Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/themes/morpheus/js/page.sections.js
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/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: sQrt121 * Date: 9/25/13 * Time: 1:39 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $(function () { var $wndw = $(window); var isMobile = ($('body').hasClass('coll-mobile')) ? true : false; // Place your public-facing JavaScript here var $cont = $('#skrollr-body'); /* Parallax ______________________________________________________________ */ var Parallax = new function () { var _this = this, _item, _content, _slideH; this.init = function () { // compute sliders ar $('.js-coll-parallax > .coll-flexslider').each(function () { var _this = $(this); var _ar = _this.find('img').first().attr('width') / _this.find('img').first().attr('height') _this.attr('data-coll-ar', _ar) // listen for the layerslier init event _this.on('coll.flexslider.init', function () { manageFS($(this)) }) }) $('.js-coll-parallax > .coll-layerslider > .ls-wp-container').each(function () { var _this = $(this); var _ar = _this.width() / _this.height(); _this.parent().attr('data-coll-ar', _ar) // listen for the layerslier init event _this.on('coll.layerslider.init', function () { manageLS($(this)) }) }) // compute videos ar $('.js-coll-parallax .coll-bg-video > iframe').each(function () { var _this = $(this); var _ar = _this.attr('width') / _this.attr('height'); _this.parent().attr('data-coll-ar', _ar) }); // mobile phone bug if (isMobile) $('.coll-section-background').addClass('js-coll-parallax'); // select all the backgrounds _content = {}; _content.image = $('.js-coll-parallax .coll-bg-image'); _content.slider = $('.js-coll-parallax .coll-bg-slider'); _content.video = $('.js-coll-parallax .coll-bg-video'); // select all the parallax bgs _item = $('.js-coll-parallax'); // select sliding header _slideH = $('.js-coll-header-slide') // events $wndw.load(_this.resize); $wndw.smartresize(_this.resize); // $wndw.resize(_this.resize); // manage bg videos manageY(_content.video.find('iframe[src*="youtube"]')) manageV(_content.video.find('iframe[src*="vimeo"]')) } this.addData = function () { // remove all data attributes _item.removeAttrs('^(data-)'); _item.each(function () { var _this = $(this); var _ot = _this.parent().offset().top - $cont.offset().top; addAttr(_this, _ot - $wndw.height(), -$wndw.height() / 2); if (_this.parent().height() > $wndw.height()) { addAttr(_this, _ot, 0); addAttr(_this, _ot + _this.parent().height() - $wndw.height(), _this.parent().height() - $wndw.height()); } addAttr(_this, _ot + _this.parent().height(), _this.parent().height() - $wndw.height() / 2); }) if (_slideH) { _slideH.removeAttrs('^(data-)'); addAttr(_slideH, $wndw.height() - _slideH.height() - 10, -200); addAttr(_slideH, $wndw.height() - _slideH.height(), 0); } } var addAttr = function (item, nData, nValue) { var _data = 'data-' + Math.round(nData); //var _value = 'top:' + nValue + 'px'; var _value = 'transform: translate(0px, ' + nValue + 'px);'; item.attr(_data, _value); } this.resize = function () { var _war = $wndw.width() / $wndw.height(); // resize bg container _item.height($wndw.height()); // resize images _content.image.css('height', function () { var _this = $(this) var _ar = _this.data('coll-ar'); var _h; if (_ar < _war) { _this.width($wndw.width()) _h = _this.width() / _ar; } else { _this.width(_ar * $wndw.height()) _h = $wndw.height(); } _this.css('left', ($wndw.width() - _this.width()) / 2); return _h; }) // resize sliders _content.slider.css('height', function () { var _this = $(this) var _ar = _this.data('coll-ar'); var _h; if (_ar < _war) { _this.width($wndw.width()) _h = _this.width() / _ar; _this.css('top', ($wndw.height() - _h) / 2) } else { _this.width(_ar * $wndw.height()) _h = $wndw.height(); _this.css('top', 0) } _this.css('left', ($wndw.width() - _this.width()) / 2); // manage ls if (_this.hasClass('coll-layerslider')) { manageLS(_this.find('.ls-container')) } // manage fs if (_this.hasClass('coll-flexslider')) { manageFS(_this) } return _h; }) // resize videos _content.video.css('height', function () { var _this = $(this) var _ar = _this.data('coll-ar'); var _h; if (_ar < _war) { _this.width($wndw.width()) _h = _this.width() / _ar; } else { _this.width(_ar * $wndw.height()) _h = $wndw.height(); } _this.css('left', ($wndw.width() - _this.width()) / 