Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/bb-plugin/js/fl-lightbox.js
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(function($){ /** * Custom lightbox for builder popups. * * @class FLLightbox * @since 1.0 */ FLLightbox = function(settings) { this._init(settings); this._render(); this._bind(); }; /** * Closes the lightbox of a child element that * is passed to this method. * * @since 1.0 * @static * @method closeParent * @param {Object} child An HTML element or jQuery reference to an element. */ FLLightbox.closeParent = function(child) { var instanceId = $(child).closest('.fl-lightbox-wrap').attr('data-instance-id'); FLLightbox._instances[instanceId].close(); }; /** * An object that stores a reference to each * lightbox instance that is created. * * @since 1.0 * @static * @access private * @property {Object} _instances */ FLLightbox._instances = {}; /** * Prototype for new instances. * * @since 1.0 * @property {Object} prototype */ FLLightbox.prototype = { /** * A unique ID for this instance that's used to store * it in the static _instances object. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {String} _id */ _id: null, /** * A jQuery reference to the main wrapper div. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _node */ _node: null, /** * Flag for whether the lightbox is visible or not. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Boolean} _visible */ _visible: false, /** * A timeout used to throttle the resize event. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _resizeTimer */ _resizeTimer: null, /** * A flag for whether this instance should be * draggable or not. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Boolean} _draggable */ _draggable: false, /** * Default config object. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @property {Object} _defaults * @property {String} _defaults.className - A custom classname to add to the wrapper div. * @property {Boolean} _defaults.destroyOnClose - Flag for whether the instance should be destroyed when closed. */ _defaults: { className: '', destroyOnClose: false }, /** * Opens the lightbox. You can pass new content to this method. * If no content is passed, the previous content will be shown. * * @since 1.0 * @method open * @param {String} content HTML content to add to the lightbox. */ open: function(content) { this._node.find('.fl-lightbox').attr( 'style', '' ); this._node.show(); this._visible = true; if(typeof content !== 'undefined') { this.setContent(content); } else { this._resize(); } this.trigger('open'); }, /** * Closes the lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @method close */ close: function() { this._node.hide(); this._visible = false; this.trigger('close'); if(this._defaults.destroyOnClose) { this.destroy(); } }, /** * Adds HTML content to the lightbox replacing any * previously added content. * * @since 1.0 * @method setContent * @param {String} content HTML content to add to the lightbox. */ setContent: function(content) { this._node.find('.fl-lightbox-content').html(content); this._resize(); }, /** * Uses the jQuery empty function to remove lightbox * content and any related events. * * @since 1.0 * @method empty */ empty: function() { this._node.find('.fl-lightbox-content').empty(); this._node.find('.fl-lightbox').removeClass('fl-lightbox-expanded'); }, /** * Bind an event to the lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @method on * @param {String} event The type of event to bind. * @param {Function} callback A callback to fire when the event is triggered. */ on: function(event, callback) { this._node.on(event, callback); }, /** * Unbind an event from the lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @method off * @param {String} event The type of event to unbind. */ off: function(event) { this._node.off(event); }, /** * Trigger an event on the lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @method trigger * @param {String} event The type of event to trigger. * @param {Object} params Additional parameters to pass to the event. */ trigger: function(event, params) { this._node.trigger(event, params); }, /** * Enable or disable dragging for the lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @method draggable * @param {Boolean} toggle Whether the lightbox should be draggable or not. */ draggable: function(toggle) { var mask = this._node.find('.fl-lightbox-mask'), lightbox = this._node.find('.fl-lightbox'); toggle = typeof toggle === 'undefined' ? false : toggle; if(this._draggable) { lightbox.draggable('destroy'); } if(toggle) { this._unbind(); this._draggable = true; mask.hide(); lightbox.draggable({ cursor: 'move', handle: toggle.handle || '' }); } else { mask.show(); this._bind(); this._draggable = false; } this._resize(); }, /** * Destroy the lightbox by removing all elements, events * and object references. * * @since 1.0 * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { $(window).off('resize.fl-lightbox-' + this._id); this._node.empty(); this._node.remove(); FLLightbox._instances[this._id] = 'undefined'; try{ delete FLLightbox._instances[this._id]; } catch(e){} }, /** * Render the expand/contract of lightbox * * @method renderResize * @param {String} */ renderResize: function(method) { if(typeof method !== 'undefined') { var activeNode = this._getActiveNode(); lightbox = activeNode.find('.fl-lightbox'), boxFields = lightbox.find('.fl-builder-settings-fields'), win = $(window), winHeight = win.height(), winWidth = win.width(), boxHeaderHeight = lightbox.find('.fl-lightbox-header').height(), boxTabsHeight = lightbox.find('.fl-builder-settings-tabs').height(), boxFooterHeight = lightbox.find('.fl-lightbox-footer').height(), boxFieldHeight = (winHeight - (boxHeaderHeight + boxTabsHeight + boxFooterHeight + 103)), editor = typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' && tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor ? tinymce : null, editorId = editor ? editor.EditorManager.activeEditor.id : 'flhiddeneditor', editorIframeEl = lightbox.find('#'+ editorId +'_ifr'), editorTextarea = lightbox.find('#'+ editorId), codeField = lightbox.find('.fl-code-field .ace_editor'); if(method == 'expand' || method == 'window_resize') { if(method == 'window_resize' && !lightbox.hasClass('fl-lightbox-expanded')) { return false; } boxFields.css('height', boxFieldHeight + 'px'); if(method == 'expand') { lightbox.addClass('fl-lightbox-expanded'); lightbox.draggable('disable'); } if(editorIframeEl.length > 0) { editorIframeEl.css('height', (boxFieldHeight - 145) + 'px'); } if(editorTextarea.length > 0) { editorTextarea.css('height', (boxFieldHeight - 145) + 'px'); } if(codeField.length > 0) { codeField.css('height', (boxFieldHeight - 60) + 'px'); } } else { // Contract lightbox setTimeout($.proxy(this._resize, this), 250); lightbox.removeClass('fl-lightbox-expanded'); boxFields.removeAttr('style'); if(editorId !== null) { editorIframeEl.css('height', '232px'); editorTextarea.css('height', '232px'); } if(codeField.length > 0) { codeField.css('height', '360px'); } lightbox.draggable('enable'); } } }, /** * Initialize this lightbox instance. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _init * @param {Object} settings A setting object for this instance. */ _init: function(settings) { var i = 0, prop = null; for(prop in FLLightbox._instances) { i++; } this._defaults = $.extend({}, this._defaults, settings); this._id = new Date().getTime() + i; FLLightbox._instances[this._id] = this; }, /** * Renders the main wrapper. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _render */ _render: function() { this._node = $('<div class="fl-lightbox-wrap" data-instance-id="'+ this._id +'"><div class="fl-lightbox-mask"></div><div class="fl-lightbox"><div class="fl-lightbox-content-wrap"><div class="fl-lightbox-content"></div></div></div></div>'); this._node.addClass(this._defaults.className); $('body').append(this._node); }, /** * Binds events for this instance. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _bind */ _bind: function() { $(window).on('resize.fl-lightbox-' + this._id, $.proxy(this._delayedResize, this)); }, /** * Unbinds events for this instance. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _unbind */ _unbind: function() { $(window).off('resize.fl-lightbox-' + this._id); }, /** * Resizes the lightbox after a delay. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _delayedResize */ _delayedResize: function() { clearTimeout(this._resizeTimer); this._resizeTimer = setTimeout($.proxy(this._resize, this), 250); this.renderResize('window_resize'); }, /** * Resizes the lightbox. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _resize */ _resize: function() { if(this._visible) { var lightbox = this._node.find('.fl-lightbox'), boxHeight = lightbox.height(), boxWidth = lightbox.width(), win = $(window), winHeight = win.height(), winWidth = win.width(), top = '0px', left = ((winWidth - boxWidth)/2 - 30) + 'px'; // Zero out margins and position. lightbox.css({ 'margin' : '0px', 'top' : 'auto', 'left' : 'auto' }); // Get the top position. if(winHeight - 80 > boxHeight) { top = ((winHeight - boxHeight)/2 - 40) + 'px'; } // Set the positions. if(this._draggable) { lightbox.css('top', top); lightbox.css('left', FLBuilderConfig.isRtl ? '-' + left : left); } else { lightbox.css('margin-top', top); lightbox.css('margin-left', 'auto'); lightbox.css('margin-right', 'auto'); } } }, /** * Closes the lightbox when the esc key is pressed. * Currently not in use. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _onKeypress * @param {Object} e An event object. */ _onKeypress: function(e) { if(e.which == 27 && this._visible) { this.close(); } }, /** * Get the current active lightbox from multiple instances. * * @since 1.0 * @access private * @method _getActiveNode * @return {object} Current node */ _getActiveNode: function() { var activeNode = this._node; $.each(FLLightbox._instances, function(i, obj){ if($(obj._node).is(':visible')) { activeNode = $(obj._node); } }); return activeNode; } }; })(jQuery);
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