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/** * Dynamic Field Configuration * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param configs * @param $form * @param $ {jQuery} * @param state {CFState} @since 1.5.3 * * @constructor */ function Caldera_Forms_Field_Config( configs, $form, $, state ){ var self = this; var fields = {}; var formInstance = $form.data( 'instance' ); var $submits = $form.find(':submit, .cf-page-btn-next' ); /** * Start system * * @since 1.5.0 */ this.init = function(){ $.each( configs, function( i, config ){ fields[ config.id ] = self[config.type]( config ); } ); setupInputMasks(); $( document ).on( 'cf.add', setupInputMasks ); }; /** * Validation handler for adding/removing errors for field types * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param valid * @param $field * @param message * @param extraClass * @returns {boolean} */ function handleValidationMarkup( valid, $field, message, extraClass ){ var $parent = $field.parent().parent(); $parent.removeClass( 'has-error' ); $parent.find( '.help-block' ).remove(); if( ! valid ){ $parent.addClass( 'has-error' ).append( '<span id="cf-error-'+ $field.attr('id') +'" class="help-block ' + extraClass +'">' + message + '</span>' ); if ( $field.prop( 'required' ) ) { disableAdvance($field); } $field.addClass( 'parsely-error' ); return false; }else{ $parent.removeClass( 'has-error' ); allowAdvance(); return true; } } /** * Check if field is on the current page of a multi-page form. * * @since 1.5.8 * * @param {jQuery} $field jQuery object of field to test. * * @return {Bool} */ function fieldIsOnCurrentPage($field) { return ! $field.closest('.caldera-form-page').attr('aria-hidden'); } /** * Get field of page field is on if on a multi-page form. * * @since 1.5.8 * * @param {jQuery} $field jQuery object of field to test. * * @return {Bool} */ function getFieldPage($field) { return $field.closest( '.caldera-form-page' ).data( 'formpage' ); } /** * Utility method for preventing advance (next page/submit) * * @since 1.5.0 */ function disableAdvance($field){ if( fieldIsOnCurrentPage($field) ){ $submits.prop( 'disabled',true).attr( 'aria-disabled', true ); } } /** * Utility method for allowing advance (next page/submit) * * @since 1.5.0 */ function allowAdvance(){ $submits.prop( 'disabled',false).attr( 'aria-disabled', false ); } function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; /** * Handler for button fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param field */ this.button = function( field ){ var field_id = field.id; $(document).on('click dblclick', '#' + field_id, function( e ){ $('#' + field_id + '_btn').val( e.type ).trigger('change'); }); }; /** * Handler for HTML fields (and summary fields since this.summary is alias of this.html) * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param fieldConfig */ this.html = function ( fieldConfig ) { if( false == fieldConfig.sync ){ return; } var templates = {}, bindMap = fieldConfig.bindFields, templateSystem, $target = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.contentId ) ), regex = {}; templateSystem = function () { if( ! $target.length ){ $target = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.contentId ) ); } if( ! $target.length ){ return; } if (undefined == templates[fieldConfig.tmplId]) { templates[fieldConfig.tmplId] = $(document.getElementById(fieldConfig.tmplId)).html(); } var output = templates[fieldConfig.tmplId]; var value; for (var i = 0; i <= bindMap.length; i++) { if( 'object' === typeof bindMap[i] && bindMap[i].hasOwnProperty( 'to' ) && bindMap[i].hasOwnProperty( 'tag' ) ){ value = state.getState(bindMap[i].to); if( 0 !== value && '0' !== value && ! value ){ value = ''; }else if( ! isNaN( value ) ){ value = value.toString(); } else if( 'string' === typeof value ){ value = value.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />'); }else if( ! value || undefined == value.join || undefined === value || 'undefined' == typeof value){ value = ''; } else{ value = value.join(', '); } output = output.replace( bindMap[i].tag, value ); } } $target.html(output).trigger('change'); }; (function bind() { for (var i = 0; i <= bindMap.length; i++) { if( 'object' === typeof bindMap[i] && bindMap[i].hasOwnProperty( 'to' ) ){ state.events().subscribe(bindMap[i].to, templateSystem); } } $(document).on('cf.pagenav cf.modal', templateSystem ); }()); templateSystem(); }; /** * Handler to summary fields * * A copy of handler for HTML fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @type {any} */ this.summary = this.html; var rangeSliders = {}; /** * Handler for range slider fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param field */ this.range_slider = function( field ){ var $el = $(document.getElementById(field.id)); function setCss($el){ $el.parent().find('.rangeslider').css('backgroundColor', field.trackcolor); $el.parent().find('.rangeslider__fill').css('backgroundColor', field.color); $el.parent().find('.rangeslider__handle').css('backgroundColor', field.handle).css('borderColor', field.handleborder); } function init() { if ('object' != rangeSliders[field.id]) { rangeSliders[field.id] = { value: field.default, init: {}, inited : false }; } var init = { onSlide: function (position, value) { state.mutateState(field.id, value ); rangeSliders[field.id].value = value; }, onInit: function () { this.value = state.getState(field.id); rangeSliders[field.id].inited = true; setCss($el); }, polyfill: false }; rangeSliders[field.id].init = init; state.events().subscribe(field.id, function ( eventFieldIdArray, value ) { if( value.length <= 0 ){ value = field.default; } $('#' + field.id + '_value').html( value ); }); if( ! $el.is( ':visible') ){ return; } $el.rangeslider(init); } $(document).on('cf.pagenav cf.add cf.disable cf.modal', function () { var el = document.getElementById(field.id); if (null != el) { var $el = $(el), val = rangeSliders[field.id].value; if( ! $el.is( ':visible') ){ return; } $el.val( val ); $el.rangeslider('destroy'); $el.rangeslider(rangeSliders[field.id].init); $el.val( val ).change(); setCss($el); state.mutateState(field.id, val ); } }); init(); }; /** * Handler for star ratings fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param field */ this.star_rating = function( field ){ var score = field.options.score; var $el = $( document.getElementById( field.starFieldId ) ); var $input = $( document.getElementById( field.id ) ); var init = function(){ var options = field.options; options[ 'click' ] = function(){ score = $el.raty('score'); $el.trigger( 'change' ); }; $el.raty( options ); $el.raty('score', score ); }; init(); var updating = false; jQuery( document ).on('cf.add', function(){ if( false === updating ){ updating = true; if( $el.length ){ $el.raty( 'destroy' ); init(); } setTimeout(function(){ updating = false }, 500 ); } } ); }; /** * Handler for new toggle swich fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param field */ this.toggle_switch = function( field ) { $( document ).on('reset', '#' + field.id, function(e){ $.each( field.options, function( i, option ){ $( document.getElemenetById( option ) ).removeClass( field.selectedClassName ).addClass( field.defaultClassName ); }); $( document.getElementById( field.id )).prop('checked',''); } ); }; /** * Handler for new phone fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param field */ this.phone_better = function( field ){ var fieldId = field.id; var isValid = true; var reset = function(){ var error = document.getElementById( 'cf-error-'+ fieldId ); isValid = true; if( null != error ){ error.remove(); } }; var validation = function () { var $field = $( document.getElementById( fieldId ) ); reset(); var valid; var value = $.trim($field.val()); if (value) { if ($field.intlTelInput("isValidNumber")) { valid = true; } else { valid = false; } } var message; var errorCode = $field.intlTelInput("getValidationError"); var selectedCountryData = $field.intlTelInput("getSelectedCountryData"); if (0 == errorCode) { valid = true; message = ''; } else if (value == "+" + selectedCountryData.dialCode){ valid = true; message = ''; } else if (!value) { valid = true; message = ''; } else { if ('undefined' != field.messages[errorCode]) { message = field.messages[errorCode] } else { message = field.messages.generic; } } isValid = valid; handleValidationMarkup(valid, $field, message, 'help-block-phone_better'); return valid; }; var init = function() { $field = $( document.getElementById( fieldId ) ); $field.intlTelInput( field.options ); $field.on( 'keyup change', reset ); $field.blur(function() { reset(); validation(); }); $field.on( 'keyup change', validation ); $form.on( 'submit', function(){ validation(); }) }; $(document).on('cf.pagenav cf.add cf.disable cf.modal', init ); $(document).on('cf.add', function(){ reset(); validation(); }); //Run Phone_better field validation when a submit or next page button is clicked $('#' + field.form_id_attr + ' [data-page="next"], #' + field.form_id_attr + ' form.caldera_forms_form [type="submit"]').click( function(e){ var valid = validation(); if( valid === false ){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); $(document).on('cf.remove', function(event,obj){ if( obj.hasOwnProperty('field') && fieldId === obj.field ){ if( ! isValid ){ allowAdvance(); } } } ); init(); }; /** * Handler for WYSIWYG fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param field */ this.wysiwyg = function( field ){ var actual_field = document.getElementById( field.id ); if( null != actual_field ){ var $field = $( actual_field ); $field.trumbowyg(field.options); var $editor = $field.parent().find( '.trumbowyg-editor'); $editor.html( $field.val() ); $editor.bind('input propertychange', function(){ $field.val( $editor.html() ); }); } }; /** * Handler for credit card fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param fieldConfig */ this.credit_card_number = function( fieldConfig ){ var $field = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.id ) ); if( false != fieldConfig.exp || false != fieldConfig.cvc ){ setupLink(); } if( $field.length ){ $field.payment('formatCardNumber'); $field.blur( function(){ var val = $field.val(); var valid = $.payment.validateCardNumber( val ); var type = $.payment.cardType(val); handleValidationMarkup( valid, $field, fieldConfig.invalid, 'help-block-credit_card_number help-block-credit_card' ); if( valid ){ setImage( type ); } }) } /** * Link fields in credit card group * * @since 1.5.0 * */ function setupLink(){ disableAdvance($field); var $cvcField = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.cvc ) ), $expField = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.exp ) ); $cvcField.blur( function(){ if ( $cvcField.val() ) { self.creditCardUtil.validateCVC($field, $cvcField); } if ( $expField.val() ) { self.creditCardUtil.validateExp($expField); } }); } /** * If possible change the icon in the credit card input * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param type */ function setImage( type ){ var iconTypes = { 0: 'amex', 1: 'discover', 2: 'visa', 3: 'discover', 4: 'mastercard' }; var icon = 'credit-card.svg'; $.each( iconTypes, function( i, card ){ if( 0 === type.indexOf( card ) ){ icon = 'cc-' + card + '.svg'; return false; } }); $field.css( 'background', 'url("' + fieldConfig.imgPath + icon + '")' ); } }; /** * Handler for credit card expiration fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param fieldConfig */ this.credit_card_exp = function ( fieldConfig ) { var $field = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.id ) ); if( $field.length ){ $field.payment('formatCardExpiry'); $field.blur( function () { var valid = self.creditCardUtil.validateExp( $field ); handleValidationMarkup( valid, $field, fieldConfig.invalid, 'help-block-credit_card_exp help-block-credit_card' ); }); } }; /** * Handler for credit card secret code fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param fieldConfig */ this.credit_card_cvc = function ( fieldConfig ) { var $field = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.id ) ); if( $field.length ){ $field.payment('formatCardCVC'); if( false !== fieldConfig.ccField ) { var $ccField = $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.ccField ) ); $field.blur( function () { var valid = self.creditCardUtil.validateExp( $ccField, $field); handleValidationMarkup(valid, $field, fieldConfig.invalid, 'help-block-credit_card_cvc help-block-credit_card'); }); } } }; /** * Validators for credit card CVC and expirations * * @since 1.5.0 * * @type {{validateCVC: Caldera_Forms_Field_Config.creditCardUtil.validateCVC, validateExp: Caldera_Forms_Field_Config.creditCardUtil.validateExp}} */ this.creditCardUtil = { validateCVC: function( $ccField, $cvcField ){ var val = $cvcField.val(); var cardValid = $.payment.validateCardNumber( $ccField.val() ); var valid = false; if ( cardValid ) { var type = $.payment.cardType( $ccField.val() ); valid = $.payment.validateCardCVC( val, type) } return valid; }, validateExp: function ($expField) { var val = $expField.val().split('/'); if ( val && 2 == val.length ) { return $.payment.validateCardExpiry(val[0].trim(), val[1].trim()); } } }; this.color_picker = function ( fieldConfig ) { $( document.getElementById( fieldConfig.id ) ).miniColors( fieldConfig.settings ); $(document).on('cf.pagenav cf.add cf.disable cf.modal', function () { $(document.getElementById(fieldConfig.id)).miniColors(fieldConfig.settings); }); }; /** * Process a calculation field * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param fieldConfig */ this.calculation = function (fieldConfig) { var lastValue = null, /** * Debounced version of the run() function below * * @since 1.5.6 */ debouncedRunner = debounce( function(){ run(state) }, 250 ); /** * Adds commas or whatever to the display fo value * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param {string} nStr * @returns {string} */ function addCommas(nStr){ nStr += ''; var x = nStr.split('.'), x1 = x[0], x2 = x.length > 1 ? fieldConfig.decimalSeparator + x[1] : '', rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + fieldConfig.thousandSeparator + '$2'); } return x1 + x2; } /** * Function that triggers calculation and updates state/DOM if it changed * NOTE: Don't use directly, use debounced version * * @since 1.5.6 */ var run = function(){ var result = window[fieldConfig.callback].apply(null, [state] ); if( ! isFinite( result ) ){ result = 0; } if ( null === lastValue || result !== lastValue ) { lastValue = result; state.mutateState( fieldConfig.id, result ); if( 'number' != typeof result ){ result = parseInt( result, 10 ); } if( fieldConfig.moneyFormat ){ result = result.toFixed(2); } $( '#' + fieldConfig.id ).html( addCommas( result ) ).data( 'calc-value', result ); $('#' + fieldConfig.targetId ).val( result ).trigger( 'change' ); } }; //Update when any field that is part of the formula changes $.each( fieldConfig.fieldBinds, function (feild,feildId) { state.events().subscribe( feildId, debouncedRunner ); }); //Run on CF page change, field added, field removed or modal opened. $(document).on('cf.pagenav cf.add cf.remove cf.modal', function (e,obj) { if( 'cf' == e.type && 'remove' === e.namespace && 'object' === typeof obj && obj.hasOwnProperty('field' ) && obj.field === fieldConfig.id ){ //If calculation field is removed, make sure if it comes back, an update to DOM/state will be triggered. lastValue = null; }else{ //If trigger wasn't being removed, run. debouncedRunner(); } }); debouncedRunner(); }; /** * Init color picker fields * * @since 1.6.2 */ this.color_picker = function(){ function color_picker_init(){ jQuery('.minicolor-picker').miniColors(); } document.addEventListener('load', color_picker_init , false); jQuery( document ).ajaxComplete(function() { color_picker_init(); }); }; /** * Add input mask to any field that has the data attributes for it * * @since 1.6.2 */ function setupInputMasks() { if (!$.prototype.inputmask){ return; } $form.find('[data-inputmask]').inputmask(); } }
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