Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/bb-plugin/includes/updater/classes/class-fl-updater.php
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<?php /** * Manages remote updates for all Beaver Builder products. * * @since 1.0 */ final class FLUpdater { /** * The API URL for the Beaver Builder update server. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @var string $_updates_api_url */ static private $_updates_api_url = 'http://updates.wpbeaverbuilder.com/'; /** * An internal array of data for each product. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @var array $_products */ static private $_products = array(); /** * An internal array of remote responses with * update data for each product. * * @since 1.8.4 * @access private * @var array $_responses */ static private $_responses = array(); /** * An internal array of settings for the updater instance. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @var array $settings */ private $settings = array(); /** * Updater constructor method. * * @since 1.0 * @param array $settings An array of settings for this instance. * @return void */ public function __construct( $settings = array() ) { $this->settings = $settings; if ( 'plugin' == $settings['type'] ) { add_filter( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array( $this, 'update_check' ) ); add_filter( 'plugins_api', array( $this, 'plugin_info' ), 10, 3 ); add_action( 'in_plugin_update_message-' . self::get_plugin_file( $settings['slug'] ), array( $this, 'update_message' ), 1, 2 ); } else if ( $settings['type'] == 'theme' ) { add_filter( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_themes', array( $this, 'update_check' ) ); } } /** * Get the update data response from the API. * * @since 1.7.7 * @return object */ public function get_response() { $slug = $this->settings['slug']; if ( isset( FLUpdater::$_responses[ $slug ] ) ) { return FLUpdater::$_responses[ $slug ]; } FLUpdater::$_responses[ $slug ] = FLUpdater::api_request( FLUpdater::$_updates_api_url, array( 'fl-api-method' => 'update_info', 'license' => FLUpdater::get_subscription_license(), 'domain' => network_home_url(), 'product' => $this->settings['name'], 'slug' => $this->settings['slug'], 'version' => $this->settings['version'], 'php' => phpversion() ) ); return FLUpdater::$_responses[ $slug ]; } /** * Checks to see if an update is available for the current product. * * @since 1.0 * @param object $transient A WordPress transient object with update data. * @return object */ public function update_check( $transient ) { global $pagenow; if( 'plugins.php' == $pagenow && is_multisite() ) { return $transient; } if ( ! is_object( $transient ) ) { $transient = new stdClass(); } if ( ! isset( $transient->checked ) ) { $transient->checked = array(); } $response = $this->get_response(); if( ! isset( $response->error ) ) { $transient->last_checked = time(); $transient->checked[ $this->settings['slug'] ] = $this->settings['version']; if($this->settings['type'] == 'plugin') { $plugin = self::get_plugin_file($this->settings['slug']); if ( version_compare( $response->new_version, $this->settings['version'], '>' ) ) { $transient->response[ $plugin ] = new stdClass(); $transient->response[ $plugin ]->slug = $response->slug; $transient->response[ $plugin ]->new_version = $response->new_version; $transient->response[ $plugin ]->url = $response->homepage; $transient->response[ $plugin ]->package = $response->package; if ( empty( $response->package ) ) { $transient->response[ $plugin ]->upgrade_notice = FLUpdater::get_update_error_message(); } } } else if($this->settings['type'] == 'theme') { if(version_compare($response->new_version, $this->settings['version'], '>')) { $transient->response[$this->settings['slug']] = array( 'new_version' => $response->new_version, 'url' => $response->homepage, 'package' => $response->package ); } } } return $transient; } /** * Retrives the data for the plugin info lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @param bool $false * @param string $action * @param object $args * @return object|bool */ public function plugin_info($false, $action, $args) { if ( 'plugin_information' != $action ) { return $false; } if(!isset($args->slug) || $args->slug != $this->settings['slug']) { return $false; } $response = $this->get_response(); if( ! isset( $response->error ) ) { $info = new stdClass(); $info->name = $this->settings['name']; $info->version = $response->new_version; $info->slug = $response->slug; $info->plugin_name = $response->plugin_name; $info->author = $response->author; $info->homepage = $response->homepage; $info->requires = $response->requires; $info->tested = $response->tested; $info->last_updated = $response->last_updated; $info->download_link = $response->package; $info->sections = (array)$response->sections; return $info; } return $false; } /** * Shows an update message on the plugins page if an update * is available but there is no active subscription. * * @since 1.0 * @param array $plugin_data An array of data for this plugin. * @param object $response An object with update data for this plugin. * @return void */ public function update_message( $plugin_data, $response ) { if ( empty( $response->package ) ) { echo FLUpdater::get_update_error_message( $plugin_data ); } } /** * Static method for initializing an instance of the updater * for each active product. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ static public function init() { include FL_UPDATER_DIR . 'includes/config.php'; foreach($config as $path) { if(file_exists($path)) { require_once $path; } } } /** * Static method for adding a product to the updater and * creating the new instance. * * @since 1.0 * @param array $args An array of settings for the product. * @return void */ static public function add_product($args = array()) { if(is_array($args) && isset($args['slug'])) { if($args['type'] == 'plugin') { if(file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/' . $args['slug'])) { self::$_products[$args['name']] = $args; new FLUpdater(self::$_products[$args['name']]); } } if($args['type'] == 'theme') { if(file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/' . $args['slug'])) { self::$_products[$args['name']] = $args; new FLUpdater(self::$_products[$args['name']]); } } } } /** * Static method for rendering the license form. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ static public function render_form() { // Activate a subscription? if(isset($_POST['fl-updater-nonce'])) { if(wp_verify_nonce($_POST['fl-updater-nonce'], 'updater-nonce')) { self::save_subscription_license($_POST['license']); } } $license = self::get_subscription_license(); $subscription = self::get_subscription_info(); // Include the form ui. include FL_UPDATER_DIR . 'includes/form.php'; } /** * Renders available subscriptions and downloads. * * @since 1.10 * @param object $subscription * @return void */ static public function render_subscriptions( $subscription ) { if ( isset( $subscription->error ) || ! $subscription->active || ! $subscription->domain->active || ! isset( $subscription->downloads ) ) { return; } include FL_UPDATER_DIR . 'includes/subscriptions.php'; } /** * Static method for getting the subscription license key. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ static public function get_subscription_license() { $value = get_site_option('fl_themes_subscription_email'); return $value ? $value : ''; } /** * Static method for updating the subscription license. * * @since 1.0 * @param string $license The new license key. * @return void */ static public function save_subscription_license($license) { FLUpdater::api_request(self::$_updates_api_url, array( 'fl-api-method' => 'activate_domain', 'license' => $license, 'domain' => network_home_url(), 'products' => json_encode( self::$_products ) )); update_site_option('fl_themes_subscription_email', $license); } /** * Static method for retrieving the subscription info. * * @since 1.0 * @return bool */ static public function get_subscription_info() { return self::api_request(self::$_updates_api_url, array( 'fl-api-method' => 'subscription_info', 'domain' => network_home_url(), 'license' => FLUpdater::get_subscription_license() )); } /** * Returns an update message for if an update * is available but there is no active subscription. * * @since * @param array $plugin_data An array of data for this plugin. * @return string */ static private function get_update_error_message( $plugin_data = null ) { $message = ''; $message .= '<p style="padding:10px 20px; margin-top: 10px; background: #d54e21; color: #fff;">'; $message .= __( '<strong>UPDATE UNAVAILABLE!</strong>', 'fl-builder' ); $message .= ' '; $message .= __('Please subscribe to enable automatic updates for this plugin.', 'fl-builder'); if ( $plugin_data && isset( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] ) ) { $message .= ' <a href="' . $plugin_data['PluginURI'] . '" target="_blank" style="color: #fff; text-decoration: underline;">'; $message .= __('Subscribe Now', 'fl-builder'); $message .= ' »</a>'; } $message .= '</p>'; return $message; } /** * Static method for retrieving the plugin file path for a * product relative to the plugins directory. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @param string $slug The product slug. * @return string */ static private function get_plugin_file( $slug ) { if ( 'bb-plugin' == $slug ) { $file = $slug . '/fl-builder.php'; } else { $file = $slug . '/' . $slug . '.php'; } return $file; } /** * Static method for sending a request to the store * or update API. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @param string $api_url The API URL to use. * @param array $args An array of args to send along with the request. * @return mixed The response or false if there is an error. */ static private function api_request($api_url = false, $args = array()) { if($api_url) { $params = array(); foreach($args as $key => $val) { $params[] = $key . '=' . urlencode($val); } return self::remote_get($api_url . '?' . implode('&', $params)); } return false; } /** * Get a remote response. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @param string $url The URL to get. * @return mixed The response or false if there is an error. */ static private function remote_get($url) { $request = wp_remote_get($url); $error = new stdClass(); $error->error = 'connection'; if(is_wp_error($request)) { return $error; } if(wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($request) != 200) { return $error; } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($request); if(is_wp_error($body)) { return $error; } $body_decoded = json_decode($body); if(!is_object($body_decoded)) { return $error; } return $body_decoded; } }
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