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<?php /** * Prepares fieldjs config * * Will be placed in .cf-fieldjs-config for each field * * @package Caldera_Forms * @author Josh Pollock <Josh@CalderaWP.com> * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link * @copyright 2016 CalderaWP LLC */ class Caldera_Forms_Field_JS implements JsonSerializable { /** * Form config * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var array */ protected $form; /** * Prepared field data * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var array */ protected $data; /** * Form instance count * * @since 1.5.0 * * @var int */ protected $form_count; /** * Form field * * @since unknown * * @var array */ protected $fields; /** * Field type lookup cache * * @since 1.5.7 * * @var array */ protected $types; /** * Caldera_Forms_Render_FieldsJS constructor. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param array $form Form config * @param int $form_count Form instance count */ public function __construct( array $form, $form_count ) { $this->form = $form; $this->form_count = $form_count; $this->data = array(); $this->fields = array( 'ids' => array(), 'inputs' => array(), 'groups' => array(), 'defaults' => array(), 'calcDefaults' => array() ); } /** * Prepare data for each field * * @since 1.5.0 */ public function prepare_data(){ if( ! empty( $this->form[ 'fields' ] ) ){ foreach( $this->form[ 'fields' ] as $field ){ $this->fields[ 'ids' ][] = $this->field_id( $field[ 'ID' ] ); $type = $this->get_field_type( $field ); $this->map_field( $type, $field ); if( 'summary' == $type ){ $type = 'html'; } //skip these types -- maybe add filter here later $skip = array( 'star_rating', ); if( ! in_array( $type, $skip ) && method_exists( $this, $type ) ){ call_user_func( array( $this, $type ), $field[ 'ID' ], $field ); } } foreach( $this->fields[ 'defaults' ] as &$default ){ if( !is_array( $default ) && 0 === strpos( $default, '%' ) ){ $default = $this->get_field_default( Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field_by_slug( str_replace( '%', '', $default ), $this->form ) ); }else{ $default = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $default, null, $this->form ); } } } } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function jsonSerialize() { return $this->to_array(); } /** * Get array representation of this object * * @since 1.5.0 * * @return array */ public function to_array(){ if( empty( $this->data ) ){ $this->prepare_data(); } return $this->get_data(); } /** * Get prepared data * * @since 1.5.0 * * @return array */ public function get_data(){ $_data = $this->data; $this->data = array( 'configs' => $_data, 'fields' => $this->fields ); return $this->data; } /** * Callback for processing button data * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id Field ID */ protected function button( $field_id ){ $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, array() ); } protected function wysiwyg( $field_id ){ $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, array( 'options' => $this->wysiqyg_options( $field_id ) ) ); } /** * @param $field_id * * @return string */ protected function field_id( $field_id ) { return Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_base_id( $field_id, $this->form_count, $this->form ); } /** * @param $field_id * * @return mixed|void */ protected function wysiqyg_options( $field_id ) { $field = $this->form[ 'fields' ][ $field_id ]; $options = array(); if( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ]['language' ] ) ){ $options[ 'lang' ] = strip_tags( $field[ 'config' ]['language' ] ); } /** * Filter options passed to Trumbowyg when initializing the WYSIWYG editor * * @since 1.5.0 * * @see https://alex-d.github.io/Trumbowyg/documentation.html#general * * @param array $options Options will be empty unless language was set in UI * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form Config */ $options = apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_wysiwyg_options', $options, $field, $this->form ); return $options; } /** * Setup better_phone fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id Id of field * @param array $field Field config * * @return void */ protected function phone_better( $field_id, $field ){ $args = array( 'options' => $this->better_phone_field_js_options( $field ), 'messages' => array( 'generic' => __( 'Invalid number', 'caldera-forms' ), '1' => __( 'Invalid country code', 'caldera-forms' ), '4' => __( 'Not a number', 'caldera-forms' ), '3' => __( 'Number is too long', 'caldera-forms' ), '2' => __( 'Number is too short', 'caldera-forms' ) ) ); $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, $args ); } /** * Prepare options for better phone fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param array $field Field config * * @return array */ protected function better_phone_field_js_options( array $field ){ $options = array( 'initialCountry' => 'us', 'autoHideDialCode' => false, 'utilsScript' => CFCORE_URL . 'fields/phone_better/assets/js/utils.js', 'preferredCountries' => array( 'us' ) ); if( empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'nationalMode' ] ) ){ $options[ 'nationalMode' ] = true; $options[ 'autoHideDialCode' ] = true; }else{ $options[ 'nationalMode' ] = false; $options[ 'autoHideDialCode' ] = false; } /** * Filter config options for better phone fields. * * This will be passed in JavaScript to constructor for the jQuery plugin that powers these fields. * @see https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param array $options Options to use for this field * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form config * */ return apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_phone_js_options', $options, $field, $this->form ); } /** * Setup HTML fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id Id of field * @param array $field Field config * * @return void */ protected function html( $field_id, $field ){ $id_attr = $this->field_id( $field_id ); $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_type( $field ), array( 'sync' => false ) ); /** @var Caldera_Forms_Sync_HTML $syncer */ $syncer = Caldera_Forms_Sync_Factory::get_object( $this->form, $field, $id_attr, $this->form_count ); if ( $syncer->can_sync() ) { $this->data[ $field_id ] = array_merge( $this->data[ $field_id ], array( 'sync' => true, 'tmplId' => $syncer->template_id(), 'contentId' => $syncer->content_id(), 'bindFields' => array(), ) ); foreach ( $syncer->get_binds() as $bind ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'bindFields' ][] = array( 'tag' => '{{' . $bind . '}}', 'to' => $bind . '_' . $this->form_count ); } } } /** * Setup range slider fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id Id of field * @param array $field Field config * @return void */ public function range_slider( $field_id, $field ){ $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, array( 'value' => 0, ) ); foreach( array( 'handleborder', 'trackcolor', 'color', 'handle', ) as $setting ){ if( isset( $field[ 'config'][ $setting ] ) ){ $value = $field[ 'config'][ $setting ]; }else{ $value = ''; } $this->data[ $field_id ][ $setting ] = $value; } if( false !== strpos( $field['config']['step'], '.' ) ) { $part = explode( '.', $field[ 'config' ][ 'step' ] ); $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'value' ] = strlen( $part[1] ); } } /** * Setup star rate fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id Id of field * @param array $field Field config * @return void */ protected function star_rating( $field_id, $field ){ $type = $field['config']['type']; if ( ! isset( $field[ 'config' ][ 'track_color' ] ) ) { $field[ 'config' ][ 'track_color' ] = '#AFAFAF'; } if ( ! isset( $field[ 'config' ][ 'type' ] ) ) { $field[ 'config' ][ 'type' ] = 'star'; } $args = array( 'starFieldId' => Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::star_target( Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_base_id( $field, $this->form_count, $this->form ) ), 'options' => array( 'starOn' => 'raty-'. $type . '-on', 'starOff' => 'raty-'. $type . '-off', 'spaceWidth' => $field['config']['space'], 'number' => $field['config']['number'], 'color' => $field['config']['color'], 'cancel' => false, 'single' => false, 'targetScore' => '#' . $this->field_id( $field_id ), 'targetKeep' => true, 'targetType' => 'score', 'score' => 0, 'hints' => array( 1,2,3,4,5), 'starType' => 'f', 'starColor' => $field['config']['color'], 'numberMax' => 100, ) ); if( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'default' ] ) && is_numeric( $field[ 'config' ][ 'default' ] ) ){ $args[ 'options' ][ 'score' ] = $field[ 'config' ][ 'default' ]; } $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, $args ); if(!empty($field['config']['cancel']) ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'options' ][ 'cancel' ] = true; } if( !empty($field['config']['single'] ) ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'options' ][ 'single' ] = true; } } protected function toggle_switch( $field_id, $field ){ $selectedClassName = 'btn-success'; if ( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'selected_class' ] ) ) { $selectedClassName = $field[ 'config' ][ 'selected_class' ]; } $defaultClassName = 'btn-default'; if ( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'default_class' ] ) ) { $defaultClassName = $field[ 'config' ][ 'default_class' ]; } $options = array(); if ( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'option' ] ) ) { foreach ( $field[ 'config' ][ 'option' ] as $option_key => $option ) { $options[] = $this->field_id( $field_id ) . '_' . $option_key; } } $args = array( 'selectedClassName' => $selectedClassName, 'defaultClassName' => $defaultClassName, 'options' => $options ); $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, $args ); } /** * For calculation fields * * NOTE: Implimented in 1.5.6 * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param $field_id * @param $field */ protected function calculation( $field_id, $field ){ if( !isset( $field['config']['thousand_separator'] ) ){ $field['config']['thousand_separator'] = ','; } if( !isset( $field['config']['decimal_separator'] ) ){ $field['config']['decimal_separator'] = '.'; } $thousand_separator = $field['config']['thousand_separator']; $decimal_separator = $field['config']['decimal_separator']; /** @var Caldera_Forms_Sync_Calc $syncer */ $syncer = Caldera_Forms_Sync_Factory::get_object( $this->form, $field, Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_base_id( $field, null, $this->form ) ); //this creates binds array BTW $syncer->can_sync(); $formula = $syncer->get_formula( true ); $target_id = $this->calc_target_id( $field ); $args = array( 'binds' => $syncer->get_binds(), 'decimalSeparator' => $decimal_separator, 'thousandSeparator' => $thousand_separator, 'moneyFormat' => ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'fixed' ] ) ? true : false, 'fixed' => false, 'fieldBinds' => $syncer->get_bind_fields(), 'targetId' => esc_attr( $this->calc_value_id( $field ) ), 'displayId' => esc_attr( $target_id ), 'callback' => Caldera_Forms_Field_Calculation::js_function_name( $target_id ) ); $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, $args ); if(!empty($field['config']['fixed'])){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'fixed' ] = true; } } /** * Config for credit card number fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id The field ID * @param array $field The field config */ protected function credit_card_number( $field_id, $field ){ $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, array( 'invalid' => __( 'Invalid Card Number', 'caldera-forms' ), 'cvc' => false, 'exp' => false, ) ); if( Caldera_Forms_Render_Assets::should_minify( false ) ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'imgPath' ] = CFCORE_URL . 'assets/build/images/'; }else{ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'imgPath' ] = CFCORE_URL . 'assets/images/'; } if( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'cvc'] ) ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'cvc' ] = $this->field_id( $field[ 'config' ][ 'cvc' ] ); } if( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'exp'] ) ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'exp' ] = $this->field_id( $field[ 'config' ][ 'exp' ] ); } } /** * Config for credit card expiration fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id The field ID * @param array $field The field config */ protected function credit_card_exp( $field_id, $field ){ $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, array( 'invalid' => __( 'Invalid Expiration Date', 'caldera-forms' ), 'ccField' => false ) ); if( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'credit_card_field' ] ) ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'ccField' ] = $this->field_id( $field[ 'config' ][ 'credit_card_field' ] ); } } /** * Config for credit card cvv fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id The field ID * @param array $field The field config */ protected function credit_card_cvc( $field_id, $field ){ $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, array( 'invalid' => __( 'Invalid Security Code', 'caldera-forms' ), 'ccField' => false ) ); if( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'credit_card_field' ] ) ){ $this->data[ $field_id ][ 'ccField' ] = $this->field_id( $field[ 'config' ][ 'credit_card_field' ] ); } } /** * Config for color picker fields * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id The field ID * @param array $field The field config */ public function color_picker( $field_id, $field ){ /** * Change settings for color picker fields passed to JavaScript * * @since 1.5.0 * * @see http://labs.abeautifulsite.net/jquery-minicolors/#settings * * @param array $settings The settings * @param array $field Field config * @param array $form Form config */ $settings = apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_field_js_color_picker_settings', array( 'animationSpeed' => 50, 'animationEasing' => 'swing', 'change' => null, 'changeDelay' => 0, 'control' => 'hue', 'dataUris' =>true, 'defaultValue' => '', 'format' => 'hex', 'hide' => null, 'hideSpeed' => 100, 'inline' => false, 'keywords' => '', 'letterCase' => 'lowercase', 'opacity' => false, 'position' => 'bottom left', 'show' => null, 'showSpeed' => 100, 'theme' => 'default', 'swatches' => array() ), $field, $this->form ); $this->data[ $field_id ] = $this->create_config_array( $field_id, __FUNCTION__, array( 'settings' => $settings ) ); } /** * Create config array * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param string $field_id Field ID * @param string $type Field type * @param array $args Additional data. * * @return array */ protected function create_config_array( $field_id, $type, $args ){ $basic = array( 'type' => $type, 'id' => $this->field_id( $field_id ), 'default' => $this->get_field_default( $this->form[ 'fields' ][ $field_id ] ) ); return array_merge( $basic, wp_parse_args( $args, $this->default_config_args() ) ); } protected function default_config_args(){ /** * Default values passed to field configs to be printed in DOM for field types * * Useful for customizing field setups in bulk * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param array $args */ return apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_field_js_config_defaults', array( 'form_id' => $this->form[ 'ID' ], 'form_id_attr' => Caldera_Forms_Render_Util::form_id_attr( $this->form_count ) )); } /** * Adds field to the $field property * * @since 1.5.3 * * @param string $type Field type * @param array $field Field config * */ protected function map_field( $type, $field ){ $default = $this->get_field_default( $field ); $_field = array( 'type' => $type, 'fieldId' => $field[ 'ID' ], 'id' => $this->field_id( $field[ 'ID' ] ), 'options' => array(), 'default' => $default, ); $group = false; if ( in_array( $type, array( 'checkbox', 'radio', 'toggle_switch' ) ) ) { $group = true; if ( ! empty( $field[ 'config' ][ 'option' ] ) ) { foreach ( $field[ 'config' ][ 'option' ] as $option => $args ) { $_field[ 'options' ][] = $option; } } } if( 'checkbox' === $type ){ $_field[ 'mode' ] = Caldera_Forms_Field_Calculation::checkbox_mode( $field, $this->form ); } if ( $group ) { $this->fields[ 'groups' ][] = $_field; }else{ $this->fields[ 'inputs' ][] = $_field; } $this->map_default( $field, $default ); } /** * Find the field's default * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param array $field Field configuration * * @return bool */ protected function get_field_default( $field ){ $default = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_default( $field, $this->form, true ); if( is_bool( $default ) ){ $default = ''; } $type = $this->get_field_type( $field ); switch ( $type ){ case 'radio': case 'dropdown': case 'filtered_select2': case 'toggle_switch' : $default = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::find_select_field_value( $field, $default ); break; } return $default; } /** * Map default values for field * * @since * * @param array $field Field config * @param mixed $default Currently identified default */ protected function map_default( $field, $default ){ $id_attr = $this->field_id( $field[ 'ID' ] ); $this->fields[ 'defaults' ][ $id_attr ] = $default; if ( 'calculation' != $this->get_field_type( $field ) ) { $calc_default = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_default_calc_value( $field, $this->form ); if ( ! is_numeric( $calc_default ) ) { if (is_bool($calc_default)) { $calc_default = (bool)$calc_default; } elseif (!is_numeric($default)) { $calc_default = 0; } else { $calc_default = $default; } } $this->fields[ 'calcDefaults' ][ $id_attr ] = (float) $calc_default; }else{ $this->fields[ 'calcDefaults' ][ $id_attr ] = array( 'type' => 'calculation', 'target' => $this->calc_value_id( $field ) ); } } /** * The ID attribute of HTML span for a calculation field * * @since * * @param array $field Field config * * @return string */ protected function calc_target_id( array $field ){ return Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_base_id( $field, $this->form_count, $this->form ); } /** * The ID attribute of hidden field for a calculation field * * @since * * @param array $field Field config * * @return string */ protected function calc_value_id( array $field ){ return $this->calc_target_id( $field ) . '-value'; } /** * Find type of field with caching * * @since 1.5.7 * * @param array $field Field config * * @return string */ protected function get_field_type( $field ){ if( ! isset( $this->types[ $field[ 'ID' ] ] ) ){ $this->types[ $field[ 'ID' ] ] = Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_type( $field, $this->form ); } return $this->types[ $field[ 'ID' ] ]; } }
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