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<?php /** * Sets up admin helpful messages * * @package Caldera_Forms * @author Josh Pollock <Josh@CalderaWP.com> * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link * @copyright 2016 CalderaWP LLC */ class Caldera_Forms_Admin_Clippy { /** * Handle for Javascript * * @since 1.4.5 * * @var string */ protected $script_handle; /** * Hashed version of URL to send * * @since 1.4.5 * * @var string */ protected $url_hash; /** * Title of extend clippy * * @since 1.5.3 * * @var string */ protected $extend_title; /** * Caldera_Forms_Admin_Clippy constructor. * * @since 1.4.5 * * @param string $plugin_slug Plugin slug * @param string $url Current site URL */ public function __construct( $plugin_slug, $url ) { $this->script_handle = $plugin_slug . '-clippy'; $this->url_hash = md5( $url ); add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'print_templates' ) ); } /** * Setup JavaScript * * @since 1.4.5 */ public function assets(){ Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets::enqueue_script( 'vue' ); wp_enqueue_script( $this->script_handle, CFCORE_URL . 'assets/js/caldera-clippy.js', array( 'jquery', Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets::make_slug( 'vue' ) ), Caldera_Forms::VERSION ); wp_localize_script( $this->script_handle, 'CF_CLIPPY', $this->localizer() ); } /** * Prepare data to localize * * @since 1.4.5 * * @return array */ protected function localizer(){ $data = array( 'cfdotcom' => array( 'api' => array( 'search' => 'https://calderaforms.com/wp-json/wp/v2/doc?search=', 'important' => 'https://calderaforms.com/wp-json/calderawp_api/v2/docs/important', 'product' => $this->product_endpoint() ), ), 'fallback' => $this->fallback_clippy(), 'extend_title' => $this->extend_title ); $forms = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_forms(); if( empty( $forms ) ){ $data[ 'no_forms' ] = $this->create_form_clippy(); unset( $data[ 'email_clippy' ] ); } return $data; } /** * Create random string of digits for p tag * * @since 1.4.5 * * @param int $length Optional. Length of string. Default is 4. * * @return string */ protected function randoms( $length = 4 ){ $str = ''; for( $i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++ ){ $str .= rand( 1,9 ); } return $str; } /** * Handlebars template for a clippy * * @since 1.4.5 * * @return string */ protected function template(){ /** Don't unmifiy this!! */ return '<script type="text/html" id="tmpl--caldera-clippy"><div class="caldera-forms-clippy-zone-inner-wrap"><div class="caldera-forms-clippy" ><h2>{{title}}</h2><p>{{content}}</p><a href="{{link.url}}" target="_blank" class="bt-btn btn btn-organge">{{ btn.content }}</a></div></div></script>'; } public function print_templates(){ include CFCORE_PATH . 'ui/support/clippy_templates.php'; } /** * Email stats clippy * * @since 1.4.5 * * @return array */ protected function email_clippy(){ $clippy = array( 'title' => array( 'content' => __( 'Email Stats', 'caldera-forms' ), ), 'content' => array( 'content' => '', ), 'btn' => array( 'content' => __( 'Email Resources', 'caldera-forms' ), 'grey' => 'orange' ), 'link' => array( 'url' => 'https://calderaforms.com/caldera-forms-emails?utm_source=obs&utm_campaign=admin-page&utm_medium=caldera-forms&utm_term=fallback', 'bt' => 'email-stats' ) ); if( Caldera_Forms_Tracking::tracking_allowed() ){ $stats = new Caldera_Forms_Email_TrackData(); $stats = $stats->get_stats( ); $clippy[ 'content' ][ 'content' ] = sprintf( __( 'Success rate for emails is %d percent of %s total emails.', 'caldera-forms' ), 100 * $stats[ 'success_rate' ], $stats[ 'total' ] ); }else{ $url = Caldera_Forms_Tracking::allow_url(); $clippy[ 'content' ][ 'content' ] = __( 'Enable usage tracking to get email stats.', 'caldera-forms' ); $clippy[ 'link' ][ 'url' ] = add_query_arg( 'clippy', 1, $url ); $clippy[ 'link' ][ 'bt' ] = 'tracking-optin'; } return $clippy; } protected function create_form_clippy() { $clippy = array( 'title' => array( 'content' => __( 'Need Help Creating A Form?', 'caldera-forms' ), ), 'content' => array( 'content' => 'Click the "New Form" button at the top of the page, or read or getting started guide for creating forms.', ), 'btn' => array( 'content' => __( 'Read The Guide', 'caldera-forms' ), 'color' => 'orange' ), 'link' => array( 'url' => 'https://calderaforms.com/doc/creating-new-form?utm_source=obs&utm_campaign=admin-page&utm_medium=caldera-forms&utm_term=no_forms', 'bt' => 'email-stats' ) ); return $clippy; } /** * Fallback clippy with link to getting started guide for when the API can't br reached * * @since 1.4.5 * * @return array */ protected function fallback_clippy(){ return array( 'title' => array( 'content' => __( 'New To Caldera Forms?', 'caldera-forms' ), ), 'content' => array( 'content' => __( 'We have a complete getting started guide for new users.', 'caldera-forms' ), ), 'btn' => array( 'content' => __( 'Read Now', 'caldera-forms' ), 'color' => 'orange' ), 'link' => array( 'url' => 'https://calderaforms.com/getting-started?utm_source=obs&utm_campaign=clippy&utm_medium=caldera-forms&utm_term=fallback' ) ); } /** * Get endpoint to use in products clippy * * @since 1.5.3 * * @return string */ protected function product_endpoint(){ $endpoints = array( 'free' => 'https://calderaforms.com/wp-json/calderawp_api/v2/products/cf-addons?category=free', 'featured' => 'https://calderaforms.com/wp-json/calderawp_api/v2/products/cf-addons?category=featured', 'pro' => 'https://calderaforms.com/wp-json/calderawp_api/v2/products/64101' ); $key = '_cf_clippy_first'; $first_time = get_option( '_cf_clippy_first', 0 ); if( 0 === $first_time ){ update_option( $key, time(), false ); return $endpoints[ 'free' ]; } if ( function_exists( 'date_diff' ) ) { $date_diff = date_diff( DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $first_time ), DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', time() ) ); } else { $date_diff = new stdClass(); $date_diff->d = rand( 5, 15 ); } if( 10 > $date_diff->d ){ $this->extend_title = __( 'Get A Free Add-on For Caldera Forms', 'caldera-forms' ); return $endpoints[ 'free' ]; } if( 1 == rand(1,10) ){ $this->extend_title = __( 'Extend Caldera Forms With Our Add-ons', 'caldera-forms' ); return $endpoints[ 'featured' ]; }else{ $this->extend_title = __( 'Have You Tried Caldera Forms Pro Yet?', 'caldera-forms' ); return $endpoints[ 'pro' ]; } } }
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