2); return _h; }) _this.addData(); } var manageLS = function (slider) { var _offsetH = -parseInt(slider.parent().css('left')), _offsetV = -parseInt(slider.parent().css('top')), _prev = slider.find('.ls-nav-prev'), _next = slider.find('.ls-nav-next'), _timer = slider.find('.ls-circle-timer'), _bottomNav = slider.find('.ls-bottom-nav-wrapper'); _prev.css('left', 50 + _offsetH); _next.css('right', 50 + _offsetH); _timer.css('bottom', 32 + _offsetV); _bottomNav.css('bottom', 10 + _offsetV); } var manageFS = function (slider) { var _offsetH = -parseInt(slider.css('left')), _offsetV = -parseInt(slider.css('top')), _prev = slider.find('.flex-prev'), _next = slider.find('.flex-next'), _bottomNav = slider.find('.flex-control-nav'); _prev.css('left', 50 + _offsetH); _next.css('right', 50 + _offsetH); _bottomNav.css('bottom', 40 + _offsetV); } var manageY = function (iframe) { // Inject YouTube API script var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "//www.youtube.com/player_api"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); // players ready $wndw[0].onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { iframe.each(function () { var _iframe = $(this), _muteButton = _iframe.closest('.coll-section-background').find('.js-coll-video-sound'); // load after load // _iframe.data('coll-src', _iframe.attr('src')); // _iframe.attr('src', '') // $wndw.load(function () { // _iframe.attr('src', _iframe.data('coll-src')) // }) var player = new YT.Player($(this).attr('id'), { events: { // call this function when player is ready to use 'onReady': function () { //player.mute(); var _sound = true // mute on start if (_iframe.parent().hasClass('coll-to-mute')) { player.mute(); _sound = !_sound; } // manage mute button if (_muteButton.length > 0) { var _icon = _muteButton.find('.fa') // move to section _muteButton.closest('.coll-page-section').append(_muteButton.parent()) // display if (_sound) { _icon.addClass('fa-volume-up') } else { _icon.addClass('fa-volume-off') } //control _muteButton.on('click', function () { if (_sound) { player.mute(); _sound = !_sound; _icon.removeClass('fa-volume-up').addClass('fa-volume-off') } else { player.unMute(); _sound = !_sound; _icon.removeClass('fa-volume-off').addClass('fa-volume-up') } }) } }, 'onStateChange': function (e) { if (e.data == 0) { player.seekTo(0) } } } }); }); }; } var manageV = function (iframe) { iframe.each(function () { Froogaloop(this).addEvent('ready', ready); }); function ready(playerID) { console.log(playerID + ' is ready'); // Fire an API method // http://developer.vimeo.com/player/js-api#methods Froogaloop(playerID).api('play'); // sound var _iframe = $('#' + playerID), _muteButton = _iframe.closest('.coll-section-background').find('.js-coll-video-sound'), _url = _iframe.attr('src').split('?')[0]; _url = 'https:' + _url.substring(_url.indexOf("//")); var _sound = true; // mute on start if (_iframe.parent().hasClass('coll-to-mute')) { var data = {method: 'setVolume', value: '0'}; _iframe[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), _url); _sound = !_sound; } // manage mute button if (_muteButton.length > 0) { var _icon = _muteButton.find('.fa') // move to section _muteButton.closest('.coll-page-section').append(_muteButton.parent()) // display if (_sound) { _icon.addClass('fa-volume-up') } else { _icon.addClass('fa-volume-off') } //control _muteButton.on('click', function () { if (_sound) { var data = {method: 'setVolume', value: '0'}; _iframe[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), _url); _sound = !_sound; _icon.removeClass('fa-volume-up').addClass('fa-volume-off') } else { var data = {method: 'setVolume', value: '1'}; _iframe[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), _url); _sound = !_sound; _icon.removeClass('fa-volume-off').addClass('fa-volume-up') } }) } } } } /* * * * ON DOM LOADED *************************************************************************************************/ Parallax.init(); } ); $.fn.removeAttrs = function (regex) { var regex = new RegExp(regex, "g"); return this.each(function () { var _this = $(this); for (var i = this.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var attrib = this.attributes[i]; if (attrib && attrib.name.search(regex) >= 0) { _this.removeAttr(attrib.name); } } ; // end for }); }; }(jQuery));
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