Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/bb-plugin/js/fl-builder-preview.js
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(function($){ /** * Helper class for dealing with live previews. * * @class FLBuilderPreview * @since 1.3.3 */ FLBuilderPreview = function(o) { // Type this.type = o.type; // Save the current state. if(o.state != 'undefined' && o.state) { this.state = o.state; } else { this._saveState(); } // Render an initial preview? if(o.layout != 'undefined' && o.layout) { FLBuilder._renderLayout(o.layout, $.proxy(this._init, this)); } else { this._init(); } }; /** * Stores all the fonts and weights of all font fields. * This is used to render the stylesheet with Google Fonts. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @property {Array} _fontsList */ FLBuilderPreview._fontsList = {}; /** * Prototype for new instances. * * @since 1.3.3 * @property {Object} prototype */ FLBuilderPreview.prototype = { /** * The type of node that we are previewing. * * @since 1.3.3 * @property {String} type */ type : '', /** * The ID of node that we are previewing. * * @since 1.3.3 * @property {String} nodeId */ nodeId : null, /** * An object with data for each CSS class * in the preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @property {Object} classes */ classes : {}, /** * An object with references to each element * in the preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @property {Object} elements */ elements : {}, /** * An object that contains data for the current * state of a layout before changes are made. * * @since 1.3.3 * @property {Object} state */ state : null, /** * Node settings saved when the preview was initalized. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @property {Object} _savedSettings */ _savedSettings : null, /** * An instance of FLStyleSheet for the current preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @property {FLStyleSheet} _styleSheet */ _styleSheet : null, /** * An instance of FLStyleSheet for the medium device preview. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @property {FLStyleSheet} _styleSheetMedium */ _styleSheetMedium : null, /** * An instance of FLStyleSheet for the responsive device preview. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @property {FLStyleSheet} _styleSheet */ _styleSheetResponsive : null, /** * A timeout object for delaying the current preview refresh. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @property {Object} _timeout */ _timeout : null, /** * A timeout object for delaying when we show the loading * graphic for refresh previews. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @property {Object} _loaderTimeout */ _loaderTimeout : null, /** * Stores the last classname for a classname preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @property {String} _lastClassName */ _lastClassName : null, /** * A reference to the AJAX object for a preview refresh. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @property {String} _xhr */ _xhr : null, /** * Initializes a builder preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _init */ _init: function() { // Node Id this.nodeId = $('.fl-builder-settings').data('node'); // Save settings this._saveSettings(); // Elements and Class Names this._initElementsAndClasses(); // Create the preview stylesheets this._createSheets(); // Responsive previews this._initResponsivePreviews(); // Default field previews this._initDefaultFieldPreviews(); // Init switch(this.type) { case 'row': this._initRow(); break; case 'col': this._initColumn(); break; case 'module': this._initModule(); break; } }, /** * Saves the current settings to be checked to see if * anything has changed when a preview is canceled. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _saveSettings */ _saveSettings: function() { var form = $('.fl-builder-settings-lightbox .fl-builder-settings'); this._savedSettings = FLBuilder._getSettings( form ); }, /** * Checks to see if the settings have changed. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _settingsHaveChanged * @return bool */ _settingsHaveChanged: function() { var form = $('.fl-builder-settings-lightbox .fl-builder-settings'), settings = FLBuilder._getSettings( form ); return JSON.stringify( this._savedSettings ) != JSON.stringify( settings ); }, /** * Initializes the classname and element references * for this preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initElementsAndClasses */ _initElementsAndClasses: function() { var contentClass; // Content Class if(this.type == 'row') { contentClass = '.fl-row-content-wrap'; } else { contentClass = '.fl-' + this.type + '-content'; } // Class Names $.extend(this.classes, { settings : '.fl-builder-' + this.type + '-settings', settingsHeader : '.fl-builder-' + this.type + '-settings .fl-lightbox-header', node : FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-node-' + this.nodeId, content : FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-node-' + this.nodeId + ' > ' + contentClass }); // Elements $.extend(this.elements, { settings : $(this.classes.settings), settingsHeader : $(this.classes.settingsHeader), node : $(this.classes.node), content : $(this.classes.content) }); }, /** * Creates the stylesheets for default, medium * and responsive previews. * * @since 1.9 * @method _createSheets */ _createSheets: function() { if ( ! this._styleSheet ) { this._styleSheet = new FLStyleSheet( { id : 'fl-builder-preview' } ); } if ( ! this._styleSheetMedium ) { this._styleSheetMedium = new FLStyleSheet( { id : 'fl-builder-preview-medium' } ); } if ( ! this._styleSheetResponsive ) { this._styleSheetResponsive = new FLStyleSheet( { id : 'fl-builder-preview-responsive' } ); } }, /** * Destroys all preview sheets. * * @since 1.9 * @method _destroySheets */ _destroySheets: function() { if ( this._styleSheet ) { this._styleSheet.destroy(); this._styleSheet = null; } if ( this._styleSheetMedium ) { this._styleSheetMedium.destroy(); this._styleSheetMedium = null; } if ( this._styleSheetResponsive ) { this._styleSheetResponsive.destroy(); this._styleSheetResponsive = null; } }, /** * Updates a CSS rule for this preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method updateCSSRule * @param {String} selector The CSS selector to update. * @param {String} property The CSS property to update. * @param {String} value The CSS value to update. */ updateCSSRule: function( selector, property, value ) { this._styleSheet.updateRule( selector, property, value ); }, /** * Runs a delay with a callback. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method delay * @param {Number} length How long to wait before running the callback. * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the delay is complete. */ delay: function(length, callback) { this._cancelDelay(); this._timeout = setTimeout(callback, length); }, /** * Cancels a preview refresh delay. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _cancelDelay */ _cancelDelay: function() { if(this._timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); } }, /** * Converts a hex value to an array of RGB values. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method hexToRgb * @param {String} hex * @return {Array} */ hexToRgb: function(hex) { var bigInt = parseInt(hex, 16), r = (bigInt >> 16) & 255, g = (bigInt >> 8) & 255, b = bigInt & 255; return [r, g, b]; }, /** * Parses a float or returns 0 if we don't have a number. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method parseFloat * @param {Number} value * @return {Number} */ parseFloat: function(value) { return isNaN(parseFloat(value)) ? 0 : parseFloat(value); }, /* Responsive Previews ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes logic for responsive previews. * * @since 1.9 * @method _initResponsivePreviews */ _initResponsivePreviews: function() { FLBuilder.addHook( 'responsive-editing-switched', $.proxy( this._responsiveEditingSwitched, this ) ); }, /** * Destroys responsive preview events. * * @since 1.9 * @method _destroyResponsivePreviews */ _destroyResponsivePreviews: function() { FLBuilder.removeHook( 'responsive-editing-switched' ); }, /** * Initializes logic for responsive previews. * * @since 1.9 * @method _responsiveEditingSwitched */ _responsiveEditingSwitched: function( e, mode ) { if ( 'default' == mode ) { this._styleSheetMedium.disable(); this._styleSheetResponsive.disable(); } else if ( 'medium' == mode ) { this._styleSheetMedium.enable(); this._styleSheetResponsive.disable(); } else if ( 'responsive' == mode ) { this._styleSheetMedium.disable(); this._styleSheetResponsive.enable(); } }, /** * Updates a CSS rule for responsive preview. * * @since 1.9 * @method updateResponsiveCSSRule * @param {String} selector The CSS selector to update. * @param {String} property The CSS property to update. * @param {String} value The CSS value to update. */ updateResponsiveCSSRule: function( selector, property, value ) { var mode = FLBuilderResponsiveEditing._mode, sheetKey = 'default' == mode ? '' : mode.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mode.slice(1); this[ '_styleSheet' + sheetKey ].updateRule( selector, property, value ); }, /* States ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Saves the current state of a layout. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _saveState */ _saveState: function() { var post = FLBuilderConfig.postId, css = $('link[href*="/cache/' + post + '"]').attr('href'), js = $('script[src*="/cache/' + post + '"]').attr('src'), html = $(FLBuilder._contentClass).html(); this.state = { css : css, js : js, html : html }; }, /** * Runs a preview refresh for the current settings lightbox. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method preview */ preview: function() { var form = $('.fl-builder-settings-lightbox .fl-builder-settings'), nodeId = form.attr('data-node'), settings = FLBuilder._getSettings(form); // Abort an existing preview request. this._cancelPreview(); // Make a new preview request. this._xhr = FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'render_layout', node_id : nodeId, node_preview : settings }, $.proxy(this._renderPreview, this)); }, /** * Runs a preview refresh with a delay. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method delayPreview */ delayPreview: function(e) { var heading = typeof e == 'undefined' ? [] : $(e.target).closest('tr').find('th'), widgetHeading = $('.fl-builder-widget-settings .fl-builder-settings-title'), lightboxHeading = $('.fl-builder-settings .fl-lightbox-header'), loaderSrc = FLBuilderLayoutConfig.paths.pluginUrl + 'img/ajax-loader-small.svg', loader = $('<img class="fl-builder-preview-loader" src="' + loaderSrc + '" />'); this.delay(1000, $.proxy(this.preview, this)); this._loaderTimeout = setTimeout( function() { $('.fl-builder-preview-loader').remove(); if(heading.length > 0) { heading.append(loader); } else if(widgetHeading.length > 0) { widgetHeading.append(loader); } else if(lightboxHeading.length > 0) { lightboxHeading.append(loader); } }, 1500 ); }, /** * Cancels a preview refresh. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _cancelPreview */ _cancelPreview: function() { if(this._xhr) { this._xhr.abort(); this._xhr = null; } }, /** * Renders the response of a preview refresh. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _renderPreview * @param {String} response The JSON encoded response. */ _renderPreview: function(response) { this._xhr = null; FLBuilder._renderLayout(response, $.proxy(this._renderPreviewComplete, this)); }, /** * Fires when a preview refresh has finished rendering. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _renderPreviewComplete */ _renderPreviewComplete: function() { // Refresh the preview styles. this._destroySheets(); this._createSheets(); // Refresh the elements. this._initElementsAndClasses(); // Clear the loader timeout. if(this._loaderTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this._loaderTimeout); } // Remove the loading graphic. $('.fl-builder-preview-loader').remove(); // Fire the preview rendered event. $( FLBuilder._contentClass ).trigger( 'fl-builder.preview-rendered' ); }, /** * Reverts a preview to the state that was saved * before the preview was initialized. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method revert */ revert: function() { // Clear the preview. this.clear(); // Render the layout. FLBuilder._renderLayout( this.state ); }, /** * Cancels a preview refresh and removes * any stylesheet changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @method clear */ clear: function() { // Canel any preview delays or requests. this._cancelDelay(); this._cancelPreview(); // Destroy the preview stylesheet. this._destroySheets(); // Destroy responsive editing previews. this._destroyResponsivePreviews(); }, /* Node Text Color Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes node text color previews. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initNodeTextColor */ _initNodeTextColor: function() { // Elements $.extend(this.elements, { textColor : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=text_color]'), linkColor : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=link_color]'), hoverColor : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=hover_color]'), headingColor : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=heading_color]') }); // Events this.elements.textColor.on('change', $.proxy(this._textColorChange, this)); this.elements.linkColor.on('change', $.proxy(this._textColorChange, this)); this.elements.hoverColor.on('change', $.proxy(this._textColorChange, this)); this.elements.headingColor.on('change', $.proxy(this._textColorChange, this)); }, /** * Fires when the text color field for a node * is changed. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _textColorChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _textColorChange: function(e) { var textColor = this.elements.textColor.val(), linkColor = this.elements.linkColor.val(), hoverColor = this.elements.hoverColor.val(), headingColor = this.elements.headingColor.val(); linkColor = linkColor === '' ? textColor : linkColor; hoverColor = hoverColor === '' ? textColor : hoverColor; headingColor = headingColor === '' ? textColor : headingColor; this.delay(100, $.proxy(function(){ // Update Text color. if(textColor === '') { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node, 'color', 'inherit'); } else { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node, 'color', '#' + textColor); } // Update Link Color if ( linkColor === '' ) { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' a', 'color', 'inherit'); } else { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' a', 'color', '#' + linkColor); } // Hover Color if(hoverColor === '') { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' a:hover', 'color', 'inherit'); } else { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' a:hover', 'color', '#' + hoverColor); } // Heading Color if(headingColor === '') { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h1', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h2', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h3', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h4', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h5', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h6', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h1 a', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h2 a', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h3 a', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h4 a', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h5 a', 'color', 'inherit'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h6 a', 'color', 'inherit'); } else { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h1', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h2', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h3', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h4', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h5', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h6', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h1 a', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h2 a', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h3 a', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h4 a', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h5 a', 'color', '#' + headingColor); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.node + ' h6 a', 'color', '#' + headingColor); } }, this)); }, /* Node Bg Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes node background previews. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initNodeBg */ _initNodeBg: function() { // Elements $.extend(this.elements, { bgType : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_type]'), bgColor : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=bg_color]'), bgColorPicker : $(this.classes.settings + ' .fl-picker-bg_color'), bgOpacity : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=bg_opacity]'), bgImageSrc : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_image_src]'), bgRepeat : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_repeat]'), bgPosition : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_position]'), bgAttachment : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_attachment]'), bgSize : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_size]'), bgVideoSource : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_video_source]'), bgVideo : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=bg_video]'), bgVideoServiceUrl : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=bg_video_service_url]'), bgVideoFallbackSrc : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_video_fallback_src]'), bgSlideshowSource : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=ss_source]'), bgSlideshowPhotos : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=ss_photos]'), bgSlideshowFeedUrl : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=ss_feed_url]'), bgSlideshowSpeed : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=ss_speed]'), bgSlideshowTrans : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=ss_transition]'), bgSlideshowTransSpeed : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=ss_transitionDuration]'), bgParallaxImageSrc : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=bg_parallax_image_src]'), bgOverlayColor : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=bg_overlay_color]'), bgOverlayOpacity : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=bg_overlay_opacity]') }); // Events this.elements.bgType.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgTypeChange, this)); this.elements.bgColor.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgColorChange, this)); this.elements.bgOpacity.on( 'keyup', $.proxy(this._bgOpacityChange, this)); this.elements.bgImageSrc.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgPhotoChange, this)); this.elements.bgRepeat.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgPhotoChange, this)); this.elements.bgPosition.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgPhotoChange, this)); this.elements.bgAttachment.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgPhotoChange, this)); this.elements.bgSize.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgPhotoChange, this)); this.elements.bgVideoServiceUrl.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgVideoChange, this)); this.elements.bgSlideshowSource.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgSlideshowChange, this)); this.elements.bgSlideshowPhotos.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgSlideshowChange, this)); this.elements.bgSlideshowFeedUrl.on( 'keyup', $.proxy(this._bgSlideshowChange, this)); this.elements.bgSlideshowSpeed.on( 'keyup', $.proxy(this._bgSlideshowChange, this)); this.elements.bgSlideshowTrans.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgSlideshowChange, this)); this.elements.bgSlideshowTransSpeed.on( 'keyup', $.proxy(this._bgSlideshowChange, this)); this.elements.bgParallaxImageSrc.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgParallaxChange, this)); this.elements.bgOverlayColor.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._bgOverlayChange, this)); this.elements.bgOverlayOpacity.on( 'keyup', $.proxy(this._bgOverlayChange, this)); }, /** * Fires when the background type field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgTypeChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgTypeChange: function(e) { var val = this.elements.bgType.val(); // Clear bg styles first. this.elements.node.removeClass('fl-row-bg-video'); this.elements.node.removeClass('fl-row-bg-slideshow'); this.elements.node.removeClass('fl-row-bg-parallax'); this.elements.node.find('.fl-bg-video').remove(); this.elements.node.find('.fl-bg-slideshow').remove(); this.elements.content.css('background-image', ''); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, { 'background-color' : 'transparent', 'background-image' : 'none' }); // None if(val == 'none') { this._bgOverlayClear(); } // Color else if(val == 'color') { this.elements.bgColor.trigger('change'); this._bgOverlayClear(); } // Photo else if(val == 'photo') { this.elements.bgColor.trigger('change'); this.elements.bgImageSrc.trigger('change'); } // Video else if(val == 'video') { this.elements.bgColor.trigger('change'); this._bgVideoChange(); } // Slideshow else if(val == 'slideshow') { this.elements.bgColor.trigger('change'); this._bgSlideshowChange(); } // Parallax else if(val == 'parallax') { this.elements.bgColor.trigger('change'); this.elements.bgParallaxImageSrc.trigger('change'); } }, /** * Fires when the background color field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgColorChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgColorChange: function(e) { var rgb, alpha, value; if(this.elements.bgColor.val() === '' || isNaN(this.elements.bgOpacity.val())) { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, 'background-color', 'transparent'); } else { rgb = this.hexToRgb( this.elements.bgColor.val() ); alpha = this.parseFloat(this.elements.bgOpacity.val())/100; value = 'rgba(' + rgb.join() + ', ' + alpha + ')'; this.delay(100, $.proxy(function(){ this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, 'background-color', value); }, this)); } }, /** * Fires when the background opacity field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgOpacityChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgOpacityChange: function(e) { this.elements.bgColor.trigger('change'); }, /** * Fires when the background photo field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgPhotoChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgPhotoChange: function(e) { if(this.elements.bgImageSrc.val()) { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, { 'background-image' : 'url(' + this.elements.bgImageSrc.val() + ')', 'background-repeat' : this.elements.bgRepeat.val(), 'background-position' : this.elements.bgPosition.val(), 'background-attachment' : this.elements.bgAttachment.val(), 'background-size' : this.elements.bgSize.val() }); } else { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, { 'background-image' : 'none' }); } }, /** * Fires when the background video field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.9.2 * @access private * @method _bgVideoChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgVideoChange: function(e) { var eles = this.elements, source = eles.bgVideoSource.val(), video = eles.bgVideo.val(), videoUrl = eles.bgVideoServiceUrl.val(), youtubePlayer = 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api', vimeoPlayer = 'https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js', scriptTag = $( '<script>' ); // Only load the required API script library if(source == 'video_service' && videoUrl != '') { if (/^(?:(?:(?:https?:)?\/\/)?(?:www.)?(?:youtu(?:be.com|.be))\/(?:watch\?v\=|v\/|embed\/)?([\w\-]+))/i.test(videoUrl) && $( 'script[src*="youtube.com"' ).length < 1) { scriptTag.attr('src', youtubePlayer); } else if(/^(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/)?(www\.)?(vimeo\.com\/)([0-9]+)$/.test(videoUrl) && $( 'script[src*="vimeo.com"' ).length < 1) { scriptTag.attr('src', vimeoPlayer); } scriptTag .attr('type', 'text/javascript') .appendTo('head'); this.delay(500, $.proxy(this.preview, this)); } else if(video != '') { this.preview(); } }, /** * Fires when the background slideshow field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgSlideshowChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgSlideshowChange: function(e) { var eles = this.elements, source = eles.bgSlideshowSource.val(), photos = eles.bgSlideshowPhotos.val(), feed = eles.bgSlideshowFeedUrl.val(), speed = eles.bgSlideshowSpeed.val(), transSpeed = eles.bgSlideshowTransSpeed.val(); if(source == 'wordpress' && photos === '') { return; } else if(source == 'smugmug' && feed === '') { return; } else if(isNaN(parseInt(speed))) { return; } else if(isNaN(parseInt(transSpeed))) { return; } this.delay(500, $.proxy(this.preview, this)); }, /** * Fires when the background parallax field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgParallaxChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgParallaxChange: function(e) { if(this.elements.bgParallaxImageSrc.val()) { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, { 'background-image' : 'url(' + this.elements.bgParallaxImageSrc.val() + ')', 'background-repeat' : 'no-repeat', 'background-position' : 'center center', 'background-attachment' : 'fixed', 'background-size' : 'cover' }); } }, /** * Fires when the background overlay field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgOverlayChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgOverlayChange: function(e) { var rgb, alpha, value; if(this.elements.bgOverlayColor.val() === '' || isNaN(this.elements.bgOverlayOpacity.val())) { this.elements.node.removeClass('fl-row-bg-overlay'); this.elements.node.removeClass('fl-col-bg-overlay'); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content + ':after', 'background-color', 'transparent'); } else { rgb = this.hexToRgb(this.elements.bgOverlayColor.val()); alpha = this.parseFloat(this.elements.bgOverlayOpacity.val())/100; value = 'rgba(' + rgb.join() + ', ' + alpha + ')'; this.delay(100, $.proxy(function(){ if ( this.elements.node.hasClass( 'fl-col' ) ) { this.elements.node.addClass( 'fl-col-bg-overlay' ); } else { this.elements.node.addClass( 'fl-row-bg-overlay' ); } this.updateCSSRule( this.classes.content + ':after', 'background-color', value ); }, this)); } }, /** * Fires when a background overlay color is cleared. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _bgOverlayClear * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _bgOverlayClear: function(e) { this.elements.bgOverlayColor.prev('.fl-color-picker-clear').trigger('click'); }, /* Node Border Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes node border previews. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initNodeBorder */ _initNodeBorder: function() { // Elements $.extend(this.elements, { borderType : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=border_type]'), borderColor : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=border_color]'), borderColorPicker : $(this.classes.settings + ' .fl-picker-border_color'), borderOpacity : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=border_opacity]') }); // Events this.elements.borderType.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._borderTypeChange, this)); this.elements.borderColor.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._borderColorChange, this)); this.elements.borderOpacity.on( 'keyup', $.proxy(this._borderOpacityChange, this)); }, /** * Fires when the border type field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _borderTypeChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _borderTypeChange: function(e) { var val = this.elements.borderType.val(); this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, { 'border-style' : val === '' ? 'none' : val }); this.elements.borderColor.trigger('change'); this.elements.borderTop.trigger('keyup'); }, /** * Fires when the border color field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _borderColorChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _borderColorChange: function(e) { var rgb, alpha, value; if(this.elements.borderColor.val() === '' || isNaN(this.elements.borderOpacity.val())) { this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, 'border-color', 'transparent'); } else { rgb = this.hexToRgb(this.elements.borderColor.val()); alpha = parseInt(this.elements.borderOpacity.val())/100; value = 'rgba(' + rgb.join() + ', ' + alpha + ')'; this.delay(100, $.proxy(function(){ this.updateCSSRule(this.classes.content, 'border-color', value); }, this)); } }, /** * Fires when the border opacity field of * a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _borderOpacityChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _borderOpacityChange: function(e) { this.elements.borderColor.trigger('change'); }, /* Node Class Name Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes node classname previews. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initNodeClassName */ _initNodeClassName: function() { // Elements $.extend(this.elements, { className : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=class]') }); // Events this.elements.className.on('keyup', $.proxy(this._classNameChange, this)); this._lastClassName = this.elements.className.val(); }, /** * Fires when the classname of a node changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _classNameChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _classNameChange: function(e) { var className = this.elements.className.val(); if(this._lastClassName !== null) { this.elements.node.removeClass(this._lastClassName); } this.elements.node.addClass(className); this._lastClassName = className; }, /* Node Margin Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes node responsive dimension previews for things * like margins, padding and borders. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _initResponsiveDimensions */ _initResponsiveDimensions: function( property ) { var elements = {}, dimensions = [ 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Left', 'Right' ], devices = [ '', 'Medium', 'Responsive' ], settingsClass = this.classes.settings, elementKey = '', inputName = '', i = null, k = null; for ( i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < devices.length; k++ ) { elementKey = property + dimensions[ i ] + devices[ k ]; inputName = property + '_' + dimensions[ i ].toLowerCase(); if ( '' != devices[ k ] ) { inputName += '_' + devices[ k ].toLowerCase(); } elements[ elementKey ] = $( settingsClass + ' input[name=' + inputName + ']'); elements[ elementKey ].on( 'keyup', $.proxy( this._responsiveDimensionChange, this, property ) ); } } $.extend( this.elements, elements ); }, /** * Get all dimensions from a node preview event. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _getDimensions * @param {String} property * @return {Object} An object with tblr data. */ _getDimensions: function( property ) { var mode = FLBuilderResponsiveEditing._mode, dimensions = [ 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Left', 'Right' ], device = 'default' == mode ? '' : mode.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mode.slice(1), values = {}, i = 0; for ( ; i < dimensions.length; i++ ) { values[ dimensions[ i ].toLowerCase() ] = this.elements[ property + dimensions[ i ] + device ].val(); } return this._normalizeDimensionValues( values, property ); }, /** * Fires when a dimension field of a node changes. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _responsiveDimensionChange * @param {String} property */ _responsiveDimensionChange: function( property ) { var newDimensions = this._getDimensions( property ), newRules = {}, isBorder = 'border' == property; $.each( newDimensions, function( dir, val ) { newRules[ property + '-' + dir + ( isBorder ? '-width' : '' ) ] = val; } ); this.updateResponsiveCSSRule( this.classes.content, newRules ); this._positionAbsoluteBgs(); }, /** * Normalize CSS dimension values. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _normalizeDimensionValues * @param {Object} values Object of margins/paddings/border widths values. * @param {String} property CSS property to get, can be 'margin', 'padding' or 'border-width'. * @return {Object} An object of normalized margins/paddings/border widths values with units. */ _normalizeDimensionValues: function( values, property ) { var parent = this, mode = FLBuilderResponsiveEditing._mode, device = 'default' == mode ? '' : mode.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mode.slice(1), // Separate property name from property suffix property = property.split( '-' ); // Set correct property suffix if ( 'undefined' === typeof property[1] ) { property[1] = ''; } else { property[1] = property[1].charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + property[1].slice( 1 ); } $.map( values, function( val, key ) { val = val.toLowerCase().replace( /[^a-z0-9%.\-]/g, '' ); // Fall back to placeholder if the value is empty if ( '' === val ) { var option = property[0] + key.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + key.slice( 1 ) + property[1] + device, placeholder = parent.elements[ option ].attr( 'placeholder' ); if ( placeholder ) { val = placeholder; } } // Fall back to pixels when numeric value set if ( null !== val && '' !== val && ! isNaN( val ) ) { val = parseFloat( val ) + 'px'; } values[ key ] = val; } ); return values; }, /* Absolutely Positioned Backgrounds ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Positions the backgrounds of a node that need absolute * positioning such as videos and slideshows. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _positionAbsoluteBgs */ _positionAbsoluteBgs: function() { // @todo Oliver: Why is this actually needed??? var slideshow = this.elements.node.find('.fl-bg-slideshow'), video = this.elements.node.find('.fl-bg-video'), margins = null, borders = null, position = { 'top' : 0, 'bottom' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 0, }; if ( slideshow.length > 0 || video.length > 0 ) { margins = this._getDimensions( 'margin' ); borders = this._getDimensions( 'border' ); $.map( position, function( val, key ) { if ( margins[ key ] && borders[ key ] ) { position[ key ] = 'calc(' + margins[ key ] + '+' + borders[ key ] + ')'; } else if ( margins[ key ] ) { position[ key ] = margins[ key ]; } else if ( borders[ key ] ) { position[ key ] = borders[ key ]; } } ); if ( slideshow.length > 0 ) { this.updateCSSRule( this.classes.node + ' .fl-bg-slideshow', position ); FLBuilder._resizeLayout(); } if ( video.length > 0 ) { this.updateCSSRule( this.classes.node + ' .fl-bg-video', position ); } } }, /* Row Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes a row preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initRow */ _initRow: function() { // Elements $.extend(this.elements, { width : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=width]'), contentWidth : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=content_width]'), height : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=full_height]'), align : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=content_alignment]') }); // Events this.elements.width.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._rowWidthChange, this)); this.elements.contentWidth.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._rowContentWidthChange, this)); this.elements.height.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._rowHeightChange, this)); this.elements.align.on( 'change', $.proxy(this._rowHeightChange, this)); // Common Elements this._initNodeTextColor(); this._initNodeBg(); this._initNodeClassName(); this._initNodeBorder(); this._initResponsiveDimensions( 'border' ); this._initResponsiveDimensions( 'margin' ); this._initResponsiveDimensions( 'padding' ); }, /** * Fires when the width field of a row changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _rowWidthChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _rowWidthChange: function(e) { var row = this.elements.node; if(this.elements.width.val() == 'full') { row.removeClass('fl-row-fixed-width'); row.addClass('fl-row-full-width'); } else { row.removeClass('fl-row-full-width'); row.addClass('fl-row-fixed-width'); } }, /** * Fires when the height field of a row changes. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _rowHeightChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _rowHeightChange: function(e) { var row = this.elements.node; row.removeClass('fl-row-align-top'); row.removeClass('fl-row-align-center'); row.removeClass('fl-row-align-bottom'); if(this.elements.height.val() == 'full') { row.addClass('fl-row-full-height'); row.addClass('fl-row-align-' + this.elements.align.val()); } else { row.removeClass('fl-row-full-height'); } }, /** * Fires when the content width field of a row changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _rowContentWidthChange * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _rowContentWidthChange: function(e) { var content = this.elements.content.find('.fl-row-content'); if(this.elements.contentWidth.val() == 'full') { content.removeClass('fl-row-fixed-width'); content.addClass('fl-row-full-width'); } else { content.removeClass('fl-row-full-width'); content.addClass('fl-row-fixed-width'); } }, /* Columns Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes a column preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initRow */ _initColumn: function() { // Elements $.extend(this.elements, { size : $(this.classes.settings + ' input[name=size]'), columnHeight : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=equal_height]'), columnAlign : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=content_alignment]'), responsiveOrder : $(this.classes.settings + ' select[name=responsive_order]') }); // Events this.elements.size.on( 'keyup', $.proxy( this._colSizeChange, this ) ); this.elements.columnHeight.on( 'change', $.proxy( this._colHeightChange, this ) ); this.elements.columnAlign.on( 'change', $.proxy( this._colHeightChange, this ) ); this.elements.responsiveOrder.on( 'change', $.proxy( this._colResponsiveOrder, this ) ); // Common Elements this._initNodeTextColor(); this._initNodeBg(); this._initNodeClassName(); this._initNodeBorder(); this._initResponsiveDimensions( 'border' ); this._initResponsiveDimensions( 'margin' ); this._initResponsiveDimensions( 'padding' ); }, /** * Fires when the size field of a column changes. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _colSizeChange */ _colSizeChange: function() { var preview = this, minWidth = 8, maxWidth = 100 - minWidth, size = parseFloat(this.elements.size.val()), prev = this.elements.node.prev('.fl-col'), next = this.elements.node.next('.fl-col'), sibling = next.length === 0 ? prev : next, siblings = this.elements.node.siblings('.fl-col'), siblingsWidth = 0; // Don't resize if we onlt have one column or no size. if(siblings.length === 0 || isNaN(size)) { return; } // Adjust sizes based on other columns. siblings.each(function() { if($(this).data('node') == sibling.data('node')) { return; } maxWidth -= parseFloat($(this)[0].style.width); siblingsWidth += parseFloat($(this)[0].style.width); }); // Make sure the new width isn't too small. if(size < minWidth) { size = minWidth; } // Make sure the new width isn't too big. if(size > maxWidth) { size = maxWidth; } // Update the widths. sibling.css('width', (100 - siblingsWidth - size) + '%'); this.elements.node.css('width', size + '%'); }, /** * Fires when the equal height field of a column changes. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _colHeightChange */ _colHeightChange: function() { var parent = this.elements.node.parent('.fl-col-group'); parent.removeClass('fl-col-group-align-top'); parent.removeClass('fl-col-group-align-center'); parent.removeClass('fl-col-group-align-bottom'); if(this.elements.columnHeight.val() == 'yes') { parent.addClass('fl-col-group-equal-height'); parent.addClass('fl-col-group-align-' + this.elements.columnAlign.val()); } else { parent.removeClass('fl-col-group-equal-height'); } }, /** * Fires when the responsive order field of a column changes. * * @since 1.8 * @access private * @method _colResponsiveOrder */ _colResponsiveOrder: function() { var parent = this.elements.node.parent('.fl-col-group'); if(this.elements.responsiveOrder.val() == 'reversed') { parent.addClass('fl-col-group-responsive-reversed'); } else { parent.removeClass('fl-col-group-responsive-reversed'); } }, /* Module Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes a module preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initRow */ _initModule: function() { this._initNodeClassName(); this._initResponsiveDimensions( 'margin' ); }, /* Default Field Previews ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes the default preview logic for each * field in a settings form. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initDefaultFieldPreviews */ _initDefaultFieldPreviews: function() { var fields = this.elements.settings.find('.fl-field'), field = null, fieldType = null, preview = null, i = 0; for( ; i < fields.length; i++) { field = fields.eq(i); preview = field.data('preview'); if(preview.type == 'refresh') { this._initFieldRefreshPreview(field); } if(preview.type == 'text') { this._initFieldTextPreview(field); } if(preview.type == 'css') { this._initFieldCSSPreview(field); } if(preview.type == 'widget') { this._initFieldWidgetPreview(field); } if(preview.type == 'font') { this._initFieldFontPreview(field); } } }, /** * Initializes the refresh preview for a field. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initFieldRefreshPreview * @param {Object} field The field to preview. */ _initFieldRefreshPreview: function(field) { var fieldType = field.data('type'), preview = field.data('preview'), callback = $.proxy(this.delayPreview, this); switch(fieldType) { case 'text': field.find('input[type=text]').on('keyup', callback); break; case 'textarea': field.find('textarea').on('keyup', callback); break; case 'select': field.find('select').on('change', callback); break; case 'color': field.find('.fl-color-picker-value').on('change', callback); break; case 'photo': field.find('select').on('change', callback); break; case 'multiple-photos': field.find('input').on('change', callback); break; case 'photo-sizes': field.find('select').on('change', callback); break; case 'video': field.find('input').on('change', callback); break; case 'multiple-audios': field.find('input').on('change', callback); break; case 'icon': field.find('input').on('change', callback); break; case 'form': field.delegate('input', 'change', callback); break; case 'editor': this._addTextEditorCallback(field, preview); break; case 'code': field.find('textarea').on('change', callback); break; case 'post-type': field.find('select').on('change', callback); break; case 'suggest': field.find('.as-values').on('change', callback); field.find('select').on('change', callback); break; case 'unit': field.find('input[type=number]').on('keyup', callback); break; case 'ordering': field.find('input[type=hidden]').on('change', callback); break; } }, /** * Initializes a text preview for a field. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initFieldTextPreview * @param {Object} field The field to preview. */ _initFieldTextPreview: function(field) { var fieldType = field.data('type'), preview = field.data('preview'), callback = $.proxy(this._previewText, this, preview); switch(fieldType) { case 'text': field.find('input[type=text]').on('keyup', callback); break; case 'unit': field.find('input[type=number]').on('keyup', callback); break; case 'textarea': field.find('textarea').on('keyup', callback); break; case 'code': field.find('textarea').on('change', callback); break; case 'editor': this._addTextEditorCallback(field, preview); break; } }, /** * Runs a real time preview for text fields. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _previewText * @param {Object} preview A preview object. * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _previewText: function(preview, e) { var element = this.elements.node.find(preview.selector), text = $('<div>' + $(e.target).val() + '</div>'); if(element.length > 0) { text.find('script').remove(); element.html(text.html()); } }, /** * Runs a real time preview for text editor fields. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _previewText * @param {Object} preview A preview object. * @param {String} id The ID of the text editor. * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _previewTextEditor: function(preview, id, e) { var element = this.elements.node.find(preview.selector), editor = typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined' ? tinyMCE.get(id) : null, textarea = $('#' + id), text = ''; if(element.length > 0) { if(editor && textarea.css('display') == 'none') { text = $('<div>' + editor.getContent() + '</div>'); } else { if ( 'undefined' == typeof switchEditors || 'undefined' == typeof switchEditors.wpautop ) { text = $('<div>' + textarea.val() + '</div>'); } else { text = $('<div>' + switchEditors.wpautop( textarea.val() ) + '</div>'); } } text.find('script').remove(); element.html(text.html()); } }, /** * Callback for text editor previews. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _previewText * @param {Object} field A field object. * @param {Object} preview A preview object. */ _addTextEditorCallback: function(field, preview) { var id = field.find('textarea.wp-editor-area').attr('id'), callback = null; if(preview.type == 'refresh') { callback = $.proxy(this.delayPreview, this); } else if(preview.type == 'text') { callback = $.proxy(this._previewTextEditor, this, preview, id); } else { return; } $('#' + id).on('keyup', callback); if(typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') { editor = tinyMCE.get(id); editor.on('change', callback); editor.on('keyup', callback); } }, /** * Initializes a font preview for a field. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initFieldFontPreview * @param {Object} field The field to preview. */ _initFieldFontPreview: function(field) { var fieldType = field.data('type'), preview = field.data('preview'); // store field id preview.id = field.attr( 'id' ); var callback = $.proxy(this._previewFont, this, preview); if( fieldType == 'font' ){ field.find('.fl-font-field').on('change', 'select', callback); } }, /** * Gets the selected font and weight, and make the necessary updates for live preview. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @see _getPreviewSelector * @see _buildFontStylesheet * @see updateCSSRule * * @method _previewFont * @param {Object} preview An object with data about the current field and css selector. * @param {[type]} e The current field. */ _previewFont: function( preview, e ){ var parent = $( e.delegateTarget ), font = parent.find( '.fl-font-field-font' ), selected = $( font ).find( ':selected' ), fontGroup = selected.parent().attr( 'label' ), weight = parent.find( '.fl-font-field-weight' ), uniqueID = preview.id + '-' + this.nodeId, selector = this._getPreviewSelector( this.classes.node, preview.selector ); // If the selected font is a Google Font, build the font stylesheet if( fontGroup == 'Google' ){ this._buildFontStylesheet( uniqueID, font.val(), weight.val() ); } if( font.val() == 'Default' ){ this.updateCSSRule( selector, 'font-family', '' ); this.updateCSSRule( selector, 'font-weight', '' ); } else { // Updated CSS rules this.updateCSSRule( selector, 'font-family', font.val() ); this.updateCSSRule( selector, 'font-weight', weight.val() ); } }, /** * Gets all fonts store insite FLBuilderPreview._fontsList and renders the respective * link tag with Google Fonts. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * * @method _buildFontStylesheet * @param {String} id The field unique ID. * @param {String} font The selected font. * @param {String} weight The selected weight. */ _buildFontStylesheet: function( id, font, weight ){ var url = FLBuilderConfig.googleFontsUrl, href = '', fontObj = {}, fontArray = {}; // build the font family / weight object fontObj[ font ] = [ weight ]; // adds to the list of fonts for this font setting FLBuilderPreview._fontsList[ id ] = fontObj; // iterate over the keys of the FLBuilderPreview._fontsList object Object.keys( FLBuilderPreview._fontsList ).forEach( function( fieldFont ) { var field = FLBuilderPreview._fontsList[ fieldFont ]; // iterate over the font / weight object Object.keys( field ).forEach( function( key ) { // get the weights of this font var weights = field[ key ]; fontArray[ key ] = fontArray[ key ] || []; // remove duplicates from the values array weights = weights.filter( function( weight ) { return fontArray[ key ].indexOf( weight ) < 0; }); fontArray[ key ] = fontArray[ key ].concat( weights ); }); }); $.each( fontArray, function( font, weight ){ href += font + ':' + weight.join() + '|'; } ); // remove last character and replace spaces with plus signs href = url + href.slice( 0, -1 ).replace( ' ', '+' ); if( $( '#fl-builder-google-fonts-preview' ).length < 1 ){ $( '<link>' ) .attr( 'id', 'fl-builder-google-fonts-preview' ) .attr( 'type', 'text/css' ) .attr( 'rel', 'stylesheet' ) .attr( 'href', href ) .appendTo('head'); } else{ $( '#fl-builder-google-fonts-preview' ).attr( 'href', href ); } }, /** * Initializes CSS previews for a node. * * @since 1.3.3 * @since 1.6.1 Reworked to accept a preview.rules array. * @access private * @method _initFieldCSSPreview * @param {Object} field A field object. */ _initFieldCSSPreview: function( field ) { var preview = field.data( 'preview' ), i = null; if ( 'undefined' != typeof preview.rules ) { for ( i in preview.rules ) { this._initFieldCSSPreviewCallback( field, preview.rules[ i ] ); } } else { this._initFieldCSSPreviewCallback( field, preview ); } }, /** * Initializes CSS preview callbacks for a field. * * @since 1.6.1 * @access private * @method _initFieldCSSPreviewCallback * @param {Object} field A field object. * @param {Object} preview The preview data object. */ _initFieldCSSPreviewCallback: function( field, preview ) { switch( field.data( 'type' ) ) { case 'text': field.find( 'input[type=text]' ).on( 'keyup', $.proxy( this._previewCSS, this, preview ) ); break; case 'unit': field.find( 'input[type=number]' ).on( 'keyup', $.proxy( this._previewCSS, this, preview ) ); break; case 'select': field.find( 'select' ).on( 'change', $.proxy( this._previewCSS, this, preview ) ); break; case 'color': field.find( '.fl-color-picker-value' ).on( 'change', $.proxy( this._previewColor, this, preview ) ); break; } }, /** * Updates the CSS rule for a preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _previewCSS * @param {Object} preview A preview object. * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _previewCSS: function(preview, e) { var selector = this._getPreviewSelector( this.classes.node, preview.selector ), property = preview.property, unit = typeof preview.unit == 'undefined' ? '' : preview.unit, input = $(e.target), value = input.val(); if(unit == '%') { value = parseInt(value)/100; } else if ( '' !== value ) { value += unit; } if ( input.closest( '.fl-field-responsive-setting' ).length ) { this.updateResponsiveCSSRule( selector, property, value ); } else { this.updateCSSRule( selector, property, value ); } }, /** * Updates the CSS rule for a color preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _previewColor * @param {Object} preview A preview object. * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _previewColor: function(preview, e) { var selector = this._getPreviewSelector( this.classes.node, preview.selector ), input = $(e.target), val = input.val(), color = val === '' ? 'inherit' : '#' + val; if ( /^rgb/.test( val.replace(/\s+/g, '') ) ) { color = val; } if ( input.closest( '.fl-field-responsive-setting' ).length ) { this.updateResponsiveCSSRule( selector, preview.property, color ); } else { this.updateCSSRule( selector, preview.property, color ); } }, /** * Initializes the preview for a WordPress widget. * * @since 1.3.3 * @access private * @method _initFieldWidgetPreview * @param {Object} field A field object. */ _initFieldWidgetPreview: function(field) { var callback = $.proxy(this.delayPreview, this); field.find('input').on('keyup', callback); field.find('input[type=checkbox]').on('click', callback); field.find('textarea').on('keyup', callback); field.find('select').on('change', callback); }, /** * Returns a formatted selector string for a preview. * * @since 1.6.1 * @access private * @method _getPreviewSelector * @param {String} selector A CSS selector string. * @return {String} */ _getPreviewSelector: function( prefix, selector ) { var formatted = '', parts = selector.split( ',' ), i = 0; for ( ; i < parts.length; i++ ) { formatted += prefix + ' ' + parts[ i ]; if ( i != parts.length - 1 ) { formatted += ', '; } } return formatted; } }; })(jQuery);
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