Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/bb-plugin/modules/photo/photo.php
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<?php /** * @class FLPhotoModule */ class FLPhotoModule extends FLBuilderModule { /** * @property $data */ public $data = null; /** * @property $_editor * @protected */ protected $_editor = null; /** * @method __construct */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(array( 'name' => __('Photo', 'fl-builder'), 'description' => __('Upload a photo or display one from the media library.', 'fl-builder'), 'category' => __('Basic Modules', 'fl-builder'), 'partial_refresh' => true )); } /** * @method enqueue_scripts */ public function enqueue_scripts() { $override_lightbox = apply_filters( 'fl_builder_override_lightbox', false ); if($this->settings && $this->settings->link_type == 'lightbox') { if ( ! $override_lightbox ) { $this->add_js('jquery-magnificpopup'); $this->add_css('jquery-magnificpopup'); } else { wp_dequeue_script('jquery-magnificpopup'); wp_dequeue_style('jquery-magnificpopup'); } } } /** * @method update * @param $settings {object} */ public function update($settings) { // Make sure we have a photo_src property. if(!isset($settings->photo_src)) { $settings->photo_src = ''; } // Cache the attachment data. $settings->data = FLBuilderPhoto::get_attachment_data($settings->photo); // Save a crop if necessary. $this->crop(); return $settings; } /** * @method delete */ public function delete() { $cropped_path = $this->_get_cropped_path(); if(file_exists($cropped_path['path'])) { unlink($cropped_path['path']); } } /** * @method crop */ public function crop() { // Delete an existing crop if it exists. $this->delete(); // Do a crop. if(!empty($this->settings->crop)) { $editor = $this->_get_editor(); if(!$editor || is_wp_error($editor)) { return false; } $cropped_path = $this->_get_cropped_path(); $size = $editor->get_size(); $new_width = $size['width']; $new_height = $size['height']; // Get the crop ratios. if($this->settings->crop == 'landscape') { $ratio_1 = 1.43; $ratio_2 = .7; } elseif($this->settings->crop == 'panorama') { $ratio_1 = 2; $ratio_2 = .5; } elseif($this->settings->crop == 'portrait') { $ratio_1 = .7; $ratio_2 = 1.43; } elseif($this->settings->crop == 'square') { $ratio_1 = 1; $ratio_2 = 1; } elseif($this->settings->crop == 'circle') { $ratio_1 = 1; $ratio_2 = 1; } // Get the new width or height. if($size['width'] / $size['height'] < $ratio_1) { $new_height = $size['width'] * $ratio_2; } else { $new_width = $size['height'] * $ratio_1; } // Make sure we have enough memory to crop. try{ ini_set('memory_limit', '300M'); } catch( Exception $e ) { // } // Crop the photo. $editor->resize($new_width, $new_height, true); // Save the photo. $editor->save($cropped_path['path']); // Let third party media plugins hook in. do_action( 'fl_builder_photo_cropped', $cropped_path ); // Return the new url. return $cropped_path['url']; } return false; } /** * @method get_data */ public function get_data() { if(!$this->data) { // Photo source is set to "url". if($this->settings->photo_source == 'url') { $this->data = new stdClass(); $this->data->alt = $this->settings->caption; $this->data->caption = $this->settings->caption; $this->data->link = $this->settings->photo_url; $this->data->url = $this->settings->photo_url; $this->settings->photo_src = $this->settings->photo_url; } // Photo source is set to "library". else if(is_object($this->settings->photo)) { $this->data = $this->settings->photo; } else { $this->data = FLBuilderPhoto::get_attachment_data($this->settings->photo); } // Data object is empty, use the settings cache. if(!