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(function($){ if(typeof FLBuilderLayout != 'undefined') { return; } /** * Helper class with generic logic for a builder layout. * * @class FLBuilderLayout * @since 1.0 */ FLBuilderLayout = { /** * Initializes a builder layout. * * @since 1.0 * @method init */ init: function() { // Destroy existing layout events. FLBuilderLayout._destroy(); // Init CSS classes. FLBuilderLayout._initClasses(); // Init backgrounds. FLBuilderLayout._initBackgrounds(); // Only init if the builder isn't active. if ( 0 === $('.fl-builder-edit').length ) { // Init anchor links. FLBuilderLayout._initAnchorLinks(); // Init the browser hash. FLBuilderLayout._initHash(); // Init module animations. FLBuilderLayout._initModuleAnimations(); // Init forms. FLBuilderLayout._initForms(); } }, /** * Public method for refreshing Wookmark or MosaicFlow galleries * within an element. * * @since 1.7.4 * @method refreshGalleries */ refreshGalleries: function( element ) { var $element = 'undefined' == typeof element ? $( 'body' ) : $( element ), mfContent = $element.find( '.fl-mosaicflow-content' ), wmContent = $element.find( '.fl-gallery' ), mfObject = null; if ( mfContent ) { mfObject = mfContent.data( 'mosaicflow' ); if ( mfObject ) { mfObject.columns = $( [] ); mfObject.columnsHeights = []; mfContent.data( 'mosaicflow', mfObject ); mfContent.mosaicflow( 'refill' ); } } if ( wmContent ) { wmContent.trigger( 'refreshWookmark' ); } }, /** * Public method for refreshing Masonry within an element * * @since 1.8.1 * @method refreshGridLayout */ refreshGridLayout: function( element ) { var $element = 'undefined' == typeof element ? $( 'body' ) : $( element ), msnryContent = $element.find('.masonry'); if ( msnryContent.length ) { msnryContent.masonry('layout'); } }, /** * Public method for reloading BxSlider within an element * * @since 1.8.1 * @method reloadSlider */ reloadSlider: function( element ) { var $element = 'undefined' == typeof element ? $( 'body' ) : $( element ), bxContent = $element.find('.bx-viewport .fl-post-carousel-wrapper'), bxObject = null; if ( bxContent.length ) { bxContent.each(function(){ bxObject = $(this).data( 'bxSlider'); if ( bxObject ) { bxObject.reloadSlider(); } }) } }, /** * Public method for resizing WP audio player * * @since 1.8.2 * @method resizeAudio */ resizeAudio: function( element ) { var $element = 'undefined' == typeof element ? $( 'body' ) : $( element ), audioPlayers = $element.find('.wp-audio-shortcode.mejs-audio'), player = null, mejsPlayer = null, rail = null, railWidth = 400; if ( audioPlayers.length && typeof mejs !== 'undefined' ) { audioPlayers.each(function(){ player = $(this); mejsPlayer = mejs.players[player.attr('id')]; rail = player.find('.mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail'); var innerMejs = player.find('.mejs-inner'), total = player.find('.mejs-controls .mejs-time-total'); if ( typeof mejsPlayer !== 'undefined' ) { railWidth = Math.ceil(player.width() * 0.8); if ( innerMejs.length ) { rail.css('width', railWidth +'px!important'); //total.width(rail.width() - 10); mejsPlayer.options.autosizeProgress = true; // webkit has trouble doing this without a delay setTimeout(function () { mejsPlayer.setControlsSize(); }, 50); player.find('.mejs-inner').css({ visibility: 'visible', height: 'inherit' }); } } }); } }, /** * Public method for preloading WP audio player when it's inside the hidden element * * @since 1.8.2 * @method preloadAudio */ preloadAudio: function(element) { var $element = 'undefined' == typeof element ? $( 'body' ) : $( element ), contentWrap = $element.closest('.fl-accordion-item'), audioPlayers = $element.find('.wp-audio-shortcode.mejs-audio'); if ( ! contentWrap.hasClass('fl-accordion-item-active') && audioPlayers.find('.mejs-inner').length ) { audioPlayers.find('.mejs-inner').css({ visibility : 'hidden', height: 0 }); } }, /** * Unbinds builder layout events. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _destroy */ _destroy: function() { var win = $(window); win.off('scroll.fl-bg-parallax'); win.off('resize.fl-bg-video'); }, /** * Checks to see if the current device has touch enabled. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _isTouch * @return {Boolean} */ _isTouch: function() { if(('ontouchstart' in window) || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch)) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks to see if the current device is mobile. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _isMobile * @return {Boolean} */ _isMobile: function() { return /Mobile|Android|Silk\/|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|webOS/i.test( navigator.userAgent ); }, /** * Initializes builder body classes. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initClasses */ _initClasses: function() { var body = $( 'body' ), ua = navigator.userAgent; // Add the builder body class. if ( ! body.hasClass( 'archive' ) && $( '.fl-builder-content-primary' ).length > 0 ) { body.addClass('fl-builder'); } // Add the builder touch body class. if(FLBuilderLayout._isTouch()) { body.addClass('fl-builder-touch'); } // Add the builder mobile body class. if(FLBuilderLayout._isMobile()) { body.addClass('fl-builder-mobile'); } // IE11 body class. if ( ua.indexOf( 'Trident/7.0' ) > -1 && ua.indexOf( 'rv:11.0' ) > -1 ) { body.addClass( 'fl-builder-ie-11' ); } }, /** * Initializes builder node backgrounds that require * additional JavaScript logic such as parallax. * * @since 1.1.4 * @access private * @method _initBackgrounds */ _initBackgrounds: function() { var win = $(window); // Init parallax backgrounds. if($('.fl-row-bg-parallax').length > 0 && !FLBuilderLayout._isMobile()) { FLBuilderLayout._scrollParallaxBackgrounds(); FLBuilderLayout._initParallaxBackgrounds(); win.on('scroll.fl-bg-parallax', FLBuilderLayout._scrollParallaxBackgrounds); } // Init video backgrounds. if($('.fl-bg-video').length > 0) { FLBuilderLayout._initBgVideos(); FLBuilderLayout._resizeBgVideos(); win.on('resize.fl-bg-video', FLBuilderLayout._resizeBgVideos); } }, /** * Initializes all parallax backgrounds in a layout. * * @since 1.1.4 * @access private * @method _initParallaxBackgrounds */ _initParallaxBackgrounds: function() { $('.fl-row-bg-parallax').each(FLBuilderLayout._initParallaxBackground); }, /** * Initializes a single parallax background. * * @since 1.1.4 * @access private * @method _initParallaxBackgrounds */ _initParallaxBackground: function() { var row = $(this), content = row.find('> .fl-row-content-wrap'), src = row.data('parallax-image'), loaded = row.data('parallax-loaded'), img = new Image(); if(loaded) { return; } else if(typeof src != 'undefined') { $(img).on('load', function() { content.css('background-image', 'url(' + src + ')'); row.data('parallax-loaded', true); }); img.src = src; } }, /** * Fires when the window is scrolled to adjust * parallax backgrounds. * * @since 1.1.4 * @access private * @method _scrollParallaxBackgrounds */ _scrollParallaxBackgrounds: function() { $('.fl-row-bg-parallax').each(FLBuilderLayout._scrollParallaxBackground); }, /** * Fires when the window is scrolled to adjust * a single parallax background. * * @since 1.1.4 * @access private * @method _scrollParallaxBackground */ _scrollParallaxBackground: function() { var win = $(window), row = $(this), content = row.find('> .fl-row-content-wrap'), speed = row.data('parallax-speed'), offset = content.offset(), yPos = -((win.scrollTop() - offset.top) / speed); content.css('background-position', 'center ' + yPos + 'px'); }, /** * Initializes all video backgrounds. * * @since * @access private * @method _initBgVideos */ _initBgVideos: function() { $('.fl-bg-video').each(FLBuilderLayout._initBgVideo); }, /** * Initializes a video background. * * @since * @access private * @method _initBgVideo */ _initBgVideo: function() { var wrap = $( this ), width = wrap.data( 'width' ), height = wrap.data( 'height' ), mp4 = wrap.data( 'mp4' ), youtube = wrap.data( 'youtube'), vimeo = wrap.data( 'vimeo'), mp4Type = wrap.data( 'mp4-type' ), webm = wrap.data( 'webm' ), webmType = wrap.data( 'webm-type' ), fallback = wrap.data( 'fallback' ), loaded = wrap.data( 'loaded' ), fallbackTag = '', videoTag = null, mp4Tag = null, webmTag = null; // Return if the video has been loaded for this row. if ( loaded ) { return; } // Append the video tag for non-mobile. else if ( ! FLBuilderLayout._isMobile() ) { videoTag = $( '<video autoplay loop muted preload></video>' ); // MP4 Source Tag if ( 'undefined' != typeof mp4 ) { mp4Tag = $( '<source />' ); mp4Tag.attr( 'src', mp4 ); mp4Tag.attr( 'type', mp4Type ); if ( 'undefined' == typeof webm ) { mp4Tag.on( 'error', FLBuilderLayout._videoBgSourceError ); } videoTag.append( mp4Tag ); } // WebM Source Tag if ( 'undefined' != typeof webm ) { webmTag = $( '<source />' ); webmTag.attr( 'src', webm ); webmTag.attr( 'type', webmType ); if ( 'undefined' != typeof mp4 ) { webmTag.on( 'error', FLBuilderLayout._videoBgSourceError ); } videoTag.append( webmTag ); } // Check what video player we are going to load in a row if ( 'undefined' != typeof youtube ) { FLBuilderLayout._initYoutubeBgVideo.apply( this ); } else if ( 'undefined' != typeof vimeo ) { FLBuilderLayout._initVimeoBgVideo.apply( this ); } else { wrap.append( videoTag ); } } // Append the fallback tag for mobile. else if ( '' !== fallback ) { fallbackTag = $( '<div></div>' ); fallbackTag.addClass( 'fl-bg-video-fallback' ); fallbackTag.css( 'background-image', 'url(' + fallback + ')' ); wrap.append( fallbackTag ); } // Mark this video as loaded. wrap.data('loaded', true); }, /** * Initializes Youtube video background * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _initYoutubeBgVideo */ _initYoutubeBgVideo: function() { var playerWrap = $(this), videoId = playerWrap.data('video-id'), videoPlayer = playerWrap.find('.fl-bg-video-player'), enableAudio = playerWrap.data('enable-audio'), player; if ( videoId ) { FLBuilderLayout._onYoutubeApiReady( function( YT ) { setTimeout( function() { player = new YT.Player( videoPlayer[0], { videoId: videoId, events: { onReady: function(event) { if ( "no" === enableAudio ) { event.target.mute(); } else if ("yes" === enableAudio && event.target.isMuted ) { event.target.unMute(); } // Store an instance to a parent playerWrap.data('YTPlayer', player); FLBuilderLayout._resizeYoutubeBgVideo.apply(playerWrap); event.target.playVideo(); }, onStateChange: function( event ) { if ( event.data === YT.PlayerState.ENDED ) { player.seekTo( 0 ); } } }, playerVars: { controls: 0, showinfo: 0 } } ); }, 1 ); } ); } }, /** * Check if Youtube API has been downloaded * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _onYoutubeApiReady * @param {Function} callback Method to call when YT API has been loaded */ _onYoutubeApiReady: function( callback ) { if ( window.YT && YT.loaded ) { callback( YT ); } else { // If not ready check again by timeout.. setTimeout( function() { FLBuilderLayout._onYoutubeApiReady( callback ); }, 350 ); } }, /** * Initializes Vimeo video background * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _initVimeoBgVideo */ _initVimeoBgVideo: function() { var playerWrap = $(this), videoId = playerWrap.data('video-id'), videoPlayer = playerWrap.find('.fl-bg-video-player'), enableAudio = playerWrap.data('enable-audio'), player, width = playerWrap.outerWidth(); if ( typeof Vimeo !== 'undefined' && videoId ) { player = new Vimeo.Player(videoPlayer[0], { id: videoId, loop: true, title: false, portrait: false }); playerWrap.data('VMPlayer', player); if ( "no" === enableAudio ) { player.setVolume(0); } else if ("yes" === enableAudio ) { player.setVolume(1); } player.play(); } }, /** * Fires when there is an error loading a video * background source and shows the fallback. * * @since * @access private * @method _videoBgSourceError * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _videoBgSourceError: function( e ) { var source = $( e.target ), wrap = source.closest( '.fl-bg-video' ), vid = wrap.find( 'video' ), fallback = wrap.data( 'fallback' ), fallbackTag = ''; if ( '' !== fallback ) { fallbackTag = $( '<div></div>' ); fallbackTag.addClass( 'fl-bg-video-fallback' ); fallbackTag.css( 'background-image', 'url(' + fallback + ')' ); wrap.append( fallbackTag ); vid.remove(); } }, /** * Fires when the window is resized to resize * all video backgrounds. * * @since 1.1.4 * @access private * @method _resizeBgVideos */ _resizeBgVideos: function() { $('.fl-bg-video').each( function() { FLBuilderLayout._resizeBgVideo.apply( this ); if ( $( this ).parent().find( 'img' ).length > 0 ) { $( this ).parent().imagesLoaded( $.proxy( FLBuilderLayout._resizeBgVideo, this ) ); } } ); }, /** * Fires when the window is resized to resize * a single video background. * * @since 1.1.4 * @access private * @method _resizeBgVideo */ _resizeBgVideo: function() { if ( 0 === $( this ).find( 'video' ).length && 0 === $( this ).find( 'iframe' ).length ) { return; } var wrap = $(this), wrapHeight = wrap.outerHeight(), wrapWidth = wrap.outerWidth(), vid = wrap.find('video'), vidHeight = wrap.data('height'), vidWidth = wrap.data('width'), newWidth = wrapWidth, newHeight = Math.round(vidHeight * wrapWidth/vidWidth), newLeft = 0, newTop = 0, iframe = wrap.find('iframe'); if ( vid.length ) { if(vidHeight === '' || typeof vidHeight === 'undefined' || vidWidth === '' || typeof vidWidth === 'undefined') { vid.css({ 'left' : '0px', 'top' : '0px', 'width' : newWidth + 'px' }); // Try to set the actual video dimension on 'loadedmetadata' when using URL as video source vid.on('loadedmetadata', FLBuilderLayout._resizeOnLoadedMeta); } else { if(newHeight < wrapHeight) { newHeight = wrapHeight; newWidth = Math.round(vidWidth * wrapHeight/vidHeight); newLeft = -((newWidth - wrapWidth)/2); } else { newTop = -((newHeight - wrapHeight)/2); } vid.css({ 'left' : newLeft + 'px', 'top' : newTop + 'px', 'height' : newHeight + 'px', 'width' : newWidth + 'px' }); } } else if ( iframe.length ) { // Resize Youtube video player within iframe tag if ( typeof wrap.data('youtube') !== 'undefined' ) { FLBuilderLayout._resizeYoutubeBgVideo.apply(this); } } }, /** * Fires when video meta has been loaded. * This will be Triggered when width/height attributes were not specified during video background resizing. * * @since 1.8.5 * @access private * @method _resizeOnLoadedMeta */ _resizeOnLoadedMeta: function(){ var video = $(this), wrapHeight = video.parent().outerHeight(), wrapWidth = video.parent().outerWidth(), vidWidth = video[0].videoWidth, vidHeight = video[0].videoHeight, newHeight = Math.round(vidHeight * wrapWidth/vidWidth), newTop = 0; if(newHeight < wrapHeight) { newHeight = wrapHeight; newWidth = Math.round(vidWidth * wrapHeight/vidHeight); newLeft = -((newWidth - wrapWidth)/2); } else { newTop = -((newHeight - wrapHeight)/2); } video.parent().data('width', vidWidth); video.parent().data('height', vidHeight); video.css({ 'left' : newLeft + 'px', 'top' : newTop + 'px', 'width' : newWidth + 'px', 'height' : newHeight + 'px' }); }, /** * Fires when the window is resized to resize * a single Youtube video background. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _resizeYoutubeBgVideo */ _resizeYoutubeBgVideo: function() { var wrap = $(this), wrapWidth = wrap.outerWidth(), wrapHeight = wrap.outerHeight(), player = wrap.data('YTPlayer'), video = player ? player.getIframe() : null, aspectRatioSetting = '16:9', // Medium aspectRatioArray = aspectRatioSetting.split( ':' ), aspectRatio = aspectRatioArray[0] / aspectRatioArray[1], ratioWidth = wrapWidth / aspectRatio, ratioHeight = wrapHeight * aspectRatio, isWidthFixed = wrapWidth / wrapHeight > aspectRatio, width = isWidthFixed ? wrapWidth : ratioHeight, height = isWidthFixed ? ratioWidth : wrapHeight; if ( video ) { $(video).width( width ).height( height ); } }, /** * Initializes module animations. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _initModuleAnimations */ _initModuleAnimations: function() { if(typeof jQuery.fn.waypoint !== 'undefined' && !FLBuilderLayout._isMobile()) { $('.fl-animation').each( function() { var node = $( this ), nodeTop = node.offset().top, winHeight = $( window ).height(), bodyHeight = $( 'body' ).height(), offset = '80%'; if ( bodyHeight - nodeTop < winHeight * 0.2 ) { offset = '100%'; } node.waypoint({ offset: offset, handler: FLBuilderLayout._doModuleAnimation }); } ); } }, /** * Runs a module animation. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _doModuleAnimation */ _doModuleAnimation: function() { var module = 'undefined' == typeof this.element ? $(this) : $(this.element), delay = parseFloat(module.data('animation-delay')); if(!isNaN(delay) && delay > 0) { setTimeout(function(){ module.addClass('fl-animated'); }, delay * 1000); } else { module.addClass('fl-animated'); } }, /** * Opens a tab or accordion item if the browser hash is set * to the ID of one on the page. * * @since 1.6.0 * @access private * @method _initHash */ _initHash: function() { var hash = window.location.hash.replace( '#', '' ).split( '/' ).shift(), element = null, tabs = null, responsiveLabel = null, tabIndex = null, label = null; if ( '' !== hash ) { try { element = $( '#' + hash ); if ( element.length > 0 ) { if ( element.hasClass( 'fl-accordion-item' ) ) { setTimeout( function() { element.find( '.fl-accordion-button' ).trigger( 'click' ); }, 100 ); } if ( element.hasClass( 'fl-tabs-panel' ) ) { setTimeout( function() { tabs = element.closest( '.fl-tabs' ); responsiveLabel = element.find( '.fl-tabs-panel-label' ); tabIndex = responsiveLabel.data( 'index' ); label = tabs.find( '.fl-tabs-labels .fl-tabs-label[data-index=' + tabIndex + ']' ); if ( responsiveLabel.is( ':visible' ) ) { responsiveLabel.trigger( 'click' ); } else { label[0].click(); FLBuilderLayout._scrollToElement( element ); } }, 100 ); } } } catch( e ) {} } }, /** * Initializes all anchor links on the page for smooth scrolling. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _doModuleAnimation */ _initAnchorLinks: function() { $( 'a' ).each( FLBuilderLayout._initAnchorLink ); }, /** * Initializes a single anchor link for smooth scrolling. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _doModuleAnimation */ _initAnchorLink: function() { var link = $( this ), href = link.attr( 'href' ), loc = window.location, id = null, element = null; if ( 'undefined' != typeof href && href.indexOf( '#' ) > -1 ) { if ( loc.pathname.replace( /^\//, '' ) == this.pathname.replace( /^\//, '' ) && loc.hostname == this.hostname ) { try { id = href.split( '#' ).pop(); // If there is no ID then we have nowhere to look // Fixes a quirk in jQuery and FireFox if( ! id ) { return; } element = $( '#' + id ); if ( element.length > 0 ) { if ( link.hasClass( 'fl-scroll-link' ) || element.hasClass( 'fl-row' ) || element.hasClass( 'fl-col' ) || element.hasClass( 'fl-module' ) ) { $( link ).on( 'click', FLBuilderLayout._scrollToElementOnLinkClick ); } if ( element.hasClass( 'fl-accordion-item' ) ) { $( link ).on( 'click', FLBuilderLayout._scrollToAccordionOnLinkClick ); } if ( element.hasClass( 'fl-tabs-panel' ) ) { $( link ).on( 'click', FLBuilderLayout._scrollToTabOnLinkClick ); } } } catch( e ) {} } } }, /** * Scrolls to an element when an anchor link is clicked. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _scrollToElementOnLinkClick * @param {Object} e An event object. * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the scroll is complete. */ _scrollToElementOnLinkClick: function( e, callback ) { var element = $( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'href' ).split( '#' ).pop() ); FLBuilderLayout._scrollToElement( element, callback ); e.preventDefault(); }, /** * Scrolls to an element. * * @since * @access private * @method _scrollToElement * @param {Object} element The element to scroll to. * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the scroll is complete. */ _scrollToElement: function( element, callback ) { var config = FLBuilderLayoutConfig.anchorLinkAnimations, dest = 0, win = $( window ), doc = $( document ); if ( element.length > 0 ) { if ( element.offset().top > doc.height() - win.height() ) { dest = doc.height() - win.height(); } else { dest = element.offset().top - config.offset; } $( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: dest }, config.duration, config.easing, function() { if ( 'undefined' != typeof callback ) { callback(); } if ( undefined != element.attr( 'id' ) ) { if ( history.pushState ) { history.pushState( null, null, '#' + element.attr( 'id' ) ); } else { window.location.hash = element.attr( 'id' ); } } } ); } }, /** * Scrolls to an accordion item when a link is clicked. * * @since 1.5.9 * @access private * @method _scrollToAccordionOnLinkClick * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _scrollToAccordionOnLinkClick: function( e ) { var element = $( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'href' ).split( '#' ).pop() ); if ( element.length > 0 ) { var callback = function() { if ( element ) { element.find( '.fl-accordion-button' ).trigger( 'click' ); element = false; } }; FLBuilderLayout._scrollToElementOnLinkClick.call( this, e, callback ); } }, /** * Scrolls to a tab panel when a link is clicked. * * @since 1.5.9 * @access private * @method _scrollToTabOnLinkClick * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _scrollToTabOnLinkClick: function( e ) { var element = $( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'href' ).split( '#' ).pop() ), tabs = null, label = null, responsiveLabel = null; if ( element.length > 0 ) { tabs = element.closest( '.fl-tabs' ); responsiveLabel = element.find( '.fl-tabs-panel-label' ); tabIndex = responsiveLabel.data( 'index' ); label = tabs.find( '.fl-tabs-labels .fl-tabs-label[data-index=' + tabIndex + ']' ); if ( responsiveLabel.is( ':visible' ) ) { var callback = function() { if ( element ) { responsiveLabel.trigger( 'click' ); element = false; } }; FLBuilderLayout._scrollToElementOnLinkClick.call( this, e, callback ); } else { label[0].click(); FLBuilderLayout._scrollToElement( element ); } e.preventDefault(); } }, /** * Initializes all builder forms on a page. * * @since 1.5.4 * @access private * @method _initForms */ _initForms: function() { if ( ! FLBuilderLayout._hasPlaceholderSupport ) { $( '.fl-form-field input' ).each( FLBuilderLayout._initFormFieldPlaceholderFallback ); } $( '.fl-form-field input' ).on( 'focus', FLBuilderLayout._clearFormFieldError ); }, /** * Checks to see if the current device has HTML5 * placeholder support. * * @since 1.5.4 * @access private * @method _hasPlaceholderSupport * @return {Boolean} */ _hasPlaceholderSupport: function() { var input = document.createElement( 'input' ); return 'undefined' != input.placeholder; }, /** * Initializes the fallback for when placeholders aren't supported. * * @since 1.5.4 * @access private * @method _initFormFieldPlaceholderFallback */ _initFormFieldPlaceholderFallback: function() { var field = $( this ), val = field.val(), placeholder = field.attr( 'placeholder' ); if ( 'undefined' != placeholder && '' === val ) { field.val( placeholder ); field.on( 'focus', FLBuilderLayout._hideFormFieldPlaceholderFallback ); field.on( 'blur', FLBuilderLayout._showFormFieldPlaceholderFallback ); } }, /** * Hides a fallback placeholder on focus. * * @since 1.5.4 * @access private * @method _hideFormFieldPlaceholderFallback */ _hideFormFieldPlaceholderFallback: function() { var field = $( this ), val = field.val(), placeholder = field.attr( 'placeholder' ); if ( val == placeholder ) { field.val( '' ); } }, /** * Shows a fallback placeholder on blur. * * @since 1.5.4 * @access private * @method _showFormFieldPlaceholderFallback */ _showFormFieldPlaceholderFallback: function() { var field = $( this ), val = field.val(), placeholder = field.attr( 'placeholder' ); if ( '' === val ) { field.val( placeholder ); } }, /** * Clears a form field error message. * * @since 1.5.4 * @access private * @method _clearFormFieldError */ _clearFormFieldError: function() { var field = $( this ); field.removeClass( 'fl-form-error' ); field.siblings( '.fl-form-error-message' ).hide(); } }; /* Initializes the builder layout. */ $(function(){ FLBuilderLayout.init(); }); })(jQuery);
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.07 |