Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/popup-maker/assets/js/site.js
Error occurred
/** * Adds needed backward compatibility for older versions of jQuery */ (function ($) { "use strict"; if ($.fn.on === undefined) { $.fn.on = function (types, sel, fn) { return this.delegate(sel, types, fn); }; } if ($.fn.off === undefined) { $.fn.off = function (types, sel, fn) { return this.undelegate(sel, types, fn); }; } if ($.fn.bindFirst === undefined) { $.fn.bindFirst = function (which, handler) { var $el = $(this), events, registered; $el.unbind(which, handler); $el.bind(which, handler); events = $._data($el[0]).events; registered = events[which]; registered.unshift(registered.pop()); events[which] = registered; }; } if ($.fn.outerHtml === undefined) { $.fn.outerHtml = function () { var $el = $(this).clone(), $temp = $('<div/>').append($el); return $temp.html(); }; } if (Date.now === undefined) { Date.now = function () { return new Date().getTime(); }; } }(jQuery)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake function which will load the proper methods. * Version 1.4 */ var PUM; (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; window.pum_vars = window.pum_vars || { // TODO Add defaults. default_theme: '0', home_url: '/', version: 1.7, ajaxurl: '', restapi: false, rest_nonce: null, debug_mode: false, disable_tracking: true, message_position: 'top', core_sub_forms_enabled: true, popups: {} }; window.pum_popups = window.pum_popups || {}; // Backward compatibility fill. window.pum_vars.popups = window.pum_popups; function isInt(value) { return !isNaN(value) && parseInt(Number(value)) === parseInt(value) && !isNaN(parseInt(value, 10)); } function Selector_Cache() { var elementCache = {}; var get_from_cache = function (selector, $ctxt, reset) { if ('boolean' === typeof $ctxt) { reset = $ctxt; $ctxt = false; } var cacheKey = $ctxt ? $ctxt.selector + ' ' + selector : selector; if (undefined === elementCache[cacheKey] || reset) { elementCache[cacheKey] = $ctxt ? $ctxt.find(selector) : jQuery(selector); } return elementCache[cacheKey]; }; get_from_cache.elementCache = elementCache; return get_from_cache; } function string_to_ref(object, reference) { function arr_deref(o, ref, i) { return !ref ? o : (o[ref.slice(0, i ? -1 : ref.length)]); } function dot_deref(o, ref) { return !ref ? o : ref.split('[').reduce(arr_deref, o); } return reference.split('.').reduce(dot_deref, object); } PUM = { get: new Selector_Cache(), getPopup: function (el) { var $this; // Quick Shortcuts if (isInt(el)) { $this = PUM.get('#pum-' + el); } else if (el === 'current') { $this = PUM.get('.pum-overlay.pum-active:eq(0)', true); } else if (el === 'open') { $this = PUM.get('.pum-overlay.pum-active', true); } else if (el === 'closed') { $this = PUM.get('.pum-overlay:not(.pum-active)', true); } else if (el instanceof jQuery) { $this = el; } else { $this = $(el); } if ($this.hasClass('pum-overlay')) { return $this; } if ($this.hasClass('popmake')) { return $this.parents('.pum-overlay'); } return $this.parents('.pum-overlay').length ? $this.parents('.pum-overlay') : $(); }, open: function (el, callback) { PUM.getPopup(el).popmake('open', callback); }, close: function (el, callback) { PUM.getPopup(el).popmake('close', callback); }, preventOpen: function (el) { PUM.getPopup(el).addClass('preventOpen'); }, getSettings: function (el) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(el); return $popup.popmake('getSettings'); }, getSetting: function (el, key, _default) { var settings = PUM.getSettings(el), value = string_to_ref(settings, key); return typeof value !== 'undefined' ? value : (_default !== undefined ? _default : null); }, checkConditions: function (el) { return PUM.getPopup(el).popmake('checkConditions'); }, getCookie: function (cookie_name) { return $.pm_cookie(cookie_name); }, getJSONCookie: function (cookie_name) { return $.pm_cookie_json(cookie_name); }, setCookie: function (el, settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(el); $popup.popmake('setCookie', jQuery.extend({ name: 'pum-' + PUM.getSetting(el, 'id'), expires: '+30 days' }, settings)); }, clearCookie: function (cookie_name, callback) { $.pm_remove_cookie(cookie_name); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }, clearCookies: function (el, callback) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(el), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), cookies = settings.cookies, cookie = null, i; if (cookies !== undefined && cookies.length) { for (i = 0; cookies.length > i; i += 1) { $.pm_remove_cookie(cookies[i].settings.name); } } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }, getClickTriggerSelector: function (el, trigger_settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(el), settings = PUM.getSettings(el), trigger_selectors = [ '.popmake-' + settings.id, '.popmake-' + decodeURIComponent(settings.slug), 'a[href$="#popmake-' + settings.id + '"]' ]; if (trigger_settings.extra_selectors && trigger_settings.extra_selectors !== '') { trigger_selectors.push(trigger_settings.extra_selectors); } trigger_selectors = pum.hooks.applyFilters('pum.trigger.click_open.selectors', trigger_selectors, trigger_settings, $popup); return trigger_selectors.join(', '); }, disableClickTriggers: function (el, trigger_settings) { if (el === undefined) { // disable all triggers. Not available yet. return; } if (trigger_settings !== undefined) { var selector = PUM.getClickTriggerSelector(el, trigger_settings); $(selector).removeClass('pum-trigger'); $(document).off('click.pumTrigger click.popmakeOpen', selector) } else { var triggers = PUM.getSetting(el, 'triggers', []); if (triggers.length) { for (var i = 0; triggers.length > i; i++) { // If this isn't an explicitly allowed click trigger type skip it. if (pum.hooks.applyFilters('pum.disableClickTriggers.clickTriggerTypes', ['click_open']).indexOf(triggers[i].type) === -1) { continue; } var selector = PUM.getClickTriggerSelector(el, triggers[i].settings); $(selector).removeClass('pum-trigger'); $(document).off('click.pumTrigger click.popmakeOpen', selector) } } } } }; $.fn.popmake = function (method) { // Method calling logic if ($.fn.popmake.methods[method]) { $(document).trigger('pumMethodCall', arguments); return $.fn.popmake.methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { return $.fn.popmake.methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } if (window.console) { console.warn('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on $.fn.popmake'); } }; // Defines the core $.popmake methods. $.fn.popmake.methods = { init: function () { return this.each(function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'); if (settings.theme_id <= 0) { settings.theme_id = pum_vars.default_theme; } // TODO Move this to be a single global $(window) function that looks at any open popup. if (settings.disable_reposition === undefined || !settings.disable_reposition) { $(window).on('resize', function () { if ($popup.hasClass('pum-active') || $popup.find('.popmake.active').length) { $.fn.popmake.utilities.throttle(setTimeout(function () { $popup.popmake('reposition'); }, 25), 500, false); } }); } // Added popmake settings to the container for temporary backward compatibility with extensions. // TODO Once extensions updated remove this. $popup.find('.pum-container').data('popmake', settings); $popup .data('popmake', settings) .trigger('pumInit'); return this; }); }, getOverlay: function () { return PUM.getPopup(this); }, getContainer: function () { return PUM.getPopup(this).find('.pum-container'); }, getTitle: function () { return PUM.getPopup(this).find('.pum-title') || null; }, getContent: function () { return PUM.getPopup(this).find('.pum-content') || null; }, getClose: function () { return PUM.getPopup(this).find('.pum-content + .pum-close') || null; }, getSettings: function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); return $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.popmake.defaults, $popup.data('popmake') || {}, typeof pum_popups === 'object' && typeof pum_popups[$popup.attr('id')] !== 'undefined' ? pum_popups[$popup.attr('id')] : {}); }, state: function (test) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); if (undefined !== test) { switch (test) { case 'isOpen': return $popup.hasClass('pum-open') || $popup.popmake('getContainer').hasClass('active'); case 'isClosed': return !$popup.hasClass('pum-open') && !$popup.popmake('getContainer').hasClass('active'); } } }, open: function (callback) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $container = $popup.popmake('getContainer'), $close = $popup.popmake('getClose'), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), $html = $('html'); $popup.trigger('pumBeforeOpen'); /** * Allow for preventing popups from opening. */ if ($popup.hasClass('preventOpen') || $container.hasClass('preventOpen')) { console.log('prevented'); $popup .removeClass('preventOpen') .removeClass('pum-active') .trigger('pumOpenPrevented'); return this; } /** * If popup isn't stackable close all others. */ if (!settings.stackable) { $popup.popmake('close_all'); } $popup.addClass('pum-active'); /** * Hide the close button if delay is active. */ if (settings.close_button_delay > 0) { $close.fadeOut(0); } $html.addClass('pum-open'); /** * Check for and disable the overlay. */ if (settings.overlay_disabled) { $html.addClass('pum-open-overlay-disabled'); } else { $html.addClass('pum-open-overlay'); } /** * Set position fixed when active. */ if (settings.position_fixed) { $html.addClass('pum-open-fixed'); } else { $html.addClass('pum-open-scrollable'); } $popup .popmake('setup_close') .popmake('reposition') .popmake('animate', settings.animation_type, function () { /** * Fade the close button in after specified delay. */ if (settings.close_button_delay > 0) { setTimeout(function () { $close.fadeIn(); }, settings.close_button_delay); } $popup.trigger('pumAfterOpen'); $(window).trigger('resize'); $.fn.popmake.last_open_popup = $popup; // Fire user passed callback. if (callback !== undefined) { callback(); // TODO Test this new method. Then remove the above. //callback.apply(this); } }); return this; }, setup_close: function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $close = $popup.popmake('getClose'), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'); // Add For non built in close buttons and backward compatibility. $close = $close.add($('.popmake-close, .pum-close', $popup).not($close)); // TODO: Move to a global $(document).on type bind. Possibly look for an inactive class to fail on. $close .off('click.pum') .on("click.pum", function (event) { var $this = $(this), do_default = $this.hasClass('pum-do-default') || ($this.data('do-default') !== undefined && $this.data('do-default')); if (!do_default) { event.preventDefault(); } $.fn.popmake.last_close_trigger = 'Close Button'; $popup.popmake('close'); }); if (settings.close_on_esc_press || settings.close_on_f4_press) { // TODO: Move to a global $(document).on type bind. Possibly look for a class to succeed on. $(window) .off('keyup.popmake') .on('keyup.popmake', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 27 && settings.close_on_esc_press) { $.fn.popmake.last_close_trigger = 'ESC Key'; $popup.popmake('close'); } if (e.keyCode === 115 && settings.close_on_f4_press) { $.fn.popmake.last_close_trigger = 'F4 Key'; $popup.popmake('close'); } }); } if (settings.close_on_overlay_click) { $popup.on('pumAfterOpen', function () { $(document).on('click.pumCloseOverlay', function (e) { var $target = $(e.target), $container = $target.closest('.pum-container'); if (!$container.length) { $.fn.popmake.last_close_trigger = 'Overlay Click'; $popup.popmake('close'); } }); }); $popup.on('pumAfterClose', function () { $(document).off('click.pumCloseOverlay'); }); } $popup.trigger('pumSetupClose'); return this; }, close: function (callback) { return this.each(function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $container = $popup.popmake('getContainer'), $close = $popup.popmake('getClose'); $close = $close.add($('.popmake-close, .pum-close', $popup).not($close)); $popup.trigger('pumBeforeClose'); if ($popup.hasClass('preventClose') || $container.hasClass('preventClose')) { $popup .removeClass('preventClose') .trigger('pumClosePrevented'); return this; } $container .fadeOut('fast', function () { if ($popup.is(":visible")) { $popup.fadeOut('fast'); } /** * Clear global event spaces. */ $(window).off('keyup.popmake'); $popup.off('click.popmake'); $close.off('click.popmake'); // Only re-enable scrolling for the document when the last popup has closed. if ($('.pum-active').length === 1) { $('html') .removeClass('pum-open') .removeClass('pum-open-scrollable') .removeClass('pum-open-overlay') .removeClass('pum-open-overlay-disabled') .removeClass('pum-open-fixed'); } $popup .removeClass('pum-active') .trigger('pumAfterClose'); // TODO: Move this to its own event binding to keep this method clean and simple. $container.find('iframe').filter('[src*="youtube"],[src*="vimeo"]').each(function () { var $iframe = $(this), src = $iframe.attr('src'), // Remove autoplay so video doesn't start playing again. new_src = src.replace('autoplay=1', '1=1'); if (new_src !== src) { src = new_src; } $iframe.prop('src', src); }); // TODO: Move this to its own event binding to keep this method clean and simple. $container.find('video').each(function () { this.pause(); }); // Fire user passed callback. if (callback !== undefined) { callback(); // TODO Test this new method. Then remove the above. //callback.apply(this); } }); return this; }); }, close_all: function () { $('.pum-active').popmake('close'); return this; }, reposition: function (callback) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this).trigger('pumBeforeReposition'), $container = $popup.popmake('getContainer'), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), location = settings.location, reposition = { my: "", at: "", of: window, collision: 'none', using: typeof callback === "function" ? callback : $.fn.popmake.callbacks.reposition_using }, opacity = {overlay: null, container: null}, $last_trigger = null; try { $last_trigger = $($.fn.popmake.last_open_trigger); } catch (error) { $last_trigger = $(); } if (settings.position_from_trigger && $last_trigger.length) { reposition.of = $last_trigger; if (location.indexOf('left') >= 0) { reposition.my += " right"; reposition.at += " left" + (settings.position_left !== 0 ? "-" + settings.position_left : ""); } if (location.indexOf('right') >= 0) { reposition.my += " left"; reposition.at += " right" + (settings.position_right !== 0 ? "+" + settings.position_right : ""); } if (location.indexOf('center') >= 0) { reposition.my = location === 'center' ? "center" : reposition.my + " center"; reposition.at = location === 'center' ? "center" : reposition.at + " center"; } if (location.indexOf('top') >= 0) { reposition.my += " bottom"; reposition.at += " top" + (settings.position_top !== 0 ? "-" + settings.position_top : ""); } if (location.indexOf('bottom') >= 0) { reposition.my += " top"; reposition.at += " bottom" + (settings.position_bottom !== 0 ? "+" + settings.position_bottom : ""); } } else { if (location.indexOf('left') >= 0) { reposition.my += " left" + (settings.position_left !== 0 ? "+" + settings.position_left : ""); reposition.at += " left"; } if (location.indexOf('right') >= 0) { reposition.my += " right" + (settings.position_right !== 0 ? "-" + settings.position_right : ""); reposition.at += " right"; } if (location.indexOf('center') >= 0) { reposition.my = location === 'center' ? "center" : reposition.my + " center"; reposition.at = location === 'center' ? "center" : reposition.at + " center"; } if (location.indexOf('top') >= 0) { reposition.my += " top" + (settings.position_top !== 0 ? "+" + ($('body').hasClass('admin-bar') ? parseInt(settings.position_top, 10) + 32 : settings.position_top) : ""); reposition.at += " top"; } if (location.indexOf('bottom') >= 0) { reposition.my += " bottom" + (settings.position_bottom !== 0 ? "-" + settings.position_bottom : ""); reposition.at += " bottom"; } } reposition.my = $.trim(reposition.my); reposition.at = $.trim(reposition.at); if ($popup.is(':hidden')) { opacity.overlay = $popup.css("opacity"); $popup.css({opacity: 0}).show(0); } if ($container.is(':hidden')) { opacity.container = $container.css("opacity"); $container.css({opacity: 0}).show(0); } if (settings.position_fixed) { $container.addClass('fixed'); } if (settings.size === 'custom') { $container.css({ width: settings.custom_width, height: settings.custom_height_auto ? 'auto' : settings.custom_height }); } else { if (settings.size !== 'auto') { $container .addClass('responsive') .css({ minWidth: settings.responsive_min_width !== '' ? settings.responsive_min_width : 'auto', maxWidth: settings.responsive_max_width !== '' ? settings.responsive_max_width : 'auto' }); } } $popup.trigger('pumAfterReposition'); // TODO: Remove the add class and migrate the trigger to the $popup with pum prefix. $container .addClass('custom-position') .position(reposition) .trigger('popmakeAfterReposition'); if (opacity.overlay) { $popup.css({opacity: opacity.overlay}).hide(0); } if (opacity.container) { $container.css({opacity: opacity.container}).hide(0); } return this; }, animation_origin: function (origin) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $container = $popup.popmake('getContainer'), start = { my: "", at: "" }; switch (origin) { case 'top': start = { my: "left+" + $container.offset().left + " bottom-100", at: "left top" }; break; case 'bottom': start = { my: "left+" + $container.offset().left + " top+100", at: "left bottom" }; break; case 'left': start = { my: "right top+" + $container.offset().top, at: "left top" }; break; case 'right': start = { my: "left top+" + $container.offset().top, at: "right top" }; break; default: if (origin.indexOf('left') >= 0) { start = { my: start.my + " right", at: start.at + " left" }; } if (origin.indexOf('right') >= 0) { start = { my: start.my + " left", at: start.at + " right" }; } if (origin.indexOf('center') >= 0) { start = { my: start.my + " center", at: start.at + " center" }; } if (origin.indexOf('top') >= 0) { start = { my: start.my + " bottom-100", at: start.at + " top" }; } if (origin.indexOf('bottom') >= 0) { start = { my: start.my + " top+100", at: start.at + " bottom" }; } start.my = $.trim(start.my); start.at = $.trim(start.at); break; } start.of = window; start.collision = 'none'; return start; } }; }(jQuery, document)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake binds. * Version 1.4 */ var PUM_Accessibility; (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; var $top_level_elements, focusableElementsString = "a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]", previouslyFocused, currentModal, selector = '.pum:not(.pum-accessibility-disabled)'; PUM_Accessibility = { // Accessibility: Checks focus events to ensure they stay inside the modal. forceFocus: function (e) { if (currentModal && currentModal.length && !currentModal[0].contains(e.target)) { e.stopPropagation(); PUM_Accessibility.setFocusToFirstItem(); } }, trapTabKey: function (e) { // if tab or shift-tab pressed if (e.keyCode === 9) { // get list of focusable items var focusableItems = currentModal.find('.pum-container *').filter(focusableElementsString).filter(':visible'), // get currently focused item focusedItem = $(':focus'), // get the number of focusable items numberOfFocusableItems = focusableItems.length, // get the index of the currently focused item focusedItemIndex = focusableItems.index(focusedItem); if (e.shiftKey) { //back tab // if focused on first item and user preses back-tab, go to the last focusable item if (focusedItemIndex === 0) { focusableItems.get(numberOfFocusableItems - 1).focus(); e.preventDefault(); } } else { //forward tab // if focused on the last item and user preses tab, go to the first focusable item if (focusedItemIndex === numberOfFocusableItems - 1) { focusableItems.get(0).focus(); e.preventDefault(); } } } }, setFocusToFirstItem: function () { // set focus to first focusable item currentModal.find('.pum-container *').filter(focusableElementsString).filter(':visible').filter(':not(.pum-close)').first().focus(); } }; $(document) .on('pumInit', selector, function () { PUM.getPopup(this).find('[tabindex]').each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this .data('tabindex', $this.attr('tabindex')) .prop('tabindex', '0'); }); }) .on('pumBeforeOpen', selector, function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $focused = $(':focus'); // Accessibility: Sets the previous focus element. if (!$popup.has($focused).length) { previouslyFocused = $focused; } // Accessibility: Sets the current modal for focus checks. currentModal = $popup // Accessibility: Trap tab key. .on('keydown.pum_accessibility', PUM_Accessibility.trapTabKey) .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); $top_level_elements = $('body > *').filter(':visible').not(currentModal); $top_level_elements.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); // Accessibility: Add focus check first time focus changes after popup opens that prevents tabbing outside of modal. $(document).one('focusin.pum_accessibility', PUM_Accessibility.forceFocus); // Accessibility: Focus on the modal. PUM_Accessibility.setFocusToFirstItem(); }) .on('pumAfterOpen', selector, function () { }) .on('pumBeforeClose', selector, function () { }) .on('pumAfterClose', selector, function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); $popup .off('keydown.pum_accessibility') .attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); if ($top_level_elements) { $top_level_elements.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); $top_level_elements = null; } // Accessibility: Focus back on the previously focused element. if (previouslyFocused !== undefined && previouslyFocused.length) { previouslyFocused.focus(); } // Accessibility: Clears the currentModal var. currentModal = null; // Accessibility: Removes the force focus check. $(document).off('focusin.pum_accessibility'); }) .on('pumSetupClose', selector, function () { }) .on('pumOpenPrevented', selector, function () { }) .on('pumClosePrevented', selector, function () { }) .on('pumBeforeReposition', selector, function () { }); }(jQuery, document)); /** * Defines the core pum analytics methods. * Version 1.4 */ var PUM_Analytics; (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.popmake.last_open_trigger = null; $.fn.popmake.last_close_trigger = null; $.fn.popmake.conversion_trigger = null; var rest_enabled = !!(typeof pum_vars.restapi !== 'undefined' && pum_vars.restapi); PUM_Analytics = { beacon: function (data, callback) { var beacon = new Image(), url = rest_enabled ? pum_vars.restapi : pum_vars.ajaxurl, opts = { route: '/analytics/', data: $.extend({ event: 'open', pid: null, _cache: (+(new Date())) }, data), callback: typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function () { } }; if (!rest_enabled) { opts.data.action = 'pum_analytics'; } else { url += opts.route; } // Create a beacon if a url is provided if (url) { // Attach the event handlers to the image object $(beacon).on('error success load done', opts.callback); // Attach the src for the script call beacon.src = url + '?' + $.param(opts.data); } } }; if (typeof pum_vars.disable_tracking === 'undefined' || !pum_vars.disable_tracking) { // Only popups from the editor should fire analytics events. $(document) /** * Track opens for popups. */ .on('pumAfterOpen.core_analytics', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), data = { pid: parseInt($popup.popmake('getSettings').id, 10) || null }; // Shortcode popups use negative numbers, and single-popup (preview mode) shouldn't be tracked. if (data.pid > 0 && !$('body').hasClass('single-popup')) { PUM_Analytics.beacon(data); } }); } }(jQuery)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake animations. * Version 1.4 */ (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; $.fn.popmake.methods.animate_overlay = function (style, duration, callback) { // Method calling logic var settings = PUM.getPopup(this).popmake('getSettings'); if (settings.overlay_disabled) { return $.fn.popmake.overlay_animations.none.apply(this, [duration, callback]); } if ($.fn.popmake.overlay_animations[style]) { return $.fn.popmake.overlay_animations[style].apply(this, [duration, callback]); } if (window.console) { console.warn('Animation style ' + style + ' does not exist.'); } return this; }; $.fn.popmake.methods.animate = function (style) { // Method calling logic if ($.fn.popmake.animations[style]) { return $.fn.popmake.animations[style].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } if (window.console) { console.warn('Animation style ' + style + ' does not exist.'); } return this; }; $.fn.popmake.animations = { none: function (callback) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); // Ensure the container is visible immediately. $popup.popmake('getContainer').css({opacity: 1, display: "block"}), $popup.popmake('animate_overlay', 'none', 0, function () { // Fire user passed callback. if (callback !== undefined) { callback(); // TODO Test this new method. Then remove the above. //callback.apply(this); } }); return this; }, slide: function (callback) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $container = $popup.popmake('getContainer'), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), speed = settings.animation_speed / 2, start = $popup.popmake('animation_origin', settings.animation_origin); // Make the overlay and container visible so they can be positioned & sized prior to display. $popup.css({display: "block"}); // Position the opaque container offscreen then update its opacity. $container.css({display: "block"}) .position(start) .css({opacity: 1}); $popup .popmake('animate_overlay', 'fade', speed, function () { $container.popmake('reposition', function (position) { $container.animate(position, speed, 'swing', function () { // Fire user passed callback. if (callback !== undefined) { callback(); // TODO Test this new method. Then remove the above. //callback.apply(this); } }); }); }); return this; }, fade: function (callback) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $container = $popup.popmake('getContainer').css({opacity: 0, display: "block"}), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), speed = settings.animation_speed / 2; $popup .popmake('animate_overlay', 'fade', speed, function () { $container.animate({opacity: 1}, speed, 'swing', function () { // Fire user passed callback. if (callback !== undefined) { callback(); // TODO Test this new method. Then remove the above. //callback.apply(this); } }); }); return this; }, fadeAndSlide: function (callback) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), $container = $popup.popmake('getContainer'), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), speed = settings.animation_speed / 2, start = $popup.popmake('animation_origin', settings.animation_origin); // Make the overlay and container visible so they can be positioned & sized prior to display. $popup.css({display: "block"}); // Position the opaque container offscreen then update its opacity. $container.css({display: "block"}) .position(start); $popup .popmake('animate_overlay', 'fade', speed, function () { $container.popmake('reposition', function (position) { $container.css({opacity: 0}); position.opacity = 1; $container.animate(position, speed, 'swing', function () { // Fire user passed callback. if (callback !== undefined) { callback(); // TODO Test this new method. Then remove the above. //callback.apply(this); } }); }); }); return this; }, /** * TODO: Remove these and let import script replace them. * @deprecated * @returns {$.fn.popmake.animations} */ grow: function (callback) { return $.fn.popmake.animations.fade.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * @deprecated * @returns {$.fn.popmake.animations} */ growAndSlide: function (callback) { return $.fn.popmake.animations.fadeAndSlide.apply(this, arguments); } }; $.fn.popmake.overlay_animations = { none: function (duration, callback) { PUM.getPopup(this).css({opacity: 1, display: "block"}); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } }, fade: function (duration, callback) { PUM.getPopup(this) .css({opacity: 0, display: "block"}) .animate({opacity: 1}, duration, 'swing', callback); }, slide: function (duration, callback) { PUM.getPopup(this).slideDown(duration, callback); } }; }(jQuery, document)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake binds. * Version 1.4 */ (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; $(document) // Backward Compatibility // TODO: Add check for compatibility mode once available. .on('pumInit', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer').trigger('popmakeInit'); }) /** * Fires the deprecated popmakeBeforeOpen event */ .on('pumBeforeOpen', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer') .addClass('active') .trigger('popmakeBeforeOpen'); }) /** * Fires the deprecated popmakeAfterOpen event */ .on('pumAfterOpen', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer').trigger('popmakeAfterOpen'); }) /** * Fires the deprecated popmakeBeforeClose event */ .on('pumBeforeClose', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer').trigger('popmakeBeforeClose'); }) /** * Fires the deprecated popmakeAfterClose event */ .on('pumAfterClose', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer') .removeClass('active') .trigger('popmakeAfterClose'); }) /** * Fires the deprecated popmakeSetupClose event */ .on('pumSetupClose', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer').trigger('popmakeSetupClose'); }) /** * Removes the prevent open classes if they exist. */ .on('pumOpenPrevented', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer') .removeClass('preventOpen') .removeClass('active'); }) /** * Removes the prevent close classes if they exist. */ .on('pumClosePrevented', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer') .removeClass('preventClose'); }) /** * Fires the deprecated popmakeBeforeReposition event */ .on('pumBeforeReposition', '.pum', function () { $(this).popmake('getContainer').trigger('popmakeBeforeReposition'); }); }(jQuery, document)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake callbacks. * Version 1.4 */ (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; $.fn.popmake.callbacks = { reposition_using: function (position) { $(this).css(position); } }; }(jQuery, document)); (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; // Used for Mobile Detect when needed. var _md, md = function () { if (_md === undefined) { _md = typeof MobileDetect !== 'undefined' ? new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent) : { phone: function () { return false; }, tablet: function() { return false; } }; } return _md; }; $.extend($.fn.popmake.methods, { checkConditions: function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), // Loadable defaults to true if no conditions. Making the popup available everywhere. loadable = true, group_check, g, c, group, condition; if (settings.disable_on_mobile) { if (md().phone()) { return false; } } if (settings.disable_on_tablet) { if (md().tablet()) { return false; } } if (settings.conditions.length) { // All Groups Must Return True. Break if any is false and set loadable to false. for (g = 0; settings.conditions.length > g; g++) { group = settings.conditions[g]; // Groups are false until a condition proves true. group_check = false; // At least one group condition must be true. Break this loop if any condition is true. for (c = 0; group.length > c; c++) { condition = $.extend({}, { not_operand: false }, group[c]); // If any condition passes, set group_check true and break. if (!condition.not_operand && $popup.popmake('checkCondition', condition)) { group_check = true; } else if (condition.not_operand && !$popup.popmake('checkCondition', condition)) { group_check = true; } $(this).trigger('pumCheckingCondition', [group_check, condition]); if (group_check) { break; } } // If any group of conditions doesn't pass, popup is not loadable. if (!group_check) { loadable = false; } } } return loadable; }, checkCondition: function (condition) { var target = condition.target || null, settings = condition.settings || condition, check; if (!target) { console.warn('Condition type not set.'); return false; } // TODO once all extensions updated and in circulation for v1.7, change the below to pass settings, not condition. // Method calling logic if ($.fn.popmake.conditions[target]) { return $.fn.popmake.conditions[target].apply(this, [condition]); } if (window.console) { console.warn('Condition ' + target + ' does not exist.'); return true; } } }); $.fn.popmake.conditions = {}; }(jQuery, document)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake.cookie functions. * Version 1.4 * * Defines the pm_cookie & pm_remove_cookie global functions. */ var pm_cookie, pm_cookie_json, pm_remove_cookie; (function ($) { "use strict"; function cookie(converter) { if (converter === undefined) { converter = function () { }; } function api(key, value, attributes) { var result, expires = new Date(); if (typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } // Write if (arguments.length > 1) { attributes = $.extend({ path: pum_vars.home_url }, api.defaults, attributes); switch (typeof attributes.expires) { case 'number': expires.setMilliseconds(expires.getMilliseconds() + attributes.expires * 864e+5); attributes.expires = expires; break; case 'string': expires.setTime($.fn.popmake.utilities.strtotime("+" + attributes.expires) * 1000); attributes.expires = expires; break; } try { result = JSON.stringify(value); if (/^[\{\[]/.test(result)) { value = result; } } catch (e) { } if (!converter.write) { value = encodeURIComponent(String(value)) .replace(/%(23|24|26|2B|3A|3C|3E|3D|2F|3F|40|5B|5D|5E|60|7B|7D|7C)/g, decodeURIComponent); } else { value = converter.write(value, key); } key = encodeURIComponent(String(key)); key = key.replace(/%(23|24|26|2B|5E|60|7C)/g, decodeURIComponent); key = key.replace(/[\(\)]/g, escape); return (document.cookie = [ key, '=', value, attributes.expires ? '; expires=' + attributes.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE attributes.path ? '; path=' + attributes.path : '', attributes.domain ? '; domain=' + attributes.domain : '', attributes.secure ? '; secure' : '' ].join('')); } // Read if (!key) { result = {}; } // To prevent the for loop in the first place assign an empty array // in case there are no cookies at all. Also prevents odd result when // calling "get()" var cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : []; var rdecode = /(%[0-9A-Z]{2})+/g; var i = 0; for (; i < cookies.length; i++) { var parts = cookies[i].split('='); var cookie = parts.slice(1).join('='); if (cookie.charAt(0) === '"') { cookie = cookie.slice(1, -1); } try { var name = parts[0].replace(rdecode, decodeURIComponent); cookie = converter.read ? converter.read(cookie, name) : converter(cookie, name) || cookie.replace(rdecode, decodeURIComponent); if (this.json) { try { cookie = JSON.parse(cookie); } catch (e) { } } if (key === name) { result = cookie; break; } if (!key) { result[name] = cookie; } } catch (e) { } } return result; } api.set = api; api.get = function (key) { return api.call(api, key); }; api.getJSON = function () { return api.apply({ json: true }, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; api.defaults = {}; api.remove = function (key, attributes) { // Clears keys with current path. api(key, '', $.extend({}, attributes, { expires: -1, path: '' })); // Clears sitewide keys. api(key, '', $.extend({}, attributes, { expires: -1 })); }; /** * Polyfill for jQuery Cookie argument arrangement. * * @param key * @param value * @param attributes || expires (deprecated) * @param path (deprecated) * @returns {*} */ api.process = function (key, value, attributes, path) { if (arguments.length > 3 && typeof arguments[2] !== 'object' && value !== undefined) { return api.apply(api, [key, value, { expires: attributes, path: path }]); } else { return api.apply(api, [].slice.call(arguments, [0, 2])); } }; api.withConverter = $.fn.popmake.cookie; return api; } $.extend($.fn.popmake, { cookie: cookie() }); pm_cookie = $.pm_cookie = $.fn.popmake.cookie.process; pm_cookie_json = $.pm_cookie_json = $.fn.popmake.cookie.getJSON; pm_remove_cookie = $.pm_remove_cookie = $.fn.popmake.cookie.remove; }(jQuery)); (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; $.extend($.fn.popmake.methods, { addCookie: function (type) { // Method calling logic pum.hooks.doAction('popmake.addCookie', arguments); if ($.fn.popmake.cookies[type]) { return $.fn.popmake.cookies[type].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } if (window.console) { console.warn('Cookie type ' + type + ' does not exist.'); } return this; }, setCookie: function (settings) { $.pm_cookie( settings.name, true, settings.session ? null : settings.time, settings.path ? pum_vars.home_url || '/' : null ); pum.hooks.doAction('popmake.setCookie', settings); }, checkCookies: function (settings) { var i, ret = false; if (settings.cookie_name === undefined || settings.cookie_name === null || settings.cookie_name === '') { return false; } switch (typeof settings.cookie_name) { case 'object': case 'array': for (i = 0; settings.cookie_name.length > i; i += 1) { if ($.pm_cookie(settings.cookie_name[i]) !== undefined) { ret = true; } } break; case 'string': if ($.pm_cookie(settings.cookie_name) !== undefined) { ret = true; } break; } pum.hooks.doAction('popmake.checkCookies', settings, ret); return ret; } }); $.fn.popmake.cookies = $.fn.popmake.cookies || {}; $.extend($.fn.popmake.cookies, { on_popup_open: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); $popup.on('pumAfterOpen', function () { $popup.popmake('setCookie', settings); }); }, on_popup_close: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); $popup.on('pumBeforeClose', function () { $popup.popmake('setCookie', settings); }); }, manual: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); $popup.on('pumSetCookie', function () { $popup.popmake('setCookie', settings); }); }, form_success: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); $popup.on('pumFormSuccess', function () { $popup.popmake('setCookie', settings); }); }, pum_sub_form_success: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); $popup.find('form.pum-sub-form').on('success', function () { $popup.popmake('setCookie', settings); }); }, /** * @deprecated 1.7.0 * * @param settings */ pum_sub_form_already_subscribed: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); $popup.find('form.pum-sub-form').on('success', function () { $popup.popmake('setCookie', settings); }); }, ninja_form_success: function (settings) { return $.fn.popmake.cookies.form_success.apply(this, arguments); }, cf7_form_success: function (settings) { return $.fn.popmake.cookies.form_success.apply(this, arguments); }, gforms_form_success: function (settings) { return $.fn.popmake.cookies.form_success.apply(this, arguments); } }); // Register All Cookies for a Popup $(document) .on('pumInit', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), cookies = settings.cookies || [], cookie = null, i; if (cookies.length) { for (i = 0; cookies.length > i; i += 1) { cookie = cookies[i]; $popup.popmake('addCookie', cookie.event, cookie.settings); } } }); }(jQuery, document)); var pum_debug_mode = false, pum_debug; (function ($, pum_vars) { pum_vars = window.pum_vars || { debug_mode: false }; pum_debug_mode = pum_vars.debug_mode !== undefined && pum_vars.debug_mode; // Force Debug Mode when the ?pum_debug query arg is present. if (!pum_debug_mode && window.location.href.indexOf('pum_debug') !== -1) { pum_debug_mode = true; } if (pum_debug_mode) { var inited = false, current_popup_event = false, vars = window.pum_debug_vars || { 'debug_mode_enabled': 'Popup Maker: Debug Mode Enabled', 'debug_started_at': 'Debug started at:', 'debug_more_info': 'For more information on how to use this information visit https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/?utm_medium=js-debug-info&utm_campaign=ContextualHelp&utm_source=browser-console&utm_content=more-info', 'global_info': 'Global Information', 'localized_vars': 'Localized variables', 'popups_initializing': 'Popups Initializing', 'popups_initialized': 'Popups Initialized', 'single_popup_label': 'Popup: #', 'theme_id': 'Theme ID: ', 'label_method_call': 'Method Call:', 'label_method_args': 'Method Arguments:', 'label_popup_settings': 'Settings', 'label_triggers': 'Triggers', 'label_cookies': 'Cookies', 'label_delay': 'Delay:', 'label_conditions': 'Conditions', 'label_cookie': 'Cookie:', 'label_settings': 'Settings:', 'label_selector': 'Selector:', 'label_mobile_disabled': 'Mobile Disabled:', 'label_tablet_disabled': 'Tablet Disabled:', 'label_event': 'Event: %s', 'triggers': [], 'cookies': [] }; pum_debug = { odump: function (o) { return $.extend({}, o); }, logo: function () { console.log("" + " -------------------------------------------------------------" + '\n' + "| ____ __ __ _ |" + '\n' + "| | _ \\ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ | \\/ | __ _| | _____ _ __ |" + '\n' + "| | |_) / _ \\| '_ \\| | | | '_ \\ | |\\/| |/ _` | |/ / _ \\ '__| |" + '\n' + "| | __/ (_) | |_) | |_| | |_) | | | | | (_| | < __/ | |" + '\n' + "| |_| \\___/| .__/ \\__,_| .__/ |_| |_|\\__,_|_|\\_\\___|_| |" + '\n' + "| |_| |_| |" + '\n' + " -------------------------------------------------------------" ); }, initialize: function () { inited = true; // Clear Console //console.clear(); // Render Logo pum_debug.logo(); console.debug(vars.debug_mode_enabled); console.log(vars.debug_started_at, new Date()); console.info(vars.debug_more_info); // Global Info Divider pum_debug.divider(vars.global_info); // Localized Variables console.groupCollapsed(vars.localized_vars); console.log('pum_vars:', pum_debug.odump(pum_vars)); $(document).trigger('pum_debug_initialize_localized_vars'); console.groupEnd(); // Trigger to add more debug info from extensions. $(document).trigger('pum_debug_initialize'); }, popup_event_header: function ($popup) { var settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'); if (current_popup_event === settings.id) { return; } current_popup_event = settings.id; pum_debug.divider(vars.single_popup_label + settings.id + ' - ' + settings.slug); }, divider: function (heading) { var totalWidth = 62, extraSpace = 62, padding = 0, line = " " + new Array(totalWidth + 1).join("-") + " "; if (typeof heading === 'string') { extraSpace = totalWidth - heading.length; padding = { left: Math.floor(extraSpace / 2), right: Math.floor(extraSpace / 2) }; if (padding.left + padding.right === extraSpace - 1) { padding.right++; } padding.left = new Array(padding.left + 1).join(" "); padding.right = new Array(padding.right + 1).join(" "); console.log("" + line + '\n' + "|" + padding.left + heading + padding.right + "|" + '\n' + line ); } else { console.log(line); } }, click_trigger: function ($popup, trigger_settings) { var settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), trigger_selectors = [ '.popmake-' + settings.id, '.popmake-' + decodeURIComponent(settings.slug), 'a[href$="#popmake-' + settings.id + '"]' ], trigger_selector; if (trigger_settings.extra_selectors && trigger_settings.extra_selectors !== '') { trigger_selectors.push(trigger_settings.extra_selectors); } trigger_selectors = pum.hooks.applyFilters('pum.trigger.click_open.selectors', trigger_selectors, trigger_settings, $popup); trigger_selector = trigger_selectors.join(', '); console.log(vars.label_selector, trigger_selector); }, trigger: function ($popup, trigger) { if (typeof vars.triggers[trigger.type] === 'string') { console.groupCollapsed(vars.triggers[trigger.type]); switch (trigger.type) { case 'auto_open': console.log(vars.label_delay, trigger.settings.delay); console.log(vars.label_cookie, trigger.settings.cookie_name); break; case 'click_open': pum_debug.click_trigger($popup, trigger.settings); console.log(vars.label_cookie, trigger.settings.cookie_name); break; } $(document).trigger('pum_debug_render_trigger', $popup, trigger); console.groupEnd(); } }, cookie: function ($popup, cookie) { if (typeof vars.cookies[cookie.event] === 'string') { console.groupCollapsed(vars.cookies[cookie.event]); switch (cookie.event) { case 'on_popup_open': case 'on_popup_close': case 'manual': case 'ninja_form_success': console.log(vars.label_cookie, pum_debug.odump(cookie.settings)); break; } $(document).trigger('pum_debug_render_trigger', $popup, cookie); console.groupEnd(); } } }; $(document) .on('pumInit', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), triggers = settings.triggers || [], cookies = settings.cookies || [], conditions = settings.conditions || [], i = 0; if (!inited) { pum_debug.initialize(); pum_debug.divider(vars.popups_initializing); } console.groupCollapsed(vars.single_popup_label + settings.id + ' - ' + settings.slug); // Popup Theme ID console.log(vars.theme_id, settings.theme_id); // Triggers if (triggers.length) { console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_triggers); for (i = 0; triggers.length > i; i++) { pum_debug.trigger($popup, triggers[i]); } console.groupEnd(); } // Cookies if (cookies.length) { console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_cookies); for (i = 0; cookies.length > i; i += 1) { pum_debug.cookie($popup, cookies[i]); } console.groupEnd(); } // Conditions if (conditions.length) { console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_conditions); console.log(conditions); console.groupEnd(); } console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_popup_settings); // Mobile Disabled. console.log(vars.label_mobile_disabled, settings.disable_on_mobile !== false); // Tablet Disabled. console.log(vars.label_tablet_disabled, settings.disable_on_tablet !== false); // Settings. console.log(vars.label_display_settings, pum_debug.odump(settings)); // Trigger to add more debug info from extensions. $popup.trigger('pum_debug_popup_settings'); console.groupEnd(); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumBeforeOpen', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)), $last_trigger = $.fn.popmake.last_open_trigger; pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumBeforeOpen')); try { $last_trigger = $($.fn.popmake.last_open_trigger); $last_trigger = $last_trigger.length ? $last_trigger : $.fn.popmake.last_open_trigger.toString(); } catch (error) { $last_trigger = ""; } finally { console.log(vars.label_triggers, [$last_trigger]); } console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumOpenPrevented', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumOpenPrevented')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumAfterOpen', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumAfterOpen')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumSetupClose', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumSetupClose')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumClosePrevented', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumClosePrevented')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumBeforeClose', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumBeforeClose')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumAfterClose', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumAfterClose')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumBeforeReposition', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumBeforeReposition')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumAfterReposition', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumAfterReposition')); console.groupEnd(); }) .on('pumCheckingCondition', '.pum', function (event, result, condition) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup($(this)); pum_debug.popup_event_header($popup); console.groupCollapsed(vars.label_event.replace('%s', 'pumCheckingCondition')); console.log((condition.not_operand ? '(!) ' : '') + condition.target + ': ' + result, condition); console.groupEnd(); }); } }(jQuery)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake defaults. * Version 1.4 */ (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; $.fn.popmake.defaults = { id: null, slug: "", theme_id: null, cookies: [], triggers: [], conditions: [], mobile_disabled: null, tablet_disabled: null, custom_height_auto: false, scrollable_content: false, position_from_trigger: false, position_fixed: false, overlay_disabled: false, stackable: false, disable_reposition: false, close_on_overlay_click: false, close_on_esc_press: false, close_on_f4_press: false, disable_on_mobile: false, disable_on_tablet: false, size: "medium", responsive_min_width: "0%", responsive_max_width: "100%", custom_width: "640px", custom_height: "380px", animation_type: "fade", animation_speed: "350", animation_origin: "center top", location: "center top", position_top: "100", position_bottom: "0", position_left: "0", position_right: "0", zindex: "1999999999", close_button_delay: "0", // TODO Remove these once extensions have all been updated. meta: { display: { stackable: false, overlay_disabled: false, size: "medium", responsive_max_width: "100", responsive_max_width_unit: '%', responsive_min_width: "0", responsive_min_width_unit: '%', custom_width: "640", custom_width_unit: 'px', custom_height: "380", custom_height_unit: 'px', custom_height_auto: false, location: "center top", position_top: 100, position_left: 0, position_bottom: 0, position_right: 0, position_fixed: false, animation_type: 'fade', animation_speed: 350, animation_origin: 'center top', scrollable_content: false, disable_reposition: false, position_from_trigger: false, overlay_zindex: false, zindex: "1999999999" }, close: { overlay_click: false, esc_press: false, f4_press: false, text: "", button_delay: 0 }, click_open: [] }, container: { active_class: 'active', attr: { class: "popmake" } }, title: { attr: { class: "popmake-title" } }, content: { attr: { class: "popmake-content" } }, close: { close_speed: 0, attr: { class: "popmake-close" } }, overlay: { attr: { id: "popmake-overlay", class: "popmake-overlay" } } }; }(jQuery, document)); /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2019, Code Atlantic LLC ******************************************************************************/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var defaults = { openpopup: false, openpopup_id: 0, closepopup: false, closedelay: 0, redirect_enabled: false, redirect: '', cookie: false }; window.PUM = window.PUM || {}; window.PUM.forms = window.PUM.forms || {}; $.extend(window.PUM.forms, { form: { validation: { errors: [] }, responseHandler: function ($form, response) { var data = response.data; if (response.success) { /** * If there are no errors process the successful submission. */ window.PUM.forms.form.success($form, data); } else { /** * Process any errors */ window.PUM.forms.form.errors($form, data); } }, display_errors: function ($form, errors) { window.PUM.forms.messages.add($form, errors || this.validation.errors, 'error'); }, beforeAjax: function ($form) { var $btn = $form.find('[type="submit"]'), $loading = $btn.find('.pum-form__loader'); window.PUM.forms.messages.clear_all($form); if (!$loading.length) { $loading = $('<span class="pum-form__loader"></span>'); if ($btn.attr('value') !== '') { $loading.insertAfter($btn); } else { $btn.append($loading); } } $btn.prop('disabled', true); $loading.show(); $form .addClass('pum-form--loading') .removeClass('pum-form--errors'); }, afterAjax: function ($form) { var $btn = $form.find('[type="submit"]'), $loading = $btn.find('.pum-form__loader'); $btn.prop('disabled', false); $loading.hide(); $form.removeClass('pum-form--loading'); }, success: function ($form, data) { if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== '') { window.PUM.forms.messages.add($form, [{message: data.message}]); } $form.trigger('success', [data]); if (!$form.data('noredirect') && $form.data('redirect_enabled') !== undefined && data.redirect) { if (data.redirect !== '') { window.location = data.redirect; } else { window.location.reload(true); } } }, errors: function ($form, data) { if (data.errors !== undefined && data.errors.length) { console.log(data.errors); window.PUM.forms.form.display_errors($form, data.errors); window.PUM.forms.messages.scroll_to_first($form); $form .addClass('pum-form--errors') .trigger('errors', [data]); } }, submit: function (event) { var $form = $(this), values = $form.pumSerializeObject(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); window.PUM.forms.form.beforeAjax($form); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: pum_vars.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'pum_form', values: values } }) .always(function () { window.PUM.forms.form.afterAjax($form); }) .done(function (response) { window.PUM.forms.form.responseHandler($form, response); }) .error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('Error: type of ' + textStatus + ' with message of ' + errorThrown); }); } }, /** * Functions to manage form messages. */ messages: { /** * Process & add messages to a form. * * @param $form * @param messages * @param type */ add: function ($form, messages, type) { var $messages = $form.find('.pum-form__messages'), i = 0; type = type || 'success'; messages = messages || []; if (!$messages.length) { $messages = $('<div class="pum-form__messages">').hide(); switch (pum_vars.message_position) { case 'bottom': $form.append($messages.addClass('pum-form__messages--bottom')); break; case 'top': $form.prepend($messages.addClass('pum-form__messages--top')); break; } } if (['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(pum_vars.message_position) >= 0) { for (; messages.length > i; i++) { this.add_message($messages, messages[i].message, type); } } else { /** * Per Field Messaging */ for (; messages.length > i; i++) { if (messages[i].field !== undefined) { this.add_field_error($form, messages[i]); } else { this.add_message($messages, messages[i].message, type); } } } if ($messages.is(':hidden') && $('.pum-form__message', $messages).length) { $messages.slideDown(); } }, add_message: function ($container, message, type) { var $message = $('<p class="pum-form__message">').html(message); type = type || 'success'; $message.addClass('pum-form__message--' + type); $container.append($message); if ($container.is(':visible')) { $message.hide().slideDown(); } }, add_field_error: function ($form, error) { var $field = $('[name="' + error.field + '"]', $form), $wrapper = $field.parents('.pum-form__field').addClass('pum-form__field--error'); this.add_message($wrapper, error.message, 'error'); }, clear_all: function ($form, hide) { var $messages = $form.find('.pum-form__messages'), messages = $messages.find('.pum-form__message'), $errors = $form.find('.pum-form__field.pum-form__field--error'); hide = hide || false; // Remove forms main messages container. if ($messages.length) { messages.slideUp('fast', function () { $(this).remove(); if (hide) { $messages.hide(); } }); } // Remove per field messages. if ($errors.length) { $errors.removeClass('pum-form__field--error').find('p.pum-form__message').remove(); } }, scroll_to_first: function ($form) { window.PUM.utilities.scrollTo($('.pum-form__field.pum-form__field--error', $form).eq(0)); } }, /** * Used to process success actions for forms inside popups. * * @param $form * @param settings */ success: function ($form, settings) { settings = $.extend({}, defaults, settings); if (!settings) { return; } var $parentPopup = PUM.getPopup($form), cookie = {}, redirect = function () { if (settings.redirect_enabled) { if (settings.redirect !== '') { // Redirect to the destination url. window.location = settings.redirect; } else { // Refresh with force true. window.location.reload(true); } } }, callback = function () { if (settings.openpopup && PUM.getPopup(settings.openpopup_id).length) { PUM.open(settings.openpopup_id); } else { redirect(); } }; if ($parentPopup.length) { $parentPopup.trigger('pumFormSuccess'); if (settings.cookie) { cookie = $.extend({ name: 'pum-' + PUM.getSetting($parentPopup, 'id'), expires: '+1 year' }, typeof settings.cookie === 'object' ? settings.cookie : {}); // Set a cookie PUM.setCookie($parentPopup, cookie); } } if ($parentPopup.length && settings.closepopup) { setTimeout(function () { $parentPopup.popmake('close', callback); }, parseInt(settings.closedelay) * 1000); } else { callback(); } } }); }(jQuery)); (function (window, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * Handles managing all events for whatever you plug it into. Priorities for hooks are based on lowest to highest in * that, lowest priority hooks are fired first. */ var EventManager = function () { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; /** * Maintain a reference to the object scope so our public methods never get confusing. */ var MethodsAvailable = { removeFilter: removeFilter, applyFilters: applyFilters, addFilter: addFilter, removeAction: removeAction, doAction: doAction, addAction: addAction }; /** * Contains the hooks that get registered with this EventManager. The array for storage utilizes a "flat" * object literal such that looking up the hook utilizes the native object literal hash. */ var STORAGE = { actions: {}, filters: {} }; /** * Adds an action to the event manager. * * @param action Must contain namespace.identifier * @param callback Must be a valid callback function before this action is added * @param [priority=10] Used to control when the function is executed in relation to other callbacks bound to the same hook * @param [context] Supply a value to be used for this */ function addAction(action, callback, priority, context) { if (typeof action === 'string' && typeof callback === 'function') { priority = parseInt((priority || 10), 10); _addHook('actions', action, callback, priority, context); } return MethodsAvailable; } /** * Performs an action if it exists. You can pass as many arguments as you want to this function; the only rule is * that the first argument must always be the action. */ function doAction(/* action, arg1, arg2, ... */) { var args = slice.call(arguments); var action = args.shift(); if (typeof action === 'string') { _runHook('actions', action, args); } return MethodsAvailable; } /** * Removes the specified action if it contains a namespace.identifier & exists. * * @param action The action to remove * @param [callback] Callback function to remove */ function removeAction(action, callback) { if (typeof action === 'string') { _removeHook('actions', action, callback); } return MethodsAvailable; } /** * Adds a filter to the event manager. * * @param filter Must contain namespace.identifier * @param callback Must be a valid callback function before this action is added * @param [priority=10] Used to control when the function is executed in relation to other callbacks bound to the same hook * @param [context] Supply a value to be used for this */ function addFilter(filter, callback, priority, context) { if (typeof filter === 'string' && typeof callback === 'function') { priority = parseInt((priority || 10), 10); _addHook('filters', filter, callback, priority, context); } return MethodsAvailable; } /** * Performs a filter if it exists. You should only ever pass 1 argument to be filtered. The only rule is that * the first argument must always be the filter. */ function applyFilters(/* filter, filtered arg, arg2, ... */) { var args = slice.call(arguments); var filter = args.shift(); if (typeof filter === 'string') { return _runHook('filters', filter, args); } return MethodsAvailable; } /** * Removes the specified filter if it contains a namespace.identifier & exists. * * @param filter The action to remove * @param [callback] Callback function to remove */ function removeFilter(filter, callback) { if (typeof filter === 'string') { _removeHook('filters', filter, callback); } return MethodsAvailable; } /** * Removes the specified hook by resetting the value of it. * * @param type Type of hook, either 'actions' or 'filters' * @param hook The hook (namespace.identifier) to remove * @private */ function _removeHook(type, hook, callback, context) { var handlers, handler, i; if (!STORAGE[type][hook]) { return; } if (!callback) { STORAGE[type][hook] = []; } else { handlers = STORAGE[type][hook]; if (!context) { for (i = handlers.length; i--;) { if (handlers[i].callback === callback) { handlers.splice(i, 1); } } } else { for (i = handlers.length; i--;) { handler = handlers[i]; if (handler.callback === callback && handler.context === context) { handlers.splice(i, 1); } } } } } /** * Adds the hook to the appropriate storage container * * @param type 'actions' or 'filters' * @param hook The hook (namespace.identifier) to add to our event manager * @param callback The function that will be called when the hook is executed. * @param priority The priority of this hook. Must be an integer. * @param [context] A value to be used for this * @private */ function _addHook(type, hook, callback, priority, context) { var hookObject = { callback: callback, priority: priority, context: context }; // Utilize 'prop itself' : http://jsperf.com/hasownproperty-vs-in-vs-undefined/19 var hooks = STORAGE[type][hook]; if (hooks) { hooks.push(hookObject); hooks = _hookInsertSort(hooks); } else { hooks = [hookObject]; } STORAGE[type][hook] = hooks; } /** * Use an insert sort for keeping our hooks organized based on priority. This function is ridiculously faster * than bubble sort, etc: http://jsperf.com/javascript-sort * * @param hooks The custom array containing all of the appropriate hooks to perform an insert sort on. * @private */ function _hookInsertSort(hooks) { var tmpHook, j, prevHook; for (var i = 1, len = hooks.length; i < len; i++) { tmpHook = hooks[i]; j = i; while ((prevHook = hooks[j - 1]) && prevHook.priority > tmpHook.priority) { hooks[j] = hooks[j - 1]; --j; } hooks[j] = tmpHook; } return hooks; } /** * Runs the specified hook. If it is an action, the value is not modified but if it is a filter, it is. * * @param type 'actions' or 'filters' * @param hook The hook ( namespace.identifier ) to be ran. * @param args Arguments to pass to the action/filter. If it's a filter, args is actually a single parameter. * @private */ function _runHook(type, hook, args) { var handlers = STORAGE[type][hook], i, len; if (!handlers) { return (type === 'filters') ? args[0] : false; } len = handlers.length; if (type === 'filters') { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[0] = handlers[i].callback.apply(handlers[i].context, args); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { handlers[i].callback.apply(handlers[i].context, args); } } return (type === 'filters') ? args[0] : true; } // return all of the publicly available methods return MethodsAvailable; }; window.pum = window.pum || {}; window.pum.hooks = window.pum.hooks || new EventManager(); })(window); /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2019, Code Atlantic LLC ******************************************************************************/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var gFormSettings = {}, pumNFController = false; function initialize_nf_support() { /** Ninja Forms Support */ if (typeof Marionette !== 'undefined' && typeof nfRadio !== 'undefined') { pumNFController = Marionette.Object.extend({ initialize: function () { this.listenTo(nfRadio.channel('forms'), 'submit:response', this.popupMaker) }, popupMaker: function (response, textStatus, jqXHR, formID) { var $form = $('#nf-form-' + formID + '-cont'), settings = {}; if (response.errors.length) { return; } if ('undefined' !== typeof response.data.actions) { settings.openpopup = 'undefined' !== typeof response.data.actions.openpopup; settings.openpopup_id = settings.openpopup ? parseInt(response.data.actions.openpopup) : 0; settings.closepopup = 'undefined' !== typeof response.data.actions.closepopup; settings.closedelay = settings.closepopup ? parseInt(response.data.actions.closepopup) : 0; if (settings.closepopup && response.data.actions.closedelay) { settings.closedelay = parseInt(response.data.actions.closedelay); } } window.PUM.forms.success($form, settings); } }); } } $(document) .ready(function () { /** Ninja Forms Support */ if (pumNFController === false) { initialize_nf_support(); } if (pumNFController !== false) { new pumNFController(); } /** Gravity Forms Support */ $('.gform_wrapper > form').each(function () { var $form = $(this), form_id = $form.attr('id').replace('gform_', ''), $settings = $form.find('input.gforms-pum'), settings = $settings.length ? JSON.parse($settings.val()) : false; if (!settings || typeof settings !== 'object') { return; } if (typeof settings === 'object' && settings.closedelay !== undefined && settings.closedelay.toString().length >= 3) { settings['closedelay'] = settings.closedelay / 1000; } gFormSettings[form_id] = settings; }); }) /** Gravity Forms Support */ .on('gform_confirmation_loaded', function (event, form_id) { var $form = $('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_' + form_id + ',#gforms_confirmation_message_' + form_id), settings = gFormSettings[form_id] || false; window.PUM.forms.success($form, settings); }) /** Contact Form 7 Support */ .on('wpcf7:mailsent', '.wpcf7', function (event) { var $form = $(event.target), $settings = $form.find('input.wpcf7-pum'), settings = $settings.length ? JSON.parse($settings.val()) : false; if (typeof settings === 'object' && settings.closedelay !== undefined && settings.closedelay.toString().length >= 3) { settings['closedelay'] = settings.closedelay / 1000; } window.PUM.forms.success($form, settings); }); }(jQuery)); /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2019, Code Atlantic LLC ******************************************************************************/ (function ($) { 'use strict'; if (pum_vars && pum_vars.core_sub_forms_enabled !== undefined && !pum_vars.core_sub_forms_enabled) { return; } window.PUM = window.PUM || {}; window.PUM.newsletter = window.PUM.newsletter || {}; $.extend(window.PUM.newsletter, { form: $.extend({}, window.PUM.forms.form, { submit: function (event) { var $form = $(this), values = $form.pumSerializeObject(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); window.PUM.newsletter.form.beforeAjax($form); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: pum_vars.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'pum_sub_form', values: values } }) .always(function () { window.PUM.newsletter.form.afterAjax($form); }) .done(function (response) { window.PUM.newsletter.form.responseHandler($form, response); }) .error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('Error: type of ' + textStatus + ' with message of ' + errorThrown); }); } }) }); $(document) .on('submit', 'form.pum-sub-form', window.PUM.newsletter.form.submit) .on('success', 'form.pum-sub-form', function (event, data) { var $form = $(event.target), settings = $form.data('settings') || {}; $form .trigger('pumNewsletterSuccess', [data]) .addClass('pum-newsletter-success'); $form[0].reset(); window.pum.hooks.doAction('pum-sub-form.success', data, $form); if (typeof settings.redirect === 'string') { if (settings.redirect !== '') { settings.redirect = atob(settings.redirect); } } window.PUM.forms.success($form, settings); }) .on('error', 'form.pum-sub-form', function (event, data) { var $form = $(event.target); $form.trigger('pumNewsletterError', [data]); window.pum.hooks.doAction('pum-sub-form.errors', data, $form); }); }(jQuery)); (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; $.extend($.fn.popmake.methods, { addTrigger: function (type) { // Method calling logic if ($.fn.popmake.triggers[type]) { return $.fn.popmake.triggers[type].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } if (window.console) { console.warn('Trigger type ' + type + ' does not exist.'); } return this; } }); $.fn.popmake.triggers = { auto_open: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this); // Set a delayed open. setTimeout(function () { // If the popup is already open return. if ($popup.popmake('state', 'isOpen')) { return; } // If cookie exists or conditions fail return. if ($popup.popmake('checkCookies', settings) || !$popup.popmake('checkConditions')) { return; } // Set the global last open trigger to the a text description of the trigger. $.fn.popmake.last_open_trigger = 'Auto Open - Delay: ' + settings.delay; // Open the popup. $popup.popmake('open'); }, settings.delay); }, click_open: function (settings) { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), popup_settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), trigger_selectors = [ '.popmake-' + popup_settings.id, '.popmake-' + decodeURIComponent(popup_settings.slug), 'a[href$="#popmake-' + popup_settings.id + '"]' ], trigger_selector; if (settings.extra_selectors && settings.extra_selectors !== '') { trigger_selectors.push(settings.extra_selectors); } trigger_selectors = pum.hooks.applyFilters('pum.trigger.click_open.selectors', trigger_selectors, settings, $popup); trigger_selector = trigger_selectors.join(', '); $(trigger_selector) .addClass('pum-trigger') .css({cursor: "pointer"}); $(document).on('click.pumTrigger', trigger_selector, function (event) { var $trigger = $(this), do_default = settings.do_default || false; // If trigger is inside of the popup that it opens, do nothing. if ($popup.has($trigger).length > 0) { return; } // If the popup is already open return. if ($popup.popmake('state', 'isOpen')) { return; } // If cookie exists or conditions fail return. if ($popup.popmake('checkCookies', settings) || !$popup.popmake('checkConditions')) { return; } if ($trigger.data('do-default')) { do_default = $trigger.data('do-default'); } else if ($trigger.hasClass('do-default') || $trigger.hasClass('popmake-do-default') || $trigger.hasClass('pum-do-default')) { do_default = true; } // If trigger has the class do-default we don't prevent default actions. if (!event.ctrlKey && !pum.hooks.applyFilters('pum.trigger.click_open.do_default', do_default, $popup, $trigger)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } // Set the global last open trigger to the clicked element. $.fn.popmake.last_open_trigger = $trigger; // Open the popup. $popup.popmake('open'); }); }, admin_debug: function () { PUM.getPopup(this).popmake('open'); } }; // Register All Triggers for a Popup $(document) .on('pumInit', '.pum', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), settings = $popup.popmake('getSettings'), triggers = settings.triggers || [], trigger = null, i; if (triggers.length) { for (i = 0; triggers.length > i; i += 1) { trigger = triggers[i]; $popup.popmake('addTrigger', trigger.type, trigger.settings); } } }); }(jQuery, document)); /** * Defines the core $.popmake.utilites methods. * Version 1.4 */ (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; var inputTypes = 'color,date,datetime,datetime-local,email,hidden,month,number,password,range,search,tel,text,time,url,week'.split(','), inputNodes = 'select,textarea'.split(','), rName = /\[([^\]]*)\]/g; /** * Polyfill for IE < 9 */ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement /*, fromIndex */) { "use strict"; if (this === void 0 || this === null) throw new TypeError(); var t = Object(this); var len = t.length >>> 0; if (len === 0) return -1; var n = 0; if (arguments.length > 0) { n = Number(arguments[1]); if (n !== n) // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN n = 0; else if (n !== 0 && n !== (1 / 0) && n !== -(1 / 0)) n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)); } if (n >= len) return -1; var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0); for (; k < len; k++) { if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) return k; } return -1; }; } function storeValue(container, parsedName, value) { var part = parsedName[0]; if (parsedName.length > 1) { if (!container[part]) { // If the next part is eq to '' it means we are processing complex name (i.e. `some[]`) // for this case we need to use Array instead of an Object for the index increment purpose container[part] = parsedName[1] ? {} : []; } storeValue(container[part], parsedName.slice(1), value); } else { // Increment Array index for `some[]` case if (!part) { part = container.length; } container[part] = value; } } $.fn.popmake.utilities = { scrollTo: function (target, callback) { var $target = $(target) || $(); if (!$target.length) { return; } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $target.offset().top - 100 }, 1000, 'swing', function () { // Find the first :input that isn't a button or hidden type. var $input = $target.find(':input:not([type="button"]):not([type="hidden"]):not(button)').eq(0); if ($input.hasClass('wp-editor-area')) { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceFocus', false, $input.attr('id')); } else { $input.focus(); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }); }, /** * In Array tester function. Similar to PHP's in_array() * @param needle * @param array * @returns {boolean} */ inArray: function (needle, array) { return !!~array.indexOf(needle); }, convert_hex: function (hex, opacity) { hex = hex.replace('#', ''); var r = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16), g = parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16), b = parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16); return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + opacity / 100 + ')'; }, debounce: function (callback, threshold) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this, params = arguments; window.clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = window.setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(context, params); }, threshold); }; }, throttle: function (callback, threshold) { var suppress = false, clear = function () { suppress = false; }; return function () { if (!suppress) { callback.apply(this, arguments); window.setTimeout(clear, threshold); suppress = true; } }; }, getXPath: function (element) { var path = [], current, id, classes, tag, eq; $.each($(element).parents(), function (index, value) { current = $(value); id = current.attr("id") || ''; classes = current.attr("class") || ''; tag = current.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase(); eq = current.parent().children(tag).index(current); if (tag === 'body') { return false; } if (classes.length > 0) { classes = classes.split(' '); classes = classes[0]; } path.push(tag + (id.length > 0 ? "#" + id : (classes.length > 0 ? "." + classes.split(' ').join('.') : ':eq(' + eq + ')'))); }); return path.reverse().join(' > '); }, strtotime: function (text, now) { // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/strtotime/ // version: 1109.2016 // original by: Caio Ariede (http://caioariede.com) // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // improved by: Caio Ariede (http://caioariede.com) // improved by: A. Matas Quezada (http://amatiasq.com) // improved by: preuter // improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // improved by: Mirko Faber // input by: David // bugfixed by: Wagner B. Soares // bugfixed by: Artur Tchernychev // note: Examples all have a fixed timestamp to prevent tests to fail because of variable time(zones) // example 1: strtotime('+1 day', 1129633200); // returns 1: 1129719600 // example 2: strtotime('+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds', 1129633200); // returns 2: 1130425202 // example 3: strtotime('last month', 1129633200); // returns 3: 1127041200 // example 4: strtotime('2009-05-04 08:30:00 GMT'); // returns 4: 1241425800 var parsed, match, today, year, date, days, ranges, len, times, regex, i, fail = false; if (!text) { return fail; } // Unecessary spaces text = text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') .replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ') .replace(/[\t\r\n]/g, '') .toLowerCase(); // in contrast to php, js Date.parse function interprets: // dates given as yyyy-mm-dd as in timezone: UTC, // dates with "." or "-" as MDY instead of DMY // dates with two-digit years differently // etc...etc... // ...therefore we manually parse lots of common date formats match = text.match(/^(\d{1,4})([\-\.\/\:])(\d{1,2})([\-\.\/\:])(\d{1,4})(?:\s(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})?:?(\d{2})?)?(?:\s([A-Z]+)?)?$/); if (match && match[2] === match[4]) { if (match[1] > 1901) { switch (match[2]) { case '-': // YYYY-M-D if (match[3] > 12 || match[5] > 31) { return fail; } return new Date(match[1], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[5], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; case '.': // YYYY.M.D is not parsed by strtotime() return fail; case '/': // YYYY/M/D if (match[3] > 12 || match[5] > 31) { return fail; } return new Date(match[1], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[5], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; } } else if (match[5] > 1901) { switch (match[2]) { case '-': // D-M-YYYY if (match[3] > 12 || match[1] > 31) { return fail; } return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[1], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; case '.': // D.M.YYYY if (match[3] > 12 || match[1] > 31) { return fail; } return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[1], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; case '/': // M/D/YYYY if (match[1] > 12 || match[3] > 31) { return fail; } return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[1], 10) - 1, match[3], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; } } else { switch (match[2]) { case '-': // YY-M-D if (match[3] > 12 || match[5] > 31 || (match[1] < 70 && match[1] > 38)) { return fail; } year = match[1] >= 0 && match[1] <= 38 ? +match[1] + 2000 : match[1]; return new Date(year, parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[5], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; case '.': // D.M.YY or H.MM.SS if (match[5] >= 70) { // D.M.YY if (match[3] > 12 || match[1] > 31) { return fail; } return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[1], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; } if (match[5] < 60 && !match[6]) { // H.MM.SS if (match[1] > 23 || match[3] > 59) { return fail; } today = new Date(); return new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(), match[1] || 0, match[3] || 0, match[5] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; } return fail; // invalid format, cannot be parsed case '/': // M/D/YY if (match[1] > 12 || match[3] > 31 || (match[5] < 70 && match[5] > 38)) { return fail; } year = match[5] >= 0 && match[5] <= 38 ? +match[5] + 2000 : match[5]; return new Date(year, parseInt(match[1], 10) - 1, match[3], match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000; case ':': // HH:MM:SS if (match[1] > 23 || match[3] > 59 || match[5] > 59) { return fail; } today = new Date(); return new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(), match[1] || 0, match[3] || 0, match[5] || 0) / 1000; } } } // other formats and "now" should be parsed by Date.parse() if (text === 'now') { return now === null || isNaN(now) ? new Date() .getTime() / 1000 || 0 : now || 0; } parsed = Date.parse(text); if (!isNaN(parsed)) { return parsed / 1000 || 0; } date = now ? new Date(now * 1000) : new Date(); days = { 'sun': 0, 'mon': 1, 'tue': 2, 'wed': 3, 'thu': 4, 'fri': 5, 'sat': 6 }; ranges = { 'yea': 'FullYear', 'mon': 'Month', 'day': 'Date', 'hou': 'Hours', 'min': 'Minutes', 'sec': 'Seconds' }; function lastNext(type, range, modifier) { var diff, day = days[range]; if (day !== undefined) { diff = day - date.getDay(); if (diff === 0) { diff = 7 * modifier; } else if (diff > 0 && type === 'last') { diff -= 7; } else if (diff < 0 && type === 'next') { diff += 7; } date.setDate(date.getDate() + diff); } } function process(val) { var splt = val.split(' '), type = splt[0], range = splt[1].substring(0, 3), typeIsNumber = /\d+/.test(type), ago = splt[2] === 'ago', num = (type === 'last' ? -1 : 1) * (ago ? -1 : 1); if (typeIsNumber) { num *= parseInt(type, 10); } if (ranges.hasOwnProperty(range) && !splt[1].match(/^mon(day|\.)?$/i)) { return date['set' + ranges[range]](date['get' + ranges[range]]() + num); } if (range === 'wee') { return date.setDate(date.getDate() + (num * 7)); } if (type === 'next' || type === 'last') { lastNext(type, range, num); } else if (!typeIsNumber) { return false; } return true; } times = '(years?|months?|weeks?|days?|hours?|minutes?|min|seconds?|sec' + '|sunday|sun\\.?|monday|mon\\.?|tuesday|tue\\.?|wednesday|wed\\.?' + '|thursday|thu\\.?|friday|fri\\.?|saturday|sat\\.?)'; regex = '([+-]?\\d+\\s' + times + '|' + '(last|next)\\s' + times + ')(\\sago)?'; match = text.match(new RegExp(regex, 'gi')); if (!match) { return fail; } for (i = 0, len = match.length; i < len; i += 1) { if (!process(match[i])) { return fail; } } // ECMAScript 5 only // if (!match.every(process)) // return false; return (date.getTime() / 1000); }, serializeObject: function (options) { $.extend({}, options); var values = {}, settings = $.extend(true, { include: [], exclude: [], includeByClass: '' }, options); this.find(':input').each(function () { var parsedName; // Apply simple checks and filters if (!this.name || this.disabled || window.PUM.utilities.inArray(this.name, settings.exclude) || (settings.include.length && !window.PUM.utilities.inArray(this.name, settings.include)) || this.className.indexOf(settings.includeByClass) === -1) { return; } // Parse complex names // JS RegExp doesn't support "positive look behind" :( that's why so weird parsing is used parsedName = this.name.replace(rName, '[$1').split('['); if (!parsedName[0]) { return; } if (this.checked || window.PUM.utilities.inArray(this.type, inputTypes) || window.PUM.utilities.inArray(this.nodeName.toLowerCase(), inputNodes)) { // Simulate control with a complex name (i.e. `some[]`) // as it handled in the same way as Checkboxes should if (this.type === 'checkbox') { parsedName.push(''); } // jQuery.val() is used to simplify of getting values // from the custom controls (which follow jQuery .val() API) and Multiple Select storeValue(values, parsedName, $(this).val()); } }); return values; } }; //$.fn.pumSerializeObject = $.fn.popmake.utilities.serializeObject; // Deprecated fix. utilies was renamed because of typo. $.fn.popmake.utilies = $.fn.popmake.utilities; window.PUM = window.PUM || {}; window.PUM.utilities = window.PUM.utilities || {}; window.PUM.utilities = $.extend(window.PUM.utilities, $.fn.popmake.utilities); }(jQuery, document)); /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2019, Code Atlantic LLC ******************************************************************************/ (function (root, factory) { // AMD if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["exports", "jquery"], function (exports, $) { return factory(exports, $); }); } // CommonJS else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { var $ = require("jquery"); factory(exports, $); } // Browser else { factory(root, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$)); } }(this, function (exports, $) { var patterns = { validate: /^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*(?:\[(?:\d*|[a-z0-9_]+)\])*$/i, key: /[a-z0-9_]+|(?=\[\])/gi, push: /^$/, fixed: /^\d+$/, named: /^[a-z0-9_]+$/i }; function FormSerializer(helper, $form) { // private variables var data = {}, pushes = {}; // private API function build(base, key, value) { base[key] = value; return base; } function makeObject(root, value) { var keys = root.match(patterns.key), k; try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch (Error) { } // nest, nest, ..., nest while ((k = keys.pop()) !== undefined) { // foo[] if (patterns.push.test(k)) { var idx = incrementPush(root.replace(/\[\]$/, '')); value = build([], idx, value); } // foo[n] else if (patterns.fixed.test(k)) { value = build([], k, value); } // foo; foo[bar] else if (patterns.named.test(k)) { value = build({}, k, value); } } return value; } function incrementPush(key) { if (pushes[key] === undefined) { pushes[key] = 0; } return pushes[key]++; } function encode(pair) { switch ($('[name="' + pair.name + '"]', $form).attr("type")) { case "checkbox": return pair.value === "1" ? true : pair.value; default: return pair.value; } } function addPair(pair) { if (!patterns.validate.test(pair.name)) return this; var obj = makeObject(pair.name, encode(pair)); data = helper.extend(true, data, obj); return this; } function addPairs(pairs) { if (!helper.isArray(pairs)) { throw new Error("formSerializer.addPairs expects an Array"); } for (var i = 0, len = pairs.length; i < len; i++) { this.addPair(pairs[i]); } return this; } function serialize() { return data; } function serializeJSON() { return JSON.stringify(serialize()); } // public API this.addPair = addPair; this.addPairs = addPairs; this.serialize = serialize; this.serializeJSON = serializeJSON; } FormSerializer.patterns = patterns; FormSerializer.serializeObject = function serializeObject() { var serialized; if (this.is('form')) { serialized = this.serializeArray(); } else { serialized = this.find(':input').serializeArray(); } return new FormSerializer($, this) .addPairs(serialized) .serialize(); }; FormSerializer.serializeJSON = function serializeJSON() { var serialized; if (this.is('form')) { serialized = this.serializeArray(); } else { serialized = this.find(':input').serializeArray(); } return new FormSerializer($, this) .addPairs(serialized) .serializeJSON(); }; if (typeof $.fn !== "undefined") { $.fn.pumSerializeObject = FormSerializer.serializeObject; $.fn.pumSerializeJSON = FormSerializer.serializeJSON; } exports.FormSerializer = FormSerializer; return FormSerializer; })); /** * Initialize Popup Maker. * Version 1.8 */ (function ($, document, undefined) { "use strict"; // Defines the current version. $.fn.popmake.version = 1.8; // Stores the last open popup. $.fn.popmake.last_open_popup = null; $(document).ready(function () { $('.pum').popmake(); $(document).trigger('pumInitialized'); /** * Process php based form submissions when the form_success args are passed. */ if (typeof pum_vars.form_success === 'object') { pum_vars.form_success = $.extend({ popup_id: null, settings: {} }); PUM.forms.success(pum_vars.form_success.popup_id, pum_vars.form_success.settings); } }); /** * Add hidden field to all popup forms. */ $('.pum').on('pumInit', function () { var $popup = PUM.getPopup(this), popupID = PUM.getSetting($popup, 'id'), $forms = $popup.find('form'); /** * If there are forms in the popup add a hidden field for use in retriggering the popup on reload. */ if ($forms.length) { $forms.append('<input type="hidden" name="pum_form_popup_id" value="' + popupID + '" />'); } }); }(jQuery));
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |