Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/bb-plugin/js/fl-builder.js
Error occurred
(function($){ /** * The main builder interface class. * * @since 1.0 * @class FLBuilder */ FLBuilder = { /** * An instance of FLBuilderPreview for working * with the current live preview. * * @since 1.3.3 * @property {FLBuilderPreview} preview */ preview : null, /** * An instance of FLLightbox for displaying a list * of actions a user can take such as publish or cancel. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {FLLightbox} _actionsLightbox */ _actionsLightbox : null, /** * A jQuery reference to a module element that should be * added to a new node after it has been rendered. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _addModuleAfterNodeRender */ _addModuleAfterNodeRender : null, /** * An object that holds data for column resizing. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @property {Object} _colResizeData */ _colResizeData : null, /** * A flag for whether a column is being resized or not. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @property {Boolean} _colResizing */ _colResizing : false, /** * The CSS class of the main content wrapper for the * current layout that is being worked on. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {String} _contentClass */ _contentClass : false, /** * Whether dragging has been enabled or not. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Boolean} _dragEnabled */ _dragEnabled : false, /** * Whether an element is currently being dragged or not. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Boolean} _dragging */ _dragging : false, /** * The initial scroll top of the window when a drag starts. * Used to reset the scroll top when a drag is cancelled. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Boolean} _dragging */ _dragInitialScrollTop : 0, /** * The URL to redirect to when a user leaves the builder. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {String} _exitUrl */ _exitUrl : null, /** * An instance of FLBuilderAJAXLayout for rendering * the layout via AJAX. * * @since 1.7 * @property {FLBuilderAJAXLayout} _layout */ _layout : null, /** * A cached copy of custom layout CSS that is used to * revert changes if the cancel button is clicked. * * @since 1.7 * @property {String} _layoutSettingsCSSCache */ _layoutSettingsCSSCache : null, /** * A timeout for throttling custom layout CSS changes. * * @since 1.7 * @property {Object} _layoutSettingsCSSTimeout */ _layoutSettingsCSSTimeout : null, /** * An instance of FLLightbox for displaying settings. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {FLLightbox} _lightbox */ _lightbox : null, /** * A timeout for refreshing the height of lightbox scrollbars * in case the content changes from dynamic settings. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _lightboxScrollbarTimeout */ _lightboxScrollbarTimeout : null, /** * An array that's used to cache which module settings * CSS and JS assets have already been loaded so they * are only loaded once. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Array} _loadedModuleAssets */ _loadedModuleAssets : [], /** * An object used to store module settings helpers. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _moduleHelpers */ _moduleHelpers : {}, /** * An instance of wp.media used to select multiple photos. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _multiplePhotoSelector */ _multiplePhotoSelector : null, /** * A jQuery reference to a row that a new column group * should be added to once it's finished rendering. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _newColGroupParent */ _newColGroupParent : null, /** * The position a column group should be added to within * a row once it finishes rendering. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Number} _newColGroupPosition */ _newColGroupPosition : 0, /** * A jQuery reference to a new module's parent. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @property {Object} _newModuleParent */ _newModuleParent : null, /** * The position a new module should be added at once * it finishes rendering. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @property {Number} _newModulePosition */ _newModulePosition : 0, /** * The position a row should be added to within * the layout once it finishes rendering. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Number} _newRowPosition */ _newRowPosition : 0, /** * The ID of a template that the user has selected. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Number} _selectedTemplateId */ _selectedTemplateId : null, /** * The type of template that the user has selected. * Possible values are "core" or "user". * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {String} _selectedTemplateType */ _selectedTemplateType : null, /** * An instance of wp.media used to select a single photo. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _singlePhotoSelector */ _singlePhotoSelector : null, /** * An instance of wp.media used to select a single video. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _singleVideoSelector */ _singleVideoSelector : null, /** * An instance of wp.media used to select a multiple audio. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _multipleAudiosSelector */ _multipleAudiosSelector : null, /** * Initializes the builder interface. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _init */ _init: function() { FLBuilder._initJQueryReadyFix(); FLBuilder._initGlobalErrorHandling(); FLBuilder._initPostLock(); FLBuilder._initClassNames(); FLBuilder._initMediaUploader(); FLBuilder._initOverflowFix(); FLBuilder._initScrollbars(); FLBuilder._initLightboxes(); FLBuilder._initDropTargets(); FLBuilder._initSortables(); FLBuilder._initStrings(); FLBuilder._initTipTips(); FLBuilder._bindEvents(); FLBuilder._bindOverlayEvents(); FLBuilder._setupEmptyLayout(); FLBuilder._highlightEmptyCols(); FLBuilder._showTourOrTemplates(); }, /** * Prevent errors thrown in jQuery's ready function * from breaking subsequent ready calls. * * @since 1.4.6 * @access private * @method _initJQueryReadyFix */ _initJQueryReadyFix: function() { if ( FLBuilderConfig.debug ) { return; } jQuery.fn.oldReady = jQuery.fn.ready; jQuery.fn.ready = function( fn ) { return jQuery.fn.oldReady( function() { try { if ( 'function' == typeof fn ) { fn(); } } catch ( e ){ FLBuilder.logError( e ); } }); }; }, /** * Try to prevent errors from third party plugins * from breaking the builder. * * @since 1.4.6 * @access private * @method _initGlobalErrorHandling */ _initGlobalErrorHandling: function() { if ( FLBuilderConfig.debug ) { return; } window.onerror = function( message, file, line, col, error ) { FLBuilder.logGlobalError( message, file, line, col, error ); return true; }; }, /** * Send a wp.heartbeat request to lock editing of this * post so it can only be edited by the current user. * * @since 1.0.6 * @access private * @method _initPostLock */ _initPostLock: function() { if(typeof wp.heartbeat != 'undefined') { wp.heartbeat.interval(30); wp.heartbeat.enqueue('fl_builder_post_lock', { post_id: FLBuilderConfig.postId }); } }, /** * Initializes html and body classes as well as the * builder content class for this post. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initClassNames */ _initClassNames: function() { $('html').addClass('fl-builder-edit'); $('body').addClass('fl-builder'); if(FLBuilderConfig.simpleUi) { $('body').addClass('fl-builder-simple'); } FLBuilder._contentClass = '.fl-builder-content-' + FLBuilderConfig.postId; }, /** * Initializes the WordPress media uploader so any files * uploaded will be attached to the current post. * * @since 1.2.2 * @access private * @method _initMediaUploader */ _initMediaUploader: function() { wp.media.model.settings.post.id = FLBuilderConfig.postId; }, /** * Third party themes that set their content wrappers to * overflow:hidden break builder overlays. We set them * to overflow:visible while editing. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initOverflowFix */ _initOverflowFix: function() { $(FLBuilder._contentClass).parents().css('overflow', 'visible'); }, /** * Initializes Nano Scroller scrollbars for the * builder interface. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initScrollbars */ _initScrollbars: function() { $('.fl-nanoscroller').nanoScroller({ alwaysVisible: true, preventPageScrolling: true, paneClass: 'fl-nanoscroller-pane', sliderClass: 'fl-nanoscroller-slider', contentClass: 'fl-nanoscroller-content' }); }, /** * Initializes the lightboxes for the builder interface. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initLightboxes */ _initLightboxes: function() { /* Main builder lightbox */ FLBuilder._lightbox = new FLLightbox({ className: 'fl-builder-lightbox fl-builder-settings-lightbox' }); FLBuilder._lightbox.on('close', FLBuilder._lightboxClosed); /* Actions lightbox */ FLBuilder._actionsLightbox = new FLLightbox({ className: 'fl-builder-actions-lightbox' }); }, /** * Initializes jQuery sortables for drag and drop. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initSortables */ _initSortables: function() { var defaults = { appendTo: 'body', cursor: 'move', cursorAt: { left: 60, top: 20 }, distance: 1, helper: FLBuilder._blockDragHelper, start : FLBuilder._blockDragStart, sort: FLBuilder._blockDragSort, change: FLBuilder._blockDragChange, stop: FLBuilder._blockDragStop, placeholder: 'fl-builder-drop-zone', tolerance: 'intersect' }, rowConnections = '', moduleConnections = ''; // Module Connections. if ( 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { moduleConnections = FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-group-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-content'; } else { moduleConnections = FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-group-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row:not(.fl-node-global) .fl-col-content'; } // Row Connections. if ( FLBuilderConfig.nestedColumns ) { rowConnections = moduleConnections; } else if ( 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { rowConnections = FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-group-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-drop-target'; } else { rowConnections = FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-group-drop-target, ' + FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-drop-target'; } // Row layouts from the builder panel. $('.fl-builder-rows').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { connectWith: rowConnections, items: '.fl-builder-block-row', stop: FLBuilder._rowDragStop })); // Row templates from the builder panel. $('.fl-builder-row-templates').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { connectWith: FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row-drop-target', items: '.fl-builder-block-row-template', stop: FLBuilder._nodeTemplateDragStop })); // Saved rows from the builder panel. $('.fl-builder-saved-rows').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { cancel: '.fl-builder-node-template-actions, .fl-builder-node-template-edit, .fl-builder-node-template-delete', connectWith: FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row-drop-target', items: '.fl-builder-block-saved-row', stop: FLBuilder._nodeTemplateDragStop })); // Modules from the builder panel. $('.fl-builder-modules, .fl-builder-widgets').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { connectWith: moduleConnections, items: '.fl-builder-block-module', stop: FLBuilder._moduleDragStop })); // Module templates from the builder panel. $('.fl-builder-module-templates').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { connectWith: moduleConnections, items: '.fl-builder-block-module-template', stop: FLBuilder._nodeTemplateDragStop })); // Saved modules from the builder panel. $('.fl-builder-saved-modules').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { cancel: '.fl-builder-node-template-actions, .fl-builder-node-template-edit, .fl-builder-node-template-delete', connectWith: moduleConnections, items: '.fl-builder-block-saved-module', stop: FLBuilder._nodeTemplateDragStop })); // Rows $('.fl-row-sortable-proxy').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { connectWith: FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row-drop-target', helper: FLBuilder._rowDragHelper, start: FLBuilder._rowDragStart, stop: FLBuilder._rowDragStop })); // Columns $('.fl-col-sortable-proxy').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { connectWith: moduleConnections, helper: FLBuilder._colDragHelper, start: FLBuilder._colDragStart, stop: FLBuilder._colDragStop })); // Modules $(FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-content').sortable($.extend({}, defaults, { connectWith: moduleConnections, handle: '.fl-module-overlay .fl-block-overlay-actions .fl-block-move', helper: FLBuilder._moduleDragHelper, items: '.fl-module, .fl-col-group', start: FLBuilder._moduleDragStart, stop: FLBuilder._moduleDragStop })); // Drop targets $(FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row-drop-target').sortable( defaults ); $(FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-group-drop-target').sortable( defaults ); $(FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col-drop-target').sortable( defaults ); }, /** * Initializes text translation * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initStrings */ _initStrings: function() { $.validator.messages.required = FLBuilderStrings.validateRequiredMessage; }, /** * Binds most of the events for the builder interface. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _bindEvents */ _bindEvents: function() { /* Links */ $('a').on('click', FLBuilder._preventDefault); $('.fl-page-nav .nav a').on('click', FLBuilder._headerLinkClicked); /* Heartbeat */ $(document).on('heartbeat-tick', FLBuilder._initPostLock); /* Unload Warning */ $(window).on('beforeunload', FLBuilder._warnBeforeUnload); /* Submenus */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-has-submenu', 'click', FLBuilder._submenuParentClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-has-submenu a', 'click', FLBuilder._submenuChildClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-submenu', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._submenuMouseenter); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-submenu', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._submenuMouseleave); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-submenu .fl-builder-has-submenu', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._submenuNestedParentMouseenter); /* Bar */ $('.fl-builder-tools-button').on('click', FLBuilder._toolsClicked); $('.fl-builder-done-button').on('click', FLBuilder._doneClicked); $('.fl-builder-add-content-button').on('click', FLBuilder._showPanel); $('.fl-builder-templates-button').on('click', FLBuilder._changeTemplateClicked); $('.fl-builder-buy-button').on('click', FLBuilder._upgradeClicked); $('.fl-builder-upgrade-button').on('click', FLBuilder._upgradeClicked); $('.fl-builder-help-button').on('click', FLBuilder._helpButtonClicked); /* Panel */ $('.fl-builder-panel-actions .fl-builder-panel-close').on('click', FLBuilder._closePanel); $('.fl-builder-blocks-section-title').on('click', FLBuilder._blockSectionTitleClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-node-template-actions', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._stopPropagation); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-node-template-edit', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._stopPropagation); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-node-template-delete', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._stopPropagation); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-node-template-edit', 'click', FLBuilder._editNodeTemplateClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-node-template-delete', 'click', FLBuilder._deleteNodeTemplateClicked); /* Drag and Drop */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-block', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._blockDragInit); $('body').on('mouseup', FLBuilder._blockDragCancel); /* Actions Lightbox */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-actions .fl-builder-cancel-button', 'click', FLBuilder._cancelButtonClicked); /* Expand/Contract Lightbox */ $('body').delegate('.fl-lightbox-controls .fa', 'click', FLBuilder._resizeLightbox); /* Save Actions */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-save-actions .fl-builder-publish-button', 'click', FLBuilder._publishButtonClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-save-actions .fl-builder-draft-button', 'click', FLBuilder._draftButtonClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-save-actions .fl-builder-discard-button', 'click', FLBuilder._discardButtonClicked); /* Tools Actions */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-save-user-template-button', 'click', FLBuilder._saveUserTemplateClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-duplicate-layout-button', 'click', FLBuilder._duplicateLayoutClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-layout-settings-button', 'click', FLBuilder._layoutSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-layout-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveLayoutSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-layout-settings .fl-builder-settings-cancel', 'click', FLBuilder._cancelLayoutSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-global-settings-button', 'click', FLBuilder._globalSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-global-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveGlobalSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-global-settings .fl-builder-settings-cancel', 'click', FLBuilder._cancelLayoutSettingsClicked); /* Template Selector */ $('body').delegate('.fl-template-category-select', 'change', FLBuilder._templateCategoryChanged); $('body').delegate('.fl-template-preview', 'click', FLBuilder._templateClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-user-template', 'click', FLBuilder._userTemplateClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-user-template-edit', 'click', FLBuilder._editUserTemplateClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-user-template-delete', 'click', FLBuilder._deleteUserTemplateClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-template-replace-button', 'click', FLBuilder._templateReplaceClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-template-append-button', 'click', FLBuilder._templateAppendClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-template-actions .fl-builder-cancel-button', 'click', FLBuilder._templateCancelClicked); /* User Template Settings */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-user-template-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveUserTemplateSettings); /* Help Actions */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-help-tour-button', 'click', FLBuilder._startHelpTour); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-help-video-button', 'click', FLBuilder._watchVideoClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-knowledge-base-button', 'click', FLBuilder._viewKnowledgeBaseClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-forums-button', 'click', FLBuilder._visitForumsClicked); /* Welcome Actions */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-no-tour-button', 'click', FLBuilder._noTourButtonClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-yes-tour-button', 'click', FLBuilder._yesTourButtonClicked); /* Alert Lightbox */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-alert-close', 'click', FLBuilder._alertClose); /* Rows */ $('body').delegate('.fl-row-overlay .fl-block-remove', 'click', FLBuilder._deleteRowClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-row-overlay .fl-block-copy', 'click', FLBuilder._rowCopyClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-row-overlay .fl-block-move', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._rowDragInit); $('body').delegate('.fl-row-overlay .fl-block-settings', 'click', FLBuilder._rowSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-row-overlay', 'click', FLBuilder._rowSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-row-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveSettings); /* Columns */ $('body').delegate('.fl-col-overlay .fl-block-move', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._colDragInit); $('body').delegate('.fl-col-overlay .fl-block-remove', 'click', FLBuilder._deleteColClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-col-overlay', 'click', FLBuilder._colSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-col-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveSettings); /* Columns Submenu */ $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu .fl-block-col-move', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._colDragInit); $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu .fl-block-col-edit', 'click', FLBuilder._colSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu .fl-block-col-delete', 'click', FLBuilder._deleteColClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu .fl-block-col-reset', 'click', FLBuilder._resetColumnWidthsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu li', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._showColHighlightGuide); $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu li', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._removeColHighlightGuides); /* Columns Submenu (Parent Column) */ $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu .fl-block-col-move-parent', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._colDragInit); $('body').delegate('.fl-block-col-submenu .fl-block-col-edit-parent', 'click', FLBuilder._colSettingsClicked); /* Modules */ $('body').delegate('.fl-module-overlay .fl-block-remove', 'click', FLBuilder._deleteModuleClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-module-overlay .fl-block-copy', 'click', FLBuilder._moduleCopyClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-module-overlay .fl-block-move', 'mousedown', FLBuilder._blockDragInit); $('body').delegate('.fl-module-overlay .fl-block-settings', 'click', FLBuilder._moduleSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-module-overlay', 'click', FLBuilder._moduleSettingsClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-module-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveModuleClicked); /* Node Templates */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-settings-save-as', 'click', FLBuilder._showNodeTemplateSettings); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-node-template-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveNodeTemplate); /* Settings */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-settings-tabs a', 'click', FLBuilder._settingsTabClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-settings-cancel', 'click', FLBuilder._settingsCancelClicked); /* Tooltips */ $('body').delegate('.fl-help-tooltip-icon', 'mouseover', FLBuilder._showHelpTooltip); $('body').delegate('.fl-help-tooltip-icon', 'mouseout', FLBuilder._hideHelpTooltip); /* Multiple Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-field-add', 'click', FLBuilder._addFieldClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-field-copy', 'click', FLBuilder._copyFieldClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-field-delete', 'click', FLBuilder._deleteFieldClicked); /* Select Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-builder-settings-fields select', 'change', FLBuilder._settingsSelectChanged); /* Photo Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-photo-field .fl-photo-select', 'click', FLBuilder._selectSinglePhoto); $('body').delegate('.fl-photo-field .fl-photo-edit', 'click', FLBuilder._selectSinglePhoto); $('body').delegate('.fl-photo-field .fl-photo-replace', 'click', FLBuilder._selectSinglePhoto); $('body').delegate('.fl-photo-field .fl-photo-remove', 'click', FLBuilder._singlePhotoRemoved); /* Multiple Photo Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-multiple-photos-field .fl-multiple-photos-select', 'click', FLBuilder._selectMultiplePhotos); $('body').delegate('.fl-multiple-photos-field .fl-multiple-photos-edit', 'click', FLBuilder._selectMultiplePhotos); $('body').delegate('.fl-multiple-photos-field .fl-multiple-photos-add', 'click', FLBuilder._selectMultiplePhotos); /* Video Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-video-field .fl-video-select', 'click', FLBuilder._selectSingleVideo); $('body').delegate('.fl-video-field .fl-video-replace', 'click', FLBuilder._selectSingleVideo); /* Multiple Audio Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-multiple-audios-field .fl-multiple-audios-select', 'click', FLBuilder._selectMultipleAudios); $('body').delegate('.fl-multiple-audios-field .fl-multiple-audios-edit', 'click', FLBuilder._selectMultipleAudios); $('body').delegate('.fl-multiple-audios-field .fl-multiple-audios-add', 'click', FLBuilder._selectMultipleAudios); /* Icon Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-icon-field .fl-icon-select', 'click', FLBuilder._selectIcon); $('body').delegate('.fl-icon-field .fl-icon-replace', 'click', FLBuilder._selectIcon); $('body').delegate('.fl-icon-field .fl-icon-remove', 'click', FLBuilder._removeIcon); /* Settings Form Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-form-field .fl-form-field-edit', 'click', FLBuilder._formFieldClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-form-field-settings .fl-builder-settings-save', 'click', FLBuilder._saveFormFieldClicked); /* Layout Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-layout-field-option', 'click', FLBuilder._layoutFieldClicked); /* Links Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-link-field-select', 'click', FLBuilder._linkFieldSelectClicked); $('body').delegate('.fl-link-field-search-cancel', 'click', FLBuilder._linkFieldSelectCancelClicked); /* Loop Settings Fields */ $('body').delegate('.fl-loop-data-source-select select[name=data_source]', 'change', FLBuilder._loopDataSourceChange); $('body').delegate('.fl-custom-query select[name=post_type]', 'change', FLBuilder._customQueryPostTypeChange); /* Text Fields - Add Value Selector */ $('body').delegate('.fl-select-add-value', 'change', FLBuilder._textFieldAddValueSelectChange); }, /** * Binds the events for overlays that appear when * mousing over a row, column or module. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _bindOverlayEvents */ _bindOverlayEvents: function() { var content = $(FLBuilder._contentClass); content.delegate('.fl-row', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._rowMouseenter); content.delegate('.fl-row', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._rowMouseleave); content.delegate('.fl-row-overlay', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._rowMouseleave); content.delegate('.fl-col', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._colMouseenter); content.delegate('.fl-col', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._colMouseleave); content.delegate('.fl-module', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._moduleMouseenter); content.delegate('.fl-module', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._moduleMouseleave); }, /** * Unbinds the events for overlays that appear when * mousing over a row, column or module. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _destroyOverlayEvents */ _destroyOverlayEvents: function() { var content = $(FLBuilder._contentClass); content.undelegate('.fl-row', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._rowMouseenter); content.undelegate('.fl-row', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._rowMouseleave); content.undelegate('.fl-row-overlay', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._rowMouseleave); content.undelegate('.fl-col', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._colMouseenter); content.undelegate('.fl-col', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._colMouseleave); content.undelegate('.fl-module', 'mouseenter', FLBuilder._moduleMouseenter); content.undelegate('.fl-module', 'mouseleave', FLBuilder._moduleMouseleave); }, /** * Prevents the default action for an event. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _preventDefault * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _preventDefault: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); }, /** * Prevents propagation of an event. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _stopPropagation * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _stopPropagation: function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Launches the builder for another page if a link in the * builder theme header is clicked. * * @since 1.3.9 * @access private * @method _headerLinkClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _headerLinkClicked: function(e) { var link = $(this), href = link.attr('href'); // ignore links with a #hash if( this.hash ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if ( FLBuilderConfig.isUserTemplate ) { return; } FLBuilder._exitUrl = href.indexOf('?') > -1 ? href : href + '?fl_builder'; FLBuilder._doneClicked(); }, /** * Warns the user that their changes won't be saved if * they leave the page while editing settings. * * @since 1.0.6 * @access private * @method _warnBeforeUnload * @return {String} The warning message. */ _warnBeforeUnload: function() { var rowSettings = $('.fl-builder-row-settings').length > 0, colSettings = $('.fl-builder-col-settings').length > 0, moduleSettings = $('.fl-builder-module-settings').length > 0; if(rowSettings || colSettings || moduleSettings) { return FLBuilderStrings.unloadWarning; } }, /* TipTips ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes tooltip help messages. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _initTipTips */ _initTipTips: function() { $('.fl-tip:not(.fl-has-tip)').each( function(){ var ele = $( this ); ele.addClass( 'fl-has-tip' ); if ( undefined == ele.attr( 'data-title' ) ) { ele.attr( 'data-title', ele.attr( 'title' ) ); } } ).tipTip( { defaultPosition : 'top', delay : 1500 } ); }, /** * Removes all tooltip help messages from the screen. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _hideTipTips */ _hideTipTips: function() { $('#tiptip_holder').stop().remove(); }, /* Submenus ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Callback for when the parent of a submenu is clicked. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _submenuParentClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _submenuParentClicked: function( e ) { var parent = $( this ), submenu = parent.find( '.fl-builder-submenu' ); if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-open' ) ) { parent.removeClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-open' ); parent.removeClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-right' ); } else { if( parent.offset().left + submenu.width() > $( window ).width() ) { parent.addClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-right' ); } parent.addClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-open' ); } FLBuilder._hideTipTips(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Callback for when the child of a submenu is clicked. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _submenuChildClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _submenuChildClicked: function( e ) { var parent = $( this ).parents( '.fl-builder-has-submenu' ); if ( ! parent.parents( '.fl-builder-has-submenu' ).length ) { parent.removeClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-open' ); } }, /** * Callback for when the mouse enters a submenu. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _submenuMouseenter * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _submenuMouseenter: function( e ) { var menu = $( this ), timeout = menu.data( 'timeout' ); if ( 'undefined' != typeof timeout ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); } }, /** * Callback for when the mouse leaves a submenu. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _submenuMouseleave * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _submenuMouseleave: function( e ) { var menu = $( this ), timeout = setTimeout( function() { menu.closest( '.fl-builder-has-submenu' ).removeClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-open' ); }, 500 ); menu.data( 'timeout', timeout ); }, /** * Callback for when the mouse enters the parent * of a nested submenu. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _submenuNestedParentMouseenter * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _submenuNestedParentMouseenter: function( e ) { var parent = $( this ), submenu = parent.find( '.fl-builder-submenu' ); if( parent.width() + parent.offset().left + submenu.width() > $( window ).width() ) { parent.addClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-right' ); } }, /** * Closes all open submenus. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _closeAllSubmenus */ _closeAllSubmenus: function() { $( '.fl-builder-submenu-open' ).removeClass( 'fl-builder-submenu-open' ); }, /* Bar ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the actions lightbox when the tools button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _toolsClicked */ _toolsClicked: function() { var buttons = [], lite = FLBuilderConfig.lite, enabledTemplates = FLBuilderConfig.enabledTemplates, isRowTemplate = 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType, isModuleTemplate = 'module' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType; // Template buttons if(!lite && !isRowTemplate && !isModuleTemplate && (enabledTemplates == 'enabled' || enabledTemplates == 'user')) { buttons[ 10 ] = { 'key': 'save-user-template', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.saveTemplate }; } // Duplicate button if(FLBuilderConfig.isUserTemplate) { if ( typeof window.opener == 'undefined' || ! window.opener ) { buttons[ 20 ] = { 'key': 'duplicate-layout', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.duplicateLayout }; } } else { buttons[ 20 ] = { 'key': 'duplicate-layout', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.duplicateLayout }; } // Layout settings button buttons[ 30 ] = { 'key': 'layout-settings', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.editLayoutSettings }; // Global settings button buttons[ 40 ] = { 'key': 'global-settings', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.editGlobalSettings }; // Show the lightbox. FLBuilder._showActionsLightbox({ 'className' : 'fl-builder-tools-actions', 'title' : FLBuilderStrings.actionsLightboxTitle, 'buttons' : buttons }); }, /** * Shows the actions lightbox when the done button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _doneClicked */ _doneClicked: function() { var buttons = [], publishButtonText = FLBuilderStrings.publish; if(FLBuilderConfig.postStatus != 'publish' && !FLBuilderConfig.userCanPublish) { publishButtonText = FLBuilderStrings.submitForReview; } buttons[ 10 ] = { 'key': 'publish', 'label': publishButtonText }; buttons[ 20 ] = { 'key': 'draft', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.draft }; buttons[ 30 ] = { 'key': 'discard', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.discard }; FLBuilder._showActionsLightbox({ 'className': 'fl-builder-save-actions', 'title': FLBuilderStrings.actionsLightboxTitle, 'buttons': buttons }); }, /** * Opens a new window with the upgrade URL when the * upgrade button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _upgradeClicked */ _upgradeClicked: function() { window.open(FLBuilderConfig.upgradeUrl); }, /** * Shows the actions lightbox when the help button is clicked. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _helpButtonClicked */ _helpButtonClicked: function() { var buttons = {}; if ( FLBuilderConfig.help.tour ) { buttons[ 10 ] = { 'key': 'help-tour', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.takeHelpTour }; } if ( FLBuilderConfig.help.video ) { buttons[ 20 ] = { 'key': 'help-video', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.watchHelpVideo }; } if ( FLBuilderConfig.help.knowledge_base ) { buttons[ 30 ] = { 'key': 'knowledge-base', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.viewKnowledgeBase }; } if ( FLBuilderConfig.help.forums ) { buttons[ 40 ] = { 'key': 'forums', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.visitForums }; } FLBuilder._showActionsLightbox({ 'className': 'fl-builder-help-actions', 'title': FLBuilderStrings.actionsLightboxTitle, 'buttons': buttons }); }, /* Panel ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Closes the builder's content panel. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _closePanel */ _closePanel: function() { $('.fl-builder-panel').stop(true, true).animate({ right: '-350px' }, 500, function(){ $(this).hide(); }); $('.fl-builder-bar .fl-builder-add-content-button').stop(true, true).fadeIn(); FLBuilder.triggerHook('hideContentPanel'); }, /** * Opens the builder's content panel. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _showPanel */ _showPanel: function() { $('.fl-builder-bar .fl-builder-add-content-button').stop(true, true).fadeOut(); $('.fl-builder-panel').stop(true, true).show().animate({ right: '0' }, 500); FLBuilder.triggerHook('showContentPanel'); }, /** * Opens or closes a section in the builder's content panel * when a section title is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _blockSectionTitleClicked */ _blockSectionTitleClicked: function() { var title = $(this), section = title.parent(); if(section.hasClass('fl-active')) { section.removeClass('fl-active'); } else { $('.fl-builder-blocks-section').removeClass('fl-active'); section.addClass('fl-active'); } FLBuilder._initScrollbars(); }, /* Save Actions ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Publishes the layout when the publish button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _publishButtonClicked */ _publishButtonClicked: function() { FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'save_layout' }, FLBuilder._exit); FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); }, /** * Exits the builder when the save draft button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _draftButtonClicked */ _draftButtonClicked: function() { FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'save_draft' }, FLBuilder._exit); FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); }, /** * Clears changes to the layout when the discard draft button * is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _discardButtonClicked */ _discardButtonClicked: function() { var result = confirm(FLBuilderStrings.discardMessage); if(result) { FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'clear_draft_layout' }, FLBuilder._exit); FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); } }, /** * Closes the actions lightbox when the cancel button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _cancelButtonClicked */ _cancelButtonClicked: function() { FLBuilder._exitUrl = null; FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); }, /** * Redirects the user to the _exitUrl if defined, otherwise * it redirects the user to the current post without the * builder active. * * @since 1.0 * @since 1.5.7 Closes the window if we're in a child window. * @access private * @method _exit */ _exit: function() { var href = window.location.href; if ( FLBuilderConfig.isUserTemplate && typeof window.opener != 'undefined' && window.opener ) { if ( typeof window.opener.FLBuilder != 'undefined' ) { window.opener.FLBuilder._updateLayout(); } window.close(); } else { if ( FLBuilder._exitUrl ) { href = FLBuilder._exitUrl; } else { href = href.replace( '?fl_builder&', '?' ); href = href.replace( '?fl_builder', '' ); href = href.replace( '&fl_builder', '' ); } window.location.href = href; } }, /* Tools Actions ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Duplicates the current post and builder layout. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _duplicateLayoutClicked */ _duplicateLayoutClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'duplicate_post' }, FLBuilder._duplicateLayoutComplete); }, /** * Redirects the user to the post edit screen of a * duplicated post when duplication is complete. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _duplicatePageComplete * @param {Number} The ID of the duplicated post. */ _duplicateLayoutComplete: function(response) { var adminUrl = FLBuilderConfig.adminUrl; window.location.href = adminUrl + 'post.php?post='+ response +'&action=edit'; }, /* Layout Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the layout settings lightbox when the layout * settings button is clicked. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _layoutSettingsClicked */ _layoutSettingsClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._showLightbox(); FLBuilder._closePanel(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_layout_settings' }, FLBuilder._layoutSettingsLoaded); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the layout settings have loaded. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _layoutSettingsLoaded * @param {String} response The JSON with the HTML for the layout settings form. */ _layoutSettingsLoaded: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ); FLBuilder._setSettingsFormContent( data.html ); FLBuilder._layoutSettingsInitCSS(); }, /** * Initializes custom layout CSS for live preview. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _layoutSettingsInitCSS */ _layoutSettingsInitCSS: function() { var css = $( '.fl-builder-settings #fl-field-css textarea:not(.ace_text-input)' ); css.on( 'change', FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSChanged ); FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSCache = css.val(); }, /** * Sets a timeout for throttling custom layout CSS changes. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _layoutSettingsCSSChanged */ _layoutSettingsCSSChanged: function() { if ( FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSTimeout ) { clearTimeout( FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSTimeout ); } FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSTimeout = setTimeout( $.proxy( FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSDoChange, this ), 600 ); }, /** * Updates the custom layout CSS when changes are made in the editor. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _layoutSettingsCSSDoChange */ _layoutSettingsCSSDoChange: function() { var form = $( '.fl-builder-settings' ), textarea = $( this ), field = textarea.parents( '#fl-field-css' ); if ( field.find( '.ace_error' ).length > 0 ) { return; } else if ( form.hasClass( 'fl-builder-layout-settings' ) ) { $( '#fl-builder-layout-css' ).html( textarea.val() ); } else { $( '#fl-builder-global-css' ).html( textarea.val() ); } FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSTimeout = null; }, /** * Saves the layout settings when the save button is clicked. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _saveLayoutSettingsClicked */ _saveLayoutSettingsClicked: function() { var form = $( this ).closest( '.fl-builder-settings' ), data = form.serializeArray(), settings = {}, i = 0; for( ; i < data.length; i++) { settings[ data[ i ].name ] = data[ i ].value; } FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder._lightbox.close(); FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSCache = null; FLBuilder.ajax( { action: 'save_layout_settings', settings: settings }, FLBuilder._updateLayout ); }, /** * Reverts changes made when the cancel button for the layout * settings has been clicked. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _cancelLayoutSettingsClicked */ _cancelLayoutSettingsClicked: function() { var form = $( '.fl-builder-settings' ); if ( form.hasClass( 'fl-builder-layout-settings' ) ) { $( '#fl-builder-layout-css' ).html( FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSCache ); } else { $( '#fl-builder-global-css' ).html( FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSCache ); } FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSCache = null; }, /* Global Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the global builder settings lightbox when the global * settings button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _globalSettingsClicked */ _globalSettingsClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._showLightbox(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_global_settings' }, FLBuilder._globalSettingsLoaded); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the global settings have loaded. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _globalSettingsLoaded * @param {String} response The JSON with the HTML for the global settings form. */ _globalSettingsLoaded: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response); FLBuilder._setSettingsFormContent(data.html); FLBuilder._layoutSettingsInitCSS(); FLBuilder._initSettingsValidation({ row_width: { required: true, number: true }, responsive_breakpoint: { required: true, number: true }, medium_breakpoint: { required: true, number: true } }); }, /** * Saves the global settings when the save button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _saveGlobalSettingsClicked */ _saveGlobalSettingsClicked: function() { var form = $(this).closest('.fl-builder-settings'), valid = form.validate().form(), data = form.serializeArray(), settings = {}, i = 0; if(valid) { for( ; i < data.length; i++) { settings[data[i].name] = data[i].value; } FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder._layoutSettingsCSSCache = null; FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'save_global_settings', settings: settings }, FLBuilder._saveGlobalSettingsComplete); FLBuilder._lightbox.close(); } }, /** * Saves the global settings when the save button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _saveGlobalSettingsComplete * @param {String} response */ _saveGlobalSettingsComplete: function( response ) { FLBuilderConfig.global = JSON.parse( response ); FLBuilder._updateLayout(); }, /* Template Selector ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the template selector when the builder is launched * if the current layout is empty. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initTemplateSelector */ _initTemplateSelector: function() { var rows = $(FLBuilder._contentClass).find('.fl-row'); if(rows.length === 0) { FLBuilder._showTemplateSelector(); } }, /** * Shows the template selector when the templates button * has been clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _changeTemplateClicked */ _changeTemplateClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._showTemplateSelector(); }, /** * Shows the template selector lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _showTemplateSelector */ _showTemplateSelector: function() { if ( FLBuilderConfig.simpleUi ) { return; } if ( 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType || 'module' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { return; } if ( 'disabled' == FLBuilderConfig.enabledTemplates ) { return; } if ( 0 === $( '.fl-builder-templates-button' ).length ) { return; } FLBuilder._showLightbox( false ); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_template_selector' }, FLBuilder._templateSelectorLoaded ); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the template selector has loaded. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _templateSelectorLoaded * @param {String} response The JSON with the HTML for the template selector. */ _templateSelectorLoaded: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ), select = null, userTemplates = null; // Set the lightbox content. FLBuilder._setLightboxContent( data.html ); // Set the vars. select = $( '.fl-template-category-select' ); tabs = $( '.fl-builder-settings-tab' ); userTemplatesTab = $( '#fl-builder-settings-tab-yours' ); userTemplates = $( '.fl-user-template' ); // Default to the user templates tab? if ( 'user' == FLBuilderConfig.enabledTemplates || userTemplates.length > 0 || ( userTemplatesTab.length > 0 && tabs.length == 1 ) ) { select.val( 'fl-builder-settings-tab-yours' ); $( '.fl-builder-settings-tab' ).removeClass( 'fl-active' ); $( '#fl-builder-settings-tab-yours' ).addClass( 'fl-active' ); } // Show the no templates message? if ( 0 === userTemplates.length ) { $( '.fl-user-templates-message' ).show(); } $( 'body' ).trigger( 'fl-builder.template-selector-loaded' ); }, /** * Callback to show a template category when the * select is changed. * * @since 1.5.7 * @access private * @method _templateCategoryChanged */ _templateCategoryChanged: function() { $( '.fl-template-selector .fl-builder-settings-tab' ).hide(); $( '#' + $( this ).val() ).show(); }, /** * Callback for when a user clicks a core template in * the template selector. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _templateClicked */ _templateClicked: function() { var template = $(this), index = template.closest('.fl-template-preview').attr('data-id'); if($(FLBuilder._contentClass).children('.fl-row').length > 0) { if(index == 0) { if(confirm(FLBuilderStrings.changeTemplateMessage)) { FLBuilder._lightbox._node.hide(); FLBuilder._applyTemplate(0, false, 'core'); } } else { FLBuilder._selectedTemplateId = index; FLBuilder._selectedTemplateType = 'core'; FLBuilder._showTemplateActions(); FLBuilder._lightbox._node.hide(); } } else { FLBuilder._applyTemplate(index, false, 'core'); } }, /** * Shows the actions lightbox for replacing and appending templates. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _showTemplateActions */ _showTemplateActions: function() { var buttons = []; buttons[ 10 ] = { 'key': 'template-replace', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.templateReplace }; buttons[ 20 ] = { 'key': 'template-append', 'label': FLBuilderStrings.templateAppend }; FLBuilder._showActionsLightbox({ 'className': 'fl-builder-template-actions', 'title': FLBuilderStrings.actionsLightboxTitle, 'buttons': buttons }); }, /** * Replaces the current layout with a template when the replace * button is clicked. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _templateReplaceClicked */ _templateReplaceClicked: function() { if(confirm(FLBuilderStrings.changeTemplateMessage)) { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._applyTemplate(FLBuilder._selectedTemplateId, false, FLBuilder._selectedTemplateType); } }, /** * Append a template to the current layout when the append * button is clicked. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _templateAppendClicked */ _templateAppendClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._applyTemplate(FLBuilder._selectedTemplateId, true, FLBuilder._selectedTemplateType); }, /** * Shows the template selector when the cancel button of * the template actions lightbox is clicked. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _templateCancelClicked */ _templateCancelClicked: function() { FLBuilder._lightbox._node.show(); }, /** * Applys a template to the current layout by either appending * it or replacing the current layout with it. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _applyTemplate * @param {Number} id The template id. * @param {Boolean} append Whether the new template should be appended or not. * @param {String} type The type of template. Either core or user. */ _applyTemplate: function(id, append, type) { append = typeof append === 'undefined' || !append ? '0' : '1'; type = typeof type === 'undefined' ? 'core' : type; FLBuilder._lightbox.close(); FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); if(type == 'core') { FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'apply_template', template_id: id, append: append }, FLBuilder._updateLayout); } else { FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'apply_user_template', template_id: id, append: append }, FLBuilder._updateTemplateLayout); } }, /** * Callback method when applying user template to the current layout * @since 1.9.5 * @access private * @method _updateTemplateLayout * @param {string} response The JSON with the new layout settings */ _updateTemplateLayout: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response); if( data !== null ) { $( '#fl-builder-layout-css' ).html( data.layout_css ); } FLBuilder._updateLayout(); }, /* User Template Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the settings for saving a user defined template * when the save template button is clicked. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private * @method _saveUserTemplateClicked */ _saveUserTemplateClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._showLightbox(false); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_user_template_settings' }, FLBuilder._userTemplateSettingsLoaded); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the user template settings are loaded. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _userTemplateSettingsLoaded * @param {String} response The JSON with the HTML for the user template settings form. */ _userTemplateSettingsLoaded: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response); FLBuilder._setSettingsFormContent(data.html); FLBuilder._initSettingsValidation({ name: { required: true } }); }, /** * Saves user template settings when the save button is clicked. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _saveUserTemplateSettings */ _saveUserTemplateSettings: function() { var form = $(this).closest('.fl-builder-settings'), valid = form.validate().form(), settings = FLBuilder._getSettings(form); if(valid) { FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'save_user_template', settings: settings }, FLBuilder._saveUserTemplateSettingsComplete); FLBuilder._lightbox.close(); } }, /** * Shows a success alert when user template settings have saved. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _saveUserTemplateSettingsComplete */ _saveUserTemplateSettingsComplete: function() { FLBuilder.alert(FLBuilderStrings.templateSaved); }, /** * Callback for when a user clicks a user defined template in * the template selector. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private * @method _userTemplateClicked */ _userTemplateClicked: function() { var id = $(this).attr('data-id'); if($(FLBuilder._contentClass).children('.fl-row').length > 0) { if(id == 'blank') { if(confirm(FLBuilderStrings.changeTemplateMessage)) { FLBuilder._lightbox._node.hide(); FLBuilder._applyTemplate('blank', false, 'user'); } } else { FLBuilder._selectedTemplateId = id; FLBuilder._selectedTemplateType = 'user'; FLBuilder._showTemplateActions(); FLBuilder._lightbox._node.hide(); } } else { FLBuilder._applyTemplate(id, false, 'user'); } }, /** * Launches the builder in a new tab to edit a user * defined template when the edit link is clicked. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private * @method _editUserTemplateClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _editUserTemplateClicked: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); window.open($(this).attr('href')); }, /** * Deletes a user defined template when the delete link is clicked. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private * @method _deleteUserTemplateClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _deleteUserTemplateClicked: function(e) { var template = $( this ).closest( '.fl-user-template' ), id = template.attr( 'data-id' ), all = $( '.fl-user-template[data-id=' + id + ']' ), parent = null; if ( confirm( FLBuilderStrings.deleteTemplate ) ) { FLBuilder.ajax( { action: 'delete_user_template', template_id: id } ); all.fadeOut( function() { template = $( this ); parent = template.closest( '.fl-user-template-category' ); template.remove(); if ( 0 === parent.find( '.fl-user-template' ).length ) { parent.remove(); } if ( 1 === $( '.fl-user-template' ).length ) { $( '.fl-user-templates').hide(); $( '.fl-user-templates-message').show(); } }); } e.stopPropagation(); }, /* Help Actions ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the getting started video when the watch video button * is clicked. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _watchVideoClicked */ _watchVideoClicked: function() { var template = wp.template( 'fl-video-lightbox' ); FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._lightbox.open( template( { video : FLBuilderConfig.help.video_embed } ) ); }, /** * Opens a new window with the knowledge base URL when the * view knowledge base button is clicked. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _viewKnowledgeBaseClicked */ _viewKnowledgeBaseClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); window.open( FLBuilderConfig.help.knowledge_base_url ); }, /** * Opens a new window with the forums URL when the * visit forums button is clicked. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _visitForumsClicked */ _visitForumsClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); window.open( FLBuilderConfig.help.forums_url ); }, /* Help Tour ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the help tour or template selector when the builder * is launched. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _showTourOrTemplates */ _showTourOrTemplates: function() { if ( ! FLBuilderConfig.simpleUi && ! FLBuilderConfig.isUserTemplate ) { if ( FLBuilderConfig.help.tour && FLBuilderConfig.newUser ) { FLBuilder._showTourLightbox(); } else { FLBuilder._initTemplateSelector(); } } }, /** * Shows the actions lightbox with a welcome message for new * users asking if they would like to take the tour. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _showTourLightbox */ _showTourLightbox: function() { var template = wp.template( 'fl-tour-lightbox' ); FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.open( template() ); }, /** * Closes the actions lightbox and shows the template selector * if a new user declines the tour. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _noTourButtonClicked */ _noTourButtonClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilder._initTemplateSelector(); }, /** * Closes the actions lightbox and starts the tour when a new user * decides to take the tour. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _yesTourButtonClicked */ _yesTourButtonClicked: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilderTour.start(); }, /** * Starts the help tour. * * @since 1.4.9 * @access private * @method _startHelpTour */ _startHelpTour: function() { FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.close(); FLBuilderTour.start(); }, /* Layout ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows a message to drop a row or module to get started * if the layout is empty. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _setupEmptyLayout */ _setupEmptyLayout: function() { var content = $(FLBuilder._contentClass); if ( FLBuilderConfig.isUserTemplate && 'module' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { return; } else { content.removeClass('fl-builder-empty'); content.find('.fl-builder-empty-message').remove(); if(content.children('.fl-row').length === 0) { content.addClass('fl-builder-empty'); content.append('<span class="fl-builder-empty-message">'+ FLBuilderStrings.emptyMessage +'</span>'); FLBuilder._initSortables(); } } }, /** * Sends an AJAX request to render the layout and is typically * used as a callback to many of the builder's save operations. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _updateLayout */ _updateLayout: function() { FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_layout' }, FLBuilder._renderLayout); }, /** * Removes the current layout and renders a new layout using * the provided data. Will render a node instead of the layout * if data.partial is true. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _renderLayout * @param {Object} data The layout data. May also be a JSON encoded string. * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the layout has finished rendering. */ _renderLayout: function( data, callback ) { FLBuilder._layout = new FLBuilderAJAXLayout( data, callback ); }, /** * Called by the layout's JavaScript file once it's loaded * to finish rendering the layout. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _renderLayoutComplete */ _renderLayoutComplete: function() { if ( FLBuilder._layout ) { FLBuilder._layout._complete(); FLBuilder._layout = null; } }, /** * Trigger the resize event on the window so elements * in the layout that rely on JavaScript know to resize. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _resizeLayout */ _resizeLayout: function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); if(typeof YUI !== 'undefined') { YUI().use('node-event-simulate', function(Y) { Y.one(window).simulate("resize"); }); } }, /** * Initializes MediaElements.js audio and video players. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initMediaElements */ _initMediaElements: function() { var settings = {}; if(typeof $.fn.mediaelementplayer != 'undefined') { if(typeof _wpmejsSettings !== 'undefined') { settings.pluginPath = _wpmejsSettings.pluginPath; } $('.wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode').not('.mejs-container').mediaelementplayer(settings); } }, /* Generic Drag and Drop ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Inserts drop targets for nodes such as rows, columns * and column groups since making those all sortables * makes sorting really jumpy. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _initDropTargets */ _initDropTargets: function() { var notGlobal = 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ? '' : ':not(.fl-node-global)', rows = $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' ), row = null, groups = $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' + notGlobal ).find( '.fl-col-group' ), group = null, cols = null, i = 0; // Remove old drop targets. $( '.fl-col-drop-target' ).remove(); $( '.fl-col-group-drop-target' ).remove(); $( '.fl-row-drop-target' ).remove(); // Row drop targets. $( FLBuilder._contentClass ).append( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-row-drop-target"></div>' ); rows.prepend( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-row-drop-target"></div>' ); rows.append( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-drop-target-last fl-row-drop-target fl-row-drop-target-last"></div>' ); // Add group drop targets to empty rows. for ( ; i < rows.length; i++ ) { row = rows.eq( i ); if ( 0 === row.find( '.fl-col-group' ).length ) { row.find( '.fl-row-content' ).prepend( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-col-group-drop-target"></div>' ); } } // Loop through the column groups. for ( i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ ) { group = groups.eq( i ); cols = group.find( '> .fl-col' ); // Column group drop targets. if ( ! group.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-nested' ) ) { group.append( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-col-group-drop-target"></div>' ); group.append( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-drop-target-last fl-col-group-drop-target fl-col-group-drop-target-last"></div>' ); } // Column drop targets. cols.append( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-col-drop-target"></div>' ); cols.append( '<div class="fl-drop-target fl-drop-target-last fl-col-drop-target fl-col-drop-target-last"></div>' ); } }, /** * Returns a helper element for a drag operation. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _blockDragHelper * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} item The item being dragged. * @return {Object} The helper element. */ _blockDragHelper: function (e, item) { var helper = item.clone(); item.clone().insertAfter(item); helper.addClass('fl-builder-block-drag-helper'); return helper; }, /** * Initializes a drag operation. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _blockDragInit * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _blockDragInit: function( e ) { var target = $( e.currentTarget ), node = null, scrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(), initialPos = 0; // Set the _dragEnabled flag. FLBuilder._dragEnabled = true; // Save the initial scroll position. FLBuilder._dragInitialScrollTop = scrollTop; // Get the node to scroll to once the node highlights have affected the body height. if ( target.closest( '[data-node]' ).length > 0 ) { // Set the node to a node instance being dragged. node = target.closest( '[data-node]' ); // Mark this node as initialized for dragging. node.addClass( 'fl-node-drag-init' ); } else if ( target.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block' ) ) { // Set the node to the first visible row instance. $( '.fl-row' ).each( function() { if ( node === null && $( this ).offset().top - scrollTop > 0 ) { node = $( this ); } } ); } // Get the initial scroll position of the node. if ( node !== null ) { initialPos = node.offset().top - scrollTop; } // Setup the UI for dragging. FLBuilder._highlightRowsAndColsForDrag( target ); FLBuilder._adjustColHeightsForDrag(); FLBuilder._disableGlobalRows(); FLBuilder._closePanel(); FLBuilder._destroyOverlayEvents(); FLBuilder._removeAllOverlays(); FLBuilder._initSortables(); $( 'body' ).addClass( 'fl-builder-dragging' ); $( '.fl-builder-empty-message' ).hide(); $( '.fl-sortable-disabled' ).removeClass( 'fl-sortable-disabled' ); // Scroll to the node that is dragging. if ( initialPos > 0 ) { scrollTo( 0, node.offset().top - initialPos ); } }, /** * Callback that fires when dragging starts. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _blockDragStart * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _blockDragStart: function(e, ui) { // Let the builder know dragging has started. FLBuilder._dragging = true; // Removed the drag init class as we're done with that. $( '.fl-node-drag-init' ).removeClass( 'fl-node-drag-init' ); }, /** * Callback that fires when an element that is being * dragged is sorted. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _blockDragSort * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _blockDragSort: function(e, ui) { var parent = ui.placeholder.parent(), title = FLBuilderStrings.insert; // Prevent sorting? if ( FLBuilder._blockPreventSort( ui.item, parent ) ) { return; } // Find the placeholder title. if(parent.hasClass('fl-col-content')) { if(ui.item.hasClass('fl-builder-block-row')) { title = ui.item.find('.fl-builder-block-title').text(); } else if(ui.item.hasClass('fl-col-sortable-proxy-item')) { title = FLBuilderStrings.column; } else if(ui.item.hasClass('fl-builder-block-module')) { title = ui.item.find('.fl-builder-block-title').text(); } else if(ui.item.hasClass('fl-builder-block-saved-module') || ui.item.hasClass('fl-builder-block-module-template')) { title = ui.item.find('.fl-builder-block-title').text(); } else { title = ui.item.attr('data-name'); } } else if(parent.hasClass('fl-col-drop-target')) { title = ''; } else if (parent.hasClass('fl-col-group-drop-target')) { title = ''; } else if(parent.hasClass('fl-row-drop-target')) { if(ui.item.hasClass('fl-builder-block-row')) { title = ui.item.find('.fl-builder-block-title').text(); } else if(ui.item.hasClass('fl-builder-block-saved-row')) { title = ui.item.find('.fl-builder-block-title').text(); } else if(ui.item.hasClass('fl-row-sortable-proxy-item')) { title = FLBuilderStrings.row; } else { title = FLBuilderStrings.newRow; } } // Set the placeholder title. ui.placeholder.html(title); // Add the global class? if ( ui.item.hasClass( 'fl-node-global' ) || ui.item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-global' ) || $( '.fl-node-dragging' ).hasClass( 'fl-node-global' ) ) { ui.placeholder.addClass( 'fl-builder-drop-zone-global' ); } else { ui.placeholder.removeClass( 'fl-builder-drop-zone-global' ); } }, /** * Callback that fires when an element that is being * dragged position changes. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _blockDragChange * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _blockDragChange: function( e, ui ) { ui.placeholder.hide(); ui.placeholder.fadeIn( 100 ); }, /** * Prevents sorting of items that shouldn't be sorted into * specific areas. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _blockPreventSort * @param {Object} item The item being sorted. * @param {Object} parent The new parent. */ _blockPreventSort: function( item, parent ) { var prevent = false, isRowBlock = item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-row' ), isCol = item.hasClass( 'fl-col-sortable-proxy-item' ), isParentCol = parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-content' ), isColTarget = parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target' ), group = parent.parents( '.fl-col-group:not(.fl-col-group-nested)' ), nestedGroup = parent.parents( '.fl-col-group-nested' ); // Prevent columns in nested columns. if ( ( isRowBlock || isCol ) && isParentCol && nestedGroup.length > 0 ) { prevent = true; } // Prevent 1 column from being nested in an empty column. if ( isParentCol && ! parent.find( '.fl-module, .fl-col' ).length ) { if ( isRowBlock && '1-col' == item.data( 'cols' ) ) { prevent = true; } else if ( isCol ) { prevent = true; } } // Prevent 5 or 6 columns from being nested. if ( isRowBlock && isParentCol && $.inArray( item.data( 'cols' ), [ '5-cols', '6-cols' ] ) > -1 ) { prevent = true; } // Prevent columns with nested columns from being dropped in nested columns. if ( isCol && $( '.fl-node-dragging' ).find( '.fl-col-group-nested' ).length > 0 ) { if ( isParentCol || ( isColTarget && nestedGroup.length > 0 ) ) { prevent = true; } } // Prevent more than 12 columns. if ( isColTarget && group.length > 0 && 0 === nestedGroup.length && group.find( '> .fl-col:visible' ).length > 11 ) { prevent = true; } // Prevent more than 4 nested columns. if ( isColTarget && nestedGroup.length > 0 && nestedGroup.find( '.fl-col:visible' ).length > 3 ) { prevent = true; } // Add the disabled class if we are preventing a sort. if ( prevent ) { parent.addClass( 'fl-sortable-disabled' ); } return prevent; }, /** * Cleans up when a drag operation has stopped. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _blockDragStop * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _blockDragStop: function( e, ui ) { var scrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(), parent = ui.item.parent(), initialPos = null; // Get the node to scroll to once removing the node highlights affects the body height. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-drop-target' ) && parent.closest( '[data-node]' ).length ) { parent = parent.closest( '[data-node]' ); initialPos = parent.offset().top - scrollTop; } else { initialPos = parent.offset().top - scrollTop; } // Show the panel if a block was dropped back in. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-builder-blocks-section-content' ) ) { FLBuilder._showPanel(); } // Finish dragging. FLBuilder._dragEnabled = false; FLBuilder._dragging = false; FLBuilder._bindOverlayEvents(); FLBuilder._highlightEmptyCols(); FLBuilder._enableGlobalRows(); FLBuilder._setupEmptyLayout(); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'fl-builder-dragging' ); // Scroll the page back to where it was. scrollTo( 0, parent.offset().top - initialPos ); }, /** * Cleans up when a drag operation has canceled. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _blockDragCancel */ _blockDragCancel: function() { if ( FLBuilder._dragEnabled && ! FLBuilder._dragging ) { FLBuilder._dragEnabled = false; FLBuilder._dragging = false; FLBuilder._bindOverlayEvents(); FLBuilder._highlightEmptyCols(); FLBuilder._enableGlobalRows(); FLBuilder._setupEmptyLayout(); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'fl-builder-dragging' ); $( '.fl-node-drag-init' ).removeClass( 'fl-node-drag-init' ); $( '.fl-node-dragging' ).removeClass( 'fl-node-dragging' ); scrollTo( 0, FLBuilder._dragInitialScrollTop ); } }, /** * Reorders a node within its parent. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _reorderNode * @param {String} nodeId The node ID of the node. * @param {Number} position The new position. */ _reorderNode: function( nodeId, position ) { FLBuilder.ajax( { action: 'reorder_node', node_id: nodeId, position: position } ); }, /** * Moves a node to a new parent. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _moveNode * @param {String} newParent The node ID of the new parent. * @param {String} nodeId The node ID of the node. * @param {Number} position The new position. */ _moveNode: function( newParent, nodeId, position ) { FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'move_node', new_parent: newParent, node_id: nodeId, position: position }); }, /** * Removes all node overlays and hides any tooltip helpies. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _removeAllOverlays */ _removeAllOverlays: function() { FLBuilder._removeRowOverlays(); FLBuilder._removeColOverlays(); FLBuilder._removeColHighlightGuides(); FLBuilder._removeModuleOverlays(); FLBuilder._hideTipTips(); }, /** * Appends a node action overlay to the layout. * * @since * @access private * @method _appendOverlay * @param {Object} node A jQuery reference to the node this overlay is associated with. * @param {Object} template A rendered wp.template. * @return {Object} The overlay element. */ _appendOverlay: function( node, template ) { var overlayPos = 0, overlay = null, isRow = node.hasClass( 'fl-row' ), content = isRow ? node.find( '> .fl-row-content-wrap' ) : node.find( '> .fl-node-content' ), margins = { 'top' : parseInt( content.css( 'margin-top' ), 10 ), 'bottom' : parseInt( content.css( 'margin-bottom' ), 10 ) }; // Append the template. node.append( template ); // Add the active class to the node. node.addClass( 'fl-block-overlay-active' ); // Init TipTips FLBuilder._initTipTips(); // Get a reference to the overlay. overlay = node.find( '> .fl-block-overlay' ); // Adjust the overlay positions to account for negative margins. if ( margins.top < 0 ) { overlayPos = parseInt( overlay.css( 'top' ), 10 ); overlayPos = isNaN( overlayPos ) ? 0 : overlayPos; overlay.css( 'top', ( margins.top + overlayPos ) + 'px' ); } if ( margins.bottom < 0 ) { overlayPos = parseInt( overlay.css( 'bottom' ), 10 ); overlayPos = isNaN( overlayPos ) ? 0 : overlayPos; overlay.css( 'bottom', ( margins.bottom + overlayPos ) + 'px' ); } return overlay; }, /** * Builds the overflow menu for an overlay if necessary. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _buildOverlayOverflowMenu * @param {Object} overlay The overlay object. */ _buildOverlayOverflowMenu: function( overlay ) { var actions = overlay.find( '.fl-block-overlay-actions' ), original = actions.data( 'original' ), actionsWidth = 0, items = null, itemsWidth = 0, item = null, i = 0, visibleItems = [], overflowItems = [], menuData = [], template = wp.template( 'fl-overlay-overflow-menu' ); // Use the original copy if we have one. if ( undefined != original ) { actions.after( original ); actions.remove(); actions = original; } // Save a copy of the original actions. actions.data( 'original', actions.clone() ); // Get the actions width and items. actionsWidth = actions[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; items = actions.find( ' > i, > span.fl-builder-has-submenu' ); // Find visible and overflow items. for( ; i < items.length; i++ ) { item = items.eq( i ); itemsWidth += item.outerWidth(); if ( itemsWidth > actionsWidth ) { overflowItems.push( item ); item.remove(); } else { visibleItems.push( item ); } } // Build the menu if we have overflow items. if ( overflowItems.length > 0 ) { overflowItems.unshift( visibleItems.pop().remove() ); for( i = 0; i < overflowItems.length; i++ ) { if ( overflowItems[ i ].is( '.fl-builder-has-submenu' ) ) { menuData.push( { type : 'submenu', label : overflowItems[ i ].find( '.fa' ).data( 'title' ), submenu : overflowItems[ i ].find( '.fl-builder-submenu' )[0].outerHTML } ); } else { menuData.push( { type : 'action', label : overflowItems[ i ].data( 'title' ), className : overflowItems[ i ].removeClass( function( i, c ) { return c.replace( /fl-block-([^\s]+)/, '' ); } ).attr( 'class' ) } ); } } actions.append( template( menuData ) ); FLBuilder._initTipTips(); } }, /* Rows ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Removes all row overlays from the page. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _removeRowOverlays */ _removeRowOverlays: function() { $('.fl-row').removeClass('fl-block-overlay-active'); $('.fl-row-overlay').remove(); $('.fl-module').removeClass('fl-module-adjust-height'); }, /** * Removes all row overlays from the page. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _removeRowOverlays */ _disableGlobalRows: function() { if ( 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { return; } $('.fl-row.fl-node-global').addClass( 'fl-node-disabled' ); }, /** * Removes all row overlays from the page. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _removeRowOverlays */ _enableGlobalRows: function() { if ( 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { return; } $( '.fl-node-disabled' ).removeClass( 'fl-node-disabled' ); }, /** * Shows an overlay with actions when the mouse enters a row. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _rowMouseenter */ _rowMouseenter: function() { var row = $( this ), rowTop = row.offset().top, childTop = null, overlay = null, template = wp.template( 'fl-row-overlay' ); if ( row.closest( '.fl-builder-node-loading' ).length ) { return; } else if ( ! row.hasClass( 'fl-block-overlay-active' ) ) { // Append the overlay. overlay = FLBuilder._appendOverlay( row, template( { global : row.hasClass( 'fl-node-global' ), node : row.attr('data-node') } ) ); // Adjust the overlay position if covered by negative margin content. row.find( '.fl-node-content:visible' ).each( function(){ var top = $( this ).offset().top; childTop = ( null === childTop || childTop > top ) ? top : childTop; } ); if ( null !== childTop && childTop < rowTop ) { overlay.css( 'top', ( childTop - rowTop - 30 ) + 'px' ); } // Put action headers on the bottom if they're hidden. if ( overlay.offset().top < 43 ) { overlay.addClass( 'fl-row-overlay-header-bottom' ); } // Adjust the height of modules if needed. row.find( '.fl-module' ).each( function(){ var module = $( this ); if ( module.outerHeight( true ) < 20 ) { module.addClass( 'fl-module-adjust-height' ); } } ); } }, /** * Removes overlays when the mouse leaves a row. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _rowMouseleave * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _rowMouseleave: function(e) { var toElement = $(e.toElement) || $(e.relatedTarget), isOverlay = toElement.hasClass('fl-row-overlay'), isOverlayChild = toElement.closest('.fl-row-overlay').length > 0, isTipTip = toElement.is('#tiptip_holder'), isTipTipChild = toElement.closest('#tiptip_holder').length > 0; if(isOverlay || isOverlayChild || isTipTip || isTipTipChild) { return; } FLBuilder._removeRowOverlays(); }, /** * Returns a helper element for row drag operations. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _rowDragHelper * @return {Object} The helper element. */ _rowDragHelper: function() { return $('<div class="fl-builder-block-drag-helper">' + FLBuilderStrings.row + '</div>'); }, /** * Initializes dragging for row. Rows themselves aren't sortables * as nesting that many sortables breaks down quickly and draggable by * itself is slow. Instead, we are programmatically triggering the drag * of our helper div that isn't a nested sortable but connected to the * sortables in the main layout. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _rowDragInit * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _rowDragInit: function( e ) { var handle = $( e.target ), helper = $( '.fl-row-sortable-proxy-item' ), row = handle.closest( '.fl-row' ); row.addClass( 'fl-node-dragging' ); FLBuilder._blockDragInit( e ); e.target = helper[ 0 ]; helper.trigger( e ); }, /** * Callback that fires when dragging starts for a row. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _rowDragStart * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _rowDragStart: function( e, ui ) { var rows = $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' ), row = $( '.fl-node-dragging' ); if ( 1 === rows.length ) { $( FLBuilder._contentClass ).addClass( 'fl-builder-empty' ); } row.hide(); FLBuilder._blockDragStart( e, ui ); }, /** * Callback for when a row drag operation completes. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _rowDragStop * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _rowDragStop: function( e, ui ) { var item = ui.item, parent = item.parent(), row = null, group = null, position = 0; FLBuilder._blockDragStop( e, ui ); // A row was dropped back into the row list. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-builder-rows' ) ) { item.remove(); return; } // A row was dropped back into the sortable proxy. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-row-sortable-proxy' ) ) { $( '.fl-node-dragging' ).removeClass( 'fl-node-dragging' ).show(); return; } // Add a new row. else if ( item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block' ) ) { // Cancel the drop if the sortable is disabled? if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-sortable-disabled' ) ) { item.remove(); FLBuilder._showPanel(); return; } // A new row was dropped into column. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-content' ) ) { FLBuilder._addColGroup( item.closest( '.fl-col' ).attr( 'data-node' ), item.attr( 'data-cols' ), parent.find( '> .fl-module, .fl-col-group, .fl-builder-block' ).index( item ) ); } // A new row was dropped next to a column. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target' ) ) { FLBuilder._addCols( parent.closest( '.fl-col' ), parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target-last' ) ? 'after' : 'before', item.attr( 'data-cols' ), parent.closest( '.fl-col-group-nested' ).length > 0 ); } // A new row was dropped into a column group position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-drop-target' ) ) { group = item.closest( '.fl-col-group' ); position = item.closest( '.fl-row' ).find( '.fl-row-content > .fl-col-group' ).index( group ); FLBuilder._addColGroup( item.closest( '.fl-row' ).attr( 'data-node' ), item.attr( 'data-cols' ), parent.hasClass( 'fl-drop-target-last' ) ? position + 1 : position ); } // A row was dropped into a row position. else { row = item.closest( '.fl-row' ); position = ! row.length ? 0 : $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' ).index( row ); FLBuilder._addRow( item.attr('data-cols'), parent.hasClass( 'fl-drop-target-last' ) ? position + 1 : position ); } // Remove the helper. item.remove(); // Show the builder panel. FLBuilder._showPanel(); // Show the module list. $( '.fl-builder-modules' ).siblings( '.fl-builder-blocks-section-title' ).eq( 0 ).trigger( 'click' ); } // Reorder a row. else { row = $( '.fl-node-dragging' ).removeClass( 'fl-node-dragging' ).show(); // Make sure a single row wasn't dropped back into the main layout. if ( ! parent.parent().hasClass( 'fl-builder-content' ) ) { // Move the row in the UI. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-drop-target-last' ) ) { parent.parent().after( row ); } else { parent.parent().before( row ); } // Reorder the row. FLBuilder._reorderNode( row.attr('data-node'), row.index() ); } // Revert the proxy to its parent. $( '.fl-row-sortable-proxy' ).append( ui.item ); } }, /** * Adds a new row to the layout. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _addRow * @param {String} cols The type of column layout to use. * @param {Number} position The position of the new row. */ _addRow: function(cols, position) { FLBuilder._showNodeLoadingPlaceholder( $( FLBuilder._contentClass ), position ); FLBuilder._newRowPosition = position; FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_new_row', cols: cols, position: position }, FLBuilder._addRowComplete); }, /** * Adds the HTML for a new row to the layout when the AJAX * add operation is complete. Adds a module if one is queued * to go in the new row. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _addRowComplete * @param {String} response The JSON response with the HTML for the new row. */ _addRowComplete: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response), content = $(FLBuilder._contentClass), rowId = $(data.html).data('node'), module = FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender; // Add new row info to the data. data.nodeParent = content; data.nodePosition = FLBuilder._newRowPosition; // Render the layout. FLBuilder._renderLayout( data, function(){ // Add a module to the newly created row. if(module !== null) { $('.fl-node-' + rowId + ' .fl-col-content').append(module); FLBuilder._reorderModule(module); FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender = null; } FLBuilder._removeNodeLoadingPlaceholder( $( '.fl-node-' + rowId ) ); } ); }, /** * Callback for when the delete row button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _deleteRowClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _deleteRowClicked: function( e ) { var row = $(this).closest('.fl-row'), result = null; if(!row.find('.fl-module').length) { FLBuilder._deleteRow(row); } else { result = confirm(FLBuilderStrings.deleteRowMessage); if(result) { FLBuilder._deleteRow(row); } } FLBuilder._removeAllOverlays(); e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Deletes a row. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _deleteRow * @param {Object} row A jQuery reference of the row to delete. */ _deleteRow: function(row) { FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'delete_node', node_id: row.attr('data-node') }); row.empty(); row.remove(); FLBuilder._setupEmptyLayout(); FLBuilder._removeRowOverlays(); }, /** * Duplicates a row. * * @since 1.3.8 * @access private * @method _rowCopyClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _rowCopyClicked: function(e) { var row = $( this ).closest( '.fl-row' ), nodeId = row.attr( 'data-node' ), position = $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' ).index( row ) + 1, clone = row.clone(); clone.addClass( 'fl-builder-node-clone' ); clone.attr( 'data-node', nodeId + '-clone' ); clone.find( '.fl-block-overlay' ).remove(); row.after( clone ); FLBuilder._showNodeLoading( nodeId + '-clone' ); FLBuilder._newRowPosition = position; FLBuilder.ajax( { action: 'copy_row', node_id: nodeId }, FLBuilder._rowCopyComplete ); e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Callback for when a row has been duplicated. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _rowCopyComplete * @param {String} response The JSON encoded response. */ _rowCopyComplete: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ); data.nodeParent = $( FLBuilder._contentClass ); data.nodePosition = FLBuilder._newRowPosition; FLBuilder._renderLayout( data, function() { data.nodeParent.find( '.fl-builder-node-loading' ).eq( 0 ).remove(); } ); }, /** * Shows the settings lightbox and loads the row settings * when the row settings button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _rowSettingsClicked */ _rowSettingsClicked: function( e ) { var button = $( this ), nodeId = button.closest( '.fl-row' ).attr( 'data-node' ), global = button.closest( '.fl-block-overlay-global' ).length > 0; if ( global && 'row' != FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { if ( FLBuilderConfig.userCanEditGlobalTemplates ) { window.open( $( '.fl-row[data-node="' + nodeId + '"]' ).attr( 'data-template-url' ) ); } } else if ( button.hasClass( 'fl-block-settings' ) ) { FLBuilder._closePanel(); FLBuilder._showLightbox(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_row_settings', node_id: nodeId }, FLBuilder._rowSettingsLoaded); } e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the row settings have * loaded and creates a new preview. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _rowSettingsLoaded * @param {String} response The JSON response with the HTML for the row settings form. */ _rowSettingsLoaded: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response); FLBuilder._setSettingsFormContent(data.settings); FLBuilder.preview = new FLBuilderPreview({ type : 'row', state : data.state }); }, /* Columns ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Adds a dashed border to empty columns. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _highlightEmptyCols */ _highlightEmptyCols: function() { var notGlobal = 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ? '' : ':not(.fl-node-global)', rows = $(FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' + notGlobal), cols = $(FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col' + notGlobal); $( '.fl-row-highlight' ).removeClass('fl-row-highlight'); cols.removeClass('fl-col-highlight').find('.fl-col-content').css( 'height', '' ); cols.each(function(){ var col = $(this); if(col.find('.fl-module, .fl-col').length === 0) { col.addClass('fl-col-highlight'); } }); }, /** * Sets up dashed borders to show where things can * be dropped in rows and columns. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _highlightRowsAndColsForDrag * @param {Object} target The event target for the drag. */ _highlightRowsAndColsForDrag: function( target ) { var notGlobal = 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ? '' : ':not(.fl-node-global)'; // Highlight rows. $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' ).addClass( 'fl-row-highlight' ); // Highlight columns. if ( ! target.closest( '.fl-row-overlay' ).length ) { $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-col' + notGlobal ).addClass( 'fl-col-highlight' ); } }, /** * Adjust the height of columns with modules in them * to account for the drop zone and keep the layout * from jumping around. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _adjustColHeightsForDrag */ _adjustColHeightsForDrag: function() { var notGlobal = 'row' == FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ? '' : '.fl-row:not(.fl-node-global) ', content = $( FLBuilder._contentClass ), notNested = content.find( notGlobal + '.fl-col-group:not(.fl-col-group-nested) > .fl-col > .fl-col-content' ), nested = content.find( notGlobal + '.fl-col-group-nested .fl-col-content' ), col = null, i = 0; $( '.fl-node-drag-init' ).hide(); for ( ; i < nested.length; i++ ) { FLBuilder._adjustColHeightForDrag( nested.eq( i ) ); } for ( i = 0; i < notNested.length; i++ ) { FLBuilder._adjustColHeightForDrag( notNested.eq( i ) ); } $( '.fl-node-drag-init' ).show(); }, /** * Adjust the height of a single column for dragging. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _adjustColHeightForDrag */ _adjustColHeightForDrag: function( col ) { if ( col.find( '.fl-module:visible, .fl-col:visible' ).length ) { col.height( col.height() + 45 ); } }, /** * Adds a border guide to a column when the column * actions submenu is open for a module. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _showColHighlightGuide */ _showColHighlightGuide: function() { var li = $( this ), link = li.find( 'a' ), col = li.closest( '.fl-col' ), parentCol = col.parents( '.fl-col' ), guide = $( '<div class="fl-col-highlight-guide"></div>' ), guideTop = null, overlayTop = li.closest( '.fl-block-overlay' ).offset().top; if ( link.hasClass( 'fl-block-col-move-parent' ) || link.hasClass( 'fl-block-col-edit-parent' ) ) { col = parentCol; } if ( col.hasClass( 'fl-col-highlight' ) ) { return; } col.find( '> .fl-col-content' ).append( guide ); col.addClass( 'fl-col-has-highlight-guide' ); guideTop = guide.offset().top; if ( guideTop > overlayTop ) { guide.css( 'top', ( overlayTop - guideTop + 4 ) + 'px' ); } }, /** * Removes all column highlight guides. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _showColHighlightGuide */ _removeColHighlightGuides: function() { $( '.fl-col-has-highlight-guide' ).removeClass( 'fl-col-has-highlight-guide' ); $( '.fl-col-highlight-guide' ).remove(); }, /** * Shows an overlay with actions when the mouse enters a column. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _colMouseenter */ _colMouseenter: function() { var col = $( this ), group = col.closest( '.fl-col-group' ), groupLoading = group.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-has-child-loading' ), global = col.hasClass( 'fl-node-global' ), parentGlobal = col.parents( '.fl-node-global' ).length > 0, numCols = col.closest( '.fl-col-group' ).find( '> .fl-col' ).length, index = group.find( '> .fl-col' ).index( col ), first = 0 === index, last = numCols === index + 1, hasChildCols = col.find( '.fl-col' ).length > 0, parentCol = col.parents( '.fl-col' ), parentGroup = parentCol.closest( '.fl-col-group' ), hasParentCol = parentCol.length > 0, numParentCols = hasParentCol ? parentGroup.find( '> .fl-col' ).length : 0, parentIndex = parentGroup.find( '> .fl-col' ).index( parentCol ), parentFirst = hasParentCol ? 0 === parentIndex : false, parentLast = hasParentCol ? numParentCols === parentIndex + 1 : false, contentWidth = col.find( '> .fl-col-content' ).width(), template = wp.template( 'fl-col-overlay' ), overlay = null; if ( FLBuilderConfig.simpleUi ) { return; } else if ( global && parentGlobal && 'row' != FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { return; } else if ( col.find( '.fl-module, .fl-builder-node-loading-placeholder' ).length > 0 ) { return; } else if ( col.find( '.fl-col' ).length > 0 ) { return; } else if ( col.closest( '.fl-builder-node-loading' ).length ) { return; } else if ( ! col.hasClass( 'fl-block-overlay-active' ) ) { // Remove existing overlays. FLBuilder._removeColOverlays(); FLBuilder._removeModuleOverlays(); // Append the template. overlay = FLBuilder._appendOverlay( col, template( { global : global, groupLoading : groupLoading, numCols : numCols, first : first, last : last, hasChildCols : hasChildCols, hasParentCol : hasParentCol, parentFirst : parentFirst, parentLast : parentLast, numParentCols : numParentCols, contentWidth : contentWidth } ) ); // Build the overlay overflow menu if needed. FLBuilder._buildOverlayOverflowMenu( overlay ); // Init column resizing. FLBuilder._initColDragResizing(); } $( 'body' ).addClass( 'fl-block-overlay-muted' ); }, /** * Removes overlays when the mouse leaves a column. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _colMouseleave * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _colMouseleave: function(e) { var col = $(this), toElement = $(e.toElement) || $(e.relatedTarget), hasModules = col.find('.fl-module').length > 0, isTipTip = toElement.is('#tiptip_holder'), isTipTipChild = toElement.closest('#tiptip_holder').length > 0; if( isTipTip || isTipTipChild ) { return; } if( hasModules ) { return; } FLBuilder._removeColOverlays(); FLBuilder._removeColHighlightGuides(); }, /** * Removes all column overlays from the page. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _removeColOverlays */ _removeColOverlays: function() { var cols = $( '.fl-col' ); cols.removeClass('fl-block-overlay-active'); cols.find('.fl-col-overlay').remove(); $('body').removeClass('fl-block-overlay-muted'); }, /** * Returns a helper element for column drag operations. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _colDragHelper * @return {Object} The helper element. */ _colDragHelper: function() { return $('<div class="fl-builder-block-drag-helper">' + FLBuilderStrings.column + '</div>'); }, /** * Initializes dragging for columns. Columns themselves aren't sortables * as nesting that many sortables breaks down quickly and draggable by * itself is slow. Instead, we are programmatically triggering the drag * of our helper div that isn't a nested sortable but connected to the * sortables in the main layout. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _colDragInit * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _colDragInit: function( e ) { var handle = $( e.target ), helper = $( '.fl-col-sortable-proxy-item' ), col = handle.closest( '.fl-col' ); if ( handle.hasClass( 'fl-block-col-move-parent' ) ) { col = col.parents( '.fl-col' ); } col.addClass( 'fl-node-dragging' ); FLBuilder._blockDragInit( e ); FLBuilder._removeColHighlightGuides(); e.target = helper[ 0 ]; helper.trigger( e ); }, /** * Callback that fires when dragging starts for a column. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _colDragStart * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _colDragStart: function( e, ui ) { var col = $( '.fl-node-dragging' ); col.hide(); FLBuilder._resetColumnWidths( col.parent() ); FLBuilder._blockDragStart( e, ui ); }, /** * Callback that fires when dragging stops for a column. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _colDragStop * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _colDragStop: function( e, ui ) { FLBuilder._blockDragStop( e, ui ); var col = $( '.fl-node-dragging' ).removeClass( 'fl-node-dragging' ).show(), colId = col.attr( 'data-node' ), newParent = ui.item.parent(), oldGroup = col.parent(), oldGroupId = oldGroup.attr( 'data-node' ) newGroup = newParent.closest( '.fl-col-group' ), newGroupId = newGroup.attr( 'data-node' ), newRow = newParent.closest('.fl-row'), position = 0; // Cancel the drop if the sortable is disabled? if ( newParent.hasClass( 'fl-sortable-disabled' ) ) { FLBuilder._resetColumnWidths( oldGroup ); } // A column was dropped back into the sortable proxy. else if ( newParent.hasClass( 'fl-col-sortable-proxy' ) ) { FLBuilder._resetColumnWidths( oldGroup ); } // A column was dropped into a column. else if ( newParent.hasClass( 'fl-col-content' ) ) { // Remove the column. col.remove(); // Remove empty old groups (needs to be done here for correct position). if ( 0 === oldGroup.find( '.fl-col' ).length ) { oldGroup.remove(); } // Find the new group position. position = newParent.find( '> .fl-module, .fl-col-group, .fl-col-sortable-proxy-item' ).index( ui.item ); // Add the new group. FLBuilder._addColGroup( newParent.closest( '.fl-col' ).attr('data-node'), colId, position ); } // A column was dropped into a column position. else if ( newParent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target' ) ) { // Move the column in the UI. if ( newParent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target-last' ) ) { newParent.parent().after( col ); } else { newParent.parent().before( col ); } // Reset the UI column widths. FLBuilder._resetColumnWidths( newGroup ); // Save the column move via AJAX. if ( oldGroupId == newGroupId ) { FLBuilder.ajax( { action: 'reorder_col', node_id: colId, position: col.index() } ); } else { FLBuilder.ajax( { action: 'move_col', node_id: colId, new_parent: newGroupId, position: col.index(), resize: [ oldGroupId, newGroupId ] } ); } // Trigger a layout resize. FLBuilder._resizeLayout(); } // A column was dropped into a column group position. else if ( newParent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-drop-target' ) ) { // Remove the column. col.remove(); // Remove empty old groups (needs to be done here for correct position). if ( 0 === oldGroup.find( '.fl-col' ).length ) { oldGroup.remove(); } // Find the new group position. position = newRow.find( '.fl-row-content > .fl-col-group' ).index( newGroup ); position = newParent.hasClass( 'fl-drop-target-last' ) ? position + 1 : position; // Add the new group. FLBuilder._addColGroup( newRow.attr('data-node'), colId, position ); } // A column was dropped into a row position. else if ( newParent.hasClass( 'fl-row-drop-target' ) ) { // Remove the column. col.remove(); // Find the new row position. position = newParent.closest( '.fl-builder-content' ).find( '.fl-row' ).index( newRow ); position = newParent.hasClass( 'fl-drop-target-last' ) ? position + 1 : position; // Add the new row. FLBuilder._addRow( colId, position ); } // Remove empty old groups. if ( 0 === oldGroup.find( '.fl-col' ).length ) { oldGroup.remove(); } // Revert the proxy to its parent. $( '.fl-col-sortable-proxy' ).append( ui.item ); // Finish the drag. FLBuilder._highlightEmptyCols(); FLBuilder._initDropTargets(); FLBuilder._initSortables(); }, /** * Shows the settings lightbox and loads the column settings * when the column settings button is clicked. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _colSettingsClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _colSettingsClicked: function(e) { var button = $( this ), col = button.closest('.fl-col'), nodeId = null; if ( FLBuilder._colResizing ) { return; } if ( button.hasClass( 'fl-block-col-edit-parent' ) ) { nodeId = col.parents( '.fl-col' ).data( 'node' ); } else { nodeId = col.attr('data-node'); } FLBuilder._closePanel(); FLBuilder._showLightbox(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_column_settings', node_id: nodeId }, FLBuilder._colSettingsLoaded); e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the column settings have * loaded and creates a new preview. * * @since 1.1.9 * @access private * @method _colSettingsLoaded * @param {String} response The JSON response with the HTML for the column settings form. */ _colSettingsLoaded: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ), settings = null, nodeId = null, col = null, content = null; FLBuilder._setSettingsFormContent( data.settings ); settings = $( '.fl-builder-col-settings' ); nodeId = settings.data( 'node' ); col = $( '.fl-col[data-node="' + nodeId + '"]' ); content = col.find( '> .fl-col-content' ); if ( col.siblings( '.fl-col' ).length === 0 ) { $( settings ).find( '#fl-builder-settings-section-general' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); } else if( content.width() <= 40 ) { $( '#fl-field-size' ).hide(); } FLBuilder.preview = new FLBuilderPreview( { type : 'col', state : data.state } ); }, /** * Callback for when the delete column button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _deleteColClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _deleteColClicked: function( e ) { var button = $( this ), col = button.closest( '.fl-col' ), parentGroup = col.closest( '.fl-col-group' ), parentCol = col.parents( '.fl-col' ), hasParentCol = parentCol.length > 0, parentChildren = parentCol.find( '> .fl-col-content > .fl-module, > .fl-col-content > .fl-col-group' ), siblingCols = col.siblings( '.fl-col' ), result = true; if ( col.find( '.fl-module' ).length > 0 ) { result = confirm( FLBuilderStrings.deleteColumnMessage ); } // Handle deleting of nested columns. if ( hasParentCol && 1 === parentChildren.length ) { if ( 0 === siblingCols.length ) { col = parentCol; } else if ( 1 === siblingCols.length && ! siblingCols.find( '.fl-module' ).length ) { col = parentGroup; } } if ( result ) { FLBuilder._deleteCol( col ); FLBuilder._removeAllOverlays(); FLBuilder._highlightEmptyCols(); } e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Deletes a column. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _deleteCol * @param {Object} col A jQuery reference of the column to delete (can also be a group). */ _deleteCol: function(col) { var row = col.closest('.fl-row'), group = col.closest('.fl-col-group'), cols = null, width = 0; col.remove(); rowCols = row.find('.fl-row-content > .fl-col-group > .fl-col'); groupCols = group.find(' > .fl-col'); if(0 === rowCols.length && 'row' != FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType) { FLBuilder._deleteRow(row); } else { if(0 === groupCols.length) { group.remove(); } else { if ( 6 === groupCols.length ) { width = 16.65; } else if ( 7 === groupCols.length ) { width = 14.28; } else { width = Math.round( 100 / groupCols.length * 100 ) / 100; } groupCols.css('width', width + '%'); } FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'delete_col', node_id : col.attr('data-node'), new_width : width }); FLBuilder._initDropTargets(); FLBuilder._initSortables(); } }, /** * Inserts a column (or columns) before or after another column. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _addCols * @param {Object} col A jQuery reference of the column to insert before or after. * @param {String} insert Either before or after. * @param {String} type The type of column(s) to insert. * @param {Boolean} nested Whether these columns are nested or not. */ _addCols: function( col, insert, type, nested ) { var parent = col.closest( '.fl-col-group' ), position = parent.find( '.fl-col' ).index( col ); type = typeof type == 'undefined' ? '1-col' : type; nested = typeof nested == 'undefined' ? false : nested; if ( 'after' == insert ) { position++; } FLBuilder._showNodeLoadingPlaceholder( parent, position ); FLBuilder._removeAllOverlays(); FLBuilder.ajax( { action : 'render_new_columns', node_id : col.attr('data-node'), insert : insert, type : type, nested : nested ? 1 : 0 }, FLBuilder._addColsComplete ); }, /** * Adds the HTML for columns to the layout when the AJAX add * operation is complete. Adds a module if one is queued to * go in a new column. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _addColsComplete * @param {String} response The JSON response with the HTML for the new column(s). */ _addColsComplete: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ), col = null, moduleData = FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender, module = null; // Render the layout. FLBuilder._renderLayout( data, function() { // Add a module to a newly created column. if ( moduleData !== null ) { $( '[data-node="' + moduleData.module.data( 'node' ) + '"]' ).remove() col = $( '[data-node="' + moduleData.colId + '"]' ); if ( 'after' == moduleData.position ) { col.next().find( '.fl-col-content' ).append( moduleData.module ); } else { col.prev().find( '.fl-col-content' ).append( moduleData.module ); } FLBuilder._reorderModule( moduleData.module ); FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender = null; } } ); }, /** * Adds a new column group to the layout. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _addColGroup * @param {String} nodeId The node ID of the parent row. * @param {String} cols The type of column layout to use. * @param {Number} position The position of the new column group. */ _addColGroup: function(nodeId, cols, position) { var parent = $( '.fl-node-' + nodeId ); // Save the new column group info. FLBuilder._newColGroupPosition = position; if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col' ) ) { FLBuilder._newColGroupParent = parent.find( ' > .fl-col-content' ); } else { FLBuilder._newColGroupParent = parent.find( '.fl-row-content' ); } // Show the loader. FLBuilder._showNodeLoadingPlaceholder( FLBuilder._newColGroupParent, position ); // Send the request. FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'render_new_column_group', cols : cols, node_id : nodeId, position : position }, FLBuilder._addColGroupComplete); }, /** * Adds the HTML for a new column group to the layout when * the AJAX add operation is complete. Adds a module if one * is queued to go in the new column group. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _addColGroupComplete * @param {String} response The JSON response with the HTML for the new column group. */ _addColGroupComplete: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response), html = $(data.html), groupId = html.data('node'), colId = html.find('.fl-col').data('node'), module = FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender; // Add new column group info to the data. data.nodeParent = FLBuilder._newColGroupParent; data.nodePosition = FLBuilder._newColGroupPosition; // Render the layout. FLBuilder._renderLayout( data, function(){ // Added the nested columns class if needed. if ( data.nodeParent.hasClass( 'fl-col-content' ) ) { data.nodeParent.parents( '.fl-col' ).addClass( 'fl-col-has-cols' ); } // Add a module to the newly created column group. if(module !== null) { $('.fl-node-' + colId + ' .fl-col-content').append(module); FLBuilder._reorderModule(module); FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender = null; } FLBuilder._removeNodeLoadingPlaceholder( $( '.fl-node-' + groupId ) ); } ); }, /** * Initializes draggables for column resizing. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _initColDragResizing */ _initColDragResizing: function() { $( '.fl-block-col-resize' ).draggable( { axis : 'x', start : FLBuilder._colDragResizeStart, drag : FLBuilder._colDragResize, stop : FLBuilder._colDragResizeStop } ); }, /** * Fires when dragging for a column resize starts. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _colDragResizeStart * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _colDragResizeStart: function( e, ui ) { // Setup resize vars. var handle = $( ui.helper ), direction = '', resizeParent = handle.hasClass( 'fl-block-col-resize-parent' ), parentCol = resizeParent ? handle.closest( '.fl-col' ).parents( '.fl-col' ) : null, group = resizeParent ? parentCol.parents( '.fl-col-group' ) : handle.closest( '.fl-col-group' ), cols = group.find( '> .fl-col' ), col = resizeParent ? parentCol : handle.closest( '.fl-col' ), sibling = null, availWidth = 100, i = 0; // Find the direction and sibling. if ( handle.hasClass( 'fl-block-col-resize-e' ) ) { direction = 'e'; sibling = col.nextAll( '.fl-col' ).first(); } else { direction = 'w'; sibling = col.prevAll( '.fl-col' ).first(); } // Find the available width. for ( ; i < cols.length; i++ ) { if ( cols.eq( i ).data( 'node' ) == col.data( 'node' ) ) { continue; } if ( cols.eq( i ).data( 'node' ) == sibling.data( 'node' ) ) { continue; } availWidth -= parseFloat( cols.eq( i )[ 0 ].style.width ); } // Build the resize data object. FLBuilder._colResizeData = { handle : handle, feedbackLeft : handle.find( '.fl-block-col-resize-feedback-left' ), feedbackRight : handle.find( '.fl-block-col-resize-feedback-right' ), direction : direction, groupWidth : group.outerWidth(), col : col, colWidth : parseFloat( col[ 0 ].style.width ) / 100, sibling : sibling, offset : ui.position.left, availWidth : availWidth }; // Set the resizing flag. FLBuilder._colResizing = true; // Add the body col resize class. $( 'body' ).addClass( 'fl-builder-col-resizing' ); // Close the builder panel and destroy overlay events. FLBuilder._closePanel(); FLBuilder._destroyOverlayEvents(); // Trigger the col-resize-start hook. FLBuilder.triggerHook( 'col-resize-start' ); }, /** * Fires when dragging for a column resize is in progress. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _colDragResize * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _colDragResize: function( e, ui ) { // Setup resize vars. var data = FLBuilder._colResizeData, change = ( data.offset - ui.position.left ) / data.groupWidth, colWidth = 'e' == data.direction ? ( data.colWidth - change ) * 100 : ( data.colWidth + change ) * 100, colRound = Math.round( colWidth * 100 ) / 100, siblingWidth = data.availWidth - colWidth, siblingRound = Math.round( siblingWidth * 100 ) / 100, minRound = 8, maxRound = Math.round( ( data.availWidth - minRound ) * 100 ) / 100; // Set the min/max width if needed. if ( colRound < minRound ) { colRound = minRound; siblingRound = maxRound; } else if ( siblingRound < minRound ) { colRound = maxRound; siblingRound = minRound; } // Set the feedback values. if ( 'e' == data.direction ) { data.feedbackLeft.html( colRound.toFixed( 1 ) + '%' ).show(); data.feedbackRight.html( siblingRound.toFixed( 1 ) + '%' ).show(); } else { data.feedbackLeft.html( siblingRound.toFixed( 1 ) + '%' ).show(); data.feedbackRight.html( colRound.toFixed( 1 ) + '%' ).show(); } // Set the width attributes. data.col.css( 'width', colRound + '%' ); data.sibling.css( 'width', siblingRound + '%' ); // Trigger the col-resize-drag hook. FLBuilder.triggerHook( 'col-resize-drag' ); }, /** * Fires when dragging for a column resize stops. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _colDragResizeStop * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _colDragResizeStop: function( e, ui ) { var data = FLBuilder._colResizeData, overlay = FLBuilder._colResizeData.handle.closest( '.fl-block-overlay' ); // Hide the feedback divs. FLBuilder._colResizeData.feedbackLeft.hide(); FLBuilder._colResizeData.feedbackRight.hide(); // Save the resize data. FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'resize_cols', col_id : data.col.data( 'node' ), col_width : parseFloat( data.col[ 0 ].style.width ), sibling_id : data.sibling.data( 'node' ), sibling_width : parseFloat( data.sibling[ 0 ].style.width ) }); // Build the overlay overflow menu if needed. FLBuilder._buildOverlayOverflowMenu( overlay ); // Reset the resize data. FLBuilder._colResizeData = null; // Remove the body col resize class. $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'fl-builder-col-resizing' ); // Rebind overlay events. FLBuilder._bindOverlayEvents(); // Set the resizing flag to false with a timeout so other events get the right value. setTimeout( function() { FLBuilder._colResizing = false; }, 50 ); // Trigger the col-resize-stop hook. FLBuilder.triggerHook( 'col-resize-stop' ); }, /** * Resets the widths of all columns in a row when the * Reset Column Widths button is clicked. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _resetColumnWidthsClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _resetColumnWidthsClicked: function( e ) { var group = $( this ).parents( '.fl-col-group' ).last(), groupIds = [ group.data( 'node' ) ], children = group.find( '.fl-col-group' ), i = 0; FLBuilder._resetColumnWidths( group ); for ( ; i < children.length; i++ ) { FLBuilder._resetColumnWidths( children.eq( i ) ); groupIds.push( children.eq( i ).data( 'node' ) ); } FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'reset_col_widths', group_id : groupIds }); FLBuilder.triggerHook( 'col-reset-widths' ); FLBuilder._closeAllSubmenus(); e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Resets the widths of all columns in a group. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _resetColumnWidths * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _resetColumnWidths: function( group ) { var cols = group.find( ' > .fl-col:visible' ), width = 0; if ( 6 === cols.length ) { width = 16.65; } else if ( 7 === cols.length ) { width = 14.28; } else { width = Math.round( 100 / cols.length * 100 ) / 100; } cols.css( 'width', width + '%' ); }, /* Modules ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows an overlay with actions when the mouse enters a module. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _moduleMouseenter */ _moduleMouseenter: function() { var module = $( this ), moduleName = module.attr( 'data-name' ), global = module.hasClass( 'fl-node-global' ), parentGlobal = module.parents( '.fl-node-global' ).length > 0, group = module.parents( '.fl-col-group' ).last(), groupLoading = group.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-has-child-loading' ), numCols = module.closest( '.fl-col-group' ).find( '> .fl-col' ).length, col = module.closest( '.fl-col' ), colFirst = 0 === col.index(), colLast = numCols === col.index() + 1, parentCol = col.parents( '.fl-col' ), hasParentCol = parentCol.length > 0, numParentCols = hasParentCol ? parentCol.closest( '.fl-col-group' ).find( '> .fl-col' ).length : 0, parentFirst = hasParentCol ? 0 === parentCol.index() : false, parentLast = hasParentCol ? numParentCols === parentCol.index() + 1 : false, contentWidth = col.find( '> .fl-col-content' ).width(), template = wp.template( 'fl-module-overlay' ), overlay = null; // Remove existing overlays. FLBuilder._removeColOverlays(); FLBuilder._removeModuleOverlays(); if ( global && parentGlobal && 'row' != FLBuilderConfig.userTemplateType ) { return; } else if ( module.closest( '.fl-builder-node-loading' ).length ) { return; } else if ( ! module.hasClass( 'fl-block-overlay-active' ) ) { // Append the template. overlay = FLBuilder._appendOverlay( module, template( { global : global, moduleName : moduleName, groupLoading : groupLoading, numCols : numCols, colFirst : colFirst, colLast : colLast, hasParentCol : hasParentCol, numParentCols : numParentCols, parentFirst : parentFirst, parentLast : parentLast, contentWidth : contentWidth } ) ); // Build the overlay overflow menu if necessary. FLBuilder._buildOverlayOverflowMenu( overlay ); // Init column resizing. FLBuilder._initColDragResizing(); } $( 'body' ).addClass( 'fl-block-overlay-muted' ); }, /** * Removes overlays when the mouse leaves a module. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _moduleMouseleave * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _moduleMouseleave: function(e) { var module = $(this), toElement = $(e.toElement) || $(e.relatedTarget), isTipTip = toElement.is('#tiptip_holder'), isTipTipChild = toElement.closest('#tiptip_holder').length > 0; if(isTipTip || isTipTipChild) { return; } FLBuilder._removeModuleOverlays(); FLBuilder._removeColHighlightGuides(); }, /** * Removes all module overlays from the page. * * @since 1.6.4 * @access private * @method _removeModuleOverlays */ _removeModuleOverlays: function() { var modules = $('.fl-module'); modules.removeClass('fl-block-overlay-active'); modules.find('.fl-module-overlay').remove(); $('body').removeClass('fl-block-overlay-muted'); }, /** * Returns a helper element for module drag operations. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _moduleDragHelper * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} item The element being dragged. * @return {Object} The helper element. */ _moduleDragHelper: function(e, item) { return $('<div class="fl-builder-block-drag-helper">' + item.attr('data-name') + '</div>'); }, /** * Callback that fires when dragging starts for a module. * * @since 1.9 * @access private * @method _moduleDragStart * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _moduleDragStart: function( e, ui ) { $( ui.item ).data( 'original-position', ui.item.index() ); FLBuilder._blockDragStart( e, ui ); }, /** * Callback for when a module drag operation completes. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _moduleDragStop * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _moduleDragStop: function(e, ui) { FLBuilder._blockDragStop( e, ui ); var item = ui.item, parent = item.parent(), node = null, position = 0, parentId = 0; // A module was dropped back into the module list. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-builder-modules' ) || parent.hasClass( 'fl-builder-widgets' ) ) { item.remove(); return; } // A new module was dropped. else if ( item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block' ) ) { // Cancel the drop if the sortable is disabled? if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-sortable-disabled' ) ) { item.remove(); FLBuilder._showPanel(); return; } // A new module was dropped into a row position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-row-drop-target' ) ) { parent = item.closest('.fl-builder-content'); parentId = 0; node = item.closest('.fl-row'); position = parent.find( '.fl-row' ).index( node ); } // A new module was dropped into a column group position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-drop-target' ) ) { parent = item.closest( '.fl-row-content' ); parentId = parent.closest( '.fl-row' ).attr( 'data-node' ); node = item.closest( '.fl-col-group' ); position = parent.find( ' > .fl-col-group' ).index( node ); } // A new module was dropped into a column position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target' ) ) { parent = item.closest( '.fl-col-group' ); parentId = parent.attr( 'data-node' ); node = item.closest( '.fl-col' ); position = parent.find( ' > .fl-col' ).index( node ); } // A new module was dropped into a column. else { position = parent.find( '> .fl-module, .fl-col-group, .fl-builder-block' ).index( item ); parentId = item.closest( '.fl-col' ).attr( 'data-node' ); } // Increment the position? if ( item.closest( '.fl-drop-target-last' ).length ) { position += 1; } // Add the new module. FLBuilder._addModule( parent, parentId, item.attr( 'data-type' ), position, item.attr( 'data-widget' ), item.attr( 'data-alias' ) ); // Remove the drag helper. item.remove(); } // Cancel the drop if the sortable is disabled? else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-sortable-disabled' ) ) { $( e.target ).append( ui.item ); $( e.target ).children().eq( ui.item.data( 'original-position' ) ).before( ui.item ); FLBuilder._highlightEmptyCols(); return; } // A module was dropped into a row position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-row-drop-target' ) ) { node = item.closest( '.fl-row' ); position = item.closest( '.fl-builder-content' ).children( '.fl-row' ).index( node ); position = item.closest( '.fl-drop-target-last' ).length ? position + 1 : position; FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender = item; FLBuilder._addRow( '1-col', position ); item.remove(); } // A module was dropped into a column group position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-drop-target' ) ) { node = item.closest( '.fl-col-group' ); position = item.closest( '.fl-row-content ').find( ' > .fl-col-group' ).index( node ); position = item.closest( '.fl-drop-target-last' ).length ? position + 1 : position; FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender = item; FLBuilder._addColGroup( item.closest( '.fl-row' ).attr( 'data-node' ), '1-col', position ); item.remove(); } // A module was dropped into a column position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target' ) ) { node = item.closest( '.fl-col' ); position = item.closest( '.fl-col-drop-target-last' ).length ? 'after' : 'before'; FLBuilder._addModuleAfterNodeRender = { module: item, colId: node.data( 'node' ), position: position }; FLBuilder._addCols( node, position, '1-col', item.closest( '.fl-col-group-nested' ).length > 0 ); item.remove(); } // A module was dropped into another column. else { FLBuilder._reorderModule( item ); } FLBuilder._resizeLayout(); }, /** * Reorders a module within a column. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _reorderModule * @param {Object} module The module element being dragged. */ _reorderModule: function(module) { var newParent = module.closest('.fl-col').attr('data-node'), oldParent = module.attr('data-parent'), nodeId = module.attr('data-node'), position = module.index(); if(newParent == oldParent) { FLBuilder._reorderNode( nodeId, position ); } else { module.attr('data-parent', newParent); FLBuilder._moveNode( newParent, nodeId, position ); } }, /** * Callback for when the delete module button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _deleteModuleClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _deleteModuleClicked: function(e) { var module = $(this).closest('.fl-module'), result = confirm(FLBuilderStrings.deleteModuleMessage); if(result) { FLBuilder._deleteModule(module); FLBuilder._removeAllOverlays(); } e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Deletes a module. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _deleteModule * @param {Object} module A jQuery reference of the module to delete. */ _deleteModule: function(module) { var row = module.closest('.fl-row'); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'delete_node', node_id: module.attr('data-node') }); module.empty(); module.remove(); row.removeClass('fl-block-overlay-muted'); FLBuilder._highlightEmptyCols(); FLBuilder._removeAllOverlays(); }, /** * Duplicates a module. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _moduleCopyClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _moduleCopyClicked: function(e) { var module = $( this ).closest( '.fl-module' ) nodeId = module.attr( 'data-node' ), position = module.index() + 1, clone = module.clone(); clone.addClass( 'fl-builder-node-clone' ); clone.attr( 'data-node', nodeId + '-clone' ); clone.find( '.fl-block-overlay' ).remove(); module.after( clone ); FLBuilder._showNodeLoading( nodeId + '-clone' ); FLBuilder._newModuleParent = module.parent(); FLBuilder._newModulePosition = position; FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'copy_module', node_id: nodeId }, FLBuilder._moduleCopyComplete); e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Callback for when a module has been duplicated. * * @since 1.7 * @access private * @method _moduleCopyComplete * @param {String} response The JSON encoded response. */ _moduleCopyComplete: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ); data.nodeParent = FLBuilder._newModuleParent; data.nodePosition = FLBuilder._newModulePosition; FLBuilder._renderLayout( data, function(){ data.nodeParent.find( '.fl-builder-node-loading' ).eq( 0 ).remove(); } ); }, /** * Shows the settings lightbox and loads the module settings * when the module settings button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _moduleSettingsClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _moduleSettingsClicked: function(e) { var button = $( this ), nodeId = button.closest( '.fl-module' ).attr( 'data-node' ), parentId = button.closest( '.fl-col' ).attr( 'data-node' ), type = button.closest( '.fl-module' ).attr( 'data-type' ), global = button.closest( '.fl-block-overlay-global' ).length > 0; e.stopPropagation(); if ( FLBuilder._colResizing ) { return; } if ( global && ! FLBuilderConfig.userCanEditGlobalTemplates ) { return; } FLBuilder._showModuleSettings(nodeId, parentId, type); }, /** * Shows the lightbox and loads the settings for a module. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _showModuleSettings * @param {String} nodeId The node ID for the module. * @param {String} parentId The node ID for the module's parent. * @param {String} type The type of module. */ _showModuleSettings: function(nodeId, parentId, type) { FLBuilder._closePanel(); FLBuilder._showLightbox(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'render_module_settings', node_id: nodeId, type: type, parent_id: parentId }, FLBuilder._moduleSettingsLoaded); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the module settings have * loaded and creates a new preview. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _moduleSettingsLoaded * @param {Object} response The JSON encoded module settings data. */ _moduleSettingsLoaded: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response), html = $('<div>'+ data.settings +'</div>'), link = html.find('link.fl-builder-settings-css'), script = html.find('script.fl-builder-settings-js'), form = html.find('.fl-builder-settings'), type = form.attr('data-type'), layout = null, state = null, helper = null; // Append the settings css and js? if($.inArray(type, FLBuilder._loadedModuleAssets) > -1) { link.remove(); script.remove(); } else { $('head').append(link); $('head').append(script); FLBuilder._loadedModuleAssets.push(type); } // Set the content. FLBuilder._setSettingsFormContent(html); // Get layout data for a new module preview. if ( 'undefined' != typeof data.layout ) { layout = data.layout; layout.nodeParent = FLBuilder._newModuleParent; layout.nodePosition = FLBuilder._newModulePosition; } // Get state data for the module preview. if ( 'undefined' != typeof data.state ) { state = data.state; } // Create a new preview. FLBuilder.preview = new FLBuilderPreview({ type : 'module', layout : layout, state : state }); // Init the settings form helper. helper = FLBuilder._moduleHelpers[type]; if(typeof helper !== 'undefined') { FLBuilder._initSettingsValidation(helper.rules); helper.init(); } }, /** * Validates the module settings and saves them if * the form is valid. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _saveModuleClicked */ _saveModuleClicked: function() { var form = $(this).closest('.fl-builder-settings'), type = form.attr('data-type'), id = form.attr('data-node'), helper = FLBuilder._moduleHelpers[type], valid = true; if(typeof helper !== 'undefined') { form.find('label.error').remove(); form.validate().hideErrors(); valid = form.validate().form(); if(valid) { valid = helper.submit(); } } if(valid) { FLBuilder._saveSettings(); FLBuilder._lightbox.close(); } else { FLBuilder._toggleSettingsTabErrors(); } }, /** * Adds a new module to a column and loads the settings. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _addModule * @param {Object} parent A jQuery reference to the new module's parent. * @param {String} parentId The node id of the new module's parent. * @param {String} type The type of module to add. * @param {Number} position The position of the new module within its parent. * @param {String} widget The type of widget if this module is a widget. * @param {String} alias A module alias key if this module is an alias to another module. */ _addModule: function(parent, parentId, type, position, widget, alias) { // Show the loader. FLBuilder._showNodeLoadingPlaceholder( parent, position ); // Save the new module data. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group' ) ) { FLBuilder._newModuleParent = null; FLBuilder._newModulePosition = 0; } else { FLBuilder._newModuleParent = parent; FLBuilder._newModulePosition = position; } // Send the request. FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'render_new_module', parent_id : parentId, type : type, position : position, node_preview : 1, widget : typeof widget === 'undefined' ? '' : widget, alias : typeof alias === 'undefined' ? '' : alias }, FLBuilder._addModuleComplete); }, /** * Shows the settings lightbox and sets the content when * the module settings have finished loading. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _addModuleComplete * @param {String} response The JSON encoded response. */ _addModuleComplete: function(response) { FLBuilder._showLightbox(); FLBuilder._moduleSettingsLoaded(response); $('.fl-builder-module-settings').data('new-module', '1'); }, /** * Registers a helper class for a module's settings. * * @since 1.0 * @method registerModuleHelper * @param {String} type The type of module. * @param {Object} obj The module helper. */ registerModuleHelper: function(type, obj) { var defaults = { rules: {}, init: function(){}, submit: function(){ return true; }, preview: function(){} }; FLBuilder._moduleHelpers[type] = $.extend({}, defaults, obj); }, /** * Deprecated. Use the public method registerModuleHelper instead. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _registerModuleHelper * @param {String} type The type of module. * @param {Object} obj The module helper. */ _registerModuleHelper: function(type, obj) { FLBuilder.registerModuleHelper(type, obj); }, /* Node Templates ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Saves a node's settings and shows the node template settings * when the Save As button is clicked. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _showNodeTemplateSettings * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _showNodeTemplateSettings: function( e ) { var form = $( '.fl-builder-settings-lightbox .fl-builder-settings' ); FLBuilder._saveSettings(); FLBuilder._showLightbox(); FLBuilder.ajax( { action : 'render_node_template_settings', node_id : form.attr( 'data-node' ) }, FLBuilder._nodeTemplateSettingsLoaded ); }, /** * Sets the lightbox content when the node template settings have loaded. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _nodeTemplateSettingsLoaded * @param {String} response The JSON with the HTML for the settings form. */ _nodeTemplateSettingsLoaded: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ); FLBuilder._showLightbox( false ); FLBuilder._setSettingsFormContent( data.html ); FLBuilder._initSettingsValidation({ name: { required: true } }); if ( ! FLBuilderConfig.userCanEditGlobalTemplates ) { $( '#fl-field-global' ).hide(); } }, /** * Saves a node as a template when the save button is clicked. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _saveNodeTemplate */ _saveNodeTemplate: function() { var form = $( '.fl-builder-settings-lightbox .fl-builder-settings' ), valid = form.validate().form(); if ( valid ) { FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'save_node_template', node_id : form.attr( 'data-node' ), settings : FLBuilder._getSettings( form ) }, FLBuilder._saveNodeTemplateComplete); FLBuilder._lightbox.close(); } }, /** * Callback for when a node template has been saved. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _saveNodeTemplateComplete */ _saveNodeTemplateComplete: function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ), panel = $( '.fl-builder-saved-' + data.type + 's' ), blocks = panel.find( '.fl-builder-block' ), block = null, text = '', name = data.name.toLowerCase(), i = 0, template = wp.template( 'fl-node-template-block' ); // Show the success alert. if ( 'row' == data.type ) { FLBuilder.alert( FLBuilderStrings.rowTemplateSaved ); } else if ( 'module' == data.type ) { FLBuilder.alert( FLBuilderStrings.moduleTemplateSaved ); } // Update the layout for global templates. if ( data.layout ) { FLBuilder._renderLayout( data.layout ); } // Add the new template to the builder panel. if ( 0 === blocks.length ) { panel.append( template( data ) ); } else { for ( ; i < blocks.length; i++ ) { block = blocks.eq( i ); text = block.text().toLowerCase().trim(); if ( 0 === i && name < text ) { panel.prepend( template( data ) ); break; } else if ( name < text ) { block.before( template( data ) ); break; } else if ( blocks.length - 1 === i ) { panel.append( template( data ) ); break; } } } // Remove the no templates placeholder. panel.find( '.fl-builder-block-no-node-templates' ).remove(); }, /** * Callback for when a node template drag from the * builder panel has stopped. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _nodeTemplateDragStop * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _nodeTemplateDragStop: function( e, ui ) { FLBuilder._blockDragStop( e, ui ); var item = ui.item, parent = item.parent(), parentId = null, position = 0, node = null, action = '', callback = null; // A saved row was dropped. if ( item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-saved-row' ) || item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-row-template' ) ) { node = item.closest( '.fl-row' ); position = ! node.length ? 0 : $( FLBuilder._contentClass + ' .fl-row' ).index( node ); position = parent.hasClass( 'fl-drop-target-last' ) ? position + 1 : position; parentId = null; action = 'render_new_row'; callback = FLBuilder._addRowComplete; FLBuilder._newRowPosition = position; FLBuilder._showNodeLoadingPlaceholder( $( FLBuilder._contentClass ), position ); } // A saved module was dropped. else if ( item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-saved-module' ) || item.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-module-template' ) ) { action = 'render_new_module'; callback = FLBuilder._addModuleComplete; // Cancel the drop if the sortable is disabled? if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-sortable-disabled' ) ) { item.remove(); FLBuilder._showPanel(); return; } // Dropped into a row position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-row-drop-target' ) ) { parent = item.closest('.fl-builder-content'); parentId = 0; position = parent.find( '.fl-row' ).index( item.closest('.fl-row') ); } // Dropped into a column group position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group-drop-target' ) ) { parent = item.closest( '.fl-row-content' ); parentId = parent.closest( '.fl-row' ).attr( 'data-node' ); position = parent.find( ' > .fl-col-group' ).index( item.closest( '.fl-col-group' ) ); } // Dropped into a column position. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-drop-target' ) ) { parent = item.closest('.fl-col-group'); position = parent.children('.fl-col').index( item.closest('.fl-col') ); parentId = parent.attr('data-node'); } // Dropped into a column. else { position = parent.children( '.fl-module, .fl-builder-block' ).index( item ); parentId = item.closest( '.fl-col' ).attr( 'data-node' ); } // Increment the position? if ( item.closest( '.fl-drop-target-last' ).length ) { position += 1; } // Save the new module data. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group' ) ) { FLBuilder._newModuleParent = null; FLBuilder._newModulePosition = 0; } else { FLBuilder._newModuleParent = parent; FLBuilder._newModulePosition = position; } // Show the loader. FLBuilder._showNodeLoadingPlaceholder( parent, position ); } // Apply and render the node template. FLBuilder.ajax({ action : action, template_id : item.attr( 'data-id' ), template_type : item.attr( 'data-type' ), parent_id : parentId, position : position }, callback ); // Remove the helper. item.remove(); }, /** * Launches the builder in a new tab to edit a user * defined node template when the edit link is clicked. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _editUserTemplateClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _editNodeTemplateClicked: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); window.open( $( this ).attr( 'href' ) ); }, /** * Fires when the delete node template icon is clicked in the builder's panel. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _deleteNodeTemplateClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _deleteNodeTemplateClicked: function( e ) { var button = $( e.target ), section = button.closest( '.fl-builder-blocks-section' ), panel = section.find( '.fl-builder-blocks-section-content' ), blocks = panel.find( '.fl-builder-block' ), block = button.closest( '.fl-builder-block' ), global = block.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-global' ), callback = global ? FLBuilder._updateLayout : undefined, message = global ? FLBuilderStrings.deleteGlobalTemplate : FLBuilderStrings.deleteTemplate; if ( confirm( message ) ) { // Delete the UI block. block.remove(); // Add the no templates placeholder? if ( 1 === blocks.length ) { if ( block.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-saved-row' ) ) { panel.append( '<span class="fl-builder-block-no-node-templates">' + FLBuilderStrings.noSavedRows + '</span>' ); } else { panel.append( '<span class="fl-builder-block-no-node-templates">' + FLBuilderStrings.noSavedModules + '</span>' ); } } // Show the loader? if ( block.hasClass( 'fl-builder-block-global' ) ) { FLBuilder.showAjaxLoader(); } // Delete the template. FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'delete_node_template', template_id : block.attr( 'data-id' ) }, callback); } }, /* Settings ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes logic for settings forms. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initSettingsForms */ _initSettingsForms: function() { FLBuilder._initColorPickers(); FLBuilder._initSelectFields(); FLBuilder._initMultipleFields(); FLBuilder._initAutoSuggestFields(); FLBuilder._initLinkFields(); FLBuilder._initFontFields(); FLBuilder._initOrderingFields(); /** * Hook for settings form init. */ FLBuilder.triggerHook('settings-form-init'); }, /** * Sets the content for the settings lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _setSettingsFormContent * @param {String} html The HTML content for the lightbox. */ _setSettingsFormContent: function(html) { FLBuilder._setLightboxContent(html); FLBuilder._initSettingsForms(); }, /** * Shows the content for a settings form tab when it is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _settingsTabClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _settingsTabClicked: function(e) { var tab = $(this), form = tab.closest('.fl-builder-settings'), id = tab.attr('href').split('#').pop(); form.find('.fl-builder-settings-tab').removeClass('fl-active'); form.find('#' + id).addClass('fl-active'); form.find('.fl-builder-settings-tabs .fl-active').removeClass('fl-active'); $(this).addClass('fl-active'); e.preventDefault(); }, /** * Reverts an active preview and hides the lightbox when * the cancel button of a settings lightbox is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _settingsCancelClicked * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _settingsCancelClicked: function(e) { var nestedLightbox = $( '.fl-builder-lightbox[data-parent]' ), moduleSettings = $('.fl-builder-module-settings'), existingNodes = null, previewModule = null, previewCol = null, existingCol = null; // Close a nested settings lightbox. if ( nestedLightbox.length > 0 ) { FLBuilder._closeNestedSettings(); return; } // Delete a new module preview? else if(moduleSettings.length > 0 && typeof moduleSettings.data('new-module') != 'undefined') { existingNodes = $(FLBuilder.preview.state.html); previewModule = $('.fl-node-' + moduleSettings.data('node')); previewCol = previewModule.closest('.fl-col'); existingCol = existingNodes.find('.fl-node-' + previewCol.data('node')); if(existingCol.length > 0) { FLBuilder._deleteModule(previewModule); } else { FLBuilder._deleteCol(previewCol); } } // Do a standard preview revert. else if( FLBuilder.preview ) { FLBuilder.preview.revert(); } FLBuilder.preview = null; FLLightbox.closeParent(this); }, /** * Initializes validation logic for a settings form. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initSettingsValidation * @param {Object} rules The validation rules object. * @param {Object} messages Custom messages to show for invalid fields. */ _initSettingsValidation: function(rules, messages) { var form = $('.fl-builder-settings').last(); form.validate({ ignore: '.fl-ignore-validation', rules: rules, messages: messages, errorPlacement: FLBuilder._settingsErrorPlacement }); }, /** * Places a validation error after the invalid field. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _settingsErrorPlacement * @param {Object} error The error element. * @param {Object} element The invalid field. */ _settingsErrorPlacement: function(error, element) { error.appendTo(element.parent()); }, /** * Resets all tab error icons and then shows any for tabs * that have fields with errors. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _toggleSettingsTabErrors */ _toggleSettingsTabErrors: function() { var form = $('.fl-builder-settings:visible'), tabs = form.find('.fl-builder-settings-tab'), tab = null, tabErrors = null, i = 0; for( ; i < tabs.length; i++) { tab = tabs.eq(i); tabErrors = tab.find('label.error'); tabLink = form.find('.fl-builder-settings-tabs a[href*='+ tab.attr('id') +']'); tabLink.find('.fl-error-icon').remove(); tabLink.removeClass('error'); if(tabErrors.length > 0) { tabLink.append('<span class="fl-error-icon"></span>'); tabLink.addClass('error'); } } }, /** * Returns an object with key/value pairs for all fields * within a settings form. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _getSettings * @param {Object} form The settings form element. * @return {Object} The settings object. */ _getSettings: function(form) { FLBuilder._updateEditorFields(); var data = form.serializeArray(), i = 0, k = 0, value = '', name = '', key = '', keys = [], matches = [], settings = {}; // Loop through the form data. for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) { value = data[ i ].value.replace( /\r/gm, '' ); // Don't save text editor textareas. if ( data[ i ].name.indexOf( 'flrich' ) > -1 ) { continue; } // Support foo[]... setting keys. else if ( data[ i ].name.indexOf( '[' ) > -1 ) { name = data[ i ].name.replace( /\[(.*)\]/, '' ); key = data[ i ].name.replace( name, '' ); keys = []; matches = key.match( /\[[^\]]*\]/g ); // Remove [] from the keys. for ( k = 0; k < matches.length; k++ ) { if ( '[]' == matches[ k ] ) { continue; } keys.push( matches[ k ].replace( /\[|\]/g, '' ) ); } // foo[][key][key] if ( key.match( /\[\]\[[^\]]*\]\[[^\]]+\]/ ) ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings[ name ] ) { settings[ name ] = {}; } if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ] ) { settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ] = {}; } if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ][ keys[ 1 ] ] ) { settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ][ keys[ 1 ] ] = {}; } settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ][ keys[ 1 ] ] = value; } // foo[][key][] else if ( key.match( /\[\]\[[^\]]*\]\[\]/ ) ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings[ name ] ) { settings[ name ] = {}; } if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ] ) { settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ] = []; } settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ].push( value ); } // foo[][key] else if ( key.match( /\[\]\[[^\]]*\]/ ) ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings[ name ] ) { settings[ name ] = {}; } settings[ name ][ keys[ 0 ] ] = value; } // foo[] else if ( key.match( /\[\]/ ) ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings[ name ] ) { settings[ name ] = []; } settings[ name ].push( value ); } } // Standard name/value pair. else { settings[ data[ i ].name ] = value; } } // Update auto suggest values. for ( key in settings ) { if ( 'undefined' != typeof settings[ 'as_values_' + key ] ) { settings[ key ] = $.grep( settings[ 'as_values_' + key ].split( ',' ), function( n ) { return n !== ''; } ).join( ',' ); try { delete settings[ 'as_values_' + key ]; } catch( e ) {} } } // Return the settings. return settings; }, /** * Saves the settings for the current settings form, shows * the loader and hides the lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _saveSettings */ _saveSettings: function() { var form = $('.fl-builder-settings-lightbox .fl-builder-settings'), nodeId = form.attr('data-node'), settings = FLBuilder._getSettings(form); // Show the loader. FLBuilder._showNodeLoading( nodeId ); // Make the AJAX call. FLBuilder.ajax({ action : 'save_settings', node_id : nodeId, settings : settings }, FLBuilder._saveSettingsComplete); // Close the lightbox. FLBuilder._lightbox.close(); }, /** * Renders a new layout when the settings for the current * form have finished saving. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _saveSettingsComplete * @param {String} response The layout data from the server. */ _saveSettingsComplete: function(response) { FLBuilder._renderLayout(response, function() { if(FLBuilder.preview) { FLBuilder.preview.clear(); FLBuilder.preview = null; } }); }, /* Nested Settings Forms ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Opens a nested settings lightbox. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @method _openNestedSettings * @return object The settings lightbox object. */ _openNestedSettings: function( settings ) { settings = $.extend( { className: 'fl-builder-lightbox', destroyOnClose: true }, settings ); var parentBoxWrap = $( '.fl-lightbox-wrap:visible' ), parentBox = parentBoxWrap.find( '.fl-lightbox' ), nestedBoxObj = new FLLightbox( settings ), nestedBoxWrap = nestedBoxObj._node, nestedBox = nestedBoxWrap.find( '.fl-lightbox' ); parentBoxWrap.hide(); nestedBoxWrap.attr( 'data-parent', parentBoxWrap.attr( 'data-instance-id' ) ); nestedBoxObj.open( '<div class="fl-builder-lightbox-loading"></div>' ); nestedBoxObj.draggable( { handle: '.fl-lightbox-header' } ); nestedBox.css( { 'left' : parentBox.css( 'left' ), 'top' : parentBox.css( 'top' ) } ); return nestedBoxObj; }, /** * Opens the active nested settings lightbox. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @method _closeNestedSettings */ _closeNestedSettings: function() { var nestedBoxWrap = $( '.fl-builder-lightbox[data-parent]:visible' ), nestedBox = nestedBoxWrap.find( '.fl-lightbox' ), nestedBoxId = nestedBoxWrap.attr( 'data-instance-id' ), nestedBoxObj = FLLightbox._instances[ nestedBoxId ], parentBoxId = nestedBoxWrap.attr( 'data-parent' ), parentBoxWrap = $( '[data-instance-id="' + parentBoxId + '"]' ), parentBox = parentBoxWrap.find( '.fl-lightbox' ), parentBoxForm = parentBoxWrap.find('form'); nestedBox.css( 'height', 'auto' ); nestedBox.find( '.fl-lightbox-content' ).html( '<div class="fl-builder-lightbox-loading"></div>' ); nestedBoxObj.on( 'close', function() { parentBoxWrap.show(); parentBoxWrap.find( 'label.error' ).remove(); parentBoxForm.validate().hideErrors(); FLBuilder._toggleSettingsTabErrors(); parentBox.css( { 'left' : nestedBox.css( 'left' ), 'top' : nestedBox.css( 'top' ) } ); } ); setTimeout( function() { nestedBoxObj.close(); }, 250 ); }, /* Tooltips ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows a help tooltip in the settings lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _showHelpTooltip */ _showHelpTooltip: function() { $(this).siblings('.fl-help-tooltip-text').fadeIn(); }, /** * Hides a help tooltip in the settings lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _hideHelpTooltip */ _hideHelpTooltip: function() { $(this).siblings('.fl-help-tooltip-text').fadeOut(); }, /* Auto Suggest Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes all auto suggest fields within a settings form. * * @since 1.2.3 * @access private * @method _initAutoSuggestFields */ _initAutoSuggestFields: function() { $('.fl-builder-settings:visible .fl-suggest-field').each(FLBuilder._initAutoSuggestField); }, /** * Initializes a single auto suggest field. * * @since 1.2.3 * @access private * @method _initAutoSuggestField */ _initAutoSuggestField: function() { var field = $(this); field.autoSuggest(FLBuilder._ajaxUrl({ 'fl_action' : 'fl_builder_autosuggest', 'fl_as_action' : field.data('action'), 'fl_as_action_data' : field.data('action-data'), '_wpnonce' : FLBuilderConfig.ajaxNonce }), $.extend({}, { asHtmlID : field.attr('name'), selectedItemProp : 'name', searchObjProps : 'name', minChars : 3, keyDelay : 1000, fadeOut : false, usePlaceholder : true, emptyText : FLBuilderStrings.noResultsFound, showResultListWhenNoMatch : true, preFill : field.data('value'), queryParam : 'fl_as_query', afterSelectionAdd : FLBuilder._updateAutoSuggestField, afterSelectionRemove : FLBuilder._updateAutoSuggestField, selectionLimit : field.data('limit') }, field.data( 'args' ))); }, /** * Updates the value of an auto suggest field. * * @since 1.2.3 * @access private * @method _initAutoSuggestField * @param {Object} element The auto suggest field. * @param {Object} item The current selection. * @param {Array} selections An array of selected values. */ _updateAutoSuggestField: function(element, item, selections) { $(this).siblings('.as-values').val(selections.join(',')).trigger('change'); }, /* Multiple Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes all multiple fields in a settings form. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initMultipleFields */ _initMultipleFields: function() { var multiples = $('.fl-builder-settings:visible .fl-builder-field-multiples'), multiple = null, fields = null, i = 0, cursorAt = FLBuilderConfig.isRtl ? { left: 10 } : { right: 10 }; for( ; i < multiples.length; i++) { multiple = multiples.eq(i); fields = multiple.find('.fl-builder-field-multiple'); if(fields.length === 1) { fields.eq(0).find('.fl-builder-field-actions').addClass('fl-builder-field-actions-single'); } else { fields.find('.fl-builder-field-actions').removeClass('fl-builder-field-actions-single'); } } $('.fl-builder-field-multiples').sortable({ items: '.fl-builder-field-multiple', cursor: 'move', cursorAt: cursorAt, distance: 5, opacity: 0.5, helper: FLBuilder._fieldDragHelper, placeholder: 'fl-builder-field-dd-zone', stop: FLBuilder._fieldDragStop, tolerance: 'pointer' }); }, /** * Adds a new multiple field to the list when the add * button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _addFieldClicked */ _addFieldClicked: function() { var button = $(this), fieldName = button.attr('data-field'), fieldRow = button.closest('tr').siblings('tr[data-field='+ fieldName +']').last(), clone = fieldRow.clone(), index = parseInt(fieldRow.find('label span.fl-builder-field-index').html(), 10) + 1; clone.find('th label span.fl-builder-field-index').html(index); clone.find('.fl-form-field-preview-text').html(''); clone.find('input, textarea, select').val(''); fieldRow.after(clone); FLBuilder._initMultipleFields(); }, /** * Copies a multiple field and adds it to the list when * the copy button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _copyFieldClicked */ _copyFieldClicked: function() { var button = $(this), row = button.closest('tr'), clone = row.clone(), index = parseInt(row.find('label span.fl-builder-field-index').html(), 10) + 1; clone.find('th label span.fl-builder-field-index').html(index); row.after(clone); FLBuilder._renumberFields(row.parent()); FLBuilder._initMultipleFields(); FLBuilder.preview.delayPreview(); }, /** * Deletes a multiple field from the list when the * delete button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _deleteFieldClicked */ _deleteFieldClicked: function() { var row = $(this).closest('tr'), parent = row.parent(), result = confirm(FLBuilderStrings.deleteFieldMessage); if(result) { row.remove(); FLBuilder._renumberFields(parent); FLBuilder._initMultipleFields(); FLBuilder.preview.delayPreview(); } }, /** * Renumbers the labels for a list of multiple fields. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _renumberFields * @param {Object} table A table element with multiple fields. */ _renumberFields: function(table) { var rows = table.find('.fl-builder-field-multiple'), i = 0; for( ; i < rows.length; i++) { rows.eq(i).find('th label span.fl-builder-field-index').html(i + 1); } }, /** * Returns an element for multiple field drag operations. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _fieldDragHelper * @return {Object} The helper element. */ _fieldDragHelper: function() { return $('<div class="fl-builder-field-dd-helper"></div>'); }, /** * Renumbers and triggers a preview when a multiple field * has finished dragging. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _fieldDragStop * @param {Object} e The event object. * @param {Object} ui An object with additional info for the drag. */ _fieldDragStop: function(e, ui) { FLBuilder._renumberFields(ui.item.parent()); FLBuilder.preview.delayPreview(); }, /* Select Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes select fields for a settings form. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initSelectFields */ _initSelectFields: function() { $('.fl-builder-settings:visible').find('.fl-builder-settings-fields select').trigger('change'); }, /** * Callback for when a settings form select has been changed. * If toggle data is present, other fields will be toggled * when this select changes. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _settingsSelectChanged */ _settingsSelectChanged: function() { var select = $(this), toggle = select.attr('data-toggle'), hide = select.attr('data-hide'), trigger = select.attr('data-trigger'), val = select.val(), i = 0, k = 0; // TOGGLE sections, fields or tabs. if(typeof toggle !== 'undefined') { toggle = JSON.parse(toggle); for(i in toggle) { FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(toggle[i].fields, 'hide', '#fl-field-'); FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(toggle[i].sections, 'hide', '#fl-builder-settings-section-'); FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(toggle[i].tabs, 'hide', 'a[href*=fl-builder-settings-tab-', ']'); } if(typeof toggle[val] !== 'undefined') { FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(toggle[val].fields, 'show', '#fl-field-'); FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(toggle[val].sections, 'show', '#fl-builder-settings-section-'); FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(toggle[val].tabs, 'show', 'a[href*=fl-builder-settings-tab-', ']'); } } // HIDE sections, fields or tabs. if(typeof hide !== 'undefined') { hide = JSON.parse(hide); if(typeof hide[val] !== 'undefined') { FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(hide[val].fields, 'hide', '#fl-field-'); FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(hide[val].sections, 'hide', '#fl-builder-settings-section-'); FLBuilder._settingsSelectToggle(hide[val].tabs, 'hide', 'a[href*=fl-builder-settings-tab-', ']'); } } // TRIGGER select inputs. if(typeof trigger !== 'undefined') { trigger = JSON.parse(trigger); if(typeof trigger[val] !== 'undefined') { if(typeof trigger[val].fields !== 'undefined') { for(i = 0; i < trigger[val].fields.length; i++) { $('#fl-field-' + trigger[val].fields[i]).find('select').trigger('change'); } } } } }, /** * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _settingsSelectToggle * @param {Array} inputArray * @param {Function} func * @param {String} prefix * @param {String} suffix */ _settingsSelectToggle: function(inputArray, func, prefix, suffix) { var i = 0; suffix = 'undefined' == typeof suffix ? '' : suffix; if(typeof inputArray !== 'undefined') { for( ; i < inputArray.length; i++) { $(prefix + inputArray[i] + suffix)[func](); // Resize code editor fields. $( prefix + inputArray[i] + suffix ).parent().find( '.fl-field[data-type="code"]' ).each( function() { $( this ).data( 'editor' ).resize(); } ); } } }, /* Color Pickers ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes color picker fields for a settings form. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initColorPickers */ _initColorPickers: function() { var colorPresets = FLBuilderConfig.colorPresets ? FLBuilderConfig.colorPresets : []; FLBuilder.colorPicker = new FLBuilderColorPicker({ mode: 'hsv', elements: '.fl-color-picker .fl-color-picker-value', presets: colorPresets, labels: { colorPresets : FLBuilderStrings.colorPresets, colorPicker : FLBuilderStrings.colorPicker, placeholder : FLBuilderStrings.placeholder, removePresetConfirm : FLBuilderStrings.removePresetConfirm, noneColorSelected : FLBuilderStrings.noneColorSelected, alreadySaved : FLBuilderStrings.alreadySaved, noPresets : FLBuilderStrings.noPresets, presetAdded : FLBuilderStrings.presetAdded, } }); $( FLBuilder.colorPicker ).on( 'presetRemoved presetAdded', function( event, data ) { FLBuilder.ajax({ action: 'save_color_presets', presets: data.presets }); }); }, /* Single Photo Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes the single photo selector. * * @since 1.8.6 * @access private * @method _initSinglePhotoSelector */ _initSinglePhotoSelector: function() { if(FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector === null) { FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector = wp.media({ title: FLBuilderStrings.selectPhoto, button: { text: FLBuilderStrings.selectPhoto }, library : { type : 'image' }, multiple: false }); } }, /** * Shows the single photo selector. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _selectSinglePhoto */ _selectSinglePhoto: function() { FLBuilder._initSinglePhotoSelector(); FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector.once('open', $.proxy(FLBuilder._singlePhotoOpened, this)); FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector.once('select', $.proxy(FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelected, this)); FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector.open(); }, /** * Callback for when the single photo selector is shown. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _singlePhotoOpened */ _singlePhotoOpened: function() { var selection = FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector.state().get('selection'), wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-photo-field'), photoField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), photo = photoField.val(), attachment = null; if($(this).hasClass('fl-photo-replace')) { selection.reset(); wrap.addClass('fl-photo-empty'); photoField.val(''); } else if(photo !== '') { attachment = wp.media.attachment(photo); attachment.fetch(); selection.add(attachment ? [attachment] : []); } else { selection.reset(); } }, /** * Callback for when a single photo is selected. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _singlePhotoSelected */ _singlePhotoSelected: function() { var photo = FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(), wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-photo-field'), photoField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), preview = wrap.find('.fl-photo-preview img'), srcSelect = wrap.find('select'); photoField.val(photo.id); preview.attr('src', FLBuilder._getPhotoSrc(photo)); wrap.removeClass('fl-photo-empty'); wrap.find('label.error').remove(); srcSelect.show(); srcSelect.html(FLBuilder._getPhotoSizeOptions(photo)); srcSelect.trigger('change'); }, /** * Clears a photo that has been selected in a single photo field. * * @since * @access private * @method _singlePhotoRemoved */ _singlePhotoRemoved: function() { FLBuilder._initSinglePhotoSelector(); var state = FLBuilder._singlePhotoSelector.state(), selection = 'undefined' != typeof state ? state.get('selection') : null, wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-photo-field'), photoField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), srcSelect = wrap.find('select'); if ( selection ) { selection.reset(); } wrap.addClass('fl-photo-empty'); photoField.val(''); srcSelect.html('<option value="" selected></option>'); srcSelect.trigger('change'); }, /** * Returns the src URL for a photo. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _getPhotoSrc * @param {Object} photo A photo data object. * @return {String} The src URL for a photo. */ _getPhotoSrc: function(photo) { if(typeof photo.sizes === 'undefined') { return photo.url; } else if(typeof photo.sizes.thumbnail !== 'undefined') { return photo.sizes.thumbnail.url; } else { return photo.sizes.full.url; } }, /** * Builds the options for a photo size select. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _getPhotoSizeOptions * @param {Object} photo A photo data object. * @return {String} The HTML for the photo size options. */ _getPhotoSizeOptions: function(photo) { var html = '', size = null, selected = null, title = '', titles = { full : FLBuilderStrings.fullSize, large : FLBuilderStrings.large, medium : FLBuilderStrings.medium, thumbnail : FLBuilderStrings.thumbnail }; if(typeof photo.sizes === 'undefined') { html += '<option value="' + photo.url + '">' + FLBuilderStrings.fullSize + '</option>'; } else { for(size in photo.sizes) { if ( 'undefined' != typeof titles[ size ] ) { title = titles[ size ] + ' - '; } else if ( 'undefined' != typeof FLBuilderConfig.customImageSizeTitles[ size ] ) { title = FLBuilderConfig.customImageSizeTitles[ size ] + ' - '; } else { title = ''; } selected = size == 'full' ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; html += '<option value="' + photo.sizes[size].url + '"' + selected + '>' + title + photo.sizes[size].width + ' x ' + photo.sizes[size].height + '</option>'; } } return html; }, /* Multiple Photo Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the multiple photo selector. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _selectMultiplePhotos */ _selectMultiplePhotos: function() { var wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-multiple-photos-field'), photosField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), photosFieldVal = photosField.val(), parsedVal = photosFieldVal === '' ? '' : JSON.parse(photosFieldVal), defaultPostId = wp.media.gallery.defaults.id, content = '[gallery ids="-1"]', shortcode = null, attachments = null, selection = null, i = null, ids = []; // Builder the gallery shortcode. if ( 'object' == typeof parsedVal ) { for ( i in parsedVal ) { ids.push( parsedVal[ i ] ); } content = '[gallery ids="'+ ids.join() +'"]'; } shortcode = wp.shortcode.next('gallery', content).shortcode; if(_.isUndefined(shortcode.get('id')) && !_.isUndefined(defaultPostId)) { shortcode.set('id', defaultPostId); } // Get the selection object. attachments = wp.media.gallery.attachments(shortcode); selection = new wp.media.model.Selection(attachments.models, { props: attachments.props.toJSON(), multiple: true }); selection.gallery = attachments.gallery; // Fetch the query's attachments, and then break ties from the // query to allow for sorting. selection.more().done(function() { if ( ! selection.length ) { FLBuilder._multiplePhotoSelector.setState( 'gallery-library' ); } // Break ties with the query. selection.props.set({ query: false }); selection.unmirror(); selection.props.unset('orderby'); }); // Destroy the previous gallery frame. if(FLBuilder._multiplePhotoSelector) { FLBuilder._multiplePhotoSelector.dispose(); } // Store the current gallery frame. FLBuilder._multiplePhotoSelector = wp.media({ frame: 'post', state: $(this).hasClass('fl-multiple-photos-edit') ? 'gallery-edit' : 'gallery-library', title: wp.media.view.l10n.editGalleryTitle, editing: true, multiple: true, selection: selection }).open(); $(FLBuilder._multiplePhotoSelector.views.view.el).addClass('fl-multiple-photos-lightbox'); FLBuilder._multiplePhotoSelector.once('update', $.proxy(FLBuilder._multiplePhotosSelected, this)); }, /** * Callback for when multiple photos have been selected. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _multiplePhotosSelected * @param {Object} data The photo data object. */ _multiplePhotosSelected: function(data) { var wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-multiple-photos-field'), photosField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), count = wrap.find('.fl-multiple-photos-count'), photos = [], i = 0; for( ; i < data.models.length; i++) { photos.push(data.models[i].id); } if(photos.length == 1) { count.html('1 ' + FLBuilderStrings.photoSelected); } else { count.html(photos.length + ' ' + FLBuilderStrings.photosSelected); } wrap.removeClass('fl-multiple-photos-empty'); wrap.find('label.error').remove(); photosField.val(JSON.stringify(photos)).trigger('change'); }, /* Single Video Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the single video selector. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _selectSingleVideo */ _selectSingleVideo: function() { if(FLBuilder._singleVideoSelector === null) { FLBuilder._singleVideoSelector = wp.media({ title: FLBuilderStrings.selectVideo, button: { text: FLBuilderStrings.selectVideo }, library : { type : 'video' }, multiple: false }); } FLBuilder._singleVideoSelector.once('select', $.proxy(FLBuilder._singleVideoSelected, this)); FLBuilder._singleVideoSelector.open(); }, /** * Callback for when a single video is selected. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _singleVideoSelected */ _singleVideoSelected: function() { var video = FLBuilder._singleVideoSelector.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(), wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-video-field'), image = wrap.find('.fl-video-preview-img img'), filename = wrap.find('.fl-video-preview-filename'), videoField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'); image.attr('src', video.icon); filename.html(video.filename); wrap.removeClass('fl-video-empty'); wrap.find('label.error').remove(); videoField.val(video.id).trigger('change'); }, /* Multiple Audios Field ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the multiple audio selector. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _selectMultipleAudios */ _selectMultipleAudios: function() { var wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-multiple-audios-field'), audiosField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), audiosFieldVal = audiosField.val(), content = audiosFieldVal == '' ? '[playlist ids="-1"]' : '[playlist ids="'+ JSON.parse(audiosFieldVal).join() +'"]', shortcode = wp.shortcode.next('playlist', content).shortcode, defaultPostId = wp.media.playlist.defaults.id, attachments = null, selection = null; if(_.isUndefined(shortcode.get('id')) && !_.isUndefined(defaultPostId)) { shortcode.set('id', defaultPostId); } attachments = wp.media.playlist.attachments(shortcode); selection = new wp.media.model.Selection(attachments.models, { props: attachments.props.toJSON(), multiple: true }); selection.playlist = attachments.playlist; // Fetch the query's attachments, and then break ties from the // query to allow for sorting. selection.more().done(function() { // Break ties with the query. selection.props.set({ query: false }); selection.unmirror(); selection.props.unset('orderby'); }); // Destroy the previous frame. if(FLBuilder._multipleAudiosSelector) { FLBuilder._multipleAudiosSelector.dispose(); } // Store the current frame. FLBuilder._multipleAudiosSelector = wp.media({ frame: 'post', state: $(this).hasClass('fl-multiple-audios-edit') ? 'playlist-edit' : 'playlist-library', title: wp.media.view.l10n.editPlaylistTitle, editing: true, multiple: true, selection: selection }).open(); // Hide the default playlist settings since we have them added in the audio settings FLBuilder._multipleAudiosSelector.content.get('view').sidebar.unset('playlist'); FLBuilder._multipleAudiosSelector.on( 'content:render:browse', function( browser ) { if ( !browser ) return; // Hide Playlist Settings in sidebar browser.sidebar.on('ready', function(){ browser.sidebar.unset('playlist'); }); }); FLBuilder._multipleAudiosSelector.once('update', $.proxy(FLBuilder._multipleAudiosSelected, this)); }, /** * Callback for when a single/multiple audo is selected. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _multipleAudiosSelected */ _multipleAudiosSelected: function(data) { var wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-multiple-audios-field'), count = wrap.find('.fl-multiple-audios-count'), audioField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), audios = [], i = 0; for( ; i < data.models.length; i++) { audios.push(data.models[i].id); } if(audios.length == 1) { count.html('1 ' + FLBuilderStrings.audioSelected); } else { count.html(audios.length + ' ' + FLBuilderStrings.audiosSelected); } audioField.val(JSON.stringify(audios)).trigger('change'); wrap.removeClass('fl-multiple-audios-empty'); wrap.find('label.error').remove(); }, /* Icon Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the icon selector. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _selectIcon */ _selectIcon: function() { var self = this; FLIconSelector.open(function(icon){ FLBuilder._iconSelected.apply(self, [icon]); }); }, /** * Callback for when an icon is selected. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _iconSelected * @param {String} icon The selected icon's CSS classname. */ _iconSelected: function(icon) { var wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-icon-field'), iconField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), iconTag = wrap.find('i'), oldIcon = iconTag.attr('data-icon'); iconField.val(icon).trigger('change'); iconTag.removeClass(oldIcon); iconTag.addClass(icon); iconTag.attr('data-icon', icon); wrap.removeClass('fl-icon-empty'); wrap.find('label.error').remove(); }, /** * Callback for when a selected icon is removed. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _removeIcon */ _removeIcon: function() { var wrap = $(this).closest('.fl-icon-field'), iconField = wrap.find('input[type=hidden]'), iconTag = wrap.find('i'); iconField.val('').trigger('change'); iconTag.removeClass(); iconTag.attr('data-icon', ''); wrap.addClass('fl-icon-empty'); }, /* Settings Form Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the settings for a nested form field when the * edit link is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _formFieldClicked */ _formFieldClicked: function() { var link = $( this ), form = link.closest( '.fl-builder-settings' ), type = link.attr( 'data-type' ), settings = link.siblings( 'input' ).val(), helper = FLBuilder._moduleHelpers[ type ], lightbox = FLBuilder._openNestedSettings( { className: 'fl-builder-lightbox fl-form-field-settings' } ); link.attr( 'id', 'fl-' + lightbox._node.attr( 'data-instance-id' ) ); FLBuilder.ajax( { action: 'render_settings_form', node_id: form.attr( 'data-node' ), node_settings: FLBuilder._getSettings( form ), type: type, settings: settings.replace( /'/g, "'" ) }, function( response ) { var data = JSON.parse( response ); lightbox._node.find( '.fl-lightbox-content' ).html( data.html ); lightbox._node.find( 'form.fl-builder-settings' ).attr( 'data-type', type ); FLBuilder._initSettingsForms(); if ( typeof helper !== 'undefined' ) { FLBuilder._initSettingsValidation( helper.rules ); helper.init(); } }); }, /** * Saves the settings for a nested form field when the * save button is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _saveFormFieldClicked * @return {Boolean} Whether the save was successful or not. */ _saveFormFieldClicked: function() { var form = $(this).closest('.fl-builder-settings'), lightboxId = $(this).closest('.fl-lightbox-wrap').attr('data-instance-id'), type = form.attr('data-type'), settings = FLBuilder._getSettings(form), oldSettings = {}, helper = FLBuilder._moduleHelpers[type], link = $('.fl-builder-settings #fl-' + lightboxId), preview = link.parent().attr('data-preview-text'), previewText = settings[preview], selectPreview = $( 'select[name="' + preview + '"]' ), tmp = document.createElement('div'), valid = true; if ( selectPreview.length > 0 ) { previewText = selectPreview.find( 'option[value="' + settings[ preview ] + '"]' ).text(); } if(typeof helper !== 'undefined') { form.find('label.error').remove(); form.validate().hideErrors(); valid = form.validate().form(); if(valid) { valid = helper.submit(); } } if(valid) { if(typeof preview !== 'undefined' && typeof previewText !== 'undefined') { if(previewText.indexOf('fa fa-') > -1) { previewText = '<i class="' + previewText + '"></i>'; } else if(previewText.length > 35) { tmp.innerHTML = previewText; previewText = (tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || '').replace(/^(.{35}[^\s]*).*/, "$1") + '...'; } link.siblings('.fl-form-field-preview-text').html(previewText); } oldSettings = link.siblings('input').val().replace(/'/g, "'"); if ( '' != oldSettings ) { settings = $.extend( JSON.parse( oldSettings ), settings ); } link.siblings('input').val(JSON.stringify(settings)).trigger('change'); FLBuilder._closeNestedSettings(); return true; } else { FLBuilder._toggleSettingsTabErrors(); return false; } }, /* Layout Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Callback for when the item of a layout field is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _layoutFieldClicked */ _layoutFieldClicked: function() { var option = $(this); option.siblings().removeClass('fl-layout-field-option-selected'); option.addClass('fl-layout-field-option-selected'); option.siblings('input').val(option.attr('data-value')); }, /* Link Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes all link fields in a settings form. * * @since 1.3.9 * @access private * @method _initLinkFields */ _initLinkFields: function() { $('.fl-builder-settings:visible .fl-link-field').each(FLBuilder._initLinkField); }, /** * Initializes a single link field in a settings form. * * @since 1.3.9 * @access private * @method _initLinkFields */ _initLinkField: function() { var wrap = $(this), searchInput = wrap.find('.fl-link-field-search-input'); searchInput.autoSuggest(FLBuilder._ajaxUrl({ 'fl_action' : 'fl_builder_autosuggest', 'fl_as_action' : 'fl_as_links', '_wpnonce' : FLBuilderConfig.ajaxNonce }), { asHtmlID : searchInput.attr('name'), selectedItemProp : 'name', searchObjProps : 'name', minChars : 3, keyDelay : 1000, fadeOut : false, usePlaceholder : true, emptyText : FLBuilderStrings.noResultsFound, showResultListWhenNoMatch : true, queryParam : 'fl_as_query', selectionLimit : 1, afterSelectionAdd : FLBuilder._updateLinkField }); }, /** * Updates the value of a link field when a link has been * selected from the auto suggest menu. * * @since 1.3.9 * @access private * @method _updateLinkField * @param {Object} element The auto suggest field. * @param {Object} item The current selection. * @param {Array} selections An array of selected values. */ _updateLinkField: function(element, item, selections) { var wrap = element.closest('.fl-link-field'), search = wrap.find('.fl-link-field-search'), searchInput = wrap.find('.fl-link-field-search-input'), field = wrap.find('.fl-link-field-input'); field.val(item.value).trigger('keyup'); searchInput.autoSuggest('remove', item.value); search.hide(); }, /** * Shows the auto suggest input for a link field. * * @since 1.3.9 * @access private * @method _linkFieldSelectClicked */ _linkFieldSelectClicked: function() { $(this).parent().find('.fl-link-field-search').show(); }, /** * Hides the auto suggest input for a link field. * * @since 1.3.9 * @access private * @method _linkFieldSelectCancelClicked */ _linkFieldSelectCancelClicked: function() { $(this).parent().hide(); }, /* Font Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes all font fields in a settings form. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _initFontFields */ _initFontFields: function(){ $('.fl-builder-settings:visible .fl-font-field').each( FLBuilder._initFontField ); }, /** * Initializes a single font field in a settings form. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access private * @method _initFontFields */ _initFontField: function(){ var wrap = $(this), font = wrap.find( '.fl-font-field-font' ); font.on( 'change', function(){ FLBuilder._getFontWeights( font ); } ); }, /** * Renders the correct weights list for a respective font. * * @since 1.6.3 * @acces private * @method _getFontWeights * @param {Object} currentFont The font field element. */ _getFontWeights: function( currentFont ){ var selectWeight = currentFont.next( '.fl-font-field-weight' ), font = currentFont.val(), weightMap = { 'default' : 'Default', 'regular' : 'Regular', '100': 'Thin 100', '200': 'Extra-Light 200', '300': 'Light 300', '400': 'Normal 400', '500': 'Medium 500', '600': 'Semi-Bold 600', '700': 'Bold 700', '800': 'Extra-Bold 800', '900': 'Ultra-Bold 900' }, weights = {}; selectWeight.html(''); if ( 'undefined' != typeof FLBuilderFontFamilies.system[ font ] ) { weights = FLBuilderFontFamilies.system[ font ].weights; } else if ( 'undefined' != typeof FLBuilderFontFamilies.google[ font ] ) { weights = FLBuilderFontFamilies.google[ font ]; } else { weights = FLBuilderFontFamilies.default[ font ]; } $.each( weights, function( key, value ){ selectWeight.append( '<option value="' + value + '">' + weightMap[ value ] + '</option>' ); } ); }, /* Editor Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Used to init pre WP 3.9 editors from field.php. * * @since 1.0 * @method initEditorField */ initEditorField: function(id) { var newEditor = tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.flhiddeneditor; newEditor.elements = id; tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ id ] = newEditor; }, /** * Updates all editor fields within a settings form. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _updateEditorFields */ _updateEditorFields: function() { var wpEditors = $('.fl-builder-settings:visible textarea.wp-editor-area'); wpEditors.each(FLBuilder._updateEditorField); }, /** * Updates a single editor field within a settings form. * Creates a hidden textarea with the editor content so * this field can be saved. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _updateEditorField */ _updateEditorField: function() { var textarea = $( this ), field = textarea.closest( '.fl-editor-field' ), form = textarea.closest( '.fl-builder-settings' ), wrap = textarea.closest( '.wp-editor-wrap' ), id = textarea.attr( 'id' ), setting = field.attr( 'id' ), editor = typeof tinyMCE == 'undefined' ? false : tinyMCE.get( id ), hidden = textarea.siblings( 'textarea[name="' + setting + '"]' ), wpautop = field.data( 'wpautop' ); // Add a hidden textarea if we don't have one. if ( 0 === hidden.length ) { hidden = $( '<textarea name="' + setting + '"></textarea>' ).hide(); textarea.after( hidden ); } // Save editor content. if ( wpautop ) { if ( editor && wrap.hasClass( 'tmce-active' ) ) { hidden.val( editor.getContent() ); } else if ( 'undefined' != typeof switchEditors ) { hidden.val( switchEditors.wpautop( textarea.val() ) ); } else { hidden.val( textarea.val() ); } } else { if ( editor && wrap.hasClass( 'tmce-active' ) ) { editor.save(); } hidden.val( textarea.val() ); } }, /* Loop Settings Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Callback for the data source of loop settings changes. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @method _loopDataSourceChange */ _loopDataSourceChange: function() { var val = $( this ).val(); $('.fl-loop-data-source').hide(); $('.fl-loop-data-source[data-source="' + val + '"]').show(); }, /** * Callback for when the post type of a custom query changes. * * @since 1.2.3 * @access private * @method _customQueryPostTypeChange */ _customQueryPostTypeChange: function() { var val = $(this).val(); $('.fl-custom-query-filter').hide(); $('.fl-custom-query-' + val + '-filter').show(); }, /* Ordering Fields ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initializes all ordering fields in a settings form. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @method _initOrderingFields */ _initOrderingFields: function() { $( '.fl-builder-settings:visible .fl-ordering-field-options' ).each( FLBuilder._initOrderingField ); }, /** * Initializes a single ordering field in a settings form. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @method _initOrderingField */ _initOrderingField: function() { $( this ).sortable( { items: '.fl-ordering-field-option', containment: 'parent', tolerance: 'pointer', stop: FLBuilder._updateOrderingField } ); }, /** * Updates an ordering field when dragging stops. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @method _updateOrderingField * @param {Object} e The event object. */ _updateOrderingField: function( e ) { var options = $( e.target ), input = options.siblings( 'input[type=hidden]' ), value = []; options.find( '.fl-ordering-field-option' ).each( function() { value.push( $( this ).attr( 'data-key' ) ); } ); input.val( JSON.stringify( value ) ).trigger( 'change' ); }, /* Text Fields - Add Value Selector ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Callback for when "add value" selectors for text fields changes. * * @since 1.6.5 * @access private * @method _textFieldAddValueSelectChange */ _textFieldAddValueSelectChange: function() { var dropdown = $( this ), textField = $( 'input[name="' + dropdown.data( 'target' ) + '"]' ), currentValue = textField.val(), addingValue = dropdown.val(), newValue = ''; // Adding selected value to target text field only once if ( -1 == currentValue.indexOf( addingValue ) ) { newValue = ( currentValue.trim() + ' ' + addingValue.trim() ).trim(); textField .val( newValue ) .trigger( 'change' ) .trigger( 'keyup' ); } // Resetting the selector dropdown .val( '' ); }, /* AJAX ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Frontend AJAX for the builder interface. * * @since 1.0 * @method ajax * @param {Object} data The data for the AJAX request. * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the request completes. */ ajax: function(data, callback) { var prop; // Undefined props don't get sent to the server, so make them null. for ( prop in data ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof data[ prop ] ) { data[ prop ] = null; } } // Add the ajax nonce to the data. data._wpnonce = FLBuilderConfig.ajaxNonce; // Send the post id to the server. data.post_id = FLBuilderConfig.postId; // Tell the server that the builder is active. data.fl_builder = 1; // Append the builder namespace to the action. data.fl_action = data.action; // Prevent ModSecurity false positives if our fix is enabled. if ( 'undefined' != typeof data.settings ) { data.settings = FLBuilder._ajaxModSecFix( data.settings ); } if ( 'undefined' != typeof data.node_settings ) { data.node_settings = FLBuilder._ajaxModSecFix( data.node_settings ); } // Store the data in a single variable to avoid conflicts. data = { fl_builder_data: data }; // Do the ajax call. return $.post(FLBuilder._ajaxUrl(), data, function(response) { FLBuilder._ajaxComplete(); if(typeof callback !== 'undefined') { callback.call(this, response); } }); }, /** * Callback for when an AJAX request is complete. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _ajaxComplete */ _ajaxComplete: function() { FLBuilder.hideAjaxLoader(); }, /** * Returns a URL for an AJAX request. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _ajaxUrl * @param {Object} params An object with key/value pairs for the AJAX query string. * @return {String} The AJAX URL. */ _ajaxUrl: function(params) { var url = window.location.href.split( '#' ).shift(), param = null; if(typeof params !== 'undefined') { for(param in params) { url += url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?'; url += param + '=' + params[param]; } } return url; }, /** * Shows the AJAX loading overlay. * * @since 1.0 * @method showAjaxLoader */ showAjaxLoader: function() { if( 0 === $( '.fl-builder-lightbox-loading' ).length ) { $( '.fl-builder-loading' ).show(); } }, /** * Hides the AJAX loading overlay. * * @since 1.0 * @method hideAjaxLoader */ hideAjaxLoader: function() { $( '.fl-builder-loading' ).hide(); }, /** * Fades a node when it is being loaded. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @param {String} nodeId * @method _showNodeLoading */ _showNodeLoading: function( nodeId ) { var node = $( '[data-node="' + nodeId + '"]' ); node.addClass( 'fl-builder-node-loading' ); }, /** * Inserts a placeholder in place of where a node will be * that is currently loading. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @param {Object} parent * @param {Number} position * @method _showNodeLoadingPlaceholder */ _showNodeLoadingPlaceholder: function( parent, position ) { var placeholder = $( '<div class="fl-builder-node-loading-placeholder"></div>' ); // Get sibling rows. if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-builder-content' ) ) { siblings = parent.find( '.fl-row' ); } // Get sibling column groups. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-row-content' ) ) { siblings = parent.find( ' > .fl-col-group' ); } // Get sibling columns. else if ( parent.hasClass( 'fl-col-group' ) ) { parent.addClass( 'fl-col-group-has-child-loading' ); siblings = parent.find( ' > .fl-col' ); } // Get sibling modules. else { siblings = parent.find( ' > .fl-col-group, > .fl-module' ); } // Add the placeholder. if ( 0 === siblings.length || siblings.length == position) { parent.append( placeholder ); } else { siblings.eq( position ).before( placeholder ); } }, /** * Removes the node loading placeholder for a node. * * @since 1.10 * @access private * @param {Object} node * @method _removeNodeLoadingPlaceholder */ _removeNodeLoadingPlaceholder: function( node ) { var prev = node.prev( '.fl-builder-node-loading-placeholder' ), next = node.next( '.fl-builder-node-loading-placeholder' ); if ( prev.length ) { prev.remove(); } else { next.remove(); } }, /** * Base64 encode settings to prevent ModSecurity false * positives if our fix is enabled. * * @since 1.8.4 * @access private * @method _ajaxModSecFix */ _ajaxModSecFix: function( settings ) { var prop; if ( FLBuilderConfig.modSecFix && 'undefined' != typeof btoa ) { if ( 'string' == typeof settings ) { settings = btoa( settings ); } else { for ( prop in settings ) { if ( 'string' == typeof settings[ prop ] ) { settings[ prop ] = btoa( settings[ prop ] ); } else if( 'object' == typeof settings[ prop ] ) { settings[ prop ] = FLBuilder._ajaxModSecFix( settings[ prop ] ); } } } } return settings; }, /* Lightboxes ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the settings lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _showLightbox * @param {Boolean} draggable Whether the lightbox should be draggable or not. */ _showLightbox: function(draggable) { draggable = typeof draggable === 'undefined' ? true : draggable; FLBuilder._lightbox.open('<div class="fl-builder-lightbox-loading"></div>'); if(draggable) { FLBuilder._lightbox.draggable({ handle: '.fl-lightbox-header' }); } else { FLBuilder._lightbox.draggable(false); } FLBuilder._removeAllOverlays(); FLBuilder._initLightboxScrollbars(); }, /** * Set the content for the settings lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _setLightboxContent * @param {String} content The HTML content for the lightbox. */ _setLightboxContent: function(content) { FLBuilder._lightbox.setContent(content); }, /** * Initializes the scrollbars for the settings lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _initLightboxScrollbars */ _initLightboxScrollbars: function() { FLBuilder._initScrollbars(); FLBuilder._lightboxScrollbarTimeout = setTimeout(FLBuilder._initLightboxScrollbars, 500); }, /** * Callback to clean things up when the settings lightbox * is closed. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _lightboxClosed */ _lightboxClosed: function() { FLBuilder.triggerHook( 'settings-lightbox-closed' ); FLBuilder._lightbox.empty(); clearTimeout( FLBuilder._lightboxScrollbarTimeout ); }, /** * Shows the actions lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _showActionsLightbox * @param {Object} settings An object with settings for the lightbox buttons. */ _showActionsLightbox: function(settings) { var template = wp.template( 'fl-actions-lightbox' ); // Allow extensions to modify the settings object. FLBuilder.triggerHook( 'actions-lightbox-settings', settings ); // Open the lightbox. FLBuilder._actionsLightbox.open( template( settings ) ); }, /** * Resize lightbox to wether expand or contract * * @access private * @method _expandLightbox */ _resizeLightbox: function(){ var link = $(this), resizeType = (link.hasClass('fa-expand')) ? 'expand' : 'contract'; FLBuilder._lightbox.renderResize( resizeType ); $(this).toggleClass("fa-expand").toggleClass("fa-compress"); }, /* Alert Lightboxes ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Shows the alert lightbox with a message. * * @since 1.0 * @method alert * @param {String} message The message to show. */ alert: function(message) { var alert = new FLLightbox({ className: 'fl-builder-lightbox fl-builder-alert-lightbox', destroyOnClose: true }), template = wp.template( 'fl-alert-lightbox' ); alert.open( template( { message : message } ) ); }, /** * Closes the alert lightbox when a child element is clicked. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _alertClose */ _alertClose: function() { FLLightbox.closeParent(this); }, /** * Shows the confirm lightbox with a message. * * @since 1.10 * @method confirm * @param {Object} o The config object that overrides the defaults. */ confirm: function( o ) { var defaults = { message : '', ok : function(){}, cancel : function(){}, strings : { 'ok' : FLBuilderStrings.ok, 'cancel' : FLBuilderStrings.cancel } }, config = $.extend( {}, defaults, ( 'undefined' == typeof o ? {} : o ) ) lightbox = new FLLightbox({ className: 'fl-builder-lightbox fl-builder-confirm-lightbox fl-builder-alert-lightbox', destroyOnClose: true }), template = wp.template( 'fl-confirm-lightbox' ); lightbox.open( template( config ) ); lightbox._node.find( '.fl-builder-confirm-ok' ).on( 'click', config.ok ); lightbox._node.find( '.fl-builder-confirm-cancel' ).on( 'click', config.cancel ); }, /* Simple JS hooks similar to WordPress PHP hooks. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Trigger a hook. * * @since 1.8 * @method triggerHook * @param {String} hook The hook to trigger. * @param {Array} args An array of args to pass to the hook. */ triggerHook: function( hook, args ) { $( 'body' ).trigger( 'fl-builder.' + hook, args ); }, /** * Add a hook. * * @since 1.8 * @method addHook * @param {String} hook The hook to add. * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the hook is triggered. */ addHook: function( hook, callback ) { $( 'body' ).on( 'fl-builder.' + hook, callback ); }, /** * Remove a hook. * * @since 1.8 * @method removeHook * @param {String} hook The hook to remove. * @param {Function} callback The callback function to remove. */ removeHook: function( hook, callback ) { $( 'body' ).off( 'fl-builder.' + hook, callback ); }, /* Console Logging ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Logs a message in the console if the console is available. * * @since 1.4.6 * @method log * @param {String} message The message to log. */ log: function( message ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof window.console || 'undefined' == typeof window.console.log ) { return; } console.log( message ); }, /** * Logs an error in the console if the console is available. * * @since 1.4.6 * @method logError * @param {String} error The error to log. */ logError: function( error ) { var message = null; if ( 'undefined' == typeof error ) { return; } else if ( 'undefined' != typeof error.stack ) { message = error.stack; } else if ( 'undefined' != typeof error.message ) { message = error.message; } if ( message ) { FLBuilder.log( '************************************************************************' ); FLBuilder.log( FLBuilderStrings.errorMessage ); FLBuilder.log( message ); FLBuilder.log( '************************************************************************' ); } }, /** * Logs a global error in the console if the console is available. * * @since 1.4.6 * @method logGlobalError * @param {String} message * @param {String} file * @param {String} line * @param {String} col * @param {String} error */ logGlobalError: function( message, file, line, col, error ) { FLBuilder.log( '************************************************************************' ); FLBuilder.log( FLBuilderStrings.errorMessage ); FLBuilder.log( FLBuilderStrings.globalErrorMessage.replace( '{message}', message ).replace( '{line}', line ).replace( '{file}', file ) ); if ( 'undefined' != typeof error && 'undefined' != typeof error.stack ) { FLBuilder.log( error.stack ); FLBuilder.log( '************************************************************************' ); } } }; /* Start the party!!! */ $(function(){ FLBuilder._init(); }); })(jQuery);
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| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |