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<?php /** * Class for working with ZIP archives to import * sliders with images and other attachments. * * @package LS_ImportUtil * @since 5.0.3 * @author John Gera * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 John Gera, George Krupa, and Kreatura Media Kft. * @license http://codecanyon.net/licenses/faq Envato marketplace licenses */ class LS_ImportUtil { /** * The managed ZipArchieve instance. */ private $zip; /** * Target folders */ private $targetDir, $targetURL, $tmpDir; // Imported images private $imported = array(); // Accepts $_FILES public function __construct($archive, $name = null) { if(empty($name)) { $name = $archive; } // TODO: check file extension to support old import method $type = wp_check_filetype(basename($name), array( 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'json' => 'application/json' )); // Check for ZIP if(!empty($type['ext']) && $type['ext'] == 'zip') { if(class_exists('ZipArchive')) { // Remove previous uploads (if any) $this->cleanup(); // Extract ZIP $this->zip = new ZipArchive; if($this->zip->open($archive)) { if($this->unpack($archive)) { // Uploaded folders foreach(glob($this->tmpDir.'/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $key => $dir) { $this->imported = array(); if(!isset($_POST['skip_images'])) { $this->uploadMedia($dir); } if(file_exists($dir.'/settings.json')) { $this->addSlider($dir.'/settings.json'); } } // Finishing up $this->cleanup(); return true; } // Close ZIP $this->zip->close(); } } else { header('Location: admin.php?page=layerslider&error=1&message=exportZipError'); die(); } // Check for JSON } elseif(!empty($type['ext']) && $type['ext'] == 'json') { // Get decoded file data $data = file_get_contents($archive); if($decoded = base64_decode($data, true)) { if(!$parsed = json_decode($decoded, true)) { $parsed = unserialize($decoded); } // Since v5.1.1 } else { $parsed = array(json_decode($data, true)); } // Iterate over imported sliders if(is_array($parsed)) { // Import sliders foreach($parsed as $item) { // Fix for export issue in v4.6.4 if(is_string($item)) { $item = json_decode($item, true); } LS_Sliders::add($item['properties']['title'], $item); } } } // Return false otherwise return false; } public function unpack($archive) { // Get uploads folder $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); // Check if /uploads dir is writable if(is_writable($uploads['basedir'])) { // Get target folders $this->targetDir = $targetDir = $uploads['basedir'].'/layerslider'; $this->targetURL = $uploads['baseurl'].'/layerslider'; $this->tmpDir = $tmpDir = $uploads['basedir'].'/layerslider/tmp'; // Create necessary folders under /uploads if(!file_exists($targetDir)) { mkdir($targetDir, 0755); } if(!file_exists($targetDir)) { mkdir($targetDir, 0755); } // Unpack archive if($this->zip->extractTo($tmpDir)) { return true; } } return false; } public function uploadMedia($dir = null) { // Check provided data if(empty($dir) || !is_string($dir) || !file_exists($dir.'/uploads')) { return false; } // Create folder if it isn't exists already $targetDir = $this->targetDir . '/' . basename($dir); if(!file_exists($targetDir)) { mkdir($targetDir, 0755); } // Include image.php for media library upload require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); // Iterate through directory foreach(glob($dir.'/uploads/*') as $filePath) { $fileName = sanitize_file_name(basename($filePath)); $targetFile = $targetDir.'/'.$fileName; // Validate media $filetype = wp_check_filetype($fileName, null); if(!empty($filetype['ext']) && $filetype['ext'] != 'php') { // Move item to place rename($filePath, $targetFile); // Upload to media library $attachment = array( 'guid' => $targetFile, 'post_mime_type' => $filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', $fileName), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $targetFile, 37); if($attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $targetFile)) { wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data); } $this->imported[$fileName] = array( 'id' => $attach_id, 'url' => $this->targetURL.'/'.basename($dir).'/'.$fileName ); } } return true; } public function deleteDir($dir) { if(!file_exists($dir)) return true; if(!is_dir($dir)) return unlink($dir); foreach(scandir($dir) as $item) { if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue; if(!$this->deleteDir($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$item)) return false; } return rmdir($dir); } public function addSlider($file) { // Get slider data and title $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); $title = $data['properties']['title']; $slug = !empty($data['properties']['slug']) ? $data['properties']['slug'] : ''; // Slider settings if(!empty($data['properties']['backgroundimage'])) { $data['properties']['backgroundimage'] = $this->attachURLForImage( $data['properties']['backgroundimage'] ); } if(!empty($data['properties']['yourlogo'])) { $data['properties']['yourlogoId'] = $this->attachIDForImage($data['properties']['yourlogo']); $data['properties']['yourlogo'] = $this->attachURLForImage($data['properties']['yourlogo']); } // Slides if(!empty($data['layers']) && is_array($data['layers'])) { foreach($data['layers'] as &$slide) { if(!empty($slide['properties']['background'])) { $slide['properties']['backgroundId'] = $this->attachIDForImage($slide['properties']['background']); $slide['properties']['background'] = $this->attachURLForImage($slide['properties']['background']); } if(!empty($slide['properties']['thumbnail'])) { $slide['properties']['thumbnailId'] = $this->attachIDForImage($slide['properties']['thumbnail']); $slide['properties']['thumbnail'] = $this->attachURLForImage($slide['properties']['thumbnail']); } // Layers if(!empty($slide['sublayers']) && is_array($slide['sublayers'])) { foreach($slide['sublayers'] as &$layer) { if(!empty($layer['image'])) { $layer['imageId'] = $this->attachIDForImage($layer['image']); $layer['image'] = $this->attachURLForImage($layer['image']); } }} }} // Add slider LS_Sliders::add($title, $data, $slug); } public function attachURLForImage($file = '#') { if(isset($this->imported[basename($file)])) { return $this->imported[basename($file)]['url']; } return $file; } public function attachIDForImage($file = '') { if(isset($this->imported[basename($file)])) { return $this->imported[basename($file)]['id']; } return $file; } public function cleanup() { $this->deleteDir($this->tmpDir); } } ?>
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |