Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/caldera-forms/ui/edit.php
Error occurred
<?php //php_cs::disable global $field_type_list, $field_type_templates; if( ! isset( $_GET[ Caldera_Forms_Admin::EDIT_KEY ] ) || ! is_string( Caldera_Forms_Admin::EDIT_KEY ) ){ wp_die( esc_html__( 'Invalid form ID', 'caldera-forms' ) ); } if( Caldera_Forms_Admin::is_revision_edit() ){ $element = $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_revision( $_GET[ Caldera_Forms_Admin::REVISION_KEY ] ); } else{ $element = $form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form( $_GET[ Caldera_Forms_Admin::EDIT_KEY ] ); } if( empty( $element ) || ! is_array( $element ) ){ wp_die( esc_html__( 'Invalid Form.', 'caldera-forms' ) ); } /** * Runs before form editor is rendered, after form is gotten from DB. * * @since 1.4.3 * * @param array $element Form config */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_prerender_edit', $element ); /** * Filter which Magic Tags are available in the form editor * * * @since 1.3.2 * * @param array $tags Array of magic registered tags * @param array $form_id for which this applies. */ $magic_tags = apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_get_magic_tags', array(), $element['ID'] ); if(empty($element['success'])){ $element['success'] = esc_html__( 'Form has been successfully submitted. Thank you.', 'caldera-forms' ); } if(!isset($element['db_support'])){ $element['db_support'] = 1; } /** * Convert existing field conditions if old method used * * @since 1.3.0 */ if( empty( $element['conditional_groups'] ) ){ $element['conditional_groups'] = array(); if( !empty( $element['fields'] ) ){ foreach( $element['fields'] as $field_id=>$field ){ if( !empty( $field['conditions'] ) && !empty( $field['conditions']['type'] ) ){ if( empty( $field['conditions']['group'] ) ){ continue; } $element['conditional_groups']['conditions'][ 'con_' . $field['ID'] ] = array( 'id' => 'con_' . $field['ID'], 'name' => $field['label'], 'type' => $field['conditions']['type'], 'fields'=> array(), 'group' => array() ); foreach( $field['conditions']['group'] as $groups_id=>$groups ){ foreach( $groups as $group_id => $group ){ $element['conditional_groups']['conditions'][ 'con_' . $field['ID'] ]['fields'][ $group_id ] = $group['field']; $element['conditional_groups']['conditions'][ 'con_' . $field['ID'] ]['group'][ $groups_id ][ $group_id ] = array( 'parent' => $groups_id, 'field' => $group['field'], 'compare' => $group['compare'], 'value' => $group['value'] ); } } $element['fields'][ $field_id ]['conditions'] = array( 'type' => 'con_' . $field['ID'] ); } } } } if ( ! isset( $element['fields'] ) ) { $element['fields'] = array(); } $element['conditional_groups']['fields'] = $element['fields']; // place nonce field wp_nonce_field( 'cf_edit_element', 'cf_edit_nonce' ); // Init check echo "<input id=\"last_updated_field\" name=\"config[_last_updated]\" value=\"" . esc_attr( date( 'r' ) ) . "\" type=\"hidden\">"; echo "<input id=\"form_id_field\" name=\"config[ID]\" value=\"" . esc_attr( $_GET[ 'edit' ] ) . "\" type=\"hidden\">"; echo "<input id=\"form_db_id_field\" name=\"config[db_id]\" value=\"" . esc_attr( $element[ 'db_id' ] ) . "\" type=\"hidden\">"; do_action('caldera_forms_edit_start', $element); // Get Fieldtpyes $field_types = Caldera_Forms_Fields::get_all(); // Get Elements $panel_extensions = Caldera_Forms_Admin_Panel::get_panels(); $field_type_list = array(); $field_type_templates = array(); $field_type_defaults = array( "var fieldtype_defaults = {};" ); // options based template $field_options_template = " <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-full\"> <div class=\"caldera-config-group\"> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <label><input id=\"{{_id}}_auto\" type=\"checkbox\" class=\"auto-populate-options field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[auto]\" value=\"1\" {{#if auto}}checked=\"checked\"{{/if}}> ".esc_html__( 'Auto Populate', 'caldera-forms' )."</label> </div> </div> </div> {{#if auto}}{{#script}}jQuery('#{{_id}}_auto').trigger('change');{{/script}}{{/if}} <div class=\"caldera-config-group-auto-options\" style=\"display:none;\"> <div class=\"caldera-config-group\"> <label>". esc_html__( 'Source', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <select class=\"block-input field-config auto-populate-type\" name=\"{{_name}}[auto_type]\"> <option value=\"\">" . esc_html__( 'Select a source', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</option> <option value=\"post_type\"{{#is auto_type value=\"post_type\"}} selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}>" . esc_html__( 'Post Type', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</option> <option value=\"taxonomy\"{{#is auto_type value=\"taxonomy\"}} selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}>" . esc_html__( 'Taxonomy', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</option>"; ob_start(); /** * Runs after default field auto-population types options are outputted, inside of the select element. * * Use this to add new options in UI for auto-population sources * * @since unknown */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_autopopulate_types' ); $field_options_template .= ob_get_clean() . " </select> </div> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-auto-taxonomy auto-populate-type-panel\" style=\"display:none;\"> <label>". esc_html__( 'Taxonomy', 'caldera-forms' )."</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <select class=\"block-input field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[taxonomy]\">"; $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); foreach($taxonomies as $tax_type=>$tax_name){ $field_options_template .= "<option value=\"" . $tax_type . "\" {{#is taxonomy value=\"" . $tax_type . "\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}>" . $tax_name . "</option>\r\n"; } $field_options_template .= "</select> </div> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-auto-post_type auto-populate-type-panel\" style=\"display:none;\"> <label>".esc_html__( 'Post Type', 'caldera-forms' ) ."</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <select class=\"block-input field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[post_type]\">"; $post_types = get_post_types(array(), 'objects'); foreach($post_types as $type){ $field_options_template .= "<option value=\"" . $type->name . "\" {{#is post_type value=\"" . $type->name . "\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}>" . $type->labels->name . "</option>\r\n"; } $field_options_template .= "</select> </div> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-auto-taxonomy caldera-config-group-auto-post_type auto-populate-type-panel\" style=\"display:none;\"> <label>". esc_html__( 'Value', 'caldera-forms' )."</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <select class=\"block-input field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[value_field]\"> <option value=\"name\" {{#is value_field value=\"name\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}>Name</option>\r\n <option value=\"id\" {{#is value_field value=\"id\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}>ID</option>\r\n </select> </div> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-auto-taxonomy auto-populate-type-panel\" style=\"display:none;\"> <label>". esc_html__( 'Orderby', 'caldera-forms' )."</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <select class=\"block-input field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[orderby_tax]\"> <option value=\"count\" {{#is value_field value=\"count\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Count', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"id\" {{#is value_field value=\"id\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'ID', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"name\" {{#is value_field value=\"name\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Name', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"slug\" {{#is value_field value=\"slug\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Slug', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n </select> </div> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-auto-post_type auto-populate-type-panel\" style=\"display:none;\"> <label>". esc_html__( 'Orderby', 'caldera-forms' )."</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <select class=\"block-input field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[orderby_post]\"> <option value=\"ID\" {{#is value_field value=\"ID\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'ID', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"name\" {{#is value_field value=\"name\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Name (post slug)', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"author\" {{#is value_field value=\"author\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Author', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"title\" {{#is value_field value=\"title\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Title', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"date\" {{#is value_field value=\"date\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Publish Date', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"modified\" {{#is value_field value=\"modified\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Modified Date', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"parent\" {{#is value_field value=\"parent\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Parent ID', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"comment_count\" {{#is value_field value=\"comment_count\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Comment Count', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"menu_order\" {{#is value_field value=\"menu_order\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Menu Order', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n </select> </div> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-auto-taxonomy caldera-config-group-auto-post_type auto-populate-type-panel\" style=\"display:none;\"> <label>". esc_html__( 'Order', 'caldera-forms' )."</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <select class=\"block-input field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[order]\"> <option value=\"ASC\" {{#is value_field value=\"ASC\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Ascending', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n <option value=\"DESC\" {{#is value_field value=\"DESC\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}> " . __( 'Descending', 'caldera-forms' ) ." </option>\r\n </select> </div> </div> "; ob_start(); /** * Runs after default options for auto-populate fields * * Use this to add new options in UI when making custom aut-population types * * @since unknown */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_autopopulate_type_config' ); /** * Filter to setup presets for option fields * * Use this to add new option presets for option based fields like Checkboxes, radios and selects * * @since 1.4.0 * @param array $presets Array of current presets * @param array $element current structure of form */ $option_presets = apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_field_option_presets', array(), $element ); $preset_options = array(); if( !empty( $option_presets ) && is_array( $option_presets ) ){ foreach ($option_presets as $preset_name => $preset ) { if( empty( $preset['name'] ) ){ continue; } $preset_options[] = '<option value="' . esc_attr( $preset_name ) . '">' . esc_html( $preset['name'] ) . '</option>'; } } $preset_options = implode(' ', $preset_options ); $field_options_template .= ob_get_clean() . " </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group-toggle-options\" {{#if auto}}style=\"display:none;\"{{/if}}> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-full\"> <button type=\"button\" class=\"button add-toggle-option\" style=\"width: 180px;\">" . esc_html__( 'Add Option', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</button> <button type=\"button\" data-bulk=\"#{{_id}}_bulkwrap\" class=\"button add-toggle-option\" style=\"width: 190px;\">" . esc_html__( 'Bulk Insert / Preset', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</button> <div id=\"{{_id}}_bulkwrap\" style=\"display:none; margin-top:10px;\" class=\"bulk-preset-panel\"> <select data-bulk=\"#{{_id}}_batch\" class=\"preset_options block-input\" style=\"margin-bottom:6px;\"> <option value=\"\">" . esc_html__( 'Select a preset', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</option> " . $preset_options . " </select> <textarea style=\"resize:vertical; height:200px;\" class=\"block-input\" id=\"{{_id}}_batch\"></textarea> <p class=\"description\">" . esc_html__( 'Single option per line. These replace the current list.', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</p> <button type=\"button\" data-options=\"#{{_id}}_batch\" class=\"button block-button add-toggle-option\" style=\"margin: 10px 0;\">" . esc_html__( 'Insert Options', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</button> </div> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-full\"> <label style=\"padding: 10px;\"><input type=\"radio\" class=\"toggle_set_default field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[default]\" value=\"\" {{#unless default}}checked=\"checked\"{{/unless}}> " . esc_html__( 'No Default', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</label> <label class=\"pull-right\" style=\"padding: 10px;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"toggle_show_values field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[show_values]\" value=\"1\" {{#if show_values}}checked=\"checked\"{{/if}}> " . esc_html__( 'Show Values', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</label> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group caldera-config-group-full toggle-options caldera-config-field\"> {{#each option}} <div class=\"toggle_option_row 315\"> <i class=\"dashicons dashicons-sort option-group-control\" style=\"padding: 4px 9px;\"></i> <input type=\"radio\" class=\"toggle_set_default field-config option-group-control\" name=\"{{../_name}}[default]\" value=\"{{@key}}\" {{#is ../default value=\"@key\"}}checked=\"checked\"{{/is}}> <a href=\"https://calderaforms.com/doc/select-options/?utm_source=wp-admin&utm_medium=form-editor&utm_content=select-options\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"dashicons dashicons-editor-help\" style=\"float:right;\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"" . esc_attr( __( 'Learn more about using select field options', 'caldera-forms' ) ) . "\"></a> <div class=\"caldera-config-group\"> <label class=\"option-setting-label option-setting-label-for-value\" for=\"opt-calc-val-{{@key}}\"> ". esc_html__( 'Calculation Value', 'caldera-forms' ) . " </label> <input{{#unless ../show_values}} style=\"display:none;\"{{/unless}} type=\"text\" class=\"toggle_calc_value_field field-config option-setting \" name=\"{{../_name}}[option][{{@key}}][calc_value]\" value=\"{{#if ../show_values}}{{calc_value}}{{else}}{{label}}{{/if}}\" placeholder=\"" . esc_attr( __( 'Calculation Value', 'caldera-forms' ) ) . "\" id=\"opt-calc-val-{{@key}}\" data-opt=\"{{@key}}\" /> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group\"> <label class=\"option-setting-label option-setting-label-for-value\" for=\"opt-val-{{@key}}\"> ". esc_html__( 'Value', 'caldera-forms' ) . " </label> <input{{#unless ../show_values}} style=\"display:none;\"{{/unless}} type=\"text\" class=\"toggle_value_field option-setting field-config required \" name=\"{{../_name}}[option][{{@key}}][value]\" value=\"{{#if ../show_values}}{{value}}{{else}}{{label}}{{/if}}\"" . esc_attr( __( 'Value', 'caldera-forms' ) ) . "\" id=\"opt-val-{{@key}}\" data-opt=\"{{@key}}\" /> </div> <div class=\"caldera-config-group\"> <label class=\"option-setting-label option-setting-label-for-label\" for=\"opt-label-{{@key}}\"> ". esc_html__( 'Label', 'caldera-forms' ) . " </label> <input{{#unless ../show_values}} style=\"width:245px;\"{{/unless}} type=\"text\" data-option=\"{{@key}}\" class=\"toggle_label_field option-setting field-config required\" name=\"{{../_name}}[option][{{@key}}][label]\" value=\"{{label}}\" placeholder=\"" . esc_attr( __( 'Label', 'caldera-forms' ) ) . "\" for=\"opt-label-{{@key}}\" data-opt=\"{{@key}}\" /> </div> <button class=\"button button-small toggle-remove-option\" type=\"button\"> <i class=\"icn-delete\"></i> </button> </div> {{/each}} </div> <div style=\"display:none;\" class=\"notice error\"> <p>" . esc_html__( 'Option values must be unique.', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</p> </div> </div> "; $default_template = " <div class=\"caldera-config-group\"> <label>Default</label> <div class=\"caldera-config-field\"> <input type=\"text\" class=\"block-input field-config\" name=\"{{_name}}[default]\" value=\"{{default}}\"> </div> </div> "; // type list $field_type_list = array( esc_html__( 'Basic', 'caldera-forms' ) => array(), esc_html__( 'Select', 'caldera-forms' ) => array(), esc_html__( 'eCommerce', 'caldera-forms' ) => array(), esc_html__( 'File', 'caldera-forms' ) => array(), esc_html__( 'Content', 'caldera-forms' ) => array(), esc_html__( 'Special', 'caldera-forms' ) => array(), ); // Build Field Types List foreach($field_types as $field_slug=>$config){ if ( ! empty( $field['cf2'])) { if (!file_exists($config['file'])) { if (!function_exists($config['file'])) { continue; } } } $categories = array(); if(!empty($config['category'])){ $categories = explode(',', $config['category']); } foreach((array) $categories as $category){ if( !isset( $field_type_list[trim($category)] ) ){ $category = esc_html__( 'Special', 'caldera-forms' ); } $field_type_list[trim($category)][$field_slug] = $config; } ob_start(); do_action('caldera_forms_field_settings_template', $config, $field_slug ); if(!empty($config['setup']['template'])){ if(file_exists( $config['setup']['template'] )){ // create config template block include $config['setup']['template']; } } $field_type_templates[sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_tmpl"] = ob_get_clean(); if(isset($config['options'])){ if(!isset($field_type_templates[sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_tmpl"])){ $field_type_templates[sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_tmpl"] = null; } // has configurable options - include template $field_type_templates[sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_tmpl"] .= $field_options_template; } if(!empty($config['setup']['default'])){ $field_type_defaults[] = "fieldtype_defaults." . sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_cfg = " . json_encode($config['setup']['default']) .";"; } if(!empty($config['setup']['not_supported'])){ $field_type_defaults[] = "fieldtype_defaults." . sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_nosupport = " . json_encode($config['setup']['not_supported']) .";"; } if(empty($config['setup']['preview']) || !file_exists( $config['setup']['preview'] )){ // if preview is a function if(!empty($config['setup']['preview']) && function_exists($config['setup']['preview'])){ $func = $config['setup']['preview']; $field_type_templates['preview-' . sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_tmpl"] = $func($config); }else{ // simulate a preview with actual field file $field = array( 'label' => '{{label}}', 'slug' => '{{slug}}', 'type' => '{{type}}', 'caption' => '{{caption}}', 'config' => (!empty($config['setup']['default']) ? $config['setup']['default'] : array() ) ); $field_name = $field['slug']; $field_id = 'preview_fld_' . $field['slug']; $wrapper_before = "<div class=\"preview-caldera-config-group\">"; $field_before = "<div class=\"preview-caldera-config-field\">"; $field_after = '</div>'; $wrapper_after = '</div>'; $field_label = "<label for=\"" . $field_id . "\" class=\"control-label\">" . $field['label'] . "</label>\r\n"; $field_required = ""; $field_placeholder = 'placeholder="' . $field['label'] .'"'; $field_caption = "<span class=\"help-block\">" . $field['caption'] . "</span>\r\n"; // blank default $field_value = null; $field_class = "preview-field-config"; if( file_exists( $config[ 'file' ] ) ){ $file = $config[ 'file' ]; }else{ $file = CFCORE_PATH . 'fields/generic-input'; } ob_start(); include $file; $field_type_templates['preview-' . sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_tmpl"] = ob_get_clean(); } }else{ ob_start(); include $config['setup']['preview']; $field_type_templates['preview-' . sanitize_key( $field_slug ) . "_tmpl"] = ob_get_clean(); } } function caldera_forms_field_wrapper_template($field_id = '{{field_id}}', $label = '{{label}}', $slug = '{{slug}}', $caption = '{{caption}}', $hide_label = '{{hide_label}}', $required = '{{required}}', $entry_list = '{{entry_list}}', $type = null, $config_str = '{{json config}}', $conditions_str = '{"type" : ""}'){ if(is_array($config_str)){ $config = $config_str; $config_str = json_encode( $config_str ); }else{ $config = json_decode($config_str, true); } $condition_type = ''; if(!empty($conditions_str)){ $conditions = json_decode($conditions_str, true); if(!empty($conditions['type'])){ $condition_type = $conditions['type']; } if(!empty($conditions['group'])){ $groups = array(); foreach ($conditions['group'] as $groupid => $group) { $group_tmp = array( 'field_id' => $groupid, 'type' => 'fields', 'lines' => array() ); if(!empty($group)){ foreach($group as $line_id => $line){ $group_line = $line; $group_line['field_id'] = $line_id; $group_tmp['lines'][] = $group_line; } } $groups[] = $group_tmp; } $conditions['group'] = $groups; $conditions_str = json_encode($conditions); } } ?> <div class="caldera-editor-field-config-wrapper caldera-editor-config-wrapper ajax-trigger" data-request="setup_field_type" data-event="field.drop" data-load-class="none" data-modal="field_setup" data-modal-title="<?php echo esc_html__( 'Fields', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>" data-template="#form-fields-selector-tmpl" data-modal-width="700" data-modal-height="680" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>" style="display:none;" > <h3 class="caldera-editor-field-title"> <?php echo esc_html( $label ); ?> </h3> <input type="hidden" class="field-config" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][ID]" value="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>"> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_settings_pane" class="wrapper-instance-pane"> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_type"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Field Type', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <select class="block-input caldera-select-field-type" data-field="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_type" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][type]" data-type="<?php echo $type; ?>"> <?php echo build_field_types($type); ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_fid"><?php echo esc_html__( 'ID', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="text" class="block-input field-id" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_fid" value="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>" readonly="readonly"> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_lable"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Name', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="text" class="block-input field-config field-label required" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_lable" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][label]" value="<?php echo sanitize_text_field( $label ); ?>"> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group hide-label-field"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_hide_label"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Hide Label', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="checkbox" class="field-config field-checkbox" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_hide_label" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][hide_label]" value="1" <?php if($hide_label === 1){ echo 'checked="checked"'; }else{?>{{#if hide_label}}checked="checked"{{/if}}<?php } ?>> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_slug"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Slug', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="text" class="block-input field-config field-slug required" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_slug" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][slug]" value="<?php echo $slug; ?>"> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_fcond"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Condition', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <select id="field-condition-type-<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][conditions][type]" data-id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>" class="caldera-conditionals-usetype block-input"> <option></option> <optgroup class="cf-conditional-selector"> <?php if( !in_array( $condition_type, array( 'show', 'hide','disable' ) ) ){ ?><option value="<?php echo $condition_type; ?>" selected="selected"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Disable', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option><?php } ?></optgroup> </optgroup> </select> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group required-field"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_required"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Required', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="checkbox" class="field-config field-required field-checkbox" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_required" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][required]" value="1" <?php if($required === 1){ echo 'checked="checked"'; }else{?>{{#if required}}checked="checked"{{/if}}<?php } ?>> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group caption-field"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_caption"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Description', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="text" class="block-input field-config" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_caption" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][caption]" value="<?php echo esc_html( $caption ); ?>"> </div> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group entrylist-field"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_entry_list"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Show in Entry List', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="checkbox" class="field-config field-checkbox" id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_entry_list" name="config[fields][<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>][entry_list]" value="1" <?php if($entry_list === 1){ echo 'checked="checked"'; }else{?>{{#if entry_list}}checked="checked"{{/if}}<?php } ?>> </div> </div> <?php /** * Runs in field wrapper template before field specific settings fields * * @since 1.6.1 * * @param array $config Field config * @param string $type Field type * @param string $field_id Template representation of Field ID. Probably {{ID}} */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_field_wrapper_before_field_setup', $config, $type, $field_id ); ?> <div class="caldera-config-field-setup"> </div> <?php /** * Runs in field wrapper template after field specific settings fields * * @since 1.6.1 * * @param array $config Field config * @param string $type Field type * @param string $field_id Template representation of Field ID. Probably {{ID}} */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_field_wrapper_after_field_setup', $config, $type, $field_id ); ?> <input type="hidden" class="field_config_string block-input" value="<?php echo htmlentities( $config_str ); ?>"> <input type="hidden" class="field_conditions_config_string block-input ajax-trigger" data-event="none" data-autoload="true" data-request="build_conditions_config" data-template="#conditional-group-tmpl" data-id="<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>" data-target="#<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>_conditional_wrap" data-type="fields" data-callback="rebuild_field_binding" value="<?php echo htmlentities( $conditions_str ); ?>"> <br> <?php /** * Runs in field wrapper template before delete field button * * @since 1.6.2 * * @param array $config Field config * @param string $type Field type * @param string $field_id Template representation of Field ID. Probably {{ID}} */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_field_wrapper_before_delete', $config, $type, $field_id ); ?> <button class="button delete-field block-button" data-confirm="<?php echo esc_html__( 'Are you sure you want to remove this field?. \'Cancel\' to stop. \'OK\' to delete', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>" type="button"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Delete Field', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></button> <?php /** * Runs in field wrapper template after delete field button * * @since 1.6.2 * * @param array $config Field config * @param string $type Field type * @param string $field_id Template representation of Field ID. Probably {{ID}} */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_field_wrapper_after_delete', $config, $type, $field_id ); ?> </div> </div> <?php } function build_field_types($default = null){ global $field_type_list; $out = ''; if(null === $default){ $out .= '<option></option>'; } foreach($field_type_list as $category=>$fields){ $out .= "<optgroup label=\" ". $category . "\">\r\n"; foreach ($fields as $field => $config) { $sel = ""; if( $default === null ){ $sel = "{{#is type value=\"" . $field . "\"}}selected=\"selected\"{{/is}}"; } if($default == $field){ $sel = 'selected="selected"'; } $out .= "<option value=\"". $field . "\" ". $sel .">" . $config['field'] . "</option>\r\n"; } $out .= "</optgroup>"; } return $out; } function field_line_template($id = '{{id}}', $label = '{{label}}', $group = '{{group}}'){ ob_start(); ?> <li data-field="<?php echo $id; ?>" class="caldera-field-line"> <a href="#<?php echo $id; ?>"> <i class="icn-right pull-right"></i> <i class="icn-field"></i> <?php echo htmlentities( $label ); ?> </a> <input type="hidden" class="caldera-config-field-group" value="<?php echo $group; ?>" name="config[fields][<?php echo $id; ?>][group]" autocomplete="off"> </li> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } // Navigation ?> <div class="caldera-editor-header"> <ul class="caldera-editor-header-nav"> <li class="caldera-editor-logo"> <span class="caldera-forms-name">Caldera Forms</span> </li> <li class="caldera-element-type-label"> <?php echo $element['name']; ?> </li> <li> <a href="#settings-panel"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Form Settings', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </a> </li> </ul> <div class="updated_notice_box"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Updated Successfully', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </div> <?php if( ! Caldera_Forms_Admin::is_revision_edit() ){ ?> <button class="button button-primary caldera-header-save-button" data-active-class="none" data-load-element="#save_indicator" type="button" disabled="disabled"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Save Form', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> <span id="save_indicator" class="spinner" style="position: absolute; right: -33px;"></span> </button> <a class="button caldera-header-preview-button" target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( Caldera_Forms_Admin::preview_link( $element[ 'ID' ] ) ); ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Preview Form', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </a> <?php }else{ ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( Caldera_Forms_Admin::form_edit_link($element[ 'ID' ] )); ?>" class="button caldera-header-return-button" id="caldera-forms-return-from-revision" > <?php esc_html_e( 'Exit Revision', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </a> <a href="#" class="button button-primary caldera-header-restore-button" id="caldera-forms-restore-revision" data-form="<?php echo esc_attr( $element[ 'ID' ] ); ?>" data-revision="<?php echo esc_attr( $element[ 'db_id' ] ); ?>" data-edit-link="<?php echo esc_url( Caldera_Forms_Admin::form_edit_link($element[ 'ID' ] )); ?>" > <?php esc_html_e( 'Restore Form Revision', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> <span id="save_indicator" class="spinner" style="position: absolute; right: -33px;"></span> </a> <a class="button caldera-header-preview-button" target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( Caldera_Forms_Admin::preview_link( $element[ 'ID' ], $element[ 'db_id' ] ) ); ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Preview Form Revision', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if ( !empty( $element['mailer']['preview_email'] ) ){ $has_email_preview = 'aria-hidden="false" '; }else{ $has_email_preview = 'aria-hidden="true" style="display:none;visibility:hidden;"'; } ?> <a class="button caldera-header-email-preview-button" target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'cf-email-preview' => wp_create_nonce( $element[ 'ID' ] ), 'cf-email-preview-form' => $element[ 'ID' ] ), get_home_url() ) ); ?>" <?php echo $has_email_preview; ?>> <?php esc_html_e( 'Preview Last Email', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </a> </div> <?php include CFCORE_PATH . 'ui/panels/form-settings.php'; ?> <div class="caldera-editor-header caldera-editor-subnav"> <ul class="caldera-editor-header-nav"> <?php // PANELS LOWER NAV foreach($panel_extensions as $panel_slug=>$panel){ if(empty($panel['tabs'])){ continue; } ?> <?php // BUILD ELEMENT SETUP TABS if(!empty($panel['tabs'])){ // PANEL BASED TABS foreach($panel['tabs'] as $group_slug=>$tab_setup){ if($tab_setup['location'] !== 'lower'){ continue; } $active = null; if(!empty($tab_setup['active'])){ $active = " class=\"active\""; } echo "<li".$active." id=\"tab_".$group_slug."\"><a href=\"#" . $group_slug . "-config-panel\">" . $tab_setup['name'] . "</a></li>\r\n"; } // CODE BASED TABS if(!empty($panel['tabs']['code'])){ foreach($panel['tabs']['code'] as $code_slug=>$tab_setup){ $active = null; if(!empty($tab_setup['active'])){ $active = " class=\"active\""; } echo "<li".$active."><a href=\"#" . $code_slug . "-code-panel\" data-editor=\"" . $code_slug . "-editor\">" . $tab_setup['name'] . "</a></li>\r\n"; } } } ?> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php // PANEL WRAPPERS & RENDER $repeatable_templates = array(); foreach($panel_extensions as $panel){ if(empty($panel['tabs'])){ continue; } foreach($panel['tabs'] as $panel_slug=>$tab_setup){ $active = " style=\"display:none;\""; if(!empty($tab_setup['active'])){ $active = null; } echo "<div id=\"" . $panel_slug . "-config-panel\" class=\"caldera-editor-body caldera-config-editor-panel " . ( !empty($tab_setup['side_panel']) ? "caldera-config-has-side" : "" ) . "\"".$active.">\r\n"; if( !empty($tab_setup['side_panel']) ){ echo "<div id=\"" . $panel_slug . "-config-panel-main\" class=\"caldera-config-editor-main-panel\">\r\n"; } echo '<h3>'.$tab_setup['label']; if( isset( $tab_setup[ 'tip' ] ) && is_array( $tab_setup[ 'tip' ] ) ) { printf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank" class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help caldera-forms-tab-help-bubble" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="%s"><span class="screen-reader-text">%s</span></a>', esc_url( $tab_setup[ 'tip' ][ 'link' ] ), esc_attr( $tab_setup[ 'tip' ][ 'text'] ), esc_html__( 'Click to view help doc on CalderaForms.com' ) ); } if( !empty( $tab_setup['repeat'] ) ){ // add a repeater button echo " <a href=\"#" . $panel_slug . "_tag\" class=\"add-new-h2 caldera-add-group\" data-group=\"" . $panel_slug . "\">" . esc_html__( 'Add New', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</a>\r\n"; } // ADD ACTIONS if(!empty($tab_setup['actions'])){ foreach($tab_setup['actions'] as $action){ include $action; } } echo '</h3>'; // BUILD CONFIG FIELDS if(!empty($tab_setup['fields'])){ // group index for loops $depth = 1; if(isset($element['settings'][$panel_slug])){ // find max depth foreach($element['settings'][$panel_slug] as &$field_vars){ if(is_countable($field_vars) && count($field_vars) > $depth){ $depth = count($field_vars); } } } for($group_index = 0; $group_index < $depth; $group_index++){ if( !empty( $tab_setup['repeat'] ) ){ echo "<div class=\"caldera-config-editor-panel-group\">\r\n"; } foreach($tab_setup['fields'] as $field_slug=>&$field){ $wrapper_before = "<div class=\"caldera-config-group\">"; $field_before = "<div class=\"caldera-config-field\">"; $field_after = '</div>'; $wrapper_after = '</div>'; $field_name = 'config[settings][' . $panel_slug . '][' . $field_slug . ']'; $field_base_id = $field_id = $panel_slug. '_' . $field_slug . '_' . $group_index; $field_label = "<label for=\"" . $field_id . "\">" . $field['label'] . "</label>\r\n"; $field_placeholder = ""; $field_required = ""; if(!empty($field['hide_label'])){ $field_label = ""; $field_placeholder = 'placeholder="' . htmlentities( $field['label'] ) .'"'; } $field_caption = null; if(!empty($field['caption'])){ $field_caption = "<p class=\"description\">" . $field['caption'] . "</p>\r\n"; } // blank default $field_value = null; if(isset($field['config']['default'])){ $field_value = $field['config']['default']; } if(isset($element['settings'][$panel_slug][$field_slug])){ $field_value = $element['settings'][$panel_slug][$field_slug]; } $field_class = "field-config"; if(!empty($field['required'])){ $field_class .= " required"; } include $field_types[$field['type']]['file']; } if( !empty( $tab_setup['repeat'] ) ){ echo "<a href=\"#remove_" . $panel_slug . "\" class=\"caldera-config-group-remove\">" . esc_html__( 'Remove', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</a>\r\n"; echo "</div>\r\n"; } } /// CHECK GROUP IS REPEATABLE ADN ADD A TEMPLATE IF IT IS if( !empty( $tab_setup['repeat'] ) ){ $field_template = "<script type=\"text/html\" id=\"" . $panel_slug . "_panel_tmpl\">\r\n"; $field_template .= " <div class=\"caldera-config-editor-panel-group\">\r\n"; foreach($tab_setup['fields'] as $field_slug=>&$field){ $field_name = 'config[settings][' . $panel_slug . '][' . $field_slug . '][]'; $field_id = $panel_slug. '_' . $field_slug; // blank default $field_value = null; if(isset($field['config']['default'])){ $field_value = $field['config']['default']; } $field_template .= " <div class=\"caldera-config-group\">\r\n"; $field_template .= " <label for=\"" . $field_id . "\">" . $field['label'] . "</label>\r\n"; $field_template .= " <div class=\"caldera-config-field\">\r\n"; ob_start(); include $field_types[$field['type']]['file']; $field_template .= ob_get_clean(); $field_template .= " </div>\r\n"; $field_template .= " </div>\r\n"; } $field_template .= " <a href=\"#remove-group\" class=\"caldera-config-group-remove\">" . esc_html__( 'Remove', 'caldera-forms' ) . "</a>\r\n"; $field_template .= " </div>\r\n"; $field_template .= "</script>\r\n"; $repeatable_templates[] = $field_template; } }elseif(!empty($tab_setup['canvas'])){ include $tab_setup['canvas']; } if(!empty($tab_setup['side_panel'])){ echo "</div>\r\n"; echo "<div id=\"" . $panel_slug . "-config-panel-side\" class=\"caldera-config-editor-side-panel\">\r\n"; include $tab_setup['side_panel']; echo "</div>\r\n"; } echo "</div>\r\n"; } echo "<a name=\"" . $panel_slug . "_tag\"></a>"; } // PROCESSORS do_action('caldera_forms_edit_end', $element); ?> <script type="text/html" id="field-options-cofnig-tmpl"> <?php echo $field_options_template; ?> </script> <script type="text/html" id="form-fields-selector-tmpl"> <div class="modal-tab-panel"> <?php $sorted_field_types = array( __( 'Basic', 'caldera-forms' ) => '', __( 'Select', 'caldera-forms' ) => '', __( 'File', 'caldera-forms' ) => '', __( 'Content', 'caldera-forms' ) => '', __( 'eCommerce', 'caldera-forms' ) => '', __( 'Special', 'caldera-forms' ) => '', ); if( defined( 'CFCORE_SHOW_DISCONTINUED_FIELDS' ) && CFCORE_SHOW_DISCONTINUED_FIELDS ){ $sorted_field_types[ __( 'Discontinued', 'caldera-forms' ) ] = ''; } foreach($field_types as $field_slug=>$config){ $cats[] = 'General'; if(!empty($config['category'])){ $cats = explode(',', $config['category']); } $svg = false; $icon = CFCORE_URL . "assets/images/field.png"; if(!empty($config['icon'])){ $icon = $config['icon']; if( false !== strpos( $icon, '.svg' ) ){ $svg = true; } } foreach($cats as $cat){ $cat = trim($cat); if( __( 'Discontinued', 'caldera-forms' ) == $cat ){ continue; } $template = '<div class="form-modal-add-line">'; $template .= '<button type="button" class="button info-button set-current-field" data-field="{{id}}" data-type="' . $field_slug . '">' . esc_html__( 'Set Field', 'caldera-forms' ) . '</button>'; $class = 'form-modal-lgo'; if( $svg ){ $class .= ' form-modal-lgo-svg'; } $template .= '<img src="'. $icon .'" class="' . $class . '" width="45" height="45">'; $template .= '<strong>' . $config['field'] . '</strong>'; $template .= '<p class="description">' . (!empty($config['description']) ? esc_html__( $config[ 'description' ] ) : esc_html__( 'No description given', 'caldera-forms' ) ) . '</p>'; $template .= '</div>'; if(!isset($sorted_field_types[$cat])){ $cat = __( 'Special', 'caldera-forms' ); } $sorted_field_types[$cat] .= $template; } } $cat_show = false; foreach($sorted_field_types as $cat=>$template){ if(!empty($cat_show)){ $cat_show = 'style="display: none;"'; } echo '<div id="modal-category-'. sanitize_key( $cat ) .'" data-tab="' . esc_attr( $cat ) . '" class="tab-detail-panel" '.$cat_show.'>'; echo $template; echo '</div>'; $cat_show = true; } ?> </div> </script> <script type="text/html" id="caldera_field_config_wrapper_templ"> <?php caldera_forms_field_wrapper_template('{{id}}' ); ?> </script> <script type="text/html" id="field-option-row-tmpl"> {{#each option}} <div class="toggle_option_row 962"> <i class="dashicons dashicons-sort option-group-control" style="padding: 4px 9px;"></i> <input type="radio" class="toggle_set_default field-config option-group-control" name="{{../_name}}[default]" value="{{@key}}" {{#is ../default value="@key"}}checked="checked"{{/is}}> <a href="https://calderaforms.com/doc/select-options/?utm_source=wp-admin&utm_medium=form-editor&utm_content=discount" target="_blank" class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help" style="float:right;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Learn more about using select field options', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>"></a> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label class="option-setting-label option-setting-label-for-value" for="opt-calc-val-{{@key}}"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Calculation Value', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </label> <input type="text" class="toggle_calc_value_field field-config option-setting " name="{{../_name}}[option][{{@key}}][calc_value]" value="{{calc_value}}" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Calculation Value', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>" id="opt-calc-val-{{@key}}" {{#unless ../show_values}} style="display:none;"{{/unless}} /> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label class="option-setting-label option-setting-label-for-value" for="opt-val-{{@key}}"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Value', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </label> <input type="text" class="toggle_value_field option-setting field-config required " name="{{../_name}}[option][{{@key}}][value]" value="{{value}}" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Value', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>" id="opt-val-{{@key}}" data-opt="{{@key}}" {{#unless ../show_values}} style="display:none;"{{/unless}} /> </div> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label class="option-setting-label option-setting-label-for-label" for="opt-label-{{@key}}"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Label', 'caldera-forms' ); ?> </label> <input type="text" data-option="{{@key}}" class="toggle_label_field option-setting field-config required" name="{{../_name}}[option][{{@key}}][label]" value="{{label}}" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Label', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>" for="opt-label-{{@key}}" data-opt="{{@key}}" {{#unless ../show_values}} style="width:245px;"{{/unless}} /> </div> <button class="button button-small toggle-remove-option" type="button"> <i class="icn-delete"></i> </button> </div> {{/each}} </script> <script type="text/html" id="noconfig_field_templ" class="cf-editor-template"> <div class="caldera-config-group"> <label>Default</label> <div class="caldera-config-field"> <input type="text" class="block-input field-config" name="{{_name}}[default]" value="{{default}}"> </div> </div> </script> <script type="text/html" id="conditional-group-tmpl"> {{#each group}} <div class="caldera-condition-group"> <div class="caldera-condition-group-label"><?php echo esc_html__( 'or', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></div> <div class="caldera-condition-lines" id="{{id}}_conditions_lines"> {{#each lines}} <div class="caldera-condition-line"> if <select name="config[{{../type}}][{{../../id}}][conditions][group][{{../id}}][{{id}}][field]" data-condition="{{../type}}" class="caldera-field-bind caldera-conditional-field-set" data-id="{{../../id}}" {{#if field}}data-default="{{field}}"{{/if}} data-line="{{id}}" data-row="{{../id}}" data-all="true" style="max-width:120px;"> {{#if field}}<option value="{{field}}" class="bound-field" selected="selected"></option>{{else}}<option value=""> </option>{{/if}} </select> <select class="compare-type" name="config[{{../type}}][{{../../id}}][conditions][group][{{../id}}][{{id}}][compare]" style="max-width:110px;"> <option value="is" {{#is compare value="is"}}selected="selected"{{/is}}><?php echo esc_html__( 'is', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="isnot" {{#is compare value="isnot"}}selected="selected"{{/is}}><?php echo esc_html__( 'is not', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value=">" {{#is compare value=">"}}selected="selected"{{/is}}><?php echo esc_html__( 'is greater than', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="<" {{#is compare value="<"}}selected="selected"{{/is}}><?php echo esc_html__( 'is less than', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="startswith" {{#is compare value="startswith"}}selected="selected"{{/is}}><?php echo esc_html__( 'starts with', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="endswith" {{#is compare value="endswith"}}selected="selected"{{/is}}><?php echo esc_html__( 'ends with', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="contains" {{#is compare value="contains"}}selected="selected"{{/is}}><?php echo esc_html__( 'contains', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> </select> <span style="padding: 0 12px 0; " class="caldera-conditional-field-value" data-value="{{value}}" id="{{id}}_value"><input disabled type="text" value="" placeholder="<?php echo esc_html__( 'Select field first', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>" style="max-width: 165px;"></span> <button type="button" class="button remove-conditional-line pull-right"><i class="icon-join"></i></button> </div> {{/each}} </div> <button type="button" class="button button-small ajax-trigger" data-id="{{../id}}" data-type="{{type}}" data-group="{{id}}" data-request="new_conditional_line" data-target="#{{id}}_conditions_lines" data-callback="rebuild_field_binding" data-template="#conditional-line-tmpl" data-target-insert="append"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Add Condition', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></button> </div> {{/each}} </script> <script type="text/html" id="conditional-line-tmpl"> <div class="caldera-condition-line"> <div class="caldera-condition-line-label"><?php echo esc_html__( 'and', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></div> if <select name="{{name}}[field]" class="caldera-field-bind caldera-conditional-field-set" data-condition="{{type}}" data-id="{{id}}" data-line="{{lineid}}" data-row="{{rowid}}" data-all="true" style="max-width:120px;"></select> <select name="{{name}}[compare]" style="max-width:110px;"> <option value="is"><?php echo esc_html__( 'is', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="isnot"><?php echo esc_html__( 'is not', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value=">"><?php echo esc_html__( 'is greater than', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="<"><?php echo esc_html__( 'is less than', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="startswith"><?php echo esc_html__( 'starts with', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="endswith"><?php echo esc_html__( 'ends with', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> <option value="contains"><?php echo esc_html__( 'contains', 'caldera-forms' ); ?></option> </select> <span class="caldera-conditional-field-value" id="{{lineid}}_value"><input disabled type="text" value="" placeholder="<?php echo esc_html__( 'Select field first', 'caldera-forms' ); ?>" style="max-width: 165px;"></span> <button type="button" class="button remove-conditional-line pull-right"><i class="icon-join"></i></button> </div> </script> <?php /// Output the field templates foreach($field_type_templates as $key=>$template){ echo "<script type=\"text/html\" class=\"cf-editor-template\" id=\"" . $key . "\">\r\n"; echo $template; echo "\r\n</script>\r\n"; } ?> <?php $magic_script = array( 'field' => array() ); foreach($magic_tags as $magic_set_key=>$magic_tags_set){ $magic_script[$magic_set_key] = array( 'type' => $magic_tags_set['type'], 'tags' => array(), 'wrap' => $magic_tags_set['wrap'] ); foreach($magic_tags_set['tags'] as $tag_key=>$tag_value){ if(is_array($tag_value)){ foreach($tag_value as $compatibility){ $magic_script[$magic_set_key]['tags'][$compatibility][] = $tag_key; } }else{ $magic_script[$magic_set_key]['tags']['text'][] = $tag_value; } } } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php // output fieldtype defaults echo implode("\r\n", $field_type_defaults); ?> var system_values = <?php echo json_encode( $magic_script ); ?>; var preset_options = <?php echo json_encode( $option_presets ); ?>; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('.error,.notice,.notice-error').remove(); </script> <?php /** * Runs at the bottom of the Caldera Forms form editor page * * @since 1.6.0 */ do_action('caldera_forms_editor_footer');
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