Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/themes/morpheus/js/shortcodes.js
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/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: sQrt121 * Date: 9/25/13 * Time: 1:39 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $(function () { var $wndw = $(window); var isMobile = ($('body').hasClass('coll-mobile')) ? true : false; /* * * * LAZY LOAD *************************************************************************************************/ $wndw.load(function () { // load images // set the placeholder dimentions var _imgs = $("img.js-coll-lazy"); _imgs.height(function () { var _h = $(this).width() / $(this).attr('width') * $(this).attr('height') return _h; }) $("img.js-coll-lazy").lazyload({ data_attribute: 'coll-src', effect: "fadeIn", event: "coll.start.lazy", load: function (elements_left) { $(this).css({ 'height': 'auto' }) if (elements_left == 0) { $wndw.trigger('resize'); } } }); $("img.js-coll-lazy").trigger('coll.start.lazy') }); /* Page Sections ______________________________________________________________ */ var Section = new function () { var _this, _minW, _w; this.init = function () { _this = this; _minW = $('.js-coll-window-min'); _w = $('.js-coll-window'); // force resize _this.resize() //events $wndw.resize(_this.resize) } this.resize = function () { // window min _minW.css('min-height', $wndw.height()) _minW.find('.section-content').css('min-height', $wndw.height()) // window exact _w.css('height', $wndw.height()) _w.find('.section-content').css('height', $wndw.height()) // chrome.... //_item.find('.section-content').css('height', $wndw.height() + 1) } } Section.init(); /* Typography ______________________________________________________________ */ var Typo = new function () { this.items; var _this; var $smtpad = $('.js-coll-smart-padding'); this.init = function () { _this = this; _this.update(); // events $wndw.resize(_this.resize) $wndw.load(_this.resize) $wndw.on('coll.shortcodes.update', _this.update) } this.resize = function () { // resize text and smart padding if ($wndw.width() < 1024) { _this.items.css('font-size', function () { var _size = ($wndw.width() - 320) * ($(this).data('coll-font-size').max - $(this).data('coll-font-size').min) / (1024 - 320) + $(this).data('coll-font-size').min; _size = Math.round(_size) return _size + 'px'; }) $smtpad.css('padding-bottom', function (index, value) { var _sp = ($wndw.width() - 320) * ($(this).data('coll-padding').max - $(this).data('coll-padding').min) / (1024 - 320) + $(this).data('coll-padding').min; _sp = Math.round(_sp) return _sp + '%'; }) } else { _this.items.css('font-size', function () { return $(this).data('coll-font-size').max + 'px'; }) $smtpad.css('padding-bottom', function (index, value) { return $(this).data('coll-padding').max + '%'; }) } } this.update = function () { _this.items = $('.js-coll-texttype-resize'); _this.resize(); } } Typo.init() /* Portfolio ______________________________________________________________ */ var Portfolio = new function () { var _this, _portfolio; this.init = function () { _this = this; _portfolio = $('.coll-shortcode-portfolio'); if (_portfolio.length > 0) { // start isotope instances _portfolio.each(function () { initIsotope($(this)) }) // hover opacity _portfolio.find('.hentry').hover( function () { $(this).find('.thumb>img').css('opacity', $(this).data('coll-hover-opacity')) }, function () { $(this).find('.thumb>img').css('opacity', 1) } ) } // lightbox $('.js-coll-port-lightbox').magnificPopup({ type: 'ajax', closeBtnInside: !isMobile, fixedContentPos: true, callbacks: { parseAjax: function (resp) { // mfpResponse.data is a "data" object from ajax "success" callback // for simple HTML file, it will be just String // You may modify it to change contents of the popup // For example, to show just #some-element: // mfpResponse.data = $(mfpResponse.data).find('#some-element'); // mfpResponse.data must be a String or a DOM (jQuery) element var _title = $('<div class="large-10 large-offset-2 medium-offset-2 medium-10"></div>') .append($(resp.data).find('.title-wrapper')) var _content = $('<div class="large-10 large-offset-2 medium-offset-2 medium-10"></div>') .append($(resp.data).find('.content-wrapper')) .append($(resp.data).find('.asset-wrapper')) var _data = $('<div class="coll-single lightbox row"></div>') .append('<div class="wrapper large-11 large-centered columns"></div>') _data.find('.wrapper') .append($(resp.data).find('.title-divider')) .append(_title) .append($(resp.data).find('.content-divider')) .append(_content) // add img src attr var imgs = _data.find('img.js-coll-lazy'); imgs.attr('src', function () { return $(this).data('coll-src') }) resp.data = _data; }, open: function () { // Will fire when this exact popup is opened // this - is Magnific Popup object $wndw.trigger('coll.lightbox.on') }, close: function () { // Will fire when popup is closed $wndw.trigger('coll.lightbox.off') }, ajaxContentAdded: function () { // Ajax content is loaded and appended to DOM $wndw.trigger('coll.shortcodes.update') } // e.t.c. }, mainClass: '' }); // events $wndw.smartresize(_this.resize); } this.resize = function () { } var initIsotope = function (instance) { var _isOn = false, _filter = instance.find('.js-coll-portfolio-filter'), _selector = _filter.first().attr('data-filter'), _container = instance.find('.js-coll-portfolio'); _filter.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('current')) { return false } //deselect the other filter item var _previous = _filter.filter('.current'); _previous.removeClass('current'); colorChange(_previous, 'coll-color'); // select current category _selector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); colorChange($(this), 'coll-color-hover') $(this).addClass('current'); // filter items _container.isotope({filter: _selector}) $wndw.trigger('resize'); }) // add filter hover color _filter.hover( function () { colorChange($(this), 'coll-color-hover') }, function () { colorChange($(this), 'coll-color') }); // select first filter item $wndw.load(function () { // select the first filter item _container.isotope(); _filter.first().trigger('click'); _isOn = true; }); $wndw.resize(function () { if (_isOn) { _container.isotope('layout', true) } }) } var colorChange = function (elem, str) { if (!elem.hasClass('current')) { elem.css({ 'color': elem.data(str), 'border-color': elem.data(str) }) } } } Portfolio.init(); /* Latest Blog ______________________________________________________________ */ var Blog = new function () { var _this, _item, _title; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-shortcode-blog .hentry'); _title = $('.coll-shortcode-blog .link-color'); // add hover color _title.hover( function () { $(this).css('color', $(this).data('coll-color-hover')) }, function () { $(this).css('color', $(this).data('coll-color')) } ) // lightbox $('.js-coll-blog-lightbox').magnificPopup({ type: 'ajax', closeBtnInside: !isMobile, fixedContentPos: true, callbacks: { parseAjax: function (resp) { // mfpResponse.data is a "data" object from ajax "success" callback // for simple HTML file, it will be just String // You may modify it to change contents of the popup // For example, to show just #some-element: // mfpResponse.data = $(mfpResponse.data).find('#some-element'); // mfpResponse.data must be a String or a DOM (jQuery) element var _title = $('<div class="large-10 large-offset-2 medium-offset-2 medium-10"></div>') .append($(resp.data).find('.title-wrapper')) var _content = $('<div class="large-10 large-offset-2 medium-offset-2 medium-10"></div>') .append($(resp.data).find('.content-wrapper')) var _data = $('<div class="coll-single lightbox coll-post row"></div>') .append('<div class="wrapper large-11 large-centered columns"></div>') _data.find('.wrapper') .append($(resp.data).find('.title-divider')) .append(_title) .append($(resp.data).find('.content-divider')) .append(_content) // add img src attr var imgs = _data.find('img.js-coll-lazy'); imgs.attr('src', function () { return $(this).data('coll-src') }) resp.data = _data; }, open: function () { // Will fire when this exact popup is opened // this - is Magnific Popup object $wndw.trigger('coll.lightbox.on') }, close: function () { // Will fire when popup is closed $wndw.trigger('coll.lightbox.off') }, ajaxContentAdded: function () { // Ajax content is loaded and appended to DOM $('.coll-single.lightbox .js-fit-video').fitVids(); $wndw.trigger('coll.shortcodes.update') } // e.t.c. }, mainClass: '' }); //force resize //_this.resize(); // events $wndw.resize(_this.resize); } this.resize = function () { // add min height var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, _item.map(function () { return $(this).find('.js-coll-inner').outerHeight(); }).get()); _item.css('height', maxHeight) } } Blog.init(); /* Video ______________________________________________________________ */ var Video = new function () { var _this, _vcontainer, _pType; this.init = function () { _this = this; _vcontainer = $('.js-coll-video'); _pType = $('body').hasClass('single'); // make vids responsive //_vcontainer.fitVids(); _vcontainer.each(function () { var _iframe = $(this).find('iframe'); $(this).data('coll-iframe', _iframe) _iframe.remove(); }) //events $wndw.load(_this.load) $wndw.on('coll.shortcodes.update', _this.asinc); } this.createCover = function (container, psel) { var _iframe = container.find('iframe'), _parent = container.closest(psel), _cover = $('<div class="coll-iframe-overlay"></div>'), _under = $('<div class="coll-iframe-color hide"></div>'), _close = $('<a class="coll-iframe-close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a>'), _enabled = false; _cover.on('click', function () { _iframe.parent().addClass('coll-iframe-enabled') _iframe.closest('.section-content').addClass('no-3d') _under.removeClass('hide') _iframe[0].src += "&autoplay=1"; _enabled = !_enabled; }) _close.add(_under).on('click', function () { _iframe.parent().removeClass('coll-iframe-enabled') _iframe.closest('.section-content').removeClass('no-3d') _under.addClass('hide'); // reset video _iframe.attr('src', '') _iframe.attr('src', container.data('coll-src')) _enabled = !_enabled; }) // add it to the dom container.find('iframe').parent().append(_cover); container.find('iframe').parent().append(_close); _parent.append(_under); } this.load = function () { // _vcontainer.each(function () { // $(this).find('iframe').attr('src', $(this).data('coll-src')) // }); // make vids responsive // fix scroll probllem // cacamash pe pings.conviva.com _vcontainer.each(function () { var _iframe = $(this).data('coll-iframe') _iframe.appendTo($(this)); $(this).fitVids(); if ($(this).hasClass('coll-lightbox-on') || isMobile) { // save src $(this).data('coll-src', _iframe.attr('src')); //remove src //_iframe.attr('src', '') // scroll if (_pType) { _this.createCover($(this), '.coll-single') } else { _this.createCover($(this), '.coll-page-section') } } }); //_vcontainer.fitVids(); } this.asinc = function () { var _nVideo = $('.coll-single.lightbox .js-coll-video') _nVideo.fitVids(); // fix scroll probllem _nVideo.each(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('coll-lightbox-on')) { var _iframe = $(this).find('iframe') // save src $(this).data('coll-src', _iframe.attr('src')); // scroll _this.createCover($(this), '.coll-single.lightbox') } }); } } Video.init(); /* Iframe ______________________________________________________________ */ var IFrame = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.js-coll-iframe'); // fix scroll probllem _item.each(function () { var _iframe = $(this).find('iframe') // scroll _this.createCover($(this), '.coll-page-section') }); //events $wndw.load(_this.load) $wndw.on('coll.shortcodes.update', _this.asinc); } this.createCover = function (container, psel) { var _iframe = container.find('iframe'), _parent = container.closest(psel), _cover = $('<div class="coll-iframe-overlay"></div>'), _under = $('<div class="coll-iframe-color hide"></div>'), _close = $('<a class="coll-iframe-close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a>'), _enabled = false; _cover.on('click', function () { _iframe.parent().addClass('coll-iframe-enabled') _iframe.closest('.section-content').addClass('no-3d') _under.removeClass('hide') _enabled = !_enabled; }) _close.add(_under).on('click', function () { _iframe.parent().removeClass('coll-iframe-enabled') _iframe.closest('.section-content').removeClass('no-3d') _under.addClass('hide'); _enabled = !_enabled; }) // add it to the dom container.find('iframe').parent().append(_cover); container.find('iframe').parent().append(_close); _parent.append(_under); } this.load = function () { } this.asinc = function () { var _nIframe = $('.coll-single.lightbox .js-coll-iframe') _nIframe.fitVids(); // fix scroll probllem _nIframe.each(function () { var _iframe = $(this).find('iframe') // scroll _this.createCover($(this), '.coll-single.lightbox') }); } } IFrame.init(); /* SOLCIAL ICON ______________________________________________________________ */ var SocialIcon = new function () { var _this, _icon; this.init = function () { _this = this; _icon = $('.js-coll-social-icon'); _icon .each(function () { out($(this)) }) .hover(function () { over($(this)) }, function () { out($(this)) }); } var over = function (e) { e.css({ 'color': e.data('coll-color-hover'), 'border-color': e.data('coll-background-color-hover'), 'background-color': e.data('coll-background-color-hover') }) } var out = function (e) { e.css({ 'color': e.data('coll-color'), 'border-color': e.data('coll-border-color'), 'background': 'none' }) } } SocialIcon.init(); /* Team ______________________________________________________________ */ var Team = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-shortcode-team > .hentry'); //force resize // events $wndw.resize(_this.resize); $wndw.load(_this.resize); } this.resize = function () { // add min height var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, _item.map(function () { return $(this).find('.js-coll-inner').outerHeight(); }).get()); _item.css('height', maxHeight) } } Team.init(); /* Services ______________________________________________________________ */ var Service = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-shortcode-services > .hentry'); //force resize // events $wndw.smartresize(_this.resize); $wndw.load(_this.resize); } this.resize = function () { // add min height if ($wndw.width() > 767) { var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, _item.map(function () { return $(this).find('.js-coll-inner').outerHeight(); }).get()); _item.css('height', maxHeight) } } } Service.init(); /* Pricing Tables ______________________________________________________________ */ var Price = new function () { var _this, _item, _link; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-shortcode-pricing-table > .hentry > .wrapper'); _link = $('.js-coll-pt-purchase'); // link color _link .each(function () { out($(this)) }) .hover( function () { over($(this)) }, function () { out($(this)) }); //force resize // events $wndw.resize(_this.resize); } this.resize = function () { // add min height var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, _item.map(function () { return $(this).find('.js-coll-inner').outerHeight(); }).get()); _item.css('height', maxHeight) } var over = function (e) { e.css({ 'color': e.data('coll-color-hover'), 'border-color': e.data('coll-background-color-hover'), 'background': e.data('coll-background-color-hover') }) } var out = function (e) { e.css({ 'color': 'inherit', 'border-color': 'inherit', 'background': 'none' }) } } Price.init(); /* BUTTON ______________________________________________________________ */ var Button = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _this.create('.js-coll-button'); // events $wndw.on('coll.shortcodes.update', function () { _this.create('.coll-single.lightbox .js-coll-button') }); } this.create = function (sel) { _item = $(sel); _item .each(function () { out($(this)) }) .hover( function () { over($(this)) }, function () { out($(this)) }); } var over = function (e) { e.css({ 'color': e.data('coll-color-hover'), 'border': e.data('coll-border-hover'), 'background-color': e.data('coll-background-color-hover') }) } var out = function (e) { e.css({ 'color': e.data('coll-color'), 'border': e.data('coll-border'), 'background': e.data('coll-background-color') }) } } Button.init(); /* CONTACT ______________________________________________________________ */ var Contact = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.js-coll-contact'); _item.each(function () { var _th = $(this); var _field = $(this).find('.field'); var _send = $(this).find('.coll-button'); //default out(_field, _th) // hover _field .css('color', _th.data('coll-color')) .focus(function () { over($(this), _th) }) .blur(function () { out($(this), _th) }) }); } var over = function (e, s) { e.css('border-color', s.data('coll-border-color-selected')) } var out = function (e, s) { e.css('border-color', s.data('coll-border-color')) } } Contact.init(); /* SKILL ______________________________________________________________ */ var Skill = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; $(".knob").knob({ 'draw': function () { $(this.i).val(this.cv + '%') } }); } } Skill.init(); /* Tabs ______________________________________________________________ */ var Tabs = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-tabs .tabs'); // activate content $(_item.find('.active a')).each(function () { $($(this).attr('href')).addClass('active') }) _item.on('toggled', function (event, tab) { $wndw.trigger('resize') }); $wndw.on('coll.shortcodes.update', _this.asinc); } this.asinc = function () { _item = $('.coll-single.lightbox .coll-tabs .tabs'); // activate content $(_item.find('.active a')).each(function () { $($(this).attr('href')).addClass('active') }) $(document).foundation(); } } Tabs.init(); /* Tabs ______________________________________________________________ */ var Accordion = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-accordion .accordion > dd'); _item.on('click', function () { $wndw.trigger('resize') }); } } Accordion.init(); /* Twitter ______________________________________________________________ */ var Twitter = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-twitter'); _item.each(function () { var _this = $(this); // logo $(this).find('.logo').css('color', _this.data('coll-color').m) //text $(this).find('.text').css('color', _this.data('coll-color').t) // links $(this).find('.text > a') .css('color', _this.data('coll-color').l) .on('mouseover', function () { $(this).css('color', _this.data('coll-color').lh) }) .on('mouseout', function () { $(this).css('color', _this.data('coll-color').l) }) // time $(this).find('small.time') .css('color', _this.data('coll-color').m) .on('mouseover', function () { $(this).css('color', _this.data('coll-color').lh) }) .on('mouseout', function () { $(this).css('color', _this.data('coll-color').m) }) }) } } Twitter.init(); /* Middle ______________________________________________________________ */ var Middle = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-middle'); // hide title if is enabled _item.each(function () { $(this) .parent() .removeClass('columns') }) // events // $wndw.smartresize(_this.resize); } this.resize = function () { _item.css('height', function () { var _h = $(this).closest('.section-content').height(); //return _h; return $wndw.height(); }) } } Middle.init(); var LayerSlider = new function () { var _this, _item; this.init = function () { _this = this; _item = $('.coll-layerslider'); _item.on('coll.layerslider.init', function () { $wndw.trigger('coll.shortcodes.update') }) } } LayerSlider.init(); } ); }(jQuery));
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |