Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/wp-content/plugins-BAK/woocommerce/i18n/makepot/not-gettexted.php
Error occurred
<?php /** * Console application, which extracts or replaces strings for * translation, which cannot be gettexted * * @version $Id: not-gettexted.php 19275 2012-02-10 17:47:42Z nacin $ * @package wordpress-i18n * @subpackage tools */ // see: http://php.net/tokenizer if (!defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) define('T_ML_COMMENT', T_COMMENT); else define('T_DOC_COMMENT', T_ML_COMMENT); require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/pomo/po.php'; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/pomo/mo.php'; class NotGettexted { var $enable_logging = false; var $STAGE_OUTSIDE = 0; var $STAGE_START_COMMENT = 1; var $STAGE_WHITESPACE_BEFORE = 2; var $STAGE_STRING = 3; var $STAGE_WHITESPACE_AFTER = 4; var $STAGE_END_COMMENT = 4; var $commands = array('extract' => 'command_extract', 'replace' => 'command_replace' ); function logmsg() { $args = func_get_args(); if ($this->enable_logging) error_log(implode(' ', $args)); } function stderr($msg, $nl=true) { fwrite(STDERR, $msg.($nl? "\n" : "")); } function cli_die($msg) { $this->stderr($msg); exit(1); } function unchanged_token($token, $s='') { return is_array($token)? $token[1] : $token; } function ignore_token($token, $s='') { return ''; } function list_php_files($dir) { $files = array(); $items = scandir( $dir ); foreach ( (array) $items as $item ) { $full_item = $dir . '/' . $item; if ('.' == $item || '..' == $item) continue; if ('.php' == substr($item, -4)) $files[] = $full_item; if (is_dir($full_item)) $files += array_merge($files, NotGettexted::list_php_files($full_item, $files)); } return $files; } function make_string_aggregator($global_array_name, $filename) { $a = $global_array_name; return create_function('$string, $comment_id, $line_number', 'global $'.$a.'; $'.$a.'[] = array($string, $comment_id, '.var_export($filename, true).', $line_number);'); } function make_mo_replacer($global_mo_name) { $m = $global_mo_name; return create_function('$token, $string', 'global $'.$m.'; return var_export($'.$m.'->translate($string), true);'); } function walk_tokens(&$tokens, $string_action, $other_action, $register_action=null) { $current_comment_id = ''; $current_string = ''; $current_string_line = 0; $result = ''; $line = 1; foreach($tokens as $token) { if (is_array($token)) { list($id, $text) = $token; $line += substr_count($text, "\n"); if ((T_ML_COMMENT == $id || T_COMMENT == $id) && preg_match('|/\*\s*(/?WP_I18N_[a-z_]+)\s*\*/|i', $text, $matches)) { if ($this->STAGE_OUTSIDE == $stage) { $stage = $this->STAGE_START_COMMENT; $current_comment_id = $matches[1]; $this->logmsg('start comment', $current_comment_id); $result .= call_user_func($other_action, $token); continue; } if ($this->STAGE_START_COMMENT <= $stage && $stage <= $this->STAGE_WHITESPACE_AFTER && '/'.$current_comment_id == $matches[1]) { $stage = $this->STAGE_END_COMMENT; $this->logmsg('end comment', $current_comment_id); $result .= call_user_func($other_action, $token); if (!is_null($register_action)) call_user_func($register_action, $current_string, $current_comment_id, $current_string_line); continue; } } else if (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING == $id) { if ($this->STAGE_START_COMMENT <= $stage && $stage < $this->STAGE_WHITESPACE_AFTER) { eval('$current_string='.$text.';'); $this->logmsg('string', $current_string); $current_string_line = $line; $result .= call_user_func($string_action, $token, $current_string); continue; } } else if (T_WHITESPACE == $id) { if ($this->STAGE_START_COMMENT <= $stage && $stage < $this->STAGE_STRING) { $stage = $this->STAGE_WHITESPACE_BEFORE; $this->logmsg('whitespace before'); $result .= call_user_func($other_action, $token); continue; } if ($this->STAGE_STRING < $stage && $stage < $this->STAGE_END_COMMENT) { $stage = $this->STAGE_WHITESPACE_AFTER; $this->logmsg('whitespace after'); $result .= call_user_func($other_action, $token); continue; } } } $result .= call_user_func($other_action, $token); $stage = $this->STAGE_OUTSIDE; $current_comment_id = ''; $current_string = ''; $current_string_line = 0; } return $result; } function command_extract() { $args = func_get_args(); $pot_filename = $args[0]; if (isset($args[1]) && is_array($args[1])) $filenames = $args[1]; else $filenames = array_slice($args, 1); $global_name = '__entries_'.mt_rand(1, 1000); $GLOBALS[$global_name] = array(); foreach($filenames as $filename) { $tokens = token_get_all(file_get_contents($filename)); $aggregator = $this->make_string_aggregator($global_name, $filename); $this->walk_tokens($tokens, array(&$this, 'ignore_token'), array(&$this, 'ignore_token'), $aggregator); } $potf = '-' == $pot_filename? STDOUT : @fopen($pot_filename, 'a'); if (false === $potf) { $this->cli_die("Couldn't open pot file: $pot_filename"); } foreach($GLOBALS[$global_name] as $item) { @list($string, $comment_id, $filename, $line_number) = $item; $filename = isset($filename)? preg_replace('|^\./|', '', $filename) : ''; $ref_line_number = isset($line_number)? ":$line_number" : ''; $args = array( 'singular' => $string, 'extracted_comments' => "Not gettexted string $comment_id", 'references' => array("$filename$ref_line_number"), ); $entry = new Translation_Entry($args); fwrite($potf, "\n".PO::export_entry($entry)."\n"); } if ('-' != $pot_filename) fclose($potf); return true; } function command_replace() { $args = func_get_args(); $mo_filename = $args[0]; if (isset($args[1]) && is_array($args[1])) $filenames = $args[1]; else $filenames = array_slice($args, 1); $global_name = '__mo_'.mt_rand(1, 1000); $GLOBALS[$global_name] = new MO(); $replacer = $this->make_mo_replacer($global_name); $res = $GLOBALS[$global_name]->import_from_file($mo_filename); if (false === $res) { $this->cli_die("Couldn't read MO file '$mo_filename'!"); } foreach($filenames as $filename) { $source = file_get_contents($filename); if ( strlen($source) > 150000 ) continue; $tokens = token_get_all($source); $new_file = $this->walk_tokens($tokens, $replacer, array(&$this, 'unchanged_token')); $f = fopen($filename, 'w'); fwrite($f, $new_file); fclose($f); } return true; } function usage() { $this->stderr('php i18n-comments.php COMMAND OUTPUTFILE INPUTFILES'); $this->stderr('Extracts and replaces strings, which cannot be gettexted'); $this->stderr('Commands:'); $this->stderr(' extract POTFILE PHPFILES appends the strings to POTFILE'); $this->stderr(' replace MOFILE PHPFILES replaces strings in PHPFILES with translations from MOFILE'); } function cli() { global $argv, $commands; if (count($argv) < 4 || !in_array($argv[1], array_keys($this->commands))) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $this->commands[$argv[1]]), array_slice($argv, 2)); } } // run the CLI only if the file // wasn't included $included_files = get_included_files(); if ($included_files[0] == __FILE__) { error_reporting(E_ALL); $not_gettexted = new NotGettexted; $not_gettexted->cli(); } ?>
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| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |