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<?php /** * Handles final saving of the form. * * @package Caldera_Forms * @author Josh Pollock <Josh@CalderaWP.com> * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link * @copyright 2015 CalderaWP LLC */ class Caldera_Forms_Save_Final { /** * Save form in database * * @since 1.2.3 * * @param array $form Form config * @param int|null $entryid Optional. ID of entry to send. If not provided, will be determined from current POST data '_entry_id' key. */ public static function save_in_db( $form, $entryid = null ) { global $wpdb, $processed_meta; if(!empty($form['db_support'])){ // new entry or update if(empty($entryid)){ $entryid = Caldera_Forms::get_field_data( '_entry_id', $form ); foreach($form['fields'] as $field_id=>$field){ // add new and update Caldera_Forms::save_field_data($field, $entryid, $form); } // save form meta if any if(isset($processed_meta[$form['ID']])){ foreach($processed_meta[$form['ID']] as $process_id=>$meta_data){ foreach($meta_data as $meta_key=>$meta_value){ if(is_array($meta_value)){ foreach ($meta_value as &$check_value) { if(is_array($check_value)){ foreach($check_value as &$sub_check_value){ if(!is_array($sub_check_value)){ $sub_check_value = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $sub_check_value ); } } }else{ $check_value = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $check_value ); } } }else{ $meta_value = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $meta_value ); } if(count($meta_value) > 1){ $meta_value = json_encode($meta_value); }else{ $meta_value = $meta_value[0]; if(is_array($meta_value) || is_object($meta_value)){ $meta_value = json_encode($meta_value); } } $meta_entry = array( 'entry_id' => $entryid, 'process_id' => $process_id, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_value' => $meta_value ); $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'cf_form_entry_meta', $meta_entry); } } } // update status $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'cf_form_entries', array('status' => 'active'), array( 'id' => $entryid ) ); }else{ // do update foreach($form['fields'] as $field_id=>$field){ // add new and update Caldera_Forms::update_field_data($field, $entryid, $form); } if(isset($processed_meta[$form['ID']])){ foreach($processed_meta[$form['ID']] as $process_id=>$meta_data){ foreach($meta_data as $meta_key=>$meta_value){ if(count($meta_value) > 1){ $meta_value = json_encode($meta_value); }else{ $meta_value = $meta_value[0]; } $meta_entry = array( 'entry_id' => $entryid, 'process_id' => $process_id, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_value' => $meta_value ); $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'cf_form_entry_meta', $meta_entry); } } } // return return; } } } /** * Process mailer * * @since 1.2.3 * * @param array $form Form config * @param int|null $entryid Optional. ID of entry to send. If not provided, will be determined based on global $transdata * @param array|null $data Optional. Data to use for sending. If not provided, will be retrieved by form ID. * @param array|null $settings. Optional. If array then this is used for mail settings, not form mailier. Useful for auto-responder. */ public static function do_mailer( $form, $entryid = null, $data = null, array $settings = null ) { global $transdata, $processed_data; if( ! isset( $entryid ) && is_array( $processed_data ) ){ if( isset( $processed_data[ $form['ID'] ], $processed_data[ $form['ID'] ][ '_entry_id' ] ) ){ $entryid = $processed_data[ $form['ID'] ][ '_entry_id' ]; } } if ( ! $data ) { $data = Caldera_Forms::get_submission_data($form, $entryid ); } //fix for https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues/888 //Josh - Please find time to redo all CSV rendering please. Your buddy, Josh if( ! empty( $data ) ){ foreach ( $data as $id => $datum ){ $data[ $id ] = Caldera_Forms_Magic_Doer::maybe_implode_opts( $datum ); } } // add entry ID to transient data //This should have already been set //See https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues/2295#issuecomment-371325361 $transdata['entry_id'] = $entryid; // do mailer! if ( empty( $settings ) ) { $sendername = __( 'Caldera Forms Notification', 'caldera-forms' ); if ( ! empty( $form['mailer']['sender_name'] ) ) { $sendername = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $form['mailer']['sender_name'] ); if ( false !== strpos( $sendername, '%' ) ) { $isname = Caldera_Forms::get_slug_data( trim( $sendername, '%' ), $form ); if ( ! empty( $isname ) ) { $sendername = $isname; } } } if ( empty( $form['mailer']['sender_email'] ) ) { $sendermail = Caldera_Forms_Email_Fallback::get_fallback( $form ); } else { $sendermail = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $form['mailer']['sender_email'] ); if ( false !== strpos( $sendermail, '%' ) ) { $ismail = Caldera_Forms::get_slug_data( trim( $sendermail, '%' ), $form ); if ( is_email( $ismail ) ) { $sendermail = $ismail; } } } // use summary if ( empty( $form['mailer']['email_message'] ) ) { $form['mailer']['email_message'] = "{summary}"; } if ( ! isset( $form['mailer']['email_subject'] ) ) { $form['mailer']['email_subject'] = $form['name']; } $mail = array( 'recipients' => array(), 'subject' => Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $form['mailer']['email_subject'] ), 'message' => stripslashes( $form['mailer']['email_message'] ) . "\r\n", 'headers' => array( Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( 'From: ' . $sendername . ' <' . $sendermail . '>' ) ), 'attachments' => array() ); $mail['from'] = $sendermail; $mail['from_name'] = $sendername; // if added a bcc $mail['bcc'] = false; if ( isset( $form['mailer']['bcc_to'] ) && ! empty( $form['mailer']['bcc_to'] ) ) { $mail['bcc'] = $form['mailer']['bcc_to']; $bcc_array = array_map('trim', preg_split( '/[;,]/', Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $form['mailer']['bcc_to'] ) ) ); foreach( $bcc_array as $bcc_to ) { if ( is_email( $bcc_to ) ) { $mail['headers'][] = 'Bcc: ' . $bcc_to; } } } // if added a replyto $mail['replyto'] = false; if ( isset( $form['mailer']['reply_to'] ) ) { $mail['replyto'] = $form['mailer']['reply_to']; $mail['headers'][] = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( 'Reply-To: ' . $form['mailer']['reply_to'] ); } if ( ! $mail['replyto'] ) { $mail['replyto'] = $mail['from']; } // Filter Mailer first as not to have user input be filtered $mail['message'] = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $mail['message'], $entryid, $data ); if ( ! isset( $form['mailer']['email_type'] ) || $form['mailer']['email_type'] == 'html' ) { $mail['headers'][] = "Content-type: text/html"; $mail['html'] = true; } else { $mail['html'] = false; } // get tags preg_match_all( "/%(.+?)%/", $mail['message'], $hastags ); if ( ! empty( $hastags[1] ) ) { foreach ( $hastags[1] as $tag_key => $tag ) { $tagval = Caldera_Forms::get_slug_data( $tag, $form ); if ( is_array( $tagval ) ) { $tagval = implode( ', ', $tagval ); } $mail['message'] = str_replace( $hastags[0][ $tag_key ], $tagval, $mail['message'] ); } } // ifs preg_match_all( "/\[if (.+?)?\](?:(.+?)?\[\/if\])?/", $mail['message'], $hasifs ); if ( ! empty( $hasifs[1] ) ) { // process ifs foreach ( $hasifs[0] as $if_key => $if_tag ) { $content = explode( '[else]', $hasifs[2][ $if_key ] ); if ( empty( $content[1] ) ) { $content[1] = ''; } $vars = shortcode_parse_atts( $hasifs[1][ $if_key ] ); foreach ( $vars as $varkey => $varval ) { if ( is_string( $varkey ) ) { $var = Caldera_Forms::get_slug_data( $varkey, $form ); if ( in_array( $varval, (array) $var ) ) { // yes show code $mail['message'] = str_replace( $hasifs[0][ $if_key ], $content[0], $mail['message'] ); } else { // nope- no code $mail['message'] = str_replace( $hasifs[0][ $if_key ], $content[1], $mail['message'] ); } } else { $var = Caldera_Forms::get_slug_data( $varval, $form ); if ( ! empty( $var ) ) { // show code $mail['message'] = str_replace( $hasifs[0][ $if_key ], $content[0], $mail['message'] ); } else { // no code $mail['message'] = str_replace( $hasifs[0][ $if_key ], $content[1], $mail['message'] ); } } } } } if ( ! empty( $form['mailer']['recipients'] ) ) { $recipients_array = array_map('trim', preg_split( '/[;,]/', Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $form['mailer']['recipients'] ) ) ); foreach( $recipients_array as $recipient ) { if ( is_email( $recipient ) ) { $mail['recipients'][] = $recipient; } } } else { $mail['recipients'][] = Caldera_Forms_Email_Fallback::get_fallback( $form ); } $csv_data = array(); foreach ( $data as $field_id => $row ) { if ( $row === null || ! isset( $form['fields'][ $field_id ] ) ) { continue; } $key = $form['fields'][ $field_id ]['slug']; if( Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::is_file_field( $field_id, $form ) && Caldera_Forms_Files::is_private( Caldera_Forms_Field_Util::get_field( $field_id, $form ) ) ){ continue; } if ( is_array( $row ) ) { if ( ! empty( $row ) ) { $keys = array_keys( $row ); if ( is_int( $keys[0] ) ) { $row = implode( ', ', $row ); } else { $tmp = array(); foreach ( $row as $linekey => $item ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $item = '( ' . implode( ', ', $item ) . ' )'; } $tmp[] = $linekey . ': ' . $item; } $row = implode( ', ', $tmp ); } } else { $row = null; } } $tag = '%' . $key . '%'; $parsed = Caldera_Forms_Magic_Doer::do_field_magic( $tag, $entryid, $form ); $mail['message'] = str_replace( $tag, $parsed, $mail['message'] ); $mail['subject'] = str_replace( $tag, $parsed, $mail['subject'] ); $csv_data[] = array( 'label' => $form['fields'][ $field_id ]['label'], 'data' => $row ); } // final magic $mail['message'] = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $mail['message'], $entryid, $form ); $mail['subject'] = Caldera_Forms::do_magic_tags( $mail['subject'], $entryid, $form ); // CSV $mail['csv'] = $csvfile = false; if ( ! empty( $form['mailer']['csv_data'] ) ) { /** * Modify label or values for CSV attatched to Caldera Forms email * * @since 1.5.3 * * @param array $csv_data Has key for labels and key for data * @param array $form Form config */ $csv_data = apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_email_csv_data', $csv_data, $form ); $labels = wp_list_pluck( $csv_data , 'label' ); $submission = wp_list_pluck( $csv_data, 'data' ); ob_start(); $df = fopen( "php://output", 'w' ); $file_type = Caldera_Forms_CSV_Util::file_type( $form ); if ( 'tsv' == $file_type ) { $delimiter = chr(9); } else { $delimiter = ','; } fputcsv( $df, $labels, $delimiter ); fputcsv( $df, $submission, $delimiter ); fclose( $df ); $csv = ob_get_clean(); $csvfile = wp_upload_bits( uniqid() . '.' . $file_type, null, $csv ); if ( isset( $csvfile['file'] ) && false == $csvfile['error'] && file_exists( $csvfile['file'] ) ) { $mail['attachments'][] = $csvfile[ 'file' ]; $mail[ 'csv' ] = $csvfile[ 'file' ]; }else{ $mail[ 'csv' ] = false; } } } else { $mail = $settings; $csvfile = $settings[ 'csv' ]; } if( empty( $mail ) ){ /** * Runs if mail was not sent because mail variable is empty. * * If this fires, that is bad. * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param array $form Form config * @param int|null $entryid Optional. ID of entry to send. If not provided, will be determined based on global $transdata * @param array|null $data Optional. Data to use for sending. If not provided, will be retrieved by form ID. */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_mailer_invalid', $form, $entryid, $data ); return; } /** * Filter email data before sending * * @since 1.2.3 in this location. * @since unknown in original location (Caldera_Forms::save_final_form) * * @param array $mail Email data * @param array $data Form entry data * @param array $form The form config * @param int|null $entryid Entry ID @since */ $mail = apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_mailer', $mail, $data, $form, $entryid ); if ( empty( $mail ) || ! is_array( $mail ) ) { return; } if( ! $mail['html'] ){ $mail[ 'message' ] = strip_tags( $mail['message'] ); } $headers = implode("\r\n", $mail['headers']); if( empty( $mail[ 'message' ] ) ){ $mail[ 'message' ] = ' '; } /** * Runs before mail is sent, but after data is prepared * * @since 1.2.3 in this location. * @since unknown in original location (Caldera_Forms::save_final_form) * * @param array $mail Email data * @param array $data Form entry data * @param array $form The form config */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_do_mailer', $mail, $data, $form); // force message to string. if( is_array( $mail['message'] ) ){ $mail['message'] = implode( "\n", $mail['message'] ); } if( ! empty( $mail ) ){ // is send debug enabled? if( !empty( $form['debug_mailer'] ) ){ add_action( 'phpmailer_init', array( 'Caldera_Forms', 'debug_mail_send' ), 1000 ); } $sent = wp_mail( (array) $mail['recipients'], $mail['subject'], stripslashes( $mail['message'] ), $headers, $mail['attachments'] ); self::after_send_email( $form, $data, $sent, $csvfile, $mail, 'wpmail' ); }else{ if( $csvfile ){ self::unlink_csv( $csvfile ); } } } /** * Runs post email sent/not sent tasks/hooks etc * * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $data Submission data * @param bool $sent Was email sent * @param array|bool $csvfile Csv file array or false if not created * @param array $mail The email * @param string $method Method for sending email */ public static function after_send_email( $form, $data, $sent, $csvfile, $mail, $method ) { if ( $sent ) { if( $csvfile ){ self::unlink_csv( $csvfile ); } /** * Fires main mailer completes * * @since 1.3.1 * * @param array $mail Email data * @param array $data Form entry data * @param array $form The form config * @param string $method Method for sending email */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_mailer_complete', $mail, $data, $form, $method ); } else { /** * Fires main mailer fails * * @since 1.2.3 * * @param array $mail Email data * @param array $data Form entry data * @param array $form The form config * @param string $method Method for sending email */ do_action( 'caldera_forms_mailer_failed', $mail, $data, $form, $method ); } } /** * Save an entry in the database * * IMPORTANT: Data is assumed to be sanatized, saving is assumed to be authorized. Do not hook directly to an HTTP request. * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param array $form Form config * @param array $fields Fields to save, must be in form of field_id => value and field IDs must exist * @param array $args { * An array of arguments. As of 1.4.0 used for ovveriding entry status/user/time * * @type string|int $user_id Optional. User ID. Default is current user ID. * @type string $datestamp Optional. Datestamp to use for entry. Must be mysql time. Default is current time. * @type string $status Optional. Status to use for entry. Must be a valid status. Default is 'active'. * } * * @return array|int|string */ public static function create_entry( array $form, array $fields, array $args = array() ){ $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'datestamp' => current_time( 'mysql' ), 'status' => 'active', ) ); if( isset( $form[ 'fields' ] ) ){ $_fields = array(); foreach( $fields as $field_id => $value ){ if( array_key_exists($field_id, $form[ 'fields' ] ) ){ $field = new Caldera_Forms_Entry_Field(); $field->value = $value; $field->slug = $form[ 'fields' ][ $field_id ][ 'slug' ]; $field->field_id = $field_id; $_fields[] = $field; } } if( ! empty( $_fields ) ){ $_entry = new Caldera_Forms_Entry_Entry; $_entry->status = $args[ 'status' ]; $_entry->form_id = $form[ 'ID' ]; $_entry->datestamp = $args[ 'datestamp' ]; $_entry->user_id = $args[ 'user_id' ]; $entry = new Caldera_Forms_Entry( $form, false, $_entry ); foreach( $_fields as $field ){ $entry->add_field( $field ); } return $entry->save(); } } } /** * After sending email, unlink CSV * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param $csvfile */ protected static function unlink_csv( $csvfile ) { if ( is_array( $csvfile ) && ! empty( $csvfile[ 'file' ] ) ) { if ( file_exists( $csvfile[ 'file' ] ) ) { unlink( $csvfile[ 'file' ] ); } } } }
| ver. 1.4 |
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