Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/caldera-forms/classes/core.php
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<?php /** * Caldera Forms. * * @package Caldera_Forms * @author David <david@digilab.co.za> * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link * @copyright 2014 David Cramer */ /** * Caldera_Forms Plugin class. * @package Caldera_Forms * @author David Cramer <david@digilab.co.za> * * */ use MathParser\StdMathParser; use MathParser\Interpreting\Evaluator; class Caldera_Forms { /** * @var string */ const VERSION = CFCORE_VER; /** * @since 1.4.2 */ const PLUGIN_SLUG = 'caldera-forms'; /** * @var string */ protected $plugin_slug = 'caldera-forms'; /** * @var string */ protected $screen_prefix = null; /** * @var object */ protected static $instance = null; /** * Table install/check object * * @since 1.5.1 * * @var Caldera_Forms_DB_Tables */ protected static $tables; /** * Used to track if system has initialized and prevent recursion in init_cf_internal() method. * * @since 1.3.5 * * @var bool */ private static $internal_init = false; /** * Holds modal HTML to be loaded in footer * * @deprecated * * @since 1.4.2 * * @var string */ protected static $footer_modals; /** * CF-API v2 * * @since 1.4.4 * * @var Caldera_Forms_API_Load */ protected static $api; /** * Settings collection * * Access via Caldera_Forms::settings() * * @since 1.5.3 * * @var Caldera_Forms_Settings */ protected static $settings; /** * Initialize the plugin by setting localization, filters, and administration functions. * */ function __construct() { // Load plugin text domain add_action('init', array($this, 'load_plugin_textdomain')); add_action('template_redirect', array($this, 'api_handler')); // add element & fields filters add_filter('caldera_forms_get_form_processors', array($this, 'get_form_processors')); add_filter('caldera_forms_submit_redirect_complete', array($this, 'do_redirect'), 10, 4); add_action('caldera_forms_edit_end', array($this, 'calculations_templates')); add_filter('caldera_forms_render_get_field', array($this, 'auto_populate_options_field'), 10, 2); add_filter('caldera_forms_render_get_field', array($this, 'apply_conditional_groups'), 10, 2); add_filter('caldera_forms_view_field_paragraph', 'wpautop'); //mailer magic add_filter('caldera_forms_get_magic_tags', array($this, 'set_magic_tags'), 1); // action add_action('caldera_forms_submit_complete', array($this, 'save_final_form'), 50); // find if profile is loaded add_action('wp_loaded', array($this, 'cf_init_system'), 25); add_action('wp', array($this, 'cf_init_preview')); // render shortcode add_shortcode('caldera_form', array($this, 'shortcode_handler')); // modal shortcode add_shortcode('caldera_form_modal', array($this, 'shortcode_handler')); add_action('wp_footer', array('Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals', 'render_footer_modals')); //filter shortcode atts for defaults add_filter('shortcode_atts_caldera_form', array('Caldera_Forms_Shortcode_Atts', 'allow_default_set'), 5, 4); add_filter('shortcode_atts_caldera_form_modal', array('Caldera_Forms_Shortcode_Atts', 'allow_default_set'), 5, 4); add_filter('shortcode_atts_caldera_form', array('Caldera_Forms_Shortcode_Atts', 'maybe_allow_revision'), 5, 4); add_filter('shortcode_atts_caldera_form_modal', array('Caldera_Forms_Shortcode_Atts', 'maybe_allow_revision'), 5, 4); //email settings add_action('caldera_forms_core_init', array('Caldera_Forms_Email_Settings', 'maybe_add_hooks')); add_filter('pre_update_option__caldera_forms_email_api_settings', array( 'Caldera_Forms_Email_Settings', 'sanitize_save' )); if (current_user_can(Caldera_Forms::get_manage_cap('admin'))) { add_action('wp_ajax_cf_email_save', array('Caldera_Forms_Email_Settings', 'save')); } // Add cache plugin support if (method_exists('LiteSpeed_Cache_API', 'esi_enabled') && LiteSpeed_Cache_API::esi_enabled()) { LiteSpeed_Cache_API::hook_tpl_esi('caldera_forms', 'Caldera_Forms_Render_Nonce::hook_esi'); } //auto-population via Easy Pods/ Easy Queries add_action('caldera_forms_render_start', array(__CLASS__, 'easy_pods_queries_setup')); //delete file uploads that are not going in media library add_action('caldera_forms_submit_complete', array('Caldera_Forms_Files', 'cleanup')); add_action(Caldera_Forms_Files::CRON_ACTION, array('Caldera_Forms_Files', 'cleanup_via_cron')); //entry permission add_filter('caldera_forms_manage_cap', array('Caldera_Forms_Entry_UI', 'permissions_filter'), 9, 3); add_filter('caldera_forms_send_email', array(Caldera_Forms_Admin::get_instance(), 'block_email_on_edit'), 9); if (current_user_can(Caldera_Forms::get_manage_cap('admin'))) { $id = null; $view = false; if (isset($_GET['cf-email-preview'], $_GET['cf-email-preview-form'])) { if (wp_verify_nonce($_GET['cf-email-preview'], $_GET['cf-email-preview-form'])) { $id = $_GET['cf-email-preview-form']; $view = true; } } new Caldera_Forms_Email_Previews($id, $view); } //check for forms on page add_action('template_redirect', array($this, 'maybe_load_styles')); /** Email Filtering */ //Check email attachments add_filter('caldera_forms_mailer', array('Caldera_Forms_Email_Filters', 'mail_attachment_check'), 10, 3); //format email - using old method in case anyone removed the hook add_filter('caldera_forms_mailer', array($this, 'format_message')); //format autoresponder email add_filter('caldera_forms_autoresponse_mail', array('Caldera_Forms_Email_Filters', 'format_autoresponse_message')); add_filter('caldera_forms_mailer', array('Caldera_Forms_Email_Filters', 'prepare_headers')); add_filter('caldera_forms_autoresponse_mail', array('Caldera_Forms_Email_Filters', 'prepare_headers')); /** Entry Viewer v1 */ add_action('wp_ajax_browse_entries', array(Caldera_Forms_Entry_UI::get_instance(), 'view_entries')); add_action('wp_ajax_get_entry', array(Caldera_Forms_Entry_UI::get_instance(), 'view_entry')); add_action('caldera_forms_entry_actions', array(Caldera_Forms_Entry_UI::get_instance(), 'get_entry_actions'), 1); add_action('rest_api_init', array(__CLASS__, 'init_rest_api')); //entry viewer shortcode add_shortcode(Caldera_Forms_Entry_Shortcode::get_shortcode_name(), array('Caldera_Forms_Entry_Shortcode', 'shortcode_callback')); //init Credit card # hash class here, not on hook, so it can't be unhooked new Caldera_Forms_Field_Credit; /** Load magic tag system */ new Caldera_Forms_Magic(); //init utm tag field handler $utm = new Caldera_Forms_Field_Utm(); $utm->add_hooks(); //clear syncer cache on form update add_action('caldera_forms_save_form', array('Caldera_Forms_Sync_Factory', 'clear_cache')); //initialize settings Caldera_Forms_Settings_Init::load(); //CRON callback for deleting our fake transients add_action(Caldera_Forms_Transient::CRON_ACTION, array('Caldera_Forms_Transient', 'cron_callback')); add_action('caldera_forms_submit_complete', array('Caldera_Forms_Transient', 'cron_callback')); //Init GDPR exporters/erasers add_action( 'init', [ Caldera_Forms_GDPR::class, 'register_gdpr' ] ); /** * Runs after Caldera Forms core is initialized * * @since */ do_action('caldera_forms_core_init'); /** Adding anything to this constructor after caldera_forms_core_init action is a violation of intergalactic law */ } /** * Load a form by ID or name * * @param string $id_name ID or name of form. * * @return array|null Form config array if found. If not null. */ public static function get_form($id_name) { return Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($id_name); } /** * Load all forms * * @param bool $internal Optional. If false, the default, all forms are returned. If true, only those saved in DB are returned. * * @return mixed|void */ public static function get_forms($internal = false) { return Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_forms(true, $internal); } /** * Load styles early if shortcodes or widgets are used on page * * @uses "template_redirect" action * * @since 1.5.0 */ public static function maybe_load_styles() { /** * Use this filter to force Caldera Forms styles to enqueue early -- IE force them into header * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param bool $use To use or not */ $use = apply_filters('caldera_forms_force_enqueue_styles_early', false); $on_page = self::check_for_forms_on_page(); if ($use || $on_page) { add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array('Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets', 'optional_style_includes')); } } /** * Check if there are forms on page * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param WP_Post $post Optional, current post object * * @return bool */ public static function check_for_forms_on_page($post = null) { if (is_null($post)) { global $post; } if (!isset($post->post_content)) { return false; } $has_shortcode = has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'caldera_form'); if ($has_shortcode) { return true; } $has_shortcode = has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'caldera_form_modal'); if ($has_shortcode) { return true; } // check active widgets $sidebars = get_option('sidebars_widgets'); if (is_array($sidebars) && !empty($sidebars)) { $form_widgets = get_option('widget_caldera_forms_widget'); unset($sidebars['wp_inactive_widgets']); foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar => $set) { if (is_active_sidebar($sidebar)) { foreach ($set as $setup) { if (false !== strpos($setup, 'caldera_forms_widget-')) { $widget_instance = str_replace('caldera_forms_widget-', '', $setup); if (!empty($form_widgets[$widget_instance]['form'])) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } /** * Create a modal button's HTML * * @since * @deprecated * * @param array $atts Form atts * @param string $content Content for opener * @param array $form Form config * * @return string */ protected static function modal_button($atts, $content, $form, $modal_id) { _deprecated_function(__METHOD__, '', 'Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals::modal_button'); return Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals::modal_button($atts, $content, $form, $modal_id); } /** * Load a field from form * * @since 1.4.2 * * @param array $form Form config * @param string $field_base_id Field ID * * @return array */ public static function load_field($form, $field_base_id) { if (!empty($form['fields'][$field_base_id])) { $field = $form['fields'][$field_base_id]; } else { //probably bad, but opportunity to defined using "caldera_forms_render_setup_field" $field = array(); } /** * Filter the field setup before render * * Note, $field might be empty, must be array after this or field will not render, which is useful for preventing render or creating field types at this filter. * * @since unknown * * @param string $notice Notices HTML * @param array $config Form config */ $field = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_setup_field', $field, $form); return $field; } /** * Load the plugin text domain for translation. * */ public function load_plugin_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain($this->plugin_slug, false, basename(CFCORE_PATH) . '/languages'); } /** * Setup internals / AKA activate stuffs * */ public static function init_cf_internal() { if (false == self::$internal_init) { add_rewrite_tag('%cf_api%', '([^&]+)'); add_rewrite_tag('%cf_entry%', '([^&]+)'); // INIT API add_rewrite_rule('^cf-api/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/?', 'index.php?cf_api=$matches[1]&cf_entry=$matches[2]', 'top'); add_rewrite_rule('^cf-api/([^/]*)/?', 'index.php?cf_api=$matches[1]', 'top'); self::$internal_init = true; // check update version $db_version = get_option('CF_DB', 0); update_option( 'CF_DB', 7 ); $force_update = false; // ensure that admin can only force update if (Caldera_Forms::get_manage_cap('admin') && isset($_GET['cal_db_update'])) { $force_update = (bool)wp_verify_nonce($_GET['cal_db_update']); } include_once CFCORE_PATH . 'includes/updater.php'; if ( CF_DB > $db_version || $force_update) { self::check_tables(); if ($db_version < 2 || $force_update) { caldera_forms_db_v2_update(); } if ( $db_version < 4 || $force_update) { self::activate_caldera_forms(true); caldera_forms_write_db_flag(4); } if (($db_version < 6 || $force_update) && class_exists('Caldera_Forms_Forms')) { caldera_forms_db_v6_update(); } if (($db_version < 7 || $force_update) ) { caldera_forms_db_v7_update(); } if (($db_version < 8 || $force_update) ) { Caldera_Forms_Transient::clear_wpcron(); } caldera_forms_write_db_flag(CF_DB ); } else { $version = caldera_forms_get_last_update_version(); if (empty($version) || version_compare($version, CFCORE_VER) !== 0) { update_option('_calderaforms_lastupdate', CFCORE_VER); } } } } /** * Activate and setup plugin * * @param bool $force Optional. If true, tables are checked no matter what. Default is false */ public static function activate_caldera_forms($force = false) { //if running on activation hook, load order is wrong. if( ! did_action( 'caldera_forms_includes_complete' ) ){ caldera_forms_load(); } include_once CFCORE_PATH . 'includes/updater.php'; $version = caldera_forms_get_last_update_version(); global $wpdb; // ensure urls are there self::init_cf_internal(); //make sure we have all tables self::check_tables(); if ($version >= '1.1.5') { return; // only if 1.1.4 or lower } // check for field_id from 1.0.4 $columns = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entry_values`", ARRAY_A); $fields = array(); foreach ($columns as $column) { $fields[] = $column['Field']; } if (!in_array('field_id', $fields)) { $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entry_values` ADD `field_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL AFTER `entry_id`;"); $wpdb->query("CREATE INDEX `field_id` ON `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entry_values` (`field_id`); "); // update all entries $forms = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`,`form_id` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entries`", ARRAY_A); $known = array(); if (!empty($forms)) { foreach ($forms as $form) { if (!isset($known[$form['form_id']])) { $config = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form['form_id']); if (empty($config)) { continue; } $known[$form['form_id']] = $config; } else { $config = $known[$form['form_id']]; } foreach ($config['fields'] as $field_id => $field) { $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entry_values", array('field_id' => $field_id), array( 'entry_id' => $form['id'], 'slug' => $field['slug'] )); } } } } // add status $columns = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entries`", ARRAY_A); $fields = array(); foreach ($columns as $column) { $fields[] = $column['Field']; } if (!in_array('status', $fields) && $version < '1.2.0') { $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entries` ADD `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'active' AFTER `datestamp`;"); $wpdb->query("CREATE INDEX `status` ON `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entries` (`status`); "); } } /** * Check that we have all tables * * @since 1.5.1 */ public static function check_tables() { if (!did_action('caldera_forms_checked_tables')) { global $wpdb; if (!class_exists('Caldera_Forms_DB_Tables')) { include_once CFCORE_PATH . 'classes/db/tables.php'; } self::$tables = new Caldera_Forms_DB_Tables($wpdb); self::$tables->add_if_needed(); /** * Runs after checking for all database tables being present * * Mainly exists to prevent this from running multiple times * * @since 1.5.1 * * @param Caldera_Forms_DB_Tables $tables Caldera_Forms_DB_Tables object */ do_action('caldera_forms_checked_tables', self::$tables); } } /** * View a star rating form value * * @param int $value Value for star ratring * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config * * @return string HTML markup */ public static function star_rating_viewer($value, $field, $form) { $out = "<div style=\"color: " . $field['config']['color'] . "; font-size: 10px;display: inline;\" >"; if (!empty($field['config']['number'])) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $field['config']['number']; $i++) { $star = 'raty-' . $field['config']['type'] . '-off'; if ($i <= $value) { $star = 'raty-' . $field['config']['type'] . '-on'; } $out .= '<span data-alt="' . $i . '" class="' . $star . '" title="' . $i . '" style="margin-right: -2px;"></span> '; } } $out .= '</div>'; return $out; } /** * Output markup for file fields * * @param array $value Saved file paths * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config * * @return string */ public static function handle_file_view($value, $field, $form) { $out = array(); foreach ((array)$value as $file_url) { $out[] = '<a href="' . $file_url . '" target="_blank">' . basename($file_url) . '</a>'; } return implode(', ', $out); } /** * Prepare email attachments * * @deprecated * * @param array $mail Email data * @param array $data Form data * @param array $form For config * * @return array */ public static function mail_attachment_check($mail, $data, $form) { _deprecated_function(__METHOD__, '1.5.9', 'Caldera_Forms_Email_Filters::mail_attachment_check'); return Caldera_Forms_Email_Filters::mail_attachment_check($mail, $data, $form); } /** * Check a captcha * * @param string $value Attempted captcha value * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config * * @return bool|\WP_Error True if valid, WP_Error if not */ public static function captcha_check($value, $field, $form) { return true; if (!isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']) || empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { return new WP_Error('error'); } $args = array( 'secret' => $field['config']['private_key'], 'response' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']) ); $request = wp_remote_get('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?' . build_query($args)); $result = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($request)); if (empty($result->success)) { return new WP_Error('error', __("The captcha wasn't entered correctly.", 'caldera-forms') . ' <a href="#" class="reset_' . sanitize_text_field($_POST[$field['ID']]) . '">' . __('Reset', 'caldera-forms') . '<a>.'); } } /** * Update saved entry data for a field. * * @param array $field Field config * @param int $entry_id The entry ID * @param array $form Form config */ public static function update_field_data($field, $entry_id, $form) { global $wpdb, $form; // is capture? $field_type = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_type($field, $form); $not_support = Caldera_Forms_Fields::not_support($field_type, 'entry_list'); if ($not_support) { return; } $new_data = self::get_field_data($field['ID'], $form); $original_data = self::get_field_data($field['ID'], $form, $entry_id); if ($original_data === $new_data) { // no change return; } if (has_filter('caldera_forms_update_field')) { $new_data = apply_filters('caldera_forms_update_field', $new_data, $field, $form); } if (has_filter('caldera_forms_update_field_' . $field['type'])) { $new_data = apply_filters('caldera_forms_update_field_' . $field['type'], $new_data, $field, $form); } if ($original_data !== null) { $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . 'cf_form_entry_values', array( 'entry_id' => $entry_id, 'field_id' => $field['ID'] )); } foreach ((array)$new_data as $entry_data) { // no entry - add first $new_entry = array( 'entry_id' => $entry_id, 'field_id' => $field['ID'], 'slug' => $field['slug'], 'value' => $entry_data, ); Caldera_Forms_Entry_Field::insert($new_entry); } } /** * Save entry data for a field. * * @param array $field Field config * @param int $entry_id The entry ID * @param array $form Form config */ public static function save_field_data($field, $entry_id, $form) { global $wpdb, $form; if (!empty($field['conditions']['type'])) { if (!self::check_condition($field['conditions'], $form)) { return; } } if (!isset($field['ID'], $field['slug'])) { return; } $data = self::get_field_data($field['ID'], $form); if (empty($data) && 0 != $data) { return; } foreach ((array)$data as $key => $raw_entry) { $entry = Caldera_Forms_Sanitize::sanitize($raw_entry); if (has_filter('caldera_forms_save_field')) { /** * Filter field data before saving * * @since unknown * * @param mixed $entry Field data to save * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config @since 1.5.2 * @param int $entry_id ID of entry to save for @since 1.5.2 */ $entry = apply_filters('caldera_forms_save_field', $entry, $field, $form, $entry_id); } if (has_filter('caldera_forms_save_field_' . $field['type'])) { /** * Filter field data before saving for a specific field type * * @since unknown * * @param mixed $entry Field data to save * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config @since 1.5.2 * @param int $entry_id ID of entry to save for @since 1.5.2 */ $entry = apply_filters('caldera_forms_save_field_' . $field['type'], $entry, $field, $form, $entry_id); } $field_item = array( 'entry_id' => $entry_id, 'field_id' => $field['ID'], 'slug' => $field['slug'], 'value' => self::do_magic_tags($entry) ); // named key kets .key to slug if (!is_int($key)) { // Keyed $keyed = true; $field_item['slug'] .= '.' . $key; } // Save Caldera_Forms_Entry_Field::insert($field_item); } if (!empty($keyed)) { if (has_filter('caldera_forms_save_field_combined' . $field['type'])) { $data = apply_filters('caldera_forms_save_field_combined' . $field['type'], $entry, $field); } $field_item = array( 'entry_id' => $entry_id, 'field_id' => $field['ID'], 'slug' => $field['slug'], 'value' => json_encode($data) ); Caldera_Forms_Entry_Field::insert($field_item); } } /** * Save final form data * * @param array $form Form config * * @return void|\WP_Error */ public static function save_final_form($form) { global $transdata; $entryid = null; // check submit type (new or update) if (isset($_POST['_cf_frm_edt'])) { // is edit //check user can edit this item. $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $details = Caldera_Forms::get_entry_detail($_POST['_cf_frm_edt'], $form); // check token if (is_array($details) && isset($_POST['_cf_frm_edt_tkn'])) { $validated = Caldera_Forms_Entry_Token::verify_token($_POST['_cf_frm_edt_tkn'], $details['id'], $form['ID']); if (is_wp_error($validated)) { return $validated; } else { $entry_id = $details['id']; $edit_token = Caldera_Forms_Entry_Token::create_entry_token($entry_id, $form); } } else { if (!empty($user_id)) { if (!empty($details)) { // check user can edit if (current_user_can('edit_posts') || absint($details['user_id'] ) === $user_id) { $entryid = $_POST['_cf_frm_edt']; } else { return new WP_Error('error', __("Permission denied.", 'caldera-forms')); } } } } } if (!empty($form['db_support'])) { Caldera_Forms_Save_Final::save_in_db($form, $entryid); } if (self::should_send_mail($form, $transdata)) { Caldera_Forms_Save_Final::do_mailer($form, $entryid); } } /** * Creates a send log to debug mailer problems * * @param object $phpmailer The phpmailer object */ public static function debug_mail_send($phpmailer) { global $transdata, $wpdb; // this is a hack since there is not filter / action for a failed mail... yet //$phpmailer->SMTPDebug = 3; ob_start(); $phpmailer->SMTPDebug = 3; try { $phpmailer->Send(); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { print_r($phpmailer->ErrorInfo); } print_r($phpmailer); $phpmailer->SMTPDebug = 0; $result = ob_get_clean(); $meta_entry = array( 'entry_id' => $transdata['entry_id'], 'process_id' => '_debug_log', 'meta_key' => 'debug_log', 'meta_value' => $result ); $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'cf_form_entry_meta', $meta_entry); } /** * Return an instance of this class. * * * @return object A single instance of this class. */ public static function get_instance() { // If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now. if (null == self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * Change redirect notices using magic tags. * * @param array $notices Current notices * @param array $form Form config * * @return array */ public static function override_redirect_notice($notices, $form) { if (isset($form['processors'])) { foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor) { if ($processor['type'] == 'form_redirect') { if (isset($processor['conditions']) && !empty($processor['conditions']['type'])) { if (!self::check_condition($processor['conditions'], $form)) { continue; } } $notices['success']['note'] = self::do_magic_tags($processor['config']['message']); } } } return $notices; } /** * Do the redirect * * @param string $referrer Reffering URL * @param array $form Form config * @param $processid * * @return string URL to redirect to. */ public static function do_redirect($referrer, $form, $processid) { if (isset($form['processors'])) { foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor) { if ($processor['type'] == 'form_redirect') { if (isset($processor['conditions']) && !empty($processor['conditions']['type'])) { if (!self::check_condition($processor['conditions'], $form)) { continue; } } if (!empty($processor['config']['url'])) { // set message add_filter('caldera_forms_render_notices', array( 'Caldera_Forms', 'override_redirect_notice' ), 10, 2); //passback urls $referrer = parse_url($referrer); $query_vars = array(); if (!empty($referrer['query'])) { parse_str($referrer['query'], $referrer['query']); if (isset($referrer['query']['cf_su'])) { unset($referrer['query']['cf_su']); } $query_vars = array_merge($query_vars, $referrer['query']); } // get vars in url $base_redirect = self::do_magic_tags($processor['config']['url']); $redirect = parse_url($base_redirect); if (!empty($redirect['query'])) { parse_str($redirect['query'], $redirect['query']); $base_redirect = explode('?', $base_redirect, 2); $query_vars = array_merge($redirect['query'], $query_vars); $redirect = add_query_arg($query_vars, $base_redirect[0]); } else { $redirect = add_query_arg($query_vars, $base_redirect); } return $redirect; } } } } return $referrer; } /** * Process the auto-responder * * @since unknown * * @param array $config Processor config * @param array $form Form config */ public static function send_auto_response($config, $form) { global $form; $entry_id = self::get_field_data('_entry_id', $form); // new filter to alter the config. $config = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autoresponse_config', $config, $form); // remove required bounds. unset($config['_required_bounds']); $message = $config['message']; foreach ($config as $tag => &$value) { if ($tag !== 'message') { $message = str_replace('%' . $tag . '%', $value, $message); $value = self::do_magic_tags($value); } } // set header $headers[] = 'From: ' . $config['sender_name'] . ' <' . $config['sender_email'] . '>'; if (empty($message)) { $message = ' '; } $html = false; if (!isset($config['html']) || true == $config['html']) { $headers[] = "Content-type: text/html"; $message = self::do_magic_tags($message); $html = true; } else { $message = self::do_magic_tags($message); } if (!$html) { $message = strip_tags($message); } // setup mailer $subject = $config['subject']; if (Caldera_Forms_Email_Prepare::is_list($config['recipient_email'])) { $recipients = Caldera_Forms_Email_Prepare::prepare_email_array(explode(',', $config['recipient_email'])); if (!caldera_forms_pro_is_active()) { $send_local = true; } else { $send_local = \calderawp\calderaforms\pro\container::get_instance()->get_settings()->get_form($form['ID'])->should_send_local(); } if ($send_local) { $array_recipients = array(); foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { $array_recipients[] = $recipient['name'] . ' <' . $recipient['email'] . '>'; } $recipients = $array_recipients; } } else { $recipients = $config['recipient_name'] . ' <' . $config['recipient_email'] . '>'; } $email_message = array( 'recipients' => $recipients, 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'headers' => $headers, 'attachments' => array() ); if (!is_email($config['sender_email'])) { $config['sender_email'] = Caldera_Forms_Email_Fallback::get_fallback($form); } if (!empty($config['reply_to'])) { $email_message['replyto'] = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags($config['reply_to']); $email_message['headers'][] = 'Reply-To: ' . $email_message['replyto']; } $email_message['cc'] = false; if (!empty($config['cc'])) { $email_message['cc'] = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags($config['cc']); $cc_array = array_map('trim', preg_split('/[;,]/', Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags($config['cc']))); foreach ($cc_array as $cc_to) { if (is_email($cc_to)) { $email_message['headers'][] = 'Cc: ' . $cc_to; } } } $email_message['bcc'] = false; if (!empty($config['bcc'])) { $email_message['bcc'] = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags($config['bcc']); $bcc_array = array_map('trim', preg_split('/[;,]/', Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags($config['bcc']))); foreach ($bcc_array as $bcc_to) { if (is_email($bcc_to)) { $email_message['headers'][] = 'Bcc: ' . $bcc_to; } } } /** * Filter email to be sent as auto responder * * Return null to prevent sending * * @since unknown * * @param array $email_message Message to send * @param array $config Auto-responder config * @param array $form Form config * @param int $entry_id Entry ID * */ $email_message = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autoresponse_mail', $email_message, $config, $form, $entry_id); if (null === $email_message) { return; } if ('wp' !== Caldera_Forms_Email_Settings::get_method()) { $email_message['from'] = $email_message['replyto'] = $config['sender_email']; $email_message['from_name'] = $config['sender_name']; $email_message['bcc'] = $email_message['csv'] = false; Caldera_Forms_Save_Final::do_mailer($form, null, null, $email_message); return; } do_action('caldera_forms_do_autoresponse', $config, $form); // send mail $sent = wp_mail($email_message['recipients'], $email_message['subject'], implode("\r\n", (array)$email_message['message']), implode("\r\n", (array)$email_message['headers']), $email_message['attachments']); if (!$sent) { /** * Fires if wp_mail returns false in autoresponder * * @since 1.2.3 * * @param array $email_message Email data * @param array $config Auto responder settings * @param array $form The form config */ do_action('caldera_forms_autoresponder_failed', $email_message, $config, $form); } } /** * Load built-in form processors * * @param array $processors * * @return array */ public function get_form_processors($processors) { $internal_processors = array( 'auto_responder' => array( "name" => __('Auto Responder', 'caldera-forms'), "description" => __('Sends out an auto response e-mail', 'caldera-forms'), "post_processor" => array($this, 'send_auto_response'), "template" => CFCORE_PATH . "processors/auto_responder/config.php", "default" => array( 'subject' => __('Thank you for contacting us', 'caldera-forms') ), ), 'form_redirect' => array( "name" => __('Redirect', 'caldera-forms'), "description" => __('Redirects user to URL on successful submit', 'caldera-forms'), "template" => CFCORE_PATH . "processors/redirect/config.php", "single" => false ), 'conditional_recipient' => array( "name" => __('Conditional Recipient', 'caldera-forms'), "description" => __('Send email to different recipients depending on conditions', 'caldera-forms'), "template" => CFCORE_PATH . "processors/conditional_recipient/config.php", 'post_processor' => array('Caldera_Forms_Processor_Conditional_Recipient', 'post_processor'), "single" => false ), 'increment_capture' => array( "name" => __('Increment Value', 'caldera-forms'), "description" => __('Increment a value per entry.', 'caldera-forms'), "processor" => array($this, 'increment_value'), "template" => CFCORE_PATH . "processors/increment/config.php", "single" => true, "conditionals" => false, "magic_tags" => array( 'increment_value' ) ) ); // akismet $wp_api_key = get_option('wordpress_api_key'); if (!empty($wp_api_key)) { $internal_processors['akismet'] = array( "name" => __('Akismet', 'caldera-forms'), "description" => __('Anti-spam filtering', 'caldera-forms'), "pre_processor" => array($this, 'akismet_scanner'), "template" => CFCORE_PATH . "processors/akismet/config.php", "single" => false, ); } if (!is_array($processors) || empty($processors)) { return $internal_processors; } return array_merge($processors, $internal_processors); } /** * Increment value using the incrimental value processor * * @since unknown * * @param array $config Processor config * @param array $form Form config * * @return array Key is new value. */ public function increment_value($config, $form) { $option = '_increment_' . $config['processor_id']; $field_id = $field_value = false; if (!empty($config['field'])) { $field_id = $config['field']; $field_value = Caldera_Forms::get_field_data($field_id, $form); } $saved_value = get_option($option, $config['start']); if (is_numeric($field_value)) { $increment_value = $saved_value + $field_value; } else { $increment_value = $saved_value + 1; } /** * Filter value for incremental processor * * Runs after logic of incremental value is calculated, before is written to field value or tracking option * * @since 1.4.5 * * @param int $increment_value New value * @param int $saved_value Previous value * @param array $config Processor config * @param array $form Form config */ $increment_value = apply_filters('caldera_forms_incremental_value', $increment_value, $saved_value, $config, $form); update_option($option, $increment_value); if ($field_id) { self::set_field_data($field_id, $increment_value, $form); } return array( 'increment_value' => $increment_value ); } /** * Apply Akismets * * @param array $config Processor config * @param array $form Form config * * @return array */ static public function akismet_scanner($config, $form) { global $post; $wp_api_key = get_option('wordpress_api_key'); if (empty($wp_api_key)) { return array('type' => 'error', 'note' => __('Akismet not setup.')); } // set permalink if ($post->ID) { $permalink = get_permalink($post->ID); } else { $permalink = get_home_url(); } // is contact form or reg form $regform = self::get_processor_by_type('user_register', $form); if (!empty($regform)) { $type = 'signup'; } else { $type = 'contact-form'; } // Call to comment check $data = array( 'blog' => get_home_url(), 'user_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'permalink' => $permalink, 'comment_type' => $type, 'comment_author' => self::do_magic_tags($config['sender_name']), 'comment_author_email' => self::do_magic_tags($config['sender_email']) ); if (!empty($config['url'])) { $data['comment_author_url'] = self::do_magic_tags($config['url']); }; if (!empty($config['content'])) { $data['comment_content'] = self::do_magic_tags($config['content']); }; $request = http_build_query($data); $host = $http_host = $wp_api_key . '.rest.akismet.com'; $path = '/1.1/comment-check'; $port = 80; $akismet_ua = "WordPress/3.8.1 | Akismet/2.5.9"; $content_length = strlen($request); $http_request = "POST $path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $http_request .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Length: {$content_length}\r\n"; $http_request .= "User-Agent: {$akismet_ua}\r\n"; $http_request .= "\r\n"; $http_request .= $request; $response = ''; if (false != ($fs = @fsockopen($http_host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10))) { fwrite($fs, $http_request); while (!feof($fs)) { $response .= fgets($fs, 1160); } // One TCP-IP packet fclose($fs); $response = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2); } if ('true' == $response[1]) { return array('type' => 'error', 'note' => self::do_magic_tags($config['error'])); } } /** * Catch known functions that were supported at https://calderaforms.com/doc/calculation-fields/ and are not sipported by parser https://github.com/denissimon/formula-parser * * @since 1.8.5 * * @param string $formula The string used to evaluate the math formula * * @return bool||string of coma seperated deprecated symbol */ static public function check_deprecated_math_functions($formula) { //List known depracated functions $deprecated = array( ',', '**', 'pow', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'max', 'min', 'random'); //Look for matching known symbol in formula and push it in a symbols array foreach ($deprecated as $symbol) { if (strpos($formula, $symbol) !== FALSE) { $symbols[] = $symbol; } } //If symbols array is not empty convert it to a string and return the string if(is_array($symbols) && !empty($symbols)){ $symbols = implode( ',', $symbols); return $symbols; } else { //Else return false return false; } } /** * Calculation based on create_function() ( deprecated since PHP 7.2.0 ) * * @since 1.8.5 * * @param string $formula that needs to be parsed and processed as a calculation * * @return result of calculation */ static public function original_calculation_job( $formula ) { $total_function = create_function(null, 'return ' . $formula . ';'); $total = $total_function(); return $total; } /** * Process when php >= 7.2.0 and deprecated is caught * * @since 1.8.5 * * @param string $formula to be sent to original calculation job * @param string $deprecated function or symbol caught * * @return original process and notice for admin users */ static public function calculation_deprecated_caught_process( $formula, $deprecated ) { if( current_user_can( Caldera_Forms::get_manage_cap('admin') ) ) { $message = sprintf( '"%s" %s', $deprecated, __('has been deprecated in calculation fields for compatibility with PHP 7.2 or later', 'caldera-forms') ); /** * The notice currentl only works whe ajax is enabled * * TODO Add notice for non ajax submissions */ add_filter('caldera_forms_render_notices', function( $out ) use ( $message ){ //Add an error notice holding the $message $out[ 'error' ][ 'note' ] = $message; return $out; }, 25); } return self::original_calculation_job($formula); } /** * Process a calculation field. * * @param string $value The calculation to run * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config * * @return int|string */ static public function run_calculation($value, $field, $form) { if (false === Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::check_conditional($field, $form)) { return; } $formula = $field['config']['formular']; // get manual if (!empty($field['config']['manual'])) { $formula = $field['config']['manual_formula']; preg_match_all("/%(.+?)%/", $formula, $hastags); if (!empty($hastags[1])) { $binds = array(); foreach ($hastags[1] as $tag_key => $tag) { foreach (Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_fields($form, false) as $key_id => $fcfg) { if ($fcfg['slug'] === $tag) { $binds[] = '#' . $key_id; $bindfields[] = '"' . $key_id . '"'; $formula = str_replace($hastags[0][$tag_key], $key_id, $formula); } } } } } if (empty($formula)) { return 0; } $formula = self::do_magic_tags($formula, null, $form); if (false !== strpos($formula, 'Math.')) { $formula = str_replace('Math.', '', $formula); } foreach (Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_fields($form, false) as $fid => $form_field) { if (false !== strpos($formula, $fid)) { $number = Caldera_Forms_Field_Calculation::get_value($form_field, $form); $number = '(' . $number . ')'; $formula = str_replace($fid, $number, $formula); } } if (false !== strpos($formula, '/0')) { return new WP_Error($field['ID'] . '-calculation', __('Calculation is invalid (division by zero)', 'caldera-forms')); } //If PHP version is less than 7.2.0, continue using old function if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '<')){ $total = self::original_calculation_job($formula); } else { //else avoid using create_function() when using PHP version >= 7.2.0 //Check if the formula use a symbol or function not supported by the parser but declared as supported at https://calderaforms.com/doc/calculation-fields/ $deprecated = self::check_deprecated_math_functions( $formula ); //Use parser if no deprecated caught if( $deprecated === false ){ try { //Initiate parser $parser = new StdMathParser(); // Generate an abstract syntax tree $AST = $parser->parse( trim($formula) ); // Do something with the AST, e.g. evaluate the expression: $evaluator = new Evaluator(); //Get result $total = $AST->accept($evaluator); } catch( Exception $e) { //Return to old process if an Exception was returned and display a warning for admins $total = self::calculation_deprecated_caught_process( $formula, __('A symbol in the formula', 'caldera_forms') ); } } else { //else add warning for admins and run original process $total = self::calculation_deprecated_caught_process( $formula, $deprecated ); } } if (is_infinite($total) || !is_numeric($total)) { return new WP_Error($field['ID'] . '-calculation', __('Calculation is invalid', 'caldera-forms')); } $total = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::format_calc_field($field, $total); return $total; } /** * Include the template for a calculation field * * @return string HTML for field. */ static public function calculations_templates() { include CFCORE_PATH . "fields/calculation/line-templates.php"; } /** * Check to see if the field is used in a calculation (use to display the label) * * @param string $value Value to filter. * @param array $field Field config. * @param array $form Form congig. * * @return array|string */ function filter_options_calculator($value, $field, $form) { // if (!empty($form)) { foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_id => $field_conf) { if ($field_conf['type'] !== 'calculation') { continue; } // auto if (!empty($field_conf['config'])) { $binddown = json_encode($field_conf['config']['config']); if (false !== strpos($binddown, $field['ID']) || false !== strpos($field_conf['config']['manual_formula'], $field['ID'])) { foreach ($field['config']['option'] as $option_id => $option) { if (is_array($value)) { if (in_array($option['value'], $value)) { $key = array_search($option['value'], $value); $value[$key] = $option['label'] . ' <small class="view_option_value">(' . $value[$key] . ')</small>'; } } else { if ($option['value'] == $value) { return $option['label'] . ' <small class="view_option_value">(' . $value . ')</small>'; } } } } if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode('<br>', $value); } } } } return $value; } /** * Applies the inline rules for fields conditionals * * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config * * @return array Options for field */ public function apply_conditional_groups($field, $form) { if (!empty($form['conditional_groups']['conditions'][$field['conditions']['type']])) { $group = $form['conditional_groups']['conditions'][$field['conditions']['type']]; if (!isset($field['conditions']['group'])) { $field['conditions']['group'] = array(); } if (!isset($group['group'])) { $group['group'] = array(); } $field['conditions']['type'] = $group['type']; $field['conditions']['group'] = $group['group']; } return $field; } /** * Default callback for auto populating select fields * * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config * * @return array Options for field */ public function auto_populate_options_field($field, $form) { if (!empty($field['config']['auto'])) { $field['config']['option'] = array(); switch ($field['config']['auto_type']) { case 'post_type': case 'easy-query' : if (!isset($field['config']['orderby_post'])) { $field['config']['orderby_post'] = 'date'; } if (!isset($field['config']['order'])) { $field['config']['order'] = 'ASC'; } $args = array( 'post_type' => $field['config']['post_type'], 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'order' => $field['config']['order'], 'orderby' => $field['config']['orderby_post'] ); /** * Modify arguments for WP_Query used to auto-populate post type fields * * @since unknown * * @param array $args Args for WP_Query * @param array $form Form config */ $args = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autopopulate_post_type_args', $args, $field); $posts = get_posts($args); if ($field['config']['value_field'] === 'id') { $field['config']['value_field'] = 'ID'; } elseif ($field['config']['value_field'] === 'name') { $field['config']['value_field'] = 'post_name'; } /** * Filter which field is used for the VALUE when getting autopopulate option values when autopopulating options from post types * * Value can be any WP_Post field, or a meta key (be careful will return an empty string if that meta key isn't set for the post. * * @since 1.2.2 * * @param string $field What field to use for the value. Default is "ID". * @param array $field Config for the field. * @param array $form Config for the form. * @param array $posts Current post collection. */ $field_for_value = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autopopulate_options_post_value_field', $field['config']['value_field'], $field, $form, $posts); $field['config']['value_field'] = $field_for_value; /** * Filter which field is used for the LABEL when getting autopopulate option values when autopopulating options from post types * * Value can be any WP_Post field, or a meta key (be careful will return an empty string if that meta key isn't set for the post. * * @since 1.2.2 * * @param string $field What field to use for the label. Default is "post_title". * @param array $field Config for the field. * @param array $form Config for the form. * @param array $posts Current post collection. */ $field_for_label = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autopopulate_options_post_label_field', 'post_title', $field, $form, $posts); foreach ($posts as $post_item) { $field['config']['option'][$post_item->ID] = array( 'value' => $post_item->{$field_for_value}, 'label' => $post_item->{$field_for_label} ); } break; case 'taxonomy': if ($field['config']['value_field'] === 'id') { $field['config']['value_field'] = 'term_id'; } if (!isset($field['config']['orderby_tax'])) { $field['config']['orderby_tax'] = 'count'; } if (!isset($field['config']['order'])) { $field['config']['order'] = 'ASC'; } $args = array( 'orderby' => $field['config']['orderby_tax'], 'order' => $field['config']['order'], 'hide_empty' => 0 ); /** * Modify arguments for get_terms() used to auto-populate taxononmy type fields * * @since unknown * * @param array $args Args for get_terms() * @param array $form Form config */ $args = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autopopulate_taxonomy_args', $args); $terms = get_terms($field['config']['taxonomy'], $args); /** * Filter which field is used for the VALUE when getting autopopulate option values when autopopulating options from post types * * Value must be a standard taxonomy term field. * * @since 1.2.2 * * @param string $field What field to use for the value. Default is "term_id". * @param array $field Config for the field. * @param array $form Config for the form. * @param array $posts Current term collection. */ $field_for_value = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autopopulate_options_taxonomy_value_field', $field['config']['value_field'], $field, $form, $terms); $field['config']['value_field'] = $field_for_value; /** * Filter which field is used for the LABEL when getting autopopulate option values when autopopulating options from post types * * Value must be a standard taxonomy term field. * * @since 1.2.2 * * @param string $field What field to use for the label. Default is "name". * @param array $field Config for the field. * @param array $form Config for the form. * @param array $posts Current term collection. */ $field_for_label = apply_filters('caldera_forms_autopopulate_options_taxonomy_label_field', 'name', $field, $form, $terms); foreach ($terms as $term) { $field['config']['option'][$term->term_id] = array( 'value' => $term->{$field_for_value}, 'label' => $term->{$field_for_label} ); } break; } } else { $field = self::format_select_options($field); } return $field; } /** * Verify and format select options * * @since 1.3.2 * * @param array $field Field config * * @return array */ static public function format_select_options($field) { if (!empty($field['config']['option'])) { foreach ($field['config']['option'] as &$option) { if (strlen($option['value']) === 0) { $option['value'] = $option['label'] = self::do_magic_tags($option['label']); } else { $option['value'] = self::do_magic_tags($option['value']); $option['label'] = self::do_magic_tags($option['label']); } } } return $field; } /** * Evaluate a conditional. * * @param array $conditions Conditions. * @param array $form Form config. * @param null|int $entry_id Optional. Entry ID to test by. * * @return bool */ static public function check_condition($conditions, $form, $entry_id = null) { if (empty($conditions['group'])) { return true; } /** * Determine result of condition before logic runs * * @since 1.5.7 * * @param null|bool $result Return a boolean to bypass logic and use that as result. Else normal logic will be run. * @param array $conditions The condition to be checked * @param array $form Form config * @param int|null $entry_id Entry ID. May be null. */ $result = apply_filters('caldera_forms_pre_check_condition', null, $conditions, $form, $entry_id); if (is_bool($result)) { return $result; } $trues = array(); foreach ($conditions['group'] as $groupid => $lines) { $truelines = array(); foreach ($lines as $lineid => $line) { if (isset($form['fields'][$line['field']]['config']['option'][$line['value']])) { $line['value'] = $form['fields'][$line['field']]['config']['option'][$line['value']]['value']; } $line['value'] = self::do_magic_tags($line['value']); $value = (array)self::get_field_data($line['field'], $form, $entry_id); if (empty($value)) { $value = array(''); } // do field value replaces if (false !== strpos($line['value'], '%')) { $isslug = self::get_slug_data(trim($line['value'], '%'), $form, $entry_id); if ($isslug !== null) { $line['value'] = $isslug; } } $truelines[$lineid] = false; switch ($line['compare']) { case 'is': if (is_array($value)) { if (in_array($line['value'], $value)) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } else { if ($value == $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } break; case 'isnot': if (is_array($value)) { if (!in_array($line['value'], $value)) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } else { if ($value != $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } break; case '>': case 'greater': if (is_array($value)) { if (array_sum($value) > $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } else { if ($value > $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } break; case '<': case 'smaller': if (is_array($value)) { if (array_sum($value) < $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } else { if ($value < $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } break; case 'startswith': if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $part) { if (0 === strpos($part, $line['value'])) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } } else { if (substr($value, 0, strlen($line['value'])) == $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } break; case 'endswith': if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $part) { if (substr($part, strlen($part) - strlen($line['value'])) == $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } } else { if (substr($value, strlen($value) - strlen($line['value'])) == $line['value']) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } break; case 'contains': if (is_array($value)) { if (false !== strpos(implode('', $value), $line['value'])) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } else { if (false !== strpos($value, $line['value'])) { $truelines[$lineid] = true; } } break; } } $trues[$groupid] = in_array(false, $truelines) ? false : true; } $result = false; if ($conditions['type'] == 'use' || $conditions['type'] == 'show') { if (in_array(true, $trues)) { $result = true; } } elseif ($conditions['type'] == 'not' || $conditions['type'] == 'hide' || $conditions['type'] == 'disable') { if (!in_array(true, $trues)) { $result = true; } } /** * Change result of condition after logic runs * * @since 1.5.7 * * @param bool $result If condition passes or not * @param array $conditions The condition to be checked * @param array $form Form config * @param int|null $entry_id Entry ID. May be null. */ return apply_filters('caldera_forms_post_check_condition', $result, $conditions, $form, $entry_id); } // FRONT END STUFFF /** * Perform redirect * * @param string $type Type of redirect being performed. * @param string $url URL to redirect to. * @param array $form Form config. * @param string $processid Process ID for process calling the redirect. */ static public function form_redirect($type, $url, $form, $processid) { $url = apply_filters('caldera_forms_redirect_url', $url, $form, $processid); $url = apply_filters('caldera_forms_redirect_url_' . $type, $url, $form, $processid); do_action('caldera_forms_redirect', $type, $url, $form, $processid); do_action('caldera_forms_redirect_' . $type, $url, $form, $processid); if (!empty($url)) { cf_redirect($url, 302); exit; } } /** * Add default magic tags * * @param array $tags * * @return array */ public function set_magic_tags($tags) { // get internal tags $system_tags = array( 'entry_id', 'entry_token', 'ip', 'user:id', 'user:user_login', 'user:first_name', 'user:last_name', 'user:user_email' => array( 'text', 'email' ), 'get:*', 'post:*', 'request:*', 'post_meta:*', 'embed_post:ID', 'embed_post:post_title', 'embed_post:permalink', 'embed_post:post_date' => array( 'text', 'date_picker' ), 'date:Y-m-d H:i:s' => array( 'text', 'date_picker' ), 'date:Y/m/d', 'date:Y/d/m', 'login_url', 'logout_url', 'register_url', 'lostpassword_url' ); $tags['system'] = array( 'type' => __('System Tags', 'caldera-forms'), 'tags' => $system_tags, 'wrap' => array('{', '}') ); // get processor tags $processors = Caldera_Forms_Processor_Load::get_instance()->get_processors(); if (!empty($processors)) { foreach ($processors as $processor_key => $processor) { if (isset($processor['magic_tags'])) { foreach ($processor['magic_tags'] as $key_tag => $value_tag) { if (!isset($tags[$processor_key])) { $tags[$processor_key] = array( 'type' => $processor['name'], 'tags' => array(), 'wrap' => array('{', '}') ); } if (is_array($value_tag)) { // compatibility specific $tag = $processor_key . ':' . $key_tag; if (!isset($tags[$processor_key]['tags'][$tag])) { if (!in_array('text', $value_tag)) { $value_tag[] = 'text'; } $tags[$processor_key]['tags'][$tag] = $value_tag; } } else { // compatibility text $tag = $processor_key . ':' . $value_tag; if (!in_array($tag, $tags)) { $tags[$processor_key]['tags'][] = $tag; } } } } } } return $tags; } /** * Parse magic tags * * @param string $value * @param null|int $entry_id Optional. Entry ID to test by. * @param array $magic_caller The form/processor/entry to evaluate against. May also be a powerful wizard. * * @return mixed */ static public function do_magic_tags($value, $entry_id = null, $magic_caller = array()) { global $form, $referrer; $entry_details = array(); $input_value = $value; $this_form = $form; // pull in the metadata for entry ID if (null !== $entry_id) { $entry_details = Caldera_Forms_Magic_Doer::magic_tag_meta_prepare($entry_id); } if (is_string($value)) { if (!empty($entry_details)) { $value = Caldera_Forms_Magic_Doer::do_processor_magic($value, $entry_details); } // check for magics $value = Caldera_Forms_Magic_Doer::do_bracket_magic($value, $this_form, $entry_id, $magic_caller, $referrer); // fields $value = Caldera_Forms_Magic_Doer::do_field_magic($value, $entry_id, $this_form); } return $value; } /** * Get all types of fields currently available. * * @deprecated Soft deprecated in 1.5.0, will hard deprecated in 1.5.1 * * @return array Array of field types. */ static public function get_field_types() { return Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); } /** * Get all processors, in a form, of a specific type * * @param string $type Processor type. * @param array $form Form config * * @return array|bool Processor config if found. False if not. */ static public function get_processor_by_type($type, $form) { if (is_string($form)) { $form_cfg = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form); if (!empty($form_cfg['ID'])) { if ($form_cfg['ID'] !== $form || empty($form_cfg['processors'])) { return false; } } $form = $form_cfg; } if (!empty($form['processors'])) { $processors = array(); foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor) { if ($processor['type'] == $type) { $processors[] = $processor; $processors[$processor['ID']] = $processor; } } if (empty($processors)) { return false; } return $processors; } return false; } /** * Set a specific meta key from form meta. * * @param string $key Name of key. * @param mixed $value Value to save. * @param string|array form Form config array or ID of form. * @param string $processor_id Optional. ID of processor. Default is "meta" * * @return bool */ static public function set_submission_meta($key, $value, $form, $processor_id = 'meta') { global $processed_meta; if (is_string($form)) { $form['ID'] = $form; } // set value if (isset($form['ID'])) { if (isset($processed_meta[$form['ID']][$processor_id][$key])) { if (in_array($value, $processed_meta[$form['ID']][$processor_id][$key])) { return true; } } $processed_meta[$form['ID']][$processor_id][$key][] = $value; return true; } } /** * Set a field's data to be saved form a form entry. * * @param string $field_id ID of field. * @param mixed $data Data to save. * @param string|array form Form config array or ID of form. * @param bool|false $entry_id Optional. Entry ID to save in. * * @return mixed */ static public function set_field_data($field_id, $data, $form, $entry_id = false) { global $processed_data; $current_data = self::get_field_data($field_id, $form, $entry_id); if (is_string($form)) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form); } if (!is_array($form)) { global $form; } if (!is_array($form)) { return null; } $field = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field($field_id, $form); if (is_array($field) && false === Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::check_conditional($field, $form)) { return; } // form object if (isset($form['ID'])) { if (isset($form['fields'][$field_id])) { $processed_data[$form['ID']][$field_id] = $data; return true; } else { // is field_id a slug perhaps? foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) { if ($field['slug'] == $field_id) { $processed_data[$form['ID']][$field['ID']] = $data; return true; } } } } // generic field data $processed_data[$form['ID']][$field_id] = $data; return true; } /** * Get a field's data. * * @since * * @param string $field_id ID of field. * @param string|array $form Form config array or ID of form. * @param bool|false $entry_id Optional. Entry ID to save in. * @param bool $check_conditionals . Optional. If conditionals should be checked. Default is true. @since * * @return bool */ static public function get_field_data($field_id, $form, $entry_id = false, $check_conditionals = true) { global $processed_data; if (is_string($form)) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form); if (!isset($form['ID']) || $form['ID'] !== $form) { return null; } } if (!is_array($form)) { global $form; } if (!is_array($form)) { return null; } $field = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field($field_id, $form); if ($check_conditionals && is_array($field) && false === Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::check_conditional($field, $form)) { return; } $indexkey = $form['ID']; if (!empty($entry_id)) { $indexkey = $form['ID'] . '_' . $entry_id; } // is ID or slug? if (!isset($form['fields'][$field_id])) { foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) { if ($field['slug'] == $field_id) { $field_id = $field['ID']; break; } } } // get processed cached item if (isset($processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id])) { return $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id]; } // entry fetch if (!empty($entry_id) && isset($form['fields'][$field_id])) { if (!empty($processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id])) { $entry = $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id]; } elseif (!empty($processed_data[$form['ID']]) && !empty($processed_data[$form['ID']]['_entry_id'])) { $entry = null; if ($processed_data[$form['ID']]['_entry_id'] === $entry_id) { $processed_data[$indexkey] = $processed_data[$form['ID']]; if (!empty($processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id])) { $entry = $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id]; } } } else { $entry = null; } if (!$entry) { global $wpdb; $entry = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare( "SELECT `value` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entry_values` WHERE `entry_id` = %d AND `field_id` = %s", $entry_id, $field_id ), ARRAY_A); //allow plugins to alter the value $entry = apply_filters('caldera_forms_get_field_entry', $entry, $field_id, $form, $entry_id); $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry; if (!empty($entry)) { if (count($entry) > 1) { $out = array(); foreach ($entry as $item) { $out[] = $item['value']; } $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $out; } else { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry[0]['value']; if (isset($processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id]['value'])) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id]['value']; } } } else { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = null; } } return $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id]; } if (isset($form['fields'][$field_id])) { // get field $field = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_setup_field', $form['fields'][$field_id], $form); if (empty($field) || !isset($field['ID'])) { return null; } // get field types $field_types = Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); if (!isset($field_types[$field['type']])) { return null; } $entry = null; // dont bother if conditions say it shouldnt be here. if (!empty($field['conditions']['type'])) { if (!self::check_condition($field['conditions'], $form, $entry_id)) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry; return $entry; } } // check condition to see if field should be there first. // check if conditions match first. ignore vailators if not part of condition if (isset($_POST[$field_id])) { $entry = stripslashes_deep($_POST[$field_id]); } elseif (isset($_POST[$field['slug']])) { // is slug maybe? $entry = stripslashes_deep($_POST[$field['slug']]); } // apply field filter if (has_filter('caldera_forms_process_field_' . $field['type'])) { $entry = apply_filters('caldera_forms_process_field_' . $field['type'], $entry, $field, $form); if (is_wp_error($entry)) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry; return $entry; } } if (is_string($entry) && strlen($entry) <= 0) { $entry = null; } // is static if (!empty($field_types[$field['type']]['static'])) { // is options or not if (!empty($field_types[$field['type']]['options'])) { if (is_array($entry)) { $out = array(); foreach ($entry as $option_id => $option) { if (isset($field['config']['option'][$option_id])) { if (!isset($field['config']['option'][$option_id]['value'])) { $field['config']['option'][$option_id]['value'] = $field['config']['option'][$option_id]['label']; } if (empty($field['config']['option'][$option_id]['value'])) { $field['config']['option'][$option_id]['value'] = $field['config']['option'][$option_id]['label']; } $out[$option_id] = self::do_magic_tags($field['config']['option'][$option_id]['value']); } elseif (isset($field['config']['option'][$option])) { if (!isset($field['config']['option'][$option]['value'])) { $field['config']['option'][$option]['value'] = $field['config']['option'][$option]['label']; } $out[$option_id] = self::do_magic_tags($field['config']['option'][$option]['value']); } else { // array based / check value agains submitted array. foreach ($field['config']['option'] as $option_id => $set_option) { if ($set_option['value'] === $option) { $out[] = self::do_magic_tags($set_option['value']); } } } } $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $out; } else { if (!empty($field['config']['option'])) { foreach ($field['config']['option'] as $option) { if ($option['value'] == $entry) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = self::do_magic_tags($entry); break; } } } } } else { if ('0' === $entry || 0 === $entry) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry; } elseif (!empty($entry)) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry; } elseif (isset($field['config']['default'])) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = self::do_magic_tags($field['config']['default']); } else { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = ''; } } } else { // dynamic $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry; } } else { $is_tag = self::do_magic_tags($field_id); if ($is_tag !== $field_id) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $is_tag; } } if (isset($processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id])) { return $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id]; } elseif (!empty($entry)) { $processed_data[$indexkey][$field_id] = $entry; return $entry; } return null; } /** * Get the configuration for a field. * * @deprecated (Soft deprecated in 1.5.0, will be for reals deprecated in 1.6.0) * * @param string $slug Slug of field to get config for. * @param array $form Form config array. * * @return bool|mixed|void */ static public function get_field_by_slug($slug, $form) { return Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field_by_slug($slug, $form); } /** * Get field data, by slug, and by entry. * * @param string $slug Slug of field to get config for. * @param array $form Form config array. * @param bool|false $entry_id Optional. The entry ID. * * @return bool|array */ static public function get_slug_data($slug, $form, $entry_id = false) { $out = array(); if (false !== strpos($slug, '.')) { $slug_parts = explode('.', $slug); $slug = array_shift($slug_parts); } $field_types = Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_id => $field) { if ($field['slug'] == $slug) { return self::get_field_data($field_id, $form, $entry_id); } } } /** * Get saved data for a form entry * * @param int $entry_id Entry ID * @param null|array $form Optional. Form config. * * @return array|null|void */ static public function get_entry_detail($entry_id, $form = null) { global $wpdb, $form; $entry = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entries` WHERE `id` = %d", $entry_id), ARRAY_A); if (!empty($entry)) { if (null === $form) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($entry['form_id']); if (empty($form)) { return null; } } // get meta if any $meta = self::get_entry_meta($entry_id, $form); if (!empty($meta)) { $entry['meta'] = $meta; } } $entry = apply_filters('caldera_forms_get_entry_detail', $entry, $entry_id, $form); return $entry; } /** * Get all meta for an entry. * * @param int $entry_id Entry ID * @param array $form Form config. * @param null|string $type Optional. Type of meta to get. If null, the default, all meta is returned. * * @return array */ static public function get_entry_meta($entry_id, $form, $type = null) { global $wpdb; $entry_meta = array(); $entry_meta_data = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cf_form_entry_meta` WHERE `entry_id` = %d", $entry_id), ARRAY_A); if (!empty($entry_meta_data)) { $processors = Caldera_Forms_Processor_Load::get_instance()->get_processors(); foreach ($entry_meta_data as $meta_index => $meta) { // is json? $is_json = @json_decode($meta['meta_value'], ARRAY_A); if (!empty($is_json)) { $meta['meta_value'] = $is_json; } $group = 'meta'; $meta = apply_filters('caldera_forms_get_entry_meta', $meta, $form); if (isset($form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]) || $meta['process_id'] == '_debug_log') { if ($meta['process_id'] == '_debug_log') { $meta['meta_value'] = '<pre>' . $meta['meta_value'] . '</pre>'; $entry_meta['debug'] = array( 'name' => __('Mailer Debug', 'caldera-forms'), 'data' => array( '_debug_log' => array( 'entry' => array( 'log' => Caldera_Forms_Sanitize::remove_scripts($meta) ) ) ) ); continue; } $process_config = array(); if (isset($form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['config'])) { $process_config = $form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['config']; } $group = $form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['type']; if (!empty($type)) { if ($group != $type) { continue; } } $meta = apply_filters('caldera_forms_get_entry_meta_' . $form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['type'], $meta, $process_config, $form); // allows plugins to remove it. if (!empty($meta)) { if (!isset($entry_meta[$group])) { // is processor if (isset($form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['type']) && isset($processors[$form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['type']])) { $meta_name = $processors[$form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['type']]['name']; } else { if ($meta['process_id'] == '_debug_log') { $meta_name = __('Mailer Debug', 'caldera-forms'); } else { $meta_name = $meta['process_id']; } } $entry_meta[$group] = array( 'name' => $meta_name, 'data' => array() ); // custom template if (isset($processors[$form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['type']]['meta_template']) && file_exists($processors[$form['processors'][$meta['process_id']]['type']]['meta_template'])) { $entry_meta[$group][$group . '_template'] = $entry_meta[$group]['template'] = true; } } //if(!empty($meta['meta_title'])){ // $entry_meta[$group]['data'][$meta['process_id']]['title'] = $meta['meta_title']; //} $entry_meta[$group]['data'][$meta['process_id']]['entry'][$meta['meta_key']] = $meta; /*if(is_array($meta['meta_value'])){ foreach($meta['meta_value'] as $mkey=>$mval){ $entry['meta'][$group]['data'][$meta['process_id']]['title'] = $meta['meta_key']; $entry['meta'][$group]['data'][$meta['process_id']]['entry'][] = array( 'meta_key' => $mkey, 'meta_value' => $mval ); } }else{ $entry['meta'][$group]['data'][$meta['process_id']]['entry'][] = array( 'meta_key' => $meta['meta_key'], 'meta_value' => $meta['meta_value'] ); }*/ } } } } // if type if (!empty($type)) { //return only type if (!empty($entry_meta[$type]['data'])) { return $entry_meta[$type]['data']; } } return $entry_meta; } /** * Get submission data from a form being submitted or a saved entry * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form Config. * @param bool|false $entry_id Optional. Entry ID to get data for, or if false, the default, get form current submission. * @param bool $check_conditionals . Optional. If conditionals should be checked. Default is true. @since * * @return array|\WP_Error */ static public function get_submission_data($form, $entry_id = false, $check_conditionals = true) { global $processed_data; if (is_string($form)) { $form_id = $form; $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form); if (!isset($form['ID']) || $form['ID'] !== $form_id) { return new WP_Error('fail', __('Invalid form ID', 'caldera-forms')); } } $indexkey = $form['ID']; if (!empty($entry_id)) { $indexkey = $form['ID'] . '_' . $entry_id; } // get processed cached item using the form id if (isset($processed_data[$indexkey])) { return $processed_data[$indexkey]; } // prep data array $processed_data[$indexkey] = array(); // initialize process data foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_id => $field) { // get data if (!empty($field['conditions']['type'])) { if ($check_conditionals && !self::check_condition($field['conditions'], $form, $entry_id)) { continue; } } self::get_field_data($field_id, $form, $entry_id, $check_conditionals); } return $processed_data[$indexkey]; } /** * Process current POST data as form submission. */ static public function process_submission() { /** You MUST not add anything before caldera_forms_submit_process_before action. */ /** * Runs before Caldera_Forms::process_submission() does anything * * @since 1.5.7 */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_process_before'); global $post; global $process_id; global $form; global $field_types; global $rawdata; global $processed_data; global $transdata; global $wpdb; global $referrer; // clean out referrer if (empty($_POST['_wp_http_referer_true'])) { $_POST['_wp_http_referer_true'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } $referrer = parse_url($_POST['_wp_http_referer_true']); if (!empty($referrer['query'])) { parse_str($referrer['query'], $referrer['query']); if (isset($referrer['query']['cf_er'])) { unset($referrer['query']['cf_er']); } if (isset($referrer['query']['cf_su'])) { unset($referrer['query']['cf_su']); } } if ((isset($_POST['_cf_cr_pst']) && !is_object($post)) || (isset($_POST['_cf_cr_pst']) && $post->ID !== (int)$_POST['_cf_cr_pst'])) { $post = get_post((int)$_POST['_cf_cr_pst']); } // get form and check $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($_POST['_cf_frm_id']); if (empty($form['ID']) || $form['ID'] != $_POST['_cf_frm_id']) { return; } // instance number $form_instance_number = 1; if (isset($_POST['_cf_frm_ct'])) { $form_instance_number = $_POST['_cf_frm_ct']; } // check honeypot if (Caldera_Forms_Field_Honey::active($form)) { $passed = Caldera_Forms_Field_Honey::check($_POST, $form); if (!$passed) { $url = Caldera_Forms_Field_Honey::redirect_url($referrer, $form_instance_number, $process_id); self::form_redirect('complete', $url, $form, uniqid('_cf_bliss_')); } } // init filter $form = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_get_form', $form); /** * Runs at beginning of process of submitting form * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param string $process_id Process ID, may not be set yet. * */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_start', $form, $process_id); if (!empty($form['fields'])) { foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_id => $field) { $field = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field($field, $form, true); if (!is_array($field) || empty($field)) { unset($form['fields'][$field_id]); } else { $form['fields'][$field_id] = $field; } } } // check source is ajax to overide if (!empty($_POST['cfajax']) && $_POST['cfajax'] == $form['ID']) { $form['form_ajax'] = 1; } // get all fieldtype $field_types = Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); // setup fieldtypes field submissions if (!empty($field_types)) { foreach ($field_types as $fieldType => $fieldConfig) { // check for a handler if (isset($fieldConfig['handler'])) { add_filter('caldera_forms_process_field_' . $fieldType, $fieldConfig['handler'], 10, 3); } // check for a hash if (isset($fieldConfig['save'])) { add_filter('caldera_forms_save_field_' . $fieldType, $fieldConfig['save'], 10, 4); } // check for a hash if (isset($fieldConfig['validate'])) { add_filter('caldera_forms_validate_field_' . $fieldType, $fieldConfig['validate'], 10, 3); } } } // SET process ID if (isset($_GET['cf_er'])) { $_POST['_cf_frm_tr'] = $_GET['cf_er']; } if (isset($_POST['_cf_frm_tr'])) { $pretransient = Caldera_Forms_Transient::get_transient($_POST['_cf_frm_tr']); if (!empty($pretransient['transient']) && $pretransient['transient'] === $_POST['_cf_frm_tr']) { $transdata = $pretransient; $process_id = $transdata['transient']; // unset error details if (isset($transdata['type'])) { unset($transdata['type']); } if (isset($transdata['note'])) { unset($transdata['note']); } if (isset($transdata['error'])) { unset($transdata['error']); } if (isset($transdata['fields'])) { unset($transdata['fields']); } } } if (empty($process_id)) { $process_id = uniqid('_cf_process_'); } // initialize data $entry_id = false; if (isset($_POST['_cf_frm_edt'])) { $entry_id = (int)$_POST['_cf_frm_edt']; } $data = self::get_submission_data($form); // set transient for returns submissions if (empty($transdata)) { $transdata = array( 'transient' => $process_id, 'form_instance' => $form_instance_number, 'expire' => 600, 'data' => array_merge($_POST, $data), ); } // remove AJAX value for tp_ if (isset($transdata['data']['cfajax'])) { unset($transdata['data']['cfajax']); } // setup transient data $transdata = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_transient_setup', $transdata); // setup processor bound requieds if (!empty($form['processors'])) { $bound_fields = array(); foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor_id => $processor) { if (!empty($processor['config']['_required_bounds'])) { foreach ($processor['config'] as $slug => &$value) { if ($slug == '_required_bounds') { continue; } if (in_array($slug, $processor['config']['_required_bounds'])) { if (isset($form['fields'][$value])) { if (!isset($process_data[$value])) { $form['fields'][$value]['required'] = 1; } } } } } } } // check submit type (new or update) if (isset($_POST['_cf_frm_edt'])) { // is edit //check user can edit this item. $transdata['edit'] = (int)$_POST['_cf_frm_edt']; // set entry_id self::set_field_data('_entry_id', $transdata['edit'], $form); $details = self::get_entry_detail($_POST['_cf_frm_edt'], $form); $user_id = get_current_user_id(); // check token if (isset($_POST['_cf_frm_edt_tkn'])) { $validated = Caldera_Forms_Entry_Token::verify_token($_POST['_cf_frm_edt_tkn'], $entry_id, $form['ID']); if (is_wp_error($validated)) { return $validated; } else { $edit_token = Caldera_Forms_Entry_Token::create_entry_token($entry_id, $form); } } else { if (empty($user_id)) { $transdata['error'] = true; $transdata['note'] = __('Permission denied or entry does not exist.', 'caldera-forms'); } else { if (empty($details)) { $transdata['error'] = true; $transdata['note'] = __('Permission denied or entry does not exist.', 'caldera-forms'); } else { // check user can edit if (current_user_can('edit_posts') || absint($details['user_id'] ) === $user_id) { // can edit. } else { $transdata['error'] = true; $transdata['note'] = __('Permission denied or entry does not exist.', 'caldera-forms'); } } } } } //check if we added the field to indicate fields from pages not needed //@see https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues/1579 if (empty($_POST['_cf_future'])) { $future_fields = ''; } else { $future_fields = $_POST['_cf_future']; } // start brining in entries foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_id => $field) { $entry = self::get_field_data($field_id, $form); if (is_wp_error($entry)) { $transdata['fields'][$field_id] = $entry->get_error_message(); } else { // required check $failed = false; // run validators if (has_filter('caldera_forms_validate_field_' . $field['type'])) { /** * Add custom validation by field type or change field value. * * Return WP_Error to trigger validation error * * @since unknown * * @param mixed $entry Field value * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config */ $entry = apply_filters('caldera_forms_validate_field_' . $field['type'], $entry, $field, $form); } /** * Add custom validation by field ID or change field value. * * Return WP_Error to trigger validation error * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param mixed $entry Field value * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config */ $entry = apply_filters('caldera_forms_validate_field_' . $field['ID'], $entry, $field, $form); // if required, check the validators returned errors or not. if (!empty($field['required'])) { // check is supported if (isset($field_types[$field['type']]['setup']['not_supported']) && in_array('required', (array)$field_types[$field['type']]['setup']['not_supported'])) { continue; } //check if field is on a page after submit button //@see https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues/1579 if (false !== strpos($future_fields, $field['ID'])) { continue; } // check if conditions match first. ignore vailators if not part of condition if (false === Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::check_conditional($field, $form)) { continue; } // if error - return so if (is_wp_error($entry)) { $transdata['fields'][$field_id] = $entry->get_error_message(); } elseif ($entry === null) { $transdata['fields'][$field_id] = $field['label'] . ' ' . __('is required', 'caldera-forms'); } } } } // check requireds if (!empty($transdata['fields']) || !empty($transdata['error'])) { $transdata['type'] = 'error'; // set error transient $transdata = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_transient', $transdata, $form, $referrer, $process_id); $transdata = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_transient_required', $transdata, $form, $referrer, $process_id); // back to form $query_str = array( 'cf_er' => $process_id ); if (!empty($referrer['query'])) { $query_str = array_merge($referrer['query'], $query_str); } $referrer = $referrer['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($query_str); $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_redirect', $referrer, $form, $process_id); $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_redirect_required', $referrer, $form, $process_id); Caldera_Forms_Transient::set_transient($process_id, $transdata, $transdata['expire']); return self::form_redirect('error', $referrer, $form, $process_id); } // has processors do_action('caldera_forms_submit_start_processors', $form, $referrer, $process_id); if (!isset($form['processors'])) { $form['processors'] = array(); } // get all form processors $form_processors = Caldera_Forms_Processor_Load::get_instance()->get_processors(); /** * Runs before the 1st stage of processors "pre-process" * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $referrer URL form was submitted via -- is passed through parse_url() before this point. * @param string $process_id Unique ID for this processing */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_pre_process_start', $form, $referrer, $process_id); /** * Remove processors that are not allowed to run on this pass * * @since 1.3.2 * */ foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor_id => $processor) { // the cf_version value in the form was introduced in 1.3.2 // so if its set, its safe to asume the runtimes are set. if (!isset($form['cf_version'])) { // nope if (!empty($transdata['edit'])) { unset($form['processors'][$processor_id]); } continue; } // normal check within version // chec if editing and is allowed if (!empty($transdata['edit']) && empty($processor['runtimes']['update'])) { // is editing and is set to not allow it so remove processor unset($form['processors'][$processor_id]); continue; } if (empty($transdata['edit']) && empty($processor['runtimes']['insert'])) { // is editing and is set to not allow it unset($form['processors'][$processor_id]); continue; } } // PRE PROCESS foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor_id => $processor) { if (isset($form_processors[$processor['type']])) { // Do Conditional if (isset($processor['conditions']) && !empty($processor['conditions']['type'])) { if (!self::check_condition($processor['conditions'], $form)) { continue; } } // has processor $process = $form_processors[$processor['type']]; if (!isset($process['pre_processor'])) { continue; } // set default config $config = array(); $config['processor_id'] = $processor_id; if (isset($process['default'])) { $config = $process['default']; } if (!empty($processor['config'])) { $config = array_merge($config, $processor['config']); } if (is_array($process['pre_processor'])) { $process_line_data = call_user_func_array($process['pre_processor'], array( $config, $form, $process_id )); } else { if (function_exists($process['pre_processor'])) { $func = $process['pre_processor']; $process_line_data = $func($config, $form, $process_id); } } // pre processors should not return unless a break in action for further // Returned something - check it if (!empty($process_line_data)) { if (is_array($process_line_data)) { //type if (!empty($process_line_data['type'])) { $transdata['type'] = $process_line_data['type']; // has note? if (!empty($process_line_data['note'])) { $transdata['note'] = $process_line_data['note']; } } // fields involved? if (!empty($process_line_data['fields'])) { $transdata['fields'] = $process_line_data['fields']; } // set error transient $transdata = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_transient', $transdata, $form, $referrer, $process_id); $transdata = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_transient_pre_process', $transdata, $form, $referrer, $process_id); // back to form $query_str = array( 'cf_er' => $process_id ); if (!empty($referrer['query'])) { $query_str = array_merge($referrer['query'], $query_str); } $referrer = $referrer['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($query_str); $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_redirect', $referrer, $form, $process_id); $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_return_redirect-' . $processor['type'], $referrer, $config, $form, $process_id); // set transient data Caldera_Forms_Transient::set_transient($process_id, $transdata, $transdata['expire']); return self::form_redirect('preprocess', $referrer, $form, $process_id); } } } } /** * Runs after the 1st stage of processors "pre-process" * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $referrer URL form was submitted via -- is passed through parse_url() before this point. * @param string $process_id Unique ID for this processing */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_pre_process_end', $form, $referrer, $process_id); /// AFTER PRE-PROCESS - check for errors etc to return else continue to process. if (empty($transdata['edit']) && !empty($form['db_support'])) { // CREATE ENTRY $new_entry = array( 'form_id' => $form['ID'], 'user_id' => 0, 'datestamp' => date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i:s', time(), 0), 'status' => 'pending' ); // if user logged in if (is_user_logged_in()) { $new_entry['user_id'] = get_current_user_id(); } else { if (isset($data['_user_id'])) { $new_entry['user_id'] = $data['_user_id']; } } $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'cf_form_entries', $new_entry); $entryid = $wpdb->insert_id; /** * Runs after an entry is saved * * @since 1.2.1 * * @param int $entryid The ID of the entry that was just saved. * @param array $new_entry Data that was saved * @param array $form Form being processed */ do_action('caldera_forms_entry_saved', $entryid, $new_entry, $form); // save entry_id self::set_field_data('_entry_id', $entryid, $form); $token = Caldera_Forms_Entry_Token::create_entry_token($entryid, $form); $transdata['entry_id'] = $entryid; // set edit token self::set_field_data('_entry_token', $token, $form); } elseif (!empty($transdata['edit'])) { $entryid = $transdata['edit']; } else { $entryid = false; } if (empty($entryid) && !empty($transdata['entry_id'])) { $entryid = $transdata['entry_id']; self::set_field_data('_entry_id', $entryid, $form); } /** * Runs before the 2nd stage of processors "process" * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $referrer URL form was submitted via -- is passed through parse_url() before this point. * @param string $process_id Unique ID for this processing * @param int|false $entryid Current entry ID or false if not set or being saved. */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_process_start', $form, $referrer, $process_id, $entryid); /// PROCESS foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor_id => $processor) { if (isset($form_processors[$processor['type']])) { // has processor // Do Conditional if (isset($processor['conditions']) && !empty($processor['conditions']['type'])) { if (!self::check_condition($processor['conditions'], $form)) { continue; } } $process = $form_processors[$processor['type']]; if (!isset($process['processor'])) { continue; } $hasmeta = null; // set default config $config = array(); $config['processor_id'] = $processor_id; if (isset($process['default'])) { $config = $process['default']; } if (!empty($processor['config'])) { $config = array_merge($config, $processor['config']); } if (is_array($process['processor'])) { $hasmeta = call_user_func_array($process['processor'], array($config, $form, $process_id)); } else { if (function_exists($process['processor'])) { $func = $process['processor']; $hasmeta = $func($config, $form, $process_id); } } if ($hasmeta !== null) { foreach ((array)$hasmeta as $metakey => $metavalue) { $meta_process_id = $processor_id; // single processors are generallay used so not processor id is needed if (!empty($form_processors[$processor['type']]['single'])) { $meta_process_id = $processor['type']; } self::set_submission_meta($metakey, $metavalue, $form, $processor_id); } } // check for transdata errors if (!empty($transdata['error'])) { // remove pending entry if (!empty($entryid) && !empty($new_entry) && $new_entry['status'] == 'pending') { // kill it with fire $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . 'cf_form_entries', array('id' => $entryid)); } // set error transient $transdata = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_error_transient', $transdata, $form, $referrer, $process_id); $transdata = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_error_transient_pre_process', $transdata, $form, $referrer, $process_id); // back to form $query_str = array( 'cf_er' => $process_id ); if (!empty($referrer['query'])) { $query_str = array_merge($referrer['query'], $query_str); } $referrer = $referrer['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($query_str); $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_error_redirect', $referrer, $form, $process_id); $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_error_redirect_pre_process', $referrer, $form, $process_id); // set transient data Caldera_Forms_Transient::set_transient($process_id, $transdata, $transdata['expire']); return self::form_redirect('error', $referrer, $form, $process_id); } } } /** * Runs after the 2nd stage of processors "process" * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $referrer URL form was submitted via -- is passed through parse_url() before this point. * @param string $process_id Unique ID for this processing * @param int|false $entryid Current entry ID or false if not set or being saved. */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_process_end', $form, $referrer, $process_id, $entryid); // AFTER PROCESS - do post process for any additional stuff /** * Runs before the 3rd and final stage of processors "post-process" * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $referrer URL form was submitted via -- is passed through parse_url() before this point. * @param string $process_id Unique ID for this processing * @param int|false $entryid Current entry ID or false if not set or being saved. */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_post_process', $form, $referrer, $process_id, $entryid); // POST PROCESS foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor_id => $processor) { if (isset($form_processors[$processor['type']])) { // has processor // Do Conditional if (isset($processor['conditions']) && !empty($processor['conditions']['type'])) { if (!self::check_condition($processor['conditions'], $form)) { continue; } } $process = $form_processors[$processor['type']]; if (!isset($process['post_processor'])) { continue; } // set default config $config = array(); $config['processor_id'] = $processor_id; if (isset($process['default'])) { $config = $process['default']; } if (!empty($processor['config'])) { $config = array_merge($config, $processor['config']); } if (is_array($process['post_processor'])) { $hasmeta = call_user_func_array($process['post_processor'], array( $config, $form, $process_id )); } else { if (function_exists($process['post_processor'])) { $func = $process['post_processor']; $hasmeta = $func($config, $form, $process_id); } } if ($hasmeta !== null) { foreach ((array)$hasmeta as $metakey => $metavalue) { self::set_submission_meta($metakey, $metavalue, $form, $processor_id); } } } } /** * Runs after the 3rd and final stage of processors "post-process" * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $referrer URL form was submitted via -- is passed through parse_url() before this point. * @param string $process_id Unique ID for this processing * @param int|false $entryid Current entry ID or false if not set or being saved. */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_post_process_end', $form, $referrer, $process_id, $entryid); /** * Runs after all processing for form completes * * @since unknown * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $referrer URL form was submitted via -- is passed through parse_url() before this point. * @param string $process_id Unique ID for this processing * @param int|false $entryid Current entry ID or false if not set or being saved. */ do_action('caldera_forms_submit_complete', $form, $referrer, $process_id, $entryid); // redirect back or to result page $referrer['query']['cf_su'] = $form_instance_number; // last entry id - new only if (empty($transdata['edit'])) { $cf_id = self::do_magic_tags('{entry_id}'); if (!empty($cf_id)) { $referrer['query']['cf_id'] = self::do_magic_tags('{entry_id}'); } } // passback values if (!empty($form['variables']['types'])) { foreach ($form['variables']['types'] as $variable_index => $behavior_type) { if ($behavior_type == 'passback') { $referrer['query'][$form['variables']['keys'][$variable_index]] = self::do_magic_tags($form['variables']['values'][$variable_index]); } } } $referrer = $referrer['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($referrer['query']); // filter refer $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_redirect', $referrer, $form, $process_id); $referrer = apply_filters('caldera_forms_submit_redirect_complete', $referrer, $form, $process_id); // kill transient data Caldera_Forms_Transient::delete_transient($process_id); return self::form_redirect('complete', $referrer, $form, $process_id); } /** * Makes Caldera Forms load the preview */ static public function cf_init_preview() { if (!isset($_GET, $_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::PREVIEW_KEY])) { return; } global $post, $form; $preview_id = trim($_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::PREVIEW_KEY]); if (!empty($preview_id)) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($preview_id); $userid = get_current_user_id(); if (!empty($userid)) { if (empty($form['ID']) || $form['ID'] !== trim($preview_id)) { return; } if (empty($post) || $post->post_title !== 'Caldera Forms Preview') { $temp_page = get_page_by_title('Caldera Forms Preview'); if (empty($temp_page)) { // create page $post = array( 'post_content' => '', 'post_name' => 'caldera_forms_preview', 'post_title' => 'Caldera Forms Preview', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_type' => 'page', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'comment_status' => 'closed' ); $page_id = wp_insert_post($post); $url = add_query_arg(array( 'page_id' => $page_id, 'preview' => true, Caldera_Forms_Admin::PREVIEW_KEY => $preview_id ), home_url()); if (isset($_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY])) { $url = add_query_arg(Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY, absint($_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY]), $url); } wp_redirect($url); exit; } if ($temp_page->post_status !== 'draft') { wp_update_post(array('ID' => $temp_page->ID, 'post_status' => 'draft')); } $url = add_query_arg(array( 'page_id' => $temp_page->ID, 'preview' => true, Caldera_Forms_Admin::PREVIEW_KEY => $preview_id ), home_url()); if (isset($_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY])) { $url = add_query_arg(Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY, absint($_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY]), $url); } wp_redirect($url); exit; } $post->post_title = $form['name']; if (isset($_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY])) { $post->post_content = '[caldera_form id="' . $_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::PREVIEW_KEY] . ' revision="' . absint($_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY]) . '"]'; } else { $post->post_content = '[caldera_form id="' . $_GET[Caldera_Forms_Admin::PREVIEW_KEY] . '"]'; } } } $form = self::check_for_forms_on_page(); } public function api_handler() { global $wp_query; if (isset($wp_query->query_vars[ 'cf_api' ])) { $form_id = caldera_forms_very_safe_string($wp_query->query_vars[ 'cf_api' ]); } elseif (isset($_GET, $_GET[ 'cf-api' ])) { $form_id = caldera_forms_very_safe_string($_GET[ 'cf-api' ]); } else { $form_id = null; } if (!$form_id) { return; } else { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form_id); $atts = [ 'id' => $form_id, 'ajax' => true, ]; if (!empty($_REQUEST[ 'cf_instance' ])) { $atts[ 'instance' ] = $_REQUEST[ 'cf_instance' ]; } //start buffering caldera_forms_start_buffer(); // push 200 status. in some cases plugins or permalink config may cause a 404 before going out header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", true); if (!empty($form[ 'ID' ])) { if ($form[ 'ID' ] === $form_id) { $entry_id = !empty($wp_query->query_vars[ 'cf_entry' ]) ? $wp_query->query_vars[ 'cf_entry' ] : isset($_GET, $_GET[ 'entry' ]) && absint($_GET[ 'entry' ]) ? $_GET[ 'entry' ] : null; if ($entry_id) { $atts[ 'entry' ] = (int)$entry_id; } if ($_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] === 'POST') { if (!empty($_POST[ 'control' ])) { $transient_name = sanitize_key($_POST[ 'control' ]); $transdata = Caldera_Forms_Transient::get_transient($transient_name); if (false === $transdata) { $transdata = []; } if (!empty($_FILES) && !empty($_POST[ 'field' ])) { $field = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field($form[ 'fields' ][ $_POST[ 'field' ] ], $form, true); $data = cf_handle_file_upload(true, $field, $form); if (is_wp_error($data)) { caldera_forms_send_json($data->get_error_message(), true); } $transdata[] = $data; Caldera_Forms_Transient::set_transient($transient_name, $transdata, DAY_IN_SECONDS); caldera_forms_send_json(['success' => true]); } } $_POST[ '_wp_http_referer_true' ] = 'api'; $_POST[ '_cf_frm_id' ] = $_POST[ 'cfajax' ] = $form_id; Caldera_Forms::process_form_via_post(); } } } echo self::render_form($atts);//use $atts not form in case of entry edit exit; } } /** * Retrieves the URL to the endpoint. * * Note: The returned URL is NOT escaped. * * @since 1.3.2 * * @param string $form_id form ID * * @return string Full URL */ static function get_submit_url($form_id = '') { if (is_multisite() && get_blog_option(null, 'permalink_structure') || get_option('permalink_structure')) { $url = get_home_url(); $url .= '/cf-api/' . ltrim($form_id, '/'); } else { $url = trailingslashit(get_home_url()); $url = add_query_arg('cf_api', $form_id, $url); } if (is_ssl()) { if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST)) { $url = set_url_scheme($url, 'https'); } } /** * Filter the Caldera Forms APU url * * @since 1.3.2 * * @param string $url URL. * @param string $form_id ID of form. */ return apply_filters('caldera_forms_submission_url', $url, $form_id); } /** * Makes Caldera Forms go in front-end! */ static public function cf_init_system() { if (!empty($_GET['cf_tp'])) { // process a transient stored entry $data = Caldera_Forms_Transient::get_transient($_GET['cf_tp']); if (!empty($data) && $data['transient'] === $_GET['cf_tp'] && isset($data['data'])) { // create post values $_POST = array_merge($_POST, $data['data']); // set transient id $_POST['_cf_frm_tr'] = $data['transient']; } } // hook into submission self::process_form_via_post(); } /** * Recursive array search. * * @param string|array $needle Value to search for. * @param array $haystack Array to search in * @param array $found Optional. Array to add found items to. Default is an empty array. * * @return array Array of found needles. */ static function search_array_fields($needle, $haystack, $found = array()) { if (is_array($needle)) { foreach ($needle as $pin) { $found = array_merge($found, self::search_array_fields($pin, $haystack)); } } else { if (in_array($needle, $haystack)) { $found[] = $needle; } } return $found; } /** * Load a saved entry. * * @since unknown * * @param int $entry_id Entry ID * @param string|array $form Optional. Config array, or ID of form. * * @return array|WP_Error|void */ static public function get_entry($entry_id, $form) { if (is_string($form)) { $form_id = $form; $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form); if (!is_array($form) || !isset($form['ID']) || $form['ID'] !== $form_id) { return new WP_Error('fail', esc_html__('Invalid form ID', 'caldera-forms')); } } if (empty($form)) { return; } // get fields $field_types = Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); //False for third arg added in to prevent conditions from being shown //See: https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues/1494 $entry = self::get_submission_data($form, $entry_id, false); $data = array( 'data' => array() ); foreach ($entry as $field_id => $field_value) { if (!isset($form['fields'][$field_id]) || !isset($field_types[$form['fields'][$field_id]['type']])) { continue; } //remove if not_supported $type = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_type(Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field($field_id, $form)); if (Caldera_Forms_Fields::not_support($type, 'entry_list')) { continue; } $field = $form['fields'][$field_id]; $field = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field($field, $form, true); if (is_string($field_value)) { // maybe json? $is_json = json_decode($field_value, ARRAY_A); if (!empty($is_json) && is_array($is_json)) { $field_value = $is_json; } else { $field_value = esc_html(stripslashes_deep($field_value)); } } // set view $field_view = apply_filters('caldera_forms_view_field_' . $field['type'], $field_value, $field, $form); // has options? if (!empty($field['config']['option'])) { $i = 0; foreach ($field['config']['option'] as $opt => $option) { if ($option['value'] == $field_view) { $field_view = $option['label']; if (is_array($field_value)) { if (isset($field_value[$opt])) { $field_value = $field_value[$opt]; } else { $field_value = ''; } } if (empty($field_types[$field['type']]['options'])) { $data['data'][$field_id . '_' . $i] = array( 'label' => $field['label'], 'view' => $field_view, 'value' => $field_value ); $i++; } } } } $data['data'][$field_id] = array( 'label' => $field['label'], 'view' => $field_view, 'value' => $field_value ); } // get meta $entry_detail = self::get_entry_detail($entry_id, $form); $data['date'] = self::localize_time($entry_detail['datestamp']); if (!empty($entry_detail['meta'])) { $data['meta'] = $entry_detail['meta']; } if (!empty($entry_detail['user_id'])) { $user = get_userdata($entry_detail['user_id']); if (!empty($user)) { $data['user'] = array( 'ID' => $user->ID, 'name' => $user->data->display_name, 'email' => $user->data->user_email, 'avatar' => get_avatar($user->ID, 150, 'identicon'), ); } } else { $avatar_field = null; if (!empty($form['avatar_field'])) { $avatar_field = self::get_field_data($form['avatar_field'], $form, $entry_id); } $data['user'] = array( 'avatar' => get_avatar($avatar_field, 150), ); } if (!empty($form['variables']['types'])) { foreach ($form['variables']['types'] as $var_key => $var_type) { if ($var_type == 'entryitem') { $var_val = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags($form['variables']['values'][$var_key], $entry_id); $data['data']['_var_' . $form['variables']['keys'][$var_key]] = array( 'label' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $form['variables']['keys'][$var_key])), 'view' => $var_val, 'value' => sanitize_text_field($var_val) ); } } } if (!isset($data['user'])) { $data['user'] = array(); } /** * Allows changes to user profile of entry * * @since unknown * * @param array $data_user The user data * @param int $entry_id ID of entry being returned * @param array $form Form config */ $data['user'] = apply_filters('caldera_forms_get_entry_user', $data['user'], $entry_id, $form); // set the entry status $data['status'] = $entry_detail['status']; /** * Changes entry being returned. * * @since unknown * * @param array $data The entry data * @param int $entry_id ID of entry * @param array $form Form config */ $data = apply_filters('caldera_forms_get_entry', $data, $entry_id, $form); return $data; } /** * Load a Caldera Form in a modal. * * @since unknown * @deprecated * * @param string|array $atts Shortcode atts or form ID * @param string $content Content to use in trigger link. * * @return string */ static public function render_modal_form($atts, $content) { _deprecated_function(__METHOD__, '', 'Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals::render_modal_form'); return Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals::modal_form($atts, $content); } /** * Print modal content in footer. * * @since unknown * * @uses "wp_footer" */ static public function render_footer_modals() { _deprecated_function(__METHOD__, '', 'Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals::render_footer_modals'); Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals::render_footer_modals(); } /** * Create HTML markup for a field. * * @since unknown * * @param array|string $field Form ID or shortcode atts or form config array * @param array|null $form Optional Form to load field from. Not necessary, but helps the filters out. * @param array $entry_data Optional. Entry data to populate field with. Null, the default, loads form for creating a new entry. * * @return string HTML for form, if it was able to be loaded, */ static public function render_field($field, $form = null, $entry_data = array(), $field_errors = array()) { $current_form_count = Caldera_Forms_Render_Util::get_current_form_count(); $type = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_type($field, $form); $field_id_attr = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_base_id($field, $current_form_count, $form); if( Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::is_cf2_field_type($type)){ $form_id_attribute = $form['ID'] . '_' . $current_form_count; $field['required'] = ! empty( $field['required'] ) ? true : false; $field['caption'] = ! empty( $field['caption'] ) ? $field['caption'] : ''; $field['config']['default'] = isset($field['config']['default']) ? $field['config']['default'] : ''; $renderer = new \calderawp\calderaforms\cf2\Fields\RenderField($form_id_attribute, array_merge( $field, [ 'fieldIdAttr' => $field_id_attr, 'formIdAttr' => $form_id_attribute, ]), [ 'formId' => $form['ID'], 'control' => uniqid( $type ) ] ); return $renderer->render(); } $field_classes = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::prepare_field_classes($field, $form); $field_wrapper_class = implode(' ', $field_classes['control_wrapper']); $field_input_class = implode(' ', $field_classes['field_wrapper']); $field_class = implode(' ', $field_classes['field']); // add error class if (!empty($field_errors)) { $field_wrapper_class .= " " . implode(' ', $field_classes['field_error']); } if (!empty($field['hide_label'])) { $field_classes['field_label'][] = 'screen-reader-text sr-only'; } $field_structure = array( "field" => $field, "id" => $field['ID'],//'fld_' . $field['slug'], "name" => $field['ID'],//$field['slug'], "wrapper_before" => "<div data-field-wrapper=\"" . $field['ID'] . "\" class=\"" . $field_wrapper_class . "\" id=\"" . $field_id_attr . "-wrap\">\r\n", "field_before" => "<div class=\"" . $field_input_class . "\">\r\n", "label_before" => "<label id=\"" . $field['ID'] . "Label\" for=\"" . $field_id_attr . "\" class=\"" . implode(' ', $field_classes['field_label']) . "\">", "label" => $field['label'], "label_required" => (empty($field['hide_label']) ? (!empty($field['required']) ? " <span aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"presentation\" class=\"" . implode(' ', $field_classes['field_required_tag']) . "\" style=\"color:#ee0000;\">*</span>" : "") : null), "label_after" => "</label>", "field_placeholder" => (!empty($field['hide_label']) ? 'placeholder="' . htmlentities($field['label']) . '"' : null), "field_required" => (!empty($field['required']) ? 'required="required"' : null), "field_value" => null, "field_caption" => (!empty($field['caption']) ? "<span id=\"" . $field['ID'] . "Caption\" class=\"" . implode(' ', $field_classes['field_caption']) . "\">" . $field['caption'] . "</span>\r\n" : ""), "field_after" => "</div>\r\n", "wrapper_after" => "</div>\r\n", "aria" => array() ); if (!in_array($type, array( 'button', 'hidden' ))) { $field_structure['aria']['labelledby'] = $field['ID'] . 'Label'; } // if has caption if (!empty($field['caption'])) { $field_structure['aria']['describedby'] = $field['ID'] . 'Caption'; } // add error if (!empty($field_errors)) { if (is_string($field_errors)) { $field_errors = array($field_errors); } foreach ($field_errors as $error) { $field_structure['field_caption'] = "<span class=\"" . implode(' ', $field_classes['field_caption']) . "\">" . $error . "</span>\r\n"; } } // value if (isset($field['config']['default'])) { $field_structure['field_value'] = self::do_magic_tags($field['config']['default']); } // transient data if (isset($entry_data[$field['ID']])) { $field_structure['field_value'] = $entry_data[$field['ID']]; } $field_structure = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_field_structure', $field_structure, $form); $field_structure = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_field_structure_type-' . $field['type'], $field_structure, $form); $field_structure = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_field_structure_slug-' . $field['slug'], $field_structure, $form); // compile aria tags if (!empty($field_structure['aria'])) { $aria_atts = null; foreach ($field_structure['aria'] as $att => $att_val) { $aria_atts .= ' aria-' . $att . '="' . esc_attr($att_val) . '"'; } $field_structure['aria'] = $aria_atts; } else { $field_structure['aria'] = ''; } $field_name = $field_structure['name']; $field_id = $field_structure['id'] . '_' . $current_form_count; $wrapper_before = $field_structure['wrapper_before']; $field_before = $field_structure['field_before']; $field_label = $field_structure['label_before'] . $field_structure['label'] . $field_structure['label_required'] . $field_structure['label_after'] . "\r\n"; $field_placeholder = $field_structure['field_placeholder']; $field_required = $field_structure['field_required']; $field_caption = $field_structure['field_caption']; $field_after = $field_structure['field_after']; $wrapper_after = $field_structure['wrapper_after']; // blank default $field_value = $field_structure['field_value']; // setup base instance ID $field_base_id = $field['ID']; // register strings $form_field_strings[$field_structure['id']] = array( 'id' => $field_structure['id'], 'instance' => $current_form_count, 'slug' => $field['slug'], 'label' => $field['label'] ); $field_types = Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); $field_file = $field_types[$field['type']]['file']; /** * Filter the file path to be used for a field's HTML in front-end * * @since 1.3.4 * * @param string $field_file The path to the file * @param string $field_type The field type * @param string $field The field ID. * @param string $field_structure Data to be used in field * @param array $form Current form (NOTE: May be null) */ $field_file = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_field_file', $field_file, $field['type'], $field['ID'], $field_file, $field_structure, $form); ob_start(); include $field_file; $field_html = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_field', ob_get_clean(), $form); $field_html = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_field_type-' . $field['type'], $field_html, $form); $field_html = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_field_slug-' . $field['slug'], $field_html, $form); return $field_html; } /** * Create HTML markup for a form. * * @param array|string $atts Form ID or shortcode atts or form config array * @param null|int $entry_id Optional. Entry ID to load data from. Null, the default, loads form for creating a new entry. * @param null $shortcode No longer used. * * @return void|string HTML for form, if it was able to be loaded */ static public function render_form($atts, $entry_id = null, $shortcode = null) { global $current_form_count, $form, $post; if (empty($atts)) { return; } if (is_string($atts)) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($atts); $atts = array(); } elseif (is_array($atts) && Caldera_Forms_Forms::is_revision($atts)) { $form = $atts; } elseif (is_array($atts) && isset($atts['ID'])) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($atts['ID']); } else { if (empty($atts['id'])) { if (!empty($atts['name'])) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($atts['name']); } } elseif (!empty($atts['id'])) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($atts['id']); } } if (empty($form)) { return; } $forms = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_forms(); if( !empty( $forms ) && !array_key_exists( $form['ID'], $forms)){ return; } // is this form allowed to render ( check state ) if (!empty($form['form_draft'])) { if (!isset($_GET['cf_preview']) || $_GET['cf_preview'] != $form['ID']) { if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'cf_get_form_preview') { echo '<p style="color: #cf0000;">' . __('Form is currently not active.', 'caldera-forms') . '</p>'; } else { return; } } else { echo '<div class="caldera-grid"><p class="alert alert-error alert-danger">' . __('Form is currently not active.', 'caldera-forms') . '</p></div>'; } } Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets::optional_style_includes(); if (isset($atts['ajax'])) { if (!empty($atts['ajax'])) { $form['form_ajax'] = 1; } else { $form['form_ajax'] = 0; } } // set entry edit if (!empty($atts['entry'])) { $entry_id = self::do_magic_tags($atts['entry']); } /** * Filter form settings, before rendering form. * * @since unknown * * @param int $entry_id The entry ID. * @param array $form Form config. */ $form = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_get_form', $form); /** * Set entry ID when loading form * * @since 1.2.3 * * @param int $entry_id The entry ID. * @param array $form Form config. */ $entry_id = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_entry_id', $entry_id, $form); if (empty($form)) { return; } /** * Runs after form is loaded and before rendering starts * * NOTE: An excellent way to conditionally abort form loading. * * @since 1.3.4 * * @param null|string $html By default, null. If string is returned, method will immediately return that string. * @param int $entry_id The entry ID. * @param array $form Form config. * @param array $atts Shortcode/function atts */ $html = apply_filters('caldera_forms_pre_render_form', null, $entry_id, $form, $atts); if (is_string($html)) { return $html; } $current_form_count = Caldera_Forms_Render_Util::get_current_form_count(); if (empty($current_form_count)) { $current_form_count = 0; } $current_form_count += 1; // set instance if (!empty($atts['instance'])) { $current_form_count = absint($atts['instance']); } $field_types = Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); do_action('caldera_forms_render_start', $form); $form_id_attribute = $form['ID'] . '_' . $current_form_count; $form_attributes = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'id' => $form_id_attribute, 'data-form-id' => $form['ID'], 'aria-label' => $form['name'] ); //add extra attributes to make AJAX submissions JS do its thing if (!empty($form['form_ajax'])) { add_filter('caldera_forms_render_form_attributes', 'cf_ajax_setatts', 10, 2); } /** * Modify HTML attributes applied to form element * * @since unknown * * @param array $form_attributes Array of HTML attributes * @param array $config Form config */ $form_attributes = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_form_attributes', $form_attributes, $form); include_once CFCORE_PATH . "classes/caldera-grid.php"; $gridsize = 'sm'; if (!empty($form['settings']['responsive']['break_point'])) { $gridsize = $form['settings']['responsive']['break_point']; } /** * What size grid to use for the grid * * @param string $size Size for grid. Default is "sm" */ $gridsize = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_set_grid_size', $gridsize); // set grid render engine $grid_settings = array( "first" => 'first_row', "last" => 'last_row', "single" => 'single', "before" => '<div %1$s class="row %2$s">', "after" => '</div>', "column_first" => 'first_col', "column_last" => 'last_col', "column_single" => 'single', "column_before" => '<div %1$s class="col-' . $gridsize . '-%2$d %3$s">', "column_after" => '</div>', 'form_id' => $form['ID'], 'form_id_attr' => $form_attributes['id'] ); // filter settings $grid_settings = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_grid_settings', $grid_settings, $form); $form['grid_object'] = new Caldera_Form_Grid($grid_settings); if (empty($form['layout_grid'])) { $form['layout_grid'] = array('structure' => ''); } // Build Pages Breaks if (false !== strpos($form['layout_grid']['structure'], '#')) { // setup pages $pages = explode('#', $form['layout_grid']['structure']); $page_breaks = array(); foreach ($pages as $page_no => $page) { $point = substr_count($page, '|') + 1; if (isset($page_breaks[$page_no - 1])) { $point += $page_breaks[$page_no - 1]; } $page_breaks[$page_no] = $point; } $form['layout_grid']['structure'] = str_replace('#', '|', $form['layout_grid']['structure']); } // setup notcies $notices = array(); $note_general_classes = Caldera_Forms_Render_Notices::get_note_general_classes($form); $note_classes = Caldera_Forms_Render_Notices::get_note_classes($note_general_classes, $form); $field_errors = array(); // edit entry from url if (!empty($_GET['cf_ee'])) { $entry_id = $_GET['cf_ee']; } // attr entry id if (!empty($atts['entry'])) { $entry_id = $atts['entry']; } if (!empty($entry_id)) { //check user can edit this item. $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $details = self::get_entry_detail($entry_id, $form); if (!empty($_GET['cf_et'])) { // build token $validated = Caldera_Forms_Entry_Token::verify_token(trim($_GET['cf_et']), $entry_id, $form['ID']); if (is_wp_error($validated)) { $notices['error']['note'] = __('Permission denied or entry does not exist.', 'caldera-forms'); } else { $edit_token = Caldera_Forms_Entry_Token::create_entry_token($entry_id, $form); } } else { if (!empty($user_id)) { if (!empty($details)) { // check user can edit if (current_user_can('edit_posts') || (is_array($details) && absint($details['user_id'] ) === $user_id)) { // can edit. $entry_id = (int)$details['id']; } else { $notices['error']['note'] = __('Permission denied or entry does not exist.', 'caldera-forms'); } } else { $notices['error']['note'] = __('Permission denied or entry does not exist.', 'caldera-forms'); } } else { $notices['error']['note'] = __('Permission denied or entry does not exist.', 'caldera-forms'); } } if (!empty($notices['error']['note'])) { $halt_render = true; $entry_id = false; } } // check for prev post $prev_data = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_pre_get_entry', array(), $form, $entry_id); // load requested data if (!empty($entry_id)) { $prev_entry = self::get_entry($entry_id, $form); $prev_data = array(); self::set_field_data('_entry_id', $entry_id, $form); foreach ($prev_entry['data'] as $field_id => $entry_data) { $prev_data[$field_id] = $entry_data['value']; } $prev_data = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_get_entry', $prev_data, $form, $entry_id); } if (!empty($_GET['cf_er'])) { $prev_post = Caldera_Forms_Transient::get_transient($_GET['cf_er']); if (!empty($prev_post['transient'])) { if ($prev_post['transient'] === $_GET['cf_er']) { foreach ($prev_post['data'] as $field_id => $field_entry) { if (!isset($form['fields'][$field_id])) { continue; // ignore non field data } if (!is_wp_error($field_entry)) { $prev_data[$field_id] = $field_entry; } } } if (!empty($prev_post['type']) && !empty($prev_post['note'])) { $notices[$prev_post['type']]['note'] = $prev_post['note']; } if (!empty($prev_post['error']) && !empty($prev_post['note'])) { $notices['error']['note'] = $prev_post['note']; } if (!empty($prev_post['fields'])) { $field_errors = array(); foreach ($prev_post['fields'] as $field_id => $field_error) { if (is_wp_error($field_error)) { $field_errors[$field_id] = $field_error->get_error_message(); } else { $field_errors[$field_id] = $field_error; } } } } // filter transient $prev_post = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_get_transient', $prev_post, $form); } if (!empty($_GET['cf_su']) && $current_form_count == $_GET['cf_su']) { if (empty($notices['success']['note'])) { $notices['success']['note'] = $form['success']; } } // build grid & pages $form['grid_object']->setLayout($form['layout_grid']['structure']); // insert page breaks if (!empty($page_breaks)) { $currentpage = 1; if (isset($_GET['cf_pg']) && !isset($prev_post['page'])) { $currentpage = (int)$_GET['cf_pg']; } elseif (isset($prev_post['page'])) { $currentpage = (int)$prev_post['page']; } $display = 'none'; $hidden = 'true'; if ($currentpage === 1) { $display = 'block'; $hidden = 'false'; } $total_rows = substr_count($form['layout_grid']['structure'], '|') + 1; $form['grid_object']->before('<div id="form_page_' . $current_form_count . '_pg_1" data-formpage="1" class="caldera-form-page" style="display:' . $display . ';" role="region" aria-labelledby="breadcrumb_' . $current_form_count . '_pg_1" aria-hidden="' . $hidden . '">', 1); $form['grid_object']->after('</div>', $total_rows); foreach ($page_breaks as $page => $break) { $form['grid_object']->after('</div>', $break); if ($break + 1 <= $total_rows) { $display = 'none'; $hidden = 'true'; if ($page + 2 == $currentpage) { $display = 'block'; $hidden = 'false'; } $form['grid_object']->before('<div id="form_page_' . $current_form_count . '_pg_' . ($page + 2) . '" data-formpage="' . ($page + 2) . '" role="region" aria-labelledby="breadcrumb_' . $current_form_count . '_pg_' . ($page + 2) . '" aria-hidden="' . $hidden . '" class="caldera-form-page" style="display:' . $display . ';">', $break + 1); } } } // setup processor bound requieds if (!empty($form['processors'])) { $bound_fields = array(); foreach ($form['processors'] as $processor_id => $processor) { if (!empty($processor['config']['_required_bounds'])) { foreach ($processor['config'] as $slug => &$value) { if ($slug == '_required_bounds') { continue; } if (in_array($slug, $processor['config']['_required_bounds'])) { $bound_fields = array_merge($bound_fields, self::search_array_fields($value, array_keys($form['fields']))); } } } } foreach ($bound_fields as $bound) { $form['fields'][$bound]['required'] = 1; } } $conditions_templates = array(); $conditions_configs = array(); $used_slugs = array(); $form_field_strings = array(); if (!empty($form['fields'])) { // prepare fields foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_id => $field) { $field = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_get_field', $field, $form); $field = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_get_field_type-' . $field['type'], $field, $form); $field = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_get_field_slug-' . $field['slug'], $field, $form); $form['fields'][$field_id] = $field; } } if (!empty($form['layout_grid']['fields'])) { foreach ($form['layout_grid']['fields'] as $field_base_id => $location) { if (isset($form['fields'][$field_base_id])) { $field = self::load_field($form, $field_base_id); if (empty($field) || !isset($field_types[$field['type']]['file']) || !file_exists($field_types[$field['type']]['file'])) { if (!Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::is_cf2_field_type($field['type'])) { continue; } } $field['grid_location'] = $location; Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets::enqueue_field_scripts($field_types, $field); $field_base_id = $field['ID'] . '_' . $current_form_count; $field_error = array(); if (isset($field_errors[$field['ID']])) { $field_error = $field_errors[$field['ID']]; } $field_html = self::render_field($field, $form, $prev_data, $field_error); // conditional wrapper if (!empty($field['conditions']['group']) && !empty($field['conditions']['type'])) { $is_cf2_field = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::is_cf2_field_type( Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_type( $field, $form ) ); $conditions_configs[$field_base_id] = $field['conditions']; if ($field['conditions']['type'] !== 'disable') { // wrap it up $conditions_templates[$field_base_id] = "<script type=\"text/html\" id=\"conditional-" . $field_base_id . "-tmpl\">\r\n" . $field_html . "</script>\r\n"; // add in instance number if (!empty($field['conditions']['group'])) { foreach ($field['conditions']['group'] as &$group_row) { foreach ($group_row as &$group_line) { // add instance value $group_line['instance'] = $current_form_count; } } } } if ($field['conditions']['type'] == 'show' ) { // show if indicates hidden by default until condition is matched. if( ! $is_cf2_field ){ $field_html = null; } } // wrapp it up $field_html = '<span class="caldera-forms-conditional-field" role="region" aria-live="polite" id="conditional_' . $field_base_id . '" data-field-id="' . $field_base_id . '">' . $field_html . '</span>'; } $form['grid_object']->append($field_html, $field['grid_location']); } } } // form object strings wp_localize_script('cf-dynamic', $form['ID'] . '_' . $current_form_count, $form_field_strings); // do grid $form['grid_object'] = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_grid_structure', $form['grid_object'], $form); // wrapper classes $form_wrapper_classes = array( "caldera-grid" ); /** * Change classes of elements wrapping the grid * * @since unknown * * @param array $form_wrapper_classes Array of classes * @param array $config Form config */ $form_wrapper_classes = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_form_wrapper_classes', $form_wrapper_classes, $form); $form_wrap_id = Caldera_Forms_Render_Util::form_id_attr($current_form_count); $out = sprintf('<div class="%s" id="%s" data-cf-ver="%s" data-cf-form-id="%s">', esc_attr(implode(' ', $form_wrapper_classes)), esc_attr($form_wrap_id), esc_attr(CFCORE_VER), esc_attr($form['ID'])); $notices = Caldera_Forms_Render_Notices::prepare_notices($notices, $form); // set debug notice if (!empty($form['mailer']['enable_mailer']) && !empty($form['debug_mailer'])) { $notices['error'] = array( 'note' => __('WARNING: Form is in Mailer Debug mode. Disable before going live.', 'caldera-forms') ); } $out .= '<div id="caldera_notices_' . $current_form_count . '" data-spinner="' . admin_url('images/spinner.gif') . '">'; if (!empty($notices)) { // do notices // entry id if (isset($_GET['cf_id'])) { $notice_entry_id = (int)$_GET['cf_id']; } elseif (!empty($entry_id)) { $notice_entry_id = $entry_id; } else { $notice_entry_id = null; } foreach ($notices as $note_type => $notice) { if (!empty($notice['note'])) { $out .= '<div class=" ' . implode(' ', $note_classes[$note_type]) . '">' . Caldera_Forms_Sanitize::remove_scripts(self::do_magic_tags($notice['note'], $notice_entry_id) ) . '</div>'; } } } $out .= '</div>'; if ((empty($notices['success']) || empty($form['hide_form'])) && empty($halt_render)) { $form_element = 'form'; $form_classes = array( $form['ID'], 'caldera_forms_form', ); /** * Change what type of element form is in. * * Note: Using anything besides "form" here will make form cease to function as a form. * * @since unknown * * @param string $form_element Form element type. * @param array $config Form config */ $form_element = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_form_element', $form_element, $form); /** * Modify classes applied to form element * * @since unknown * * @param array $form_classes Array of classes * @param array $config Form config */ $form_classes = apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_form_classes', $form_classes, $form); $attributes = array(); foreach ($form_attributes as $attribute => $value) { $attributes[] = $attribute . '="' . htmlentities($value) . '"'; } // render only non success $out .= "<" . $form_element . " data-instance=\"" . $current_form_count . "\" class=\"" . implode(' ', $form_classes) . "\" " . implode(" ", $attributes) . ">\r\n"; $out .= Caldera_Forms_Render_Nonce::nonce_field($form['ID']); $out .= sprintf( '<div id="%s"></div>', esc_attr( "cf2-$form_id_attribute") ); $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_cf_frm_id\" value=\"" . $form['ID'] . "\">\r\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_cf_frm_ct\" value=\"" . $current_form_count . "\">\r\n"; if (!empty($form['form_ajax'])) { $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cfajax\" value=\"" . $form['ID'] . "\">\r\n"; } if (is_object($post)) { $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_cf_cr_pst\" value=\"" . $post->ID . "\">\r\n"; } // user transient for continuation if (!empty($prev_post['transient'])) { $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_cf_frm_tr\" value=\"" . $prev_post['transient'] . "\">\r\n"; } // is edit? if (!empty($entry_id)) { $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_cf_frm_edt\" value=\"" . $entry_id . "\">\r\n"; } // is edit via token? if (!empty($edit_token)) { $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_cf_frm_edt_tkn\" value=\"" . $edit_token . "\">\r\n"; } //setup fieldjs Caldera_Forms_Field_Localizer::add_form($form, Caldera_Forms_Render_Util::get_current_form_count()); // auto pagination if (!empty($form['auto_progress']) && count($form['page_names']) > 1) { // retain query string $qurystr = array(); parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $qurystr); $out .= "<span class=\"caldera-grid\"><ol class=\"breadcrumb\" data-form=\"caldera_form_" . $current_form_count . "\" id=\"caldera-forms-breadcrumb_" . $current_form_count . "\">\r\n"; $current_page = 1; if (!empty($_GET['cf_pg'])) { $current_page = $_GET['cf_pg']; } foreach ($form['page_names'] as $page_key => $page_name) { $tabclass = null; $expanded = 'false'; if ($current_page == $page_key + 1) { $tabclass = ' class="active"'; $expanded = 'true'; } $qurystr['cf_pg'] = $page_key + 1; $out .= "<li" . $tabclass . "><a aria-controls=\"form_page_" . $current_form_count . "_pg_" . ($page_key + 1) . "\" aria-expanded=\"" . $expanded . "\" id=\"breadcrumb_" . $current_form_count . "_pg_" . ($page_key + 1) . "\" href=\"?" . http_build_query($qurystr) . "\" data-page=\"" . ($page_key + 1) . "\" data-pagenav=\"caldera_form_" . $current_form_count . "\" title=\"" . sprintf(__('Navigate to %s', 'caldera-forms'), $page_name) . "\">" . $page_name . "</a></li>\r\n"; } $out .= "</ol></span>\r\n"; } // sticky sticky honey if (Caldera_Forms_Field_Honey::active($form)) { $out .= Caldera_Forms_Field_Honey::field($form); } $out .= $form['grid_object']->renderLayout(); $out .= "</" . $form_element . ">\r\n"; } $out .= "</div>\r\n"; // output javascript conditions. if (!empty($conditions_configs)) { // sortout magics foreach ($conditions_configs as &$condition_field_conf) { if (!empty($condition_field_conf['group'])) { foreach ($condition_field_conf['group'] as &$condition_group) { if (!empty($condition_group)) { foreach ($condition_group as &$condition_line) { if (isset($form['fields'][$condition_line['field']]['config']['option'][$condition_line['value']])) { $condition_line['label'] = $form['fields'][$condition_line['field']]['config']['option'][$condition_line['value']]['label']; $condition_line['value'] = $form['fields'][$condition_line['field']]['config']['option'][$condition_line['value']]['value']; } else { if (false !== strpos($condition_line['field'], '{') && false !== strpos($condition_line['field'], '}')) { $condition_line['field'] = self::do_magic_tags($condition_line['field']); } } //strip out fields $regex = "/%([a-zA-Z0-9_:]*)%/"; preg_match_all($regex, $condition_line['value'], $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $field_slug) { $value_field = self::get_field_by_slug($field_slug, $form); $condition_line['selectors'][$value_field['ID']] = '[data-field="' . $value_field['ID'] . '"]'; $condition_line['value'] = str_replace('%' . $field_slug . '%', $value_field['ID'], $condition_line['value']); } } else { $condition_line['value'] = self::do_magic_tags($condition_line['value']); } } } } } } $conditions_str = wp_json_encode($conditions_configs); $hastags = Caldera_Forms_Magic_Util::explode_field_magic($conditions_str); if (!empty($hastags[1])) { foreach ($hastags[1] as $tag_key => $tag) { foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_id => $field) { if ($field['slug'] === $tag) { $conditions_str = str_replace('"' . $hastags[0][$tag_key] . '"', "function(){ return jQuery('#" . $field['ID'] . '_' . $current_form_count . "').val(); }", $conditions_str); } } } } $out .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n"; $out .= 'if( typeof caldera_conditionals === "undefined" ){ var caldera_conditionals = {}; }'; $out .= "caldera_conditionals." . $form['ID'] . '_' . $current_form_count . " = " . $conditions_str . ";\r\n"; $out .= "</script>\r\n"; if (!empty($conditions_templates)) { $out .= implode("\r\n", $conditions_templates); } // enqueue conditionls app. Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets::enqueue_script('conditionals'); } /** * Runs after form is rendered * * @since unknown * * @param array $config Form config */ do_action('caldera_forms_render_end', $form); Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets::enqueue_form_assets(); /** * Filter final HTML of form * * @since unknow * * @param string $out The HTML * @param array $config Form config */ return apply_filters('caldera_forms_render_form', $out, $form); } /** * Returns the capability to manage Caldera Forms * * By default, returns "manage_options" can be filtered with "caldera_forms_manage_cap" * * @since 1.3.1 * * @param string $context Optional. Context for checking capabilities. * * @return mixed|void */ public static function get_manage_cap($context = 'admin', $form = false) { if (is_string($form)) { $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($form); } /** * Change capability for managing Caldera Forms * * @since 1.3.1 * * @param string $cap A capability. By default "manage_options" * @param string $context Context to check in. * @param array|null $form Form config if it was passed. */ return apply_filters('caldera_forms_manage_cap', 'manage_options', $context, $form); } /** * Handler for shortcode * * @since 1.3.1 * * @param array $atts Array of shortcode attributes * @param string $content Enclosed content * @param string $shortcode Shortcode type caldera_form|caldera_forms_modal * * @return string|void */ public static function shortcode_handler($atts, $content, $shortcode) { if (!in_array($shortcode, array( 'caldera_form', 'caldera_form_modal' ))) { return; } $atts = shortcode_atts(array( 'id' => null, 'width' => null, 'height' => null, 'type' => 'link', 'entry' => null, 'ID' => null, ), $atts, $shortcode); if (!empty($atts['ID']) && empty($atts['id'])) { $atts['id'] = $atts['ID']; } if (!empty($atts['revision'])) { $revision = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_revision($atts['revision']); if (is_array($revision)) { $atts = $revision; $atts['id'] = $revision['ID']; } } if (!isset($atts['id'])) { return; } if ($shortcode === 'caldera_form_modal' || (!empty($atts['modal']) && $atts['modal'])) { return Caldera_Forms_Render_Modals::modal_form($atts, $content); } $form = self::render_form($atts); return $form; } /** * Convert time entry was submitted (as MySQL timestamp in UTC) to local display time * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param string $submitted Timestamp * @param bool $remove_commas Optional. Default is false, true replaces commas with spaces. @since 1.5.6 * * @return string */ public static function localize_time($submitted, $remove_commas = false) { $format = self::time_format(); $time = get_date_from_gmt($submitted, $format); if ($remove_commas) { $time = str_replace(',', ' ', $time); } return $time; } /** * Get time format * * @since 1.5.0 * * @return string */ public static function time_format() { $dateformat = get_option('date_format'); $timeformat = get_option('time_format'); $format = $dateformat . ' ' . $timeformat; return $format; } /** * Setup auto-population options for Easy Pods and Easy Queries * * @since 1.4.3 * * @uses "caldera_forms_render_start" action */ public static function easy_pods_queries_setup() { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>=')) { if (function_exists('cep_get_easy_pod') || defined('CAEQ_PATH')) { $setup = new Caldera_Forms_Render_AutoPopulation(); $setup->add_hooks(); } } } /** * Load the Caldera Forms REST API * * @since 1.4.4 * * @uses "rest_api_init" action */ public static function init_rest_api() { self::$api = new Caldera_Forms_API_Load(Caldera_Forms_API_Util::api_namespace()); /** * Runs after REST API loader is initialized, but before routes are initialized. * * Use this hook to register routes in add-ons * * do_action( 'caldera_forms_rest_api_pre_init', function( $api ){ $api->add_route(... * * @since 1.4.4 * * @param Caldera_Forms_API_Load $api API Load class */ do_action('caldera_forms_rest_api_pre_init', self::$api); self::$api->add_route(new Caldera_Forms_API_Entries()); self::$api->add_route(new Caldera_Forms_API_Forms()); self::$api->add_route(new Caldera_Forms_API_Settings()); self::$api->init_routes(); /** * Runs after Caldera Forms REST API is loaded * * @since 1.4.4 * * @param Caldera_Forms_API_Load $api_v2 Caldera Forms REST API v2 * @param \calderawp\calderaforms\cf2\RestApi\Register $api_v3 Caldera Forms REST API v2 */ do_action('caldera_forms_rest_api_init', self::$api, (new \calderawp\calderaforms\cf2\RestApi\Register(Caldera_Forms_API_Util::api_namespace('v3' ) ) ) ->initEndpoints() ); } public static function should_send_mail($form, $transadata = array()) { $send = true; if (empty($transadata)) { global $transadata; } if (!empty($transdata['edit'])) { // update if (empty($form['mailer']['on_update'])) { $send = false; } } else { // insert if (empty($form['mailer']['enable_mailer']) && empty($form['mailer']['on_insert'])) { $send = false; } } /** * Change programmed decision to send mailer or not * * Useful for causing emails to send on entry edit, when they normally would not * * @since 1.4.4 * * @param bool $send Whether to send or not * @param array $form Form config */ return apply_filters('caldera_forms_send_email', $send, $form); } /** * The one true handler for submissions via POST * * Does nonce check and then processes and returns, else 400. * * @since 1.5.0 */ public static function process_form_via_post() { if (isset($_POST['_cf_frm_id'])) { caldera_forms_start_buffer(); if (isset($_POST['_cf_verify']) && Caldera_Forms_Render_Nonce::verify_nonce($_POST['_cf_verify'], $_POST['_cf_frm_id'])) { $submission = Caldera_Forms::process_submission(); caldera_forms_send_json($submission); exit; } status_header(400); $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form($_POST['_cf_frm_id']); $notices = array(); $notices['error']['note'] = __('Submission rejected, token invalid', 'caldera-forms'); $note_general_classes = Caldera_Forms_Render_Notices::get_note_general_classes($form); $note_classes = Caldera_Forms_Render_Notices::get_note_classes($note_general_classes, $form); $out = array( 'html' => Caldera_Forms_Render_Notices::html_from_notices($notices, $note_classes), ); caldera_forms_send_json($out,true); exit; } } /** * Apply wpautop to email message. * * This was separated out from main email generation method in 1.4.7 so it would be removable, see: https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues/1048 * * @since 1.4.7 * * @uses "caldera_forms_mailer" filter * * @param array $mail * * @return mixed */ public static function format_message($mail) { //using original hook because it may have been removed by an end-user return Caldera_Forms_Email_Filters::format_message($mail); } /** * Get main instance of Caldera_Forms_Settings class * * @since 1.5.3 * * @return Caldera_Forms_Settings */ public static function settings() { if (!self::$settings) { self::$settings = new Caldera_Forms_Settings(); /** * Runs after main instance of Caldera_Forms_Settings is created * * Access via Caldera_Forms::settings() * * @since 1.5.3 */ do_action('caldera_forms_settings_registered'); } return self::$settings; } }
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