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/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: sQrt121 * Date: 9/25/13 * Time: 1:39 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $(function () { var $wndw = $(window); var isMobile = ($('body').hasClass('coll-mobile')) ? true : false; /* Parallax ______________________________________________________________ */ var Parallax = new function () { var _this; this.skr; this.container; this.section; this.active = true; this.init = function () { _this = this; _this.section = $('.coll-page-section') // show sections if (_this.section.length < 9) { _this.section.each(function () { $(this).find('.coll-section-background').css('display', 'block') }) } // init skrollr _this.skr = skrollr.init({ smoothScrolling: false, mobileDeceleration: 0.01, forceHeight: false, mobileCheck: function () { return true } }); if (isMobile && _this.section.length > 8) { _this.skr.on('beforerender', _this.mobile) } else { _this.skr.on('beforerender', function (data) { return _this.active }) } // events $wndw.on('coll.lightbox.on', _this.manage) $wndw.on('coll.lightbox.off', _this.manage) $wndw.load(_this.onWLoad); 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this.init = function () { //scrollbar _sbc.height(_container.height()) _sb.perfectScrollbar({ wheelSpeed: 0, minScrollbarLength: 20, suppressScrollX: true }); //events $wndw.load(_this.onWLoad); $wndw.smartresize(_this.resize); $wndw.on('coll.container.update', _this.resize); $wndw.on('coll.lightbox.on', _this.disableEvents) $wndw.on('coll.lightbox.off', _this.enableEvents) // enable _this.enableEvents(); } this.enableEvents = function () { $('.js-coll-local-link').on('click', _this.links); if (!isMobile) { $wndw.on('coll-scroll', _this.scroll); $(document).on('mousewheel', _this.wheel); $(document).on('keydown', _this.keyboard); } else { // enable scrollr Parallax.skr = skrollr.init({ smoothScrolling: false, mobileDeceleration: 0.01, forceHeight: false, mobileCheck: function () { return true } }); if (Parallax.section.length > 8) { Parallax.skr.on('beforerender', Parallax.mobile) } else { Parallax.skr.on('beforerender', function (data) { return Parallax.active }) } Parallax.skr.setScrollTop(-_this.pos) } } this.disableEvents = function () { $('.js-coll-local-link').off('click', _this.links) if (!isMobile) { $wndw.off('coll-scroll', _this.scroll); $(document).off('mousewheel', _this.wheel); $(document).off('keydown', _this.keyboard); } else { // skrollr // needs to be disabled because it is not passing touch events. _this.pos = -Parallax.skr.getScrollTop(); Parallax.skr.destroy() } } this.wheel = function (event) { //console.log(event.deltaX, event.deltaY, event.deltaFactor); _this.pos += event.deltaFactor * event.deltaY; _this.pos = Math.min(_this.max, Math.max(_this.min, _this.pos)) Parallax.skr.setScrollTop(-_this.pos) //move scrollbar _sb.scrollTop(-_this.pos); _sb.perfectScrollbar('update'); } this.scroll = function (e, top) { _this.pos = -top; _this.pos = Math.min(_this.max, Math.max(_this.min, _this.pos)) Parallax.skr.setScrollTop(-_this.pos) } this.keyboard = function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 38: // up _this.pos += 100; break; case 40: // down _this.pos -= 100; break; case 33: // page up _this.pos += $wndw.height(); break; case 32: // space bar if (e.shiftKey) { _this.pos += $wndw.height() * 0.8; } else if (!$('input:focus, textarea:focus').length) { _this.pos -= $wndw.height() * 0.8; } break; case 34: // page down _this.pos -= $wndw.height(); break; case 35: // end _this.pos = _this.min; break; case 36: // home _this.pos = _this.max; break; default: return; } // check bounds _this.pos = Math.min(_this.max, Math.max(_this.min, _this.pos)) Parallax.skr.animateTo(-_this.pos, { duration: 400, easing: 'outCubic' }) //move scrollbar _sb.scrollTop(-_this.pos); } this.links = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); _this.pos = -($($(this).attr('href')).offset().top + Parallax.skr.getScrollTop()); _this.pos = Math.min(_this.max, Math.max(_this.min, _this.pos)) Parallax.skr.animateTo(-_this.pos, { duration: 1000, easing: 'outCubic' }) //move scrollbar _sb.scrollTop(-_this.pos); } this.onWLoad = function () { // more jump fix var _hHeader = (isMobile) ? $('.site-header.mobile').height() : $('.site-header').height(); var _morePos = ($(location.hash).is("span[id^='more']")) ? _hHeader : 0; _this.resize(); // start if (location.hash) { _this.pos = -$(location.hash).offset().top + _morePos; _this.pos = Math.min(_this.max, Math.max(_this.min, _this.pos)) Parallax.skr.animateTo(-_this.pos, { duration: 1000, easing: 'outCubic' }) //move scrollbar _sb.scrollTop(-_this.pos); } } this.resize = function () { _this.min = $wndw.height() - _container.height(); _sbc.height(_container.height()) _sb.perfectScrollbar('update'); } } Parallax.init(); Scroll.init(); }); }(jQuery));
| ver. 1.4 |
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