$this->data && isset($this->settings->data)) { $this->data = $this->settings->data; } } return $this->data; } /** * @method get_classes */ public function get_classes() { $classes = array( 'fl-photo-img' ); if ( $this->settings->photo_source == 'library' && ! empty( $this->settings->photo ) ) { $data = self::get_data(); if ( is_object( $data ) ) { if( isset( $data->id ) ) { $classes[] = 'wp-image-' . $data->id; } if ( isset( $data->sizes ) ) { foreach ( $data->sizes as $key => $size ) { if ( $size->url == $this->settings->photo_src ) { $classes[] = 'size-' . $key; break; } } } } } return implode( ' ', $classes ); } /** * @method get_src */ public function get_src() { $src = $this->_get_uncropped_url(); // Return a cropped photo. if($this->_has_source() && !empty($this->settings->crop)) { $cropped_path = $this->_get_cropped_path(); // See if the cropped photo already exists. if(file_exists($cropped_path['path'])) { $src = $cropped_path['url']; } // It doesn't, check if this is a demo image. elseif(stristr($src, FL_BUILDER_DEMO_URL) && !stristr(FL_BUILDER_DEMO_URL, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $src = $this->_get_cropped_demo_url(); } // It doesn't, check if this is a OLD demo image. elseif(stristr($src, FL_BUILDER_OLD_DEMO_URL)) { $src = $this->_get_cropped_demo_url(); } // A cropped photo doesn't exist, try to create one. else { $url = $this->crop(); if($url) { $src = $url; } } } return $src; } /** * @method get_link */ public function get_link() { $photo = $this->get_data(); if($this->settings->link_type == 'url') { $link = $this->settings->link_url; } else if($this->settings->link_type == 'lightbox') { $link = $photo->url; } else if($this->settings->link_type == 'file') { $link = $photo->url; } else if($this->settings->link_type == 'page') { $link = $photo->link; } else { $link = ''; } return $link; } /** * @method get_alt */ public function get_alt() { $photo = $this->get_data(); if(!empty($photo->alt)) { return htmlspecialchars($photo->alt); } else if(!empty($photo->description)) { return htmlspecialchars($photo->description); } else if(!empty($photo->caption)) { return htmlspecialchars($photo->caption); } else if(!empty($photo->title)) { return htmlspecialchars($photo->title); } } /** * @method get_attributes */ public function get_attributes() { $photo = $this->get_data(); $attrs = ''; if ( isset( $this->settings->attributes ) ) { foreach ( $this->settings->attributes as $key => $val ) { $attrs .= $key . '="' . $val . '" '; } } if ( is_object( $photo ) && isset( $photo->sizes ) ) { foreach ( $photo->sizes as $size ) { if ( $size->url == $this->settings->photo_src ) { $attrs .= 'height="' . $size->height . '" width="' . $size->width . '" '; } } } return $attrs; } /** * @method _has_source * @protected */ protected function _has_source() { if($this->settings->photo_source == 'url' && !empty($this->settings->photo_url)) { return true; } else if($this->settings->photo_source == 'library' && !empty($this->settings->photo_src)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @method _get_editor * @protected */ protected function _get_editor() { if($this->_has_source() && $this->_editor === null) { $url_path = $this->_get_uncropped_url(); $file_path = str_ireplace(home_url(), ABSPATH, $url_path); if(file_exists($file_path)) { $this->_editor = wp_get_image_editor($file_path); } else { $this->_editor = wp_get_image_editor($url_path); } } return $this->_editor; } /** * @method _get_cropped_path * @protected */ protected function _get_cropped_path() { $crop = empty($this->settings->crop) ? 'none' : $this->settings->crop; $url = $this->_get_uncropped_url(); $cache_dir = FLBuilderModel::get_cache_dir(); if(empty($url)) { $filename = uniqid(); // Return a file that doesn't exist. } else { if ( stristr( $url, '?' ) ) { $parts = explode( '?', $url ); $url = $parts[0]; } $pathinfo = pathinfo($url); if ( isset( $pathinfo['extension'] ) ) { $dir = $pathinfo['dirname']; $ext = $pathinfo['extension']; $name = wp_basename($url, ".$ext"); $new_ext = strtolower($ext); $filename = "{$name}-{$crop}.{$new_ext}"; } else { $filename = $pathinfo['filename'] . "-{$crop}.png"; } } return array( 'filename' => $filename, 'path' => $cache_dir['path'] . $filename, 'url' => $cache_dir['url'] . $filename ); } /** * @method _get_uncropped_url * @protected */ protected function _get_uncropped_url() { if($this->settings->photo_source == 'url') { $url = $this->settings->photo_url; } else if(!empty($this->settings->photo_src)) { $url = $this->settings->photo_src; } else { $url = FL_BUILDER_URL . 'img/pixel.png'; } return $url; } /** * @method _get_cropped_demo_url * @protected */ protected function _get_cropped_demo_url() { $info = $this->_get_cropped_path(); return FL_BUILDER_DEMO_CACHE_URL . $info['filename']; } } /** * Register the module and its form settings. */ FLBuilder::register_module('FLPhotoModule', array( 'general' => array( // Tab 'title' => __('General', 'fl-builder'), // Tab title 'sections' => array( // Tab Sections 'general' => array( // Section 'title' => '', // Section Title 'fields' => array( // Section Fields 'photo_source' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __('Photo Source', 'fl-builder'), 'default' => 'library', 'options' => array( 'library' => __('Media Library', 'fl-builder'), 'url' => __('URL', 'fl-builder') ), 'toggle' => array( 'library' => array( 'fields' => array('photo') ), 'url' => array( 'fields' => array('photo_url', 'caption') ) ) ), 'photo' => array( 'type' => 'photo', 'label' => __('Photo', 'fl-builder'), 'connections' => array( 'photo' ) ), 'photo_url' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Photo URL', 'fl-builder'), 'placeholder' => __( 'http://www.example.com/my-photo.jpg', 'fl-builder' ) ), 'crop' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __('Crop', 'fl-builder'), 'default' => '', 'options' => array( '' => _x( 'None', 'Photo Crop.', 'fl-builder' ), 'landscape' => __('Landscape', 'fl-builder'), 'panorama' => __('Panorama', 'fl-builder'), 'portrait' => __('Portrait', 'fl-builder'), 'square' => __('Square', 'fl-builder'), 'circle' => __('Circle', 'fl-builder') ) ), 'align' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __('Alignment', 'fl-builder'), 'default' => 'center', 'options' => array( 'left' => __('Left', 'fl-builder'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fl-builder'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fl-builder') ) ) ) ), 'caption' => array( 'title' => __('Caption', 'fl-builder'), 'fields' => array( 'show_caption' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __('Show Caption', 'fl-builder'), 'default' => '0', 'options' => array( '0' => __('Never', 'fl-builder'), 'hover' => __('On Hover', 'fl-builder'), 'below' => __('Below Photo', 'fl-builder') ) ), 'caption' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Caption', 'fl-builder') ) ) ), 'link' => array( 'title' => __('Link', 'fl-builder'), 'fields' => array( 'link_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __('Link Type', 'fl-builder'), 'options' => array( '' => _x( 'None', 'Link type.', 'fl-builder' ), 'url' => __('URL', 'fl-builder'), 'lightbox' => __('Lightbox', 'fl-builder'), 'file' => __('Photo File', 'fl-builder'), 'page' => __('Photo Page', 'fl-builder') ), 'toggle' => array( '' => array(), 'url' => array( 'fields' => array('link_url', 'link_target') ), 'file' => array(), 'page' => array() ), 'help' => __('Link type applies to how the image should be linked on click. You can choose a specific URL, the individual photo or a separate page with the photo.', 'fl-builder'), 'preview' => array( 'type' => 'none' ) ), 'link_url' => array( 'type' => 'link', 'label' => __('Link URL', 'fl-builder'), 'preview' => array( 'type' => 'none' ), 'connections' => array( 'url' ) ), 'link_target' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __('Link Target', 'fl-builder'), 'default' => '_self', 'options' => array( '_self' => __('Same Window', 'fl-builder'), '_blank' => __('New Window', 'fl-builder') ), 'preview' => array( 'type' => 'none' ) ) ) ) ) ) ));
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |