename screenshot-26.png screenshot-15.png * Screenshot 2 removed * Screenshot 9 removed * Screenshot 10 removed * Screenshot 11 removed * Screenshot 12 removed * Screenshot 15 removed * Screenshot 16 removed * Screenshot 17 removed * Screenshot 18 removed * Screenshot 19 removed * Screenshot 20 removed * Screenshot 27 removed * Screenshot 28 removed = 2.10.0 = * Add `hide_content` option verbiage * Add screenshot 27 `[[testimonialswidgetpremium_form]]` – Add a Testimonial * Add screenshot 28 Testimonials Widget Settings > Entry Form tab * Added rel="nofollow" to URL - Thank you Nicholas Corrieri for the suggestion * Convert validation to configuration * Correct breakline on radio settings display * Correct checkbox checking * Correct paging handling * Correct post_status selection for single view * Describe settings defaults * Dutch translation by Bjorn Robijns * Enable echo/return for display_setting * Enable file input for settings * Enable widget options no-show * Finish validation configuration move * Form demo link * Move Changelog to changelog.txt * Rename load_sections > _sections * Rename load_settings > settings * Save option defaults * Set missing checkbox values to 0 on validate * TODO Delete data option on deactivation * Update Premium description * Update WPML configuration = 2.9.1 = * BUGFIX Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in metabox.class.php = 2.9.0 = * Add location meta field after title * Add location related options * FAQ 18, 34, 35 update * Screenshot 2, 4, 5 updated * Update POT = 2.8.4 = * BUGFIX [Title link does not allow a relative link](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/title-link-does-not-allow-a-relative-link) = 2.8.3 = * BUGFIX [Selection > Category Filter doesn't remember >1 category](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/selection-category-filter-doesnt-remember-1-category) * FAQ 67 testimonials paging doesn't work * FAQ 68 feature XYZ = 2.8.2 = * Add filter `testimonials_widget_version` * Screenshot 11/16 updated * Update POT * Update Premium features * Version tracking for default settings = 2.8.1 = * Customizable archive and testimonial URLs * FAQ 66 Change the testimonials archive or single view URL * Optional commenting on testimonial single-view pages * Screenshot 26 Testimonials Widget Settings > Post Type tab * Update POT = 2.8.0 = * Merge in settings branch * Add `tw_get_options` * Add filter `testimonials_widget_sections` – Alter section options * Add filter `testimonials_widget_settings` – Alter setting options * Add settings page 'Selection', 'Ordering', and 'Widget' tabs * BUG with "Post Types Order" * BUGFIX paging when not in singular view * Configure settings within Testimonials_Widget_Settings class * Enable 'Expand/Collapse' view in Widget options * FAQ 65 Disable the stylesheet * FEATURE Remove `.hentry` CSS? * FEATURE Testimonials Widget Settings screen * Removed filters `testimonials_widget_options_update`, `testimonials_widget_options_form` * Rename `widget_text` to `bottom_text` * Revise About page content * Revise Settings page footer * Revise widget options update and validation * Screenshot 11 updated * Screenshot 16 updated * Screenshot 2 updated * Screenshot 22 Testimonials Widget Settings > General tab * Screenshot 23 Expanded 'Selection Options' Testimonials Widget * Screenshot 24 Expanded 'Ordering Options' Testimonials Widget * Screenshot 25 Testimonials Widget Settings > Selection tab * Screenshot 3 updated * Screenshot 4 updated, Expanded 'General Options' Testimonials Widget * Update "Shortcode and Widget Options" verbiage * Update POT file * Use defaults via Testimonials_Widget_Settings class * Validate shortcode and widget options via Testimonials_Widget_Settings::validate_settings * Verbiage updates = 2.7.17 = * Add purchase Testimonials Widget Premium plugin meta link * Begin settings screen work * FAQ 20 Update * FAQ 31 Update * FAQ 63 Remove the cite – * FAQ 64 Plugin conflict * Screenshot 21 Poedit Catalog properties * TODO class removal * Update localization verbiage = 2.7.16 = * Add comments panel to edit screen - [Thank you BarrieSpence](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/disable-comments-10?replies=1) * TODO Admin panel = 2.7.15 = * Add "CSS class" to widget options window * FAQ 31/34/35/50/53/55 updates * FAQ 61 Determine .testimonialswidget_testimonialsNNN * FAQ 62 Category and tag selection * Feature updates * Localization, Hebrew * Screenshot 3 updated = 2.7.14 = * BUGFIX [Testimonials archive view URL conflicts with Page slug](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/testimonials-archive-view-url-conflicts-with-page-slug) * FAQ 1 Update - Thank you [aaaronscat](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/writing-php-to-display-rotating-widget-in-a-template) for the inspiration * FAQ 60 Download older versions of Testimonials Widget * Premium feature update * Screenshot 20 added = 2.7.13 = * Adapt for `mb_strcut` and `mb_strlen` alternatives * BUGFIX [Widget doesn't appear](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/widget-doesnt-appear-1) * Update POT = 2.7.12 = * Change Aihrus support email to contact form * FAQ 1 Update - Thank you [aaaronscat](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/writing-php-to-display-rotating-widget-in-a-template) for the inspiration * Update Testimonials Widget Premium URL = 2.7.11 = * Citation styling note * Removed sub-category shortcode example * Thanks to Joe Weber for asset header * Update premium URL * Update premium features * Update premium purchase URL = 2.7.10 = * BUGFIX extra excerpt in single view * Screenshot 11 updated * Update premium features = 2.7.9 = * Revise content truncation to respect HTML tags * Update premium description * Update premium features = 2.7.8 = * Add `before` and `after` options to `paging` * FAQ 58 Specify testimonials per page or section * FAQ 59 Rotating widget show all testimonials than only one at a time * Revert on-demand CSS to always included * Support process and donation update * Thank you to [mkearns](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/just-excellent-3) for specifying a sub-category shortcode example * Update premium URL * Update premium features = 2.7.7 = * FAQ 13 Update * FAQ 31 Update * Shortcode examples "[[" to "[" = 2.7.6 = * Add `[[testimonialswidget_widget]]` to Shortcodes column * CSS cite `margin-top` adjustment * Enable testimonials archive view * FAQ 1 Update * FAQ 52 Update * FAQ 53 Update * FAQ 55 Style page and instance testimonials * FAQ 56 Testimonials archive view URL * FAQ 57 Testimonial single view URL * Only include CSS if testimonials instance called * Screenshot 19 `[[testimonialswidget_widget unique=true]]` Show multiple testimonials in rotation * Set arg defaults via `defaults` = 2.7.5 = * BUGFIX PHP Warning for new fields in widget when widget already exists * Exclude IDs option * Implement instance tracking * Protect shortcode examples * Update asset header size * Update premium features = 2.7.4 = * Asset header help request * Premium feature updates * Screenshot 9 updated * Screenshot 10 replaced * Screenshot 11 updated * Screenshot 15 updated * Screenshot 17 Single `[[testimonialswidget_list]]` entry with and without 'Read more' link * Screenshot 18 `[[testimonialswidgetpremium_count]]` Examples = 2.7.3 = * Apply quotes only around testimonial content * FAQ 13 update * FAQ 34 update * FAQ 35 update * Screenshot 8 replaced * Simplified quotes handling * Upgrade notification = 2.7.2 = * FAQ 54 update * Screenshot 12 update * Screenshot 16 Edit testimonial with "Excerpt" and "Read More Link" fields - Testimonials Widget Premium plugin = 2.7.1 = * Description update * FAQ 1 update * FAQ 2 update * FAQ 4 update * FAQ 5 update * FAQ 6 update * FAQ 7 update * FAQ 8 update * FAQ 9 update * FAQ 12 update * FAQ 14 update * FAQ 15 update * FAQ 17 update * FAQ 22 update * FAQ 25 update * FAQ 26 update * FAQ 30 update * FAQ 32 update * FAQ 34 update * FAQ 35 update * FAQ 37 update * FAQ 53 update * Feature update * Installation update * Screenshot 1 update * Screenshot 2 update * Screenshot 3 update * Screenshot 4 update * Screenshot 5 update * Screenshot 6 update * Screenshot 7 update * Screenshot 8 replaced * Screenshot 9 replaced * Screenshot 12 update * Screenshot 15 update * Screenshot 16 removed * Screenshot 17 removed * Screenshot 18 removed = 2.7.0 = * FAQ 13 Update * FAQ 54 Release early. Release often. * Redo content opening and closing quotes display * Upgrade notification for 2.7.0 = 2.6.6 = * Remove CSS `overflow: auto` - too many complaints * FAQ 53 Scroll widget based testimonial content = 2.6.5 = * BUGFIX: overflow auto than scroll * Correct screenshot 11 & 18 = 2.6.4 = * Add filters `testimonials_widget_posts_custom_column`, `testimonials_widget_columns`, `testimonials_widget_meta_box` * BUGFIX Testimonial posts page column URL now correctly clickable * Code spacing cleanup * Enabled [scrolling text](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-scroll-for-a-single-but-long-testimonial) for maximum height restricted testimonial widgets * FAQ 34/35 CSS styling update * Scrolling testimonials for maximum height restricted widgets * Testimonials have `get_post_class` applied * Update premium features = 2.6.3 = * Add filter `testimonials_widget_query_args` * Add filters `testimonials_widget_testimonials_css`, `testimonials_widget_testimonials_js` * Allow `limit=-1` * BUGFIX Repeated footer CSS and JavaScript * CSS - block disply widget image * FAQ 52 Include testimonies in archive view * Refactor `get_query_args` out of `get_testimonials` * Revise JavaScript handling * Screenshot 17 `require_image`, `minimum_length` and `maximum_length` shortcode option examples * Screenshot 18 Widget with 'Next testimonial…' link * Update POT * Update premium features * Update premium screenshots = 2.6.2 = * Compatible with WordPress 3.6 * Fix single view PHP warning = 2.6.1 = * Add filter `testimonials_widget_testimonial_html_single_content` * Add `force_pad` option to `testimonials_truncate` * Copyright year update * Update Premium features = 2.6.0 = * Add FAQ 51 filter `testimonials_widget_get_testimonial_html` usage * FAQ 50 Revise * Reorganize `get_testimonial_html` = 2.5.6 = * Add FAQ 50 Example to set widget gradient background color * FAQ 13 Update * FAQ 20 Add PHP tags * FAQ 48 Code correction * FAQ 49 Code correction = 2.5.5 = * Enable widget caching * Refactor `get_testimonials_html` to break out CSS/JS generation * Respect [meta capabilities](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-version-20-rewrite-suggestions-request?replies=18#post-3359157) * Revise TODO text * TODO remove Template engine - see `testimonials_widget_testimonial_html*` filters = 2.5.4 = * Add filter `testimonials_widget_testimonial_html_single` * Add filter `testimonials_widget_testimonial_html` * Aihrus testimonial URL correction * FAQ 34 Find `testimonialswidget_testimonialsNNN` instance naming * FAQ 48 Customize testimonial list/widget output * FAQ 49 Customize testimonial single output = 2.5.3 = * Add donate link in plugin section * Donate links = 2.5.2 = * Aihrus branding = 2.5.1 = * Update POT file = 2.5.0 = * Add option Keep whitespace? - Thank you [kangchenjunga](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/optional-wpautop-functionality-for-better-formatting?replies=2) for the suggestion * Revise FAQ 47 * Screenshot 16 - Widget whitespace kept * Update Author URL = 2.4.8 = * Donate to purchase verbiage change - One bad experience ruins it for all * FAQ 47 testimonials list in a widget * TODO Add location field * TODO Add plugin donate link * [CleanCSS](http://cleancss.com/) the CSS = 2.4.7 = * Add filter `testimonials_widget_defaults_single` * TODO clean up for premium version * TODO Optional wpautop functionality for better formatting = 2.4.6 = * Add 'No order' as an Order By widget option * Add FAQ 45 testimonial character limit * Add Recommendation heading * FAQ 23 mention 404 * FAQ 46 testimonial ordering by given IDs * Update filters listing * Use `posts_results` filter to put posts in same orders as post__in when orderby=none = 2.4.5 = * BUGFIX Missing CSS for testimonialswidget_join_title * FAQ 44 Refresh interval - Thank you [biztips](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-558?replies=6#post-3475595) = 2.4.4 = * Add screenshot 15 * FAQ 34 Update CSS * FAQ 35 Update CSS * FAQ 42 Exclude testimonial categories from Category widget * FAQ 43 Exclude testimonial categories from my sitemap * Update premium features = 2.4.3 = * Adjust default `limit` to 10 from 25 * Add CSS `margin-top` to `cite`, `.testimonialswidget_extra` and `.testimonialswidget_text` * BUGFIX [Keep `widget_text` with each testimonial](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/images-not-showin?replies=10) * Donate link update * FAQ 41 Widget height consistency = 2.4.2 = * BUGFIX [No image](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/update-17?replies=4) in [widget](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-short-rotating-testimonial-link-to-the-full-testimonial?replies=16) * TODO Add refactor `get_testimonials_html` = 2.4.1 = * BUGFIX `testimonialswidget_widget` always random * Comment and verbiage cleanups * Minor refactor of `get_testimonial_html` * TODO Added Template engine = 2.4.0 = * FAQ 39 Style the custom widget text * FAQ 40 Page number pagination * FEATURE Custom widget text * FEATURE Make the widget title clickable * FEATURE Page numbers via WP-PageNavi * Refactor paging to use WordPress functions * SCREENSHOT 12 recrop * SCREENSHOT 13 Widget with clickable title and custom text/HTML on bottom * SCREENSHOT 14 WP-PageNavi compatible for page numbers than default arrows * SCREENSHOT 3 update * SCREENSHOT 4 update * TODO Remove Custom widget text - added * TODO Remove Make the widget title clickable - added * TODO Remove Page numbers - added * TODO Remove fields to show - done via theme = 2.3.4 = * BUGFIX [Testimonial plugin means Set Feature Image Not Displaying](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/testimonial-plugin-means-set-feature-image-not-displaying) * Test with WordPress 3.5.0 RC1 * TODO remove Publish & New - just click 'New Testimonial' after Publishing * Update donate link = 2.3.3 = * FEATURE Improved single page view * SCREENSHOT Single testimonial view * TODO Meta capabilities = 2.3.2 = * Add filters `testimonials_widget_options_update`, `testimonials_widget_options_form` * BUGFIX ["featured image" module disappeared](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-image-upload?replies=12#post-3423001) * Clean up tags per [plugin guidelines](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/about/guidelines/) * Combine source and url display when no email or company * FAQ renumber second 36 to 37 * FAQ 38 Use filter `testimonials_widget_defaults` * FEATURE Centralized defaults via filter `testimonials_widget_defaults` * Only grab `paged` information once * Prepend HTTP protocol if missing in URL * SCREENSHOT Widget Premium Options * Simplify filter `testimonials_widget_content` * Simplify read more ellipsis * Trim content after formatting = 2.3.1 = * BUGFIX [No image upload](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-image-upload) * FAQ 36 Why donate? = 2.3.0 = * BUGFIX No paging when cached * FAQ 3 Check for empty $data * FAQ 33 Change more content ellipsis * FAQ 34/35 Clarify CSS classes * FAQ 36 Configure Next and Previous page indicators * FEATURE (Premium) [Read More links](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-short-rotating-testimonial-link-to-the-full-testimonial) to [full testimonial page](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/very-easy-to-use-moderately-easy-to-style) * FEATURE Easier to configure Next and Previous page indicators * Refactor `get_testimonial_html` * Refactor testimonial HTML creation methods * Remove "Read more…" preparations * Replace `testimonials_truncate` with WordPress's `wp_trim_words` * SCREENSHOTS 'Read more' links * Sanitize names * TEMP Prevent widget caching * TODO Clarify 'Read more' * TODO Remove - CSV Export * TODO Updates * Update POT file = 2.2.9 = * BUGFIX [Testimonial List Loading 2nd Blank Box](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/testimonial-list-loading-2nd-blank-box) = 2.2.8 = * Begin "Read more…" preparations * Correct content display processing * FAQ 32 Min-height usage * FAQ 4 Custom code placement clarification * TODO Updates * Widgets display content sans `wpautop` formatting = 2.2.7 = * Catch widget number in cache * FAQ Custom query code. Thank you [tcwebguru](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/display-on-page-without-widget) * FAQ Change Testimonials Widget text labels * Language verbiage correction * PHP notice fix - esc_attr * Remove premium code include = 2.2.6 = * BUGFIX Widget config not saving correctly * FAQ Export/import * TODO Updates = 2.2.5 = * Adapt for [Testimonials Widget Premium plugin](http://aihr.us/wordpress/testimonials-widget-premium/) * Add support text * Correct verbiage spacing * Explain `limit` * TODO revisions = 2.2.4 = * BUGFIX [Tags - no more than 2?](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/tags-no-more-than-2) * Clean up PHP notices * Fix Changelog link * PREMIUM Implement testimonials query and content caching * TODO update = 2.2.3 = * Begin premium plugin adaptions * BUGFIX [Tags - no more than 2?](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/tags-no-more-than-2) * BUGFIX [Updated - Now getting fatal error when using testimonialswidget_list()](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/updated-now-getting-fatal-error-when-using-testimonialswidget_list) * Clean up links in readme.txt * Correct company and URL link usage * [Correct readme.txt to standard](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/about/readme.txt) * Don't rotate testimonial if only 1 * TODO updates = 2.2.2 = * BUGFIX [Now getting fatal error when using testimonialswidget_list()](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/updated-now-getting-fatal-error-when-using-testimonialswidget_list) * Theme function defaults * TODO updates * URL pointing update = 2.2.1 = * Number FAQ Entries * Revise Installation Usage text * Revise Shortcode and Widget Options text = 2.2.0 = * FAQ `testimonialswidget_widget()` example * Multisite compatible * Reversion as 2.1.10 was a minor release than only bug fixes = 2.1.10 = * [Add title field ](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-just-tried-216-thoughts-suggestions) * Consolidate defaults to simplify code maintenance * Correct CSS testimonial list spacing * Debug true - clear out PHP notices and such * Default minimum height removed for widgets, now optional * Maximum height setting * [Remove CSS `position` attributes `.testimonialswidget_testimonial { position: absolute; }`](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/testimonials-widget-not-showing-correctly-on-sub-pages) * TODO cleanup * Update language POT * Update screenshots * Update WPML * Widget options dropdown for ORDER BY entries = 2.1.9 = * Allow min_height 0 * FAQ - How do I use the theme function `testimonialswidget_list()`? * Move CSS include to header = 2.1.8 = * Remove testimonialswidget_widget char_limit default * TODO - debug true = 2.1.7 = * [0 disables char_limit](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-more-than-one-testimonial-appears-overlaps-content-below-the-widget) * [Set link target](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-just-tried-216-thoughts-suggestions) * Update widget option top screenshot = 2.1.6 = * FAQ: `ORDER BY` explanation * FAQ: `testimonial_extra` explanation * [Moved CSS to footer](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-html-validation) * Next testimonial link idea * Option: Add `hide_not_found` to prevent showing "No testimonials found" * Revise theme methods as functions * Screenshot: Update upper widget options * Staged widget testimonials are initially `display: none` via CSS `.testimonialswidget_display_none` * TODO updates * Verbiage: Refresh Interval to Rotation Speed * Widget option explanations = 2.1.5 = * Always apply min-height = 2.1.4 = * Enable WPML * Idea - Maximum height setting * Revise description * Revise TODO = 2.1.3 = * Allow commas in meta_key * FAQ on page not found * Fix widget Random order always true condition * Increase bottom margin spacing for listed testimonials * TODO vote casting note * Update localization pot file = 2.1.2 = * Add `hide_gravatar` option * Add apply_filters( 'testimonials_widget_data', $testimonial_data ) to process data before display * Add right margin to gravatar image * Added empty testimonial data field `testimonial_extra` for customization in testimonials * Allow widget and shortcode sorting by post meta values via `meta_key` * Correct PHP static accessors * Update FAQ * Update widget options screenshots * Working full testimonial URLs = 2.1.1 = * Add [[testimonialswidget_list]] paging screenshot = 2.1.0 = * Enable paging for [[testimonialswidget_list]] shortcode * Flush rewrite rules on activation * Disallow paging in widget and [[testimonialswidget_widget]] shortcode = 2.0.6 = * Update shortcode option directions = 2.0.5 = * Ignore already imported * Mark `testimonialswidget_widget() $number` argument as optional = 2.0.4 = * Allow for 0 refresh_interval in get_testimonials_html = 2.0.3 = * Allow for 0 refresh_interval in widget = 2.0.2 = * BUGFIX [Warning: call_user_func_array() ??](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-testimonials-widget-warning-call_user_func_array) * Added Testimonials_Widget_Widget::get_testimonials_scripts for use with add_filter for wp_footer = 2.0.1 = * Verbiage updates * Readme.txt validation * widget q p tag display inline * GPL2 licensing * Move upgrade notice text towards installation * Reorder screenshots * Apply 'the_content' filters directly to prevent plugin baggage * Update screenshot-7.png = 2.0.0 = * Major rewrite * Add filters for image & gravatar sizes * Admin bar New > Testimonial * Authors and lower can manage their own testimonials * Auto-migration from old to new format upon install * Public > Published * Not public > Private * Categories - product, project, service * Clean up verbiage * Cleaner widget class * Custom columns list view * Image * Source * Shortcode * Email * Company * URL * Published by * Category * Tags * Date * Custom fields metabox * Email * Company * URL * Custom post-type * Default fields - source, email, company, URL * Editors and higher can manage all testimonials and edit testimonial publisher * Enable categories and tags * Enable full shortcode options in widget * Gravatar * HTML content allowed * Images * JavaScript in footer * Localization * Reference shortcode column * Reorganize widget options panel * Rotation JavaScript in footer than body * Shortcode options validation * WP_Query for get_testimonials() * Widget image on own line * Widget options * Title * Category filter * Tags filter * Require all tags * Advanced options * Hide image? * Hide source? * Hide email? * Hide company? * Hide URL? * Character limit * IDs filter * Limit * Maximum Height * Minimum Height * ORDER BY * ORDER BY Order * Random order * Rotation Speed * Move caching to ideas * Add theme function `testimonialswidget_widget()` doc * Update POT * [[testimonialswidget_widget]] shortcode * Match [[testimonialswidget_widget]] shortcode option defaults to widget * Update screenshots * Readd Minimum Height - need help getting around this = 0.2.13 = * Clean up CSS * Remove q & cite p wrapper = 0.2.12 = * the_title filter fix = 0.2.11 = * Enable character limit for shortcode = 0.2.10 = * Character limit nows forces text truncation than preventing of testimonial to show * Add option - Limit number of testimonials to pull at a time * Sanitize widget variables * Fix random_order issue on testimonials widget = 0.2.9 = * Require Editor role for managing Testimonials = 0.2.8 = * CSS testimonialswidget_testimonial_list fix #2 = 0.2.7 = * CSS testimonialswidget_testimonial_list fix = 0.2.6 = * CSS updates for widgets and lists = 0.2.5 = * Add span.testimonialswidget_join for author , join text * Add nl2br for testimonials display on a page = 0.2.4 = * Shortcode added - Thank you Hal Gatewood = 0.2.3 = * Allow testimonials to have multiple tags * Show only quotes with all tags = 0.2.2 = * Show newest testimonials first in admin list by default * Quick locallization * Quotes Collection recommendation = 2011-10-03: Version 0.2 = * Multi-widget enabled * Testimonial, author & source text are clickable automatically * Allow 0 refresh to make widget static * Allow pressing return when editing testimonial to save record = 2011-08-12: Version 0.1 = * initial release
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |