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<?php /** * @package WPSEO\Internals\Options */ /** * This abstract class and it's concrete classes implement defaults and value validation for * all WPSEO options and subkeys within options. * * Some guidelines: * [Retrieving options] * - Use the normal get_option() to retrieve an option. You will receive a complete array for the option. * Any subkeys which were not set, will have their default values in place. * - In other words, you will normally not have to check whether a subkey isset() as they will *always* be set. * They will also *always* be of the correct variable type. * The only exception to this are the options with variable option names based on post_type or taxonomy * as those will not always be available before the taxonomy/post_type is registered. * (they will be available if a value was set, they won't be if it wasn't as the class won't know * that a default needs to be injected). * * [Updating/Adding options] * - For multisite site_options, please use the WPSEO_Options::update_site_option() method. * - For normal options, use the normal add/update_option() functions. As long a the classes here * are instantiated, validation for all options and their subkeys will be automatic. * - On (succesfull) update of a couple of options, certain related actions will be run automatically. * Some examples: * - on change of wpseo[yoast_tracking], the cron schedule will be adjusted accordingly * - on change of wpseo_permalinks and wpseo_xml, the rewrite rules will be flushed * - on change of wpseo and wpseo_title, some caches will be cleared * * * [Important information about add/updating/changing these classes] * - Make sure that option array key names are unique across options. The WPSEO_Options::get_all() * method merges most options together. If any of them have non-unique names, even if they * are in a different option, they *will* overwrite each other. * - When you add a new array key in an option: make sure you add proper defaults and add the key * to the validation routine in the proper place or add a new validation case. * You don't need to do any upgrading as any option returned will always be merged with the * defaults, so new options will automatically be available. * If the default value is a string which need translating, add this to the concrete class * translate_defaults() method. * - When you remove an array key from an option: if it's important that the option is really removed, * add the WPSEO_Option::clean_up( $option_name ) method to the upgrade run. * This will re-save the option and automatically remove the array key no longer in existance. * - When you rename a sub-option: add it to the clean_option() routine and run that in the upgrade run. * - When you change the default for an option sub-key, make sure you verify that the validation routine will * still work the way it should. * Example: changing a default from '' (empty string) to 'text' with a validation routine with tests * for an empty string will prevent a user from saving an empty string as the real value. So the * test for '' with the validation routine would have to be removed in that case. * - If an option needs specific actions different from defined in this abstract class, you can just overrule * a method by defining it in the concrete class. * * @todo - [JRF => testers] Double check that validation will not cause errors when called * from upgrade routine (some of the WP functions may not yet be available). */ abstract class WPSEO_Option { /** * @var string Option name - MUST be set in concrete class and set to public. */ protected $option_name; /** * @var string Option group name for use in settings forms * - will be set automagically if not set in concrete class * (i.e. if it confirm to the normal pattern 'yoast' . $option_name . 'options', * only set in conrete class if it doesn't) */ public $group_name; /** * @var bool Whether to include the option in the return for WPSEO_Options::get_all(). * Also determines which options are copied over for ms_(re)set_blog(). */ public $include_in_all = true; /** * @var bool Whether this option is only for when the install is multisite. */ public $multisite_only = false; /** * @var array Array of defaults for the option - MUST be set in concrete class. * Shouldn't be requested directly, use $this->get_defaults(); */ protected $defaults; /** * @var array Array of variable option name patterns for the option - if any - * Set this when the option contains array keys which vary based on post_type * or taxonomy. */ protected $variable_array_key_patterns; /** * @var array Array of sub-options which should not be overloaded with multi-site defaults. */ public $ms_exclude = array(); /** * @var object Instance of this class. */ protected static $instance; /* *********** INSTANTIATION METHODS *********** */ /** * Add all the actions and filters for the option. * * @return \WPSEO_Option */ protected function __construct() { /* Add filters which get applied to the get_options() results. */ $this->add_default_filters(); // Return defaults if option not set. $this->add_option_filters(); // Merge with defaults if option *is* set. if ( $this->multisite_only !== true ) { /** * The option validation routines remove the default filters to prevent failing * to insert an option if it's new. Let's add them back afterwards. */ add_action( 'add_option', array( $this, 'add_default_filters' ) ); // Adding back after INSERT. add_action( 'update_option', array( $this, 'add_default_filters' ) ); } elseif ( is_multisite() ) { /* * The option validation routines remove the default filters to prevent failing * to insert an option if it's new. Let's add them back afterwards. * * For site_options, this method is not foolproof as these actions are not fired * on an insert/update failure. Please use the WPSEO_Options::update_site_option() method * for updating site options to make sure the filters are in place. */ add_action( 'add_site_option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'add_default_filters' ) ); add_action( 'update_site_option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'add_default_filters' ) ); } /* * Make sure the option will always get validated, independently of register_setting() * (only available on back-end). */ add_filter( 'sanitize_option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'validate' ) ); /* Register our option for the admin pages */ add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'register_setting' ) ); /* Set option group name if not given */ if ( ! isset( $this->group_name ) || $this->group_name === '' ) { $this->group_name = 'yoast_' . $this->option_name . '_options'; } /* Translate some defaults as early as possible - textdomain is loaded in init on priority 1. */ if ( method_exists( $this, 'translate_defaults' ) ) { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'translate_defaults' ), 2 ); } /** * Enrich defaults once custom post types and taxonomies have been registered * which is normally done on the init action. * * @todo - [JRF/testers] Verify that none of the options which are only available after * enrichment are used before the enriching. */ if ( method_exists( $this, 'enrich_defaults' ) ) { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'enrich_defaults' ), 99 ); } } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart /** * All concrete classes *must* contain the get_instance method. * * {@internal Unfortunately I can't define it as an abstract as it also *has* to be static...}} */ // abstract protected static function get_instance(); /** * Concrete classes *may* contain a translate_defaults method. */ // abstract public function translate_defaults(); /** * Concrete classes *may* contain a enrich_defaults method to add additional defaults once * all post_types and taxonomies have been registered. */ // abstract public function enrich_defaults(); /* *********** METHODS INFLUENCING get_option() *********** */ /** * Add filters to make sure that the option default is returned if the option is not set. * * @return void */ public function add_default_filters() { // Don't change, needs to check for false as could return prio 0 which would evaluate to false. if ( has_filter( 'default_option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'get_defaults' ) ) === false ) { add_filter( 'default_option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'get_defaults' ) ); } } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart /** * Abusing a filter to re-add our default filters. * WP 3.7 specific as update_option action hook was in the wrong place temporarily. * * @see http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/25705 * * @param mixed $new_value Pass through value in filter. * * @deprecated 3.0 WP 3.7 is no longer supported. * * @todo Drop this and logic adding it. R. * * @return mixed unchanged value */ public function wp37_add_default_filters( $new_value ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO 3.0' ); $this->add_default_filters(); return $new_value; } /** * Validate webmaster tools & Pinterest verification strings. * * @param string $key Key to check, by type of service. * @param array $dirty Dirty data. * @param array $old Old data. * @param array $clean Clean data by reference. */ public function validate_verification_string( $key, $dirty, $old, &$clean ) { if ( isset( $dirty[ $key ] ) && $dirty[ $key ] !== '' ) { $meta = $dirty[ $key ]; if ( strpos( $meta, 'content=' ) ) { // Make sure we only have the real key, not a complete meta tag. preg_match( '`content=([\'"])?([^\'"> ]+)(?:\1|[ />])`', $meta, $match ); if ( isset( $match[2] ) ) { $meta = $match[2]; } unset( $match ); } $meta = sanitize_text_field( $meta ); if ( $meta !== '' ) { $regex = '`^[A-Fa-f0-9_-]+$`'; $service = ''; switch ( $key ) { case 'googleverify': $regex = '`^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$`'; $service = 'Google Webmaster tools'; break; case 'msverify': $service = 'Bing Webmaster tools'; break; case 'pinterestverify': $service = 'Pinterest'; break; case 'yandexverify': $service = 'Yandex Webmaster tools'; break; } if ( preg_match( $regex, $meta ) ) { $clean[ $key ] = $meta; } else { if ( isset( $old[ $key ] ) && preg_match( $regex, $old[ $key ] ) ) { $clean[ $key ] = $old[ $key ]; } if ( function_exists( 'add_settings_error' ) ) { add_settings_error( $this->group_name, // Slug title of the setting. '_' . $key, // Suffix-id for the error message box. /* translators: 1: Verification string from user input; 2: Service name. */ sprintf( __( '%1$s does not seem to be a valid %2$s verification string. Please correct.', 'wordpress-seo' ), '<strong>' . esc_html( $meta ) . '</strong>', $service ), // The error message. 'error' // Error type, either 'error' or 'updated'. ); } } } } } /** * @param string $key Key to check, by type of service. * @param array $dirty Dirty data. * @param array $old Old data. * @param array $clean Clean data by reference. */ public function validate_url( $key, $dirty, $old, &$clean ) { if ( isset( $dirty[ $key ] ) && $dirty[ $key ] !== '' ) { $url = WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_url( $dirty[ $key ] ); if ( $url !== '' ) { $clean[ $key ] = $url; } else { if ( isset( $old[ $key ] ) && $old[ $key ] !== '' ) { $url = WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_url( $old[ $key ] ); if ( $url !== '' ) { $clean[ $key ] = $url; } } if ( function_exists( 'add_settings_error' ) ) { $url = WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_url( $dirty[ $key ] ); add_settings_error( $this->group_name, // Slug title of the setting. '_' . $key, // Suffix-id for the error message box. sprintf( /* translators: %s expands to an invalid URL. */ __( '%s does not seem to be a valid url. Please correct.', 'wordpress-seo' ), '<strong>' . esc_html( $url ) . '</strong>' ), // The error message. 'error' // Error type, either 'error' or 'updated'. ); } } } } /** * Remove the default filters. * Called from the validate() method to prevent failure to add new options. * * @return void */ public function remove_default_filters() { remove_filter( 'default_option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'get_defaults' ) ); } /** * Get the enriched default value for an option. * * Checks if the concrete class contains an enrich_defaults() method and if so, runs it. * * {@internal The enrich_defaults method is used to set defaults for variable array keys * in an option, such as array keys depending on post_types and/or taxonomies.}} * * @return array */ public function get_defaults() { if ( method_exists( $this, 'translate_defaults' ) ) { $this->translate_defaults(); } if ( method_exists( $this, 'enrich_defaults' ) ) { $this->enrich_defaults(); } return apply_filters( 'wpseo_defaults', $this->defaults, $this->option_name ); } /** * Add filters to make sure that the option is merged with its defaults before being returned. * * @return void */ public function add_option_filters() { // Don't change, needs to check for false as could return prio 0 which would evaluate to false. if ( has_filter( 'option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'get_option' ) ) === false ) { add_filter( 'option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'get_option' ) ); } } /** * Remove the option filters. * Called from the clean_up methods to make sure we retrieve the original old option. * * @return void */ public function remove_option_filters() { remove_filter( 'option_' . $this->option_name, array( $this, 'get_option' ) ); } /** * Merge an option with its default values. * * This method should *not* be called directly!!! It is only meant to filter the get_option() results. * * @param mixed $options Option value. * * @return mixed Option merged with the defaults for that option. */ public function get_option( $options = null ) { $filtered = $this->array_filter_merge( $options ); /* * If the option contains variable option keys, make sure we don't remove those settings * - even if the defaults are not complete yet. * Unfortunately this means we also won't be removing the settings for post types or taxonomies * which are no longer in the WP install, but rather that than the other way around. */ if ( isset( $this->variable_array_key_patterns ) ) { $filtered = $this->retain_variable_keys( $options, $filtered ); } return $filtered; } /* *********** METHODS influencing add_uption(), update_option() and saving from admin pages. *********** */ /** * Register (whitelist) the option for the configuration pages. * The validation callback is already registered separately on the sanitize_option hook, * so no need to double register. * * @return void */ public function register_setting() { if ( WPSEO_Capability_Utils::current_user_can( 'wpseo_manage_options' ) ) { register_setting( $this->group_name, $this->option_name ); } } /** * Validate the option * * @param mixed $option_value The unvalidated new value for the option. * * @return array Validated new value for the option. */ public function validate( $option_value ) { $clean = $this->get_defaults(); /* Return the defaults if the new value is empty. */ if ( ! is_array( $option_value ) || $option_value === array() ) { return $clean; } $option_value = array_map( array( 'WPSEO_Utils', 'trim_recursive' ), $option_value ); if ( $this->multisite_only !== true ) { $old = get_option( $this->option_name ); } else { $old = get_site_option( $this->option_name ); } $clean = $this->validate_option( $option_value, $clean, $old ); /* Retain the values for variable array keys even when the post type/taxonomy is not yet registered. */ if ( isset( $this->variable_array_key_patterns ) ) { $clean = $this->retain_variable_keys( $option_value, $clean ); } $this->remove_default_filters(); return $clean; } /** * All concrete classes must contain a validate_option() method which validates all * values within the option. * * @param array $dirty New value for the option. * @param array $clean Clean value for the option, normally the defaults. * @param array $old Old value of the option. */ abstract protected function validate_option( $dirty, $clean, $old ); /* *********** METHODS for ADDING/UPDATING/UPGRADING the option. *********** */ /** * Retrieve the real old value (unmerged with defaults). * * @return array|bool The original option value (which can be false if the option doesn't exist). */ protected function get_original_option() { $this->remove_default_filters(); $this->remove_option_filters(); // Get (unvalidated) array, NOT merged with defaults. if ( $this->multisite_only !== true ) { $option_value = get_option( $this->option_name ); } else { $option_value = get_site_option( $this->option_name ); } $this->add_option_filters(); $this->add_default_filters(); return $option_value; } /** * Add the option if it doesn't exist for some strange reason. * * @uses WPSEO_Option::get_original_option() * * @return void */ public function maybe_add_option() { if ( $this->get_original_option() === false ) { if ( $this->multisite_only !== true ) { update_option( $this->option_name, $this->get_defaults() ); } else { $this->update_site_option( $this->get_defaults() ); } } } /** * Update a site_option. * * {@internal This special method is only needed for multisite options, but very needed indeed there. * The order in which certain functions and hooks are run is different between * get_option() and get_site_option() which means in practice that the removing * of the default filters would be done too late and the re-adding of the default * filters might not be done at all. * Aka: use the WPSEO_Options::update_site_option() method (which calls this method) * for safely adding/updating multisite options.}} * * @param mixed $value The new value for the option. * * @return bool Whether the update was succesfull. */ public function update_site_option( $value ) { if ( $this->multisite_only === true && is_multisite() ) { $this->remove_default_filters(); $result = update_site_option( $this->option_name, $value ); $this->add_default_filters(); return $result; } else { return false; } } /** * Retrieve the real old value (unmerged with defaults), clean and re-save the option. * * @uses WPSEO_Option::get_original_option() * @uses WPSEO_Option::import() * * @param string $current_version Optional. Version from which to upgrade, if not set, version specific upgrades will be disregarded. * * @return void */ public function clean( $current_version = null ) { $option_value = $this->get_original_option(); $this->import( $option_value, $current_version ); } /** * Clean and re-save the option. * * @uses clean_option() method from concrete class if it exists. * * @todo [JRF/whomever] Figure out a way to show settings error during/after the upgrade - maybe * something along the lines of: * -> add them to a property in this class * -> if that property isset at the end of the routine and add_settings_error function does not exist, * save as transient (or update the transient if one already exists) * -> next time an admin is in the WP back-end, show the errors and delete the transient or only delete it * once the admin has dismissed the message (add ajax function) * Important: all validation routines which add_settings_errors would need to be changed for this to work * * @param array $option_value Option value to be imported. * @param string $current_version Optional. Version from which to upgrade, if not set, version specific upgrades will be disregarded. * @param array $all_old_option_values Optional. Only used when importing old options to have access to the real old values, in contrast to the saved ones. * * @return void */ public function import( $option_value, $current_version = null, $all_old_option_values = null ) { if ( $option_value === false ) { $option_value = $this->get_defaults(); } elseif ( is_array( $option_value ) && method_exists( $this, 'clean_option' ) ) { $option_value = $this->clean_option( $option_value, $current_version, $all_old_option_values ); } /* * Save the cleaned value - validation will take care of cleaning out array keys which * should no longer be there. */ if ( $this->multisite_only !== true ) { update_option( $this->option_name, $option_value ); } else { $this->update_site_option( $this->option_name, $option_value ); } } /** * Concrete classes *may* contain a clean_option method which will clean out old/renamed * values within the option. */ // abstract public function clean_option( $option_value, $current_version = null, $all_old_option_values = null ); /* *********** HELPER METHODS for internal use. *********** */ /** * Helper method - Combines a fixed array of default values with an options array * while filtering out any keys which are not in the defaults array. * * @todo [JRF] - shouldn't this be a straight array merge ? at the end of the day, the validation * removes any invalid keys on save. * * @param array $options Optional. Current options. If not set, the option defaults for the $option_key will be returned. * * @return array Combined and filtered options array. */ protected function array_filter_merge( $options = null ) { $defaults = $this->get_defaults(); if ( ! isset( $options ) || $options === false || $options === array() ) { return $defaults; } $options = (array) $options; /* $filtered = array(); if ( $defaults !== array() ) { foreach ( $defaults as $key => $default_value ) { // @todo should this walk through array subkeys ? $filtered[ $key ] = ( isset( $options[ $key ] ) ? $options[ $key ] : $default_value ); } } */ $filtered = array_merge( $defaults, $options ); return $filtered; } /** * Make sure that any set option values relating to post_types and/or taxonomies are retained, * even when that post_type or taxonomy may not yet have been registered. * * {@internal The wpseo_titles concrete class overrules this method. Make sure that any * changes applied here, also get ported to that version.}} * * @param array $dirty Original option as retrieved from the database. * @param array $clean Filtered option where any options which shouldn't be in our option * have already been removed and any options which weren't set * have been set to their defaults. * * @return array */ protected function retain_variable_keys( $dirty, $clean ) { if ( ( is_array( $this->variable_array_key_patterns ) && $this->variable_array_key_patterns !== array() ) && ( is_array( $dirty ) && $dirty !== array() ) ) { foreach ( $dirty as $key => $value ) { // Do nothing if already in filtered options. if ( isset( $clean[ $key ] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $this->variable_array_key_patterns as $pattern ) { if ( strpos( $key, $pattern ) === 0 ) { $clean[ $key ] = $value; break; } } } } return $clean; } /** * Check whether a given array key conforms to one of the variable array key patterns for this option. * * @usedby validate_option() methods for options with variable array keys. * * @param string $key Array key to check. * * @return string Pattern if it conforms, original array key if it doesn't or if the option * does not have variable array keys. */ protected function get_switch_key( $key ) { if ( ! isset( $this->variable_array_key_patterns ) || ( ! is_array( $this->variable_array_key_patterns ) || $this->variable_array_key_patterns === array() ) ) { return $key; } foreach ( $this->variable_array_key_patterns as $pattern ) { if ( strpos( $key, $pattern ) === 0 ) { return $pattern; } } return $key; } /* *********** DEPRECATED METHODS *********** */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** * Emulate the WP native sanitize_text_field function in a %%variable%% safe way. * * @see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/src/wp-includes/formatting.php for the original * * @deprecated * @deprecated use WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_text_field() * @see WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_text_field() * * @param string $value String value to sanitize. * * @return string */ public static function sanitize_text_field( $value ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO', 'WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_text_field()' ); return WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_text_field( $value ); } /** * Sanitize a url for saving to the database. * Not to be confused with the old native WP function. * * @deprecated * @deprecated use WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_url() * @see WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_url() * * @param string $value URL string to sanitize. * @param array $allowed_protocols Set of allowed protocols. * * @return string */ public static function sanitize_url( $value, $allowed_protocols = array( 'http', 'https' ) ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO', 'WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_url()' ); return WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_url( $value, $allowed_protocols ); } /** * Validate a value as boolean. * * @deprecated * @deprecated use WPSEO_Utils::validate_bool() * @see WPSEO_Utils::validate_bool() * * @static * * @param mixed $value Value to validate. * * @return bool */ public static function validate_bool( $value ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO', 'WPSEO_Utils::validate_bool()' ); return WPSEO_Utils::validate_bool( $value ); } /** * Cast a value to bool. * * @deprecated * @deprecated use WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_bool() * @see WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_bool() * * @static * * @param mixed $value Value to cast. * * @return bool */ public static function emulate_filter_bool( $value ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO', 'WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_bool()' ); return WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_bool( $value ); } /** * Validate a value as integer. * * @deprecated * @deprecated use WPSEO_Utils::validate_int() * @see WPSEO_Utils::validate_int() * * @param mixed $value Value to validate. * * @return mixed int or false in case of failure to convert to int */ public static function validate_int( $value ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO', 'WPSEO_Utils::validate_int()' ); return WPSEO_Utils::validate_int( $value ); } /** * Cast a value to integer. * * @deprecated * @deprecated use WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_int() * @see WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_int() * * @static * * @param mixed $value Value to cast. * * @return int|bool */ public static function emulate_filter_int( $value ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO', 'WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_int()' ); return WPSEO_Utils::emulate_filter_int( $value ); } /** * Recursively trim whitespace round a string value or of string values within an array. * Only trims strings to avoid typecasting a variable (to string). * * @deprecated * @deprecated use WPSEO_Utils::trim_recursive() * @see WPSEO_Utils::trim_recursive() * * @static * * @param mixed $value Value to trim or array of values to trim. * * @return mixed Trimmed value or array of trimmed values. */ public static function trim_recursive( $value ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'WPSEO', 'WPSEO_Utils::trim_recursive()' ); return WPSEO_Utils::trim_recursive( $value ); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd }
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