Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/themes/morpheus/js/coll-admin-portfolio.js
Error occurred
(function ($) { "use strict"; $(function () { var Portfolio = new function () { var frame; var assetContainer = $('.js-coll-assets'); var data = []; var input = $('#coll_portfolio_assets_content'); var raw = $('#coll_portfolio_assets_content').val(); this.init = function () { /* * Upload button click event, which builds the choose-from-library frame. * */ $('.js-coll-add-image').on('click', function (event) { var $el = $(this); event.preventDefault(); // Create the media frame. frame = wp.media.frames.customHeader = wp.media({ title: $el.data('choose one or more images'), multiple: true, library: { // remove these to show all // type: 'image', // specific mime // author: userSettings.uid // specific user-posted attachment }, button: { text: $el.data('update'), // button text close: true // whether click closes } }); // When an image is selected, run a callback. frame.on('select', function () { var selection = frame.state().get('selection'); selection.map(function (attachment) { attachment = attachment.toJSON(); // Do something with attachment.id and/or attachment.url here // prepare data to send to the database var data = { action: 'get_thumbs', id: attachment.id }; // send $.post(ajaxurl, data, function (response) { createImageAsset(response, attachment.id); }); }); }); frame.open(); }); // video var _embd = $('<textarea class="embed-code"></textarea>'); var _vadd = $('<a class="button js-coll-add-video close-portBox">oki</a>'); var _vedit = $('<a class="button hide js-coll-edit-video close-portBox">oki</a>'); var _pbx = $('<div id="video-code" class="portBox"><span class="title">Insert Embed Code</span></div>'); var _nEditIndex = 0; _pbx.append(_embd) _pbx.append(_vadd) _pbx.append(_vedit) $('body').append(_pbx) _vadd.on('click', function (event) { var $el = $(this); var _embedcode = _embd.val(); event.preventDefault(); if (_embedcode != '') { createVideoAsset(_embedcode); } }) _vedit.on('click', function (event) { var $el = $(this); var _embedcode = _embd.val() if (_embedcode != '') { editVideoAsset(_embedcode, _nEditIndex); } _vadd.removeClass('hide') _vedit.addClass('hide') _pbx.find('.title').text('Insert Embed Code') _embd.val(''); event.preventDefault(); }) // remove item assetContainer.on('click', '.js-coll-asset-item .remove', function (el) { // remove item from the data object data.splice($(this).parent().index(), 1); // update the input with the new value updateData(); // remove the item from the asset container $(this).parent().remove(); }); // edit item (video embed code) assetContainer.on('click', '.js-coll-asset-item .edit', function (el) { _vadd.addClass('hide') _vedit.removeClass('hide') _pbx.find('.title').text('Edit Embed Code') _nEditIndex = $(this).parent().index(); _embd.val(function () { return data[_nEditIndex].ecode }); }); //make assets sortable assetContainer.sortable({ start: function (e, ui) { // creates a temporary attribute on the element with the old index $(this).attr('data-previndex', ui.item.index()); }, update: function (e, ui) { // gets the new and old index then removes the temporary attribute var newIndex = ui.item.index(); var oldIndex = $(this).attr('data-previndex'); $(this).removeAttr('data-previndex'); // save data data.splice(newIndex, 0, data.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]); updateData() } }); loadItems(); //thumbnail $('.js-coll-add-thumb').on('click', function (event) { var $el = $(this); event.preventDefault(); // Create the media frame. frame = wp.media.frames.customHeader = wp.media({ title: $el.data('choose a thumbnail'), multiple: false, library: { // remove these to show all // type: 'image', // specific mime // author: userSettings.uid // specific user-posted attachment }, button: { text: $el.data('update'), // button text close: true // whether click closes } }); // When an image is selected, run a callback. frame.on('select', function () { var selection = frame.state().get('selection'); selection.map(function (attachment) { attachment = attachment.toJSON(); addThumb(attachment.url, attachment.id); }); }); frame.open(); }); } // functions var loadItems = function () { data = $.parseJSON(raw); if (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].type == 'image') { addImageAsset(data[i].thumb) } if (data[i].type == 'video') { addVideoAsset(data[i].thumb) } } } else { data = []; } updateData(); } var createImageAsset = function (url, id) { addImageAsset(url); // save info var _info = {'type': 'image', 'thumb': url, 'id': id}; data.push(_info) updateData(); } var addImageAsset = function (url) { var _item = $('<li class="item image js-coll-asset-item ui-state-default"><a class="remove"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></a></li>') var _img = $('<img />') _img.attr('src', url); _item.prepend(_img) // add the item assetContainer.append(_item) } var createVideoAsset = function (code) { var _tmb; var _vID; // get thumb if (code.indexOf('youtube') !== -1) { var reg = new RegExp('(?:https?://)?(?:www\\.)?(?:youtu\\.be/|youtube\\.com(?:/embed/|/v/|/watch\\?v=))([\\w-]{10,12})', 'g'); _vID = reg.exec(code)[1]; _tmb = "//i3.ytimg.com/vi/" + _vID + "/hqdefault.jpg"; //add item addVideoAsset(_tmb); // save info var _info = {'type': 'video', 'ecode': code, 'thumb': _tmb}; data.push(_info) updateData(); } if (code.indexOf('vimeo') !== -1) { _vID = code.match(/player\.vimeo\.com\/video\/([0-9]*)/)[1]; $.ajax({ url: 'http://www.vimeo.com/api/v2/video/' + _vID + '.json', dataType: 'jsonp', success: function (dota) { _tmb = dota[0].thumbnail_medium; //add item addVideoAsset(_tmb); // save info var _info = {'type': 'video', 'ecode': code, 'thumb': _tmb}; data.push(_info) updateData(); } }); } } var addVideoAsset = function (url) { var _item = $('<li class="item video js-coll-asset-item ui-state-default"><a class="remove"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a><a class="edit" data-display="video-code" data-animationspeed="0"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square"></i></a></li>') var _img = $('<img />') _img.attr('src', url); _item.prepend(_img) // add the item assetContainer.append(_item) } var editVideoAsset = function (code, i) { data[i].ecode = code; updateData(); } var updateData = function () { input.val(function () { var _str = JSON.stringify(data); _str = String(_str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); return _str; }) } var addThumb = function (url, id) { var _url = url; // in cazul in care ma joc cu urlu $('#coll_portfolio_thumb').val(id) $('.js-coll-thumb-img').attr('src', url) } } Portfolio.init(); }); }(jQuery));
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.08 |