Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/bb-plugin/modules/contact-form/js/frontend.js
Error occurred
(function($) { window.onLoadFLReCaptcha = function() { var reCaptchaFields = $( '.fl-grecaptcha' ), widgetID; if ( reCaptchaFields.length > 0 ) { reCaptchaFields.each(function(){ var self = $( this ), attrWidget = self.attr('data-widgetid'); // Avoid re-rendering as it's throwing API error if ( (typeof attrWidget !== typeof undefined && attrWidget !== false) ) { return; } else { widgetID = grecaptcha.render( $(this).attr('id'), { sitekey : self.data( 'sitekey' ), theme : 'light', callback: function( response ){ if ( response != '' ) { self.attr( 'data-fl-grecaptcha-response', response ); } } }); self.attr( 'data-widgetid', widgetID ); } }); } }; FLBuilderContactForm = function( settings ) { this.settings = settings; this.nodeClass = '.fl-node-' + settings.id; this._init(); }; FLBuilderContactForm.prototype = { settings : {}, nodeClass : '', _init: function() { $( this.nodeClass + ' .fl-button' ).click( $.proxy( this._submit, this ) ); }, _submit: function( e ) { var theForm = $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-contact-form'), submit = $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-button'), name = $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-name input'), email = $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-email input'), phone = $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-phone input'), subject = $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-subject input'), message = $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-message textarea'), reCaptchaField = $('#'+ this.settings.id + '-fl-grecaptcha'), reCaptchaValue = reCaptchaField.data( 'fl-grecaptcha-response' ), ajaxData = null, ajaxurl = FLBuilderLayoutConfig.paths.wpAjaxUrl, email_regex = /\S+@\S+\.\S+/, isValid = true, postId = theForm.closest( '.fl-builder-content' ).data( 'post-id' ), templateId = theForm.data( 'template-id' ), templateNodeId = theForm.data( 'template-node-id' ), nodeId = theForm.closest( '.fl-module' ).data( 'node' ); e.preventDefault(); // End if button is disabled (sent already) if (submit.hasClass('fl-disabled')) { return; } // validate the name if(name.length) { if (name.val() === '') { isValid = false; name.parent().addClass('fl-error'); } else if (name.parent().hasClass('fl-error')) { name.parent().removeClass('fl-error'); } } // validate the email if(email.length) { if (email.val() === '' || !email_regex.test(email.val())) { isValid = false; email.parent().addClass('fl-error'); } else if (email.parent().hasClass('fl-error')) { email.parent().removeClass('fl-error'); } } // validate the subject..just make sure it's there if(subject.length) { if (subject.val() === '') { isValid = false; subject.parent().addClass('fl-error'); } else if (subject.parent().hasClass('fl-error')) { subject.parent().removeClass('fl-error'); } } // validate the phone..just make sure it's there if(phone.length) { if (phone.val() === '') { isValid = false; phone.parent().addClass('fl-error'); } else if (phone.parent().hasClass('fl-error')) { phone.parent().removeClass('fl-error'); } } // validate the message..just make sure it's there if (message.val() === '') { isValid = false; message.parent().addClass('fl-error'); } else if (message.parent().hasClass('fl-error')) { message.parent().removeClass('fl-error'); } // validate if reCAPTCHA is enabled and checked if ( reCaptchaField.length > 0 ) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof reCaptchaValue || reCaptchaValue === false ) { isValid = false; reCaptchaField.parent().addClass( 'fl-error' ); } else { reCaptchaField.parent().removeClass('fl-error'); } } // end if we're invalid, otherwise go on.. if (!isValid) { return false; } else { // disable send button submit.addClass('fl-disabled'); ajaxData = { action : 'fl_builder_email', name : name.val(), subject : subject.val(), email : email.val(), phone : phone.val(), message : message.val(), post_id : postId, template_id : templateId, template_node_id : templateNodeId, node_id : nodeId } if ( reCaptchaValue ) { ajaxData.recaptcha_response = reCaptchaValue; } // post the form data $.post( ajaxurl, ajaxData, $.proxy( this._submitComplete, this ) ); } }, _submitComplete: function( response ) { var urlField = $( this.nodeClass + ' .fl-success-url' ), noMessage = $( this.nodeClass + ' .fl-success-none' ); // On success show the success message if (typeof response.error !== 'undefined' && response.error === false) { $( this.nodeClass + ' .fl-send-error' ).fadeOut(); if ( urlField.length > 0 ) { window.location.href = urlField.val(); } else if ( noMessage.length > 0 ) { noMessage.fadeIn(); } else { $( this.nodeClass + ' .fl-contact-form' ).hide(); $( this.nodeClass + ' .fl-success-msg' ).fadeIn(); } } // On failure show fail message and re-enable the send button else { $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-button').removeClass('fl-disabled'); if ( typeof response.message !== 'undefined' ) { $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-send-error').html(response.message); } $(this.nodeClass + ' .fl-send-error').fadeIn(); return false; } } }; })(jQuery);
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |