Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/bb-plugin/modules/contact-form/js/settings.js
Error occurred
(function($){ FLBuilder.registerModuleHelper('contact-form', { init: function() { var form = $( '.fl-builder-settings' ), action = form.find( 'select[name=success_action]' ); this._actionChanged(); action.on( 'change', this._actionChanged ); // Button background color change $( 'input[name=btn_bg_color]' ).on( 'change', this._bgColorChange ); this._bgColorChange(); // Toggle reCAPTCHA display this._toggleReCaptcha(); $( 'select[name=recaptcha_toggle]' ).on( 'change', $.proxy( this._toggleReCaptcha, this ) ); $( 'input[name=recaptcha_site_key]' ).on( 'change', $.proxy( this._toggleReCaptcha, this ) ); // Render reCAPTCHA after layout rendered via AJAX if ( window.onLoadFLReCaptcha ) { $( FLBuilder._contentClass ).on( 'fl-builder.layout-rendered', onLoadFLReCaptcha ); } }, _actionChanged: function() { var form = $( '.fl-builder-settings' ), action = form.find( 'select[name=success_action]' ).val(), url = form.find( 'input[name=success_url]' ); url.rules('remove'); if ( 'redirect' == action ) { url.rules( 'add', { required: true } ); } }, _bgColorChange: function() { var bgColor = $( 'input[name=btn_bg_color]' ), style = $( '#fl-builder-settings-section-btn_style' ); if ( '' == bgColor.val() ) { style.hide(); } else { style.show(); } }, /** * Custom preview method for reCAPTCHA settings * * @param object event The event type of where this method been called * @since 1.9.5 */ _toggleReCaptcha: function(event) { var form = $( '.fl-builder-settings' ), nodeId = form.attr( 'data-node' ), toggle = form.find( 'select[name=recaptcha_toggle]' ), captchaKey = form.find( 'input[name=recaptcha_site_key]' ).val(), reCaptcha = $( '.fl-node-'+ nodeId ).find( '.fl-grecaptcha' ), reCaptchaId = nodeId +'-fl-grecaptcha', target = typeof event !== 'undefined' ? $(event.currentTarget) : null, inputEvent = target != null && typeof target.attr('name') !== typeof undefined && target.attr('name') === 'recaptcha_site_key', selectEvent = target != null && typeof target.attr('name') !== typeof undefined && target.attr('name') === 'recaptcha_toggle', scriptTag = $('<script>'); // Add library if not exists if ( 0 === $( 'script#g-recaptcha-api' ).length ) { scriptTag .attr('src', 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onLoadFLReCaptcha&render=explicit') .attr('type', 'text/javascript') .attr('id', 'g-recaptcha-api') .attr('async', 'async') .attr('defer', 'defer') .appendTo('body'); } if ( 'show' === toggle.val() && captchaKey.length ) { // reCAPTCHA is not yet exists if ( reCaptcha.length === 0 ) { this._renderReCaptcha( nodeId, reCaptchaId, captchaKey ); } // If reCAPTCHA element exists, then reset reCAPTCHA if existing key does not matched with the input value else if ( ( inputEvent || selectEvent ) && reCaptcha.data('sitekey') != captchaKey ) { reCaptcha.parent().remove(); this._renderReCaptcha( nodeId, reCaptchaId, captchaKey ); } else { reCaptcha.parent().show(); } } else if ( 'show' === toggle.val() && captchaKey.length === 0 && reCaptcha.length > 0 ) { reCaptcha.parent().remove(); } else if ( 'hide' === toggle.val() && reCaptcha.length > 0 ) { reCaptcha.parent().hide(); } }, /** * Render Google reCAPTCHA * * @param string nodeId The current node ID * @param string reCaptchaId The element ID to render reCAPTCHA * @param string reCaptchaKey The reCAPTCHA Key * @since 1.9.5 */ _renderReCaptcha: function( nodeId, reCaptchaId, reCaptchaKey ) { var captchaField = $( '<div class="fl-input-group fl-recaptcha">' ), captchaElement = $( '<div id="'+ reCaptchaId +'" class="fl-grecaptcha">' ), widgetID; // Append recaptcha element captchaElement.attr('data-sitekey', reCaptchaKey); captchaField .html(captchaElement) .insertAfter( $('.fl-node-'+ nodeId ).find('.fl-contact-form > .fl-message') ); // to an appended element widgetID = grecaptcha.render( reCaptchaId, { sitekey : reCaptchaKey, theme : 'light' }); captchaElement.attr('data-widgetid', widgetID); } }); })(jQuery);
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.05 |