Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/media/dist/smartslider-backend.js
Error occurred
(function(){var N=this;N.N2_=N.N2_||{r:[],d:[]},N.N2R=N.N2R||function(){N.N2_.r.push(arguments)},N.N2D=N.N2D||function(){N.N2_.d.push(arguments)}}).call(window); N2D('ContextMenu', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param $el * @param parameters * @constructor */ function ContextMenu($el, parameters) { this.isActive = false; this.$el = $el.data('nextendcontextmenu', this); this.parameters = $.extend({ selector: false, onShow: function () { } }, parameters); this.$menu = $('<div class="n2-context-menu"></div>').on('mousedown', function () { N2Classes.WindowManager.get().setMouseDownArea('context-menu'); }).appendTo('body'); if (this.parameters.selector) { this.$el.on('contextmenu', this.parameters.selector, $.proxy(this.onShowContextMenu, this)); } else { this.$el.on('contextmenu', $.proxy(this.onShowContextMenu, this)); } } ContextMenu.prototype.onShowContextMenu = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.clearItems(); this.parameters.onShow.call(this, e, this); if (this.hasItems) { e.stopPropagation(); this.isActive = true; this.$menu.css({ left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY }); $('html').on('mouseleave.nextendcontextmenu, click.nextendcontextmenu', $.proxy(this.onHide, this)); } this.$menu.toggleClass('n2-active', this.hasItems); }; ContextMenu.prototype.onHide = function () { $('html').off('.nextendcontextmenu'); this.$menu.removeClass('n2-active'); this.isActive = false; }; ContextMenu.prototype.clearItems = function () { if (this.isActive) { this.onHide(); } this.hasItems = false; this.$menu.html(''); }; ContextMenu.prototype.addItem = function (label, icon, action) { this.hasItems = true; this.$menu.append($('<div><i class="n2-i ' + icon + '"></i><span>' + label + '</span></div>').on('click', action)); }; $.fn.nextendContextMenu = function (parameters) { return this.each(function () { new ContextMenu($(this), parameters); }); }; return ContextMenu; }); N2D('Zoom', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param responsive * @constructor */ function Zoom(responsive) { this.currentContainerWidth = 0; this.devices = { unknownUnknown: $('<div />') }; /** * * @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive[]} */ this.responsives = []; this.add(responsive); var desktopWidth = responsive.parameters.sliderWidthToDevice['desktopPortrait']; this.container = responsive.containerElement.closest('.n2-ss-container-device,.n2-ss-canvas-slider-container').add(responsive.containerElement.closest('.n2-ss-slider-outer-container')); this.container.width(desktopWidth); this.containerWidth = desktopWidth; this.initZoom(); var tr = $('#n2-ss-devices .n2-tr'), modes = responsive.parameters.deviceModes; this.devices.desktopPortrait = $('<div class="n2-td n2-panel-option" data-device="desktop" data-orientation="portrait"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-v-desktop"></i></div>').prependTo(tr); if (modes.desktopLandscape) { this.devices.desktopLandscape = $('<div class="n2-td n2-panel-option" data-device="desktop" data-orientation="landscape"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-v-desktop-landscape"></i></div>').prependTo(tr); } else { this.devices.desktopLandscape = this.devices.desktopPortrait; } if (modes.tabletPortrait) { this.devices.tabletPortrait = $('<div class="n2-td n2-panel-option" data-device="tablet" data-orientation="portrait"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-v-tablet"></i></div>').prependTo(tr); } else { this.devices.tabletPortrait = this.devices.desktopPortrait; } if (modes.tabletLandscape) { this.devices.tabletLandscape = $('<div class="n2-td n2-panel-option" data-device="tablet" data-orientation="landscape"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-v-tablet-landscape"></i></div>').prependTo(tr); } else { this.devices.tabletLandscape = this.devices.desktopLandscape; } if (modes.mobilePortrait) { this.devices.mobilePortrait = $('<div class="n2-td n2-panel-option" data-device="mobile" data-orientation="portrait"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-v-mobile"></i></div>').prependTo(tr); } else { this.devices.mobilePortrait = this.devices.tabletPortrait; } if (modes.mobileLandscape) { this.devices.mobileLandscape = $('<div class="n2-td n2-panel-option" data-device="mobile" data-orientation="landscape"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-v-mobile-landscape"></i></div>').prependTo(tr); } else { this.devices.mobileLandscape = this.devices.tabletLandscape; } this.deviceOptions = $('#n2-ss-devices .n2-panel-option'); this.deviceOptions.each($.proxy(function (i, el) { $(el).on({ mousedown: $.proxy(N2Classes.WindowManager.setMouseDownArea, null, 'zoomDeviceClicked'), click: $.proxy(this.setDeviceMode, this) }); }, this)); responsive.sliderElement.on('SliderDeviceOrientation', $.proxy(this.onDeviceOrientationChange, this)); } var zoom = null; Zoom.add = function (responsive) { zoom = new Zoom(responsive); Zoom.add = function (responsive) { zoom.add(responsive); }; }; Zoom.prototype.add = function (responsive) { this.responsives.push(responsive); this.setOrientation('portrait'); responsive.parameters.onResizeEnabled = 0; responsive.parameters.forceFull = 0; // We should disable force full feature on admin dashboard as it won't render before the sidebar responsive._getDevice = responsive._getDeviceZoom; }; Zoom.prototype.onDeviceOrientationChange = function (e, modes) { $('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-mode-' + modes.lastDevice + modes.lastOrientation) .addClass('n2-ss-mode-' + modes.device + modes.orientation); this.devices[modes.lastDevice + modes.lastOrientation].removeClass('n2-active'); this.devices[modes.device + modes.orientation].addClass('n2-active'); }; Zoom.prototype.initZoom = function () { var zoom = $("#n2-ss-slider-zoom"); if (zoom.length > 0) { if (typeof zoom[0].slide !== 'undefined') { zoom[0].slide = null; } this.zoom = zoom.removeAttr('slide').prop('slide', false) .nUISlider({ step: 1, value: 1, min: 0, max: 102 }); this.$handle = zoom.data('nUISlider').handle; // Init the slider width this.responsives[0].sliderElement.one('SliderResize', $.proxy(function (e) { var newWidth = this.responsives[0].containerElement.width(); this.setContainerWidth(e, newWidth, true); }, this)); this.zoom.on({ 'slide.n2-ss-zoom': $.proxy(this.zoomChange, this), 'slidechange.n2-ss-zoom': $.proxy(this.zoomChange, this) }); } }; Zoom.prototype.zoomChange = function (e, ui) { if (e.originalEvent !== undefined) { var value = ui.value, width; var ratio = 1; if (value < 50) { ratio = nextend.smallestZoom / this.containerWidth + Math.max(value / 50, 0) * (1 - nextend.smallestZoom / this.containerWidth); } else if (value > 52) { ratio = 1 + (value - 52) / 50; } width = parseInt(ratio * this.containerWidth); this.setContainerWidth(e, width); } }; Zoom.prototype.setContainerWidth = function (e, targetWidth, syncSlider) { if (this.currentContainerWidth != targetWidth) { this.currentContainerWidth = targetWidth; this.$handle.html(targetWidth + 'px'); this.container.width(targetWidth); for (var i = 0; i < this.responsives.length; i++) { this.responsives[i].doResize(e); } if (syncSlider) { var ratio = targetWidth / this.containerWidth; var v = 50; if (ratio < 1) { v = (ratio - nextend.smallestZoom / this.containerWidth) / (1 - nextend.smallestZoom / this.containerWidth) * 50; } else if (ratio > 1) { v = (ratio - 1) * 50 + 52; } this.zoom.nUISlider("option", 'value', v); } $(window).trigger('resize'); } }; Zoom.prototype.setDeviceMode = function (e) { var el = $(e.currentTarget); if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && this.responsives[0].slider.editor.fragmentEditor) { var orientation = el.data('orientation'); this.responsives[0].slider.editor.fragmentEditor.copyOrResetMode(el.data('device') + orientation[0].toUpperCase() + orientation.substr(1)); } else { this.setOrientation(el.data('orientation')); this.setContainerWidth(e, this.getModeWidth(el.data('device')), true); } }; Zoom.prototype.getModeWidth = function (newMode) { var responsive = this.responsives[0], orientation; if (responsive.orientationMode == N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.ADMIN_PORTRAIT) { orientation = N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT; } else { orientation = N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE; } var width = responsive.parameters.sliderWidthToDevice[newMode + N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[orientation]]; if (newMode == 'mobile') { switch (N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[orientation]) { case 'Portrait': width = Math.max(nextend.smallestZoom, 320); break; } } return width; }; Zoom.prototype.setOrientation = function (newOrientation) { if (newOrientation == 'portrait') { for (var i = 0; i < this.responsives.length; i++) { this.responsives[i].orientationMode = N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.ADMIN_PORTRAIT; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.responsives.length; i++) { this.responsives[i].orientationMode = N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.ADMIN_LANDSCAPE; } } }; return Zoom; }); N2D('CreateSlider', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param groupID * @param ajaxUrl * @param shouldSkipLicenseModal * @constructor */ function CreateSlider(groupID, ajaxUrl, shouldSkipLicenseModal) { this.addToGroupModal = null; this.groupID = groupID; this.ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl; this.shouldSkipLicenseModal = shouldSkipLicenseModal; $('.n2-ss-create-slider').click($.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.showModal(); }, this)); this.notificationStack = new N2Classes.NotificationStackModal($('body')); $('.n2-ss-add-sample-slider').click($.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.showDemoSliders(); }, this)); if (window.location.hash.substring(1) === 'createslider') { this.showModal(); } } CreateSlider.prototype.showModal = function () { if (!this.createSliderModal) { var that = this; var ajaxUrl = this.ajaxUrl; var presets = []; presets.push({ key: 'default', name: n2_('Default'), image: '$ss$/admin/images/sliderpresets/default.png' }); presets.push({ key: 'fullwidth', name: n2_('Full width'), image: '$ss$/admin/images/sliderpresets/fullwidth.png' }); presets.push({ key: 'thumbnailhorizontal', name: n2_('Thumbnail - horizontal'), image: '$ss$/admin/images/sliderpresets/thumbnailhorizontal.png' }); var size = [550, 540]; this.createSliderModal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: size, title: n2_('Create Slider'), back: false, close: true, content: '<form class="n2-form"></form>', controls: [ '<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Create') + '</a>' ], fn: { show: function () { var button = this.controls.find('.n2-button-green'), form = this.content.find('.n2-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger('click'); }); form.append(this.createInput(n2_('Slider name'), 'createslidertitle', 'width: 240px;')); form.append(this.createInputUnit(n2_('Width'), 'createsliderwidth', 'px', 'width: 30px;')); form.append(this.createInputUnit(n2_('Height'), 'createsliderheight', 'px', 'width: 30px;')); new N2Classes.FormElementAutocompleteSimple("createsliderwidth", ["1920", "1200", "1000", "800", "600", "400"]); new N2Classes.FormElementAutocompleteSimple("createsliderheight", ["800", "600", "500", "400", "300", "200"]); var sliderTitle = $('#createslidertitle').val(n2_('Slider')).focus(), sliderWidth = $('#createsliderwidth').val(1200), sliderHeight = $('#createsliderheight').val(500); sliderWidth.parent().addClass('n2-form-element-autocomplete'); sliderHeight.parent().addClass('n2-form-element-autocomplete'); this.createHeading(n2_('Preset')).appendTo(this.content); var imageRadioHeight = 120 var imageRadio = this.createImageRadio(presets) .css({ height: imageRadioHeight, display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'wrap' }) .appendTo(this.content), sliderPreset = imageRadio.find('input'); imageRadio.css('overflow', 'hidden'); this.createHeading(n2_('Import Sample Sliders')).appendTo(this.content); $('<div class="n2-ss-create-slider-free-sample" style="background-image: url(\'' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed('$ss$/admin/images/free/sample1.png') + '\')"></div><div class="n2-ss-create-slider-free-sample" style="background-image: url(\'' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed('$ss$/admin/images/free/sample2.png') + '\')"></div><div class="n2-ss-create-slider-free-sample" style="background-image: url(\'' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed('$ss$/admin/images/free/sample3.png') + '\')"></div>') .on('click', $.proxy(function () { this.hide(); that.showDemoSliders(); }, this)) .appendTo(this.content); button.on('click', $.proxy(function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'create' }), data: { groupID: that.groupID, sliderTitle: sliderTitle.val(), sliderSizeWidth: sliderWidth.val(), sliderSizeHeight: sliderHeight.val(), preset: sliderPreset.val() }, dataType: 'json' }).done($.proxy(function (response) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.startLoading(); }, this)); }, this)); } } } }); } this.createSliderModal.show(); }; CreateSlider.prototype.showDemoSliders = function () { var that = this; $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); var pro = 0; var frame = $('<iframe src="//smartslider3.com/demo-import/?pro=' + pro + '&version=' + N2SS3VERSION + '&utm_campaign=' + N2SS3C + '&utm_source=import-slider-frame&utm_medium=smartslider-' + N2PLATFORM + '-' + (pro ? 'pro' : 'free') + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>').css({ position: 'fixed', zIndex: 100000, left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%' }).appendTo('body'), closeFrame = function () { $('body').css('overflow', ''); frame.remove(); window.removeEventListener("message", listener, false); that.notificationStack.popStack(); }, importSlider = function (href) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(that.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'importDemo' }), data: { groupID: that.groupID, key: N2Classes.Base64.encode(href.replace(/^(http(s)?:)?\/\//, '//')) }, dataType: 'json' }).fail(function () { //closeFrame(); }); }, listener = function (e) { if (e.origin !== "http://smartslider3.com" && e.origin !== "https://smartslider3.com") return; var msg = e.data; switch (msg.key) { case 'importSlider': if (typeof nextend.joinCommunity === 'function') { nextend.joinCommunity(function () { importSlider(msg.data.href); }); } else { importSlider(msg.data.href); } return; break; case 'closeWindow': closeFrame(); } }; this.notificationStack.enableStack(); N2Classes.Esc.add($.proxy(function () { closeFrame(); return true; }, this)); window.addEventListener("message", listener, false); }; return CreateSlider; }); N2D('ManageSliders', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param groupID * @param ajaxUrl * @param shouldSkipLicenseModal * @constructor */ function ManageSliders(groupID, ajaxUrl, shouldSkipLicenseModal) { this.groupID = groupID; this.ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl; this.sliders = []; this.sliderPanel = $('#n2-ss-slider-container'); this.orderBy = this.sliderPanel.data('orderby') == 'ordering' ? true : false; this.slidersContainer = this.sliderPanel.find('.n2-ss-sliders-container'); var sliders = this.slidersContainer.find('.n2-ss-box-slider'); for (var i = 0; i < sliders.length; i++) { this.sliders.push(new N2Classes.Slider(this, sliders.eq(i))); } this.changed(); this.initMenu(); this.initOrderable(); this.create = new N2Classes.CreateSlider(groupID, ajaxUrl, shouldSkipLicenseModal); this.initBulk(); } ManageSliders.prototype.changed = function () { $('html').attr('data-sliders', this.sliders.length); }; ManageSliders.prototype.initSliders = function () { var sliderNodes = this.slidersContainer.find('.n2-ss-box-slider'), sliders = []; for (var i = 0; i < sliderNodes.length; i++) { var slider = sliderNodes.eq(i).data('slider'); sliders.push(slider); } this.sliders = sliders; this.changed(); $(window).triggerHandler('SmartSliderSidebarSlidersChanged'); }; ManageSliders.prototype.initOrderable = function () { if (this.orderBy) { var sortableObject = { helper: 'clone', items: "> .n2-ss-box-slider", stop: $.proxy(this.saveOrder, this), placeholder: 'n2-box-sortable-placeholder', distance: 10 }; this.slidersContainer.nUISortable(sortableObject); } }; ManageSliders.prototype.saveOrder = function (e, ui) { var sliderNodes = this.slidersContainer.find('.n2-ss-box-slider'), sliders = [], ids = [], originalIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < sliderNodes.length; i++) { var slider = sliderNodes.eq(i).data('slider'); sliders.push(slider); ids.push(slider.getId()); } for (var i = 0; i < this.sliders.length; i++) { originalIds.push(this.sliders[i].getId()); } if (JSON.stringify(originalIds) != JSON.stringify(ids)) { $(window).triggerHandler('SmartSliderSidebarSlidersOrderChanged'); var queries = { nextendcontroller: 'sliders', nextendaction: 'order' }; N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, queries), data: { groupID: this.groupID, sliderorder: ids, isReversed: (this.sliderPanel.data('orderbydirection') == 'DESC' ? 1 : 0) } }); this.sliders = sliders; } }; ManageSliders.prototype.initMenu = function () { this.slider = null; this.menu = $('#n2-ss-slider-menu').detach().addClass('n2-inited'); this.menuActions = { duplicate: this.menu.find('.n2-ss-duplicate').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { this.slider.duplicate(e); }, this)), 'delete': this.menu.find('.n2-ss-delete').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { this.slider.delete(e); }, this)), preview: this.menu.find('.n2-ss-preview').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { this.slider.preview(e); }, this)) }; this.menu.find('.n2-button').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (this.menu.hasClass('n2-active')) { this.menu.removeClass('n2-active').off('mouseleave'); } else { this.menu.addClass('n2-active').on('mouseleave', function () { $(this).removeClass('n2-active'); }); } }, this)); }; ManageSliders.prototype.showMenu = function (slider) { this.slider = slider; this.menu.appendTo(slider.box); }; ManageSliders.prototype.hideMenu = function () { if (this.menu.hasClass('n2-active')) { this.menu.removeClass('n2-active').off('mouseleave'); } this.menu.detach(); }; ManageSliders.prototype.deleteSliders = function (ids, sliders) { this.hideMenu(); var title = sliders[0].box.find('.n2-box-placeholder-title a').text(); if (sliders.length > 1) { title += ' and ' + (sliders.length - 1) + ' more'; } N2Classes.NextendModal.deleteModal('slider-delete', title, $.proxy(function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendcontroller: 'sliders', nextendaction: 'delete' }), type: 'POST', data: { sliders: ids } }).done($.proxy(function () { for (var i = 0; i < sliders.length; i++) { sliders[i].deleted(); } this.initSliders(); this.leaveBulk(); }, this)); }, this)); }; ManageSliders.prototype.duplicateSliders = function (ids, slides) { for (var i = 0; i < this.sliders.length; i++) { if (this.sliders[i].selected) { this.sliders[i].duplicate($.Event("click", { currentTarget: null })); } } }; ManageSliders.prototype.exportSliders = function (ids, sliders) { window.location.href = (N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeFallbackUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendcontroller: 'sliders', nextendaction: 'exportAll' }) + '&' + $.param({sliders: ids, currentGroupID: this.groupID})); }; ManageSliders.prototype.initBulk = function () { this.selection = []; this.isBulkSelection = false; var selects = $('.n2-bulk-select').find('a'); //Select all selects.eq(0).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.bulkSelect(function (slider) { slider.select(); }); }, this)); //Select none selects.eq(1).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.bulkSelect(function (slider) { slider.deSelect(); }); }, this)); var actions = $('.n2-bulk-actions').find('a') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch ($(e.currentTarget).data('action')) { case 'duplicate': this.bulkAction('duplicateSliders', false); break; case 'delete': this.bulkAction('deleteSliders', false); break; case 'export': this.bulkAction('exportSliders', false); break; case 'addToGroup': this.bulkAction('addToGroup', true); break; } }, this)); }; ManageSliders.prototype.addSelection = function (slider) { if (this.selection.length == 0) { this.enterBulk(); } this.selection.push(slider); }; ManageSliders.prototype.removeSelection = function (slider) { this.selection.splice($.inArray(slider, this.selection), 1); if (this.selection.length == 0) { this.leaveBulk(); } }; ManageSliders.prototype.bulkSelect = function (cb) { for (var i = 0; i < this.sliders.length; i++) { cb(this.sliders[i]); } }; ManageSliders.prototype.bulkAction = function (action, skipGroups) { var sliders = [], ids = []; this.bulkSelect(function (slider) { if (slider.selected && (!skipGroups || !slider.isGroup)) { sliders.push(slider); ids.push(slider.getId()); } }); if (ids.length) { this[action](ids, sliders); this.leaveBulk(); } else { if (skipGroups) { N2Classes.Notification.notice('Please select one or more sliders for the action!'); } else { N2Classes.Notification.notice('Please select one or more sliders or groups for the action!'); } } }; ManageSliders.prototype.enterBulk = function () { if (!this.isBulkSelection) { this.isBulkSelection = true; if (this.orderBy) { this.slidersContainer.nUISortable('option', 'disabled', true); } $('#n2-admin').addClass('n2-ss-has-box-selection'); } }; ManageSliders.prototype.leaveBulk = function () { if (this.isBulkSelection) { if (this.orderBy) { this.slidersContainer.nUISortable('option', 'disabled', false); } $('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-has-box-selection'); for (var i = 0; i < this.sliders.length; i++) { this.sliders[i].deSelect(); } this.selection = []; this.isBulkSelection = false; } }; return ManageSliders; }); N2D('Slider', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param manager * @param box * @constructor */ function Slider(manager, box) { this.selected = false; this.manager = manager; this.box = box.data('slider', this) .addClass('n2-clickable'); this.isGroup = this.box.hasClass('n2-ss-box-slider-group'); this.box .on('mouseenter', $.proxy(function () { this.manager.showMenu(this); }, this)) .on('mouseleave', $.proxy(function () { this.manager.hideMenu(); }, this)) .on('click.n2-slider', $.proxy(this.goToEdit, this)); this.box.find('.n2-ss-box-select').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.invertSelection(); }, this)); }; Slider.prototype.getId = function () { return this.box.data('sliderid'); }; Slider.prototype.goToEdit = function (e, isBlank) { if (e.target.tagName !== 'A') { var editUrl = this.box.data('editurl'); if (typeof isBlank !== 'undefined' && isBlank) { window.open(editUrl, '_blank'); } else { window.location = editUrl; } } }; Slider.prototype.preview = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); window.open(N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeFallbackUrl(this.box.data('editurl'), { nextendcontroller: 'preview', nextendaction: 'index' }), '_blank'); }; Slider.prototype.duplicate = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var deferred = $.Deferred(); N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.box.data('editurl'), { nextendcontroller: 'slider', nextendaction: 'duplicate' }) }).done($.proxy(function (response) { var box = $(response.data).insertAfter(this.box); var newSlider = new Slider(this.manager, box); this.manager.initSliders(); deferred.resolve(newSlider); }, this)); return deferred; }; Slider.prototype.delete = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.manager.deleteSliders([this.getId()], [this]); }; Slider.prototype.deleted = function () { this.box.remove(); }; Slider.prototype.invertSelection = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (!this.selected) { this.select(); } else { this.deSelect(); } }; Slider.prototype.select = function () { if (!this.selected) { this.selected = true; this.box.addClass('n2-selected'); this.manager.addSelection(this); } }; Slider.prototype.deSelect = function () { if (this.selected) { this.selected = false; this.box.removeClass('n2-selected'); this.manager.removeSelection(this); } }; return Slider; }); N2D('FormElementAnimationManager', ['FormElement'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param id * @param managerIdentifier * @constructor */ function FormElementAnimationManager(id, managerIdentifier) { this.element = $('#' + id); this.managerIdentifier = managerIdentifier; this.element.parent() .on('click', $.proxy(this.show, this)); this.element.siblings('.n2-form-element-clear') .on('click', $.proxy(this.clear, this)); this.name = this.element.siblings('input'); this.updateName(this.element.val()); N2Classes.FormElement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } FormElementAnimationManager.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FormElement.prototype); FormElementAnimationManager.prototype.constructor = FormElementAnimationManager; FormElementAnimationManager.prototype.show = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); nextend[this.managerIdentifier].show(this.element.val(), $.proxy(this.save, this)); }; FormElementAnimationManager.prototype.clear = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.val(''); }; FormElementAnimationManager.prototype.save = function (e, value) { this.val(value); }; FormElementAnimationManager.prototype.val = function (value) { this.element.val(value); this.updateName(value); this.triggerOutsideChange(); }; FormElementAnimationManager.prototype.insideChange = function (value) { this.element.val(value); this.updateName(value); this.triggerInsideChange(); }; FormElementAnimationManager.prototype.updateName = function (value) { if (value == '') { value = n2_('Disabled'); } else if (value.split('||').length > 1) { value = n2_('Multiple animations') } else { value = n2_('Single animation'); } this.name.val(value); }; return FormElementAnimationManager; }); N2D('FormElementBackground', ['FormElement'], function ($, undefined) { /** * * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param id * @param value * @constructor */ function FormElementBackground(id, value) { this.value = ''; this.element = $('#' + id); this.$container = this.element.closest('.n2-form-tab'); this.panel = $('#' + id + '-panel'); this.setValue(value); this.options = this.panel.find('.n2-subform-image-option').on('click', $.proxy(this.selectOption, this)); this.active = this.getIndex(this.options.filter('.n2-active').get(0)); this.element.on('change', $.proxy(function () { this.insideChange(this.element.val()); }, this)); N2Classes.FormElement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; FormElementBackground.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FormElement.prototype); FormElementBackground.prototype.constructor = FormElementBackground; FormElementBackground.prototype.selectOption = function (e) { var index = this.getIndex(e.currentTarget); if (index != this.active) { this.options.eq(index).addClass('n2-active'); this.options.eq(this.active).removeClass('n2-active'); this.active = index; var value = $(e.currentTarget).data('value'); this.insideChange(value); } }; FormElementBackground.prototype.setValue = function (newValue) { this.$container.removeClass('n2-ss-background-type-' + this.value); this.value = newValue; this.$container.addClass('n2-ss-background-type-' + this.value); }; FormElementBackground.prototype.insideChange = function (value) { this.setValue(value); this.element.val(value); this.options.removeClass('n2-active'); this.options.filter('[data-value="' + value + '"]').addClass('n2-active'); this.triggerInsideChange(); }; FormElementBackground.prototype.getIndex = function (option) { return $.inArray(option, this.options); }; return FormElementBackground; }); N2D('FormElementColumns', ['FormElement'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param id * @constructor */ function FormElementColumns(id) { this.denominators = { 1: 100, 2: 100, 3: 144, 4: 100, 5: 100, 6: 144 }; this.element = $('#' + id); N2Classes.FormElement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.$c = $('#' + id).parent(); this.$container = this.$c.find('.n2-ss-columns-element-container'); this.containerWidth = 284; this.maxWidth = 0; this.$container.nUISortable({ axis: 'x', items: '.n2-ss-columns-element-column', helper: 'clone_hide', start: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { this.$container.addClass('n2-sortable-currently-sorted'); ui.placeholder.css({ width: ui.item.width(), visibility: 'hidden' }); var $columns = this.$container.find('.n2-ss-columns-element-column'); ui.item.data('index', $columns.index(ui.item)); }, this), stop: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { var $columns = this.$container.find('.n2-ss-columns-element-column'); var oldIndex = ui.item.data('index'), newIndex = $columns.index(ui.item); if (oldIndex != newIndex) { this.currentRow.moveCol(oldIndex, newIndex); ui.item.data('index', null); } this.makeResizable(); this.$container.removeClass('n2-sortable-currently-sorted'); }, this) }); this.$c.find('.n2-ss-columns-element-add-col').on({ click: $.proxy(function () { this.currentRow.createCol(); }, this) }); } FormElementColumns.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FormElement.prototype); FormElementColumns.prototype.constructor = FormElementColumns; FormElementColumns.prototype.getDenominator = function (i) { if (this.denominators[i] === undefined) { this.denominators[i] = i * 15; } return this.denominators[i]; }; FormElementColumns.prototype.setRow = function (row) { this.currentRow = row; this.insideChange(row.getColumnsOrdered()); }; FormElementColumns.prototype.setValue = function (newValue) { }; FormElementColumns.prototype.insideChange = function (value) { this.start(value); }; FormElementColumns.prototype.activateColumn = function (e) { var clickedColIndex = this.$container.find('.n2-ss-columns-element-column').index(e.currentTarget); this.currentRow.activateColumn(clickedColIndex, e); }; FormElementColumns.prototype.start = function (value) { this.percentages = []; var columnWidths = value.split('+'); for (var i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; i++) { this.percentages.push(new Fraction(columnWidths[i])); } this.refreshMaxWidth(); this.$container.empty(); for (var i = 0; i < this.percentages.length; i++) { this.updateColumn($('<div class="n2-ss-columns-element-column">') .on('click', $.proxy(this.activateColumn, this)) .appendTo(this.$container), this.percentages[i]); } this.makeResizable(); }; FormElementColumns.prototype.refreshMaxWidth = function () { this.maxWidth = this.containerWidth - (this.percentages.length - 1) * 15; }; FormElementColumns.prototype.updateColumn = function ($col, fraction) { $col.css('width', (this.maxWidth * fraction.valueOf()) + 'px') .html(Math.round(fraction.valueOf() * 100 * 10) / 10 + '%'); }; FormElementColumns.prototype.makeResizable = function () { if (this.handles) { this.handles.remove(); } this.$columns = this.$container.find('.n2-ss-columns-element-column'); $('<div class="n2-ss-columns-element-handle"><div class="n2-i n2-i-more"></div></div>').insertAfter(this.$columns.not(this.$columns.last())); this.handles = this.$container.find('.n2-ss-columns-element-handle') .on('mousedown', $.proxy(this._resizeStart, this)); }; FormElementColumns.prototype._resizeStart = function (e) { var index = this.handles.index(e.currentTarget), cLeft = this.$container.offset().left + 8; this.resizeContext = { index: index, cLeft: cLeft, $currentCol: this.$columns.eq(index), $nextCol: this.$columns.eq(index + 1), startX: Math.max(0, Math.min(e.clientX - cLeft, this.containerWidth)), }; this._resizeMove(e); $('html').off('.resizecol').on({ 'mousemove.resizecol': $.proxy(this._resizeMove, this), 'mouseup.resizecol mouseleave.resizecol': $.proxy(this._resizeStop, this) }); }; FormElementColumns.prototype._resizeMove = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var currentX = Math.max(0, Math.min(e.clientX - this.resizeContext.cLeft, this.containerWidth)), currentDenominator = this.getDenominator(this.percentages.length), fractionDifference = new Fraction(Math.round((currentX - this.resizeContext.startX) / (this.maxWidth / currentDenominator)), currentDenominator); if (fractionDifference.compare(this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index].clone().mul(-1)) < 0) { fractionDifference = this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index].clone().mul(-1); } if (fractionDifference.compare(this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index + 1]) > 0) { fractionDifference = this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index + 1].clone(); } var currentP = this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index].add(fractionDifference), nextP = this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index + 1].sub(fractionDifference); this.updateColumn(this.resizeContext.$currentCol, currentP); this.updateColumn(this.resizeContext.$nextCol, nextP); var _percentages = $.extend([], this.percentages); _percentages[this.resizeContext.index] = currentP; _percentages[this.resizeContext.index + 1] = nextP; this.onColumnWidthChange(_percentages); return [currentP, nextP]; }; FormElementColumns.prototype._resizeStop = function (e) { var ret = this._resizeMove(e); this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index] = ret[0]; this.percentages[this.resizeContext.index + 1] = ret[1]; $('html').off('.resizecol'); delete this.resizeContext; this.currentRow.setRealColsWidth(this.percentages); }; FormElementColumns.prototype.onColumnWidthChange = function (_percentages) { var percentages = []; for (var i = 0; i < _percentages.length; i++) { percentages.push(_percentages[i].valueOf()); } this.currentRow.updateColumnWidth(percentages); }; return FormElementColumns; }); /** * @license Fraction.js v3.3.1 09/09/2015 * http://www.xarg.org/2014/03/rational-numbers-in-javascript/ * * Copyright (c) 2015, Robert Eisele (robert@xarg.org) * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. **/ /** * * This class offers the possibility to calculate fractions. * You can pass a fraction in different formats. Either as array, as double, as string or as an integer. * * Array/Object form * [ 0 => <nominator>, 1 => <denominator> ] * [ n => <nominator>, d => <denominator> ] * * Integer form * - Single integer value * * Double form * - Single double value * * String form * 123.456 - a simple double * 123/456 - a string fraction * 123.'456' - a double with repeating decimal places * 123.(456) - synonym * 123.45'6' - a double with repeating last place * 123.45(6) - synonym * * Example: * * var f = new Fraction("9.4'31'"); * f.mul([-4, 3]).div(4.9); * */ (function (root) { "use strict"; // Maximum search depth for cyclic rational numbers. 2000 should be more than enough. // Example: 1/7 = 0.(142857) has 6 repeating decimal places. // If MAX_CYCLE_LEN gets reduced, long cycles will not be detected and toString() only gets the first 10 digits var MAX_CYCLE_LEN = 2000; // Parsed data to avoid calling "new" all the time var P = { "s": 1, "n": 0, "d": 1 }; function assign(n, s) { if (isNaN(n = parseInt(n, 10))) { throwInvalidParam(); } return n * s; } function throwInvalidParam() { throw "Invalid Param"; } var parse = function (p1, p2) { var n = 0, d = 1, s = 1; var v = 0, w = 0, x = 0, y = 1, z = 1; var A = 0, B = 1; var C = 1, D = 1; var N = 10000000; var M; if (p1 === undefined || p1 === null) { /* void */ } else if (p2 !== undefined) { n = p1; d = p2; s = n * d; } else switch (typeof p1) { case "object": { if ("d" in p1 && "n" in p1) { n = p1["n"]; d = p1["d"]; if ("s" in p1) n *= p1["s"]; } else if (0 in p1) { n = p1[0]; if (1 in p1) d = p1[1]; } else { throwInvalidParam(); } s = n * d; break; } case "number": { if (p1 < 0) { s = p1; p1 = -p1; } if (p1 % 1 === 0) { n = p1; } else if (p1 > 0) { // check for != 0, scale would become NaN (log(0)), which converges really slow if (p1 >= 1) { z = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(1 + Math.log(p1) / Math.LN10)); p1 /= z; } // Using Farey Sequences // http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2010/10/20/best-rational-approximation/ while (B <= N && D <= N) { M = (A + C) / (B + D); if (p1 === M) { if (B + D <= N) { n = A + C; d = B + D; } else if (D > B) { n = C; d = D; } else { n = A; d = B; } break; } else { if (p1 > M) { A += C; B += D; } else { C += A; D += B; } if (B > N) { n = C; d = D; } else { n = A; d = B; } } } n *= z; } else if (isNaN(p1) || isNaN(p2)) { d = n = NaN; } break; } case "string": { B = p1.match(/\d+|./g); if (B[A] === '-') {// Check for minus sign at the beginning s = -1; A++; } else if (B[A] === '+') {// Check for plus sign at the beginning A++; } if (B.length === A + 1) { // Check if it's just a simple number "1234" w = assign(B[A++], s); } else if (B[A + 1] === '.' || B[A] === '.') { // Check if it's a decimal number if (B[A] !== '.') { // Handle 0.5 and .5 v = assign(B[A++], s); } A++; // Check for decimal places if (A + 1 === B.length || B[A + 1] === '(' && B[A + 3] === ')' || B[A + 1] === "'" && B[A + 3] === "'") { w = assign(B[A], s); y = Math.pow(10, B[A].length); A++; } // Check for repeating places if (B[A] === '(' && B[A + 2] === ')' || B[A] === "'" && B[A + 2] === "'") { x = assign(B[A + 1], s); z = Math.pow(10, B[A + 1].length) - 1; A += 3; } } else if (B[A + 1] === '/' || B[A + 1] === ':') { // Check for a simple fraction "123/456" or "123:456" w = assign(B[A], s); y = assign(B[A + 2], 1); A += 3; } else if (B[A + 3] === '/' && B[A + 1] === ' ') { // Check for a complex fraction "123 1/2" v = assign(B[A], s); w = assign(B[A + 2], s); y = assign(B[A + 4], 1); A += 5; } if (B.length <= A) { // Check for more tokens on the stack d = y * z; s = /* void */ n = x + d * v + z * w; break; } /* Fall through on error */ } default: throwInvalidParam(); } if (d === 0) { throw "DIV/0"; } P["s"] = s < 0 ? -1 : 1; P["n"] = Math.abs(n); P["d"] = Math.abs(d); }; var modpow = function (b, e, m) { for (var r = 1; e > 0; b = (b * b) % m, e >>= 1) { if (e & 1) { r = (r * b) % m; } } return r; }; var cycleLen = function (n, d) { for (; d % 2 === 0; d /= 2) { } for (; d % 5 === 0; d /= 5) { } if (d === 1) // Catch non-cyclic numbers return 0; // If we would like to compute really large numbers quicker, we could make use of Fermat's little theorem: // 10^(d-1) % d == 1 // However, we don't need such large numbers and MAX_CYCLE_LEN should be the capstone, // as we want to translate the numbers to strings. var rem = 10 % d; for (var t = 1; rem !== 1; t++) { rem = rem * 10 % d; if (t > MAX_CYCLE_LEN) return 0; // Returning 0 here means that we don't print it as a cyclic number. It's likely that the answer is `d-1` } return t; }; var cycleStart = function (n, d, len) { var rem1 = 1; var rem2 = modpow(10, len, d); for (var t = 0; t < 300; t++) { // s < ~log10(Number.MAX_VALUE) // Solve 10^s == 10^(s+t) (mod d) if (rem1 === rem2) return t; rem1 = rem1 * 10 % d; rem2 = rem2 * 10 % d; } return 0; }; var gcd = function (a, b) { if (!a) return b; if (!b) return a; while (1) { a %= b; if (!a) return b; b %= a; if (!b) return a; } }; /** * Module constructor * * @constructor * @param {number|Fraction} a * @param {number=} b */ function Fraction(a, b) { if (!(this instanceof Fraction)) { return new Fraction(a, b); } parse(a, b); if (Fraction['REDUCE']) { a = gcd(P["d"], P["n"]); // Abuse a } else { a = 1; } this["s"] = P["s"]; this["n"] = P["n"] / a; this["d"] = P["d"] / a; } /** * Boolean global variable to be able to disable automatic reduction of the fraction * */ Fraction['REDUCE'] = 1; Fraction.prototype = { "s": 1, "n": 0, "d": 1, /** * Calculates the absolute value * * Ex: new Fraction(-4).abs() => 4 **/ "abs": function () { return new Fraction(this["n"], this["d"]); }, /** * Inverts the sign of the current fraction * * Ex: new Fraction(-4).neg() => 4 **/ "neg": function () { return new Fraction(-this["s"] * this["n"], this["d"]); }, /** * Adds two rational numbers * * Ex: new Fraction({n: 2, d: 3}).add("14.9") => 467 / 30 **/ "add": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); return new Fraction( this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] + P["s"] * this["d"] * P["n"], this["d"] * P["d"] ); }, /** * Subtracts two rational numbers * * Ex: new Fraction({n: 2, d: 3}).add("14.9") => -427 / 30 **/ "sub": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); return new Fraction( this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] - P["s"] * this["d"] * P["n"], this["d"] * P["d"] ); }, /** * Multiplies two rational numbers * * Ex: new Fraction("-17.(345)").mul(3) => 5776 / 111 **/ "mul": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); return new Fraction( this["s"] * P["s"] * this["n"] * P["n"], this["d"] * P["d"] ); }, /** * Divides two rational numbers * * Ex: new Fraction("-17.(345)").inverse().div(3) **/ "div": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); return new Fraction( this["s"] * P["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"], this["d"] * P["n"] ); }, /** * Clones the actual object * * Ex: new Fraction("-17.(345)").clone() **/ "clone": function () { return new Fraction(this); }, /** * Calculates the modulo of two rational numbers - a more precise fmod * * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').mod([7, 8]) => (13/3) % (7/8) = (5/6) **/ "mod": function (a, b) { if (isNaN(this['n']) || isNaN(this['d'])) { return new Fraction(NaN); } if (a === undefined) { return new Fraction(this["s"] * this["n"] % this["d"], 1); } parse(a, b); if (0 === P["n"] && 0 === this["d"]) { Fraction(0, 0); // Throw div/0 } /* * First silly attempt, kinda slow * return that["sub"]({ "n": num["n"] * Math.floor((this.n / this.d) / (num.n / num.d)), "d": num["d"], "s": this["s"] });*/ /* * New attempt: a1 / b1 = a2 / b2 * q + r * => b2 * a1 = a2 * b1 * q + b1 * b2 * r * => (b2 * a1 % a2 * b1) / (b1 * b2) */ return new Fraction( (this["s"] * P["d"] * this["n"]) % (P["n"] * this["d"]), P["d"] * this["d"] ); }, /** * Calculates the fractional gcd of two rational numbers * * Ex: new Fraction(5,8).gcd(3,7) => 1/56 */ "gcd": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); // gcd(a / b, c / d) = gcd(a, c) / lcm(b, d) return new Fraction(gcd(P["n"], this["n"]), P["d"] * this["d"] / gcd(P["d"], this["d"])); }, /** * Calculates the fractional lcm of two rational numbers * * Ex: new Fraction(5,8).lcm(3,7) => 15 */ "lcm": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); // lcm(a / b, c / d) = lcm(a, c) / gcd(b, d) if (P["n"] === 0 && this["n"] === 0) { return new Fraction; } return new Fraction(P["n"] * this["n"] / gcd(P["n"], this["n"]), gcd(P["d"], this["d"])); }, /** * Calculates the ceil of a rational number * * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').ceil() => (5 / 1) **/ "ceil": function (places) { places = Math.pow(10, places || 0); if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) { return new Fraction(NaN); } return new Fraction(Math.ceil(places * this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"]), places); }, /** * Calculates the floor of a rational number * * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').floor() => (4 / 1) **/ "floor": function (places) { places = Math.pow(10, places || 0); if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) { return new Fraction(NaN); } return new Fraction(Math.floor(places * this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"]), places); }, /** * Rounds a rational numbers * * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').round() => (4 / 1) **/ "round": function (places) { places = Math.pow(10, places || 0); if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) { return new Fraction(NaN); } return new Fraction(Math.round(places * this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"]), places); }, /** * Gets the inverse of the fraction, means numerator and denumerator are exchanged * * Ex: new Fraction([-3, 4]).inverse() => -4 / 3 **/ "inverse": function () { return new Fraction(this["s"] * this["d"], this["n"]); }, /** * Calculates the fraction to some integer exponent * * Ex: new Fraction(-1,2).pow(-3) => -8 */ "pow": function (m) { if (m < 0) { return new Fraction(Math.pow(this['s'] * this["d"], -m), Math.pow(this["n"], -m)); } else { return new Fraction(Math.pow(this['s'] * this["n"], m), Math.pow(this["d"], m)); } }, /** * Check if two rational numbers are the same * * Ex: new Fraction(19.6).equals([98, 5]); **/ "equals": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); return this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] === P["s"] * P["n"] * this["d"]; // Same as compare() === 0 }, /** * Check if two rational numbers are the same * * Ex: new Fraction(19.6).equals([98, 5]); **/ "compare": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); var t = (this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] - P["s"] * P["n"] * this["d"]); return (0 < t) - (t < 0); }, /** * Check if two rational numbers are divisible * * Ex: new Fraction(19.6).divisible(1.5); */ "divisible": function (a, b) { parse(a, b); return !(!(P["n"] * this["d"]) || ((this["n"] * P["d"]) % (P["n"] * this["d"]))); }, /** * Returns a decimal representation of the fraction * * Ex: new Fraction("100.'91823'").valueOf() => 100.91823918239183 **/ 'valueOf': function () { return this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"]; }, /** * Returns a string-fraction representation of a Fraction object * * Ex: new Fraction("1.'3'").toFraction() => "4 1/3" **/ 'toFraction': function (excludeWhole) { var whole, str = ""; var n = this["n"]; var d = this["d"]; if (this["s"] < 0) { str += '-'; } if (d === 1) { str += n; } else { if (excludeWhole && (whole = Math.floor(n / d)) > 0) { str += whole; str += " "; n %= d; } str += n; str += '/'; str += d; } return str; }, /** * Returns a latex representation of a Fraction object * * Ex: new Fraction("1.'3'").toLatex() => "\frac{4}{3}" **/ 'toLatex': function (excludeWhole) { var whole, str = ""; var n = this["n"]; var d = this["d"]; if (this["s"] < 0) { str += '-'; } if (d === 1) { str += n; } else { if (excludeWhole && (whole = Math.floor(n / d)) > 0) { str += whole; n %= d; } str += "\\frac{"; str += n; str += '}{'; str += d; str += '}'; } return str; }, /** * Returns an array of continued fraction elements * * Ex: new Fraction("7/8").toContinued() => [0,1,7] */ 'toContinued': function () { var t; var a = this['n']; var b = this['d']; var res = []; do { res.push(Math.floor(a / b)); t = a % b; a = b; b = t; } while (a !== 1); return res; }, /** * Creates a string representation of a fraction with all digits * * Ex: new Fraction("100.'91823'").toString() => "100.(91823)" **/ 'toString': function () { var g; var N = this["n"]; var D = this["d"]; if (isNaN(N) || isNaN(D)) { return "NaN"; } if (!Fraction['REDUCE']) { g = gcd(N, D); N /= g; D /= g; } var p = String(N).split(""); // Numerator chars var t = 0; // Tmp var var ret = [~this["s"] ? "" : "-", "", ""]; // Return array, [0] is zero sign, [1] before comma, [2] after var zeros = ""; // Collection variable for zeros var cycLen = cycleLen(N, D); // Cycle length var cycOff = cycleStart(N, D, cycLen); // Cycle start var j = -1; var n = 1; // str index // rough estimate to fill zeros var length = 15 + cycLen + cycOff + p.length; // 15 = decimal places when no repitation for (var i = 0; i < length; i++, t *= 10) { if (i < p.length) { t += Number(p[i]); } else { n = 2; j++; // Start now => after comma } if (cycLen > 0) { // If we have a repeating part if (j === cycOff) { ret[n] += zeros + "("; zeros = ""; } else if (j === cycLen + cycOff) { ret[n] += zeros + ")"; break; } } if (t >= D) { ret[n] += zeros + ((t / D) | 0); // Flush zeros, Add current digit zeros = ""; t = t % D; } else if (n > 1) { // Add zeros to the zero buffer zeros += "0"; } else if (ret[n]) { // If before comma, add zero only if already something was added ret[n] += "0"; } } // If it's empty, it's a leading zero only ret[0] += ret[1] || "0"; // If there is something after the comma, add the comma sign if (ret[2]) { return ret[0] + "." + ret[2]; } return ret[0]; } }; root['Fraction'] = Fraction; })(window); N2D('FormElementSliderType', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param id * @constructor */ function FormElementSliderType(id) { this.element = $('#' + id); this.setAttribute(); this.element.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.setAttribute, this)); } FormElementSliderType.prototype.setAttribute = function () { var val = this.element.val(); $('#n2-admin') .data('slider-type', val) .attr('data-slider-type', val); if (this.element.val() === 'block') { $('.n2-fm-shadow').trigger('click'); } }; return FormElementSliderType; }); N2D('FormElementSliderWidgetArea', ['FormElement'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param id * @constructor */ function FormElementSliderWidgetArea(id) { this.element = $('#' + id); this.area = $('#' + id + '_area'); this.areas = this.area.find('.n2-area'); this.areas.on('click', $.proxy(this.chooseArea, this)); N2Classes.FormElement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } FormElementSliderWidgetArea.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FormElement.prototype); FormElementSliderWidgetArea.prototype.constructor = FormElementSliderWidgetArea; FormElementSliderWidgetArea.prototype.chooseArea = function (e) { var value = parseInt($(e.target).data('area')); this.element.val(value); this.setSelected(value); this.triggerOutsideChange(); }; FormElementSliderWidgetArea.prototype.insideChange = function (value) { value = parseInt(value); this.element.val(value); this.setSelected(value); this.triggerInsideChange(); }; FormElementSliderWidgetArea.prototype.setSelected = function (index) { this.areas.removeClass('n2-active'); this.areas.eq(index - 1).addClass('n2-active'); }; return FormElementSliderWidgetArea; }); N2D('FormElementWidgetPosition', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param id * @constructor */ function FormElementWidgetPosition(id) { this.element = $('#' + id + '-mode'); this.container = this.element.closest('.n2-form-element-mixed'); this.tabs = this.container.find('> .n2-mixed-group'); this.element.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.onChange, this)); this.onChange(); } FormElementWidgetPosition.prototype.onChange = function () { var value = this.element.val(); if (value === 'advanced') { this.tabs.eq(2).css('display', ''); this.tabs.eq(1).css('display', 'none'); } else { this.tabs.eq(1).css('display', ''); this.tabs.eq(2).css('display', 'none'); } }; return FormElementWidgetPosition; }); N2D('SmartSliderGeneratorRecords', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param ajaxUrl * @constructor */ function SmartSliderGeneratorRecords(ajaxUrl) { this.ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl; $("#generatorrecord-viewer").on("click", $.proxy(this.showRecords, this)); } SmartSliderGeneratorRecords.prototype.showRecords = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.ajaxUrl, data: $("#smartslider-form").serialize(), dataType: "json" }).done(function (response) { var modal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 1300, 700 ], title: "Records", content: response.data.html } }, true); modal.content.css('overflow', 'auto'); }).error(function (response) { if (response.status == 200) { var modal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 1300, 700 ], title: "Response", content: response.responseText } }, true); modal.content.css('overflow', 'auto'); } }); }; return SmartSliderGeneratorRecords; }); N2D('QuickSlides', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param ajaxUrl * @constructor */ function QuickSlides(ajaxUrl) { var button = $('#n2-quick-slides-edit'); if (button.length < 1) { return; } this.ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl; button.on('click', $.proxy(this.openEdit, this)); } QuickSlides.prototype.openEdit = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var slides = $('#n2-ss-slides .n2-box-slide'); var that = this; this.modal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { fit: true, fitX: false, overflow: 'auto', size: [ 1200, 700 ], title: n2_('Quick Edit - Slides'), back: false, close: true, content: '<form class="n2-form"><table></table></form>', controls: [ '<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Save') + '</a>' ], fn: { show: function () { var button = this.controls.find('.n2-button-green'), form = this.content.find('.n2-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger('click'); }), table = form.find('table'); slides.each($.proxy(function (i, el) { var slide = $(el), tr = $('<tr />').appendTo(table), id = slide.data('slideid'); tr.append($('<td />').append('<img src="' + slide.data('image') + '" style="width:100px;"/>')); tr.append($('<td />').append(that.createInput(n2_('Name'), 'title-' + id, slide.data('title'), 'width: 240px;'))); tr.append($('<td />').append(that.createTextarea(n2_('Description'), 'description-' + id, slide.data('description'), 'width: 330px;height:24px;'))); tr.append($('<td />').append(that.createLink(n2_('Link'), 'link-' + id, slide.data('link'), 'width: 180px;'))); var target = slide.data('href-target'); if(typeof target !== "string"){ target = "_self"; } tr.append($('<td />').append(that.createTarget(n2_('Target window'), 'target-' + id, target, ''))); new N2Classes.FormElementUrl('link-' + id, nextend.NextendElementUrlParams); }, this)); button.on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { var changed = {}; slides.each($.proxy(function (i, el) { var slide = $(el), id = slide.data('slideid'), name = $('#title-' + id).val(), description = $('#description-' + id).val(), link = $('#link-' + id).val(), hreftarget = $('#target-' + id).val(); if (name != slide.data('title') || description != slide.data('description') || link != slide.data('link') || hreftarget != slide.data('href-target') ) { changed[id] = { name: name, description: description, link: link, hreftarget: hreftarget }; } }, this)); if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(changed)) { this.hide(e); } else { this.hide(e); N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(that.ajaxUrl), data: {changed: N2Classes.Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(changed))}, dataType: 'json' }).done($.proxy(function (response) { var slides = response.data; for (var slideID in slides) { var slideBox = $('.n2-box-slide[data-slideid="' + slideID + '"]'); slideBox.find('.n2-box-placeholder a.n2-h4').html(slides[slideID].title); slideBox.attr('data-title', slides[slideID].rawTitle); slideBox.data('title', slides[slideID].rawTitle); slideBox.attr('data-description', slides[slideID].rawDescription); slideBox.data('description', slides[slideID].rawDescription); slideBox.attr('data-link', slides[slideID].rawLink); slideBox.data('link', slides[slideID].rawLink); slideBox.data('href-target', slides[slideID].rawLinkHref); } }, this)); } }, this)); } } } }); this.modal.setCustomClass('n2-ss-quick-slides-edit-modal'); this.modal.show(); }; QuickSlides.prototype.createInput = function (label, id, value) { var style = ''; if (arguments.length == 4) { style = arguments[3]; } var nodes = $('<div class="n2-form-element-mixed"><div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label for="' + id + '">' + label + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-text n2-border-radius"><input type="text" id="' + id + '" class="n2-h5" autocomplete="off" style="' + style + '"></div></div></div></div>'); nodes.find('input').val(value); return nodes; }; QuickSlides.prototype.createTextarea = function (label, id, value) { var style = ''; if (arguments.length == 4) { style = arguments[3]; } var nodes = $('<div class="n2-form-element-mixed"><div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label for="' + id + '">' + label + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-textarea n2-border-radius"><textarea id="' + id + '" class="n2-h5" autocomplete="off" style="resize:y;' + style + '"></textarea></div></div></div></div>'); nodes.find('textarea').val(value); return nodes; }; QuickSlides.prototype.createLink = function (label, id, value) { var style = ''; if (arguments.length == 4) { style = arguments[3]; } var nodes = $('<div class="n2-form-element-mixed"><div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label for="' + id + '">' + label + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-text n2-border-radius"><input type="text" id="' + id + '" class="n2-h5" autocomplete="off" style="' + style + '"><a href="#" class="n2-form-element-clear"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-empty n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></a><a id="' + id + '_button" class="n2-form-element-button n2-h5 n2-uc" href="#">Link</a></div></div></div></div>'); nodes.find('input').val(value); return nodes; }; QuickSlides.prototype.createTarget = function (label, id, value) { var style = ''; if (arguments.length == 4) { style = arguments[3]; } var nodes = $('<div class="n2-form-element-mixed"><div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label for="' + id + '">' + label + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-list"><select id="' + id + '" autocomplete="off" style="' + style + '"><option value="_self">Self</option><option value="_blank">New</option><option value="_parent">Parent</option><option value="_top">Top</option></select></div></div></div></div>'); nodes.find('select').val(value); return nodes; }; return QuickSlides; }); N2D('Slide', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param manager * @param box * @constructor */ function Slide(manager, box) { this.selected = false; this.manager = manager; this.box = box.data('slide', this) .addClass('n2-clickable'); this.box .on('mouseenter', $.proxy(function () { this.manager.showMenu(this); }, this)) .on('mouseleave', $.proxy(function () { this.manager.hideMenu(); }, this)) .on('click.n2-slide', $.proxy(this.goToEdit, this)); this.publishElement = this.box.find('.n2-slide-published') .on('click', $.proxy(this.switchPublished, this)); this.box.find('.n2-ss-box-select').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.invertSelection(); }, this)); }; Slide.prototype.getId = function () { return this.box.data('slideid'); }; Slide.prototype.setFirst = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.manager.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'first' }), type: 'POST', data: { id: this.getId() } }).done($.proxy(function () { this.manager.unsetFirst(); this.box.addClass('n2-slide-state-first'); }, this)); }; Slide.prototype.unsetFirst = function () { this.box.removeClass('n2-slide-state-first'); }; Slide.prototype.switchPublished = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (this.isPublished()) { this.manager.unPublishSlides([this.getId()], [this]); } else { this.manager.publishSlides([this.getId()], [this]); } }; Slide.prototype.isPublished = function () { return this.box.hasClass('n2-slide-state-published'); }; Slide.prototype.published = function () { this.box.addClass('n2-slide-state-published'); }; Slide.prototype.unPublished = function () { this.box.removeClass('n2-slide-state-published'); }; Slide.prototype.goToEdit = function (e, isBlank) { if (this.manager.isBulkSelection) { this.invertSelection(); e.preventDefault(); } else { if (e.target.tagName !== 'A') { var editUrl = this.box.data('editurl'); if (typeof isBlank !== 'undefined' && isBlank) { window.open(editUrl, '_blank'); } else if (editUrl === location.href) { $("#n2-admin").toggleClass("n2-ss-slides-outer-container-visible"); } else { window.location = editUrl; } } } }; Slide.prototype.duplicate = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var deferred = $.Deferred(); N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.box.data('editurl'), { nextendaction: 'duplicate' }) }).done($.proxy(function (response) { var box = $(response.data).insertAfter(this.box); var newSlide = new Slide(this.manager, box); this.manager.initSlides(); deferred.resolve(newSlide); }, this)); return deferred; }; Slide.prototype.delete = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.manager.deleteSlides([this.getId()], [this]); }; Slide.prototype.deleted = function () { this.box.remove(); }; Slide.prototype.invertSelection = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (!this.selected) { this.select(); } else { this.deSelect(); } }; Slide.prototype.select = function () { if (!this.selected) { this.selected = true; this.box.addClass('n2-selected'); this.manager.addSelection(this); } }; Slide.prototype.deSelect = function () { if (this.selected) { this.selected = false; this.box.removeClass('n2-selected'); this.manager.removeSelection(this); } }; Slide.prototype.publish = function (e) { this.switchPublished(e); }; Slide.prototype.unpublish = function (e) { this.switchPublished(e); }; Slide.prototype.generator = function (e) { window.location = this.box.data('generator'); }; Slide.prototype.copy = function (e) { this.manager.showSliderSelector(n2_('Copy slide to ...'), $.proxy(function (data) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.box.data('editurl'), { nextendaction: 'copy', targetSliderID: data.sliderID }) }); }, this)); }; return Slide; }); N2D('SlidesManager', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function SlidesManager(ajaxUrl, contentAjaxUrl, parameters, isUploadDisabled, uploadUrl, uploadDir) { this.quickPostModal = null; this.quickVideoModal = null; this.parameters = parameters; this.slides = []; this.ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl; this.contentAjaxUrl = contentAjaxUrl; this.slidesPanel = $('#n2-ss-slides-container'); this.slidesContainer = this.slidesPanel.find('.n2-ss-slides-container'); this.initMenu(); this.initSlidesOrderable(); var slides = this.slidesContainer.find('.n2-box-slide'); for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { this.slides.push(new N2Classes.Slide(this, slides.eq(i))); } $('body').attr('data-slides', this.slides.length); $('#n2-ss-slides').find('.n2-ss-slides-create-action-box').on('mouseup', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var which = 0; if (e.which !== undefined) { which = e.which; } if (which <= 2) { switch ($(e.currentTarget).data('action')) { case 'image': this.addQuickImage(e); break; case 'video': this.addQuickVideo(e); break; case 'post': this.addQuickPost(e); break; case 'empty': case 'static': case 'dynamic': if (which === 2) { window.open($(e.currentTarget).data('href'), '_blank').focus(); } else { window.location = $(e.currentTarget).data('href'); } break; case 'library': if (which === 2) { window.open($(e.currentTarget).data('href'), '_blank').focus(); } else { window.location = $(e.currentTarget).data('href'); } break; } } }, this)); $('.n2-box-slide-dummy').on('click', $.proxy(this.addQuickImage, this)); this.initBulk(); if (!isUploadDisabled) { var images = []; this.slidesContainer.nUIFileUpload({ url: uploadUrl, pasteZone: false, dataType: 'json', paramName: 'image', dropZone: $('.n2-ss-slides-outer-container'), add: $.proxy(function (e, data) { data.formData = {path: '/' + uploadDir}; data.submit(); }, this), done: $.proxy(function (e, data) { var response = data.result; if (response.data && response.data.name) { images.push({ title: response.data.name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ""), description: '', image: response.data.url }); } else { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.notification(response); } }, this), fail: $.proxy(function (e, data) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.notification(data.jqXHR.responseJSON); }, this), start: function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.startLoading(); }, stop: $.proxy(function () { if (images.length) { this._addQuickImages(images); } else { setTimeout(function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.stopLoading(); }, 100); } images = []; }, this) }); var timeout = null; this.slidesContainer.on('dragover', $.proxy(function (e) { if (timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } else { this.slidesContainer.addClass('n2-drag-over'); } timeout = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.slidesContainer.removeClass('n2-drag-over'); timeout = null; }, this), 400); }, this)); } }; SlidesManager.prototype.changed = function () { }; SlidesManager.prototype.initSlidesOrderable = function () { this.slidesContainer.nUISortable({ items: ".n2-box-slide", stop: $.proxy(this.saveSlideOrder, this), placeholder: 'n2-box-sortable-placeholder n2-box-sortable-placeholder-small', distance: 10, helper: 'clone' }); }; SlidesManager.prototype.saveSlideOrder = function (e) { var slideNodes = this.slidesContainer.find('.n2-box-slide'), slides = [], ids = [], originalIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < slideNodes.length; i++) { var slide = slideNodes.eq(i).data('slide'); slides.push(slide); ids.push(slide.getId()); } for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { originalIds.push(this.slides[i].getId()); } if (JSON.stringify(originalIds) != JSON.stringify(ids)) { $(window).triggerHandler('SmartSliderSidebarSlidesOrderChanged'); var queries = { nextendcontroller: 'slides', nextendaction: 'order' }; N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, queries), data: { slideorder: ids } }); this.slides = slides; this.changed(); } }; SlidesManager.prototype.initSlides = function () { var slideNodes = this.slidesContainer.find('.n2-box-slide'), slides = []; for (var i = 0; i < slideNodes.length; i++) { var slide = slideNodes.eq(i).data('slide'); slides.push(slide); } this.slides = slides; this.changed(); $(window).triggerHandler('SmartSliderSidebarSlidesChanged'); $('body').attr('data-slides', this.slides.length); }; SlidesManager.prototype.unsetFirst = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { this.slides[i].unsetFirst(); } this.changed(); }; SlidesManager.prototype.addQuickImage = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); nextend.imageHelper.openMultipleLightbox($.proxy(this._addQuickImages, this)); }; SlidesManager.prototype.addBoxes = function (boxes) { boxes.insertBefore(this.slidesContainer.find('.n2-clear')); boxes.addClass('n2-ss-box-just-added').each($.proxy(function (i, el) { new N2Classes.Slide(this, $(el)); }, this)); this.initSlides(); setTimeout(function () { boxes.removeClass('n2-ss-box-just-added'); }, 200); }; SlidesManager.prototype._addQuickImages = function (_images) { var images = []; for (var i = 0; i < _images.length; i++) { if (_images[i].image.match(/\.(mp4)/i)) { N2Classes.Notification.error('MP4 videos are not supported in the Free version!'); } else { images.push(_images[i]); } } if (images.length) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'quickImages' }), data: { images: N2Classes.Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(images)) } }).done($.proxy(function (response) { this.addBoxes($(response.data)); }, this)); } }; SlidesManager.prototype.addQuickVideo = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var manager = this; if (!this.quickVideoModal) { this.quickVideoModal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 500, 360 ], title: n2_('Add video'), back: false, close: true, content: '<form class="n2-form"></form>', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Add video') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function () { var button = this.controls.find('.n2-button'), form = this.content.find('.n2-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger('click'); }).append(this.createInput(n2_('Video url'), 'n2-slide-video-url', 'width: 446px;')), videoUrlField = this.content.find('#n2-slide-video-url').focus(); this.content.append(this.createHeading(n2_('Examples'))); this.content.append(this.createTable([['YouTube', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsq09izc1H4'], ['Vimeo', 'https://vimeo.com/144598279']], ['', ''])); button.on('click', $.proxy($.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var video = videoUrlField.val(), youtubeRegexp = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/, youtubeMatch = video.match(youtubeRegexp), vimeoRegexp = /https?:\/\/(?:www\.|player\.)?vimeo.com\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/([^\/]*)\/videos\/|album\/(\d+)\/video\/|video\/|)(\d+)(?:$|\/|\?)/, vimeoMatch = video.match(vimeoRegexp), html5Video = video.match(/\.(mp4)/i); if (youtubeMatch) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.getJSON('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=' + encodeURI(youtubeMatch[2]) + '&part=snippet&key=AIzaSyC3AolfvPAPlJs-2FgyPJdEEKS6nbPHdSM').done($.proxy(function (data) { if (data.items.length) { var snippet = data.items[0].snippet; var thumbnails = data.items[0].snippet.thumbnails, thumbnail = thumbnails.maxres || thumbnails.standard || thumbnails.high || thumbnails.medium || thumbnails.default; manager._addQuickVideo(this, { type: 'youtube', title: snippet.title, description: snippet.description, image: thumbnail.url, video: video }); } }, this)).fail(function (data) { N2Classes.Notification.error(data.error.errors[0].message); }); } else if (vimeoMatch) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.getJSON('https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/' + vimeoMatch[3] + '.json').done($.proxy(function (data) { manager._addQuickVideo(this, { type: 'vimeo', title: data[0].title, description: data[0].description, video: vimeoMatch[3], image: data[0].thumbnail_large }); }, this)).fail(function (data) { N2Classes.Notification.error('Video not found or private.'); manager._addQuickVideo(this, { type: 'vimeo', title: '', description: '', video: vimeoMatch[3], image: '' }); }); } else if (html5Video) { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('This video url is not supported!')); } else { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('This video url is not supported!')); } }, this))); } } } }); } this.quickVideoModal.show(); }; SlidesManager.prototype._addQuickVideo = function (modal, video) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'quickVideo' }), data: { video: N2Classes.Base64.encode(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(video))) } }).done($.proxy(function (response) { this.addBoxes($(response.data)); this.initSlides(); }, this)); if (modal) modal.hide(); }; SlidesManager.prototype.addQuickPost = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.quickPostModal) { var manager = this, cache = {}, getContent = $.proxy(function (search) { if (typeof cache[search] == 'undefined') { cache[search] = N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.contentAjaxUrl), data: { keyword: search }, dataType: 'json' }); } return cache[search]; }, this); this.quickPostModal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 600, 430 ], title: n2_('Add post'), back: false, close: true, content: '<div class="n2-form"></div>', fn: { show: function () { this.content.find('.n2-form').append(this.createInput(n2_('Keyword'), 'n2-ss-keyword', 'width:546px;')); var search = $('#n2-ss-keyword'), heading = this.createHeading('').appendTo(this.content), result = this.createResult().appendTo(this.content), searchString = ''; search.on('keyup', $.proxy(function () { searchString = search.val(); getContent(searchString).done($.proxy(function (r) { if (search.val() == searchString) { if (searchString == '') { heading.html(n2_('No search term specified. Showing recent items.')); } else { heading.html(n2_printf(n2_('Showing items match for "%s"'), searchString)); } var rows = r.data, data = [], modal = this; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { data.push([rows[i].title, rows[i].info, $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-xs n2-button-green n2-radius-s n2-uc n2-h5">' + n2_('Select') + '</div>') .on('click', {post: rows[i]}, function (e) { manager._addQuickPost(modal, e.data.post); })]); } result.html(''); this.createTable(data, ['width:100%;', '', '']).appendTo(this.createTableWrap().appendTo(result)); } }, this)); }, this)) .trigger('keyup').focus(); } } } }); } this.quickPostModal.show(); }; SlidesManager.prototype._addQuickPost = function (modal, post) { if (!post.image) { post.image = ''; } N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'quickPost' }), data: { post: post } }).done($.proxy(function (response) { this.addBoxes($(response.data)); this.initSlides(); }, this)); modal.hide(); }; SlidesManager.prototype.initBulk = function () { this.selection = []; this.isBulkSelection = false; var selects = $('.n2-bulk-select').find('a'); //Select all selects.eq(0).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.bulkSelect(function (slide) { slide.select(); }); }, this)); //Select none selects.eq(1).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.bulkSelect(function (slide) { slide.deSelect(); }); }, this)); //Select published selects.eq(2).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.bulkSelect(function (slide) { if (slide.box.hasClass('n2-slide-state-published')) { slide.select(); } else { slide.deSelect(); } }); }, this)); //Select unpublished selects.eq(3).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.bulkSelect(function (slide) { if (slide.box.hasClass('n2-slide-state-published')) { slide.deSelect(); } else { slide.select(); } }); }, this)); $('.n2-bulk-actions a').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { var action = $(e.currentTarget).data('action'); if (action) { e.preventDefault(); this.bulkAction(action); } }, this)); }; SlidesManager.prototype.addSelection = function (slide) { if (this.selection.length == 0) { this.enterBulk(); } this.selection.push(slide); }; SlidesManager.prototype.removeSelection = function (slide) { this.selection.splice($.inArray(slide, this.selection), 1); if (this.selection.length == 0) { this.leaveBulk(); } }; SlidesManager.prototype.bulkSelect = function (cb) { for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { cb(this.slides[i]); } }; SlidesManager.prototype.bulkAction = function (action) { var slides = [], ids = []; this.bulkSelect(function (slide) { if (slide.selected) { slides.push(slide); ids.push(slide.getId()); } }); if (ids.length) { this[action](ids, slides); } else { N2Classes.Notification.notice('Please select one or more slides for the action!'); } }; SlidesManager.prototype.enterBulk = function () { if (!this.isBulkSelection) { this.isBulkSelection = true; this.slidesContainer.nUISortable('option', 'disabled', true); $('#n2-admin').addClass('n2-ss-has-box-selection'); } }; SlidesManager.prototype.leaveBulk = function () { if (this.isBulkSelection) { this.slidesContainer.nUISortable('option', 'disabled', false); $('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-has-box-selection'); for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { this.slides[i].deSelect(); } this.selection = []; this.isBulkSelection = false; } }; SlidesManager.prototype.deleteSlides = function (ids, slides) { this.hideMenu(); var title = slides[0].box.find('.n2-box-placeholder-title a').text(); if (slides.length > 1) { title += ' and ' + (slides.length - 1) + ' more'; } N2Classes.NextendModal.deleteModal('slide-delete', title, $.proxy(function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'delete' }), type: 'POST', data: { slides: ids } }).done($.proxy(function () { for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].deleted(); } this.initSlides(); this.leaveBulk(); }, this)); }, this)); }; SlidesManager.prototype.duplicateSlides = function (ids, slides) { for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { if (this.slides[i].selected) { this.slides[i].duplicate($.Event("click", { currentTarget: null })); } } }; SlidesManager.prototype.copySlides = function (ids, slides) { this.showSliderSelector(n2_('Copy slide to ...'), $.proxy(function (data) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'copySlides', targetSliderID: data.sliderID }), type: 'POST', data: { slides: ids } }); }, this)); }; SlidesManager.prototype.publishSlides = function (ids, slides) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'publish' }), type: 'POST', data: { slides: ids } }).done($.proxy(function () { for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].published(); } this.changed(); }, this)); }; SlidesManager.prototype.unPublishSlides = function (ids, slides) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'unpublish' }), type: 'POST', data: { slides: ids } }).done($.proxy(function () { for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].unPublished(); } this.changed(); }, this)); }; SlidesManager.prototype.initMenu = function () { this.slide = null; this.menu = $('#n2-ss-slide-menu').detach().addClass('n2-inited'); this.menu.find('li').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var action = $(e.currentTarget).data('action'); if (action && typeof this.slide[action] === 'function') { this.slide[action](e); } this.menu.removeClass('n2-active').off('mouseleave'); }, this)); this.menu.find('.n2-button').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (this.menu.hasClass('n2-active')) { this.menu.removeClass('n2-active').off('mouseleave'); } else { this.menu.addClass('n2-active').on('mouseleave', function () { $(this).removeClass('n2-active'); }); } }, this)); }; SlidesManager.prototype.showMenu = function (slide) { this.slide = slide; this.menu.appendTo(slide.box); }; SlidesManager.prototype.hideMenu = function () { this.menu.detach(); }; SlidesManager.prototype.showSliderSelector = function (title, cb) { var url = N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeFallbackUrl(this.ajaxUrl, { nextendcontroller: 'sliders', nextendaction: 'choose' }); this.sliderSelectorModal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 970, 600 ], title: title, back: false, close: true, content: '', fn: { show: function () { var iframe = $('<iframe src="' + url + '" width="970" height="540" style="margin: 0 -20px 0 -20px;"></iframe>').appendTo(this.content); var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent"; window[eventMethod](eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message", $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.source == (iframe[0].contentWindow || iframe[0].contentDocument)) { var message = e[e.message ? "message" : "data"]; try { message = JSON.parse(message); if (message.action && message.action === 'ss3embed') { cb(message); } } catch (ex) { } this.hide(); } }, this), false); }, destroy: function () { this.destroy(); } } } }, true); }; return SlidesManager; }); N2D('SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin', ['SmartSliderSlideBackground'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide} slide * @param {jQuery} element * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderBackgrounds} manager * @constructor */ function SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin(slide, element, manager) { this.types = { color: 'SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor', image: 'SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage', video: 'SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundVideo' }; this.allowVisualLoad = true; this.slider = slide.slider; this.editor = nextend.currentEditor; N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.constructor.call(this, slide, element, manager); } SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype); SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.constructor = SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.setVisualLoad = function (state) { this.allowVisualLoad = state; }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.setType = function (type) { if (type === 'color') { if (!this.elements.color) { this.createColorElement(true); } if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.kill(); this.elements.image = false; } } else if (type === 'image') { if (!this.elements.color) { this.createColorElement(true); } if (!this.elements.image) { this.createImageElement(); } } else { } }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.setMode = function (newMode) { if (newMode === 'default') { newMode = this.slider.editor.options.slideBackgroundMode; } this.element.attr('data-mode', newMode); if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.updateMode(newMode, this.mode); } this.mode = newMode; }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.setFocus = function (x, y) { if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.updateFocus(x, y); } }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.setImageOpacity = function (opacity) { if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.updateOpacity(opacity); } }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.setBlur = function (blur) { if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.updateBlur(blur); } }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.createColorElement = function (needRefresh) { needRefresh = needRefresh || false; this.elements.color = new N2Classes[this.types.color](this, $('<div class="n2-ss-slide-background-color"></div>') .appendTo(this.$wrapElement)); if (needRefresh) { this.elements.color.update(this.editor.settings.getBackgroundColor(), this.editor.settings.getBackgroundGradient(), this.editor.settings.getBackgroundColorEnd(), this.editor.settings.getBackgroundColorOverlay()); } }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.updateColor = function (color, gradient, colorEnd, isOverlay) { if (!this.elements.color) { this.createColorElement(); } this.elements.color.update(color, gradient, colorEnd, isOverlay); }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.createImageElement = function () { var settings = this.editor.settings, image = settings.getBackgroundImage(); if (image !== '') { var imageUrl = nextend.imageHelper.fixed(image), $image = $('<div class="n2-ss-slide-background-image"/>') .css({ opacity: settings.getBackgroundImageOpacity() / 100, backgroundPosition: settings.getBackgroundFocusX() + '% ' + settings.getBackgroundFocusY() + '%' }) .attr({ 'data-hash': md5(image), 'data-desktop': imageUrl, 'data-blur': settings.getBackgroundImageBlur() }) .appendTo(this.$wrapElement); this.elements.image = new N2Classes[this.types.image](this.slide, this.manager, this, $image); this.elements.image.preLoadAdmin(image); } }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin.prototype.setImage = function (image) { if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.setDesktopSrc(image); } else if (image !== '') { if (image.toLowerCase().match(/\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp|svg)$/) === null) { N2Classes.Notification.error('The background image format is not correct! The supported image formats are: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, webp, svg.'); } else if (this.editor.settings.getType() === 'image') { this.createImageElement(image); } } }; return SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin; }); N2D('EditorAbstract', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {string} sliderElementID * @param {string} slideContentElementID * @param {object} options * @constructor * @abstract */ function EditorAbstract(sliderElementID, slideContentElementID, options) { warnInternetExplorerUsers(); this.readyDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.sliderElementID = sliderElementID; this.slideContentElementID = slideContentElementID; this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(function () { N2D('SSEditor', $.proxy(function () { return this; }, this)); }, this)); this.options = $.extend({ slideAsFile: 0, isUploadDisabled: true, uploadUrl: '', uploadDir: '' }, options); /** * @type {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} */ nextend.currentEditor = this; /** @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} */ this.frontend = null; /** @type {N2Classes.Generator} */ this.generator = null; /** @type {N2Classes.FragmentEditor} */ this.fragmentEditor = null; this.$editedElement = null; this.editedInstance = null; N2R('documentReady', $.proxy(function ($) { if (typeof nextend.fontsDeferred !== 'undefined') { nextend.fontsDeferred.done($.proxy(this.startEditor, this)); } else { this.startEditor(); } }, this)); } /** * @abstract */ EditorAbstract.prototype.startEditor = function () { }; EditorAbstract.prototype.ready = function (fn) { this.readyDeferred.done(fn); }; EditorAbstract.prototype.getSelf = function () { return this; }; EditorAbstract.prototype.getAvailableDeviceModes = function () { return { "desktopPortrait": 1, "desktopLandscape": 0, "tabletPortrait": 1, "tabletLandscape": 1, "mobilePortrait": 1, "mobileLandscape": 1 }; }; EditorAbstract.prototype.getGeneratorVariables = function () { return this.$editedElement.data('variables'); }; /** * * @returns {*} .n2-ss-layers-container */ EditorAbstract.prototype.getMainContainerElement = function () { return this.$editedElement.find('.n2-ss-layers-container').addBack().last(); }; function warnInternetExplorerUsers() { var ie = isInternetExplorer(); if (ie && ie < 10) { alert(window.ss2lang.The_editor_was_tested_under_Internet_Explorer_10_Firefox_and_Chrome_Please_use_one_of_the_tested_browser); } } function isInternetExplorer() { var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (myNav.indexOf('msie') != -1) ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false; } return EditorAbstract; }); N2D('EditorSlide', ['EditorAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {string} sliderElementID * @param {string} slideContentElementID * @param {object} options * @constructor * @augments {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} */ function EditorSlide(sliderElementID, slideContentElementID, options) { N2Classes.EditorAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, sliderElementID, slideContentElementID, $.extend({ isAddSample: false, sampleSlidesUrl: '', slideBackgroundMode: 'fill' }, options)); } EditorSlide.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.EditorAbstract.prototype); EditorSlide.prototype.constructor = EditorSlide; EditorSlide.prototype.startEditor = function () { this.$slideContentElement = $('#' + this.slideContentElementID); this.slideStartValue = this.$slideContentElement.val(); N2R('#' + this.sliderElementID, $.proxy(function ($, slider) { /** @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} */ this.frontend = slider; this.frontend.editor = this; nextend.pre = 'div#' + this.frontend.elementID + ' '; this.frontend.visible($.proxy(this.sliderStarted, this)); }, this)); }; EditorSlide.prototype.sliderStarted = function () { $('body').addClass('n2-ss-slider-visible'); this.scrollbar = new N2Classes.HorizontalScrollBar($("#n2-ss-slide-canvas-container")); this.frontend.sliderElement.on('SliderResize', $.proxy(function () { this.scrollbar.update(); }, this)); this.$editedElement = this.frontend.sliderElement.find('.n2-ss-currently-edited-slide'); this.editedInstance = this.$editedElement.data('slide'); var isStatic = this.$editedElement.hasClass('n2-ss-static-slide'); this.generator = new N2Classes.Generator(this); this.generator.registerFields([ '#slidetitle', '#sldedescription', '#slidethumbnail', '#slidebackgroundImage', '#slidebackgroundAlt', '#slidebackgroundTitle', '#slidebackgroundVideoMp4', '#slidebackgroundColor', '#slidebackgroundColorEnd', '#slidehref', '#layergenerator-visible', '#layergroup-generator-visible' ]); this.generator.registerGlobalField('slide', 'name', '#slidetitle'); this.generator.registerGlobalField('slide', 'description', '#slidedescription'); this.getMainContainerElement().on('updateSize', $.proxy(this.updateSize, this)); this.settings = new N2Classes.SlideSettings(this, isStatic); var fragmentEditorConfiguration = {}; if (isStatic) { fragmentEditorConfiguration.snapSelector = '.n2-ss-static-slide .n2-ss-layer.nui-resizable:not(.n2-ss-layer-locked):not(.n2-ss-layer-parent):not(.n2-ss-layer-selected):visible, .n2-ruler-user-guide'; } else { fragmentEditorConfiguration.snapSelector = '.n2-ss-slide.n2-ss-slide-active .n2-ss-layer.nui-resizable:not(.n2-ss-layer-locked):not(.n2-ss-layer-parent):not(.n2-ss-layer-selected):visible, .n2-ruler-user-guide'; } this.fragmentEditor = new N2Classes.FragmentEditor(this, this.getFrontendSlide().$element, fragmentEditorConfiguration, this.options); this.getFrontendElement() .on({ SliderResize: $.proxy(this.fragmentEditor.onResize, this.fragmentEditor), SliderDeviceOrientation: $.proxy(this.fragmentEditor.onChangeDeviceOrientation, this.fragmentEditor) }); this.readyDeferred.resolve(); $('#smartslider-form').on({ checkChanged: $.proxy(this.prepareFormForCheck, this), submit: $.proxy(this.onSlideSubmit, this) }); if (this.options.isAddSample) { this.startSampleSlides(); } }; EditorSlide.prototype.prepareFormForCheck = function () { var data = JSON.stringify(this.fragmentEditor.getData()), startData = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(N2Classes.Base64.decode(this.slideStartValue))); this.$slideContentElement.val(startData == data ? this.slideStartValue : N2Classes.Base64.encode(data)); }; EditorSlide.prototype.onSlideSubmit = function (e) { if (!nextend.isPreview) { this.prepareForm(); e.preventDefault(); nextend.askToSave = false; //$('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-add-slide-with-sample'); if (this.options.slideAsFile && typeof window.FormData !== undefined && typeof window.File !== 'undefined') { var fd = new FormData(); var data = $('#smartslider-form').serializeArray(); $.each(data, function (key, input) { if (input.name == 'slide[slide]') { try { fd.append('slide', new Blob([input.value]), "slide.txt"); } catch (e) { try { fd.append('slide', new Blob([input.value])); } catch (e) { try { fd.append('slide', new File([input.value], "slide.txt")); } catch (e) { N2Classes.Notification.notice('Your browser does not support File api, please disable "Send slide as file" option in the global settings.'); } } } } else { fd.append(input.name, input.value); } }); N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(window.location.href), type: 'POST', data: fd, contentType: false, processData: false }).done($.proxy(this.afterSave, this)); } else { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(window.location.href), data: $('#smartslider-form').serialize(), dataType: 'json' }).done($.proxy(this.afterSave, this)); } } }; EditorSlide.prototype.afterSave = function () { nextend.askToSave = true; $('#smartslider-form').trigger('saved'); $('.n2-ss-edit-slide-top-details .n2-h1').text($('#slidetitle').val()); }; EditorSlide.prototype.prepareForm = function () { if (this.fragmentEditor.canvasSettings.ruler) { $('#slideguides').val(N2Classes.Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(this.fragmentEditor.canvasSettings.ruler.toArray()))); } this.$slideContentElement.val(N2Classes.Base64.encode(nextend.UnicodeToHTMLEntity(JSON.stringify(this.fragmentEditor.getData())))); }; EditorSlide.prototype.getLayout = function () { var propertiesRaw = $('#smartslider-form').serializeArray(), properties = {}; for (var i = 0; i < propertiesRaw.length; i++) { var m = propertiesRaw[i].name.match(/slide\[(.*?)\]/); if (m) { properties[m[1]] = propertiesRaw[i].value; } } delete properties['generator']; delete properties['published']; delete properties['publishdates']; delete properties['record-start']; delete properties['record-slides']; delete properties['slide']; properties['slide'] = this.fragmentEditor.getData(); return properties; }; EditorSlide.prototype.loadLayout = function (properties, slideDataOverwrite, layerOverwrite) { // we are working on references! var slide = properties['slide']; delete properties['slide']; if (layerOverwrite) { this.fragmentEditor.importLayers(slide, true); } else { this.fragmentEditor.importLayers(slide, false); } if (slideDataOverwrite) { for (var k in properties) { $('#slide' + k).val(properties[k]).trigger('change'); } } properties['slide'] = slide; }; EditorSlide.prototype.copy = function () { var slide = { data: this.settings.getBackgroundData(), layers: this.fragmentEditor.getData() }; $.jStorage.set('copiedSlide', JSON.stringify(slide)); }; EditorSlide.prototype.paste = function () { var slide = $.jStorage.get('copiedSlide'); if (slide) { slide = JSON.parse(slide); this.settings.setData(slide.data); this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.replaceLayers(slide.layers); } }; EditorSlide.prototype.hasClipboard = function () { var slide = $.jStorage.get('copiedSlide'); if (slide) { return true; } return false; }; EditorSlide.prototype.startSampleSlides = function () { var that = this, eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent", $iframe = $('<iframe src="' + this.options.sampleSlidesUrl + '"></iframe>').prependTo('.n2-ss-sample-slides-container'), iframe = $iframe[0]; $('html, body').scrollTop($iframe.offset().top - $('#wpadminbar').height()); var $settings = $('.n2-ss-sample-slide-settings'); var $type = $('#slidebackground-type'), $backgroundImage = $('#slidebackgroundImage'), $sampleBackgroundImage = $('#n2-ss-sample-slide-setting-background-image') .on('click', function () { $backgroundImage.parent().find('.n2-form-element-button').trigger('click'); }), cbUpdateBackgroundImage = function () { var image = $backgroundImage.val(); if (image === '') { $settings.removeClass('n2-ss-has-image'); $sampleBackgroundImage.css('background-image', 'url(' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed('$system$/images/placeholder/image.png') + ')'); if ($type.val() !== 'color') { $type.val('color') .trigger('change'); } } else { $settings.addClass('n2-ss-has-image'); if ($type.val() !== 'image') { $type.val('image') .trigger('change'); } $sampleBackgroundImage.css('background-image', 'url(' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed(image) + ')'); } }; $sampleBackgroundImage.find('.n2-i-close').on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $backgroundImage.parent().find('.n2-form-element-clear').trigger('click'); }); $backgroundImage.on('nextendChange', cbUpdateBackgroundImage); cbUpdateBackgroundImage(); var $opacityField = $('#slidebackgroundImageOpacity'), $opacitySlider = $('#n2-ss-sample-slide-setting-opacity-slider').removeAttr('slide').prop('slide', false).nUISlider({ min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, slide: function (event, ui) { $opacityField.data('field').insideChange(ui.value); } }), cb = function (e) { $opacitySlider.nUISlider("option", 'value', $opacityField.val()); }; $opacityField.on('nextendChange', cb); cb(); var $blurField = $('#slidebackgroundImageBlur'), $blurSlider = $('#n2-ss-sample-slide-setting-blur-slider').removeAttr('slide').prop('slide', false).nUISlider({ min: 0, max: 40, step: 1, slide: function (event, ui) { $blurField.data('field').insideChange(ui.value); } }), cb2 = function (e) { $blurSlider.nUISlider("option", 'value', $blurField.val()); }; $blurField.on('nextendChange', cb2); cb2(); var $colorField = $('#slidebackgroundColor'), $color = $('#n2-ss-sample-slide-setting-color') .n2spectrum({ showAlpha: 1, preferredFormat: "hex8", showInput: false, showButtons: false, move: function () { var value = $color.n2spectrum("get").toHexString8(); $color.val(value); $colorField.data('field').insideChange(value); }, showSelectionPalette: true, showPalette: true, maxSelectionSize: 6, localStorageKey: 'color', palette: [ ['000000', '55aa39', '357cbd', 'bb4a28', '8757b2', '000000CC'], ['81898d', '5cba3c', '4594e1', 'd85935', '9e74c2', '00000080'], ['ced3d5', '27ae60', '01add3', 'e79d19', 'e264af', 'FFFFFFCC'], ['ffffff', '2ecc71', '00c1c4', 'ecc31f', 'ec87c0', 'FFFFFF80'] ] }), cb3 = function (e) { var color = $colorField.val(); if (color !== $color.val()) { $color.n2spectrum("set", color); } }; $colorField.on('nextendChange', cb3); cb3(); var $gradientDir = $('#slidebackgroundGradient'), cb4 = function () { if ($gradientDir.val() === 'off') { $settings.removeClass('n2-ss-has-gradient'); } else { $settings.addClass('n2-ss-has-gradient'); } }; $gradientDir.on('nextendChange', cb4); cb4(); var $gradientField = $('#slidebackgroundColorEnd'), gradient = $('#n2-ss-sample-slide-setting-gradient') .n2spectrum({ showAlpha: 1, preferredFormat: "hex8", showInput: false, showButtons: false, move: function () { var value = gradient.n2spectrum("get").toHexString8(); $gradientField.data('field').insideChange(value); }, showSelectionPalette: true, showPalette: true, maxSelectionSize: 6, localStorageKey: 'color', palette: [ ['000000', '55aa39', '357cbd', 'bb4a28', '8757b2', '000000CC'], ['81898d', '5cba3c', '4594e1', 'd85935', '9e74c2', '00000080'], ['ced3d5', '27ae60', '01add3', 'e79d19', 'e264af', 'FFFFFFCC'], ['ffffff', '2ecc71', '00c1c4', 'ecc31f', 'ec87c0', 'FFFFFF80'] ] }), cb5 = function (e) { gradient.n2spectrum("set", $gradientField.val()); }; $gradientField.on('outsideChange', cb5); cb5(); window[eventMethod](eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message", function (e) { if (e.source == (iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument)) { var a = e[e.message ? "message" : "data"]; if (a.key) { switch (a.key) { case 'sampleSlide': var slide = JSON.parse(a.data); that.settings.setData(slide.data, true); that.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.replaceLayers(slide.layers); if (that.fragmentEditor.currentEditorMode != 'content' && that.fragmentEditor.mainContent != undefined) { that.fragmentEditor.updateEditorMode('content'); } break; case 'ready': (iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument).postMessage({ key: 'ackReady' }, "*"); if (that.options.isAddSample) { (iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument).postMessage({ key: 'create' }, "*"); that.options.isAddSample = false; } break; } } } }, false); }; EditorSlide.prototype.getAvailableDeviceModes = function () { return this.frontend.responsive.parameters.deviceModes; }; EditorSlide.prototype.getSlideBackground = function () { return this.$editedElement.data('slideBackground'); }; /** * * @returns {jQuery} #n2-ss-0 */ EditorSlide.prototype.getFrontendElement = function () { return this.frontend.sliderElement; }; /** * @returns {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide} */ EditorSlide.prototype.getFrontendSlide = function () { return this.editedInstance; }; EditorSlide.prototype.getHorizontalRatio = function () { return this.frontend.responsive.lastRatios.slideW; }; EditorSlide.prototype.getVerticalRatio = function () { return this.frontend.responsive.lastRatios.slideH; }; EditorSlide.prototype.updateSize = function () { return this.frontend.responsive.doVerticalResize(); }; EditorSlide.prototype.getDeviceMode = function () { return this.frontend.responsive.getNormalizedModeString(); }; return EditorSlide; }); N2D('Generator', ['EditorAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} editor * @constructor */ function Generator(editor) { /** * @type {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} */ this.editor = editor; this._refreshTimeout = null; this.modal = false; this.group = 0; this.editor.generator = this; var variables = this.editor.getGeneratorVariables(); if (variables) { this.variables = variables; for (var i in this.variables) { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(i)) && isFinite(i)) { this.group = Math.max(this.group, parseInt(i) + 1); } } this.fill = this.generatorFill; if (this.group > 0) { this.registerField = this.generatorRegisterField; this.button = $('<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-xs n2-radius-s n2-button-blue n2-h5 n2-uc" style="position:absolute;right: -2px;top: -18px;">Variable</a>') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.showModal(); }, this)); $('body').addClass('n2-ss-dynamic-slide'); } } else { this.variables = null; } } Generator.prototype.isDynamicSlide = function () { return this.group > 0; }; Generator.prototype.splitTokens = function (input) { var tokens = []; var currentToken = ""; var nestingLevel = 0; for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { var currentChar = input[i]; if (currentChar === "," && nestingLevel === 0) { tokens.push(currentToken); currentToken = ""; } else { currentToken += currentChar; if (currentChar === "(") { nestingLevel++; } else if (currentChar === ")") { nestingLevel--; } } } if (currentToken.length) { tokens.push(currentToken); } return tokens; }; Generator.prototype.fill = function (value) { return value; }; Generator.prototype.generatorFill = function (value) { return value.replace(/{((([a-z]+)\(([^}]+)\))|([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\/]*))}/g, $.proxy(this.parseFunction, this)); }; Generator.prototype.parseFunction = function (s, s2, s3, functionName, argumentString, variable) { if (typeof variable == 'undefined') { var args = this.splitTokens(argumentString); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = this.parseVariable(args[i]); } if (typeof this[functionName] === 'function') { return this[functionName].apply(this, args); } return s; } else { return this.parseVariable(variable); } }; Generator.prototype.parseVariable = function (variable) { var _string = variable.match(/^("|')(.*)("|')$/); if (_string) { return _string[2]; } var functionMatch = variable.match(/((([a-z]+)\(([^}]+)\)))/); if (functionMatch) { return this.parseFunction.apply(this, functionMatch); } else { var variableMatch = variable.match(/([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*)(\/([0-9a-z]+))?/); if (variableMatch) { var index = variableMatch[3]; if (typeof index == 'undefined') { index = 0; } else { var i = parseInt(index); if (!isNaN(i)) { index = Math.max(index, 1) - 1; } } if (typeof this.variables[index] != 'undefined' && typeof this.variables[index][variableMatch[1]] != 'undefined') { return this.variables[index][variableMatch[1]]; } return ''; } return variable; } }; Generator.prototype.fallback = function (variable, def) { if (variable == '') { return def; } return variable; }; Generator.prototype.cleanhtml = function (variable) { return this.stripTags(variable, '<p><a><b><br /><br/><i>'); }; Generator.prototype.stripTags = function (input, allowed) { allowed = (((allowed || '') + '') .toLowerCase() .match(/<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/g) || []) .join(''); // making sure the allowed arg is a string containing only tags in lowercase (<a><b><c>) var tags = /<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>/gi, commentsAndPhpTags = /<!--[\s\S]*?-->|<\?(?:php)?[\s\S]*?\?>/gi; return input.replace(commentsAndPhpTags, '') .replace(tags, function ($0, $1) { return allowed.indexOf('<' + $1.toLowerCase() + '>') > -1 ? $0 : ''; }); }; Generator.prototype.removehtml = function (variable) { return $('<div>' + variable + '</div>').text(); }; Generator.prototype.splitbychars = function (s, start, length) { return s.substr(start, length); }; Generator.prototype.splitbywords = function (variable, start, length) { var s = variable, len = s.length, posStart = Math.max(0, start == 0 ? 0 : s.indexOf(' ', start)), posEnd = Math.max(0, length > len ? len : s.indexOf(' ', length)); if (posEnd == 0 && length <= len) posEnd = len; return s.substr(posStart, posEnd); }; Generator.prototype.findimage = function (variable, index) { var s = variable, re = /(<img.*?src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"][^>]*>)|(background(-image)??\s*?:.*?url\((["|\']?)?(.+?)(["|\']?)?\))/gi, r = [], tmp = null; index = typeof index != 'undefined' ? parseInt(index) - 1 : 0; while (tmp = re.exec(s)) { if (typeof tmp[2] != 'undefined') { r.push(tmp[2]); } else if (typeof tmp[6] != 'undefined') { r.push(tmp[6]); } } if (r.length) { if (r.length > index) { return r[index]; } else { return r[r.length - 1]; } } else { return ''; } }; Generator.prototype.findlink = function (variable, index) { var s = variable, re = /href=["\']?([^"\'>]+)["\']?/gi, r = [], tmp = null; index = typeof index != 'undefined' ? parseInt(index) - 1 : 0; while (tmp = re.exec(s)) { if (typeof tmp[1] != 'undefined') { r.push(tmp[1]); } } if (r.length) { if (r.length > index) { return r[index]; } else { return r[r.length - 1]; } } else { return ''; } }; Generator.prototype.removevarlink = function (variable) { var s = String(variable), re = /<a href=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)<\/a>/g; return s.replace(re, ''); }; Generator.prototype.removelinebreaks = function (variable) { var s = String(variable), re = /\r?\n|\r/g; return s.replace(re, ''); }; Generator.prototype.registerFields = function (fields) { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { this.registerField(fields[i]); } }; Generator.prototype.registerGlobalField = function (namespace, name, field) { if (this.variables !== null) { field = $(field).on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { this.variables[namespace][name] = field.val(); this.refresh(); }, this)); } }; Generator.prototype.registerField = function (field) { }; Generator.prototype.generatorRegisterField = function (field) { field = $(field); var parent = field.parent(); parent.on({ mouseenter: $.proxy(function () { this.activeField = field; this.button.prependTo(parent); }, this) }); }; Generator.prototype.getModal = function () { var that = this; if (!this.modal) { var active = { key: '', group: 1, filter: 'no', split: 'no', splitStart: 0, splitLength: 300, findImage: 0, findImageIndex: 1, findLink: 0, findLinkIndex: 1, removeVarLink: 0, removelinebreaks: 0 }, getVariableString = function () { var variable = active.key + '/' + active.group; if (active.findImage) { variable = 'findimage(' + variable + ',' + Math.max(1, active.findImageIndex) + ')'; } if (active.findLink) { variable = 'findlink(' + variable + ',' + Math.max(1, active.findLinkIndex) + ')'; } if (active.removeVarLink) { variable = 'removevarlink(' + variable + ')'; } if (active.removelinebreaks) { variable = 'removelinebreaks(' + variable + ')'; } if (active.filter != 'no') { variable = active.filter + '(' + variable + ')'; } if (active.split != 'no' && active.splitStart >= 0 && active.splitLength > 0) { variable = active.split + '(' + variable + ',' + active.splitStart + ',' + active.splitLength + ')'; } return '{' + variable + '}'; }, resultContainer = $('<div class="n2-generator-result-container" />'), updateResult = function () { resultContainer.html($('<div/>').text(that.fill(getVariableString())).html()); }; var group = that.group, variables = null, groups = null, content = $('<div class="n2-generator-insert-variable"/>'); var groupHeader = N2Classes.NextendModal.prototype.createHeading(n2_('Choose the group')).appendTo(content); var groupContainer = $('<div class="n2-group-container" />').appendTo(content); content.append(N2Classes.NextendModal.prototype.createHeading(n2_('Choose the variable'))); var variableContainer = $('<div class="n2-variable-container webkit-scroll-fix" />').appendTo(content); //content.append(N2Classes.NextendModal.prototype.createHeading('Functions')); var functionsContainer = $('<div class="n2-generator-functions-container n2-form-element-mixed" />') .appendTo($('<div class="n2-form" />').appendTo(content)); content.append(N2Classes.NextendModal.prototype.createHeading(n2_('Result'))); resultContainer.appendTo(content); $('<div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label>' + n2_('Filter') + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-list"><select autocomplete="off" name="filter" id="n2-generator-function-filter"><option selected="selected" value="no">' + n2_('No') + '</option><option value="cleanhtml">' + n2_('Clean HTML') + '</option><option value="removehtml">' + n2_('Remove HTML') + '</option></select></div></div></div>') .appendTo(functionsContainer); var filter = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-filter'); filter.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.filter = filter.val(); updateResult(); }, this)); $('<div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label>' + n2_('Split by chars') + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-list"><select autocomplete="off" name="split" id="n2-generator-function-split"><option selected="selected" value="no">' + n2_('No') + '</option><option value="splitbychars">' + n2_('Strict') + '</option><option value="splitbywords">' + n2_('Respect words') + '</option></select></div><div class="n2-form-element-text n2-text-has-unit n2-border-radius"><div class="n2-text-sub-label n2-h5 n2-uc">' + n2_('Start') + '</div><input type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 22px;" class="n2-h5" value="0" id="n2-generator-function-split-start"></div><div class="n2-form-element-text n2-text-has-unit n2-border-radius"><div class="n2-text-sub-label n2-h5 n2-uc">' + n2_('Length') + '</div><input type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 22px;" class="n2-h5" value="300" id="n2-generator-function-split-length"></div></div></div>') .appendTo(functionsContainer); var split = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-split'); split.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.split = split.val(); updateResult(); }, this)); var splitStart = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-split-start'); splitStart.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.splitStart = parseInt(splitStart.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); var splitLength = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-split-length'); splitLength.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.splitLength = parseInt(splitLength.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); $('<div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label>' + n2_('Find image') + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-onoff"><div class="n2-onoff-slider"><div class="n2-onoff-yes"><i class="n2-i n2-i-tick"></i></div><div class="n2-onoff-round"></div><div class="n2-onoff-no"><i class="n2-i n2-i-close"></i></div></div><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" value="0" id="n2-generator-function-findimage"></div><div class="n2-form-element-text n2-text-has-unit n2-border-radius"><div class="n2-text-sub-label n2-h5 n2-uc">' + n2_('Index') + '</div><input type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 22px;" class="n2-h5" value="1" id="n2-generator-function-findimage-index"></div></div></div>') .appendTo(functionsContainer); var findImage = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-findimage'); findImage.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { active.findImage = parseInt(findImage.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); var findImageIndex = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-findimage-index'); findImageIndex.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.findImageIndex = parseInt(findImageIndex.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); $('<div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label>' + n2_('Find link') + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-onoff"><div class="n2-onoff-slider"><div class="n2-onoff-yes"><i class="n2-i n2-i-tick"></i></div><div class="n2-onoff-round"></div><div class="n2-onoff-no"><i class="n2-i n2-i-close"></i></div></div><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" value="0" id="n2-generator-function-findlink"></div><div class="n2-form-element-text n2-text-has-unit n2-border-radius"><div class="n2-text-sub-label n2-h5 n2-uc">' + n2_('Index') + '</div><input type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 22px;" class="n2-h5" value="1" id="n2-generator-function-findlink-index"></div></div></div>') .appendTo(functionsContainer); var findLink = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-findlink'); findLink.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { active.findLink = parseInt(findLink.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); var findLinkIndex = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-findlink-index'); findLinkIndex.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.findLinkIndex = parseInt(findLinkIndex.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); $('<div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label>' + n2_('Remove links') + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-onoff"><div class="n2-onoff-slider"><div class="n2-onoff-yes"><i class="n2-i n2-i-tick"></i></div><div class="n2-onoff-round"></div><div class="n2-onoff-no"><i class="n2-i n2-i-close"></i></div></div><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" value="0" id="n2-generator-function-removevarlink"></div></div></div>') .appendTo(functionsContainer); var removeVarLink = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-removevarlink'); removeVarLink.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { active.removeVarLink = parseInt(removeVarLink.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); var removeVarLinkIndex = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-removevarlink-index'); removeVarLinkIndex.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.removeVarLinkIndex = parseInt(removeVarLinkIndex.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); $('<div class="n2-mixed-group"><div class="n2-mixed-label"><label>' + n2_('Remove line breaks') + '</label></div><div class="n2-mixed-element"><div class="n2-form-element-onoff"><div class="n2-onoff-slider"><div class="n2-onoff-yes"><i class="n2-i n2-i-tick"></i></div><div class="n2-onoff-round"></div><div class="n2-onoff-no"><i class="n2-i n2-i-close"></i></div></div><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" value="0" id="n2-generator-function-removelinebreaks"></div></div></div>') .appendTo(functionsContainer); var removelinebreaks = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-removelinebreaks'); removelinebreaks.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { active.removelinebreaks = parseInt(removelinebreaks.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); var removelinebreaksIndex = functionsContainer.find('#n2-generator-function-removelinebreaks-index'); removelinebreaksIndex.on('change', $.proxy(function () { active.removelinebreaksIndex = parseInt(removelinebreaksIndex.val()); updateResult(); }, this)); for (var k in this.variables[0]) { $('<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-s n2-button-grey n2-radius-s">' + k + '</a>') .on('click', $.proxy(function (key, e) { e.preventDefault(); variables.removeClass('n2-active'); $(e.currentTarget).addClass('n2-active'); active.key = key; updateResult(); }, this, k)) .appendTo(variableContainer); } variables = variableContainer.find('a'); variables.eq(0).trigger('click'); if (group == 1) { groupHeader.css('display', 'none'); groupContainer.css('display', 'none'); } for (var i = 0; i < group; i++) { $('<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-s n2-button-grey n2-radius-s">' + (i + 1) + '</a>') .on('click', $.proxy(function (groupIndex, e) { e.preventDefault(); groups.removeClass('n2-active'); $(e.currentTarget).addClass('n2-active'); active.group = groupIndex + 1; updateResult(); }, this, i)) .appendTo(groupContainer); } groups = groupContainer.find('a'); groups.eq(0).trigger('click'); var inited = false; this.modal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 1000, group > 1 ? 670 : 600 ], title: n2_('Insert variable'), back: false, close: true, content: content, controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green">' + n2_('Insert') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function () { if (!inited) { new N2Classes.FormElementOnoff("n2-generator-function-findimage"); new N2Classes.FormElementOnoff("n2-generator-function-findlink"); new N2Classes.FormElementOnoff("n2-generator-function-removevarlink"); new N2Classes.FormElementOnoff("n2-generator-function-removelinebreaks"); inited = true; } this.controls.find('.n2-button').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that.insert(getVariableString()); this.hide(e); }, this)); } } } }, false); this.modal.setCustomClass('n2-ss-generator-modal'); } return this.modal; }; Generator.prototype.showModal = function () { this.getModal().show(); }; Generator.prototype.insert = function (value) { this.activeField.val(value).trigger('change'); }; Generator.prototype.refresh = function () { if (this._refreshTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._refreshTimeout); this._refreshTimeout = null; } this._refreshTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(this._refresh, this), 100); }; Generator.prototype._refresh = function () { var layers = this.editor.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.container.getAllLayers(); for (var j = 0; j < layers.length; j++) { if (layers[j].type == 'layer') { layers[j].item.reRender(); } } }; return Generator; }); N2D('Historical', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * @param c class */ function Historical(c) { for (var k in Historical.prototype) { c.prototype[k] = Historical.prototype[k]; } } /** * @param {N2Classes.Historical} self */ Historical.prototype.setSelf = function (self) { if (self === undefined) { console.error(self); } if (this.self !== undefined && this.self !== this) { this.self.setSelf(self); } /** * @type {N2Classes.Historical} */ this.self = self; this.onSelfChange(); }; /** * @returns {N2Classes.Historical} */ Historical.prototype.getSelf = function () { if (this.self === undefined) { this.self = this; } else if (this.self !== this) { this.self = this.self.getSelf(); } return this.self; }; Historical.prototype.onSelfChange = function () { }; return Historical; }); N2D('History', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function History() { this.historyStates = 50; this.enabled = this.historyStates !== 0; this.historyActionInProgress = false; this.historyAddAllowed = true; this.isBatched = false; this.currentBatch = this; this.index = -1; this.stackedOff = []; /** @type {Array.<Array.<Task>>} */ this.tasks = []; this.preventUndoRedo = false; this.undoBTN = $('#n2-ss-undo').on({ click: $.proxy(this.undo, this), mousedown: function (e) { N2Classes.WindowManager.get().setMouseDownArea('undo', e); } }); this.redoBTN = $('#n2-ss-redo').on({ click: $.proxy(this.redo, this), mousedown: function (e) { N2Classes.WindowManager.get().setMouseDownArea('redo', e); } }); this.updateUI(); } /** * @returns {N2Classes.History} */ History.get = function () { var history = new History(); /** * @returns {N2Classes.History} */ History.get = function () { return history; }; return history; }; History.prototype.updateUI = function () { if (this.index === 0 || this.tasks.length === 0) { this.undoBTN.removeClass('n2-active'); } else { this.undoBTN.addClass('n2-active'); } if (this.index == -1 || this.index >= this.tasks.length) { this.redoBTN.removeClass('n2-active'); } else { this.redoBTN.addClass('n2-active'); } }; History.prototype.throttleUndoRedo = function () { if (!this.preventUndoRedo) { this.preventUndoRedo = true; setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.preventUndoRedo = false; }, this), 100); return false; } return true; }; History.prototype.isEnabled = function () { return this.enabled && this.historyAddAllowed; }; /** * * @returns {Batch} */ History.prototype.startBatch = function () { if (this.isEnabled()) { var batch = new Batch(this.currentBatch); this.currentBatch._add(batch); this.currentBatch = batch; return batch; } return false; }; History.prototype.endBatch = function () { if (this.isEnabled()) { if (this.currentBatch.parent == undefined) { debugger; } this.currentBatch = this.currentBatch.parent; } }; History.prototype.addControl = function (mode) { return this.currentBatch._add(new Control(mode)); }; History.prototype.addSimple = function (that, undoAction, redoAction, context) { if (this.isEnabled()) { return this.currentBatch._add(new Task(that, undoAction, redoAction, context)); } return false; }; /** * * @param that * @param action * @param context * @returns {TaskValue} */ History.prototype.addValue = function (that, action, context) { if (this.isEnabled()) { if (this.isBatched || this.currentBatch !== this) { var currentBatch = this.getCurrentBatchStack(); for (var i = 0; i < currentBatch.length; i++) { if (currentBatch[i].isEqual(that, action, context)) { currentBatch.push(currentBatch.splice(i, 1)[0]); return currentBatch[currentBatch.length - 1]; } } } return this.currentBatch._add(new TaskValue(that, action, action, context)); } return false; }; History.prototype.getCurrentBatchStack = function () { if (this.currentBatch !== this) { return this.currentBatch.tasks; } return this.tasks[this.tasks.length - 1]; }; /** * * @param {Task} task * @returns {Task} */ History.prototype._add = function (task) { if (this.index != -1) { this.tasks.splice(this.index, this.tasks.length); } this.index = -1; if (!this.isBatched) { this.tasks.push([task]); this.isBatched = true; setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.isBatched = false; }, this), 100); } else { this.tasks[this.tasks.length - 1].push(task); } if (this.tasks.length > this.historyStates) { this.tasks.unshift(); } this.updateUI(); return task; }; History.prototype.off = function () { this.historyAddAllowed = false; this.stackedOff.push(1); }; History.prototype.on = function () { this.stackedOff.pop(); if (this.stackedOff.length == 0) { this.historyAddAllowed = true; } }; History.prototype.undo = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (this.throttleUndoRedo()) { return false; } this.historyActionInProgress = true; this.off(); if (this.index == -1) { this.index = this.tasks.length - 1; } else { this.index--; } if (this.index >= 0) { var tasks = this.tasks[this.index]; for (var i = tasks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!tasks[i].undo()) { break; } } } else { this.index = 0; // No more undo } this.on(); this.historyActionInProgress = false; this.updateUI(); return true; }; History.prototype.redo = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (this.throttleUndoRedo()) { return false; } this.historyActionInProgress = true; this.off(); if (this.index != -1) { if (this.index < this.tasks.length) { var tasks = this.tasks[this.index]; this.index++; for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { if (!tasks[i].redo()) { break; } } } else { // No more redo } } else { // No redo } this.on(); this.historyActionInProgress = false; this.updateUI(); return true; }; History.prototype.actionInProgress = function () { return this.historyActionInProgress; }; function Batch(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.tasks = []; } Batch.prototype._add = function (task) { this.tasks.push(task); return task; }; Batch.prototype.undo = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { if (!this.tasks[i].undo()) { break; } } return true; }; Batch.prototype.redo = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { if (!this.tasks[i].redo()) { break; } } return true; }; Batch.prototype.isEqual = function () { return false; }; function Control(mode) { switch (mode) { case 'skipForwardUndos': this.undo = function () { return false; }; break; } } Control.prototype.undo = function () { return true; }; Control.prototype.redo = function () { return true; }; Control.prototype.isEqual = function () { return false; }; function Task(that, undoAction, redoAction, context) { this.that = that; this.undoAction = undoAction; this.redoAction = redoAction; this.context = context || []; } Task.prototype.undo = function () { this.undoAction.apply(this.that.getSelf(), this.context); return true; }; Task.prototype.redo = function () { this.redoAction.apply(this.that.getSelf(), this.context); return true; }; Task.prototype.isEqual = function () { return false; }; function TaskValue() { Task.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } TaskValue.prototype = Object.create(Task.prototype); TaskValue.prototype.constructor = TaskValue; TaskValue.prototype.setValues = function (undoValue, redoValue) { this.undoValue = undoValue; this.redoValue = redoValue; }; TaskValue.prototype.undo = function () { this.context.unshift(this.undoValue); this.undoAction.apply(this.that.getSelf(), this.context); this.context.shift(); return true; }; TaskValue.prototype.redo = function () { this.context.unshift(this.redoValue); this.redoAction.apply(this.that.getSelf(), this.context); this.context.shift(); return true; }; TaskValue.prototype.isEqual = function (that, action, context) { if (that === this.that && action == this.undoAction) { for (var i = 0; i < context.length; i++) { if (context[i] != this.context[i]) { return false; } } this.setValues = function (undoValue, redoValue) { this.redoValue = redoValue; }; return true; } return false; }; return History; }); N2D('InlineField', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function InlineField() { this.$input = $('<input type="text" name="name" />') .on({ mouseup: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, keyup: $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { this.cancel(); } }, this), blur: $.proxy(this.save, this) }); this.$form = $('<form class="n2-inline-form"></form>') .append(this.$input) .on('submit', $.proxy(this.save, this)); } InlineField.prototype.injectNode = function ($targetNode, value) { this.$input.val(value); $targetNode.append(this.$form); this.$input.focus(); }; InlineField.prototype.save = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.$input.trigger('valueChanged', [this.$input.val()]); this.$input.off('blur'); this.destroy(); }; InlineField.prototype.cancel = function () { this.$input.trigger('cancel'); this.destroy(); }; InlineField.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$input.off('blur'); this.$form.remove(); }; return InlineField; }); N2D('SlideSettings', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.EditorSlide} editor * @param {boolean} isStatic * @constructor */ function SlideSettings(editor, isStatic) { /** * @type {N2Classes.EditorSlide} */ this.editor = editor; this.isStatic = isStatic; var $fields = $('#smartslider-form').find('input[id][name^="slide"], textarea[id][name^="slide"]'), fields = {}; $fields.each($.proxy(function (i, el) { var $field = $(el), name = $field.attr('name').match(/slide\[(.*)\]/)[1]; fields[name] = $field.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.onChange, this, name)); }, this)); /** * @type {object} */ this.fields = fields; this.slideBackground = this.editor.getSlideBackground(); if (!isStatic) { // Auto fill thumbnail if empty var thumbnail = $('#slidethumbnail') .on('change, nextendChange', function () { var newThumbnail = thumbnail.val(); if (newThumbnail === '') { newThumbnail = '$system$/images/placeholder/image.png'; } $('.n2-ss-edit-slide-top-thumbnail img').attr('src', nextend.imageHelper.fixed(newThumbnail)); }); var itemImage = null, currentSlideBackground = this.fields.backgroundImage.val(), updateThumbnailImage = $.proxy(function (image) { if ((image !== '' && image !== '$system$/images/placeholder/image.png') && (thumbnail.val() === '' || thumbnail.val() === currentSlideBackground)) { thumbnail.val(image).trigger('change'); if (itemImage) { itemImage.off('.slidethumbnail'); itemImage = null; } } }, this); this.fields.backgroundImage.on('nextendChange.slidethumbnail', $.proxy(function () { var newSlideBackground = this.fields.backgroundImage.val(); updateThumbnailImage(newSlideBackground); currentSlideBackground = newSlideBackground; }, this)); if (thumbnail.val() === '') { itemImage = $('#item_imageimage').on('nextendChange.slidethumbnail', $.proxy(function () { updateThumbnailImage(itemImage.val()); }, this)); } } this.createHistory(); } SlideSettings.prototype.createHistory = function () { this.values = {}; $('#smartslider-form').find('input[id][name^="slide"], textarea[id][name^="slide"]').not('#slideslide').each($.proxy(function (i, el) { var $input = $(el), field = $input.data('field'), id = $input.attr('id'); this.values[id] = $input.val(); $input.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { var newValue = $input.val(); var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyUpdateSlideValue, [field]); if (task) { task.setValues(this.values[id], newValue); } this.values[id] = newValue; }, this)); }, this)); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getSelf = function () { return this; }; SlideSettings.prototype.historyUpdateSlideValue = function (value, field) { field.insideChange(value); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getAllData = function () { var data = {}; for (var k in this.fields) { data[k] = this.fields[k].val(); } return data; }; var backgroundFields = ['thumbnail', 'background-type', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundGradient', 'backgroundColorEnd', 'backgroundColorOverlay', 'backgroundImage', 'backgroundImageOpacity', 'backgroundImageBlur', 'backgroundFocusX', 'backgroundFocusY', 'backgroundMode']; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundData = function () { var data = {}; for (var i = 0; i < backgroundFields.length; i++) { data[backgroundFields[i]] = this.fields[backgroundFields[i]].val(); } return data; }; SlideSettings.prototype.setData = function (data, disableVisualLoad) { if (disableVisualLoad) { this.slideBackground.setVisualLoad(false); } for (var k in data) { this.fields[k].val(data[k]).trigger('change'); } if (disableVisualLoad) { this.slideBackground.setVisualLoad(false); } }; SlideSettings.prototype.onChange = function (name, e) { name = name.replace(/-/g, '_'); if (typeof this['sync_' + name] === 'function') { this['sync_' + name].call(this); } }; SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundColor = SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundGradient = SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundColorEnd = SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundColorOverlay = function () { this.updateBackgroundColor(); }; SlideSettings.prototype.updateBackgroundColor = function () { var color = this.getBackgroundColor(), gradient = this.getBackgroundGradient(), colorEnd; if (gradient !== 'off') { colorEnd = this.getBackgroundColorEnd(); } this.slideBackground.updateColor(color, gradient, colorEnd, this.getBackgroundColorOverlay()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundImage = function () { this.slideBackground.setImage(this.getBackgroundImage()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.sync_background_type = function () { this.slideBackground.setType(this.fields['background-type'].val()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getType = function () { return this.fields['background-type'].val(); }; SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundMode = function () { this.slideBackground.setMode(this.fields.backgroundMode.val()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundFocusY = SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundFocusX = function () { this.slideBackground.setFocus(this.getBackgroundFocusX(), this.getBackgroundFocusY()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundImageOpacity = function () { this.slideBackground.setImageOpacity(this.getBackgroundImageOpacity()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundImageOpacity = function () { return this.fields.backgroundImageOpacity.val(); }; SlideSettings.prototype.sync_backgroundImageBlur = function () { this.slideBackground.setBlur(this.getBackgroundImageBlur()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function () { return this.editor.generator.fill(this.fields.backgroundColor.val()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundGradient = function () { return this.fields.backgroundGradient.val(); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundColorEnd = function () { return this.editor.generator.fill(this.fields.backgroundColorEnd.val()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundColorOverlay = function () { return !!+this.fields.backgroundColorOverlay.val(); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundImage = function () { return this.editor.generator.fill(this.fields.backgroundImage.val()); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundImageBlur = function () { return this.fields.backgroundImageBlur.val(); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundFocusX = function () { return this.fields.backgroundFocusX.val(); }; SlideSettings.prototype.getBackgroundFocusY = function () { return this.fields.backgroundFocusY.val(); }; return SlideSettings; }); N2D('FormElementStyleMode', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param id * @constructor */ function FormElementStyleMode(id) { this.$element = $('#' + id).on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { if (this.$element.val() == '') { this.$reset.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { this.$reset.css('visibility', ''); } }, this)); this.$container = this.$element.parent(); this.$reset = this.$container.find('.n2-form-element-style-mode-reset') .on('click', $.proxy(function () { this.$element.triggerHandler('n2resetmode'); }, this)); } return FormElementStyleMode; }); N2D('SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor', ['SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground} background * @param $el * @constructor * @augments N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor */ function SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor(background, $el) { N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor.prototype); SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor.prototype.constructor = SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor.prototype.update = function (color, gradient, colorEnd, isOverlay) { color = this.fixColor(color); this.$el.css({background: ''}); this.$el.attr('data-overlay', isOverlay ? 1 : 0); if (gradient !== 'off') { this.updateGradient(color, gradient, colorEnd) } else { this.updateColor(color); } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor.prototype.updateColor = function (color) { if (color.substr(6, 8) !== '00') { this.$el .css('background', '#' + color.substr(0, 6)) .css('background', N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color)); } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor.prototype.updateGradient = function (color, gradient, colorEnd) { this.$el.css({background: ''}); colorEnd = this.fixColor(colorEnd); switch (gradient) { case 'horizontal': this.$el.css('background', 'linear-gradient(to right, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorEnd) + ' 100%)'); break; case 'vertical': this.$el.css('background', 'linear-gradient(to bottom, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorEnd) + ' 100%)'); break; case 'diagonal1': this.$el.css('background', 'linear-gradient(45deg, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorEnd) + ' 100%)'); break; case 'diagonal2': this.$el.css('background', 'linear-gradient(135deg, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorEnd) + ' 100%)'); break; } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor.prototype.fixColor = function (color) { if (color.length && color.charAt(0) === '#') { color = color.substring(1); if (color.length === 6) { color += 'ff'; } } return color; }; return SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundColor; }); N2D('SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage', ['SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide} slide * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderBackgrounds} manager * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground} background * @param $background * @constructor * @augments N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor */ function SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage(slide, manager, background, $background) { this.hash = $background.data('hash'); N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.loadAllowed = true; this.listenImageManager(); } SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype); SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.constructor = SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.listenImageManager = function () { if (this.hash !== '') { $(window).on(this.hash, $.proxy(this.onImageManagerChanged, this)); } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.notListenImageManager = function () { if (this.hash !== '') { $(window).off(this.hash, null, $.proxy(this.onImageManagerChanged, this)); } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.onImageManagerChanged = function (e, imageData) { this.tabletSrc = imageData.tablet.image; this.mobileSrc = imageData.mobile.image; this.updateBackgroundToDevice(this.manager.device); }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.preLoadAdmin = function (image) { this.preLoad(); if (image !== '' && this.background.allowVisualLoad) { this.notListenImageManager(); this.deferred.done($.proxy(function () { $.when(nextend.imageManager.getVisual(image)) .done($.proxy(function (visual) { this.onImageManagerChanged(null, visual.value); this.listenImageManager(); }, this)); }, this)); } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.setDesktopSrc = function (src) { this.notListenImageManager(); this.desktopSrc = src; this.hash = md5(src); if (src !== '' && this.background.allowVisualLoad) { var img = new Image(); img.addEventListener("load", $.proxy(function () { $.when(nextend.imageManager.getVisual(src)) .done($.proxy(function (visual) { this.onImageManagerChanged(null, visual.value); this.listenImageManager(); }, this)); }, this), false); img.src = nextend.imageHelper.fixed(src); } else { this.tabletSrc = ''; this.mobileSrc = ''; this.setSrc(nextend.imageHelper.fixed(src)); } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.setSrc = function (src) { N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.setSrc.call(this, nextend.imageHelper.fixed(src)); }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.startFixed = function () { }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.updateMode = function (newMode, oldMode) { if (newMode === 'blurfit') { if (this.$background.length === 1) { // Clone image and use as front this.$background = this.$background.add(this.$background.clone() .insertAfter(this.$background)); // Blur the rear image var size = 7; this.$background.first().css({ margin: '-' + (size * 2) + 'px', padding: (size * 2) + 'px' }).css(window.n2FilterProperty, 'blur(' + size + 'px)'); } } if (oldMode === 'blurfit' && newMode !== 'blurfit') { // Remove front image this.$background.eq(1).remove(); this.$background = this.$background.eq(0); // Reset blur on the main image this.updateBlur(this.blur); } }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.updateFocus = function (x, y) { this.$background.css('background-position', x + '% ' + y + '%'); }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.updateOpacity = function (opacity) { this.$background.css('opacity', opacity / 100); }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.updateBlur = function (blur) { if (window.n2FilterProperty) { if (blur > 0) { this.$background.last().css({ margin: '-' + (blur * 2) + 'px', padding: (blur * 2) + 'px' }).css(window.n2FilterProperty, 'blur(' + blur + 'px)'); } else { this.$background.last().css({ margin: '', padding: '' }).css(window.n2FilterProperty, ''); } } this.blur = blur; }; SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.kill = function () { this.notListenImageManager(); this.$background.remove(); }; return SmartSliderAdminSlideBackgroundImage; }); N2D('LayerContainer', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param component * @param $ul * @param allowedPlacementMode * @param childrenSelector * @param allowedChildren * @constructor */ function LayerContainer(component, $ul, allowedPlacementMode, childrenSelector, allowedChildren) { this.component = component; this.$ul = $ul .data('container', this); this.allowedPlacementMode = allowedPlacementMode; this.childrenSelector = childrenSelector; this.allowedChildren = allowedChildren; this.layerContainerElement = component.layer; } LayerContainer.prototype.setLayerContainerElement = function ($layerContainerElement) { this.layerContainerElement = $layerContainerElement; }; LayerContainer.prototype.startWithExistingNodes = function (isEditorStart) { var nodes = this.layerContainerElement.find(this.childrenSelector); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { this._loadNode(nodes.eq(i), isEditorStart); } this.component.onChildCountChange(); }; LayerContainer.prototype.isChildAllowed = function (type) { return $.inArray(type, this.allowedChildren) !== -1; }; LayerContainer.prototype._loadNode = function ($el, isEditorStart) { var type = $el.data('sstype'); if (this.isChildAllowed(type)) { var lastPlacement = $el.data('lastplacement'), removedPlacementData = {}; if (lastPlacement !== undefined && lastPlacement != this.allowedPlacementMode) { switch (lastPlacement) { case 'absolute': removedPlacementData = N2Classes.PlacementAbsolute.cleanLayer($el); break; case 'normal': removedPlacementData = N2Classes.PlacementNormal.cleanLayer($el); break; } } /** @type {N2Classes.ComponentAbstract} */ var component; switch (type) { case 'layer': component = new N2Classes.Layer(this.component.fragmentEditor, this.component); var itemClass = component.itemEditor.getItemClass($el.find('.n2-ss-item').data('item')); if (itemClass && N2Classes[itemClass].needSize) { if (removedPlacementData.desktopportraitheight !== undefined) { // If absolute layer pasted into normal position then we should force the absolute height // when the item has needSize property true. $el.data('desktopportraitheight', removedPlacementData.desktopportraitheight); } } break; case 'content': component = new N2Classes.Content(this.component.fragmentEditor, this.component); break; case 'row': component = new N2Classes.Row(this.component.fragmentEditor, this.component); break; case 'col': component = new N2Classes.Col(this.component.fragmentEditor, this.component); break; case 'group': break; } if (component) { component.load($el, isEditorStart); if (!isEditorStart) { component.sync(); } return component; } } else { console.error(type + ' is not allowed in ' + this.component.label); } return false; }; LayerContainer.prototype.getLayerCount = function () { return this.layerContainerElement.find(this.childrenSelector).length; }; LayerContainer.prototype.getLayerIndex = function ($layer) { return this.layerContainerElement.find(this.childrenSelector).index($layer); }; LayerContainer.prototype.getSortedLayers = function () { var layers = []; this.layerContainerElement.find(this.childrenSelector).each(function (i, el) { var layer = $(el).data('layerObject'); if (layer !== undefined) { layers.push(layer); } }); return layers; }; LayerContainer.prototype.append = function ($layer) { $layer.appendTo(this.layerContainerElement); var layer = this._loadNode($layer, false); this.component.onChildCountChange(); return layer; }; LayerContainer.prototype.insertAt = function ($layer, index) { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(); if (index >= layers.length) { $layer.appendTo(this.layerContainerElement); } else { $layer.insertBefore(layers[index].layer); } var layer = this._loadNode($layer, false); this.component.onChildCountChange(); return layer; }; LayerContainer.prototype.insert = function (layer) { layer.getRootElement().appendTo(this.layerContainerElement); }; LayerContainer.prototype.insertLayerAt = function (layer, index) { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(), oldGroup = layer.group; var layerIndex = $.inArray(layer, layers); if (layerIndex > -1 && layerIndex < index) { // we have to readjust the target index of the layer index++; } if (index >= layers.length) { layer.getRootElement().appendTo(this.layerContainerElement); } else { layer.getRootElement().insertBefore(layers[index].getRootElement()); } this.syncLayerRow(layer); if (oldGroup !== this.component) { oldGroup.onChildCountChange(); } }; LayerContainer.prototype.syncLayerRow = function (layer) { var relatedLayer, isReversed = (this.allowedPlacementMode === 'absolute'); if (isReversed) { relatedLayer = layer.getRootElement().prevAll('.n2-ss-layer, .n2-ss-layer-group').first().data('layerObject'); } else { relatedLayer = layer.getRootElement().nextAll('.n2-ss-layer, .n2-ss-layer-group').first().data('layerObject'); } if (relatedLayer !== undefined) { layer.layerRow.insertBefore(relatedLayer.layerRow); } else { this.$ul.append(layer.layerRow); } if (layer.animations) { layer.animations.syncRow(relatedLayer, isReversed); } }; LayerContainer.prototype.getChildLayersRecursive = function (nodeOnly) { var _layers = this.getSortedLayers(); var layers = []; for (var i = 0; i < _layers.length; i++) { if (nodeOnly) { layers.push(_layers[i].layer[0]); } else { layers.push(_layers[i]); } if (_layers[i].container) { layers.push.apply(layers, _layers[i].container.getChildLayersRecursive(nodeOnly)); } } return layers; }; LayerContainer.prototype.moveLayerToGroup = function (layer, newLocalIndex) { this.moveLayersToGroup([layer], [newLocalIndex]); }; LayerContainer.prototype.moveLayersToGroup = function (layers, newLocalIndexs) { newLocalIndexs = newLocalIndexs || []; var originalGroups = []; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i], originalGroup = layer.group; var originalIndex = layer.getIndex(); if (typeof newLocalIndexs[i] != 'undefined') { this.insertLayerAt(layer, newLocalIndexs[i]); } else { this.insert(layer); } layer.changeGroup(originalIndex, this.component); if (this != originalGroup) { if ($.inArray(originalGroup, originalGroups) == -1) { originalGroups.push(originalGroup); } } } for (var i = 0; i < originalGroups.length; i++) { originalGroups[i].update(); } }; LayerContainer.prototype.activateFirst = function () { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(); if (layers.length > 0) { layers[layers.length - 1].activate(); //Do not show editor on load! } }; LayerContainer.prototype.resetModes = function (mode) { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].resetMode(mode); if (layers[i].container != undefined) { layers[i].container.resetModes(mode); } } }; LayerContainer.prototype.copyModes = function (mode, currentMode) { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].copyMode(mode, currentMode); if (layers[i].container != undefined) { layers[i].container.copyModes(mode, currentMode); } } }; LayerContainer.prototype.changeEditorModes = function (mode) { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].changeEditorMode(mode); if (layers[i].container != undefined) { layers[i].container.changeEditorModes(mode); } } }; LayerContainer.prototype.renderModeProperties = function () { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].renderModeProperties(); if (layers[i].container != undefined) { layers[i].container.renderModeProperties(); } } }; LayerContainer.prototype.getAllLayers = function (layers) { layers = layers || []; var sortedLayers = this.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < sortedLayers.length; i++) { layers.push(sortedLayers[i]); if (sortedLayers[i].container != undefined) { sortedLayers[i].container.getAllLayers(layers); } } return layers; }; LayerContainer.prototype.getData = function (params) { params = $.extend({ layersIncluded: true, itemsIncluded: true }, params); var layers = []; var sortedLayers = this.getSortedLayers(); if (this.allowedPlacementMode == 'absolute') { for (var i = sortedLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { layers.push(sortedLayers[i].getData(params)); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < sortedLayers.length; i++) { layers.push(sortedLayers[i].getData(params)); } } return layers; }; LayerContainer.prototype.getHTML = function (base64) { var layers = this.getSortedLayers(), nodes = []; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { nodes.push(layers[i].getHTML(base64)); } return nodes; }; /** * Used for layer editor * @param exclude * @returns {Array} */ LayerContainer.prototype.getDroppables = function (exclude) { var droppables = [], layers = this.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (layers[i] != exclude) { var droppable = layers[i].getDroppable(); if (typeof droppable == 'object') { droppables.push(droppable); } if (droppable != 'hidden' && layers[i].container) { droppables.push.apply(droppables, layers[i].container.getDroppables(exclude)); } } } return droppables; }; /** * Used for Layer List * @param layer * @returns {Array} */ LayerContainer.prototype.getLLDroppables = function (layer) { var droppables = []; var droppable = this.component.getLLDroppable(layer); if (droppable) { droppables.push(droppable); } var layers = this.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (!layers[i].container || layers[i] == layer) continue; droppables.push.apply(droppables, layers[i].container.getLLDroppables(layer)); } return droppables; }; return LayerContainer; }); N2D('LayerDataStorage', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function LayerDataStorage() { this.isDeviceProp = {}; this.propertyScope = {}; this.property = {}; this.deviceProperty = { desktopPortrait: {}, desktopLandscape: {}, tabletPortrait: {}, tabletLandscape: {}, mobilePortrait: {}, mobileLandscape: {} }; this.advancedProperties = {}; } LayerDataStorage.prototype.getMode = function () { return this.fragmentEditor.getMode(); }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.getProperties = function () { var properties = {}; for (var k in this.property) { if (this.advancedProperties[k] !== undefined) { if (k == this.advancedProperties[k].getName()) { var value = this.property[k], baseName = this.advancedProperties[k].getBaseName(); if (this.property[k] === undefined) { value = this.property[baseName]; } properties[baseName] = value; } } else { properties[k] = this.property[k]; } } return properties; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.getRawProperty = function (name) { if (this.isDeviceProp[name]) { var mode = this.getMode(), properties = this.deviceProperty[mode]; if (properties[name] !== undefined) { return properties[name]; } return undefined; } return this.property[name]; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.getProperty = function (name) { if (this.isDeviceProp[name]) { var mode = this.getMode(), properties = this.deviceProperty[mode], fallbackProperties = this.deviceProperty['desktopPortrait']; if (typeof properties[name] !== 'undefined') { return properties[name]; } else if (typeof fallbackProperties[name] !== 'undefined') { return fallbackProperties[name]; } } return this.property[name]; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.historyStore = function (value, name, mode) { if (!this.isDeleteStarted) { var currentMode = this.getMode(); if (!this.isDeviceProp[name] || mode == currentMode) { this.store(name, value, true, 'history'); this.$.trigger('propertyChanged', [name, this.getProperty(name)]); } else { this.deviceProperty[mode][name] = value; this.render(name); } } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.store = function (name, value, needRender, from) { var mode = this.getMode(), oldValue, oldValueFilled; if (this.isDeviceProp[name]) { oldValue = this.deviceProperty[mode][name]; oldValueFilled = this.getProperty(name); } else { oldValueFilled = oldValue = this.property[name]; } var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyStore, [name, mode]); if (task) { task.setValues(oldValue, value); } this.property[name] = value; if (this.isDeviceProp[name]) { this.deviceProperty[mode][name] = value; } if (needRender) { this.render(name, oldValueFilled, from); } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.render = function (name, oldValue, from) { this.propertyScope[name]['_sync' + name](oldValue, from); }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.isDimensionPropertyAccepted = function (value) { return (value + '').match(/[0-9]+%/) || value == 'auto'; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.changeEditorMode = function (mode) { var value = parseInt(this.property[mode]); if (value) { this._show(); } else { this._hide(); } this.layer.triggerHandler('LayerShowChange', [mode, value]); this.renderModeProperties(false); }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { for (var k in this.isDeviceProp) { if (this.isDeviceProp[k]) { this.property[k] = this.getProperty(k); this.$.trigger('propertyChanged', [k, this.property[k]]); } } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.historyResetMode = function (value, mode) { this.deviceProperty[mode] = $.extend({}, value); if (mode == this.fragmentEditor.getMode()) { this.renderModeProperties(true); } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.resetMode = function (mode) { if (mode != 'desktopPortrait') { var undefined; var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyResetMode, [mode]); if (task) { task.setValues($.extend({}, this.deviceProperty[mode]), {}); } for (var k in this.deviceProperty[mode]) { this.deviceProperty[mode][k] = undefined; } if (mode == this.fragmentEditor.getMode()) { this.renderModeProperties(true); } } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.copyMode = function (from, to) { if (from != to) { var originalValues = this.deviceProperty[to]; this.deviceProperty[to] = $.extend({}, this.deviceProperty[to], this.deviceProperty[from]); var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyResetMode, [to]); if (task) { task.setValues(originalValues, this.deviceProperty[to]); } } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype._getDefault = function (name, def) { if (this.originalProperties[name] !== undefined) { return this.originalProperties[name]; } return def; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.createProperty = function (name, def, $layer, scope) { this.isDeviceProp[name] = false; this.propertyScope[name] = scope || this; if ($layer) { this.property[name] = $layer.data(name.toLowerCase()); if (this.property[name] === undefined) { this.property[name] = this._getDefault(name, def); } } else { this.property[name] = this._getDefault(name, def); } }; /** * @param {N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty} advancedProperty * @param $layer * @param scope */ LayerDataStorage.prototype.createAdvancedProperty = function (advancedProperty, $layer, scope) { var names = advancedProperty.getNames(); for (var k in names) { this.advancedProperties[k] = advancedProperty; this.createProperty(k, names[k], $layer, scope); } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.syncAdvancedField = function (baseName) { var name = this.advancedProperties[baseName].getName(), value = this.property[name]; if (this.property[name] === undefined) { value = this.property[baseName]; } this.fragmentEditor.layerOptions.updateField(baseName, value); }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.createDeviceProperty = function (name, def, $layer, scope) { var k, defaultValue; this.isDeviceProp[name] = true; this.propertyScope[name] = scope || this; if ($layer) { for (k in this.deviceProperty) { this.deviceProperty[k][name] = $layer.data(k.toLowerCase() + name.toLowerCase()); if (this.deviceProperty[k][name] === "") { this.deviceProperty[k][name] = undefined; } } for (k in this.deviceProperty) { if (this.deviceProperty[k][name] === undefined || this.deviceProperty[k][name] === "") { defaultValue = this._getDefault(k.toLowerCase() + name.toLowerCase()); if (defaultValue !== undefined) { this.deviceProperty[k][name] = defaultValue; } } } for (k in def) { if (this.deviceProperty[k][name] === undefined || this.deviceProperty[k][name] === "") { this.deviceProperty[k][name] = def[k]; } } } else { //Create layer for (k in def) { this.deviceProperty[k][name] = def[k]; } for (k in this.deviceProperty) { defaultValue = this._getDefault(k.toLowerCase() + name.toLowerCase()); if (defaultValue !== undefined) { this.deviceProperty[k][name] = defaultValue; } } } this.property[name] = this.deviceProperty.desktopPortrait[name]; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.removeProperty = function (name) { delete this.property[name]; this.layer.removeData(name.toLowerCase()) .removeAttr('data-' + name.toLowerCase()); if (this.isDeviceProp[name]) { for (var k in this.deviceProperty) { delete this.deviceProperty[k][name]; this.layer.removeData(k.toLowerCase() + name.toLowerCase()) .removeAttr('data-' + k.toLowerCase() + name.toLowerCase()); } } delete this.isDeviceProp[name]; delete this.propertyScope[name]; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.removeProperties = function (properties) { for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { this.removeProperty(properties[i]); } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.getPropertiesData = function (properties) { var data = {}; for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var name = properties[i]; if (this.property[name] !== undefined) { data[name] = this.property[name]; } if (this.isDeviceProp[name]) { for (var k in this.deviceProperty) { if (this.deviceProperty[k][name] !== undefined) { data[k.toLowerCase() + name] = this.deviceProperty[k][name]; } } } } return data; }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.setProperty = function (name, value, from) { if (this.advancedProperties[name] !== undefined) { name = this.advancedProperties[name].getName(); } if (this.propertyScope[name] !== undefined) { if (typeof this.propertyScope[name]['setProperty' + name] == 'function') { this.propertyScope[name]['setProperty' + name](name, value, from); } else { this._setProperty(name, value, from); } } else if (typeof this['setProperty' + name] == 'function') { this['setProperty' + name](name, value, from); } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype._setProperty = function (name, value, from) { this.store(name, value, true, from); if (from != 'manager') { this.$.trigger('propertyChanged', [name, this.getProperty(name)]); } }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.onSyncFields = function () { }; LayerDataStorage.prototype.resetStyleMode = function (name) { for (var k in this.advancedProperties) { this.advancedProperties[k].resetMode(name); } }; return LayerDataStorage; }); N2D('FragmentEditor', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; var layerClass = '.n2-ss-layer', keys = { 16: 0, 38: 0, 40: 0, 37: 0, 39: 0 }, horizontalAlign = { 97: 'left', 98: 'center', 99: 'right', 100: 'left', 101: 'center', 102: 'right', 103: 'left', 104: 'center', 105: 'right' }, verticalAlign = { 97: 'bottom', 98: 'bottom', 99: 'bottom', 100: 'middle', 101: 'middle', 102: 'middle', 103: 'top', 104: 'top', 105: 'top' }, SELECT_MODE = { OFF: 0, ON: 1, GROUP: 2 }, SELECT_MODE_INV = { 0: 'OFF', 1: 'ON', 2: 'GROUP' }; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} editor * @param jQuery $editedElement * @param configuration * @param options * @constructor */ function FragmentEditor(editor, $editedElement, configuration, options) { this.mode = 'desktopPortrait'; /** * @type {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} */ this.editor = editor; this.$editedElement = $editedElement; this.configuration = configuration; this.ready = $.Deferred(); this.shouldPreventActivationBubble = false; this.$ = $(this); editor.fragmentEditor = this; this.$highlight = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-highlight n2-ss-layer-highlight-n" /><div class="n2-ss-layer-highlight n2-ss-layer-highlight-e" /><div class="n2-ss-layer-highlight n2-ss-layer-highlight-s" /><div class="n2-ss-layer-highlight n2-ss-layer-highlight-w" />'); this.initSelectMode(); this.layerWindow = new N2Classes.LayerWindow(this); this.layerOptions = new N2Classes.ComponentSettings(this); this.ui = new N2Classes.CanvasUserInterface(this); /** * @type {N2Classes.MainContainer} */ this.mainContainer = new N2Classes.MainContainer(this); this.itemEditor = new N2Classes.ItemManager(this, options); this.mainContainer.lateInit(); this._initDeviceModeChange(); /** * @type {N2Classes.CanvasSettings} */ this.canvasSettings = new N2Classes.CanvasSettings(this); this.layerOptions.startFeatures(); this.hotkeys(); this.addContextMenu(); this.mainContainer.refreshHasLayers(); var editorModes = $('#n2-ss-editor-mode .n2-radio-option'), updateEditorModeSync = $.proxy(function (mode) { this.updateEditorMode(mode); switch (mode) { case 'content': editorModes.eq(0).addClass('n2-active'); editorModes.eq(1).removeClass('n2-active'); break; case 'canvas': editorModes.eq(0).removeClass('n2-active'); editorModes.eq(1).addClass('n2-active'); break; } }, this); if (this.mainContent && this.mainContent.container.getLayerCount()) { updateEditorModeSync('content'); } else { var layers = this.mainContainer.container.getSortedLayers(); if (this.mainContent && layers.length > 1 || !this.mainContent && layers.length > 0) { updateEditorModeSync('canvas'); } else { var stored = $.jStorage.get('editormode'); if (!stored) { stored = 'content'; $.jStorage.set('editormode', stored); } updateEditorModeSync(stored); } } editorModes.on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { editorModes.removeClass('n2-active'); var $el = $(e.currentTarget), mode = $el.data('mode'); $el.addClass('n2-active'); if (mode != this.currentEditorMode) { this.updateEditorMode(mode); $.jStorage.set('editormode', mode); } }, this)); this.isMultiDrag = false; } FragmentEditor.prototype.updateEditorMode = function (mode) { this.currentEditorMode = mode; $('body').attr('data-editormode', this.currentEditorMode); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.getMode = function () { return this.mode; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal = function () { return this.editor.getHorizontalRatio(); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.getResponsiveRatioVertical = function () { return this.editor.getVerticalRatio(); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.setMainContent = function (layer) { this.mainContent = layer; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.isGroup = function (layer) { return false; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.isRow = function (layer) { return layer instanceof N2Classes.Row; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.isCol = function (layer) { return layer instanceof N2Classes.Col; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.isLayer = function (layer) { return layer instanceof N2Classes.Layer; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.isContent = function (layer) { return layer instanceof N2Classes.Content; }; //<editor-fold desc="Initialize the device mode changer"> FragmentEditor.prototype._initDeviceModeChange = function () { var resetButton = $('#layerresettodesktop').on('click', $.proxy(this.__onResetToDesktopClick, this)); this.resetToDesktopTRElement = resetButton.closest('tr'); this.resetToDesktopGlobalElement = $('#n2-ss-layer-reset-to-desktop').on('click', $.proxy(function () { if (this.resetToDesktopTRElement.css('display') == 'block') { resetButton.trigger('click'); } }, this)); var showOn = $('#n2-ss-layer-show-on'), showOnShortCuts = {}, deviceModes = this.editor.getAvailableDeviceModes(); for (var k in deviceModes) { if (deviceModes[k]) { showOnShortCuts[k] = $('<div class="n2-radio-option"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-' + k + '"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(function (mode) { this.layerOptions.currentForm[mode] .data('field') .onoff.trigger('click'); }, this, k)).appendTo(showOn); } } showOn.children().first().addClass('n2-first'); showOn.children().last().addClass('n2-last'); this.globalShowOnDeviceCB = function (mode) { if (typeof showOnShortCuts[mode] !== 'undefined') { showOnShortCuts[mode].toggleClass('n2-active', this.layerOptions.currentForm[mode].val() == 1); } }; this.layerOptions.forms.global.desktopPortrait.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.globalShowOnDeviceCB, this, 'desktopPortrait')); this.layerOptions.forms.global.desktopLandscape.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.globalShowOnDeviceCB, this, 'desktopLandscape')); this.layerOptions.forms.global.tabletPortrait.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.globalShowOnDeviceCB, this, 'tabletPortrait')); this.layerOptions.forms.global.tabletLandscape.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.globalShowOnDeviceCB, this, 'tabletLandscape')); this.layerOptions.forms.global.mobilePortrait.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.globalShowOnDeviceCB, this, 'mobilePortrait')); this.layerOptions.forms.global.mobileLandscape.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.globalShowOnDeviceCB, this, 'mobileLandscape')); $('#layershow').data('field').setAvailableDevices(deviceModes); this.refreshMode(); this.ready.resolve(); } /** * Refresh the current responsive mode. Example: you are in tablet view and unpublish a layer for tablet, then you should need a refresh on the mode. */ FragmentEditor.prototype.refreshMode = function () { this.mode = this.editor.getDeviceMode(); this.resetToDesktopTRElement.css('display', (this.mode == 'desktopPortrait' ? 'none' : '')); this.resetToDesktopGlobalElement.css('display', (this.mode == 'desktopPortrait' ? 'none' : '')); this.mainContainer.container.changeEditorModes(this.mode); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.onChangeDeviceOrientation = function () { this.refreshMode(); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.onResize = function (ratios) { this.mainContainer.onResize(ratios); if (this.canvasSettings.ruler) { this.canvasSettings.ruler.onResize(); } }; /** * Reset the custom values of the current mode on the current layer to the desktop values. * @private */ FragmentEditor.prototype.__onResetToDesktopClick = function () { if (this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { var mode = this.getMode(); this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer().resetMode(mode); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.copyOrResetMode = function (mode) { var currentMode = this.getMode(); if (currentMode == 'desktopPortrait') { if (mode != 'desktopPortrait') { this.mainContainer.container.resetModes(mode); } } else { if (mode == currentMode) { this.mainContainer.container.resetModes(mode); } else { this.mainContainer.container.copyModes(currentMode, mode); } } }; //</editor-fold> FragmentEditor.prototype.getSnap = function () { if (this.canvasSettings.get("n2-ss-snap-to-enabled")) { return $(this.configuration.snapSelector); } return false; }; /** * Get the HTML code of the whole slide * @returns {string} HTML */ FragmentEditor.prototype.getHTML = function () { var node = $('<div></div>'); var list = this.mainContainer.container.getAllLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { node.append(list[i].getHTML(true)); } return node.html(); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.getData = function () { return this.mainContainer.container.getData(); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.importLayers = function (data, overwrite) { var group = this.mainContainer; var layers = $.extend(true, [], data); if (overwrite) { this.mainContainer.deleteLayers(); } this._idTranslation = {}; var layerNodes = this.dataToLayers(layers); for (var i = 0; i < layerNodes.length; i++) { this.mainContainer.container.append(layerNodes[i]); } this.refreshMode(); if (!this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { var layers = this.mainContainer.container.getSortedLayers(); if (layers.length > 0) { layers[0].activate(); } } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.loadComponentWithNode = function (group, $component, needHistory, refresh) { var component = group.container.append($component); if (refresh) { this.refreshMode(); } return component; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.insertComponentWithNode = function (group, $component, index, needHistory, refresh) { var component = group.container.insertAt($component, index); if (refresh) { this.refreshMode(); } return component; }; /** * getter for the currently selected layer * @returns {jQuery|boolean} layer element in jQuery representation or false * @private */ FragmentEditor.prototype.fixActiveLayer = function () { var selectedLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); if (selectedLayer == false || selectedLayer.isDeleted) { this.resetActiveLayer(); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.resetActiveLayer = function () { var layers = this.mainContainer.container.getSortedLayers(); if (layers.length) { layers[layers.length - 1].activate(); } else { this.changeActiveLayer(null); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.changeActiveLayer = function (nextActiveLayer, preventExitFromSelection) { var layer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); if (layer && !layer.isDeleted) { // There is a chance that the layer already deleted layer.$.off('propertyChanged.editor') .off('.active'); layer.deActivate(); } this.mainContainer.activeLayer = nextActiveLayer; if (!preventExitFromSelection) { this.exitSelectMode(); } if (nextActiveLayer) { this.layerOptions.changeActiveComponent(nextActiveLayer, nextActiveLayer.type, nextActiveLayer.placement.getType(), nextActiveLayer.getProperties()); nextActiveLayer.$.on({ 'propertyChanged.editor': $.proxy(this.layerOptions.onUpdateField, this.layerOptions), 'placementChanged.active': $.proxy(function (e, current, last) { this.layerOptions.changeActiveComponentPlacement(current, nextActiveLayer.property); }, this) }); } this.$.trigger('activeLayerChanged'); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.highlight = function (layer) { this.$highlight.appendTo(layer.layer); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.deHighlight = function (layer) { this.$highlight.detach(); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.delete = function () { if (this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { this.doActionOnActiveLayer('delete'); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.duplicate = function () { if (this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { this.doActionOnActiveLayer('duplicate', [this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.ON ? false : true, false]); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.copy = function (clickedLayer) { var requestedLayers; if (clickedLayer == undefined) { if (this.selectMode == 1) { requestedLayers = this.selectedLayers; } else { var activeLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); if (activeLayer) { if (this.isCol(activeLayer) || this.isContent(activeLayer)) { requestedLayers = activeLayer.container.getSortedLayers() } else { requestedLayers = [activeLayer]; } } } } else { if (this.isCol(clickedLayer) || this.isContent(clickedLayer)) { requestedLayers = clickedLayer.container.getSortedLayers() } else { requestedLayers = [clickedLayer]; } } var layers = this.mainContainer.getLayerData(requestedLayers); if (layers.length) { $.jStorage.set('ss3layersclipboard', JSON.stringify(layers)) } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.paste = function (target) { var clipboard = $.jStorage.get('ss3layersclipboard'); if (clipboard) { var layers = JSON.parse(clipboard); if (layers.length) { var targetGroup; if (target === undefined || !target) { targetGroup = this.mainContainer.getActiveGroup(); } else { if (this.isCol(target) || this.isContent(target)) { targetGroup = target; } else { targetGroup = target.group; } } this.mainContainer.addLayers(layers, targetGroup); } } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.hasLayersOnClipboard = function () { if ($.jStorage.get('ss3layersclipboard')) { return true; } return false; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.addContextMenu = function () { this.$editedElement.nextendContextMenu({ onShow: $.proxy(function (e, contextMenu) { var $target = $(e.target); var $closestLayer = $target.closest('.n2-ss-layer'), closestLayer = $closestLayer.data('layerObject'); if (!closestLayer) { closestLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); } if (closestLayer) { if (this.isCol(closestLayer) || this.isContent(closestLayer)) { contextMenu.addItem('Copy child layers', 'n2-i-copy', $.proxy(function () { this.copy(closestLayer); }, this)); } else { contextMenu.addItem('Copy layer', 'n2-i-copy', $.proxy(function () { if (this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.ON) { this.copy(); } else { this.copy(closestLayer); } }, this)); } } if (this.hasLayersOnClipboard()) { contextMenu.addItem('Paste layer(s)', 'n2-i-paste', $.proxy(function () { this.paste(closestLayer); }, this)); } contextMenu.addItem('Copy slide', 'n2-i-copy', $.proxy(function () { this.editor.copy(); }, this)); if (this.editor.hasClipboard()) { contextMenu.addItem('Paste slide', 'n2-i-paste', $.proxy(function () { this.editor.paste(); }, this)); } }, this) }); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.initSelectMode = function () { this.selectMode = SELECT_MODE.OFF; this.selectedLayers = []; $('.n2-ss-layer-list-top-bar .n2-button').on('mousedown', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch ($(e.currentTarget).data('action')) { case 'delete': this.delete(); break; case 'duplicate': this.duplicate(); break; case 'group': this.createGroupFromSelected(); break; case 'cancel': this.exitSelectMode(); break; } }, this)) }; FragmentEditor.prototype.startSelection = function (isGroupMode) { if (isGroupMode) { if (this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.ON) { this.exitSelectMode(); } this.changeSelectMode(SELECT_MODE.GROUP); } else { this.changeSelectMode(SELECT_MODE.ON); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.changeSelectMode = function (targetMode) { var lastMode = this.selectMode; if (lastMode != targetMode) { if (lastMode == SELECT_MODE.ON) { $('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-select-layer-mode-on'); } else if (lastMode == SELECT_MODE.GROUP) { $('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-select-layer-mode-group'); } this.selectMode = targetMode; if (lastMode == SELECT_MODE.GROUP && targetMode == SELECT_MODE.ON) { this.selectedLayers[0].activate(null, null, true); } if (targetMode == SELECT_MODE.OFF) { $('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-select-layer-mode'); } else { $('#n2-admin').addClass('n2-ss-select-layer-mode'); if (targetMode == SELECT_MODE.ON) { $('#n2-admin').addClass('n2-ss-select-layer-mode-on'); } else if (targetMode == SELECT_MODE.GROUP) { $('#n2-admin').addClass('n2-ss-select-layer-mode-group'); } } if (this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.OFF) { $('body').off('.n2-ss-selection'); } else { $('body').on('mousedown.n2-ss-selection', $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.which != 3 && N2Classes.WindowManager.get().getCurrentWindow() == 'main') { if (N2Classes.WindowManager.get().mouseDownArea === false) { this.exitSelectMode(); } } }, this)); } } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.endSelection = function (isGroupMode) { if (isGroupMode && this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.GROUP) { this.exitSelectMode(); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.selectLayer = function (layer, addActive) { if (layer.type != 'layer') { return true; } if (this.selectMode != SELECT_MODE.ON) { var activeLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); if (activeLayer.type == 'layer') { this.startSelection(false); if (addActive) { this.selectedLayers.push(activeLayer); } } else { layer.activate(null); return true; } } this._selectLayer(layer); return true; }; FragmentEditor.prototype._selectLayer = function (layer) { var index = $.inArray(layer, this.selectedLayers); if (index != -1) { if (this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.ON && this.selectedLayers.length <= 1) { this.exitSelectMode(); return false; } var deSelectedLayer = this.selectedLayers[index]; this.selectedLayers.splice(index, 1); layer.layerRow.removeClass('n2-selected'); layer.layer.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-selected'); if (this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.ON && this.selectedLayers.length <= 1) { this.selectedLayers[0].activate(); this.exitSelectMode(); return false; } // As the active layer removed from the selection, // change the active layer to the first of the current selection if (deSelectedLayer === this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { this.selectedLayers[0].activate(false, null, true); } } else { var pushToIndex = this.selectedLayers.length; /*for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedLayers.length; i++) { if (this.selectedLayers[i].placement.doAction('indexCompare', layer)) { pushToIndex = i; break; } }*/ for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedLayers.length; i++) { if (layer.layer.add(this.selectedLayers[i].layer).index(this.selectedLayers[i].layer) > 0) { pushToIndex = i; break; } } this.selectedLayers.splice(pushToIndex, 0, layer); } for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedLayers.length; i++) { this.selectedLayers[i].layerRow.addClass('n2-selected'); this.selectedLayers[i].layer.addClass('n2-ss-layer-selected'); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.addSelection = function (layers, isGroupSelected) { if (!isGroupSelected) { this.changeSelectMode(SELECT_MODE.ON); } for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { this._selectLayer(layers[i], false); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.exitSelectMode = function () { if (this.selectMode) { for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedLayers.length; i++) { if (this.selectedLayers[i] != this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { this.selectedLayers[i].layerRow.removeClass('n2-active'); } this.selectedLayers[i].layerRow.removeClass('n2-selected'); this.selectedLayers[i].layer.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-selected'); } $('#n2-admin').removeClass('n2-ss-select-layer-mode'); this.selectedLayers = []; this.changeSelectMode(SELECT_MODE.OFF); } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.doActionOnActiveLayer = function (action, args) { if (this.selectMode == SELECT_MODE.ON) { var selectedLayers = $.extend([], this.selectedLayers); for (var i = 0; i < selectedLayers.length; i++) { selectedLayers[i][action].apply(selectedLayers[i], args); } } else { var selectedLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); if (selectedLayer) { selectedLayer[action].apply(selectedLayer, args); } } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.canvasDragStart = function (e, ui) { if (this.selectMode && this.currentEditorMode == 'canvas' && ui.mode == 'absolute') { var targetFoundInSelection = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedLayers.length; i++) { var selectedLayer = this.selectedLayers[i], $selectedLayer = selectedLayer.layer; if ($selectedLayer[0] != ui.layer.layer[0]) { var display = $selectedLayer.css('display'); if (display == 'none') { $selectedLayer.css('display', ''); } selectedLayer._originalPosition = $selectedLayer.position(); if (display == 'none') { $selectedLayer.css('display', 'none'); } } else { targetFoundInSelection = true; } } if (!targetFoundInSelection) { this.exitSelectMode(); } this.isMultiDrag = true; } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.canvasDragMove = function (e, ui) { if (this.isMultiDrag === true) { var movement = { left: ui.position.left + ui.canvasOffset.left - ui.originalOffset.left, top: ui.position.top + ui.canvasOffset.top - ui.originalOffset.top }; for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedLayers.length; i++) { var selectedLayer = this.selectedLayers[i]; if (!this.isGroup(selectedLayer)) { var $selectedLayer = selectedLayer.layer; if ($selectedLayer[0] != ui.layer.layer[0]) { $selectedLayer.css({ left: selectedLayer._originalPosition.left + movement.left, top: selectedLayer._originalPosition.top + movement.top, bottom: 'auto', right: 'auto' }); selectedLayer.placement.doAction('triggerLayerResized'); } } } } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.canvasDragStop = function (e, ui) { if (this.isMultiDrag === true) { for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedLayers.length; i++) { var selectedLayer = this.selectedLayers[i]; if (!this.isGroup(selectedLayer)) { var $selectedLayer = selectedLayer.layer; if ($selectedLayer[0] != ui.layer.layer[0]) { var display = $selectedLayer.css('display'); if (display == 'none') { $selectedLayer.css('display', 'block'); } var left = parseInt(selectedLayer.layer.css('left')), top = parseInt(selectedLayer.layer.css('top')); selectedLayer.placement.current.setPosition(left, top); selectedLayer.placement.doAction('triggerLayerResized'); if (display == 'none') { $selectedLayer.css('display', "none"); } } } } this.isMultiDrag = false; return true; } return false; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.historyDeleteGroup = function (historicalGroup) { historicalGroup.getSelf().delete(); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.historyCreateGroup = function (historicalGroup) { var group = new N2Classes.Group(this, this.mainContainer, {}, null); group.create(); historicalGroup.setSelf(group); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.createGroupFromSelected = function () { var group; switch (this.selectMode) { case SELECT_MODE.ON: group = new N2Classes.Group(this, this.mainContainer, {}, null); group.create(); N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDeleteGroup, this.historyCreateGroup, [group]); group.addLayers(this.selectedLayers); this.exitSelectMode(); group.activate(); break; case SELECT_MODE.OFF: var activeLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); // If the single layer is already in a group, we just activate that group if (activeLayer.group instanceof N2Classes.Group) { activeLayer.group.activate(); } else if (activeLayer instanceof N2Classes.Content || activeLayer instanceof N2Classes.Col) { // Do nothing for content and Col layers } else { group = new N2Classes.Group(this, this.mainContainer, {}, null); group.create(); N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDeleteGroup, this.historyCreateGroup, [group]); group.addLayers([activeLayer]); group.activate(); } break; case SELECT_MODE.GROUP: break; } }; FragmentEditor.prototype.createRow = function (group) { var layer = new N2Classes.Row(this, group, {}); layer.create(); layer.hightlightStructure(); return { layer: layer }; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.createCol = function (group) { var activeGroup = group, layer = null; if (this.isCol(activeGroup)) { layer = activeGroup.group.createCol(); } else if (this.isRow(activeGroup)) { layer = activeGroup.createCol(); } else if (this.isCol(activeGroup.group)) { layer = activeGroup.group.group.createCol(); } else { return this.createRow(group); } layer.activate(null); return { layer: layer }; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.preventActivationBubbling = function () { if (!this.shouldPreventActivationBubble) { this.shouldPreventActivationBubble = true; return true; } return false; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.allowActivation = function () { this.shouldPreventActivationBubble = false; }; FragmentEditor.prototype.hotkeys = function () { $(window).on({ keydown: $.proxy(function (e) { var isTimelineActive = false; if (e.target.tagName != 'TEXTAREA' && e.target.tagName != 'INPUT' && !isTimelineActive) { var hasSelectedLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(), keyCode = e.keyCode; if (keyCode >= 49 && keyCode <= 57) { var location = e.originalEvent.location || e.originalEvent.keyLocation || 0; // Fix OSX Chrome numeric keycodes if (location == 3) { keyCode += 48; } } if (hasSelectedLayer) { if (keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 8) { this.delete(); e.preventDefault(); } else if (keyCode == 35) { this.duplicate(); e.preventDefault(); } else if (keyCode == 16) { keys[keyCode] = 1; } else if (keyCode == 38) { if (!keys[keyCode]) { var fn = $.proxy(function () { this.doActionOnActiveLayer('moveY', [-1 * (keys[16] ? 10 : 1)]); }, this); fn(); keys[keyCode] = setInterval(fn, 100); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (keyCode == 40) { if (!keys[keyCode]) { var fn = $.proxy(function () { this.doActionOnActiveLayer('moveY', [(keys[16] ? 10 : 1)]); }, this); fn(); keys[keyCode] = setInterval(fn, 100); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (keyCode == 37) { if (!keys[keyCode]) { var fn = $.proxy(function () { this.doActionOnActiveLayer('moveX', [-1 * (keys[16] ? 10 : 1)]); }, this); fn(); keys[keyCode] = setInterval(fn, 100); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (keyCode == 39) { if (!keys[keyCode]) { var fn = $.proxy(function () { this.doActionOnActiveLayer('moveX', [keys[16] ? 10 : 1]); }, this); fn(); keys[keyCode] = setInterval(fn, 100); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (keyCode >= 97 && keyCode <= 105) { var hAlign = horizontalAlign[keyCode], vAlign = verticalAlign[keyCode], toZero = false; if (this.layerOptions.forms.placement.absolute.align.val() == hAlign && this.layerOptions.forms.placement.absolute.valign.val() == vAlign) { toZero = true; } // numeric pad this.layerOptions.layerFeatures.horizontalAlign(hAlign, toZero); this.layerOptions.layerFeatures.verticalAlign(vAlign, toZero); } else if (keyCode == 65) { e.preventDefault(); var selectedLayer = this.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); if (selectedLayer && selectedLayer.placement.getType() == 'absolute') { selectedLayer.placement.current.fit(); } } } if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { if (keyCode == 90) { if (e.shiftKey) { if (N2Classes.History.get().redo()) { e.preventDefault(); } } else { if (N2Classes.History.get().undo()) { e.preventDefault(); } } } else if (keyCode == 71) { this.createGroupFromSelected(); e.preventDefault(); } else if (keyCode == 68) { e.preventDefault(); this.editor.copy(); } else if (keyCode == 70) { e.preventDefault(); this.editor.paste(); } else if (keyCode == 67) { this.copy(); } else if (keyCode == 86) { this.paste(); } } } }, this), keyup: $.proxy(function (e) { if (typeof keys[e.keyCode] !== 'undefined' && keys[e.keyCode]) { clearInterval(keys[e.keyCode]); keys[e.keyCode] = 0; } }, this) }); }; FragmentEditor.prototype.getSelf = function () { return this; }; return FragmentEditor; }); N2D('CanvasUserInterface', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function CanvasUserInterface(fragmentEditor) { this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; this.isShown = !$.jStorage.get('ssLayersShown', false); this.tlHeight = $.jStorage.get('ssLayersHeight') || 200; this.$container = $('#n2-ss-layers'); this.fixScroll(); this.switchLayerList(); this.topBar = $('.n2-ss-layer-list-top-bar') .on('mousedown', $.proxy(this.resizeStart, this)); this.topBar.find('.n2-ss-layer-list-opener').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.switchLayerList(); }, this)); $('.n2-ss-slide-show-layers').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.switchLayerList(); }, this)); this.onResize(); $(window).on('resize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this)); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.onResize = function () { var h = this.$container.height(); this.paneLeft.height(h - 48); this.paneRight.height(h - 48); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.onActivateLayer = function (layer) { var scrollTop = this.paneLeft.scrollTop(), top = 0, currentLayer = layer; do { top += currentLayer.layerRow.get(0).offsetTop; currentLayer = currentLayer.group; } while (currentLayer !== this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer); if (top < scrollTop || top > scrollTop + this.paneLeft.height() - 32) { this.paneLeft.scrollTop(top); this.paneRight.scrollTop(top); } }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.fixScroll = function () { this.paneLeft = $('.n2-ss-layers-sidebar-rows'); this.paneRight = $('.n2-ss-timeline-content-layers-container'); var cb = $.proxy(function (e) { var top = this.paneLeft.scrollTop(); if (e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0) { top += 32; } else { top -= 32; } top = Math.round(top / 32) * 32; this.paneLeft.scrollTop(top); this.paneRight.scrollTop(top); e.preventDefault(); }, this); this.paneLeft.on('wheel', cb); this.paneLeft.on('scroll', $.proxy(function (e) { var top = this.paneLeft.scrollTop(); this.paneRight.scrollTop(top); e.preventDefault(); }, this)); this.paneRight.on('wheel', cb); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.resizeStart = function (e) { if (!this.isShown) return; if (e.target == this.topBar[0] || $(e.target).hasClass('n2-h2')) { e.preventDefault(); this.startY = e.clientY; this.height = this.$container.height(); $('body').on({ 'mousemove.n2-ss-tl-resize': $.proxy(this.resizeMove, this), 'mouseup.n2-ss-tl-resize': $.proxy(this.resizeStop, this), 'mouseleave.n2-ss-tl-resize': $.proxy(this.resizeStop, this) }); } }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.resizeMove = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setTLHeight(this._calculateDesiredHeight(e)); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.resizeStop = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('body').off('.n2-ss-tl-resize'); var h = this._calculateDesiredHeight(e); this.setTLHeight(h); this.tlHeight = h; $.jStorage.set('ssLayersHeight', h); $('#n2-admin').triggerHandler('resize'); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype._calculateDesiredHeight = function (e) { var h = this.startY - e.clientY + this.height - 48; return this.__calculateDesiredHeight(h); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.__calculateDesiredHeight = function (h) { return Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(32, h), (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) / 2) / 32) * 32 + 48; }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.switchLayerList = function () { this.isShown = !this.isShown; this.$container.toggleClass('n2-active', this.isShown); if (this.isShown) { this.setTLHeight(this.tlHeight); } else { this.setTLHeight(48); } $.jStorage.set('ssLayersShown', this.isShown); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.setTLHeight = function (h) { h = Math.max(48, h); this.$container.height(h); h = this.$container.height(); this.paneLeft.height(h - 48); this.paneRight.height(h - 48); nextend.triggerResize(); }; CanvasUserInterface.prototype.activateAdd = function (x, y) { this.$add.css({ left: x, top: y }).appendTo(this.$container); }; return CanvasUserInterface; }); N2D('LayerFeatures', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; var nameToIndex = { left: 0, center: 1, right: 2, top: 0, middle: 1, bottom: 2 }; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param fields * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function LayerFeatures(fields, fragmentEditor) { this.fields = fields; this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; this.initParentLinker(); this.initAlign(); this.initEvents(); } LayerFeatures.prototype.initParentLinker = function () { var field = this.fields.parentid.data('field'), parentLinker = $('#n2-ss-layer-parent-linker').on({ click: function (e) { field.click(e); } }); }; LayerFeatures.prototype.initAlign = function () { this.layerDefault = { align: null, valign: null }; var hAlignButton = $('#n2-ss-layer-horizontal-align .n2-radio-option'), vAlignButton = $('#n2-ss-layer-vertical-align .n2-radio-option'); hAlignButton.add(vAlignButton).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { var $el = $(e.currentTarget), isActive = $el.hasClass('n2-sub-active'), align = $el.data('align'); switch (align) { case 'left': case 'center': case 'right': hAlignButton.removeClass('n2-sub-active'); if (isActive) { $.jStorage.set('ss-item-horizontal-align', null); this.layerDefault.align = null; } else { $.jStorage.set('ss-item-horizontal-align', align); this.layerDefault.align = align; $el.addClass('n2-sub-active'); } break; case 'top': case 'middle': case 'bottom': vAlignButton.removeClass('n2-sub-active'); if (isActive) { $.jStorage.set('ss-item-vertical-align', null); this.layerDefault.valign = null; } else { $.jStorage.set('ss-item-vertical-align', align); this.layerDefault.valign = align; $el.addClass('n2-sub-active'); } break; } } else if (this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { var align = $(e.currentTarget).data('align'); switch (align) { case 'left': case 'center': case 'right': this.horizontalAlign(align, true); break; case 'top': case 'middle': case 'bottom': this.verticalAlign(align, true); break; } } }, this)); this.fields.align.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { hAlignButton.removeClass('n2-active'); switch (this.fields.align.val()) { case 'left': hAlignButton.eq(0).addClass('n2-active'); break; case 'center': hAlignButton.eq(1).addClass('n2-active'); break; case 'right': hAlignButton.eq(2).addClass('n2-active'); break; } }, this)); this.fields.valign.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { vAlignButton.removeClass('n2-active'); switch (this.fields.valign.val()) { case 'top': vAlignButton.eq(0).addClass('n2-active'); break; case 'middle': vAlignButton.eq(1).addClass('n2-active'); break; case 'bottom': vAlignButton.eq(2).addClass('n2-active'); break; } }, this)); var hAlign = $.jStorage.get('ss-item-horizontal-align', null), vAlign = $.jStorage.get('ss-item-vertical-align', null); if (hAlign != null) { hAlignButton.eq(nameToIndex[hAlign]).addClass('n2-sub-active'); this.layerDefault.align = hAlign; } if (vAlign != null) { vAlignButton.eq(nameToIndex[vAlign]).addClass('n2-sub-active'); this.layerDefault.valign = vAlign; } }; LayerFeatures.prototype.horizontalAlign = function (align, toZero) { if (this.fields.align.val() != align) { this.fields.align.data('field').options.eq(nameToIndex[align]).trigger('click'); } else if (toZero) { this.fields.left.val(0).trigger('change'); } }; LayerFeatures.prototype.verticalAlign = function (align, toZero) { if (this.fields.valign.val() != align) { this.fields.valign.data('field').options.eq(nameToIndex[align]).trigger('click'); } else if (toZero) { this.fields.top.val(0).trigger('change'); } }; LayerFeatures.prototype.initEvents = function () { var parent = $('#n2-tab-events'), heading = parent.find('.n2-h3'), headingLabel = heading.html(), row = $('<div class="n2-editor-header n2-h2 n2-uc"><span>' + headingLabel + '</span></div>'); heading.replaceWith(row); }; return LayerFeatures; }); N2D('LayerWindow', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function LayerWindow(fragmentEditor) { this.isMinimized = false; this.detachedPosition = { left: $.jStorage.get('ssPanelLeft') || 200, top: $.jStorage.get('ssPanelTop') || 100, height: $.jStorage.get('ssPanelHeight') || 400 }; this.hasBreadcrumb = false; this.lastHeight = this.detachedPosition.height; this.admin = $('#n2-admin'); this.sidebar = $('#n2-ss-layer-window').on('mousedown', $.proxy(N2Classes.WindowManager.setMouseDownArea, null, 'sidebarClicked')); this.title = this.sidebar.find('.n2-ss-layer-window-title-inner'); this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; this.viewPanes = { layerEdit: $('#n2-tabbed-slide-editor-settings > .n2-tabs').addClass('n2-scrollable') }; for (var k in this.viewPanes) { this.viewPanes[k].on('wheel', function (e) { var up = e.originalEvent.deltaY < 0; var prevent = function () { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; return false; }; if (!up && this.scrollHeight <= $(this).innerHeight() + this.scrollTop + 1) { return prevent(); } else if (up && 0 >= this.scrollTop - 1) { return prevent(); } }); } this.panelHeading = $('#n2-tabbed-slide-editor-settings').find('.n2-sidebar-tab-switcher .n2-td'); var left = this.sidebar.find('.n2-ss-layer-window-title-nav-left'); $('<a href="#"><i class="n2-i n2-i-minimize n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></a>').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.toggleMinimize(); }, this)).appendTo(left); var right = this.sidebar.find('.n2-ss-layer-window-title-nav-right'); $('<a href="#"><i class="n2-i n2-i-closewindow n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></a>').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); }, this)).appendTo(right); nextend.tooltip.add(right); this.$breadcrumb = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-window-breadcrumb"></div>').insertAfter('#n2-tabbed-slide-editor-settings > .n2-sidebar-tab-switcher'); var $verticalBar = $('#n2-ss-add-sidebar'); $('.n2-ss-add-layer-button').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#n2-ss-layers-switcher > .n2-labels .n2-td').eq(0).trigger('click'); $verticalBar.toggleClass('n2-active'); }); $('.n2-ss-core-item').on('click', function (e) { $verticalBar.removeClass('n2-active'); }); var topOffset = $('#wpadminbar, .navbar-fixed-top').height() + $('.n2-top-bar').height(); this.$verticalBarInner = $('.n2-ss-add-sidebar-inner').each(function () { var bar = $(this); bar.fixTo(bar.parent(), { top: topOffset }); }); this.$resizeInnerContainer = $('#n2-ss-layers-switcher_0, #n2-ss-layers-switcher_1'); this.extraHeightToRemove = 60; if (!this.$resizeInnerContainer.length) { this.extraHeightToRemove = 0; this.$resizeInnerContainer = this.$verticalBarInner; } this.$resizeInnerContainer.css('overflow', 'auto'); this.detach(); $('#n2-admin').on('resize', $.proxy(this.resizeVerticalBar, this)); $(window).on('resize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this)); $('.n2-ss-slide-duplicate-layer').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.duplicate(); }, this.fragmentEditor)); $('.n2-ss-slide-delete-layer').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.delete(); }, this.fragmentEditor)); $('body').on('mousedown', $.proxy(function (e) { if (N2Classes.WindowManager.get().getCurrentWindow() == 'main') { if (N2Classes.WindowManager.get().mouseDownArea === false) { this.hide(); } } }, this)); var $devicespecific = $('<div id="n2-ss-devicespecific-settings"></div>'), modes = this.fragmentEditor.editor.getAvailableDeviceModes(); for (var k in modes) { if (modes[k]) { var mode = k.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1').split(' '), device = mode[0], orientation = mode[1].toLowerCase(); $devicespecific.append('<i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-mini-' + device + '-' + orientation + '" data-device="' + device + '" data-orientation="' + orientation + '"></i>'); } } var cb = { 'mouseenter': $.proxy(function (e) { $devicespecific.appendTo(e.currentTarget); }, this), 'mouseleave': $.proxy(function (e) { $devicespecific.detach(); }, this) }; this.sidebar.find('[data-devicespecific] label').prepend('<span class="n2-i n2-i-mini-desktop-portrait"></span>'); this.sidebar.find('[data-devicespecific] label').on(cb); $devicespecific.find('.n2-i').on({ 'click': $.proxy(function (e) { //e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $target = $(e.currentTarget); $('#n2-ss-devices').find('[data-device="' + $target.data('device') + '"][data-orientation="' + $target.data('orientation') + '"]').trigger('click') }, this) }); } LayerWindow.prototype.toggleMinimize = function () { this.isMinimized = !this.isMinimized; this.sidebar.toggleClass('n2-ss-layer-window-minized', this.isMinimized); if (!this.isMinimized) { this.onResize(); } }; LayerWindow.prototype.magnetize = function () { if (!this.autoPosition) { this.autoPosition = 1; $.jStorage.set('ssPanelAutoPosition', 1); this.magnet.css('display', 'none'); var activeLayer = this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer(); if (activeLayer) { activeLayer.positionSidebar(); } } }; LayerWindow.prototype.show = function (layer, of) { this.setTitle(layer); $('body').addClass('n2-ss-layer-edit-visible'); }; LayerWindow.prototype._show = function () { $('body').addClass('n2-ss-layer-edit-visible'); }; LayerWindow.prototype.hide = function () { $('body').removeClass('n2-ss-layer-edit-visible'); }; LayerWindow.prototype.isVisible = function () { return $('body').hasClass('n2-ss-layer-edit-visible'); }; LayerWindow.prototype.hideWithDeferred = function (deferred) { if ($('body').hasClass('n2-ss-layer-edit-visible')) { this.hide(); deferred.done($.proxy(this._show, this)); } }; LayerWindow.prototype.setTitle = function (layer) { this.title.html(layer.getName()); this.updateGroupTitle(layer); }; LayerWindow.prototype.updateGroupTitle = function (layer) { var i; this.$breadcrumb.html(''); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { $('<span class="n2-window-title-structure-nav"><span>' + layer.label + '</span><span class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-mini-arrow-thin"></span></span>') .on({ mouseenter: $.proxy(function () { this.fragmentEditor.highlight(this); }, layer), mouseleave: $.proxy(function () { this.fragmentEditor.deHighlight(this); }, layer), click: $.proxy(function (e) { this.fragmentEditor.deHighlight(this); this.activate(e); }, layer) }) .prependTo(this.$breadcrumb); if (layer.group && layer.group !== this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer) { layer = layer.group; } else { break; } } this.hasBreadcrumb = i > 0; this.$breadcrumb.toggleClass('n2-has-breadcrumb', this.hasBreadcrumb); this.onResize(); }; LayerWindow.prototype.getLayerEditExcludedHeight = function () { return 85 + (this.hasBreadcrumb ? 23 : 0); }; LayerWindow.prototype.resizeVerticalBar = function () { this.$resizeInnerContainer.height((window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) - ($('#n2-ss-layers').is(':visible') && $('#n2-ss-layers').hasClass('n2-active') ? $('#n2-ss-layers').height() : 0) - $('#wpadminbar, .navbar-fixed-top').height() - $('.n2-top-bar').height() - this.extraHeightToRemove); }; LayerWindow.prototype.onResize = function () { this.sidebar.css('display', 'block'); this.resizeVerticalBar(); var windowHeight = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); var targetHeight = this.sidebar.height() - this.getLayerEditExcludedHeight(); this.viewPanes['layerEdit'].height(targetHeight); var properties = {}, windowWidth = (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth); var bounding = this.sidebar[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (bounding.left < 0) { properties.left = 0; } else if (bounding.left + bounding.width > windowWidth) { properties.left = Math.max(0, windowWidth - bounding.width); } if (bounding.height > windowHeight - bounding.top) { properties.top = windowHeight - bounding.top - bounding.height + bounding.top; if (properties.top < 0) { this.lastHeight = properties.height = bounding.height + properties.top; properties.top = 0; } } this.sidebar.css(properties); this.sidebar.css('display', ''); }; LayerWindow.prototype.detach = function () { this.sidebar.css(this.detachedPosition); this.sidebar.appendTo(this.admin); this.admin.addClass('n2-sidebar-hidden'); $(window).off('.n2-ss-panel'); this.sidebar.removeClass("n2-sidebar-fixed"); this.sidebar .nUIDraggable({ distance: 5, handle: ".n2-ss-layer-window-title", containment: 'window', stop: $.proxy(function (event, ui) { this.sidebar.css('height', this.lastHeight); var bounding = this.sidebar[0].getBoundingClientRect(); this.detachedPosition.left = bounding.left; this.detachedPosition.top = bounding.top; $.jStorage.set('ssPanelLeft', bounding.left); $.jStorage.set('ssPanelTop', bounding.top); }, this), scroll: false }) .nUIResizable({ distance: 5, handles: "s", stop: $.proxy(function (event, ui) { this.lastHeight = this.detachedPosition.height = this.sidebar.height(); $.jStorage.set('ssPanelHeight', this.detachedPosition.height); }, this), create: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { var handle = $(e.target).find('.nui-resizable-handle').addClass('n2-ss-layer-window-resizer'); }, this) }); this.onResize(); nextend.triggerResize(); }; LayerWindow.prototype.switchTab = function (tabName) { this.panelHeading.filter('[data-tab="' + tabName + '"]').trigger('click'); }; return LayerWindow; }); N2D('PositionDisplay', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function PositionDisplay() { this.currentSource = ''; $(window).ready($.proxy(this._ready, this)); } /** * @private */ PositionDisplay.prototype._ready = function () { this.$body = $('body'); this.$el = $('<div class="n2 n2-ss-position-display"/>') .appendTo('body'); }; PositionDisplay.prototype.show = function (source) { if (this.currentSource == '') { this.currentSource = source; this.$el.addClass('n2-active'); this.$body.addClass('n2-position-display-active'); } }; PositionDisplay.prototype.update = function (e, source, html) { if (this.currentSource == source) { this.$el.html(html) .css({ left: e.pageX + 10, top: e.pageY + 10 }); } }; PositionDisplay.prototype.hide = function (source) { if (this.currentSource == source || source === undefined) { this.$body.removeClass('n2-position-display-active'); this.$el.removeClass('n2-active'); this.currentSource = ''; } }; /** * @returns {PositionDisplay} */ PositionDisplay.get = function () { var positionDisplay = new PositionDisplay(); PositionDisplay.get = function () { return positionDisplay; }; return positionDisplay; }; return PositionDisplay; }); N2D('Ruler', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} editor * @param stored * @constructor */ function Ruler(editor, stored) { this.editor = editor; this.showGuides = 1; this.guides = []; this.container = $('<div class="n2-ruler-container" />').appendTo('#n2-ss-slide-canvas-container-inner .n2-ss-slider-outer-container'); this.scale = 10; this.vertical = $('<div class="n2-ruler n2-ruler-vertical n2-unselectable"></div>').appendTo('.n2-ss-slider-real-container'); this.horizontal = $('<div class="n2-ruler n2-ruler-horizontal n2-unselectable"></div>').appendTo(this.container); this.verticalSpans = $(); this.horizontalSpans = $(); this.onResize(); $(window).on('resize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this)); this.horizontal.on('mousedown', $.proxy(function (e) { if (this.showGuides) { new GuideHorizontal(this, this.horizontal, e); } }, this)); this.vertical.on('mousedown', $.proxy(function (e) { if (this.showGuides) { new GuideVertical(this, this.vertical, e); } }, this)); try { stored = $.extend({vertical: [], horizontal: []}, JSON.parse(N2Classes.Base64.decode(stored))); for (var i = 0; i < stored.horizontal.length; i++) { var guide = new GuideHorizontal(this, this.horizontal); guide.setPosition(stored.horizontal[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < stored.vertical.length; i++) { var guide = new GuideVertical(this, this.vertical); guide.setPosition(stored.vertical[i]); } } catch (e) { } this.measureToolVertical(); this.measureToolHorizontal(); } Ruler.prototype.addGuide = function (guide) { this.guides.push(guide); }; Ruler.prototype.removeGuide = function (guide) { this.guides.splice($.inArray(guide, this.guides), 1); }; Ruler.prototype.clearGuides = function () { for (var i = this.guides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.guides[i].delete(); } }; Ruler.prototype.onResize = function () { var $container = $('.n2-ss-slider-outer-container'), width = $container.width(), height = $container.height(); this.container.css({ width: width + 40, height: height + 40 }); for (var i = this.horizontalSpans.length - 3; i < width / this.scale; i++) { var mark = $('<span />').appendTo(this.horizontal); if (i % 10 == 0) { mark.addClass('n2-ss-ruler-mark-large').append('<span>' + ((i / 10) * 100) + '</span>'); } else if (i % 2 == 0) { mark.addClass('n2-ss-ruler-mark-medium'); } this.horizontalSpans = this.horizontalSpans.add(mark); } for (var i = this.verticalSpans.length - 3; i < height / this.scale; i++) { var mark = $('<span />').appendTo(this.vertical); if (i % 10 == 0) { mark.addClass('n2-ss-ruler-mark-large').append('<span>' + ((i / 10) * 100) + '</span>'); } else if (i % 2 == 0) { mark.addClass('n2-ss-ruler-mark-medium'); } this.verticalSpans = this.verticalSpans.add(mark); } }; Ruler.prototype.toArray = function () { var data = { horizontal: [], vertical: [] }; for (var i = 0; i < this.guides.length; i++) { if (this.guides[i] instanceof GuideHorizontal) { data.horizontal.push(this.guides[i].position); } else if (this.guides[i] instanceof GuideVertical) { data.vertical.push(this.guides[i].position); } } return data; }; Ruler.prototype.measureToolVertical = function () { var guide = $('<div class="n2-ruler-guide" style="z-index:1;"><div class="n2-ruler-guide-border" style="border-color: #f00;"></div></div>') .css('display', 'none') .appendTo(this.vertical); var guideVisible = false, showGuide = $.proxy(function () { if (!guideVisible) { guideVisible = true; guide.css('display', ''); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Guide'); } }, this), hideGuide = $.proxy(function () { if (guideVisible) { guideVisible = false; guide.css('display', 'none'); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Guide'); } }, this); this.vertical.on({ mouseenter: $.proxy(function (e) { if (!this.showGuides) return; var lastY = 0, offset = Math.round(this.vertical.offset().top); showGuide(); this.vertical.on('mousemove.n2-ruler-measure-tool', $.proxy(function (e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('n2-ruler-guide-border') && $(e.target).parent()[0] != guide[0]) { hideGuide(); } else { showGuide(); if (lastY != e.pageY) { var pos = e.pageY - offset; guide.css('top', pos); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Guide', (pos - 40) + 'px'); lastY = e.pageY; } } }, this)); }, this), mouseleave: $.proxy(function () { this.vertical.off('.n2-ruler-measure-tool'); hideGuide(); }, this) }); }; Ruler.prototype.measureToolHorizontal = function () { var guide = $('<div class="n2-ruler-guide" style="z-index:1;"><div class="n2-ruler-guide-border" style="border-color: #f00;"></div></div>') .css('display', 'none') .appendTo(this.horizontal); var guideVisible = false, showGuide = $.proxy(function () { if (!guideVisible) { guideVisible = true; guide.css('display', ''); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Guide'); } }, this), hideGuide = $.proxy(function () { if (guideVisible) { guideVisible = false; guide.css('display', 'none'); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Guide'); } }, this); this.horizontal.on({ mouseenter: $.proxy(function (e) { if (!this.showGuides) return; var lastX = 0, offset = Math.round(this.horizontal.offset().left); showGuide(); this.horizontal.on('mousemove.n2-ruler-measure-tool', $.proxy(function (e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('n2-ruler-guide-border') && $(e.target).parent()[0] != guide[0]) { hideGuide(); } else { showGuide(); if (lastX != e.pageX) { var pos = Math.max(e.pageX - offset, 40); guide.css('left', pos); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Guide', (pos - 40) + 'px'); lastX = e.pageX; } } }, this)); }, this), mouseleave: $.proxy(function () { this.horizontal.off('.n2-ruler-measure-tool'); hideGuide(); }, this) }); }; /** * * @param {N2Classes.Ruler} ruler * @param {jQuery} container * @param e * @constructor * @abstract */ function Guide(ruler, container, e) { this.ruler = ruler; this.container = container; this.position = 0; this.guide = $('<div class="n2-ruler-guide n2-ruler-user-guide"><div class="n2-ruler-guide-border"></div><div class="n2-ruler-guide-handle"></div></div>') .appendTo(container) .on('mousedown', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (!ruler.editor.fragmentEditor.canvasSettings.settings['n2-ss-lock-guides']) { this.delete(); } }, this)); this.ruler.addGuide(this); if (e) { this.create(e); } } Guide.prototype._position = function (position, e) { return Math.max(0, position); }; Guide.prototype.setPosition = function (position) { this.position = position; this.refresh(); }; Guide.prototype.refresh = function () { this.positionRender(this.position); }; Guide.prototype.delete = function () { this.ruler.removeGuide(this); this.guide.remove(); }; /** * * @constructor * @implements Guide */ function GuideHorizontal() { Guide.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } GuideHorizontal.prototype = Object.create(Guide.prototype); GuideHorizontal.prototype.constructor = GuideHorizontal; GuideHorizontal.prototype.create = function (e) { var offset = Math.round(this.container.offset().left) + 40; this.position = this._position((e.pageX - offset), e); this.positionRender(this.position); }; GuideHorizontal.prototype.rawPositionRender = function (value) { this.guide.css('left', Math.max(0, value) + 40); }; GuideHorizontal.prototype.positionRender = function (value) { this.guide.css('left', Math.max(0, value) + 40); }; /** * * @constructor * @implements Guide */ function GuideVertical() { Guide.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } GuideVertical.prototype = Object.create(Guide.prototype); GuideVertical.prototype.constructor = GuideVertical; GuideVertical.prototype.create = function (e) { var offset = Math.round(this.container.offset().top) + 40; this.position = this._position((e.pageY - offset), e); this.positionRender(this.position); }; GuideVertical.prototype.rawPositionRender = function (value) { this.guide.css('top', Math.max(0, value) + 40); }; GuideVertical.prototype.positionRender = function (value) { this.guide.css('top', Math.max(0, value) + 40); }; return Ruler; }); N2D('CanvasSettings', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FragmentEditor} fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function CanvasSettings(fragmentEditor) { /** * @type {N2Classes.FragmentEditor} */ this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; this.settings = {}; var $settings = $('#n2-ss-slide-canvas-settings') .on('mouseleave', $.proxy(function () { $settings.removeClass('n2-active'); }, this)); $settings.find('> a').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $settings.toggleClass('n2-active'); }); this.$settingsPanel = $settings.find('.n2-ss-settings-panel-inner'); this.snapTo(); this.roundTo(); this.colorScheme(); if (!this.fragmentEditor.editor.options.isAddSample) { this.startRuler(); } } CanvasSettings.prototype._addSettings = function (hash, title, _default, cb) { this.settings[hash] = parseInt($.jStorage.get(hash, _default)); var row = $('<a href="#">' + title + '<span class="n2-setting-tick"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-tick2"></i></span></a>').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.settings[hash] = (this.settings[hash] == 1 ? 0 : 1); $.jStorage.set(hash, this.settings[hash]); row.toggleClass('n2-setting-enabled', this.settings[hash] == 1); cb(this.settings[hash], false); }, this)).appendTo(this.$settingsPanel); row.toggleClass('n2-setting-enabled', this.settings[hash] == 1); cb(this.settings[hash], true); }; CanvasSettings.prototype._addAction = function (title, cb) { $('<a href="#" class="n2-panel-action">' + title + '</a>').on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); cb(); }, this)).appendTo(this.$settingsPanel); }; CanvasSettings.prototype.get = function (name) { return this.settings[name]; }; CanvasSettings.prototype.snapTo = function () { this._addSettings("n2-ss-snap-to-enabled", n2_('Smart Snap'), 1, $.proxy(function (value) { var layers = this.mainContainer.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].placement.doAction('snap'); } }, this.fragmentEditor)); }; CanvasSettings.prototype.roundTo = function () { this._addSettings("n2-ss-round-to-enabled", n2_('Round to 5px'), 1, function (value) { if (value == 1) { nextend.roundTo = 5; } else { nextend.roundTo = 1; } }); }; CanvasSettings.prototype.colorScheme = function () { var themeElement = $('#n2-ss-slide-canvas-container'); this._addSettings("n2-ss-theme-dark", n2_('Dark Mode'), 0, function (value) { themeElement.toggleClass('n2-ss-theme-dark', value == 1); }); }; CanvasSettings.prototype.startRuler = function () { this.ruler = new N2Classes.Ruler(this.fragmentEditor.editor, $('#slideguides').val()); var editor = $('#n2-ss-slide-canvas-container'); this._addSettings("n2-ss-ruler-enabled", n2_('Ruler'), 1, $.proxy(function (value) { editor.toggleClass('n2-ss-has-ruler', value == 1); nextend.triggerResize(); }, this)); this._addSettings("n2-ss-show-guides", n2_('Show Guides'), 1, $.proxy(function (value) { this.ruler.showGuides = value; editor.toggleClass('n2-ss-show-guides', value == 1); }, this)); this._addSettings("n2-ss-lock-guides", n2_('Lock Guides'), 0, $.proxy(function (value) { editor.toggleClass('n2-ss-lock-guides', value == 1); }, this)); this._addAction(n2_('Clear Guides'), $.proxy(function () { this.ruler.clearGuides(); }, this)) }; return CanvasSettings; }); N2D('nUICanvasItem', ['nUIMouse'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @class * @constructor * @augments nUIMouse * @this nUICanvasItem */ function nUICanvasItem(element, options) { this.element = $(element); this.widgetName = this.widgetName || 'nUICanvasItem'; this.widgetEventPrefix = "canvasItem"; this.options = $.extend({ canvasUIManager: null, layer: false, $layer: null, distance: 2, onCreate: function () { } }, this.options, options); N2Classes.nUIMouse.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.create(); } nUICanvasItem.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.nUIMouse.prototype); nUICanvasItem.prototype.constructor = nUICanvasItem; nUICanvasItem.prototype.create = function () { if (typeof this.options.$layer === 'function') { this.options.$layer = this.options.$layer.call(this, this); } this._mouseInit(); }; nUICanvasItem.prototype._mouseCapture = function (event, overrideHandle) { return this.options.canvasUIManager._mouseCapture(this.options, event, overrideHandle); }; nUICanvasItem.prototype._mouseStart = function (event, overrideHandle, noActivation) { this._trigger('start'); return this.options.canvasUIManager._mouseStart(this.options, event, overrideHandle, noActivation); }; nUICanvasItem.prototype._mouseDrag = function (event) { return this.options.canvasUIManager._mouseDrag(this.options, event); }; nUICanvasItem.prototype._mouseStop = function (event, noPropagation) { return this.options.canvasUIManager._mouseStop(this.options, event, noPropagation); }; nUICanvasItem.prototype._destroy = function () { this._mouseDestroy(); return this; }; N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.register('nUICanvasItem'); return nUICanvasItem; }); N2D('nUICanvas', ['nUIWidgetBase'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @class * @constructor * @augments nUIWidgetBase * @this nUICanvas */ function nUICanvas(element, options) { this.element = $(element); this.widgetName = this.widgetName || 'nUICanvas'; this.widgetEventPrefix = "canvas"; this.options = $.extend({ mainContainer: null, display: false, }, this.options, options); N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } nUICanvas.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.prototype); nUICanvas.prototype.constructor = nUICanvas; nUICanvas.plugins = {}; nUICanvas.prototype._mouseCapture = function (itemOptions, event, overrideHandle) { return $(event.target).closest(".nui-resizable-handle, .nui-normal-sizing-handle, .nui-spacing-handle").length == 0; }; nUICanvas.prototype._mouseStart = function (itemOptions, event, overrideHandle, noActivation) { $('body').addClass('n2-ss-move-layer'); this.dragDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.options.mainContainer.fragmentEditor.layerWindow.hideWithDeferred(this.dragDeferred); this.context = { placeholder: $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-placeholder" />'), mouse: { offset: { left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY } }, canvas: { offset: this.options.mainContainer.layer.offset(), size: { width: this.options.mainContainer.layer.outerWidth(), height: this.options.mainContainer.layer.outerHeight() } }, $layer: itemOptions.$layer }; var css = { position: 'absolute', right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto' }; if (!itemOptions.layer) { this.startMode = 'create'; this.context.layer = { offset: { left: 0, top: 0 } }; itemOptions.$layer.appendTo('body'); } else { this.startMode = itemOptions.layer.placement.getType(); this.context.layer = { offset: itemOptions.$layer.offset() }; this.context.originalIndex = itemOptions.layer.getIndex(); if (this.startMode == 'normal') { css.width = itemOptions.$layer.width(); //css.height = itemOptions.$layer.height(); itemOptions.$layer.appendTo(this.options.mainContainer.layer); } } itemOptions.$layer .addClass('n2-canvas-item-drag') .css(css); this._cacheMargins(itemOptions.$layer); this.context.size = { width: itemOptions.$layer.outerWidth(), height: itemOptions.$layer.outerHeight() }; this.context.droppables = this.options.mainContainer.getDroppables(itemOptions.layer); this._cacheContainers(); this._trigger("start", event, { layer: itemOptions.layer, mode: this.startMode }); this._mouseDrag(itemOptions, event); }; nUICanvas.prototype._mouseDrag = function (itemOptions, event) { var position; if (this.startMode == 'create') { position = { top: event.pageY - this.context.canvas.offset.top - 20, left: event.pageX - this.context.canvas.offset.left - 20 }; } else { position = { top: this.context.layer.offset.top - this.context.canvas.offset.top + event.pageY - this.context.mouse.offset.top, left: this.context.layer.offset.left - this.context.canvas.offset.left + event.pageX - this.context.mouse.offset.left }; } var targetContainer = this._findInnerContainer(event); if (targetContainer === false && this.startMode != 'create') { targetContainer = this.context.droppables[0]; } if (targetContainer) { if (targetContainer.placement == 'normal') { if (typeof targetContainer.layers === "undefined") { targetContainer.layers = this._cacheContainerLayers(targetContainer); } var targetIndex = this._findNormalIndex(event, targetContainer); if (targetIndex > 0) { this.context.placeholder.css('order', targetContainer.layers[targetIndex - 1].layer.layer.css('order')); this.context.placeholder.insertAfter(targetContainer.layers[targetIndex - 1].layer.layer); } else { this.context.placeholder.css('order', 0); this.context.placeholder.prependTo(targetContainer.$container); } this.context.targetIndex = targetIndex; } else { this.context.placeholder.detach(); } } else { this.context.placeholder.detach(); } this.context.targetContainer = targetContainer; this._trigger("drag", event, { layer: itemOptions.layer, originalOffset: this.context.layer.offset, position: position, canvasOffset: this.context.canvas.offset, offset: { left: position.left + this.context.canvas.offset.left, top: position.top + this.context.canvas.offset.top } }); if (this.startMode == 'create') { position.left += this.context.canvas.offset.left; position.top += this.context.canvas.offset.top; } itemOptions.$layer.css(position); this._displayPosition(event, position); }; nUICanvas.prototype._mouseStop = function (itemOptions, event, noPropagation) { this.context.placeholder.remove(); var targetIndex = this.context.targetIndex, targetContainer = this.context.targetContainer; itemOptions.$layer .removeClass('n2-canvas-item-drag'); if (this.startMode == 'create') { if (targetContainer) { itemOptions.onCreate.call(this, event, itemOptions, targetContainer, targetIndex); } itemOptions.$layer.detach(); } else { if (targetContainer === undefined) { targetContainer = this.options.mainContainer.layer; } if (this.startMode == 'absolute' && targetContainer.placement == 'absolute') { // Simple drag on the canvas on an absolute layer. Just update its position! var left = parseInt(itemOptions.$layer.css('left')), top = parseInt(itemOptions.$layer.css('top')); itemOptions.$layer.css({ position: '', right: '', bottom: '', }); itemOptions.layer.placement.current.setPosition(left, top); } else if (targetContainer.placement == 'absolute') { // Layer moved from a normal container to the canvas. var left = parseInt(itemOptions.$layer.css('left')), top = parseInt(itemOptions.$layer.css('top')); itemOptions.$layer.css({ position: '', right: '', bottom: '', }); var width = itemOptions.$layer.width(), height = itemOptions.$layer.height(); itemOptions.layer.group.onChildCountChange(); var oldAbsoluteGroup = itemOptions.layer; while (oldAbsoluteGroup && (!oldAbsoluteGroup.placement || oldAbsoluteGroup.placement.getType() !== 'absolute')) { oldAbsoluteGroup = oldAbsoluteGroup.group; } N2Classes.History.get().startBatch(); // Set the new group, which will trigger this current placement to activate itemOptions.layer.changeGroup(this.context.originalIndex, this.options.mainContainer); N2Classes.History.get().addControl('skipForwardUndos'); if (itemOptions.layer.type == 'layer' && itemOptions.layer.item) { if (!itemOptions.layer.item.needSize) { height = 'auto'; width++; //Prevent text layers to wrap line ending to new line after drag } } // As this placement activated, we have to set these values from the closest absolute parent var targetAlign = oldAbsoluteGroup ? oldAbsoluteGroup.getProperty('align') : 'center', targetValign = oldAbsoluteGroup ? oldAbsoluteGroup.getProperty('valign') : 'middle'; itemOptions.layer.placement.current._setPosition(targetAlign, targetValign, left, top, width, height, true); N2Classes.History.get().endBatch(); } else if (targetContainer.placement == 'normal') { itemOptions.$layer.css({ position: 'relative', width: '', left: '', top: '' }); switch (targetContainer.layer.type) { case 'content': case 'col': if (targetIndex > 0) { itemOptions.$layer.insertAfter(targetContainer.layers[targetIndex - 1].layer.layer); } else { itemOptions.$layer.prependTo(targetContainer.$container); } itemOptions.layer.onCanvasUpdate(this.context.originalIndex, targetContainer.layer, targetIndex); break; case 'row': var col = targetContainer.layer.createCol(); targetContainer.layer.moveCol(col.getIndex(), targetIndex); itemOptions.$layer.prependTo(col.$content); itemOptions.layer.onCanvasUpdate(this.context.originalIndex, col, 0); break; } //itemOptions.layer.placement.current._syncheight(); // we should sync back the height of the normal layer } } delete this.context; if (this.options.display) { this.options.display.hide(); } this._trigger("stop", event, { layer: itemOptions.layer }); this.dragDeferred.resolve(); $('body').removeClass('n2-ss-move-layer'); }; nUICanvas.prototype.cancel = function (itemOptions) { }; nUICanvas.prototype._cacheContainers = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.context.droppables.length; i++) { var obj = this.context.droppables[i]; obj.offset = obj.$container.offset(); obj.size = { width: obj.$container.outerWidth(), height: obj.$container.outerHeight() }; obj.offset.right = obj.offset.left + obj.size.width; obj.offset.bottom = obj.offset.top + obj.size.height; } }; nUICanvas.prototype._findInnerContainer = function (event) { for (var i = this.context.droppables.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var obj = this.context.droppables[i]; if (obj.offset.left <= event.pageX && obj.offset.right >= event.pageX && obj.offset.top <= event.pageY && obj.offset.bottom >= event.pageY) { return obj; } } return false; }; nUICanvas.prototype._cacheContainerLayers = function (droppable) { var layerObjects = [], layers = droppable.layer.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { var obj = { layer: layers[i] }; obj.offset = obj.layer.layer.offset(); obj.size = { width: obj.layer.layer.outerWidth(), height: obj.layer.layer.outerHeight() }; obj.offset.right = obj.offset.left + obj.size.width / 2; obj.offset.bottom = obj.offset.top + obj.size.height / 2; layerObjects.push(obj); } return layerObjects; }; nUICanvas.prototype._findNormalIndex = function (event, targetContainer) { var index = -1; switch (targetContainer.axis) { case 'y': for (var i = 0; i < targetContainer.layers.length; i++) { var obj = targetContainer.layers[i]; if (event.pageY <= obj.offset.bottom) { index = i; break; } } break; case 'x': for (var i = 0; i < targetContainer.layers.length; i++) { var obj = targetContainer.layers[i]; if (event.pageX <= obj.offset.right) { index = i; break; } } break; } if (index === -1) { index = targetContainer.layers.length; } return index; }; nUICanvas.prototype._displayPosition = function (event, position) { if (this.options.display) { if (this.context.targetContainer && this.context.targetContainer.placement == 'absolute') { if (this.options.display.hidden) { this.options.display.show(); } if (this.startMode == 'create') { position.left -= this.context.canvas.offset.left; position.top -= this.context.canvas.offset.top; } this.options.display.update(event, position); } else { if (this.options.display.hidden) { this.options.display.hide(); } } } }; nUICanvas.prototype._trigger = function (type, event, ui) { ui = ui || {}; this.callPlugin(type, [event, ui]); return N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.prototype._trigger.apply(this, arguments); }; nUICanvas.prototype._cacheMargins = function (layer) { this.margins = { left: ( parseInt(layer.css("marginLeft"), 10) || 0 ), top: ( parseInt(layer.css("marginTop"), 10) || 0 ), right: ( parseInt(layer.css("marginRight"), 10) || 0 ), bottom: ( parseInt(layer.css("marginBottom"), 10) || 0 ) }; }; N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.register('nUICanvas'); N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.addPlugin(nUICanvas, "smartguides", { start: function (event, ui) { var inst = $(this).data("nUICanvas"), o = inst.options; if (inst.startMode == 'create') return; inst.gridH = $('<div class="n2-grid n2-grid-h"></div>').appendTo(o.mainContainer.layer); inst.gridV = $('<div class="n2-grid n2-grid-v"></div>').appendTo(o.mainContainer.layer); inst.elements = []; if (typeof o.smartguides == 'function') { var guides = $(o.smartguides(inst.context)).not(inst.context.$layer); if (guides && guides.length) { guides.each(function () { var $t = $(this); var $o = $t.offset(); if (this != inst.element[0]) inst.elements.push({ item: this, width: $t.outerWidth(), height: $t.outerHeight(), top: Math.round($o.top), left: Math.round($o.left), backgroundColor: '' }); }); } var $o = o.mainContainer.layer.offset(); inst.elements.push({ width: o.mainContainer.layer.width(), height: o.mainContainer.layer.height(), top: Math.round($o.top), left: Math.round($o.left), backgroundColor: '#ff4aff' }); } }, stop: function (event, ui) { var inst = $(this).data("nUICanvas"); if (inst.startMode == 'create') return; inst.gridH.remove(); inst.gridV.remove(); }, drag: function (event, ui) { var vElement = false, hElement = false, inst = $(this).data("nUICanvas"), o = inst.options, verticalTolerance = o.tolerance, horizontalTolerance = o.tolerance; if (inst.startMode == 'create') return; inst.gridH.css({"display": "none"}); inst.gridV.css({"display": "none"}); if (inst.context.targetContainer && inst.context.targetContainer.placement == 'absolute') { var container = inst.elements[inst.elements.length - 1], setGridV = function (left) { inst.gridV.css({left: Math.min(left, container.width - 1), display: "block"}); }, setGridH = function (top) { inst.gridH.css({top: Math.min(top, container.height - 1), display: "block"}); }; var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey, altKey = event.altKey; if (ctrlKey && altKey) { return; } else if (ctrlKey) { vElement = true; } else if (altKey) { hElement = true; } var x1 = ui.offset.left, x2 = x1 + inst.context.size.width, y1 = ui.offset.top, y2 = y1 + inst.context.size.height, xc = (x1 + x2) / 2, yc = (y1 + y2) / 2; if (!vElement) { for (var i = inst.elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (verticalTolerance == 0) break; var l = inst.elements[i].left, r = l + inst.elements[i].width, hc = (l + r) / 2; var v = true, c; if ((c = Math.abs(l - x2)) < verticalTolerance) { ui.position.left = l - inst.context.size.width - inst.context.canvas.offset.left - inst.margins.left; setGridV(ui.position.left + inst.context.size.width); } else if ((c = Math.abs(l - x1)) < verticalTolerance) { ui.position.left = l - inst.context.canvas.offset.left - inst.margins.left; setGridV(ui.position.left); } else if ((c = Math.abs(r - x1)) < verticalTolerance) { ui.position.left = r - inst.context.canvas.offset.left - inst.margins.left; setGridV(ui.position.left); } else if ((c = Math.abs(r - x2)) < verticalTolerance) { ui.position.left = r - inst.context.size.width - inst.context.canvas.offset.left - inst.margins.left; setGridV(ui.position.left + inst.context.size.width); } else if ((c = Math.abs(hc - x2)) < verticalTolerance) { ui.position.left = hc - inst.context.size.width - inst.context.canvas.offset.left - inst.margins.left; setGridV(ui.position.left + inst.context.size.width); } else if ((c = Math.abs(hc - x1)) < verticalTolerance) { ui.position.left = hc - inst.context.canvas.offset.left - inst.margins.left; setGridV(ui.position.left); } else if ((c = Math.abs(hc - xc)) < verticalTolerance) { ui.position.left = hc - inst.context.size.width / 2 - inst.context.canvas.offset.left - inst.margins.left; setGridV(ui.position.left + inst.context.size.width / 2); } else { v = false; } if (v) { vElement = inst.elements[i]; verticalTolerance = Math.min(c, verticalTolerance); } } } if (!hElement) { for (var i = inst.elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (horizontalTolerance == 0) break; var t = inst.elements[i].top, b = t + inst.elements[i].height, vc = (t + b) / 2; var h = true, c; if ((c = Math.abs(t - y2)) < horizontalTolerance) { ui.position.top = t - inst.context.size.height - inst.context.canvas.offset.top - inst.margins.top; setGridH(ui.position.top + inst.context.size.height); } else if ((c = Math.abs(t - y1)) < horizontalTolerance) { ui.position.top = t - inst.context.canvas.offset.top - inst.margins.top; setGridH(ui.position.top); } else if ((c = Math.abs(b - y1)) < horizontalTolerance) { ui.position.top = b - inst.context.canvas.offset.top - inst.margins.top; setGridH(ui.position.top); } else if ((c = Math.abs(b - y2)) < horizontalTolerance) { ui.position.top = b - inst.context.size.height - inst.context.canvas.offset.top - inst.margins.top; setGridH(ui.position.top + inst.context.size.height); } else if ((c = Math.abs(vc - y2)) < horizontalTolerance) { ui.position.top = vc - inst.context.size.height - inst.context.canvas.offset.top - inst.margins.top; setGridH(ui.position.top + inst.context.size.height); } else if ((c = Math.abs(vc - y1)) < horizontalTolerance) { ui.position.top = vc - inst.context.canvas.offset.top - inst.margins.top; setGridH(ui.position.top); } else if ((c = Math.abs(vc - yc)) < horizontalTolerance) { ui.position.top = vc - inst.context.size.height / 2 - inst.context.canvas.offset.top - inst.margins.top; setGridH(ui.position.top + inst.context.size.height / 2); } else { h = false; } if (h) { hElement = inst.elements[i]; horizontalTolerance = Math.min(c, horizontalTolerance); } } } if (vElement && vElement !== true) { inst.gridV.css('backgroundColor', vElement.backgroundColor); } if (hElement && hElement !== true) { inst.gridH.css('backgroundColor', hElement.backgroundColor); } } } }); return nUICanvas; }); N2D('nUIColumns', ['nUIMouse'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @class * @constructor * @augments nUIMouse * @this nUIColumns */ function nUIColumns(element, options) { this.active = 0; this.created = false; this.invalidated = false; this.element = $(element); this.widgetName = this.widgetName || 'nUIColumns'; this.widgetEventPrefix = "columns"; this.options = $.extend({ columns: '1', gutter: 0, denominators: { 1: 100, 2: 100, 3: 144, 4: 100, 5: 100, 6: 144 }, // Callbacks drag: null, start: null, stop: null }, this.options, options); N2Classes.nUIMouse.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } nUIColumns.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.nUIMouse.prototype); nUIColumns.prototype.constructor = nUIColumns; nUIColumns.prototype.create = function () { if (!this.created) { this.created = true; this._setupHandles(); $(window).on('resize', $.proxy(this._resize, this)); this._mouseInit(); } }; nUIColumns.prototype._destroy = function () { this._mouseDestroy(); this.element .removeData("uiNextendColumns") .off(".columns") .find("> .ui-column-width-handle") .remove(); return this; }; nUIColumns.prototype.getDenominator = function (i) { if (this.options.denominators[i] === undefined) { this.options.denominators[i] = i * 15; } return this.options.denominators[i]; }; nUIColumns.prototype._setupHandles = function () { var o = this.options, handle, i, n, axis; this.fractions = []; var columnWidths = o.columns.split('+'); for (var i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; i++) { this.fractions.push(new Fraction(columnWidths[i])); } this.currentDenominator = this.getDenominator(this.fractions.length); var currentPercent = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.fractions.length - 1; i++) { axis = $("<div class='ui-column-width-handle'>"); currentPercent += this.fractions[i].valueOf() * 100; axis .data('i', i) .data('percent', currentPercent) .appendTo(this.element) .on('mousedown', $.proxy(this._mouseDown, this)); } this.handles = this.element.find('> .ui-column-width-handle'); this.handles.addClass('n2-unselectable'); this._resize(); }; nUIColumns.prototype._resize = function () { if (this.active) { this.paddingLeft = parseInt(this.element.css('paddingLeft')); this.paddingRight = parseInt(this.element.css('paddingRight')); var containerWidth = this.element.width(); this.outerWidth = containerWidth + this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight; this.innerWidth = containerWidth - this.handles.length * this.options.gutter; for (var i = 0; i < this.handles.length; i++) { var currentPercent = this.handles.eq(i).data('percent'); this._updateResizer(i, currentPercent); } } else { this.invalidated = true; } }; nUIColumns.prototype._updateResizer = function (i, currentPercent) { this.handles.eq(i).css({ left: currentPercent + '%', marginLeft: -2 + this.paddingLeft + (i + 0.5) * this.options.gutter + (this.innerWidth - this.outerWidth) * currentPercent / 100 }) }; nUIColumns.prototype._removeHandles = function () { this.handles.remove(); }; nUIColumns.prototype.setOption = function (key, value) { N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.prototype.setOption.apply(this, arguments); switch (key) { case "active": this.active = value; if (this.active) { this.create(); if (this.invalidated) { this._resize(); } } break; case "columns": if (this.created) { this._removeHandles(); this._setupHandles(); } break; case "gutter": this._resize(); break; } }; nUIColumns.prototype._mouseCapture = function (event) { var i, handle, capture = false; for (i = 0; i < this.handles.length; i++) { handle = this.handles[i]; if (handle === event.target) { capture = true; } } return !this.options.disabled && capture; }; nUIColumns.prototype._mouseStart = function (event) { var index = $(event.target).data('i'), cLeft = this.element.offset().left + 10, containerWidth = this.element.width() - 20; this.resizeContext = { index: index, cLeft: cLeft, containerWidth: containerWidth, startX: Math.max(0, Math.min(event.clientX - cLeft, containerWidth)), }; this.currentFractions = []; this.currentPercent = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.fractions.length; i++) { this.currentFractions.push(this.fractions[i].clone()); this.currentPercent.push(this.fractions[i].valueOf()); } this.resizing = true; $("body").css("cursor", "ew-resize"); this.element.addClass("ui-column-width-resizing"); this._trigger("start", event, this.ui()); return true; }; nUIColumns.prototype._mouseDrag = function (event) { var currentX = Math.max(0, Math.min(event.clientX - this.resizeContext.cLeft, this.resizeContext.containerWidth)), fractionDifference = new Fraction(Math.round((currentX - this.resizeContext.startX) / (this.resizeContext.containerWidth / this.currentDenominator)), this.currentDenominator); if (fractionDifference.compare(this.fractions[this.resizeContext.index].clone().mul(-1)) < 0) { fractionDifference = this.fractions[this.resizeContext.index].clone().mul(-1); } if (fractionDifference.compare(this.fractions[this.resizeContext.index + 1]) > 0) { fractionDifference = this.fractions[this.resizeContext.index + 1].clone(); } this.currentFractions[this.resizeContext.index] = this.fractions[this.resizeContext.index].add(fractionDifference); this.currentFractions[this.resizeContext.index + 1] = this.fractions[this.resizeContext.index + 1].sub(fractionDifference); var currentPercent = 0; this.currentPercent = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.currentFractions.length; i++) { var width = this.currentFractions[i].valueOf(); this.currentPercent.push(width); currentPercent += width * 100; this._updateResizer(i, currentPercent); } this._trigger("colwidth", event, this.ui()); }; nUIColumns.prototype._mouseStop = function (event) { this.resizing = false; $("body").css("cursor", "auto"); this._trigger("stop", event, this.ui()); this.fractions = this.currentFractions; nextend.preventMouseUp(); return false; }; nUIColumns.prototype.ui = function () { return { element: this.element, originalFractions: this.fractions, currentFractions: this.currentFractions, currentPercent: this.currentPercent, index: this.resizeContext.index }; }; N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.register('nUIColumns'); return nUIColumns; }); N2D('nUILayerListItem', ['nUIMouse'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @class * @constructor * @augments nUIMouse * @this nUILayerListItem */ function nUILayerListItem(element, options) { this.element = $(element); this.widgetName = this.widgetName || 'nUILayerListItem'; this.widgetEventPrefix = "layerListItem"; this.options = $.extend({ UIManager: null, layer: false, $layer: null, distance: 2 }, this.options, options); N2Classes.nUIMouse.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.create(); } nUILayerListItem.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.nUIMouse.prototype); nUILayerListItem.prototype.constructor = nUILayerListItem; nUILayerListItem.prototype.create = function () { this._mouseInit(); }; nUILayerListItem.prototype._mouseCapture = function (event, overrideHandle) { return this.options.UIManager._mouseCapture(this.options, event, overrideHandle); }; nUILayerListItem.prototype._mouseStart = function (event, overrideHandle, noActivation) { this._trigger('start'); return this.options.UIManager._mouseStart(this.options, event, overrideHandle, noActivation); }; nUILayerListItem.prototype._mouseDrag = function (event) { return this.options.UIManager._mouseDrag(this.options, event); }; nUILayerListItem.prototype._mouseStop = function (event, noPropagation) { return this.options.UIManager._mouseStop(this.options, event, noPropagation); }; nUILayerListItem.prototype._destroy = function () { this._mouseDestroy(); return this; }; N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.register('nUILayerListItem'); return nUILayerListItem; }); N2D('nUILayerList', ['nUIWidgetBase'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @class * @constructor * @augments nUIWidgetBase * @this nUILayerList */ function nUILayerList(element, options) { this.element = $(element); this.widgetName = this.widgetName || 'nUILayerList'; this.widgetEventPrefix = "layerList"; this.options = $.extend({ $fixed: null, $scrolled: null }, this.options, options); N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.create(); } nUILayerList.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.prototype); nUILayerList.prototype.constructor = nUILayerList; nUILayerList.prototype.create = function () { this.scrollTimeout = null; }; nUILayerList.prototype._mouseCapture = function (itemOptions, event, overrideHandle) { return true; }; nUILayerList.prototype._mouseStart = function (itemOptions, event, overrideHandle, noActivation) { this.scrolledTop = this.options.$scrolled.offset().top; this.scrolledHeight = this.options.$scrolled.height(); this.scrolledScroll = this.options.$scrolled.scrollTop(); this.scrolledMaxHeight = this.options.$scrolled[0].scrollHeight - this.scrolledHeight; $('body').addClass('n2-ss-layer-list-move-layer'); this.context = { placeholder: $('<div class="nextend-sortable-placeholder"><div></div></div>'), mouse: { y: event.pageY, topModifier: itemOptions.$item.offset().top - event.pageY }, $item: itemOptions.$item, $clone: itemOptions.$item.clone() }; this.context.$clone.addClass('n2-ss-ll-dragging').appendTo(this.options.$scrolled.find('> ul')); this.context.droppables = this.options.mainContainer.getLLDroppables(itemOptions.layer); this._cacheContainers(); this._trigger("start", event); this._mouseDrag(itemOptions, event); }; nUILayerList.prototype._scrollUp = function () { if (this.scrolledTop > 0) { if (this.scrollTimeout === null) { this.scrollTimeout = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrolledScroll -= 30; this.options.$scrolled.scrollTop(this.scrolledScroll); }, this), 100); this.scrolledScroll -= 30; this.options.$scrolled.scrollTop(this.scrolledScroll); } } }; nUILayerList.prototype._scrollDown = function () { if (this.scrollTimeout === null) { this.scrollTimeout = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrolledScroll += 30; this.options.$scrolled.scrollTop(Math.min(this.scrolledScroll, this.scrolledMaxHeight)); }, this), 100); this.scrolledScroll += 30; this.options.$scrolled.scrollTop(Math.min(this.scrolledScroll, this.scrolledMaxHeight)); } }; nUILayerList.prototype._mouseDrag = function (itemOptions, event) { this.scrolledTop = this.options.$scrolled.offset().top; if (this.scrolledHeight > 60) { if (event.pageY < this.scrolledTop + 30) { this._scrollUp(); } else if (event.pageY > this.scrolledTop + this.scrolledHeight - 30) { this._scrollDown(); } else { clearInterval(this.scrollTimeout); this.scrollTimeout = null; } } this.scrolledScroll = this.options.$scrolled.scrollTop(); var y = event.pageY - this.scrolledTop + this.scrolledScroll; var targetContainer = this._findInnerContainer(y); if (targetContainer === false) { targetContainer = this.context.droppables[0]; } if (typeof targetContainer.layers === "undefined") { targetContainer.layers = this._cacheContainerLayers(targetContainer); } var targetIndex = this._findNormalIndex(y, targetContainer); if (targetIndex > 0) { this.context.placeholder.insertAfter(targetContainer.layers[targetIndex - 1].layer.layerRow); } else { this.context.placeholder.prependTo(targetContainer.$container); } this.context.targetIndex = targetIndex; if (this.context.targetContainer && this.context.targetContainer != targetContainer) { this.context.targetContainer.layer.layerRow.removeClass('n2-ss-ll-dragging-parent'); } this.context.targetContainer = targetContainer; this.context.targetContainer.layer.layerRow.addClass('n2-ss-ll-dragging-parent'); this.context.$clone.css({ top: y + this.context.mouse.topModifier }); }; nUILayerList.prototype._mouseStop = function (itemOptions, event, noPropagation) { if (this.scrollTimeout !== null) { clearInterval(this.scrollTimeout); this.scrollTimeout = null; } this.context.placeholder.remove(); this.context.$clone.remove(); this.context.targetContainer.layer.layerRow.removeClass('n2-ss-ll-dragging-parent'); var targetIndex = this.context.targetIndex, targetContainer = this.context.targetContainer, originalIndex = itemOptions.layer.getIndex(), newIndex = -1; if (this.context.targetContainer.layers.length === 0) { newIndex = 0; } else { var nextLayer = false, prevLayer = false; if (this.context.targetContainer.layers[targetIndex]) { nextLayer = this.context.targetContainer.layers[targetIndex].layer; } if (this.context.targetContainer.layers[targetIndex - 1]) { prevLayer = this.context.targetContainer.layers[targetIndex - 1].layer; } if (nextLayer === itemOptions.layer || prevLayer === itemOptions.layer) { newIndex = -1; } else { if (targetContainer.layer.container.allowedPlacementMode === 'absolute') { if (nextLayer) { //itemOptions.layer.layer.detach(); newIndex = nextLayer.getIndex() + 1; } else if (prevLayer) { //itemOptions.layer.layer.detach(); newIndex = prevLayer.getIndex(); } } else { if (prevLayer) { //itemOptions.layer.layer.detach(); newIndex = prevLayer.getIndex() + 1; } else if (nextLayer) { //itemOptions.layer.layer.detach(); newIndex = nextLayer.getIndex(); } } } } if (newIndex >= 0) { if (newIndex > originalIndex) { newIndex--; } if (itemOptions.layer.type === 'col') { targetContainer.layer.moveCol(originalIndex, newIndex); } else { targetContainer.layer.container.insertLayerAt(itemOptions.layer, newIndex); itemOptions.layer.onCanvasUpdate(originalIndex, targetContainer.layer, newIndex); } } delete this.context; this._trigger("stop", event); $('body').removeClass('n2-ss-layer-list-move-layer'); }; nUILayerList.prototype.cancel = function (itemOptions) { }; nUILayerList.prototype._cacheContainers = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.context.droppables.length; i++) { var obj = this.context.droppables[i]; obj.top = obj.$container.offset().top - this.scrolledTop + this.scrolledScroll - 15; obj.height = obj.$container.outerHeight(); obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.height + 15; } }; nUILayerList.prototype._findInnerContainer = function (y) { for (var i = this.context.droppables.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var obj = this.context.droppables[i]; if (obj.top <= y && obj.bottom >= y) { return obj; } } return false; }; nUILayerList.prototype._cacheContainerLayers = function (droppable) { var layerObjects = [], layers = droppable.layer.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { //if (layers[i].layerRow[0] === this.context.$item[0]) continue; var obj = { layer: layers[i] }; obj.top = obj.layer.layerRow.offset().top - this.scrolledTop + this.scrolledScroll; obj.height = obj.layer.layerRow.outerHeight(); obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.height / 2; obj.index = i; layerObjects.push(obj); } if (droppable.layer.container.allowedPlacementMode == 'absolute') { layerObjects.reverse(); } return layerObjects; }; nUILayerList.prototype._findNormalIndex = function (y, targetContainer) { for (var i = 0; i < targetContainer.layers.length; i++) { var obj = targetContainer.layers[i]; if (y <= obj.bottom) { return i; } } return targetContainer.layers.length; }; N2Classes.nUIWidgetBase.register('nUILayerList'); return nUILayerList; }); N2D('PlacementAbsolute', ['PlacementAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; var rAFShim = (function () { var timeLast = 0; return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { var timeCurrent = (new Date()).getTime(), timeDelta; /* Dynamically set delay on a per-tick basis to match 60fps. */ /* Technique by Erik Moller. MIT license: https://gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671 */ timeDelta = Math.max(0, 16 - (timeCurrent - timeLast)); timeLast = timeCurrent + timeDelta; return setTimeout(function () { callback(timeCurrent + timeDelta); }, timeDelta); }; })(), resizeCollection = { raf: false, ratios: null, isThrottled: false, layers: [] }, requestRender = function () { if (resizeCollection.raf === false) { resizeCollection.raf = true; rAFShim(function () { for (var i = 0; i < resizeCollection.layers.length; i++) { if (!resizeCollection.layers[i].isDeleted) { resizeCollection.layers[i].doTheResize(resizeCollection.ratios, true, resizeCollection.isThrottled); } } resizeCollection = { raf: false, ratios: null, isThrottled: false, layers: [] }; }); } }; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param placement * @param layer * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor * @augments PlacementAbstract */ function PlacementAbsolute(placement, layer, fragmentEditor) { this.type = 'absolute'; this.transferredProperties = {}; N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.doThrottledTheResize = this.doTheResize; this._triggerLayerResizedThrottled = NextendThrottle(this._triggerLayerResized, 30); this.parentIsVisible = true; // Related to parent child layer picker this.children = []; } PlacementAbsolute.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype); PlacementAbsolute.prototype.constructor = PlacementAbsolute; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.start = function () { this.$layer = this.layer.layer; this.$layerRow = this.layer.layerRow; }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.preActivation = function (lastPlacement) { if (lastPlacement.type == 'normal') { var height = this.layer.getProperty('height'); if (height > 0) { this.transferredProperties.height = height; } } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.activated = function (properties) { var delayedActivate = false, parentid = this.$layer.data('parentid'); if (parentid) { var $parent = $('#' + parentid); if ($parent.length > 0) { this.activatedAfterParentReady(properties); } else { setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.activatedAfterParentReady(properties); }, this), 300); } } else { this._activated(properties); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.activatedAfterParentReady = function (properties) { var parentid = this.$layer.data('parentid'); if (parentid) { var $parent = $('#' + parentid); if ($parent.length > 0) { var layerObject = $parent.data('layerObject'); if (layerObject) { layerObject.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this._activated, this, properties)); } else { $parent.on('layerStarted', $.proxy(function (e, layerObject) { layerObject.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this._activated, this, properties)); }, this)); } } else { this.$layer.data('parentid', ''); this._activated(properties); } } else { this._activated(properties); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._activated = function (properties) { this.loadProperties($.extend(properties, this.transferredProperties)); this.transferredProperties = {}; this.$layer.css('zIndex', ''); this.___makeLayerAlign(); this.___makeLayerResizeable(); }; PlacementAbsolute.cleanLayer = function ($layer) { var devices = [ 'desktopPortrait', 'desktopLandscape', 'tabletPortrait', 'tabletLandscape', 'mobilePortrait', 'mobileLandscape' ]; $layer .removeAttr('data-align') .removeAttr('data-valign') .css({ left: '', top: '', right: '', bottom: '', width: '', height: '', 'text-align': '' }); var properties = ['parentid', 'responsiveposition', 'responsivesize', 'parentalign', 'parentvalign', 'align', 'valign', 'left', 'top', 'width', 'height']; var data = {}; for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var prop = properties[i].toLowerCase(); data[prop] = $layer.data(prop); $layer.removeAttr(prop); $layer.removeData(prop); for (var j = 0; j < devices.length; j++) { var device = devices[j].toLowerCase(); data[device + prop] = $layer.data(device + prop); $layer.removeAttr(device + prop); $layer.removeData(device + prop); } } return data; }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.deActivated = function (newMode) { var value = this.layer.getProperty('parentid'); if (value && value != '') { this.$layer.removeAttr('data-parentid'); this.unSubscribeParent(); } this.$layer .removeAttr('data-align') .removeAttr('data-valign') .css({ left: '', top: '', right: '', bottom: '', width: '', height: '', 'text-align': '' }); this.alignMarker.remove(); this.$layer.nUIResizable('destroy'); this.$layer.off('.n2-ss-absolute'); this.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerUnavailable'); var properties = ['parentid', 'responsiveposition', 'responsivesize', 'parentalign', 'parentvalign', 'align', 'valign', 'left', 'top', 'width', 'height'], historicalData = this.layer.getPropertiesData(properties); this.layer.removeProperties(properties); this.chainParent.remove(); return historicalData; }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.loadProperties = function (options) { this.layer.createProperty('parentid', null, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createProperty('responsiveposition', 1, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createProperty('responsivesize', 1, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('parentalign', {desktopPortrait: 'center'}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('parentvalign', {desktopPortrait: 'middle'}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('align', {desktopPortrait: options.align || 'center'}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('valign', {desktopPortrait: options.valign || 'middle'}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('left', {desktopPortrait: options.left || 0}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('top', {desktopPortrait: options.top || 0}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('width', {desktopPortrait: options.width || 'auto'}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('height', {desktopPortrait: options.height || 'auto'}, this.layer.layer, this); var $layer = this.layer.layer; this.subscribeParentCallbacks = {}; if (this.layer.getProperty('parentid')) { this.subscribeParent(); } $layer.attr({ 'data-align': this.layer.getProperty('align'), 'data-valign': this.layer.getProperty('valign') }); var $lastParent = null; this.chainParent = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-chain-parent n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-xs n2-radius-s n2-button-blue"><i class="n2-i n2-i-layerunlink"></i></div>').on({ click: $.proxy(this.unlink, this), mouseenter: $.proxy(function () { $lastParent = $('#' + this.layer.getProperty('parentid')).addClass('n2-highlight'); }, this), mouseleave: $.proxy(function () { if ($lastParent) { $lastParent.removeClass('n2-highlight'); $lastParent = null; } }, this) }).appendTo(this.$layer); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.triggerLayerResized = function (isThrottled, ratios) { if (isThrottled) { this._triggerLayerResized(isThrottled, ratios); } else { this._triggerLayerResizedThrottled(true, ratios); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._triggerLayerResized = function (isThrottled, ratios) { if (!this.layer.isDeleted) { this.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerResized', [ratios || { slideW: this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(), slideH: this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical() }, isThrottled || false]); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.___makeLayerAlign = function () { this.alignMarker = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-cc" />').appendTo(this.$layer); }; //<editor-fold desc="Makes layer resizable"> /** * Add resize handles to the specified layer * @param {jQuery} layer * @private */ PlacementAbsolute.prototype.___makeLayerResizeable = function () { this._resizableJustClick = false; this.$layer.nUIResizable({ handles: 'n, e, s, w, ne, se, sw, nw', _containment: this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.layer, start: $.proxy(this.____makeLayerResizeableStart, this), resize: $.proxy(this.____makeLayerResizeableResize, this), stop: $.proxy(this.____makeLayerResizeableStop, this), create: $.proxy(function () { this.$layer.find('.nui-resizable-handle, .n2-ss-layer-cc').on({ mousedown: $.proxy(function (e) { this._resizableJustClick = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; }, this), mouseup: $.proxy(function (e) { if (this._resizableJustClick && Math.abs(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._resizableJustClick[0] - e.clientX, 2) + Math.pow(this._resizableJustClick[1] - e.clientY, 2))) < 1) { var $target = $(e.currentTarget), layerFeatures = this.fragmentEditor.layerOptions.layerFeatures; if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-nw')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('left', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('top', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-w')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('left', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('middle', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-sw')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('left', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('bottom', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-n')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('center', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('top', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('n2-ss-layer-cc')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('center', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('middle', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-s')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('center', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('bottom', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-ne')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('right', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('top', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-e')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('right', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('middle', false); } else if ($target.hasClass('nui-resizable-se')) { layerFeatures.horizontalAlign('right', false); layerFeatures.verticalAlign('bottom', false); } } this._resizableJustClick = false; }, this) }); }, this), smartguides: $.proxy(function () { this.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerParent'); return this.fragmentEditor.getSnap(); }, this), tolerance: 5 }) .on({ 'mousedown.n2-ss-absolute': $.proxy(function (e) { if (!this.layer.status != N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.LOCKED) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Canvas'); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Canvas', 'W: ' + parseInt(this.$layer.width()) + 'px<br />H: ' + parseInt(this.$layer.height()) + 'px'); } if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } }, this), 'mouseup.n2-ss-absolute': $.proxy(function (e) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Canvas'); }, this) }); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.____makeLayerResizeableStart = function (event, ui) { this.preventActivation = true; this.resizableDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.fragmentEditor.layerWindow.hideWithDeferred(this.resizableDeferred); $('body').addClass('n2-ss-resize-layer'); if (this._resizableJustClick) { this._resizableJustClick = false; } this.____makeLayerResizeableResize(event, ui); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Canvas'); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.____makeLayerResizeableResize = function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Canvas', 'W: ' + ui.size.width + 'px<br />H: ' + ui.size.height + 'px'); this.triggerLayerResized(); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.____makeLayerResizeableStop = function (event, ui) { $('body').removeClass('n2-ss-resize-layer'); this.resizableDeferred.resolve(); var isAutoWidth = false; if (ui.axis == "n" || ui.axis == "s" || ui.originalSize.width == ui.size.width) { var currentValue = this.layer.getProperty('width'); if (this.layer.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(currentValue)) { isAutoWidth = true; this._syncwidth(); } } var isAutoHeight = false; if (ui.axis == "e" || ui.axis == "w" || ui.originalSize.height == ui.size.height) { var currentValue = this.layer.getProperty('height'); if (this.layer.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(currentValue)) { isAutoHeight = true; this._syncheight(); } } var ratioSizeH = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(), ratioSizeV = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); if (!parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsivesize'))) { ratioSizeH = ratioSizeV = 1; } var width = null; if (!isAutoWidth) { width = Math.round(ui.size.width * (1 / ratioSizeH)); } var height = null; if (!isAutoHeight) { height = Math.round(ui.size.height * (1 / ratioSizeV)); } this._setPosition(null, null, ui.position.left, ui.position.top, width, height, true); this.triggerLayerResized(); this.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerUnParent'); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Canvas'); setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.preventActivation = false; }, this), 80); //this.fragmentEditor.panel.positionMenu(this.$layer); }; //</editor-fold> PlacementAbsolute.prototype._setPosition = function (align, valign, left, top, width, height, isPositionAbsolute) { var mode = this.layer.getMode(); if (align === null) { align = this.layer.getProperty('align'); } if (valign === null) { valign = this.layer.getProperty('valign'); } if (left === null) { left = this.layer.getProperty('left'); } else if (isPositionAbsolute) { left = this.calculatePositionLeft(align, left); } if (top === null) { top = this.layer.getProperty('top'); } else if (isPositionAbsolute) { top = this.calculatePositionTop(valign, top); } if (width === null) { width = this.layer.getProperty('width'); } if (height === null) { height = this.layer.getProperty('height'); } var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this.layer, this.layer.historyStoreOnPlacement, ['historyStorePosition', mode]); if (task) { task.setValues({ align: this.layer.getRawProperty('align'), valign: this.layer.getRawProperty('valign'), left: this.layer.getRawProperty('left'), top: this.layer.getRawProperty('top'), width: this.layer.getRawProperty('width'), height: this.layer.getRawProperty('height') }, { align: align, valign: valign, left: left, top: top, width: width, height: height }); } N2Classes.History.get().off(); this.layer.store('width', width, true, 'layer'); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['width', width]); this.layer.store('height', height, true, 'layer'); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['height', height]); this.layer.store('align', align, true, 'layer'); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['align', align]); this.layer.store('valign', valign, true, 'layer'); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['valign', valign]); this.layer.store('left', left, true, 'layer'); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['left', left]); this.layer.store('top', top, true, 'layer'); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['top', top]); N2Classes.History.get().on(); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.historyStorePosition = function (values, mode) { this.layer.historyStore(values.align, 'align', mode); this.layer.historyStore(values.valign, 'valign', mode); this.layer.historyStore(values.width, 'width', mode); this.layer.historyStore(values.height, 'height', mode); this.layer.historyStore(values.left, 'left', mode); this.layer.historyStore(values.top, 'top', mode); this.triggerLayerResized(); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.calculatePositionLeft = function (align, left) { var ratioH = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); if (!parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsiveposition'))) { ratioH = 1; } var parent = this.parent, p = { left: 0, leftMultiplier: 1 }; if (!parent || !parent.is(':visible')) { parent = this.$layer.parent(); switch (align) { case 'center': p.left += parent.width() / 2; break; case 'right': p.left += parent.width(); break; } } else { var position = parent.position(); switch (this.layer.getProperty('parentalign')) { case 'right': p.left = position.left + parent.width(); break; case 'center': p.left = position.left + parent.width() / 2; break; default: p.left = position.left; } } var left; switch (align) { case 'left': left = -Math.round((p.left - left) * (1 / ratioH)); break; case 'center': left = -Math.round((p.left - left - this.$layer.width() / 2) * (1 / ratioH)); break; case 'right': left = -Math.round((p.left - left - this.$layer.width()) * (1 / ratioH)); break; } return left; }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.calculatePositionTop = function (valign, top) { var ratioV = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); if (!parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsiveposition'))) { ratioV = 1; } var parent = this.parent, p = { top: 0, topMultiplier: 1 }; if (!parent || !parent.is(':visible')) { parent = this.$layer.parent(); switch (valign) { case 'middle': p.top += parent.height() / 2; break; case 'bottom': p.top += parent.height(); break; } } else { var position = parent.position(); switch (this.layer.getProperty('parentvalign')) { case 'bottom': p.top = position.top + parent.height(); break; case 'middle': p.top = position.top + parent.height() / 2; break; default: p.top = position.top; } } var top; switch (valign) { case 'top': top = -Math.round((p.top - top) * (1 / ratioV)); break; case 'middle': top = -Math.round((p.top - top - this.$layer.height() / 2) * (1 / ratioV)); break; case 'bottom': top = -Math.round((p.top - top - this.$layer.height()) * (1 / ratioV)); break; } return top; }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.moveX = function (x) { this._setPosition(null, null, this.layer.getProperty('left') + x, null, null, null, false); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.moveY = function (y) { this._setPosition(null, null, null, this.layer.getProperty('top') + y, null, null, false); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPositionLeft = function (left) { left = this.calculatePositionLeft(this.layer.getProperty('align'), left); this.layer.store('left', left, true); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['left', left]); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPositionTop = function (top) { top = this.calculatePositionTop(this.layer.getProperty('valign'), top); this.layer.store('top', top, true); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', ['top', top]); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPosition = function (left, top) { this.setPositionLeft(left); this.setPositionTop(top); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setDeviceBasedAlign = function () { var mode = this.layer.getMode(); if (typeof this.layer.deviceProperty[mode]['align'] == 'undefined') { this.layer.setProperty('align', this.layer.getProperty('align'), 'layer'); } if (typeof this.layer.deviceProperty[mode]['valign'] == 'undefined') { this.layer.setProperty('valign', this.layer.getProperty('valign'), 'layer'); } }; //</editor-fold PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertyresponsiveposition = PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertyresponsivesize = function (name, value, from) { this.layer._setProperty(name, parseInt(value), from); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertywidth = PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertyheight = function (name, value, from) { var v = value; if (!this.layer.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(value)) { v = ~~value; if (v != value) { this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', [name, v]); } } setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.onResize(false); }, this), 50); this.layer._setProperty(name, v, from); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertyleft = PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertytop = function (name, value, from) { var v = ~~value; if (v != value) { this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', [name, v]); } this.layer._setProperty(name, v, from); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.render = function (name) { this['_sync' + name](); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.renderWithModifier = function (name, value, modifier) { try { if ((name == 'width' || name == 'height') && this.layer.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(value)) { this['_sync' + name](value); } else { this['_sync' + name](Math.round(value * modifier)); } } catch (e) { console.error('_sync' + name); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.onResize = function (isForced) { this.resize({ slideW: this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(), slideH: this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical() }, isForced); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.resize = function (ratios, isForced) { if (!this.parent || isForced) { //this.doThrottledTheResize(ratios, false); this.addToResizeCollection(this, ratios, false); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.addToResizeCollection = function (layer, ratios, isThrottled) { resizeCollection.ratios = ratios; resizeCollection.isThrottled = isThrottled; for (var i = 0; i < resizeCollection.layers.length; i++) { if (resizeCollection.layers[i] == this) { resizeCollection.layers.splice(i, 1); break; } } resizeCollection.layers.push(layer); requestRender(); this.triggerLayerResized(isThrottled, ratios); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncresponsiveposition = function () { this.onResize(false); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncwidth = function () { var value = this.layer.getProperty('width'); if (!this.layer.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(value)) { if (parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsivesize'))) { var ratio = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); value = (value * ratio); } value += 'px'; } this.$layer.css('width', value); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncheight = function () { var value = this.layer.getProperty('height'); if (!this.layer.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(value)) { if (parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsivesize'))) { var ratio = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); value = (value * ratio); } value += 'px'; } this.$layer.css('height', value); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncparentalign = function () { var value = this.layer.getProperty('parentalign'); this.$layer.data('parentalign', value); var parent = this.getParent(); if (parent) { parent.placement.current.onResize(false); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncparentvalign = function () { var value = this.layer.getProperty('parentvalign'); this.$layer.data('parentvalign', value); var parent = this.getParent(); if (parent) { parent.placement.current.onResize(false); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncleft = function () { var value = this.layer.getProperty('left'); if (parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsiveposition'))) { var ratio = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); value = (value * ratio); } if (!this.parent || !this.parentIsVisible) { switch (this.layer.getProperty('align')) { case 'right': this.$layer.css({ left: 'auto', right: -value + 'px' }); break; case 'center': this.$layer.css({ left: (this.$layer.parent().width() / 2 + value - this.$layer.width() / 2) + 'px', right: 'auto' }); break; default: this.$layer.css({ left: value + 'px', right: 'auto' }); } } else { var position = this.parent.position(), align = this.layer.getProperty('align'), parentAlign = this.layer.getProperty('parentalign'), left = 0; switch (parentAlign) { case 'right': left = position.left + this.parent.width(); break; case 'center': left = position.left + this.parent.width() / 2; break; default: left = position.left; } switch (align) { case 'right': this.$layer.css({ left: 'auto', right: (this.$layer.parent().width() - left - value) + 'px' }); break; case 'center': this.$layer.css({ left: (left + value - this.$layer.width() / 2) + 'px', right: 'auto' }); break; default: this.$layer.css({ left: (left + value) + 'px', right: 'auto' }); } } this.triggerLayerResized(); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._synctop = function () { var value = this.layer.getProperty('top'); if (parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsiveposition'))) { var ratio = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); value = (value * ratio); } if (!this.parent || !this.parentIsVisible) { switch (this.layer.getProperty('valign')) { case 'bottom': this.$layer.css({ top: 'auto', bottom: -value + 'px' }); break; case 'middle': this.$layer.css({ top: (this.$layer.parent().height() / 2 + value - this.$layer.height() / 2) + 'px', bottom: 'auto' }); break; default: this.$layer.css({ top: value + 'px', bottom: 'auto' }); } } else { var position = this.parent.position(), valign = this.layer.getProperty('valign'), parentVAlign = this.layer.getProperty('parentvalign'), top = 0; switch (parentVAlign) { case 'bottom': top = position.top + this.parent.height(); break; case 'middle': top = position.top + this.parent.height() / 2; break; default: top = position.top; } switch (valign) { case 'bottom': this.$layer.css({ top: 'auto', bottom: (this.$layer.parent().height() - top - value) + 'px' }); break; case 'middle': this.$layer.css({ top: (top + value - this.$layer.height() / 2) + 'px', bottom: 'auto' }); break; default: this.$layer.css({ top: (top + value) + 'px', bottom: 'auto' }); } } this.triggerLayerResized(); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncresponsivesize = function () { this.onResize(false); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.historyStoreDoubleProp = function (data, mode, prop, prop2) { var currentMode = this.layer.getMode(); if (mode == currentMode) { this.layer._setProperty(prop, data.value, 'history'); this.layer._setProperty(prop2, data.value2, 'history'); } else { this.layer.deviceProperty[mode][prop] = data.value; this.layer.deviceProperty[mode][prop2] = data.value2; this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', [prop, this.layer.getProperty(prop)]); this.layer.$.trigger('propertyChanged', [prop2, this.layer.getProperty(prop2)]); this.layer.render(prop, null, 'history'); this.layer.render(prop2, null, 'history'); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertyalign = function (name, value, from) { var oldValue = this.layer.getProperty(name), oldLeft = this.layer.getRawProperty('left'); N2Classes.History.get().off(); this.layer._setProperty(name, value, from); N2Classes.History.get().on(); var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this.layer, this.layer.historyStoreOnPlacement, ['historyStoreDoubleProp', this.layer.getMode(), 'align', 'left']); if (task) { task.setValues({ value: oldValue, value2: oldLeft }, { value: value, value2: this.layer.getRawProperty('left') }); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.setPropertyvalign = function (name, value, from) { var oldValue = this.layer.getProperty(name), oldTop = this.layer.getRawProperty('top'); N2Classes.History.get().off(); this.layer._setProperty(name, value, from); N2Classes.History.get().on(); var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this.layer, this.layer.historyStoreOnPlacement, ['historyStoreDoubleProp', this.layer.getMode(), 'valign', 'top']); if (task) { task.setValues({ value: oldValue, value2: oldTop }, { value: value, value2: this.layer.getRawProperty('top') }); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncalign = function (oldValue, from) { var value = this.layer.getProperty('align'); this.$layer.attr('data-align', value); if (from !== 'history' && value != oldValue) { this.setPositionLeft(this.$layer.position().left); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncvalign = function (oldValue, from) { var value = this.layer.getProperty('valign'); this.$layer.attr('data-valign', value); if (from !== 'history' && value != oldValue) { this.setPositionTop(this.$layer.position().top); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.fit = function () { var layer = this.$layer.get(0); var position = this.$layer.position(); if (layer.scrollWidth > 0 && layer.scrollHeight > 0) { var resized = false; if (this.layer.item) { resized = this.layer.item.fitLayer(); } if (!resized) { this.layer.setProperty('width', 'auto', 'layer'); this.layer.setProperty('height', 'auto', 'layer'); var layerWidth = this.$layer.width(); if (Math.abs(this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.layer.width() - this.$layer.position().left - layerWidth) < 2) { this.layer.setProperty('width', layerWidth, 'layer'); } } } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.hide = function (targetMode) { this.layer.store((targetMode ? targetMode : this.layer.getMode()), 0, true); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.show = function (targetMode) { this.layer.store((targetMode ? targetMode : this.layer.getMode()), 1, true); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.changeStatus = function (oldStatus, newStatus) { if (oldStatus == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.LOCKED) { this.layer.nUIResizable("enable"); } if (newStatus == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.LOCKED) { this.$layer.nUIResizable("disable"); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.getParent = function () { return $('#' + this.layer.getProperty('parentid')).data('layerObject'); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.subscribeParent = function () { var that = this; var $newParent = $('#' + this.layer.property.parentid); if (this.parent && !$newParent.is(this.parent)) { this.parent.off(this.subscribeParentCallbacks); this.parent = false; } if (!this.parent) { this.subscribeParentCallbacks = { LayerResized: function () { that.resizeParent.apply(that, arguments); }, LayerParent: function () { that.$layer.addClass('n2-ss-layer-parent'); that.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerParent'); }, LayerUnParent: function () { that.$layer.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-parent'); that.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerUnParent'); }, LayerDeleted: function (e) { that.layer.setProperty('parentid', '', 'layer'); }, LayerUnavailable: function (e) { that.layer.setProperty('parentid', '', 'layer'); that.layer.setProperty('left', 0, 'layer'); that.layer.setProperty('top', 0, 'layer'); }, LayerShowChange: function (e, mode, value) { if (that.layer.getMode() == mode) { that.parentIsVisible = value; } }, 'n2-ss-activate': function () { that.$layerRow.addClass('n2-parent-active'); }, 'n2-ss-deactivate': function () { that.$layerRow.removeClass('n2-parent-active'); }, 'LayerGetDataWithChildren': function (e, layersData, layers) { that.layer.getDataWithChildren(layersData, layers); } }; this.parent = $newParent.on(this.subscribeParentCallbacks); this.parent.data('layerObject').placement.current.addChild(this); this.$layer.addClass('n2-ss-layer-has-parent'); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.unSubscribeParent = function (context) { this.$layerRow.removeClass('n2-parent-active'); this.$layer.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-has-parent'); if (this.parent) { this.parent.off(this.subscribeParentCallbacks); this.parent = false; this.subscribeParentCallbacks = {}; if (context != 'delete') { var position = this.$layer.position(); this._setPosition(null, null, position.left, position.top, null, null, true); } } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.addChild = function (childPlacement) { this.children.push(childPlacement); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.removeChild = function (childPlacement) { this.children.splice($.inArray(childPlacement, this.children), 1); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.unlink = function (e) { if (e) e.preventDefault(); this.layer.setProperty('parentid', '', 'layer'); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.parentPicked = function (parentObject, parentAlign, parentValign, align, valign) { this.layer.setProperty('parentid', '', 'layer'); this.layer.setProperty('align', align, 'layer'); this.layer.setProperty('valign', valign, 'layer'); this.layer.setProperty('parentalign', parentAlign, 'layer'); this.layer.setProperty('parentvalign', parentValign, 'layer'); this.layer.setProperty('parentid', parentObject.requestID(), 'layer'); var undef; for (var device in this.layer.deviceProperty) { if (device == 'desktopPortrait') continue; this.layer.deviceProperty[device].left = undef; this.layer.deviceProperty[device].top = undef; this.layer.deviceProperty[device].valign = undef; this.layer.deviceProperty[device].align = undef; } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._syncparentid = function () { var value = this.layer.getProperty('parentid'); if (!value || value == '') { this.$layer.removeAttr('data-parentid'); this.unSubscribeParent(); } else { if (!N2Classes.History.get().actionInProgress()) { this._linkToParentID(value, false); } else { setTimeout($.proxy(this._linkToParentID, this, value, true), 100); } } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._linkToParentID = function (value, historyAction) { if ($('#' + value).length === 0) { this.layer.setProperty('parentid', '', 'layer'); } else { this.$layer.attr('data-parentid', value).addClass('n2-ss-layer-has-parent'); this.subscribeParent(); if (!historyAction) { var position = this.$layer.position(); this._setPosition(null, null, position.left, position.top, null, null, true); } else { N2Classes.History.get().off(); this._setPosition(null, null, null, null, null, null, true); N2Classes.History.get().on(); } } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.snap = function () { this.$layer.nextendResizable("option", "smartguides", $.proxy(function () { this.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerParent'); return this.fragmentEditor.getSnap(); }, this)); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype._renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { this.$layer.attr('data-align', this.layer.property.align); this.$layer.attr('data-valign', this.layer.property.valign); if (isReset) { this.onResize(true); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.doLinearResize = function (ratios) { this.doThrottledTheResize(ratios, true); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.doTheResize = function (ratios, isLinear, isThrottled) { this.render('width'); this.render('height'); this.render('left'); this.render('top'); if (!isLinear) { this.triggerLayerResized(isThrottled, ratios); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.resizeParent = function (e, ratios, isThrottled) { this.addToResizeCollection(this, ratios, isThrottled); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.updatePosition = function () { var parent = this.parent; if (this.layer.getProperty('align') == 'center') { var left = 0; if (parent) { left = parent.position().left + parent.width() / 2; } else { left = this.$layer.parent().width() / 2; } var ratio = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); if (!parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsiveposition'))) { ratio = 1; } this.$layer.css('left', (left - this.$layer.width() / 2 + this.layer.getProperty('left') * ratio)); } if (this.layer.getProperty('valign') == 'middle') { var top = 0; if (parent) { top = parent.position().top + parent.height() / 2; } else { top = this.$layer.parent().height() / 2; } var ratio = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); if (!parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('responsiveposition'))) { ratio = 1; } this.$layer.css('top', (top - this.$layer.height() / 2 + this.layer.getProperty('top') * ratio)); } this.triggerLayerResized(); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.getIndex = function () { var index = parseInt(this.$layer.css('zIndex')); if (isNaN(index)) { index = 0; } return index; }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.renderIndex = function (index) { //this.layer.layer.css('zIndex', index + 1); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.sync = function () { this._syncalign(null, 'history'); this._syncvalign(null, 'history'); this._syncwidth(); this._syncheight(); this._synctop(); this._syncleft(); this._syncparentid(); }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.delete = function () { var parentId = this.layer.getProperty('parentid'); if (parentId) { this.unSubscribeParent('delete'); } }; PlacementAbsolute.prototype.isParentOrChild = function () { return this.parent || this.children.length > 0; }; return PlacementAbsolute; }); N2D('PlacementContent', ['PlacementAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param placement * @param layer * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function PlacementContent(placement, layer, fragmentEditor) { this.type = 'content'; N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } PlacementContent.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype); PlacementContent.prototype.constructor = PlacementContent; return PlacementContent; }); N2D('PlacementDefault', ['PlacementAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param placement * @param layer * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function PlacementDefault(placement, layer, fragmentEditor) { this.type = 'default'; N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } PlacementDefault.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype); PlacementDefault.prototype.constructor = PlacementDefault; PlacementDefault.prototype.start = function () { this.$layer = this.layer.layer; }; PlacementDefault.prototype.activated = function (properties) { this.startUISizing(); }; PlacementDefault.prototype.deActivated = function (newMode) { this.$layer.nUINormalSizing('destroy'); }; PlacementDefault.prototype.startUISizing = function () { var needSize = false; if (this.layer.item && this.layer.item.needSize) { needSize = true; } this.$layer.nUINormalSizing({ start: $.proxy(function (e, prop) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('NormalSizing'); if (prop === 'maxwidth') { this.layer.layer.attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } }, this), resizeMaxWidth: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'NormalSizing', 'Max-width: ' + (ui.value == 0 ? 'none' : (ui.value + 'px'))); }, this), stopMaxWidth: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('NormalSizing'); this.layer.setProperty('maxwidth', ui.value); }, this) }); }; return PlacementDefault; }); N2D('PlacementNormal', ['PlacementAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param placement * @param layer * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor * @augments PlacementAbstract */ function PlacementNormal(placement, layer, fragmentEditor) { this.type = 'normal'; this.transferredProperties = {}; N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } PlacementNormal.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.PlacementAbstract.prototype); PlacementNormal.prototype.constructor = PlacementNormal; PlacementNormal.prototype.start = function () { this.$layer = this.layer.layer; }; PlacementNormal.prototype.preActivation = function (lastPlacement) { if (lastPlacement.type == 'absolute' && this.layer.item && this.layer.item.needSize) { var height = this.layer.getProperty('height'); if (height.match && height.match(/[0-9]+%$/)) { this.transferredProperties.height = Math.max(100, parseInt(this.$layer.parent().height() * parseInt(height) / 100)); } else if (height > 0) { this.transferredProperties.height = height; } } }; PlacementNormal.prototype.activated = function (properties) { this.loadProperties($.extend(properties, this.transferredProperties)); this.transferredProperties = {}; this.layer.$.on('baseSizeUpdated.placementnormal', $.proxy(this._syncmargin, this)); this.layer.$.on('baseSizeUpdated.placementnormal', $.proxy(this._syncheight, this)); this.startUISpacing(); this.startUISizing(); this.$layer.on({ mousedown: $.proxy(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }) }); }; PlacementNormal.prototype.loadProperties = function (options) { this.layer.createDeviceProperty('margin', {desktopPortrait: '0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+'}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('height', {desktopPortrait: (options.height || 0)}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('maxwidth', {desktopPortrait: 0}, this.layer.layer, this); this.layer.createDeviceProperty('selfalign', {desktopPortrait: 'inherit'}, this.layer.layer, this); }; PlacementNormal.cleanLayer = function ($layer) { var devices = [ 'desktopPortrait', 'desktopLandscape', 'tabletPortrait', 'tabletLandscape', 'mobilePortrait', 'mobileLandscape' ]; $layer .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '0') .removeAttr('data-cssselfalign') .css({ position: '', margin: '', height: '', maxWidth: '' }); var properties = ['margin', 'height', 'maxwidth', 'selfalign']; var data = {}; for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var prop = properties[i].toLowerCase(); data[prop] = $layer.data(prop); $layer.removeAttr(prop); $layer.removeData(prop); for (var j = 0; j < devices.length; j++) { var device = devices[j].toLowerCase(); data[prop] = $layer.data(device + prop); $layer.removeAttr(device + prop); $layer.removeData(device + prop); } } return data; }; PlacementNormal.prototype.deActivated = function (newMode) { this.layer.$.off('.placementnormal'); this.$layer.nUISpacing('destroy'); this.$layer.nUINormalSizing('destroy'); this.layer.layer.attr('data-has-maxwidth', '0'); this.layer.layer.removeAttr('data-cssselfalign'); var properties = ['margin', 'height', 'maxwidth', 'selfalign'], historicalData = this.layer.getPropertiesData(properties); this.layer.removeProperties(properties); this.layer.layer.css({ position: '', margin: '', height: '', maxWidth: '' }); return historicalData; }; PlacementNormal.prototype._renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { this._syncmargin(); this._syncheight(); this._syncmaxwidth(); this._syncselfalign(); }; PlacementNormal.prototype._syncmargin = function () { var margin = this.layer.getProperty('margin').split('|*|'), unit = margin.pop(), baseSize = this.layer.baseSize; if (unit == 'px+' && baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; for (var i = 0; i < margin.length; i++) { margin[i] = parseInt(margin[i]) / baseSize; } } var margin = margin.join(unit + ' ') + unit; this.layer.layer.css('margin', margin); this.layer.update(); this.$layer.nUISpacing('option', 'current', margin); }; PlacementNormal.prototype.startUISpacing = function () { this.$layer.nUISpacing({ mode: 'margin', sync: { n: 'margin-top', e: 'margin-right', s: 'margin-bottom', w: 'margin-left', }, handles: 'n, s, e, w', start: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Spacing'); }, this), spacing: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { var html = ''; for (var k in ui.changed) { html += 'Margin ' + k + ': ' + ui.changed[k] + 'px<br>'; } N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Spacing', html); }, this), stop: $.proxy(this.onSpacingStop, this), }); }; PlacementNormal.prototype.onSpacingStop = function (event, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Spacing'); var margin = this.layer.getProperty('margin').split('|*|'), ratioH = 1, ratioV = 1; if (margin[margin.length - 1] == 'px+' && Math.abs(parseFloat(this.$layer.css('fontSize')) - this.layer.baseSize) > 1) { ratioH = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); ratioV = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); } for (var k in ui.changed) { var value = ui.changed[k]; switch (k) { case 'top': margin[0] = Math.round(value / ratioV); break; case 'right': margin[1] = Math.round(value / ratioH); break; case 'bottom': margin[2] = Math.round(value / ratioV); break; case 'left': margin[3] = Math.round(value / ratioH); break; } } this.layer.setProperty('margin', margin.join('|*|')); $('#layernormal-margin').data('field').insideChange(margin.join('|*|')); }; PlacementNormal.prototype.startUISizing = function () { var needSize = false; if (this.layer.item && this.layer.item.needSize) { needSize = true; } this.$layer.nUINormalSizing({ height: needSize, syncWidth: true, start: $.proxy(function (e, prop) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('NormalSizing'); if (prop === 'maxwidth') { this.layer.layer.attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } }, this), resizeMaxWidth: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'NormalSizing', 'Max-width: ' + (ui.value == 0 ? 'none' : (ui.value + 'px'))); }, this), stopMaxWidth: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('NormalSizing'); this.layer.setProperty('maxwidth', ui.value); }, this), resizeHeight: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'NormalSizing', 'Height: ' + ui.value + 'px'); }, this), stopHeight: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('NormalSizing'); var ratio = 1; if (parseInt(this.$layer.css('fontSize')) != this.layer.baseSize) { ratio = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); } var value = Math.round(value / ratio); this.layer.setProperty('height', ui.value); }, this) }); }; PlacementNormal.prototype._syncheight = function () { var height = parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('height')); if (height > 0) { var unit = 'px', baseSize = this.layer.baseSize; if (baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; height = parseInt(height) / baseSize; } this.layer.layer.css('height', height + unit); } else { this.layer.layer.css('height', ''); } this.layer.update(); }; PlacementNormal.prototype._syncmaxwidth = function () { var value = parseInt(this.layer.getProperty('maxwidth')); if (value <= 0 || isNaN(value)) { this.layer.layer.css('maxWidth', '') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '0'); } else { this.layer.layer.css('maxWidth', value + 'px') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } this.layer.update(); }; PlacementNormal.prototype._syncselfalign = function () { this.layer.layer.attr('data-cssselfalign', this.layer.getProperty('selfalign')); }; PlacementNormal.prototype.sync = function () { this._syncmargin(); this._syncheight(); this._syncmaxwidth(); }; return PlacementNormal; }); N2D('Placement', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param layer * @constructor */ function Placement(layer) { this.layer = layer; this.fragmentEditor = layer.fragmentEditor; this.modes = {}; this.current = null; this.isTransferHandled = false; this.updatePositionThrottled = NextendDeBounce(this.updatePosition, 200); } Placement.prototype.allow = function (mode) { switch (mode) { case 'absolute': this.modes.absolute = new N2Classes.PlacementAbsolute(this, this.layer, this.fragmentEditor); break; case 'normal': this.modes.normal = new N2Classes.PlacementNormal(this, this.layer, this.fragmentEditor); break; case 'group': this.modes.absolute = new N2Classes.PlacementGroup(this, this.layer, this.fragmentEditor); break; case 'content': this.modes.absolute = new N2Classes.PlacementContent(this, this.layer, this.fragmentEditor); break; case 'default': this.modes['default'] = new N2Classes.PlacementDefault(this, this.layer, this.fragmentEditor); break; } }; Placement.prototype.start = function () { for (var k in this.modes) { this.modes[k].start(); } }; Placement.prototype.setMode = function (mode, properties) { var historicalData = false; properties = properties || {}; if (typeof this.modes[mode] !== 'undefined') { if (this.current != this.modes[mode]) { var lastType; if (this.current) { this.modes[mode].preActivation(this.current); lastType = this.current.type; historicalData = this.current.deActivated(this.modes[mode]); } this.current = this.modes[mode]; this.layer.layer.attr('data-pm', this.current.type); this.current.activated(properties); this.layer.$.triggerHandler('placementChanged', [this.current.type, lastType]); } } else { throw new Exception('Layer placement(' + mode + ') not allowed for the container', this.layer); } return historicalData; }; Placement.prototype.doAction = function (action) { try { return this.current[action].apply(this.current, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } catch (e) { } }; Placement.prototype.getType = function () { return this.current.type; }; Placement.prototype.onResize = function (isForced) { if (typeof this.current.onResize == 'function') { this.current.onResize(isForced); } }; Placement.prototype.updatePosition = function () { this.current.updatePosition(); }; Placement.prototype.getIndex = function () { return this.current.getIndex(); }; Placement.prototype.renderIndex = function (index) { return this.current.renderIndex(index); }; Placement.prototype.doLinearResize = function (ratios) { this.current.doLinearResize(ratios); }; Placement.prototype.sync = function () { this.current.sync(); }; Placement.prototype.renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { var fontSize = this.layer.getProperty('fontsize'); this.layer.adjustFontSize(this.layer.getProperty('adaptivefont'), fontSize, false); this.current._renderModeProperties(isReset); }; Placement.prototype.delete = function () { this.current.delete(); }; return Placement; }); N2D('PlacementAbstract', ['Placement'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param placement * @param {N2Classes.ComponentAbstract} layer * @param fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function PlacementAbstract(placement, layer, fragmentEditor) { this.placement = placement; /** * @type {N2Classes.ComponentAbstract} */ this.layer = layer; this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; } PlacementAbstract.prototype.start = function () { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.preActivation = function (lastPlacement) { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.activated = function () { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.deActivated = function (newMode) { return false; }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.updatePosition = function () { this.layer.group.update(); }; PlacementAbstract.prototype._renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype._hide = function () { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype._show = function () { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.snap = function () { return false; }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.getIndex = function () { return this.layer.layer.index(); }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.renderIndex = function (index) { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.doLinearResize = function (ratios) { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.sync = function () { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.delete = function () { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.triggerLayerResized = function (isThrottled, ratios) { }; PlacementAbstract.prototype.changeStatus = function (oldStatus, newStatus) { }; return PlacementAbstract; }); N2D('Item', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * @augments N2Classes.Historical * * @constructor */ function Item($item, layer, itemEditor) { if (this.type === undefined) { this.type = $item.data('item'); } this.needSize = this.constructor.needSize; this.fragmentEditor = itemEditor.fragmentEditor; /** * @type {N2Classes.Generator} */ this.generator = this.fragmentEditor.editor.generator; this.self = this; this.$item = $item; this.layer = layer; this.itemEditor = itemEditor; this.fonts = []; this.styles = []; this.needFill = []; this.values = this.$item.data('itemvalues'); if (typeof this.values !== 'object') { this.values = $.parseJSON(this.values); } this.pre = 'div#' + this.fragmentEditor.editor.frontend.elementID + ' '; this.defaultValues = itemEditor.getItemForm(this.type).values; this.added(); this.$item.data('item', this); this.$item.appendTo(this.layer.getContent()); this.layer.item = this; if (this.$item.children().length === 0) { // It's create, so render the item this.layer.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this.reRender, this)); } $('<div/>') .addClass('n2-ss-item-overlay') .css('zIndex', 89) .appendTo(this.$item); this.$item.find('a').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $(window).trigger('ItemCreated'); } Item.needSize = false; N2Classes.Historical(Item); Item.prototype.changeValue = function (property, value) { if (this == this.itemEditor.activeItem) { $('#item_' + this.type + property).data('field') .insideChange(value); } else { this.values[property] = value; } }; Item.prototype.activate = function (e, context, force) { if (this.itemEditor.setActiveItem(this, context, force)) { nextend.basicCSS.activate('ss3item' + this.type, this.values, { font: this.fonts, style: this.styles }); this.itemEditor.lastValues[this.type] = this.values; } }; Item.prototype.deActivate = function () { nextend.basicCSS.deActivate(); }; Item.prototype.render = function (data, originalData) { this.layer.layer.triggerHandler('itemRender'); this.$item.html(''); this.parseAll(data); this._render(data); // These will be available on the backend render this.itemEditor.lastValues[this.type] = this.values = originalData; $('<div/>') .addClass('n2-ss-item-overlay') .css('zIndex', 89) .appendTo(this.$item); var layerName = this.getName(data); if (layerName === false || layerName == '' || layerName == 'Layer') { layerName = this.type; } else { layerName = layerName.replace(/[<>]/gi, ''); } this.layer.rename(layerName, false); this.layer.update(); this.$item.find('a').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); }; Item.prototype._render = function (data) { }; Item.prototype.reRender = function (newData) { this.values = $.extend({}, this.getDefault(), this.values, newData); this.render($.extend({}, this.values), this.values); }; Item.prototype.delete = function () { this.$item.trigger('mouseleave'); this.$item.remove(); if (this.itemEditor.activeItem == this) { this.itemEditor.activeItem = null; } }; Item.prototype.getHTML = function (base64) { var item = ''; if (base64) { item = '[' + this.type + ' values="' + N2Classes.Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(this.values)) + '"]'; } else { item = $('<div class="n2-ss-item n2-ss-item-' + this.type + '"></div>') .attr('data-item', this.type) .attr('data-itemvalues', JSON.stringify(this.values)); } return item; }; Item.prototype.getData = function () { return { type: this.type, values: this.values }; }; Item.prototype.getDefault = function () { return {}; }; Item.prototype.added = function () { }; Item.prototype.addedFont = function (mode, name) { var $input = $('#item_' + this.type + name); if ($input.length) { this.fonts.push({ mode: mode, name: name, field: $input.data('field'), def: this.defaultValues[name] }); $.when(nextend.fontManager.addVisualUsage(mode, this.values[name], this.pre)) .done($.proxy(function (existsFont) { if (!existsFont) { this.changeValue(name, ''); } }, this)); } }; Item.prototype.addedStyle = function (mode, name) { var $input = $('#item_' + this.type + name); if ($input.length) { this.styles.push({ mode: mode, name: name, field: $input.data('field'), def: this.defaultValues[name] }); $.when(nextend.styleManager.addVisualUsage(mode, this.values[name], this.pre)) .done($.proxy(function (existsStyle) { if (!existsStyle) { this.changeValue(name, ''); } }, this)); } }; Item.prototype.parseAll = function (data) { for (var i = 0; i < this.fonts.length; i++) { data[this.fonts[i].name + 'class'] = nextend.fontManager.getClass(data[this.fonts[i].name], this.fonts[i].mode) + ' '; } for (var i = 0; i < this.styles.length; i++) { data[this.styles[i].name + 'class'] = nextend.styleManager.getClass(data[this.styles[i].name], this.styles[i].mode) + ' '; } for (var i = 0; i < this.needFill.length; i++) { if (typeof data[this.needFill[i]] !== 'undefined') { data[this.needFill[i]] = this.generator.fill(data[this.needFill[i]] + ''); } } }; Item.prototype.getName = function (data) { return 'Layer'; }; Item.prototype.resizeLayerToImage = function (image) { var layer = this.layer, $image = $("<img/>") .attr("src", image) .on('load', $.proxy(function () { var width = $image[0].width, height = $image[0].height; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { var $containerElement = this.fragmentEditor.editor.getMainContainerElement(), maxWidth = $containerElement.width(), maxHeight = $containerElement.height(); if (width > maxWidth) { height = height * maxWidth / width; width = maxWidth; } if (height > maxHeight) { width = width * maxHeight / height; //height = maxHeight; } N2Classes.History.get().off(); layer.setProperty('width', width); layer.setProperty('height', 'auto'); N2Classes.History.get().on(); } }, this)); }; Item.prototype.fitLayer = function (item) { return false; }; return Item; }); N2D('ItemManager', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FragmentEditor} fragmentEditor * @param options * @constructor */ function ItemManager(fragmentEditor, options) { this.suppressChange = false; this.activeItemOriginalData = null; this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; this.lastValues = {}; this.startItems(); this.forms = {}; this.activeForm = false; if (!options.isUploadDisabled) { var dropArea = $('#n2-ss-slide-canvas-container-inner'); dropArea.nUIFileUpload({ url: options.uploadUrl, pasteZone: false, dropZone: dropArea, dataType: 'json', paramName: 'image', add: function (e, data) { data.formData = {path: '/' + options.uploadDir}; data.submit(); }, done: $.proxy(function (e, data) { var response = data.result; if (response.data && response.data.name) { var item = this.createLayerItem(false, {item: 'image'}); item.reRender({ image: response.data.url }); item.activate(null, null, true); } else { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.notification(response); } }, this), fail: function (e, data) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.notification(data.jqXHR.responseJSON); }, start: function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.startLoading(); }, stop: function () { setTimeout(function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.stopLoading(); }, 100); } }); } } ItemManager.prototype.setActiveItem = function (item, context, force) { // Must be called through N2Classes.Item.activate(); if (item != this.activeItem || force) { this.activeItemOriginalData = null; var type = item.type; if (this.activeForm) { this.activeForm.form.css('display', 'none'); } if (this.activeItem) { this.activeItem.deActivate(); } this.activeForm = this.getItemForm(type); var values = $.extend({}, this.activeForm.values, item.values); this.activeItem = item; this.suppressChange = true; for (var key in values) { var field = $('#item_' + type + key).data('field'); if (field) { field.insideChange(values[key]); } } this.suppressChange = false; this.activeForm.form.css('display', 'block'); this.focusFirst(context); return true; } //this.focusFirst(context); return false; }; ItemManager.prototype.focusFirst = function (context) { var field = this.activeForm.fields.eq(0).data('field'); if (this.fragmentEditor.editor.generator.isDynamicSlide() && field.connectedField && field.connectedField instanceof N2Classes.FormElementImage) { } else { field.focus(typeof context !== 'undefined' && context); } }; ItemManager.prototype.startItems = function () { $('.n2-ss-core-item').nUICanvasItem({ canvasUIManager: this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.canvasUIManager, distance: 5, $layer: function () { return this.element.clone(); }, onCreate: $.proxy(function (e, itemOptions, targetContainer, targetIndex) { switch (targetContainer.layer.type) { case 'content': case 'col': N2Classes.History.get().startBatch(); var item = this.createLayerItem(targetContainer.layer, itemOptions.$layer.data(), 'click'); N2Classes.History.get().addControl('skipForwardUndos'); targetContainer.layer.container.insertLayerAt(item.layer, targetIndex); item.layer.changeGroup(false, targetContainer.layer); N2Classes.History.get().endBatch(); break; case 'row': var col = targetContainer.layer.createCol(); targetContainer.layer.moveCol(col.getIndex(), targetIndex); N2Classes.History.get().startBatch(); var item = this.createLayerItem(col, itemOptions.$layer.data(), 'click'); N2Classes.History.get().addControl('skipForwardUndos'); col.container.insertLayerAt(item.layer, 0); item.layer.changeGroup(false, col); N2Classes.History.get().endBatch(); break; default: var mainContainerOffset = this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.layer.offset(), item = this.createLayerItem(this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer, itemOptions.$layer.data(), 'click'); item.layer.placement.current.setPosition(e.pageX - mainContainerOffset.left - 20, e.pageY - mainContainerOffset.top - 20); break; } }, this), start: function () { $('#n2-ss-add-sidebar').removeClass('n2-active'); } }).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { this.createLayerItem(this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.getActiveGroup(), $(e.currentTarget).data(), 'click'); }, this)); $('[data-itemshortcut]').on({ click: $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.n2-ss-core-item[data-item="' + $(e.currentTarget).data('itemshortcut') + '"]').trigger('click'); }, this), mousedown: $.proxy(function (e) { $('.n2-ss-core-item[data-item="' + $(e.currentTarget).data('itemshortcut') + '"]').trigger(e); }, this) }); $('[data-structureshortcut]').on({ click: $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.n2-ss-add-layer-button').trigger('click'); $('#n2-ss-layers-switcher > .n2-labels .n2-td').eq(1).trigger('click'); }, this), mousedown: $.proxy(function (e) { $('.n2-ss-core-item[data-sstype="' + $(e.currentTarget).data('structureshortcut') + '"]').trigger(e); }, this) }); }; ItemManager.prototype.createLayerItem = function (group, data, interaction, props) { group = group || this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.getActiveGroup(); var type = data.item; if (type === 'structure') { var layer = new N2Classes.Row(this.fragmentEditor, group, {}); layer.create(data.sstype); layer.hightlightStructure(); return { layer: layer }; } else { var itemData = this.getItemForm(type), extraValues = {}; switch (type) { case 'image': if (group.container.allowedPlacementMode === 'absolute') { extraValues.size = '100%|*|auto'; } else { extraValues.size = 'auto|*|auto'; } break; } var $item = $('<div></div>').attr('data-item', type) .data('itemvalues', $.extend(true, {}, itemData.values, this.getLastValues(type), extraValues)) .addClass('n2-ss-item n2-ss-item-' + type), layer = this._createLayer($item, group, $.extend($('.n2-ss-core-item-' + type).data('layerproperties'), props)); if (interaction && interaction == "click") { setTimeout(function () { layer.layer.trigger('mousedown', ['create']).trigger('mouseup', ['create']).trigger('click', ['create']); }, 500); } else { layer.activate(); } this.fragmentEditor.layerWindow.switchTab('item'); N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDelete, this.historyCreate, [group, layer, data]); return layer.item; } }; ItemManager.prototype.getLastValues = function (type) { if (this.lastValues[type] !== undefined) { return this.lastValues[type]; } return {}; }; ItemManager.prototype.getItemClass = function (type) { var itemClass = 'Item' + N2Classes.StringHelper.capitalize(type); if (typeof N2Classes[itemClass] === 'undefined') { return 'Item'; } return itemClass; }; ItemManager.prototype._createLayer = function ($item, group, properties) { var defaultAlign = this.fragmentEditor.layerOptions.layerFeatures.layerDefault; for (var k in defaultAlign) { if (defaultAlign[k] !== null) { properties[k] = defaultAlign[k]; } } var newLayer = new N2Classes.Layer(this.fragmentEditor, group, properties); newLayer.create(function (layer) { return layer._createLayer() .append($item); }); return newLayer; }; /** * Initialize an item type and subscribe the field changes on that type. * We use event normalization to prevent rendering. * @param type * @private */ ItemManager.prototype.getItemForm = function (type) { if (this.forms[type] === undefined) { var form = $('#smartslider-slide-toolbox-item-type-' + type), formData = { form: form, values: form.data('itemvalues'), fields: form.find('[name^="item_' + type + '"]'), fieldNameRegexp: new RegExp('item_' + type + "\\[(.*?)\\]", "") }; formData.fields.on({ nextendChange: $.proxy(this.updateCurrentItem, this), keydown: $.proxy(this.updateCurrentItemDeBounced, this) }); this.forms[type] = formData; } return this.forms[type]; }; /** * This function renders the current item with the current values of the related form field. */ ItemManager.prototype.updateCurrentItem = function (e) { if (!this.suppressChange) { if (this.activeItemOriginalData === null) { this.activeItemOriginalData = $.extend({}, this.activeItem.values); } var data = {}, originalData = {}; // Get the current values of the fields // Run through the related item filter this.activeForm.fields.each($.proxy(function (i, field) { var field = $(field), name = field.attr('name').match(this.activeForm.fieldNameRegexp)[1]; originalData[name] = data[name] = field.val(); }, this)); if (e && e.type == 'nextendChange') { var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyUpdateCurrentItem, [this.activeItem]); if (task) { task.setValues(this.activeItemOriginalData, $.extend({}, originalData)); } this.activeItemOriginalData = null; } this.activeItem.render($.extend({}, this.activeItem.getDefault(), data), originalData); } }; ItemManager.prototype.historyUpdateCurrentItem = function (values, historyActiveItem) { var maybeOldActiveItem = historyActiveItem.getSelf(); maybeOldActiveItem.reRender($.extend(true, {}, values)); maybeOldActiveItem.values = values; if (this.activeItem == maybeOldActiveItem) { maybeOldActiveItem.activate(null, null, true); } }; ItemManager.prototype.updateCurrentItemDeBounced = NextendDeBounce(function (e) { this.updateCurrentItem(e); }, 100); ItemManager.prototype.historyDelete = function (historyGroup, historyLayer) { historyLayer.getSelf().delete(); }; ItemManager.prototype.historyCreate = function (historyGroup, historyLayer, data) { var item = this.createLayerItem(historyGroup.getSelf(), data); historyLayer.setSelf(item.layer); }; ItemManager.prototype.historyCreateStructure = function (historyGroup, historyLayer, data) { var obj = this.createLayerItem(historyGroup.getSelf(), data); historyLayer.setSelf(obj.layer); }; ItemManager.prototype.getSelf = function () { return this; }; return ItemManager; }); N2D('PluginActivatable', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function PluginActivatable() { this.isActive = false; this.preventActivation = false; } PluginActivatable.prototype.activate = function (e, context, preventExitFromSelection) { if (this.preventActivation) return false; if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } if (e && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer()) { return !this.select(); } else { if (e && e.which == 3 && this.fragmentEditor.selectMode) { return false; } if (!preventExitFromSelection) { this.fragmentEditor.exitSelectMode(); } } if (e) { this.positionSidebar(); } // Set the layer active if it is not active currently if (this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer() !== this) { this.layerRow.addClass('n2-active'); this.layer.addClass('n2-active'); this.layer.triggerHandler('n2-ss-activate'); this.fragmentEditor.changeActiveLayer(this, preventExitFromSelection); nextend.activeLayer = this.layer; this.fragmentEditor.ui.onActivateLayer(this); } this.isActive = true; return true; }; PluginActivatable.prototype.deActivate = function () { this.isActive = false; if (this.layer === undefined) { console.error(); } this.layer.removeClass('n2-active'); this.layerRow.removeClass('n2-active'); this.layer.triggerHandler('n2-ss-deactivate'); }; return PluginActivatable; }); N2D('PluginEditableName', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; var dblClickInterval = 300, timeout = null; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function PluginEditableName() { } PluginEditableName.prototype.addProperties = function ($layer) { this.createProperty('name', this.label, $layer); this.createProperty('nameSynced', 1, $layer); }; PluginEditableName.prototype.makeNameEditable = function () { this.layerTitleSpan.on({ mouseup: $.proxy(function (e) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; this.editName(); } else { this.activate(e); timeout = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { timeout = null; }, this), dblClickInterval); } }, this) }) }; PluginEditableName.prototype.editName = function () { var input = new N2Classes.InlineField(); input.$input.on({ valueChanged: $.proxy(function (e, newName) { this.rename(newName, true); this.layerTitleSpan.css('display', 'inline'); }, this), cancel: $.proxy(function () { this.layerTitleSpan.css('display', 'inline'); }, this) }); this.layerTitleSpan.css('display', 'none'); input.injectNode(this.layerTitle, this.property.name); }; PluginEditableName.prototype.rename = function (newName, force) { if (this.property.nameSynced || force) { if (force) { this.property.nameSynced = 0; } if (newName == '') { if (force) { this.property.nameSynced = 1; this.item.reRender(); return false; } newName = 'Layer #' + (this.group.getLayerCount() + 1); } newName = newName.substr(0, 35); if (this.property.name != newName) { this.property.name = newName; this.layerTitleSpan.html(newName); this.$.trigger('layerRenamed', newName); } } }; return PluginEditableName; }); N2D('PluginShowOn', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function PluginShowOn() { } PluginShowOn.prototype.addProperties = function ($layer) { this.showsOnCurrent = true; this.createProperty('generatorvisible', '', $layer); this.createProperty('desktopPortrait', 1, $layer); this.createProperty('desktopLandscape', 1, $layer); this.createProperty('tabletPortrait', 1, $layer); this.createProperty('tabletLandscape', 1, $layer); this.createProperty('mobilePortrait', 1, $layer); this.createProperty('mobileLandscape', 1, $layer); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._hide = function () { this.layer.css('display', 'none'); this.showsOnCurrent = false; this.update(); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._show = function () { if (parseInt(this.property[this.fragmentEditor.getMode()])) { this.layer.css('display', ''); this.showsOnCurrent = true; } this.update(); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._syncdesktopPortrait = function () { var value = this.getProperty('desktopPortrait'); this.__syncShowOnDevice('desktopPortrait', value); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._syncdesktopLandscape = function () { var value = this.getProperty('desktopLandscape'); this.__syncShowOnDevice('desktopLandscape', value); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._synctabletPortrait = function () { var value = this.getProperty('tabletPortrait'); this.__syncShowOnDevice('tabletPortrait', value); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._synctabletLandscape = function () { var value = this.getProperty('tabletLandscape'); this.__syncShowOnDevice('tabletLandscape', value); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._syncmobilePortrait = function () { var value = this.getProperty('mobilePortrait'); this.__syncShowOnDevice('mobilePortrait', value); }; PluginShowOn.prototype._syncmobileLandscape = function () { var value = this.getProperty('mobileLandscape'); this.__syncShowOnDevice('mobileLandscape', value); }; PluginShowOn.prototype.__syncShowOnDevice = function (mode, value) { if (this.getMode() == mode) { var value = parseInt(value); if (value) { this._show(); } else { this._hide(); } this.layer.triggerHandler('LayerShowChange', [mode, value]); this.placement.doAction('triggerLayerResized'); } }; return PluginShowOn; }); N2D('Col', ['ContentAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param fragmentEditor * @param group * @param properties * @constructor * @augments ContentAbstract */ function Col(fragmentEditor, group, properties) { this.label = 'Col'; this.type = 'col'; this.innerContainer = '> .n2-ss-layer-col'; this.localStyle = [ { group: 'normal', selector: '-inner', css: { transition: 'transition:all .3s;transition-property:border,background-image,background-color,border-radius,box-shadow;' } }, {group: 'hover', selector: '-inner:HOVER', css: {}} ]; N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, fragmentEditor, group, properties); this.placement.allow('default'); } Col.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype); Col.prototype.constructor = Col; Col.prototype._createLayer = function () { return $('<div class="n2-ss-layer"><div class="n2-ss-layer-content n2-ss-layer-col"></div></div>') .attr('data-sstype', this.type); }; Col.prototype.addProperties = function ($layer) { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.addProperties.call(this, $layer); this.createProperty('colwidth', '1', $layer); this.createProperty('href', '', $layer); this.createProperty('href-target', '_self', $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('borderradius', 0, { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('boxshadow', '0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('borderwidth', '1|*|1|*|1|*|1', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('borderstyle', 'none', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('bordercolor', 'ffffffff', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('order', {desktopPortrait: 0}, $layer); }; Col.prototype.create = function () { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.create.call(this); this._syncorder(); this._syncborder(); this._syncborderradius(); this._syncboxshadow(); this._onReady(); }; Col.prototype.load = function ($layer, isEditorStart) { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.load.call(this, $layer, isEditorStart); this._syncorder(); this._syncborder(); this._syncborderradius(); this._syncboxshadow(); this._onReady(); var storedRowColumnWidths = $layer.data('rowcolumns') + ''; //jQuery can convert it to number if (storedRowColumnWidths != undefined) { if (this.group.readyDeferred.state() == 'resolved') { var widths = storedRowColumnWidths.split('+'); for (var i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) { widths[i] = new Fraction(widths[i]); } this.group.setColsWidth(widths); } } }; Col.prototype.createRow = function () { this.$content = this.layer.find('.n2-ss-layer-content:first'); this.container = new N2Classes.LayerContainer(this, $('<ul class="n2-list n2-h4 n2-list-orderable" />'), 'normal', '> .n2-ss-layer', ['row', 'layer']); this.container.setLayerContainerElement(this.$content); this.addClassElement(this.layer); this.addClassElement(this.$content, '-inner'); var remove = $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m n2-button-m-narrow" data-n2tip="' + n2_('Delete layer') + '"><i class="n2-i n2-i-delete n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(this.delete, this)), duplicate = $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m n2-button-m-narrow" data-n2tip="' + n2_('Duplicate layer') + '"><i class="n2-i n2-i-duplicate n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(function () { this.duplicate(true, false) }, this)); this._createLayerListRow([ $('<div class="n2-actions"></div>').append(duplicate).append(remove) ]).addClass('n2-ss-layer-content-row'); this.openerElement = $('<a href="#" class="n2-ss-layer-icon n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m"><i class="n2-i n2-i-col"></i></a>').insertBefore(this.layerTitleSpan) .on('click', $.proxy(this.switchOpened, this)); this.container.$ul.appendTo(this.layerRow); this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this._syncopened, this)); }; Col.prototype._start = function (isCreate) { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype._start.call(this, isCreate); if (isCreate) { this.highlight(2000); } }; Col.prototype.getRealOrder = function () { var order = this.getProperty('order'); if (order == 0) { return 10; } return order; }; Col.prototype._syncorder = function () { var order = this.getProperty('order'); if (order == 0) { this.layer.css('order', ''); } else { this.layer.css('order', order * 2); } this.group.refreshUI(); }; Col.prototype._synccolwidth = function () { this.widthPercentage = ((new Fraction(this.getProperty('colwidth'))).valueOf() * 100); //this.layer.css('width', this.widthPercentage + '%'); this.group.refreshUI(); }; Col.prototype.getWidthPercentage = function () { return this.widthPercentage; }; Col.prototype._synchref = Col.prototype['_synchref-target'] = function () { }; Col.prototype._syncborderradius = Col.prototype['_syncborderradius-hover'] = function () { var borderRadius = this.getProperty('borderradius'); if (borderRadius > 0) { this.addLocalStyle('normal', 'borderradius', 'border-radius:' + borderRadius + 'px;'); } var borderRadiusHover = this.getProperty('borderradius-hover'); if (borderRadiusHover && borderRadiusHover != borderRadius) { this.addLocalStyle('hover', 'borderradius', 'border-radius:' + borderRadiusHover + 'px;'); } }; Col.prototype._syncborderwidth = Col.prototype._syncbordercolor = Col.prototype._syncborderstyle = Col.prototype['_syncborderstyle-hover'] = Col.prototype['_syncbordercolor-hover'] = Col.prototype['_syncborderwidth-hover'] = function () { this._syncborder(); }; Col.prototype._syncborder = function () { var borderstyle = this.getProperty('borderstyle'), bordercolor = this.getProperty('bordercolor'), borderwidth = this.getProperty('borderwidth'); this.addLocalStyle('normal', 'border', this.getBorderCSS(borderstyle, bordercolor, borderwidth)); var hoverStyle = '', isHoverDifferent = false, borderstyleHover = this.getProperty('borderstyle-hover'), bordercolorHover = this.getProperty('bordercolor-hover'), borderwidthHover = this.getProperty('borderwidth-hover'); if (borderstyleHover !== undefined && borderstyleHover != borderstyle) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (bordercolorHover !== undefined && bordercolorHover != bordercolor) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (borderwidthHover !== undefined && borderwidthHover != borderwidth) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (isHoverDifferent) { if (borderstyleHover === undefined) { borderstyleHover = borderstyle; } if (bordercolorHover === undefined) { bordercolorHover = bordercolor; } if (borderwidthHover === undefined) { borderwidthHover = borderwidth; } hoverStyle = this.getBorderCSS(borderstyleHover, bordercolorHover, borderwidthHover); } this.addLocalStyle('hover', 'border', hoverStyle); this.update(); }; Col.prototype.getBorderCSS = function (borderStyle, borderColor, borderWidth) { var style = ''; if (borderStyle != 'none') { style += 'border-color:' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(borderColor) + ';'; style += 'border-style:' + borderStyle + ';'; borderWidth = borderWidth.split('|*|'); var unit = 'px'; style += 'border-width:' + borderWidth.join(unit + ' ') + unit + ';'; } return style; }; Col.prototype._syncboxshadow = Col.prototype['_syncboxshadow-hover'] = function () { var boxShadow = this.getProperty('boxshadow'); this.addLocalStyle('normal', 'boxshadow', this.getBoxShadowCSS(boxShadow.split('|*|'))); var hoverStyle = '', boxShadowHover = this.getProperty('boxshadow-hover'); if (boxShadowHover !== undefined && boxShadowHover != boxShadow) { hoverStyle = this.getBoxShadowCSS(boxShadowHover.split('|*|')); } this.addLocalStyle('hover', 'boxshadow', hoverStyle); }; Col.prototype.getBoxShadowCSS = function (boxShadow) { if ((boxShadow[0] != 0 || boxShadow[1] != 0 || boxShadow[2] != 0 || boxShadow[3] != 0) && N2Color.hex2alpha(boxShadow[4]) != 0) { return 'box-shadow:' + boxShadow[0] + 'px ' + boxShadow[1] + 'px ' + boxShadow[2] + 'px ' + boxShadow[3] + 'px ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(boxShadow[4]) + ';'; } return ''; }; Col.prototype.delete = function () { if (this.group.container.getLayerCount() > 1) { this._delete(); } else { this.group.delete(); } }; Col.prototype.getHTML = function (base64) { var layer = N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.getHTML.call(this, base64); layer.attr('data-rowcolumns', this.group.getColumns()); return layer; }; Col.prototype.renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { this._syncorder(); N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.renderModeProperties.call(this, isReset); }; Col.prototype.update = function () { this.group._syncwrapafter(); N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.update.call(this); }; Col.prototype.setPropertystylemode = function () { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.setPropertystylemode.apply(this, arguments); this.syncAdvancedField('borderradius'); this.syncAdvancedField('boxshadow'); this.syncAdvancedField('borderwidth'); this.syncAdvancedField('borderstyle'); this.syncAdvancedField('bordercolor'); }; Col.prototype.getOrderedIndex = function () { return this.group.getOrderedColumns().indexOf(this); }; return Col; }); var dependencies = ['Historical', 'LayerDataStorage', 'PluginEditableName']; N2D('ComponentAbstract', dependencies, function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; var i = 0; window.layers = []; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FragmentEditor} fragmentEditor * @param group * @param properties * @constructor * @augments N2Classes.Historical * @augments N2Classes.PluginActivatable * @augments N2Classes.LayerDataStorage * @augments N2Classes.PluginEditableName * @augments N2Classes.PluginAnimatable * @augments N2Classes.PluginShowOn */ function ComponentAbstract(fragmentEditor, group, properties) { this.wraps = {}; this.counter = i++; window.layers[this.counter] = this; this.self = this; this.originalProperties = properties || {}; N2Classes.LayerDataStorage.prototype.constructor.call(this); this.readyDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this.onReady, this)); this.isDeleteStarted = false; this.isDeleted = false; this._lastClasses = false; this.$ = $(this); this.proxyRefreshBaseSize = $.proxy(this.refreshBaseSize, this); this.proxyRefreshTextAlign = $.proxy(this.refreshTextAlign, this); this.status = ComponentAbstract.STATUS.UNDEFINED; this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; this.group = group; this.classElements = []; this.localStyleSyncThrottled = NextendThrottle(this.localStyleSync, 50); N2Classes.PluginActivatable.prototype.constructor.call(this); /** @type {N2Classes.Placement} */ this.placement = new N2Classes.Placement(this); this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this.addUILabels, this)); } ComponentAbstract.STATUS = { UNDEFINED: 0, NORMAL: 1, LOCKED: 2, HIDDEN: 3 }; ComponentAbstract.STATUS_INV = { 0: 'UNDEFINED', 1: 'NORMAL', 2: 'LOCKED', 3: 'HIDDEN' }; for (var k in N2Classes.PluginActivatable.prototype) { ComponentAbstract.prototype[k] = N2Classes.PluginActivatable.prototype[k]; } for (var k in N2Classes.LayerDataStorage.prototype) { ComponentAbstract.prototype[k] = N2Classes.LayerDataStorage.prototype[k]; } for (var k in N2Classes.PluginEditableName.prototype) { ComponentAbstract.prototype[k] = N2Classes.PluginEditableName.prototype[k]; } for (var k in N2Classes.PluginShowOn.prototype) { ComponentAbstract.prototype[k] = N2Classes.PluginShowOn.prototype[k]; } N2Classes.Historical(ComponentAbstract); ComponentAbstract.prototype.onSelfChange = function () { }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.addUILabels = function () { this.markTimer = null; this.uiLabel = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-ui-label-container"><div class="n2-ss-layer-ui-label n2-ss-layer-ui-label-self">' + this.getUILabel() + '</div></div>') .appendTo(this.layer); nextend.tooltip.addElement($('<div class="n2-ss-layer-ui-label n2-ss-layer-ui-label-up n2-ss-layer-ui-label-action"><i class="n2-i n2-i-uplevel"/></div>') .on({ mousedown: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, click: $.proxy(function (e) { this.up(e); }, this) }) .appendTo(this.uiLabel), 'Select parent'); $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-ui-label n2-ss-layer-ui-label-action"><i class="n2-i n2-i-mini-duplicate"/></div>') .on({ mousedown: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, click: $.proxy(function () { this.duplicate(); }, this) }) .appendTo(this.uiLabel); $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-ui-label n2-ss-layer-ui-label-action"><i class="n2-i n2-i-mini-trash"/></div>') .on({ mousedown: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, click: $.proxy(function () { this.delete(); }, this) }) .appendTo(this.uiLabel); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getUILabel = function () { return this.label; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.up = function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.group.activate(e); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.addProperties = function ($layer) { this.createProperty('id', null, $layer, this); this.createProperty('uniqueclass', null, $layer, this); this.createProperty('class', '', $layer); this.createProperty('crop', 'visible', $layer); this.createProperty('rotation', 0, $layer); this.createProperty('parallax', 0, $layer); this.createProperty('adaptivefont', 0, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('fontsize', {desktopPortrait: 100}, $layer); N2Classes.PluginShowOn.prototype.addProperties.call(this, $layer); N2Classes.PluginEditableName.prototype.addProperties.call(this, $layer); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getRootElement = function () { return this.layer; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.create = function (cb, useCreatedLayerProperties) { useCreatedLayerProperties = useCreatedLayerProperties || false; if (!useCreatedLayerProperties) { this.addProperties(false); } if (typeof cb == 'function') { this.layer = cb.call(null, this); } else { this.layer = this._createLayer(); } this.layer.addClass('n2-ss-layer-under-creation'); if (useCreatedLayerProperties) { this.addProperties(this.layer); } this.layer.data('layerObject', this); this.layer.triggerHandler('layerStarted', [this]); this.group.container.insert(this); this.group.onChildCountChange(); this.$.triggerHandler('create'); this._start(true); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.load = function ($layer, isEditorStart) { this.addProperties($layer); this.layer = $layer.data('layerObject', this); this.layer.triggerHandler('layerStarted', [this]); this.$.triggerHandler('load'); this._start(false); var status = $layer.data('status'); if (status !== null && typeof status != 'undefined') { this.changeStatus(status); } else { this.changeStatus(ComponentAbstract.STATUS.NORMAL); } if (!isEditorStart) { this.regenerateUniqueClass(); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._start = function (isCreate) { this.createRow(); var mask = this.layer.find('> .n2-ss-layer-mask'); if (mask.length) { this.wraps.mask = mask; } this._synccrop(); this._syncrotation(); this.placement.start(); this.placement.setMode(this.group.container.allowedPlacementMode, this.originalProperties); this.setGroup(this.group); this.fragmentEditor.$.triggerHandler('layerCreated', this); if (isCreate) { this.refreshBaseSize(); this.$.triggerHandler('created'); } setTimeout($.proxy(function () { if (!this.isDeleted) { this.placement.onResize(true); this.layer.css('visibility', ''); this.layer.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-under-creation'); } }, this), 300); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._onReady = function () { this.originalProperties = {}; this.readyDeferred.resolve(); this.layer.on({ mouseover: $.proxy(this.markOver, this), mouseout: $.proxy(this.markOut, this) }); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.isReady = function () { return this.readyDeferred.state() == 'resolved'; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getName = function () { return this.property.name; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.setGroup = function (group) { this.group.$.off('baseSizeUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter); this.group.$.off('textAlignUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter); this.group = group; this.placement.setMode(group.container.allowedPlacementMode); group.container.syncLayerRow(this); if (this.isReady()) { this.refreshBaseSize(); } this.group.$.on('baseSizeUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter, this.proxyRefreshBaseSize); this.group.$.on('textAlignUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter, this.proxyRefreshTextAlign); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.changeGroup = function (originalIndex, newGroup) { var originalGroup = this.group; originalGroup.$.off('baseSizeUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter); originalGroup.$.off('textAlignUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter); this.group = newGroup; var originalPlacementData = this.placement.setMode(newGroup.container.allowedPlacementMode); newGroup.container.syncLayerRow(this); this.refreshBaseSize(); newGroup.$.on('baseSizeUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter, this.proxyRefreshBaseSize); newGroup.$.on('textAlignUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter, this.proxyRefreshTextAlign); this.userGroupChange(originalGroup, originalIndex, originalPlacementData, newGroup, this.getIndex()); originalGroup.update(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.userGroupChange = function (originalGroup, originalIndex, originalPlacementData, newGroup, newIndex) { if (originalGroup == newGroup) { this.userIndexChange(originalIndex, newIndex); } else { var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyUserGroupChange, []); if (task) { task.setValues({ historyGroup: originalGroup, index: originalIndex, placementData: originalPlacementData }, { historyGroup: newGroup, index: newIndex }); } } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.historyUserGroupChange = function (data) { var originalGroup = this.group, group = data.historyGroup.getSelf(), index = data.index; group.container.insertLayerAt(this, index); this.group.$.off('baseSizeUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter); this.group.$.off('refreshTextAlign.sslayer' + this.counter); this.group = group; if (data.placementData) { this.layer.data(data.placementData); } this.placement.setMode(group.container.allowedPlacementMode); group.container.syncLayerRow(this); this.refreshBaseSize(); this.group.$.on('baseSizeUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter, this.proxyRefreshBaseSize); this.group.$.on('refreshTextAlign.sslayer' + this.counter, this.proxyRefreshBaseSize); group.onChildCountChange(); if (data.placementData) { this.placement.sync(); } originalGroup.update(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.userIndexChange = function (originalIndex, newIndex) { var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyUserIndexChange); if (task) { task.setValues(originalIndex, newIndex); } this.group.container.insertLayerAt(this, newIndex); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.historyUserIndexChange = function (value) { this.group.container.insertLayerAt(this, value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._createLayerListRow = function (actions) { this.layerRow = $('<li class="n2-ss-layerlist-row"></li>') .data('layer', this) .on({ mousedown: $.proxy(N2Classes.WindowManager.setMouseDownArea, null, 'layerRowClicked') }) .appendTo(this.group.container.$ul); this.layerTitleSpan = $('<span class="n2-ucf">' + this.property.name + '</span>'); this.makeNameEditable(); this.layerTitle = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-title"></div>') .on({ mouseenter: $.proxy(function () { this.fragmentEditor.highlight(this); }, this), mouseleave: $.proxy(function () { this.fragmentEditor.deHighlight(this); }, this), }) .append(this.layerTitleSpan) .append(actions) .appendTo(this.layerRow) .on({ mouseup: $.proxy(function (e) { if (!nextend.shouldPreventMouseUp && e.target.tagName === 'DIV') { this.activate(e); } }, this) }); nextend.tooltip.add(this.layerRow); this.layerRow.nUILayerListItem({ UIManager: this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.layerListUIManager, layer: this, $item: this.layerRow }); return this.layerRow; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.select = function (e) { return this.fragmentEditor.selectLayer(this, true); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.update = function () { this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this.placement.updatePositionThrottled, this.placement)); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.updateThrottled = function () { this.placement.updatePositionThrottled(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.positionSidebar = function () { this.fragmentEditor.layerWindow.show(this, this.layer); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.showEditor = function () { this.fragmentEditor.layerWindow._show(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.highlight = function (hideInterval) { hideInterval = hideInterval || 2000; if (this.isHighlighted) { clearTimeout(this.isHighlighted); this.isHighlighted = false; } this.layer.addClass('n2-highlight'); this.isHighlighted = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.layer.removeClass('n2-highlight'); }, this), hideInterval); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.setPropertydesktopPortrait = ComponentAbstract.prototype.setPropertydesktopLandscape = ComponentAbstract.prototype.setPropertytabletPortrait = ComponentAbstract.prototype.setPropertytabletLandscape = ComponentAbstract.prototype.setPropertymobilePortrait = ComponentAbstract.prototype.setPropertymobileLandscape = function (name, value, from) { this._setProperty(name, parseInt(value), from); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getHTML = function (base64) { var $layer = this._createLayer(); for (var k in this.property) { if (k != 'width' && k != 'height' && k != 'left' && k != 'top') { $layer.attr('data-' + k.toLowerCase(), this.property[k]); } } for (var k in this.deviceProperty) { for (var k2 in this.deviceProperty[k]) { $layer.attr('data-' + k.toLowerCase() + k2, this.deviceProperty[k][k2]); } } for (var k in this.deviceProperty['desktop']) { $layer.css(k, this.deviceProperty['desktop'][k] + 'px'); } if (this.container !== undefined) { var $innerContainer = $layer; if (this.innerContainer !== undefined) { $innerContainer = $layer.find(this.innerContainer); } $innerContainer.append(this.container.getHTML(base64)); } var id = this.getProperty('id'); if (id && id != '') { $layer.attr('id', id); } if (this.status > N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.NORMAL) { $layer.attr('data-status', this.status); } return $layer; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.duplicate = function (needActivate) { var $component = this.getHTML(false); if (this.placement.getType() === 'absolute') { var id = $component.attr('id'); if (id) { id = $.fn.uid(); $component.attr('id', id); $component.attr('data-id', id); } if ($component.attr('data-parentid')) { $component.data('desktopportraittop', 0); $component.data('desktopportraitleft', 0); } else { $component.data('desktopportraittop', $component.data('desktopportraittop') + 40); $component.data('desktopportraitleft', $component.data('desktopportraitleft') + 40); } $component.attr('data-parentid', ''); } var newComponent = this.fragmentEditor.insertComponentWithNode(this.group, $component, this.getIndex() + 1, false, true); this.layerRow.trigger('mouseleave'); if (needActivate) { newComponent.activate(); } N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDeleteDuplicated, this.historyDuplicate, [newComponent, newComponent.container ? newComponent.container.getAllLayers() : false]); return newComponent; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.historyDeleteDuplicated = function (historicalNewComponent) { historicalNewComponent.getSelf().delete(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.historyDuplicate = function (historicalNewComponent, historicalAllLayers) { var newComponent = this.duplicate(false, false); historicalNewComponent.setSelf(newComponent); if (historicalAllLayers) { var newAllLayers = newComponent.container.getAllLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < newAllLayers.length; i++) { historicalAllLayers[i].setSelf(newAllLayers[i]); } } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.historyDelete = function () { this.delete(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.historyRestore = function ($component, historicalGroup, index, historicalAllLayers) { var newComponent = this.fragmentEditor.insertComponentWithNode(this.group.getSelf(), $component.clone(), index, false, true); this.setSelf(newComponent); if (historicalAllLayers) { var newAllLayers = newComponent.container.getAllLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < newAllLayers.length; i++) { historicalAllLayers[i].setSelf(newAllLayers[i]); } } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.delete = function () { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide(); nextend.tooltip.onLeave(); this._delete(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._delete = function () { this.isDeleteStarted = true; if (this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.getSelectedLayer() == this) { this.fragmentEditor.layerWindow.hide(); } if (this.isHighlighted) { clearTimeout(this.isHighlighted); this.isHighlighted = false; } N2Classes.History.get().startBatch(); N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyRestore, this.historyDelete, [this.getHTML(false), this.group, this.getIndex(), this.container ? this.container.getAllLayers() : false]); this.deActivate(); if (this.container != undefined) { N2Classes.History.get().off(); var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i]._delete(); } N2Classes.History.get().on(); } N2Classes.History.get().endBatch(); if (this.item != undefined) { this.item.delete(); } this.placement.delete(); // If delete happen meanwhile layer dragged or resized, we have to cancel that. this.layer.trigger('mouseup'); this.isDeleted = true; this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.layerDeleted(this); this.layer.triggerHandler('LayerDeleted'); this.getRootElement().remove(); this.layerRow.remove(); this.group.update(); this.group.$.off('baseSizeUpdated.sslayer' + this.counter); this.group.$.off('refreshTextAlign.sslayer' + this.counter); this.$.trigger('layerDeleted'); if (this.markTimer) { clearTimeout(this.markTimer); } //delete this.fragmentEditor; delete this.layer; delete this.itemEditor; this.group.onChildCountChange(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getData = function (params) { var data = { type: this.type, lastplacement: this.placement.getType() }; if (this.status > N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.NORMAL) { data.status = this.status; } var properties = $.extend({}, this.property); // store the device based properties for (var device in this.deviceProperty) { for (var property in this.deviceProperty[device]) { delete properties[property]; var value = this.deviceProperty[device][property]; if (typeof value === 'undefined') { continue; } switch (property) { case 'width': case 'height': if (!this.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(value)) { value = parseFloat(value); } break; case 'fontsize': case 'left': case 'top': case 'gutter': case 'wrap': value = parseFloat(value); break; } data[device.toLowerCase() + property] = value; } } for (var k in properties) { data[k.toLowerCase()] = properties[k]; } return data; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.onChildCountChange = function () { }; /** * * @param array layersData Contains * @param array layers Contains layer objects to be able to track layers in the current copy process to prevent same layer inserted into the clipboard twice when parent picker used. * @returns array layersData */ ComponentAbstract.prototype.getDataWithChildren = function (layersData, layers) { if ($.inArray(this, layers) == -1) { layers.push(this); layersData.push(this.getData({ layersIncluded: true, itemsIncluded: true })); this.layer.triggerHandler('LayerGetDataWithChildren', [layersData, layers]); } return layersData; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.markOver = function (e) { this.layer.addClass('n2-ss-mouse-over'); e.stopPropagation(); this.group.markEnter(); if (this.markTimer) { clearTimeout(this.markTimer); } this.layer.addClass('n2-ss-mouse-over-delayed'); this.uiLabel.removeClass('invisible'); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.markOut = function (e) { this.layer.removeClass('n2-ss-mouse-over'); if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } this.group.markLeave(); if (this.markTimer) { clearTimeout(this.markTimer); } if (!this.isActive) { this.uiLabel.addClass('invisible'); } this.markTimer = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.layer.removeClass('n2-ss-mouse-over-delayed'); this.uiLabel.removeClass('invisible'); this.markTimer = null; }, this), 10); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.markEnter = function (e) { this.layer.addClass('n2-ss-mouse-hover'); this.group.markEnter(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.markLeave = function (e) { this.layer.removeClass('n2-ss-mouse-hover'); this.group.markLeave(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSetname = function (options, value) { }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSetnameSynced = function (options, value) { }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSetdesktopPortrait = function (options, value) { options.currentForm.desktopPortrait.data('field').insideChange(value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSetdesktopLandscape = function (options, value) { options.currentForm.desktopLandscape.data('field').insideChange(value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSettabletPortrait = function (options, value) { options.currentForm.tabletPortrait.data('field').insideChange(value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSettabletLandscape = function (options, value) { options.currentForm.tabletLandscape.data('field').insideChange(value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSetmobilePortrait = function (options, value) { options.currentForm.mobilePortrait.data('field').insideChange(value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.formSetmobileLandscape = function (options, value) { options.currentForm.mobileLandscape.data('field').insideChange(value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.sync = function () { this._syncid(); if (this.container) { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].sync(); } } this.placement.sync(); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncid = function () { var value = this.getProperty('id'); if (!value || value == '') { this.layer.removeAttr('id'); } else { this.layer.attr('id', value); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.requestID = function () { var id = this.getProperty('id'); if (!id) { id = $.fn.uid(); this.setProperty('id', id, 'layer'); } return id; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.requestUniqueClass = function () { var uniqueClass = this.getProperty('uniqueclass'); if (!uniqueClass) { uniqueClass = $.fn.generateUniqueClass('n-uc-'); this.setProperty('uniqueclass', uniqueClass, 'layer'); } return uniqueClass; }; /** * Used when duplicate or paste node to prevent class name conflicts */ ComponentAbstract.prototype.regenerateUniqueClass = function () { if (this.getProperty('uniqueclass')) { this.setProperty('uniqueclass', $.fn.generateUniqueClass('n-uc-'), 'layer'); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncuniqueclass = function () { var value = this.getProperty('uniqueclass'); for (var i = 0; i < this.classElements.length; i++) { this.classElements[i].$el .removeClass(function (index, className) { return (className.match(/n-uc-[a-z0-9\-]+/gi) || []).join(' '); }) .addClass(value + this.classElements[i].postfix); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncfontsize = function () { this.adjustFontSize(this.getProperty('adaptivefont'), this.getProperty('fontsize'), true); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncadaptivefont = function () { this.adjustFontSize(this.getProperty('adaptivefont'), this.getProperty('fontsize'), true); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.adjustFontSize = function (isAdaptive, fontSize, shouldUpdatePosition) { fontSize = parseInt(fontSize); if (parseInt(isAdaptive)) { this.layer.css('font-size', (16 * fontSize / 100) + 'px'); } else if (fontSize != 100) { this.layer.css('font-size', fontSize + '%'); } else { this.layer.css('font-size', ''); } this.refreshBaseSize(); if (shouldUpdatePosition) { this.update(); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.refreshBaseSize = function () { var fontSize = this.getFontSize(); if (this.isAdaptiveFont()) { this.baseSize = (16 * fontSize / 100); } else { this.baseSize = this.group.baseSize * fontSize / 100; } this.$.triggerHandler('baseSizeUpdated'); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.refreshTextAlign = function () { this.$.triggerHandler('textAlignUpdated'); } ComponentAbstract.prototype.getFontSize = function () { return parseInt(this.getProperty('fontsize')); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.isAdaptiveFont = function () { return parseInt(this.getProperty('adaptivefont')); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._synccrop = function () { var value = this.getProperty('crop'); if (value == 'auto') { value = 'hidden'; } if (value == 'mask') { value = 'hidden'; this.addWrap('mask', "<div class='n2-ss-layer-mask'></div>"); } else { this.removeWrap('mask'); this.layer.data('animatableselector', null); } this.layer.css('overflow', value); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncrotation = function () { var rotation = parseFloat(this.getProperty('rotation')); if (rotation / 360 != 0) { var $el = this.addWrap('rotation', "<div class='n2-ss-layer-rotation'></div>"); NextendTween.set($el[0], { rotationZ: rotation }); } else { this.removeWrap('rotation'); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.addWrap = function (key, html) { if (this.wraps[key] === undefined) { var $el = $(html); this.wraps[key] = $el; switch (key) { case 'mask': $el.appendTo(this.layer); if (this.wraps.rotation !== undefined) { $el.append(this.wraps.rotation); } else { $el.append(this.getContents()); } this.layer.data('animatableselector', '.n2-ss-layer-mask:first'); break; case 'rotation': if (this.wraps.mask !== undefined) { $el.appendTo(this.wraps.mask); } else { $el.appendTo(this.layer); } $el.append(this.getContents()); break; } } return this.wraps[key]; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.removeWrap = function (key) { if (this.wraps[key] !== undefined) { switch (key) { case 'mask': if (this.wraps.rotation !== undefined) { this.layer.append(this.wraps.rotation); } else { this.layer.append(this.getContents()); } break; case 'rotation': if (this.wraps.mask !== undefined) { this.wraps.mask.append(this.getContents()); } else { this.layer.append(this.getContents()); } break; } this.wraps[key].remove(); delete this.wraps[key]; } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getContents = function () { return false; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncclass = function () { if (this._lastClasses !== false) { this.layer.removeClass(this._lastClasses); } var value = this.fragmentEditor.editor.generator.fill(this.getProperty('class')); if (value && value != '') { this.layer.addClass(value); this._lastClasses = value; } else { this._lastClasses = false; } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncparallax = function () { }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncgeneratorvisible = function () { }; ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncmouseenter = ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncclick = ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncmouseleave = ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncplay = ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncpause = ComponentAbstract.prototype._syncstop = function () { }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { N2Classes.LayerDataStorage.prototype.renderModeProperties.call(this); this.placement.renderModeProperties(isReset); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getIndex = function () { return this.group.container.getLayerIndex(this.layer); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.toString = function () { return this.type + ' #' + this.counter; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.historyStoreOnPlacement = function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.splice(1, 1); this.placement.current[arguments[1]].apply(this.placement.current, args); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.getDroppable = function () { return false; }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.onCanvasUpdate = function (originalIndex, targetGroup, newIndex) { if (this.group === targetGroup) { if (originalIndex != newIndex) { this.userIndexChange(originalIndex, newIndex) } } else { var oldAbsoluteParent; if (this.fragmentEditor.isCol(this.group)) { oldAbsoluteParent = this; while (oldAbsoluteParent && (!oldAbsoluteParent.placement || oldAbsoluteParent.placement.getType() !== 'absolute')) { oldAbsoluteParent = oldAbsoluteParent.group; } } this.changeGroup(originalIndex, targetGroup); targetGroup.onChildCountChange(); // Find the the first absolute element from the layer parents var absoluteParent = this; while (absoluteParent && (!absoluteParent.placement || absoluteParent.placement.getType() !== 'absolute')) { absoluteParent = absoluteParent.group; } // Update the closest absolute parent's position as the content changed if (oldAbsoluteParent && oldAbsoluteParent != absoluteParent) { oldAbsoluteParent.placement.updatePosition(); } if (absoluteParent) { absoluteParent.placement.updatePosition(); } } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.setStatusNormal = function () { this.changeStatus(ComponentAbstract.STATUS.NORMAL); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.changeStatus = function (status) { var oldStatus = this.status; if (status == this.status) { status = ComponentAbstract.STATUS.NORMAL; } switch (this.status) { case ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN: this.getRootElement().removeAttr('data-visibility'); this.layerRow.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-status-hidden'); break; case ComponentAbstract.STATUS.LOCKED: this.layer.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-locked'); this.layerRow.removeClass('n2-ss-layer-status-locked'); break; } this.status = status; switch (this.status) { case ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN: this.getRootElement().attr('data-visibility', 'hidden'); this.layerRow.addClass('n2-ss-layer-status-hidden'); break; case ComponentAbstract.STATUS.LOCKED: this.layer.addClass('n2-ss-layer-locked'); this.layerRow.addClass('n2-ss-layer-status-locked'); break; } this.placement.current.changeStatus(oldStatus, this.status); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.moveX = function (x) { if (this.placement.getType() == 'absolute') { this.placement.current.moveX(x); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.moveY = function (y) { if (this.placement.getType() == 'absolute') { this.placement.current.moveY(y); } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.localStyleSync = function () { if (this.localStyle !== undefined) { var rulesToDelete = [], css = ''; if (this.$localStyle !== undefined) { this.$localStyle.remove(); delete this.$localStyle; } for (var i = 0; i < this.localStyle.length; i++) { var rule = '@rule' + this.localStyle[i].selector, style = ''; rulesToDelete.push(rule); if (Object.keys(this.localStyle[i].css).length === 1 && this.localStyle[i].css.transition !== undefined) { continue; } for (var k in this.localStyle[i].css) { style += this.localStyle[i].css[k]; } if (style != '') { css += rule + '{' + style + '}'; } } var className = this.getProperty('uniqueclass'); if (className) { // We have to remove all previous rules before adding new ones. for (var i = 0; i < rulesToDelete.length; i++) { nextend.css.deleteRule(rulesToDelete[i].replace(/@rule/g, window.nextend.pre + '.' + className)); } } if (css != '') { if (!className) { className = this.requestUniqueClass(); } this.$localStyle = $("<style>" + css.replace(/@rule/g, window.nextend.pre + '.' + className) + "</style>").appendTo("head"); } } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.addLocalStyle = function (group, name, style) { for (var i = 0; i < this.localStyle.length; i++) { if (this.localStyle[i].group === group) { if (style === '') { if (this.localStyle[i].css[name] !== undefined) { delete this.localStyle[i].css[name]; } } else { this.localStyle[i].css[name] = style; } this.localStyleSyncThrottled(); break; } } }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.addClassElement = function ($el, postfix) { if (arguments.length < 2) postfix = ''; this.classElements.push({ $el: $el, postfix: postfix }); }; ComponentAbstract.prototype.setState = function (name, value) { }; return ComponentAbstract; }); N2D('Content', ['ContentAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments ComponentAbstract */ function Content(fragmentEditor, group, properties) { this.label = n2_('Content'); this.type = 'content'; this.innerContainer = '> .n2-ss-layer-content'; this._defaults = $.extend({verticalalign: 'center'}, this._defaults); this.localStyle = [ { group: 'normal', selector: '-inner', css: { transition: 'transition:all .3s;transition-property:border,background-image,background-color,border-radius,box-shadow;' } }, {group: 'hover', selector: '-inner:HOVER', css: {}} ]; N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, fragmentEditor, group, properties); this.placement.allow('content'); fragmentEditor.setMainContent(this); } Content.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype); Content.prototype.constructor = Content; Content.prototype.addUILabels = function () { this.markTimer = null; this.uiLabel = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-ui-label-container"><div class="n2-ss-layer-ui-label n2-ss-layer-ui-label-self">' + this.getUILabel() + '</div></div>') .appendTo(this.layer); }; Content.prototype.addProperties = function ($layer) { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.addProperties.call(this, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('selfalign', {desktopPortrait: 'inherit'}, $layer); }; Content.prototype.getRootElement = function () { return this.layer; }; Content.prototype.getBackgroundElement = function () { return this.layer; }; Content.prototype._createLayer = function () { return $('<div class="n2-ss-layer n2-ss-content-empty"><div class="n2-ss-section-main-content n2-ss-layer-content"></div></div>') .attr('data-sstype', this.type); }; Content.prototype.createRow = function () { this.$content = this.layer.find('.n2-ss-layer-content:first'); this.addClassElement(this.layer); this.addClassElement(this.$content, '-inner'); var status = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-status"></div>'), remove = $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m n2-button-m-narrow" data-n2tip="' + n2_('Delete layer') + '"><i class="n2-i n2-i-delete n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(this.delete, this)); this.container = new N2Classes.LayerContainer(this, $('<ul class="n2-list n2-h4 n2-list-orderable" />'), 'normal', '> .n2-ss-layer', ['row', 'layer']); this.container.setLayerContainerElement(this.$content); $('<a href="#" class="n2-ss-sc-hide n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m"><i class="n2-i n2-i-eye"></i></a>').appendTo(status).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.status == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN) { this.setStatusNormal(); } else { this.changeStatus(N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN); } }, this)); this._createLayerListRow([ $('<div class="n2-actions-left"></div>').append(status), $('<div class="n2-actions"></div>').append(remove) ]).addClass('n2-ss-layer-content-row'); this.openerElement = $('<a href="#" class="n2-ss-layer-icon n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m"><i class="n2-i n2-i-col"></i></a>').insertBefore(this.layerTitleSpan) .on('click', $.proxy(this.switchOpened, this)); this.container.$ul.appendTo(this.layerRow); this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this._syncopened, this)); }; Content.prototype.create = function () { this.originalProperties.adaptivefont = 1; N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.create.call(this); this._syncselfalign(); this._onReady(); }; Content.prototype.load = function ($layer, isEditorStart) { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.load.call(this, $layer, isEditorStart); this._syncselfalign(); this._onReady(); }; Content.prototype._onReady = function () { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype._onReady.call(this); this.startUISizing(); }; Content.prototype.startUISizing = function () { this.layer.nUINormalSizing({ start: $.proxy(function (e, prop) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('NormalSizing'); if (prop === 'maxwidth') { this.layer.attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } }, this), resizeMaxWidth: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'NormalSizing', 'Max-width: ' + (ui.value == 0 ? 'none' : (ui.value + 'px'))); }, this), stopMaxWidth: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('NormalSizing'); this.setProperty('maxwidth', ui.value); }, this) }); }; Content.prototype.delete = function () { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].delete(); } }; Content.prototype.remove = function () { this._delete(); }; Content.prototype.update = function () { this.fragmentEditor.editor.getMainContainerElement().triggerHandler('updateSize'); }; Content.prototype.onChildCountChange = function () { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); this.layer.toggleClass('n2-ss-content-empty', layers.length == 0); }; Content.prototype.renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { N2Classes.ContentAbstract.prototype.renderModeProperties.call(this, isReset); this._syncselfalign(); }; Content.prototype._syncselfalign = function () { this.layer.attr('data-cssselfalign', this.getProperty('selfalign')); }; Content.prototype.duplicate = function (needActivate) { console.error('Content can not be duplicated!'); }; return Content; }); N2D('ContentAbstract', ['LayerContainer', 'ComponentAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param fragmentEditor * @param group * @param properties * @constructor * @augments ComponentAbstract */ function ContentAbstract(fragmentEditor, group, properties) { this._defaults = $.extend({verticalalign: 'flex-start'}, this._defaults); this._syncbgThrottled = NextendThrottle(this._syncbgThrottled, 50); this.stylemode = ''; N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, fragmentEditor, group, properties); } ContentAbstract.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype); ContentAbstract.prototype.constructor = ContentAbstract; ContentAbstract.prototype.addProperties = function ($layer) { this.createProperty('opened', 1, $layer, this); N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.addProperties.call(this, $layer); this.createProperty('bgimage', '', $layer); this.createProperty('bgimagex', 50, $layer); this.createProperty('bgimagey', 50, $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('bgcolor', '00000000', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('bgcolorgradient', 'off', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('bgcolorgradientend', '00000000', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createProperty('verticalalign', this._defaults.verticalalign, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('maxwidth', {desktopPortrait: 0}, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('inneralign', {desktopPortrait: 'inherit'}, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('padding', {desktopPortrait: '10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+'}, $layer); this.$.on('baseSizeUpdated.contentAbstract', $.proxy(this._syncpadding, this)); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getBackgroundElement = function () { return this.$content; }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getPaddingElement = function () { return this.$content; }; ContentAbstract.prototype.create = function () { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.create.call(this); this.initUI(); this._syncverticalalign(); this._syncmaxwidth(); this._syncpadding(); this._syncinneralign(); this._syncbgThrottled(); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.load = function ($layer, isEditorStart) { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.load.call(this, $layer, isEditorStart); this.initUI(); this._syncverticalalign(); this._syncmaxwidth(); this._syncpadding(); this._syncinneralign(); this._syncbgThrottled(); this.container.startWithExistingNodes(isEditorStart); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.initUI = function () { this.layer.on({ mousedown: $.proxy(N2Classes.WindowManager.setMouseDownArea, null, 'layerClicked'), click: $.proxy(function (e) { if (!nextend.shouldPreventMouseUp && this.fragmentEditor.preventActivationBubbling()) { this.activate(e); } }, this), dblclick: $.proxy(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $('[data-tab="layer"]').trigger('click'); }, this) }); this.getPaddingElement().nUISpacing({ handles: 'n, s, e, w', start: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Spacing'); }, this), spacing: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { var html = ''; for (var k in ui.changed) { html += 'Padding ' + k + ': ' + ui.changed[k] + 'px<br>'; } N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Spacing', html); }, this), stop: $.proxy(this.onSpacingStop, this), }); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.onSpacingStop = function (event, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Spacing'); var padding = this.getPadding().split('|*|'), ratioH = 1, ratioV = 1; if (padding[padding.length - 1] == 'px+' && Math.abs(parseFloat(this.layer.css('fontSize')) - this.baseSize) > 1) { ratioH = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); ratioV = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); } for (var k in ui.changed) { var value = ui.changed[k]; switch (k) { case 'top': padding[0] = Math.round(value / ratioV); break; case 'right': padding[1] = Math.round(value / ratioH); break; case 'bottom': padding[2] = Math.round(value / ratioV); break; case 'left': padding[3] = Math.round(value / ratioH); break; } } this.setProperty('padding', padding.join('|*|')); $('#layercol-padding').data('field').insideChange(padding.join('|*|')); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.switchOpened = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.getProperty('opened')) { this.setProperty('opened', 0); } else { this.setProperty('opened', 1); } }; ContentAbstract.prototype._syncopened = function () { if (this.getProperty('opened')) { this.openerElement.removeClass('n2-closed'); this.container.$ul.css('display', ''); this.layer.triggerHandler('opened'); } else { this.openerElement.addClass('n2-closed'); this.container.$ul.css('display', 'none'); this.layer.triggerHandler('closed'); } }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getPadding = function () { return this.getProperty('padding'); }; ContentAbstract.prototype._syncpadding = function () { var padding = this.getPadding().split('|*|'), unit = padding.pop(), baseSize = this.baseSize; if (unit == 'px+' && baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] = parseInt(padding[i]) / baseSize; } } var css = padding.join(unit + ' ') + unit; this.getPaddingElement().css('padding', css); this.update(); this.getPaddingElement().nUISpacing('option', 'current', css); }; ContentAbstract.prototype._syncmaxwidth = function () { var value = parseInt(this.getProperty('maxwidth')); if (value <= 0 || isNaN(value)) { this.layer.css('maxWidth', '') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '0'); } else { this.layer.css('maxWidth', value + 'px') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } this.update(); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getInnerAlign = function () { return this.getProperty('inneralign'); }; ContentAbstract.prototype._syncinneralign = function () { this.layer.attr('data-csstextalign', this.getInnerAlign()); this.refreshTextAlign(); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getVerticalAlign = function () { return this.getProperty('verticalalign'); }; ContentAbstract.prototype._syncverticalalign = function () { this.$content.attr('data-verticalalign', this.getVerticalAlign()); }; ContentAbstract.prototype._syncbgimage = ContentAbstract.prototype._syncbgimagex = ContentAbstract.prototype._syncbgimagey = ContentAbstract.prototype._syncbgcolor = ContentAbstract.prototype._syncbgcolorgradient = ContentAbstract.prototype._syncbgcolorgradientend = ContentAbstract.prototype['_syncbgcolor-hover'] = ContentAbstract.prototype['_syncbgcolorgradient-hover'] = ContentAbstract.prototype['_syncbgcolorgradientend-hover'] = function () { this._syncbgThrottled(); }; ContentAbstract.prototype._syncbgThrottled = function () { var background = '', image = this.fragmentEditor.editor.generator.fill(this.getProperty('bgimage')), gradientBackgroundProps = ''; if (image != '') { var x = parseInt(this.getProperty('bgimagex')); if (!isFinite(x)) { x = 50; } var y = parseInt(this.getProperty('bgimagey')); if (!isFinite(y)) { y = 50; } background += 'URL("' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed(image) + '") ' + x + '% ' + y + '% / cover no-repeat'; gradientBackgroundProps = ' ' + x + '% ' + y + '% / cover no-repeat' } var color = this.getProperty('bgcolor'), gradient = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradient'), colorend = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradientend'); var normalStyle = this.getBackgroundCSS(color, gradient, colorend, background, gradientBackgroundProps); this.addLocalStyle('normal', 'bgcolor', normalStyle); var hoverStyle = '', isHoverDifferent = false, colorHover = this.getProperty('bgcolor-hover'), gradientHover = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradient-hover'), colorendHover = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradientend-hover'); if (colorHover !== undefined && colorHover != color) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (gradientHover !== undefined && gradientHover != gradient) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (colorendHover !== undefined && colorendHover != colorend) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (isHoverDifferent) { if (colorHover === undefined) { colorHover = color; } if (gradientHover === undefined) { gradientHover = gradient; } if (colorendHover === undefined) { colorendHover = colorend; } hoverStyle = this.getBackgroundCSS(colorHover, gradientHover, colorendHover, background, gradientBackgroundProps); } this.addLocalStyle('hover', 'bgcolor', hoverStyle); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getBackgroundCSS = function (color, gradient, colorend, backgroundImage, gradientBackgroundProps) { if (N2Color.hex2alpha(color) != 0 || (gradient != 'off' && N2Color.hex2alpha(colorend) != 0)) { var after = ''; if (backgroundImage != '') { after = gradientBackgroundProps + ',' + backgroundImage; } switch (gradient) { case 'horizontal': return 'background:linear-gradient(to right, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'vertical': return 'background:linear-gradient(to bottom, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'diagonal1': return 'background:linear-gradient(45deg, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'diagonal2': return 'background:linear-gradient(135deg, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'off': default: if (backgroundImage != '') { return "background: linear-gradient(" + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ", " + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ")" + after + ';'; } return 'background:' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ';'; } } else if (backgroundImage != '') { return 'background:' + backgroundImage + ';'; } return ''; }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getData = function (params) { var data = N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.getData.call(this, params); if (params.layersIncluded) { data.layers = this.container.getData(params); } return data; }; ContentAbstract.prototype.onChildCountChange = function () { this.layer.toggleClass('n2-ss-content-empty', this.container.getLayerCount() == 0); this.update(); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.renderModeProperties.call(this, isReset); this._syncmaxwidth(); this._syncpadding(); this._syncinneralign(); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getDroppable = function () { if (!this.layer.is(":visible") || this.status == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN || this.status == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.LOCKED) { return 'hidden'; } return { $container: this.$content, layer: this, placement: 'normal', axis: 'y' } }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getLLDroppable = function (layer) { switch (layer.type) { case 'layer': case 'row': return { $container: this.container.$ul, layer: this }; break; } return false; }; ContentAbstract.prototype.getContents = function () { return this.$content; }; ContentAbstract.prototype.setPropertystylemode = function (name, value, from) { this.stylemode = value; this.syncAdvancedField('bgcolor'); this.syncAdvancedField('bgcolorgradient'); this.syncAdvancedField('bgcolorgradientend'); }; ContentAbstract.prototype.onSyncFields = function () { this.fragmentEditor.layerOptions.updateField('stylemode', this.stylemode); }; return ContentAbstract; }); N2D('Layer', ['ComponentAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments ComponentAbstract */ function Layer(fragmentEditor, group, properties) { this.label = n2_('Layer'); this.type = 'layer'; this.parent = false; this.itemEditor = fragmentEditor.itemEditor; N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, fragmentEditor, group, properties); this.placement.allow('absolute'); this.placement.allow('normal'); this.$.on('load create', $.proxy(this.startItem, this)); }; Layer.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype); Layer.prototype.constructor = Layer; Layer.prototype.create = function () { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.create.apply(this, arguments); this.initUI(); this._onReady(); }; Layer.prototype.load = function ($layer, isEditorStart) { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.load.call(this, $layer, isEditorStart); this.initUI(); this._onReady(); }; Layer.prototype.startItem = function () { var $item = this.layer.find('.n2-ss-item'); new N2Classes[this.itemEditor.getItemClass($item.data('item'))]($item, this, this.itemEditor); this.layer.nUICanvasItem({ canvasUIManager: this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.canvasUIManager, layer: this, $layer: this.layer }); if (this.item.needSize) { this.layer.addClass('n2-ss-layer-needsize'); } }; Layer.prototype.initUI = function () { this.layer.on({ mousedown: $.proxy(N2Classes.WindowManager.setMouseDownArea, null, 'layerClicked'), click: $.proxy(function (e) { if (this.fragmentEditor.preventActivationBubbling()) { this.activate(e); } }, this), dblclick: $.proxy(function (e) { if (!N2Classes.WindowManager.get().isPreventDblClick) { e.stopPropagation(); $('[data-tab="item"]').trigger('click'); this.item.itemEditor.focusFirst('dblclick'); } }, this) }); }; Layer.prototype.getContent = function () { var $content = this.layer, selector = $content.data('animatableselector'); if (selector) { $content = $content.find(selector); } return $content; }; Layer.prototype._createLayer = function () { return $('<div class="n2-ss-layer"></div>') .attr('data-sstype', this.type); }; Layer.prototype.createRow = function () { var status = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-status"></div>'), remove = $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m n2-button-m-narrow" data-n2tip="' + n2_('Delete layer') + '"><i class="n2-i n2-i-delete n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(this.delete, this)), duplicate = $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m n2-button-m-narrow" data-n2tip="' + n2_('Duplicate layer') + '"><i class="n2-i n2-i-duplicate n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(function () { this.duplicate(true, false) }, this)); $('<a href="#" class="n2-ss-sc-hide n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m"><i class="n2-i n2-i-eye"></i></a>').appendTo(status).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.status == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN) { this.setStatusNormal(); } else { this.changeStatus(N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN); } }, this)); this._createLayerListRow([ $('<div class="n2-actions-left"></div>').append(status), $('<div class="n2-actions"></div>').append(duplicate).append(remove) ]) .addClass('n2-ss-layer-layer-row'); }; /** * * @param e if provided, the layerWindow will show * @param context * @param preventExitFromSelection */ Layer.prototype.activate = function (e, context, preventExitFromSelection) { N2Classes.PluginActivatable.prototype.activate.call(this, e, context, preventExitFromSelection); if (this.item) { this.item.activate(null, context); } else { console.error('The layer do not have item on it!'); } }; Layer.prototype.getHTML = function (base64) { var $node = N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.getHTML.call(this, base64); var $item = this.item.getHTML(base64); $node.attr('style', $node.attr('style') + this.getStyleText()) .append($item); return $node; }; Layer.prototype.getData = function (params) { var data = N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.getData.call(this, params); if (params.itemsIncluded) { data.item = this.item.getData(); } return data; }; Layer.prototype.getStyleText = function () { var style = ''; var crop = this.property.crop; if (crop == 'auto' || crop == 'mask') { crop = 'hidden'; } style += 'overflow:' + crop + ';'; return style; }; Layer.prototype.getContents = function () { return this.item.$item; }; Layer.prototype.onSelfChange = function () { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.onSelfChange.call(this); this.item.setSelf(this.self.item); }; return Layer; }); N2D('LayerAdvancedProperty', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param basename * @param def * @param modesDef * @param obj * @param propName * @constructor */ function LayerAdvancedProperty(basename, def, modesDef, obj, propName) { this.basename = basename; this.def = def; this.modesDef = modesDef; this.obj = obj; this.propName = propName; } LayerAdvancedProperty.prototype.getBaseName = function () { return this.basename; }; /** * * @returns {object} */ LayerAdvancedProperty.prototype.getNames = function () { var a = {}; a[this.basename] = this.def; for (var k in this.modesDef) { a[this.basename + k] = this.modesDef[k]; } return a; }; LayerAdvancedProperty.prototype.getCurrentMode = function () { return this.obj[this.propName]; }; LayerAdvancedProperty.prototype.getName = function () { var currentMode = this.getCurrentMode(); if (currentMode !== '') { return this.basename + currentMode; } return this.basename; }; LayerAdvancedProperty.prototype.getDefault = function () { var currentMode = this.getCurrentMode(); if (currentMode !== '') { return this.modesDef[currentMode]; } return this.def; }; LayerAdvancedProperty.prototype.resetMode = function (name) { if (this.propName == name) { var currentMode = this.getCurrentMode(); if (currentMode !== '') { var oldValue = this.obj.property[this.basename + currentMode]; this.obj.property[this.basename + currentMode] = this.modesDef[currentMode]; this.obj.syncAdvancedField(this.basename); this.obj.render(this.basename + currentMode, oldValue, 'manager'); } } }; return LayerAdvancedProperty; }); N2D('MainContainer', ['LayerContainer'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FragmentEditor} fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function MainContainer(fragmentEditor) { this.baseSize = 16; this.activeLayer = null; this.$ = fragmentEditor.$; this.isActiveGroupBlurred = true; this.isMainGroup = true; this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; this.layer = fragmentEditor.editor.getMainContainerElement(); this.layer.nUICanvas({ mainContainer: this, tolerance: 5, smartguides: $.proxy(function (context) { context.$layer.triggerHandler('LayerParent'); return this.fragmentEditor.getSnap(); }, this), display: { hidden: true, show: $.proxy(function () { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Canvas'); }, this), update: $.proxy(function (e, position) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Canvas', 'L: ' + parseInt(position.left | 0) + 'px<br />T: ' + parseInt(position.top | 0) + 'px'); }, this), hide: $.proxy(function () { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Canvas'); }, this) }, start: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { this.fragmentEditor.canvasDragStart(e, ui); }, this), drag: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { this.fragmentEditor.canvasDragMove(e, ui); if (ui.layer) ui.layer.placement.current.triggerLayerResized(); }, this), stop: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { this.fragmentEditor.canvasDragStop(e, ui); if (ui.layer) ui.layer.placement.current.triggerLayerResized(); }, this) }); this.canvasUIManager = this.layer.nUICanvas('instance'); this.layer.nUILayerList({ mainContainer: this, $fixed: $('#n2-ss-layers'), $scrolled: $('#n2-ss-layer-list') }); this.layerListUIManager = this.layer.nUILayerList('instance'); this.layer.parent().prepend('<div class="n2-ss-slide-border n2-ss-slide-border-left" /><div class="n2-ss-slide-border n2-ss-slide-border-top" /><div class="n2-ss-slide-border n2-ss-slide-border-right" /><div class="n2-ss-slide-border n2-ss-slide-border-bottom" />'); this.container = new N2Classes.LayerContainer(this, $('#n2-ss-layer-list').find('ul'), 'absolute', '> .n2-ss-layer, > .n2-ss-layer-group', ['content', 'row', 'layer', 'group']); this.layerRow = this.container.$ul; this.$.on('layerCreated', $.proxy(function () { this.refreshHasLayers(); }, this)); } MainContainer.prototype.lateInit = function () { this.container.startWithExistingNodes(true); this.layer.parent().on('click', $.proxy(function () { if (this.fragmentEditor.shouldPreventActivationBubble) { this.blurActiveGroup(); } else { this.unBlurActiveGroup(); } this.fragmentEditor.allowActivation(); }, this)); }; MainContainer.prototype.onResize = function (ratios) { var sortedLayerList = this.getEverySortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < sortedLayerList.length; i++) { sortedLayerList[i].placement.doLinearResize(ratios); } }; MainContainer.prototype.getEverySortedLayers = function () { var list = this.container.getChildLayersRecursive(false), children = {}; for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (typeof list[i].property.parentid !== 'undefined' && list[i].property.parentid) { if (typeof children[list[i].property.parentid] == 'undefined') { children[list[i].property.parentid] = []; } children[list[i].property.parentid].push(list[i]); list.splice(i, 1); } } for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (typeof list[i].property.id !== 'undefined' && list[i].property.id && typeof children[list[i].property.id] !== 'undefined') { children[list[i].property.id].unshift(0); children[list[i].property.id].unshift(i + 1); list.splice.apply(list, children[list[i].property.id]); delete children[list[i].property.id]; } } return list; }; MainContainer.prototype.deleteLayers = function () { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].delete(); } }; MainContainer.prototype.blurActiveGroup = function () { this.isActiveGroupBlurred = true; }; MainContainer.prototype.unBlurActiveGroup = function () { this.isActiveGroupBlurred = false; }; MainContainer.prototype.getActiveGroup = function () { if (this.isActiveGroupBlurred) { var group = this, activeLayer = this.activeLayer; if (this.fragmentEditor.isGroup(activeLayer) || this.fragmentEditor.isCol(activeLayer) || this.fragmentEditor.isContent(activeLayer)) { group = activeLayer; } else if (this.fragmentEditor.isRow(activeLayer)) { group = activeLayer.container.getSortedLayers()[0]; } else if (activeLayer) { group = activeLayer.group; } switch (this.fragmentEditor.currentEditorMode) { case 'content': if (group == this) { group = this.fragmentEditor.mainContent; } break; case 'canvas': if (group == this.fragmentEditor.mainContent) { group = this; } break; } return group; } switch (this.fragmentEditor.currentEditorMode) { case 'content': return this.fragmentEditor.mainContent; } return this; }; MainContainer.prototype.getSelectedLayer = function () { if (this.activeLayer == null) { return false; } return this.activeLayer; }; MainContainer.prototype.getLayerData = function (requestedLayers) { if (requestedLayers === undefined) { return []; } var layersData = [], layers = []; for (var i = 0; i < requestedLayers.length; i++) { requestedLayers[i].getDataWithChildren(layersData, layers); } return layersData; }; MainContainer.prototype.layerDeleted = function (layer) { var i = this.fragmentEditor.selectedLayers.length; while (i--) { if (layer == this.fragmentEditor.selectedLayers[i]) { this.fragmentEditor.selectedLayers.splice(i, 1); } } this._afterLayerDeletedDeBounced(layer); this.refreshHasLayers(); }; MainContainer.prototype._afterLayerDeletedDeBounced = NextendDeBounce(function (layer) { if (!this.activeLayer || this.activeLayer.isDeleted) { this.fragmentEditor.resetActiveLayer(); } }, 50); MainContainer.prototype.refreshHasLayers = function () { $('body').toggleClass('n2-ss-has-layers', this.container.getLayerCount() > 0); nextend.triggerResize(); }; MainContainer.prototype.getName = function () { return 'Slide'; }; MainContainer.prototype.update = function () { }; MainContainer.prototype.onChildCountChange = function () { }; MainContainer.prototype.markEnter = function (e) { }; MainContainer.prototype.markLeave = function (e) { }; MainContainer.prototype.getSelf = function () { return this; }; /** * * @returns {N2Classes.FrontendLayerAnimationManager[]} */ MainContainer.prototype.createLayerAnimations = function () { var horizontalRatio = this.fragmentEditor.editor.getHorizontalRatio(), verticalRatio = this.fragmentEditor.editor.getVerticalRatio(), animations = [], children = this.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { animations.push.apply(animations, children[i].createLayerAnimations(horizontalRatio, verticalRatio)); } return animations; }; MainContainer.prototype.getDroppables = function (exclude) { var editorMode = this.fragmentEditor.currentEditorMode, droppables = [], layers; if (editorMode == 'canvas') { droppables.push(this.getDroppable()); layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); var index = $.inArray(this.fragmentEditor.mainContent, layers); if (index > -1) { layers.splice(index, 1); } } else if (editorMode == 'content') { layers = [this.fragmentEditor.mainContent] } for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (layers[i] == exclude) continue; var droppable = layers[i].getDroppable(); if (typeof droppable == 'object') { droppables.push(droppable); } if (droppable != 'hidden' && layers[i].container) { droppables.push.apply(droppables, layers[i].container.getDroppables(exclude)); } } return droppables; }; MainContainer.prototype.getLLDroppables = function (layer) { return this.container.getLLDroppables(layer); }; MainContainer.prototype.getDroppable = function () { return { $container: this.layer, layer: this, placement: 'absolute' } }; MainContainer.prototype.getLLDroppable = function (layer) { switch (layer.type) { case 'layer': case 'row': case 'group': case 'content': return { $container: this.container.$ul, layer: this }; break; } return false; }; MainContainer.prototype.replaceLayers = function (layersData) { this._idTranslation = {}; var layerNodes = this.dataToLayers($.extend(true, [], layersData).reverse()), layers = []; this.deleteLayers(); this.fragmentEditor.mainContent.remove(); for (var i = 0; i < layerNodes.length; i++) { layers.push(this.container.append(layerNodes[i])); } this.fragmentEditor.refreshMode(); this.container.layerContainerElement.n2imagesLoaded() .always($.proxy(this.fragmentEditor.refreshMode, this.fragmentEditor)); if (!this.getSelectedLayer()) { if (layers.length > 0) { layers[0].activate(); } } if (N2Classes.History.get().isEnabled()) { N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDeleteAll, this.historyReplaceLayers, [layersData, layers, this.container.getAllLayers()]); } return layers; }; MainContainer.prototype.historyDeleteAll = function (layersData, historicalLayers) { for (var i = 0; i < historicalLayers.length; i++) { historicalLayers[i].getSelf().delete(); } this.fragmentEditor.mainContent.getSelf().remove(); }; MainContainer.prototype.historyReplaceLayers = function (layersData, historicalLayers, historicalAllLayers) { this.replaceLayers(layersData); var layers = this.container.getAllLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < historicalAllLayers.length; i++) { historicalAllLayers[i].setSelf(layers[i]); } }; MainContainer.prototype.addLayers = function (layersData, group) { this._idTranslation = {}; var layerNodes = this.dataToLayers($.extend(true, [], layersData)), layers = []; for (var i = 0; i < layerNodes.length; i++) { layers.push(group.container.append(layerNodes[i])); } this.fragmentEditor.refreshMode(); N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDeleteLayers, this.historyAddLayers, [layersData, layers, group]); return layers; }; MainContainer.prototype.historyDeleteLayers = function (layersData, historicalLayers, historicalGroup) { for (var i = 0; i < historicalLayers.length; i++) { historicalLayers[i].getSelf().delete(); } }; MainContainer.prototype.historyAddLayers = function (layersData, historicalLayers, historicalGroup) { var layers = this.addLayers(layersData, historicalGroup.getSelf()); for (var i = 0; i < historicalLayers.length; i++) { historicalLayers[i].setSelf(layers[i]); } }; MainContainer.prototype.dataToLayers = function (layers, $targetGroupContent) { var nodes = []; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { switch (layers[i].type) { case 'group': console.error('Group data to layer not implemented!'); //new N2Classes.Group(this, this.mainContainer, false, layers[i].data, layers[i]); break; case 'row': nodes.push(this.buildRowNode(layers[i], $targetGroupContent)); break; case 'col': nodes.push(this.buildColNode(layers[i], $targetGroupContent)); break; case 'content': nodes.push(this.buildContentNode(layers[i], $targetGroupContent)); break; case 'layer': default: nodes.push(this.buildLayerNode(layers[i], $targetGroupContent)); break; } } return nodes; }; MainContainer.prototype._buildNodePrepareID = function ($layer, layerData) { if (layerData.id) { var id = $.fn.uid(); var deferred = false; if (typeof this._idTranslation[layerData.id] == 'object') { deferred = this._idTranslation[layerData.id]; } this._idTranslation[layerData.id] = id; layerData.id = id; $layer.attr('id', id); if (deferred) { deferred.resolve(layerData.id, id); } } if (layerData.parentid) { switch (typeof this._idTranslation[layerData.parentid]) { case 'string': layerData.parentid = this._idTranslation[layerData.parentid]; break; case 'undefined': this._idTranslation[layerData.parentid] = $.Deferred(); case 'object': this._idTranslation[layerData.parentid].done($.proxy(function ($_layer, originalID, newID) { $_layer.data('parentid', newID); }, this, $layer)); break; default: layerData.parentid = ''; } } }; MainContainer.prototype.buildContentNode = function (layerData, $targetGroupContent) { var $layer = $("<div class='n2-ss-layer' data-sstype='content'/>"), $content = $("<div class='n2-ss-section-main-content n2-ss-layer-content' />").appendTo($layer); for (var k in layerData) { $layer.data(k, layerData[k]); } if ($targetGroupContent !== undefined) { $layer.appendTo($targetGroupContent); } this.dataToLayers(layerData.layers, $content); return $layer; }; MainContainer.prototype.buildRowNode = function (layerData, $targetGroupContent) { var $layer = $("<div class='n2-ss-layer' data-sstype='row'/>"), $content = $("<div class='n2-ss-layer-row' />").appendTo($layer); this._buildNodePrepareID($layer, layerData); for (var k in layerData) { $layer.data(k, layerData[k]); } if ($targetGroupContent !== undefined) { $layer.appendTo($targetGroupContent); } this.dataToLayers(layerData.cols, $content); return $layer; }; MainContainer.prototype.buildColNode = function (layerData, $targetGroupContent) { var $layer = $("<div class='n2-ss-layer' data-sstype='col'/>"), $content = $("<div class='n2-ss-layer-col n2-ss-layer-content' />").appendTo($layer); for (var k in layerData) { $layer.data(k, layerData[k]); } if ($targetGroupContent !== undefined) { $layer.appendTo($targetGroupContent); } this.dataToLayers(layerData.layers, $content); return $layer; }; MainContainer.prototype.buildLayerNode = function (layerData, $targetGroupContent) { var $layer = $("<div class='n2-ss-layer' data-sstype='layer'></div>") .attr('style', layerData.style); var storedIndex = 1; if (layerData.zIndex) { storedIndex = layerData.zIndex; } this._buildNodePrepareID($layer, layerData); if (layerData.items !== undefined) { layerData.item = layerData.items[0]; delete layerData.items; } $('<div class="n2-ss-item n2-ss-item-' + layerData.item.type + '"></div>') .data('item', layerData.item.type) .data('itemvalues', layerData.item.values) .appendTo($layer); delete layerData.style; delete layerData.item; for (var k in layerData) { $layer.data(k, layerData[k]); } if ($targetGroupContent !== undefined) { $layer.appendTo($targetGroupContent); } return $layer; }; return MainContainer; }); N2D('Row', ['LayerContainer', 'ComponentAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param fragmentEditor * @param group * @param properties * @constructor * @augments ComponentAbstract */ function Row(fragmentEditor, group, properties) { this.label = n2_('Row'); this.type = 'row'; this._syncbgThrottled = NextendThrottle(this._syncbgThrottled, 50); this.innerContainer = '> .n2-ss-layer-row > .n2-ss-layer-row-inner'; this.localStyle = [ { group: 'normal', selector: '-inner', css: { transition: 'transition:all .3s;transition-property:border,background-image,background-color,border-radius,box-shadow;' } }, {group: 'hover', selector: '-inner:HOVER', css: {}} ]; this.columnsField = $('#layerrow-columns').data('field'); this.refreshUI = NextendDeBounce(this.refreshUI, 100); this.stylemode = ''; N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, fragmentEditor, group, properties); this.placement.allow('absolute'); this.placement.allow('normal'); } Row.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype); Row.prototype.constructor = Row; Row.prototype.addProperties = function ($layer) { this.createProperty('opened', 1, $layer, this); N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.addProperties.call(this, $layer); this.createProperty('href', '', $layer); this.createProperty('href-target', '_self', $layer); this.createProperty('bgimage', '', $layer); this.createProperty('bgimagex', 50, $layer); this.createProperty('bgimagey', 50, $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('bgcolor', '00000000', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('bgcolorgradient', 'off', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('bgcolorgradientend', '00000000', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('borderradius', 0, { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createAdvancedProperty(new N2Classes.LayerAdvancedProperty('boxshadow', '0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080', { "-hover": undefined }, this, "stylemode"), $layer); this.createProperty('fullwidth', 1, $layer); this.createProperty('stretch', 0, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('inneralign', {desktopPortrait: 'inherit'}, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('padding', {desktopPortrait: '10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+'}, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('gutter', {desktopPortrait: 20}, $layer); this.createDeviceProperty('wrapafter', {desktopPortrait: 0, mobilePortrait: 1, mobileLandscape: 1}, $layer); this.$.on('baseSizeUpdated.row', $.proxy(this._syncpadding, this)); }; Row.prototype.historyDeleteSelf = function () { this.delete(); }; Row.prototype.historyCreateSelf = function (historyGroup, preset, historyCols) { var newLayer = new N2Classes.Row(this.fragmentEditor, historyGroup.getSelf(), {}); newLayer.create(preset); this.setSelf(newLayer); var newCols = newLayer.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < newCols.length; i++) { historyCols[i].setSelf(newCols[i]); } }; Row.prototype.create = function (preset) { var cb, _createRawRow = function (cols) { return $("<div class='n2-ss-layer' />") .append($("<div class='n2-ss-layer-row' />") .append($("<div class='n2-ss-layer-row-inner' />") .append(cols))) .attr('data-sstype', 'row'); }, _createRawCol = function (inner) { return $("<div class='n2-ss-layer' data-sstype='col'/>").append($("<div class='n2-ss-layer-col n2-ss-layer-content' />").append(inner)); }; switch (preset) { case '2col': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol(), _createRawCol()]); }; break; case '2col-60-40': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol().data('colwidth', '6/10'), _createRawCol().data('colwidth', '4/10')]); }; break; case '2col-40-60': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol().data('colwidth', '4/10'), _createRawCol().data('colwidth', '6/10')]); }; break; case '2col-80-20': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol().data('colwidth', '8/10'), _createRawCol().data('colwidth', '2/10')]); }; break; case '2col-20-80': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol().data('colwidth', '2/10'), _createRawCol().data('colwidth', '8/10')]); }; break; case '3col': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol(), _createRawCol(), _createRawCol()]); }; break; case '3col-20-60-20': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol().data('colwidth', '2/10'), _createRawCol().data('colwidth', '6/10'), _createRawCol().data('colwidth', '2/10')]); }; break; case '4col': cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol(), _createRawCol(), _createRawCol(), _createRawCol()]); }; break; case "special": cb = function (layer) { var $innerRow = _createRawRow([_createRawCol(), _createRawCol()]); return _createRawRow([_createRawCol().data('colwidth', '1/5'), _createRawCol($innerRow).data('colwidth', '4/5')]); }; break; default: cb = function (layer) { return _createRawRow([_createRawCol()]); }; } if (this.group.container.allowedPlacementMode === 'absolute') { this.originalProperties = $.extend({ width: '100%', align: 'center', valign: 'top', top: 20 }, this.originalProperties); } N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.create.call(this, cb, true); this.initUI(); this.container.startWithExistingNodes(false); this._syncpadding(); this._syncinneralign(); this._syncfullwidth(); this._syncstretch(); this._syncbgThrottled(); this._syncborderradius(); this._syncboxshadow(); this.renderModeProperties(); this.container.renderModeProperties(); N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDeleteSelf, this.historyCreateSelf, [this.group, preset, this.container.getSortedLayers()]); this._onReady(); }; Row.prototype.load = function ($layer, isEditorStart) { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.load.call(this, $layer, isEditorStart); this.initUI(); this.container.startWithExistingNodes(isEditorStart); this._syncpadding(); this._syncinneralign(); this._syncfullwidth(); this._syncstretch(); this._syncbgThrottled(); this._syncborderradius(); this._syncboxshadow(); this._onReady(); }; Row.prototype.initUI = function () { this.layer.nUICanvasItem({ canvasUIManager: this.fragmentEditor.mainContainer.canvasUIManager, layer: this, $layer: this.layer }); this.layer.on({ mousedown: $.proxy(N2Classes.WindowManager.setMouseDownArea, null, 'layerClicked'), click: $.proxy(function (e) { if (!nextend.shouldPreventMouseUp && this.fragmentEditor.preventActivationBubbling()) { this.activate(e); } }, this), dblclick: $.proxy(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $('[data-tab="row"]').trigger('click'); }, this) }); this.$row.nUISpacing({ handles: 'n, s, e, w', start: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Spacing'); }, this), spacing: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { var html = ''; for (var k in ui.changed) { html += 'Padding ' + k + ': ' + ui.changed[k] + 'px<br>'; } N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Spacing', html); }, this), stop: $.proxy(this.____makeLayerResizeableStop, this), }); this.$row.nUIColumns({ columns: '1', gutter: this.getGutter(), start: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().show('Columns'); }, this), colwidth: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { this.updateColumnWidth(ui.currentPercent); N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().update(e, 'Columns', Math.round(ui.currentPercent[ui.index] * 100) + '% — ' + Math.round(ui.currentPercent[ui.index + 1] * 100) + '%'); }, this), stop: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Columns'); this.setRealColsWidth(ui.currentFractions); }, this) }); var context = {}; this.$rowInner.nUISortableRow({ distance: 10, helper: 'clone_hide', forceHelperSize: true, forcePlaceholderSize: true, items: '> .n2-ss-layer', handle: " > .n2-ss-layer-ui-label-container > .n2-ss-layer-ui-label-self", start: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { context.originalPrevLayer = ui.item.prevAll('.n2-ss-layer').not(ui.placeholder).first() .data('layerObject'); var parts = this.getColumns().split('+'); ui.placeholder.css({ width: ((new Fraction(parts[ui.item.data('layerObject').getIndex()])).valueOf() * 100) + '%', visibility: 'visible', margin: this.getGutter() + 'px' }); if (ui.helper.hasClass('n2-ss-last-in-row')) { ui.placeholder.addClass('n2-ss-last-in-row'); } ui.placeholder.css('order', ui.helper.css('order')); ui.placeholder.attr('data-r', ui.helper.attr('data-r')); }, this), beforestop: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { ui.placeholder.detach(); context.layer = ui.item.data('layerObject'); context.oldIndex = context.layer.getOrderedIndex(); }, this), stop: $.proxy(function (e, ui) { var layer = context.layer, oldIndex = context.oldIndex, newIndex = 0; if (context.originalPrevLayer) { layer.layer.insertAfter(context.originalPrevLayer.layer); } else { layer.layer.prependTo(layer.group.container.layerContainerElement); } switch (ui.lastPosition[1]) { case 'before': newIndex = ui.lastPosition[0].data('layerObject').getOrderedIndex(); if (newIndex > oldIndex) { newIndex--; } break; case 'after': newIndex = ui.lastPosition[0].data('layerObject').getOrderedIndex(); if (newIndex < oldIndex) { newIndex++; } break; } if (oldIndex !== newIndex) { this.moveCol(oldIndex, newIndex); } }, this) }); }; Row.prototype.____makeLayerResizeableStop = function (event, ui) { N2Classes.PositionDisplay.get().hide('Spacing'); var padding = this.getPadding().split('|*|'), ratioH = 1, ratioV = 1; if (padding[padding.length - 1] == 'px+' && Math.abs(parseFloat(this.layer.css('fontSize')) - this.baseSize) > 1) { ratioH = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioHorizontal(); ratioV = this.fragmentEditor.getResponsiveRatioVertical(); } for (var k in ui.changed) { var value = ui.changed[k]; switch (k) { case 'top': padding[0] = Math.round(value / ratioV); break; case 'right': padding[1] = Math.round(value / ratioH); break; case 'bottom': padding[2] = Math.round(value / ratioV); break; case 'left': padding[3] = Math.round(value / ratioH); break; } } this.setProperty('padding', padding.join('|*|')); $('#layerrow-padding').data('field').insideChange(padding.join('|*|')); }; Row.prototype._createLayer = function () { return $('<div class="n2-ss-layer"><div class="n2-ss-layer-row"><div class="n2-ss-layer-row-inner"></div></div></div>') .attr('data-sstype', this.type); }; Row.prototype.historyDeleteCol = function (historicalRow, historicalCol) { historicalCol.getSelf().delete(); }; Row.prototype.historyCreateCol = function (historicalRow, historicalCol) { var newCol = historicalRow.getSelf().createCol(); historicalCol.setSelf(newCol); }; Row.prototype.createCol = function () { var col = new N2Classes.Col(this.fragmentEditor, this, {}); N2Classes.History.get().addSimple(this, this.historyDeleteCol, this.historyCreateCol, [this, col]); col.create(); if (this.isReady()) { this.placement.updatePosition(); } return col; }; Row.prototype.createRow = function () { this.$row = this.layer.find('.n2-ss-layer-row:first'); this.$rowInner = this.$row.find('.n2-ss-layer-row-inner:first'); //Fix for Slide Library 3.2 --> 3.3 change if (this.$rowInner.length === 0) { this.$rowInner = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-row-inner"></div>').append(this.$row.find('> *')).appendTo(this.$row); } this.container = new N2Classes.LayerContainer(this, $('<ul class="n2-list n2-h4 n2-list-orderable" />'), 'default', ' > .n2-ss-layer', ['col']); this.container.setLayerContainerElement(this.$rowInner); this.addClassElement(this.layer); this.addClassElement(this.$row, '-inner'); var status = $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-status"></div>'), remove = $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m n2-button-m-narrow" data-n2tip="' + n2_('Delete layer') + '"><i class="n2-i n2-i-delete n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(this.delete, this)), duplicate = $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m n2-button-m-narrow" data-n2tip="' + n2_('Duplicate layer') + '"><i class="n2-i n2-i-duplicate n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(function () { this.duplicate(true, false) }, this)); $('<a href="#" class="n2-ss-sc-hide n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m"><i class="n2-i n2-i-eye"></i></a>').appendTo(status).on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.status == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN) { this.setStatusNormal(); } else { this.changeStatus(N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN); } }, this)); this._createLayerListRow([ $('<div class="n2-actions-left"></div>').append(status), $('<div class="n2-actions"></div>').append(duplicate).append(remove) ]).addClass('n2-ss-layer-row-row'); this.openerElement = $('<a href="#" class="n2-ss-layer-icon n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-m"><i class="n2-i n2-i-row"></i></a>').insertBefore(this.layerTitleSpan) .on('click', $.proxy(this.switchOpened, this)); this.container.$ul.appendTo(this.layerRow); this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(this._syncopened, this)); }; Row.prototype.activate = function () { N2Classes.PluginActivatable.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments); this.columnsField.setRow(this); this.$row.nUIColumns('option', 'active', 1); }; Row.prototype.deActivate = function () { this.$row.nUIColumns('option', 'active', 0); N2Classes.PluginActivatable.prototype.deActivate.apply(this, arguments); }; Row.prototype.switchOpened = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.getProperty('opened')) { this.setProperty('opened', 0); } else { this.setProperty('opened', 1); } }; Row.prototype._syncopened = function () { if (this.getProperty('opened')) { this.openerElement.removeClass('n2-closed'); this.container.$ul.css('display', ''); this.layer.triggerHandler('opened'); } else { this.openerElement.addClass('n2-closed'); this.container.$ul.css('display', 'none'); this.layer.triggerHandler('closed'); } }; Row.prototype.getColumns = function () { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(), columns = []; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { columns.push(layers[i].getProperty('colwidth')); } return columns.join('+'); }; Row.prototype.getColumnsOrdered = function () { var layers = this.getOrderedColumns(), columns = []; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { columns.push(layers[i].getProperty('colwidth')); } return columns.join('+'); }; Row.prototype._synccolumns = function () { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i]._synccolwidth(); } this.update(); }; Row.prototype.getPadding = function () { return this.getProperty('padding'); }; Row.prototype._syncpadding = function () { var padding = this.getPadding().split('|*|'), unit = padding.pop(), baseSize = this.baseSize; if (unit == 'px+' && baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] = parseInt(padding[i]) / baseSize; } } var css = padding.join(unit + ' ') + unit; this.$row.css('padding', css); this.$row.nUISpacing('option', 'current', css); this.update(); }; Row.prototype.getGutter = function () { return this.getProperty('gutter'); }; Row.prototype._syncgutter = function () { var gutterValue = this.getGutter(), sideGutterValue = gutterValue / 2, cols = this.container.getSortedLayers(); if (cols.length > 0) { for (var i = cols.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cols[i].layer .css('margin', sideGutterValue + 'px'); } } this.$rowInner.css({ width: 'calc(100% + ' + (gutterValue + 1) + 'px)', margin: -sideGutterValue + 'px' }); this.$row.nUIColumns('option', 'gutter', this.getGutter()); this._syncwrapafter(); this.update(); }; Row.prototype._syncwrapafter = function () { if (!this.isDeleted && !this.isDeleteStarted) { var wrapAfter = parseInt(this.getProperty('wrapafter')), columns = this.getOrderedColumns(), isWrapped = false, i; for (i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!columns[i].showsOnCurrent) { columns.splice(i, 1); } } // columnsLength can be 0 if all the columns hidden in the row var columnsLength = columns.length; if (wrapAfter > 0 && wrapAfter < columnsLength) { isWrapped = true; } this.$row.attr('row-wrapped', isWrapped ? 1 : 0); if (isWrapped) { var flexLines = []; for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { var row = Math.floor(i / wrapAfter); if (typeof flexLines[row] === 'undefined') { flexLines[row] = []; } flexLines[row].push(columns[i]); columns[i].layer .attr('data-r', row) .toggleClass('n2-ss-last-in-row', (i + 1) % wrapAfter === 0 || i === columnsLength - 1); } var gutterValue = this.getGutter(); for (i = 0; i < flexLines.length; i++) { var flexLine = flexLines[i], sumWidth = 0, j; for (j = 0; j < flexLine.length; j++) { sumWidth += flexLine[j].getWidthPercentage(); } for (j = 0; j < flexLine.length; j++) { flexLine[j].layer.css('width', 'calc(' + (flexLine[j].getWidthPercentage() / sumWidth * 100) + '% - ' + (n2const.isIE || n2const.isEdge ? gutterValue + 1 : gutterValue) + 'px)'); } } } else { var sumWidth = 0; for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { sumWidth += columns[i].getWidthPercentage(); } for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { columns[i].layer .css('width', (columns[i].getWidthPercentage() / sumWidth * 100) + '%') .removeClass('n2-ss-last-in-row') .attr('data-r', 0); } if (columnsLength > 0) { columns[columnsLength - 1].layer.addClass('n2-ss-last-in-row'); } } this.update(); } }; Row.prototype.getOrderedColumns = function () { return this.container.getSortedLayers().sort(function (a, b) { return a.getRealOrder() - b.getRealOrder(); }); }; Row.prototype.getInnerAlign = function () { return this.getProperty('inneralign'); }; Row.prototype._syncinneralign = function () { this.layer.attr('data-csstextalign', this.getInnerAlign()); this.refreshTextAlign(); }; Row.prototype._syncfullwidth = function () { this.layer.attr('data-frontend-fullwidth', this.getProperty('fullwidth') == 0 ? '0' : '1') }; Row.prototype._syncstretch = function () { this.layer.toggleClass('n2-ss-stretch-layer', this.getProperty('stretch') == 1); }; Row.prototype._syncborderradius = Row.prototype['_syncborderradius-hover'] = function () { var borderRadius = this.getProperty('borderradius'); if (borderRadius > 0) { this.addLocalStyle('normal', 'borderradius', 'border-radius:' + borderRadius + 'px;'); } var borderRadiusHover = this.getProperty('borderradius-hover'); if (borderRadiusHover && borderRadiusHover != borderRadius) { this.addLocalStyle('hover', 'borderradius', 'border-radius:' + borderRadiusHover + 'px;'); } }; Row.prototype._syncboxshadow = Row.prototype['_syncboxshadow-hover'] = function () { var boxShadow = this.getProperty('boxshadow'); this.addLocalStyle('normal', 'boxshadow', this.getBoxShadowCSS(boxShadow.split('|*|'))); var hoverStyle = '', boxShadowHover = this.getProperty('boxshadow-hover'); if (boxShadowHover !== undefined && boxShadowHover != boxShadow) { hoverStyle = this.getBoxShadowCSS(boxShadowHover.split('|*|')); } this.addLocalStyle('hover', 'boxshadow', hoverStyle); }; Row.prototype.getBoxShadowCSS = function (boxShadow) { if ((boxShadow[0] != 0 || boxShadow[1] != 0 || boxShadow[2] != 0 || boxShadow[3] != 0) && N2Color.hex2alpha(boxShadow[4]) != 0) { return 'box-shadow:' + boxShadow[0] + 'px ' + boxShadow[1] + 'px ' + boxShadow[2] + 'px ' + boxShadow[3] + 'px ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(boxShadow[4]) + ';'; } return ''; }; Row.prototype._synchref = Row.prototype['_synchref-target'] = function () { }; Row.prototype._syncbgimage = Row.prototype._syncbgimagex = Row.prototype._syncbgimagey = Row.prototype._syncbgcolor = Row.prototype._syncbgcolorgradient = Row.prototype._syncbgcolorgradientend = Row.prototype['_syncbgcolor-hover'] = Row.prototype['_syncbgcolorgradient-hover'] = Row.prototype['_syncbgcolorgradientend-hover'] = function () { this._syncbgThrottled(); }; Row.prototype._syncbgThrottled = function () { var background = '', image = this.fragmentEditor.editor.generator.fill(this.getProperty('bgimage')), gradientBackgroundProps = ''; if (image != '') { var x = parseInt(this.getProperty('bgimagex')); if (!isFinite(x)) { x = 50; } var y = parseInt(this.getProperty('bgimagey')); if (!isFinite(y)) { y = 50; } background += 'URL("' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed(image) + '") ' + x + '% ' + y + '% / cover no-repeat'; gradientBackgroundProps = ' ' + x + '% ' + y + '% / cover no-repeat'; } var color = this.getProperty('bgcolor'), gradient = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradient'), colorend = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradientend'); var normalStyle = this.getBackgroundCSS(color, gradient, colorend, background, gradientBackgroundProps); this.addLocalStyle('normal', 'bgcolor', normalStyle); var hoverStyle = '', isHoverDifferent = false, colorHover = this.getProperty('bgcolor-hover'), gradientHover = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradient-hover'), colorendHover = this.getProperty('bgcolorgradientend-hover'); if (colorHover !== undefined && colorHover != color) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (gradientHover !== undefined && gradientHover != gradient) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (colorendHover !== undefined && colorendHover != colorend) { isHoverDifferent = true; } if (isHoverDifferent) { if (colorHover === undefined) { colorHover = color; } if (gradientHover === undefined) { gradientHover = gradient; } if (colorendHover === undefined) { colorendHover = colorend; } hoverStyle = this.getBackgroundCSS(colorHover, gradientHover, colorendHover, background, gradientBackgroundProps); } this.addLocalStyle('hover', 'bgcolor', hoverStyle); }; Row.prototype.getBackgroundCSS = function (color, gradient, colorend, backgroundImage, gradientBackgroundProps) { if (N2Color.hex2alpha(color) != 0 || (gradient != 'off' && N2Color.hex2alpha(colorend) != 0)) { var after = ''; if (backgroundImage != '') { after = gradientBackgroundProps + ',' + backgroundImage; } switch (gradient) { case 'horizontal': return 'background:linear-gradient(to right, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'vertical': return 'background:linear-gradient(to bottom, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'diagonal1': return 'background:linear-gradient(45deg, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'diagonal2': return 'background:linear-gradient(135deg, ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ' 0%,' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(colorend) + ' 100%)' + after + ';'; case 'off': default: if (backgroundImage != '') { return "background: linear-gradient(" + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ", " + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ")" + after + ';'; } return 'background:' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(color) + ';'; } } else if (backgroundImage != '') { return 'background:' + backgroundImage + ';'; } return ''; }; Row.prototype.getData = function (params) { var data = N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.getData.call(this, params); if (params.itemsIncluded) { data.cols = this.container.getData(params); } return data; }; /** * Example: Cols: 0 - 1 - 2 * oldIndex: 0, newIndex: 2 => 1 - 2 - 0 Moves the col #0 to after the #2 col * @param oldIndex * @param newIndex */ Row.prototype.moveCol = function (oldIndex, newIndex) { if (this.getMode() == 'desktopPortrait') { this._moveCol(oldIndex, newIndex); var task = N2Classes.History.get().addValue(this, this.historyMoveCol, []); if (task) { task.setValues({ oldIndex: newIndex, newIndex: oldIndex }, { oldIndex: oldIndex, newIndex: newIndex }); } } else { var orderedColumns = this.getOrderedColumns(), colToMove = orderedColumns[oldIndex]; orderedColumns.splice(oldIndex, 1); orderedColumns.splice(newIndex, 0, colToMove); for (var i = 0; i < orderedColumns.length; i++) { orderedColumns[i].setProperty('order', i + 1); } this.refreshUI(); } }; Row.prototype._moveCol = function (oldIndex, newIndex) { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(); this.container.insertLayerAt(layers[oldIndex], newIndex); this.refreshUI(); }; Row.prototype.historyMoveCol = function (data) { this._moveCol(data.oldIndex, data.newIndex); }; Row.prototype.setColsWidth = function (fractions) { var cols = this.container.getSortedLayers(); for (var i = 0; i < fractions.length; i++) { cols[i].setProperty('colwidth', fractions[i].toFraction()); } this._syncwrapafter(); this.update(); this.refreshUI(); }; Row.prototype.setRealColsWidth = function (fractions) { var cols = this.getOrderedColumns(); for (var i = 0; i < fractions.length; i++) { cols[i].setProperty('colwidth', fractions[i].toFraction()); } this._syncwrapafter(); this.update(); this.refreshUI(); }; Row.prototype.updateColumnWidth = function (widths) { var wrapAfter = parseInt(this.getProperty('wrapafter')), columns = this.getOrderedColumns(), i; for (i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!columns[i].showsOnCurrent) { columns.splice(i, 1); widths.splice(i, 1); } } var columnsLength = columns.length; if (wrapAfter > 0 && wrapAfter < columnsLength) { var flexLines = []; for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { var row = Math.floor(i / wrapAfter); if (typeof flexLines[row] === 'undefined') { flexLines[row] = []; } columns[i]._tempWidth = widths[i]; flexLines[row].push(columns[i]); } var gutterValue = this.getGutter(); for (i = 0; i < flexLines.length; i++) { var flexLine = flexLines[i], sumWidth = 0, j; for (j = 0; j < flexLine.length; j++) { sumWidth += flexLine[j]._tempWidth; } for (j = 0; j < flexLine.length; j++) { flexLine[j].layer.css('width', 'calc(' + (flexLine[j]._tempWidth / sumWidth * 100) + '% - ' + (n2const.isIE || n2const.isEdge ? gutterValue + 1 : gutterValue) + 'px)'); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { columns[i].layer.css('width', (widths[i] * 100) + '%'); } } this.update(); }; Row.prototype.activateColumn = function (index, e) { this.container.getSortedLayers()[index].activate(e); }; Row.prototype.onChildCountChange = function () { if (!this.isDeleted && !this.isDeleteStarted) { var layers = this.container.getSortedLayers(), colLength = layers.length; if (colLength) { var currentColumns = this.getColumns().split('+'), add = 0; for (var i = 0; i < currentColumns.length; i++) { add = (new Fraction(currentColumns[i])).add(add); } if (add.valueOf() != 1) { for (var i = 0; i < colLength; i++) { layers[i].setProperty('colwidth', "1/" + colLength); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < colLength; i++) { layers[i]._synccolwidth(); } } this.refreshUI(); } this._syncgutter(); } }; Row.prototype.renderModeProperties = function (isReset) { N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.prototype.renderModeProperties.call(this, isReset); this._syncpadding(); this._syncinneralign(); this._syncgutter(); if (this.isActive) { this.columnsField.setRow(this); } }; Row.prototype.hightlightStructure = function (hideInterval) { hideInterval = hideInterval || 4000; if (this.isStructureHighlighted) { clearTimeout(this.isStructureHighlighted); this.isStructureHighlighted = false; } this.layer.addClass('n2-highlight-structure'); this.isStructureHighlighted = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { if (!this.isDeleted) { this.layer.removeClass('n2-highlight-structure'); } }, this), hideInterval); }; Row.prototype.refreshUI = function () { if (!this.isDeleteStarted) { if (this.isActive) { this.columnsField.setRow(this); } this._syncwrapafter(); this.$row.nUIColumns('option', 'columns', this.getColumnsOrdered()); } }; Row.prototype.getDroppable = function () { if (!this.layer.is(":visible") || this.status == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.HIDDEN || this.status == N2Classes.ComponentAbstract.STATUS.LOCKED) { return 'hidden'; } return { $container: this.$row, layer: this, placement: 'normal', axis: 'x' } }; Row.prototype.getLLDroppable = function (layer) { switch (layer.type) { case 'col': if (layer.group == this) { return { $container: this.container.$ul, layer: this }; } break; } return false; }; Row.prototype.getContents = function () { return this.$row; }; Row.prototype.setPropertystylemode = function (name, value, from) { this.stylemode = value; this.syncAdvancedField('bgcolor'); this.syncAdvancedField('bgcolorgradient'); this.syncAdvancedField('bgcolorgradientend'); this.syncAdvancedField('borderradius'); this.syncAdvancedField('boxshadow'); }; Row.prototype.onSyncFields = function () { this.fragmentEditor.layerOptions.updateField('stylemode', this.stylemode); }; return Row; }); N2D('ComponentSettings', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FragmentEditor} fragmentEditor * @constructor */ function ComponentSettings(fragmentEditor) { this.componentType = 'undefined'; this.placementType = 'undefined'; $('html') .attr('data-component', '') .attr('data-placement', ''); this.currentForm = {}; this.forms = { 'undefined': null, placement: { absolute: {}, normal: {}, default: {} }, component: { content: {}, layer: {}, row: {}, col: {}, group: {} }, global: { id: $('#layerid'), uniqueclass: $('#layeruniqueclass'), desktopPortrait: $('#layershow-desktop-portrait'), desktopLandscape: $('#layershow-desktop-landscape'), tabletPortrait: $('#layershow-tablet-portrait'), tabletLandscape: $('#layershow-tablet-landscape'), mobilePortrait: $('#layershow-mobile-portrait'), mobileLandscape: $('#layershow-mobile-landscape'), class: $('#layerclass'), generatorvisible: $('#layergenerator-visible'), crop: $('#layercrop'), rotation: $('#layerrotation'), parallax: $('#layerparallax'), fontsize: $('#layerfont-size'), adaptivefont: $('#layeradaptive-font'), mouseenter: $('#layeronmouseenter'), click: $('#layeronclick'), mouseleave: $('#layeronmouseleave'), play: $('#layeronplay'), pause: $('#layeronpause'), stop: $('#layeronstop') } }; fragmentEditor.editor.generator.registerField(this.forms.global.class); this.fragmentEditor = fragmentEditor; var availableDeviceModes = fragmentEditor.editor.getAvailableDeviceModes(); if (!availableDeviceModes.desktopLandscape) { this.forms.global.desktopLandscape.closest('.n2-mixed-group').css('display', 'none'); } if (!availableDeviceModes.tabletPortrait) { this.forms.global.tabletPortrait.closest('.n2-mixed-group').css('display', 'none'); } if (!availableDeviceModes.tabletLandscape) { this.forms.global.tabletLandscape.closest('.n2-mixed-group').css('display', 'none'); } if (!availableDeviceModes.mobilePortrait) { this.forms.global.mobilePortrait.closest('.n2-mixed-group').css('display', 'none'); } if (!availableDeviceModes.mobileLandscape) { this.forms.global.mobileLandscape.closest('.n2-mixed-group').css('display', 'none'); } this.forms.placement.absolute = { parentid: $('#layerparentid'), parentalign: $('#layerparentalign'), parentvalign: $('#layerparentvalign'), left: $('#layerleft'), top: $('#layertop'), responsiveposition: $('#layerresponsive-position'), width: $('#layerwidth'), height: $('#layerheight'), responsivesize: $('#layerresponsive-size'), align: $('#layeralign'), valign: $('#layervalign') }; this.forms.placement.normal = { margin: $('#layernormal-margin'), height: $('#layernormal-height'), maxwidth: $('#layernormal-maxwidth'), selfalign: $('#layernormal-selfalign') }; this.forms.component.content = { maxwidth: $('#layercontent-maxwidth'), selfalign: $('#layercontent-selfalign'), padding: $('#layercontent-padding'), inneralign: $('#layercontent-inneralign'), verticalalign: $('#layercontent-verticalalign'), stylemode: $('#layercontent-style-mode').on('n2resetmode', $.proxy(this.resetStyleMode, this, 'stylemode')), bgcolor: $('#layercontent-background-color'), bgimage: $('#layercontent-background-image'), bgimagex: $('#layercontent-background-focus-x'), bgimagey: $('#layercontent-background-focus-y'), bgcolorgradient: $('#layercontent-background-gradient'), bgcolorgradientend: $('#layercontent-background-color-end'), opened: $('#layercontent-opened') }; fragmentEditor.editor.generator.registerField(this.forms.component.content.bgimage); this.forms.component.row = { padding: $('#layerrow-padding'), gutter: $('#layerrow-gutter'), fullwidth: $('#layerrow-fullwidth'), stretch: $('#layerrow-stretch'), wrapafter: $('#layerrow-wrap-after'), inneralign: $('#layerrow-inneralign'), href: $('#layerrow-href'), 'href-target': $('#layerrow-href-target'), bgimage: $('#layerrow-background-image'), bgimagex: $('#layerrow-background-focus-x'), bgimagey: $('#layerrow-background-focus-y'), stylemode: $('#layerrow-style-mode').on('n2resetmode', $.proxy(this.resetStyleMode, this, 'stylemode')), bgcolor: $('#layerrow-background-color'), bgcolorgradient: $('#layerrow-background-gradient'), bgcolorgradientend: $('#layerrow-background-color-end'), borderradius: $('#layerrow-border-radius'), boxshadow: $('#layerrow-boxshadow'), opened: $('#layerrow-opened') }; fragmentEditor.editor.generator.registerField(this.forms.component.row.href); fragmentEditor.editor.generator.registerField(this.forms.component.row.bgimage); this.forms.component.col = { maxwidth: $('#layercol-maxwidth'), padding: $('#layercol-padding'), inneralign: $('#layercol-inneralign'), verticalalign: $('#layercol-verticalalign'), href: $('#layercol-href'), 'href-target': $('#layercol-href-target'), bgimage: $('#layercol-background-image'), bgimagex: $('#layercol-background-focus-x'), bgimagey: $('#layercol-background-focus-y'), stylemode: $('#layercol-style-mode').on('n2resetmode', $.proxy(this.resetStyleMode, this, 'stylemode')), bgcolor: $('#layercol-background-color'), bgcolorgradient: $('#layercol-background-gradient'), bgcolorgradientend: $('#layercol-background-color-end'), borderradius: $('#layercol-border-radius'), boxshadow: $('#layercol-boxshadow'), borderwidth: $('#layercol-border-width'), borderstyle: $('#layercol-border-style'), bordercolor: $('#layercol-border-color'), opened: $('#layercol-opened'), colwidth: $('#layercol-colwidth'), order: $('#layercol-order') }; fragmentEditor.editor.generator.registerField(this.forms.component.col.href); fragmentEditor.editor.generator.registerField(this.forms.component.col.bgimage); } ComponentSettings.prototype.changeActiveComponent = function (layer, componentType, placementType, properties) { this.currentLayer = layer; if (this.componentType != componentType) { $('html').attr('data-component', componentType); var pane = $('#n2-tabbed-slide-editor-settings').data('pane'); switch (componentType) { case 'content': pane.showTabs(['content', 'animations', 'position']); break; case 'layer': pane.showTabs(['item', 'style', 'animations', 'position']); break; case 'group': pane.showTabs(['group', 'animations']); break; case 'row': pane.showTabs(['row', 'animations', 'position']); break; case 'col': pane.showTabs(['column', 'animations', 'position']); break; } this.componentType = componentType; } this.changeActiveComponentPlacement(placementType); this.syncFields(properties); }; ComponentSettings.prototype.changeActiveComponentPlacement = function (placementType, properties) { if (this.placementType != placementType) { $('html').attr('data-placement', placementType); this.placementType = placementType; } this.syncFields(properties); }; ComponentSettings.prototype.syncFields = function (properties) { if (typeof properties == 'object') { this.currentForm = $.extend({}, this.forms.global, this.forms.component[this.componentType], this.forms.placement[this.placementType]); for (var name in properties) { if (typeof properties[name] !== undefined) { this.updateField(name, properties[name]); } else { console.error('Value is undefined for: ' + name); } } this.currentLayer.onSyncFields(); for (var k in this.currentForm) { this.currentForm[k].off('.layeroptions').on('outsideChange.layeroptions', $.proxy(this.activeComponentPropertyChanged, this, k)); } } }; ComponentSettings.prototype.onUpdateField = function (e, name, value) { if (e.target == this.currentLayer) { this.updateField(name, value); } }; ComponentSettings.prototype.updateField = function (name, value) { if (typeof this.currentLayer['formSet' + name] === 'function') { this.currentLayer['formSet' + name](this, value); } else { if (this.currentForm[name] !== undefined) { var field = this.currentForm[name].data('field'); if (field !== undefined) { field.insideChange(value); } } } }; ComponentSettings.prototype.activeComponentPropertyChanged = function (name, e) { if (this.currentLayer && !this.currentLayer.isDeleted) { this.updateLayerProperty(name); } else { var field = this.currentForm[name].data('field'); if (typeof field !== 'undefined' && field !== null) { field.insideChange(''); } } }; ComponentSettings.prototype.updateLayerProperty = function (name) { var value = this.currentForm[name].val(); this.currentLayer.setProperty(name, value, 'manager'); }; ComponentSettings.prototype.startFeatures = function () { this.layerFeatures = new N2Classes.LayerFeatures(this.forms.placement.absolute, this.fragmentEditor); var globalAdaptiveFont = $('#n2-ss-layer-adaptive-font').on('click', $.proxy(function () { this.currentForm.adaptivefont.data('field').onoff.trigger('click'); }, this)); this.forms.global.adaptivefont.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { if (this.currentForm.adaptivefont.val() == 1) { globalAdaptiveFont.addClass('n2-active'); } else { globalAdaptiveFont.removeClass('n2-active'); } }, this)); new N2Classes.FormElementNumber("n2-ss-layer-font-size", -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE); new N2Classes.FormElementNumberSlider("n2-ss-layer-font-size", { min: 50, max: 300, step: 5 }); var globalFontSize = $('#n2-ss-layer-font-size').on('outsideChange', $.proxy(function () { var value = parseInt(globalFontSize.val()); this.currentForm.fontsize.val(value).trigger('change'); }, this)); this.forms.global.fontsize.on('nextendChange', $.proxy(function () { globalFontSize.data('field').insideChange(this.forms.global.fontsize.val()); }, this)); }; ComponentSettings.prototype.resetStyleMode = function (name, e) { this.currentLayer.resetStyleMode(name); }; return ComponentSettings; }); N2D('BgAnimationEditor', ['NextendFragmentEditorController'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function BgAnimationEditor() { this.parameters = { shiftedBackgroundAnimation: 0 }; this.$css = $('<style></style>').appendTo('head'); this.backgroundAnimations = { color: 'eeeeeeff' }; N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.constructor.call(this, false); this.bgAnimationElement = $('.n2-bg-animation'); this.slides = $('.n2-bg-animation-slide'); this.bgImages = $('.n2-bg-animation-slide-bg'); NextendTween.set(this.bgImages, { rotationZ: 0.0001 }); this.directionTab = new N2Classes.FormElementRadio('n2-background-animation-preview-tabs', ['0', '1']); this.directionTab.element.on('nextendChange.n2-editor', $.proxy(this.directionTabChanged, this)); if (n2const.isIE || n2const.isEdge) { N2Classes.Notification.error('Background animations are not available in your browser. It works if the <i>transform-style: preserve-3d</i> feature available. ') } this.$colorField = $('#n2-background-animationcolor') .on('nextendChange', $.proxy(this.changeColor, this)); } BgAnimationEditor.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype); BgAnimationEditor.prototype.constructor = BgAnimationEditor; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.loadDefaults.call(this); this.type = 'backgroundanimation'; this.current = 0; this.animationProperties = false; this.direction = 0; }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.get = function () { return null; }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.load = function (visual, tabs, mode, preview) { this.lightbox.addClass('n2-editor-loaded'); }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.setTabs = function (labels) { }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.directionTabChanged = function () { this.direction = parseInt(this.directionTab.element.val()); }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.start = function (data) { if (data.color !== undefined) { this.$colorField.data('field').insideChange(data.color); this.backgroundAnimations.color = data.color; } else { $('#n2-tab-background-animation-form').remove(); this.$css.html('.n2-3d-side,.tile-colored-overlay{background: ' + nextend.currentEditor.frontend.parameters.bgAnimationsColor + ';}'); } if (this.animationProperties) { if (!this.timeline) { this.next(); } else { this.timeline.play(); } } }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.changeColor = function () { this.backgroundAnimations.color = this.$colorField.val(); this.$css.html('.n2-3d-side,.tile-colored-overlay{background: ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(this.backgroundAnimations.color) + ';}'); }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.pause = function () { if (this.timeline) { this.timeline.pause(); } }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.next = function () { this.timeline = new NextendTimeline({ paused: true, onComplete: $.proxy(this.ended, this) }); var current = this.bgImages.eq(this.current), next = this.bgImages.eq(1 - this.current); if (!n2const.isIE && !n2const.isEdge) { this.currentAnimation = new N2Classes['SmartSliderBackgroundAnimation' + this.animationProperties.type](this, current, next, this.animationProperties, 1, this.direction); this.slides.eq(this.current).css('zIndex', 2); this.slides.eq(1 - this.current).css('zIndex', 3); this.timeline.to(this.slides.eq(this.current), 0.5, { opacity: 0 }, this.currentAnimation.getExtraDelay()); this.timeline.to(this.slides.eq(1 - this.current), 0.5, { opacity: 1 }, this.currentAnimation.getExtraDelay()); this.currentAnimation.postSetup(); } else { this.timeline.to(this.slides.eq(this.current), 1.5, { opacity: 0 }, 0); this.timeline.to(this.slides.eq(1 - this.current), 1.5, { opacity: 1 }, 0); } this.current = 1 - this.current; this.timeline.play(); }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.ended = function () { if (this.currentAnimation) { this.currentAnimation.ended(); } this.next(); }; BgAnimationEditor.prototype.setAnimationProperties = function (animationProperties) { var lastAnimationProperties = this.animationProperties; this.animationProperties = animationProperties; if (!lastAnimationProperties) { this.next(); } }; return BgAnimationEditor; }); N2D('BgAnimationManager', ['NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function BgAnimationManager() { this.type = 'backgroundanimation'; N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } BgAnimationManager.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype); BgAnimationManager.prototype.constructor = BgAnimationManager; BgAnimationManager.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.loadDefaults.apply(this, arguments); this.type = 'backgroundanimation'; this.labels = { visual: 'Background animation', visuals: 'Background animations' }; }; BgAnimationManager.prototype.initController = function () { return new N2Classes.BgAnimationEditor(); }; BgAnimationManager.prototype.createVisual = function (visual, set) { return new N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection(visual, set, this); }; BgAnimationManager.prototype.show = function (data, saveCallback) { var controllerParameters = {}; var $colorField = $('#sliderbackground-animation-color'); if ($colorField.length) { controllerParameters.color = $colorField.val(); } N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.show.call(this, data, saveCallback, controllerParameters); }; BgAnimationManager.prototype.getAsString = function () { var $colorField = $('#sliderbackground-animation-color'); if ($colorField.length) { $colorField.val($('#n2-background-animationcolor').val()); } return N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.getAsString.call(this); }; return BgAnimationManager; }); N2D('ItemButton', ['Item'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments Item */ function ItemButton() { this.type = 'button'; N2Classes.Item.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } ItemButton.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.Item.prototype); ItemButton.prototype.constructor = ItemButton; ItemButton.needSize = false; ItemButton.prototype.added = function () { this.needFill = ['content', 'class']; this.addedFont('link', 'font'); this.addedStyle('button', 'style'); this.generator.registerFields(['#item_buttoncontent', '#item_buttonhref', '#item_buttonclass']); }; ItemButton.prototype.getName = function (data) { return data.content; }; ItemButton.prototype.parseAll = function (data) { data.classes = ''; if (parseInt(data.fullwidth)) { data.classes += ' n2-ss-fullwidth'; } if (parseInt(data.nowrap)) { data.classes += ' n2-ss-nowrap'; } N2Classes.Item.prototype.parseAll.apply(this, arguments); }; ItemButton.prototype._render = function (data) { var $node = $('<div class="n2-ss-button-container n2-ow ' + data.fontclass + ' ' + data.classes + '" />'), $link = $('<a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="' + data.styleclass + ' ' + data.class + ' n2-ow"></a>').appendTo($node), $label = $('<span><span>' + data.content + '</span></span>').appendTo($link); this.$item.append($node); }; return ItemButton; }); N2D('ItemHeading', ['Item'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments Item */ function ItemHeading() { this.type = 'heading'; N2Classes.Item.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } ItemHeading.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.Item.prototype); ItemHeading.prototype.constructor = ItemHeading; ItemHeading.needSize = false; ItemHeading.prototype.getDefault = function () { return { href: '', font: '', style: '' } }; ItemHeading.prototype.added = function () { this.needFill = ['heading', 'class']; this.addedFont('hover', 'font'); this.addedStyle('heading', 'style'); this.generator.registerFields(['#item_headingheading', '#item_headinghref', '#item_headingclass']); }; ItemHeading.prototype.getName = function (data) { return data.heading; }; ItemHeading.prototype.parseAll = function (data) { data.uid = $.fn.uid(); if (parseInt(data.fullwidth)) { data.display = 'block'; } else { data.display = 'inline-block'; } data.extrastyle = parseInt(data.nowrap) ? 'white-space: nowrap;' : ''; data.heading = $('<div>' + data.heading + '</div>').text().replace(/\n/g, '<br />'); data.priority = 2; data.class = ''; N2Classes.Item.prototype.parseAll.apply(this, arguments); if (data['href'] == '#' || data['href'] == '') { data['afontclass'] = ''; data['astyleclass'] = ''; } else { data['afontclass'] = data['fontclass']; data['fontclass'] = ''; data['astyleclass'] = data['styleclass']; data['styleclass'] = ''; } }; ItemHeading.prototype._render = function (data) { var $node = $('<div class="n2-ow" />'), $heading = $('<div id="' + data.uid + '" style="' + data.extrastyle + '"></div>') .addClass('n2-ow ' + data.fontclass + ' ' + data.styleclass + ' ' + data.class) .css({ display: data.display }).appendTo($node); if (data['href'] == '#' || data['href'] == '') { $heading.html(data.heading); } else { $heading.append($('<a style="display:' + data.display + ';" href="#" class="' + data.afontclass + ' ' + data.astyleclass + ' n2-ow" onclick="return false;">' + data.heading + '</a>')); } this.$item.append($node); }; return ItemHeading; }); N2D('ItemImage', ['Item'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments N2Classes.Item */ function ItemImage() { this.type = 'image'; N2Classes.Item.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } ItemImage.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.Item.prototype); ItemImage.prototype.constructor = ItemImage; ItemImage.needSize = false; ItemImage.prototype.getDefault = function () { return { size: 'auto|*|auto', href: '', style: '' } }; ItemImage.prototype.added = function () { this.needFill = ['image', 'cssclass']; this.generator.registerFields(['#item_imageimage', '#item_imagealt', '#item_imagetitle', '#item_imagehref', '#item_imagecssclass']); }; ItemImage.prototype.getName = function (data) { return data.image.split('/').pop(); }; ItemImage.prototype.parseAll = function (data) { var size = data.size.split('|*|'); data.width = size[0]; data.height = size[1]; delete data.size; N2Classes.Item.prototype.parseAll.apply(this, arguments); if (data.image != this.values.image) { data.image = nextend.imageHelper.fixed(data.image); if (this.layer.placement.getType() == 'absolute') { this.resizeLayerToImage(nextend.imageHelper.fixed(data.image)); } } else { data.image = nextend.imageHelper.fixed(data.image); } }; ItemImage.prototype.fitLayer = function () { if (this.layer.placement.getType() == 'absolute') { this.resizeLayerToImage(nextend.imageHelper.fixed(this.values.image)); } return true; }; ItemImage.prototype._render = function (data) { data.styleclass = ''; var $node = $('<div class="' + data.styleclass + ' n2-ss-img-wrapper n2-ow" style="overflow:hidden"></div>'), $a = $node; if (data['href'] != '#' && data['href'] != '') { $a = $('<a href="#" class="n2-ow" onclick="return false;" style="display: block;background: none !important;"></a>').appendTo($node); } $('<img class="n2-ow ' + data.cssclass + '" src="' + data.image + '"/>').css({ display: 'inline-block', maxWidth: '100%', width: data.width, height: data.height }).appendTo($a); this.$item.append($node); }; return ItemImage; }); N2D('ItemText', ['Item'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments Item */ function ItemText() { this.type = 'text'; N2Classes.Item.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } ItemText.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.Item.prototype); ItemText.prototype.constructor = ItemText; ItemText.needSize = false; ItemText.prototype.getDefault = function () { return { contentmobile: '', contenttablet: '', font: '', style: '' } }; ItemText.prototype.added = function () { this.needFill = ['content', 'contenttablet', 'contentmobile']; this.addedFont('paragraph', 'font'); this.addedStyle('heading', 'style'); this.generator.registerFields(['#item_textcontent', '#item_textcontenttablet', '#item_textcontentmobile']); }; ItemText.prototype.getName = function (data) { return data.content; }; ItemText.prototype.parseAll = function (data) { N2Classes.Item.prototype.parseAll.apply(this, arguments); data['p'] = _wp_Autop(data['content']); data['ptablet'] = _wp_Autop(data['contenttablet']); data['pmobile'] = _wp_Autop(data['contentmobile']); }; ItemText.prototype._render = function (data) { var $content = $('<div class="n2-ss-desktop n2-ow n2-ow-all">' + data.p + '</div>').appendTo(this.$item); if (data['contenttablet'] == '') { $content.addClass('n2-ss-tablet'); } else { $content = $('<div class="n2-ss-tablet n2-ow n2-ow-all">' + data.ptablet + '</div>').appendTo(this.$item); } if (data['contentmobile'] == '') { $content.addClass('n2-ss-mobile'); } else { $('<div class="n2-ss-mobile n2-ow n2-ow-all">' + data.pmobile + '</div>').appendTo(this.$item); } this.$item.find('p').addClass(data.fontclass + ' ' + data.styleclass); }; function _wp_Autop(text) { var preserve_linebreaks = false, preserve_br = false, blocklist = 'table|thead|tfoot|caption|col|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre' + '|form|map|area|blockquote|address|math|style|p|h[1-6]|hr|fieldset|legend|section' + '|article|aside|hgroup|header|footer|nav|figure|figcaption|details|menu|summary'; // Normalize line breaks. text = text.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n') + "\n"; if (text.indexOf('\n') === -1) { return text; } // Remove line breaks from <object>. if (text.indexOf('<object') !== -1) { text = text.replace(/<object[\s\S]+?<\/object>/g, function (a) { return a.replace(/\n+/g, ''); }); } // Remove line breaks from tags. text = text.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g, function (a) { return a.replace(/[\n\t ]+/g, ' '); }); // Preserve line breaks in <pre> and <script> tags. if (text.indexOf('<pre') !== -1 || text.indexOf('<script') !== -1) { preserve_linebreaks = true; text = text.replace(/<(pre|script)[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/g, function (a) { return a.replace(/\n/g, '<wp-line-break>'); }); } if (text.indexOf('<figcaption') !== -1) { text = text.replace(/\s*(<figcaption[^>]*>)/g, '$1'); text = text.replace(/<\/figcaption>\s*/g, '</figcaption>'); } // Keep <br> tags inside captions. if (text.indexOf('[caption') !== -1) { preserve_br = true; text = text.replace(/\[caption[\s\S]+?\[\/caption\]/g, function (a) { a = a.replace(/<br([^>]*)>/g, '<wp-temp-br$1>'); a = a.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g, function (b) { return b.replace(/[\n\t ]+/, ' '); }); return a.replace(/\s*\n\s*/g, '<wp-temp-br />'); }); } text = text + '\n\n'; text = text.replace(/<br \/>\s*<br \/>/gi, '\n\n'); // Pad block tags with two line breaks. text = text.replace(new RegExp('(<(?:' + blocklist + ')(?: [^>]*)?>)', 'gi'), '\n\n$1'); text = text.replace(new RegExp('(</(?:' + blocklist + ')>)', 'gi'), '$1\n\n'); text = text.replace(/<hr( [^>]*)?>/gi, '<hr$1>\n\n'); // Remove white space chars around <option>. text = text.replace(/\s*<option/gi, '<option'); text = text.replace(/<\/option>\s*/gi, '</option>'); // Normalize multiple line breaks and white space chars. text = text.replace(/\n\s*\n+/g, '\n\n'); // Convert two line breaks to a paragraph. text = text.replace(/([\s\S]+?)\n\n/g, '<p>$1</p>\n'); // Remove empty paragraphs. text = text.replace(/<p>\s*?<\/p>/gi, ''); // Remove <p> tags that are around block tags. text = text.replace(new RegExp('<p>\\s*(</?(?:' + blocklist + ')(?: [^>]*)?>)\\s*</p>', 'gi'), '$1'); text = text.replace(/<p>(<li.+?)<\/p>/gi, '$1'); // Fix <p> in blockquotes. text = text.replace(/<p>\s*<blockquote([^>]*)>/gi, '<blockquote$1><p>'); text = text.replace(/<\/blockquote>\s*<\/p>/gi, '</p></blockquote>'); // Remove <p> tags that are wrapped around block tags. text = text.replace(new RegExp('<p>\\s*(</?(?:' + blocklist + ')(?: [^>]*)?>)', 'gi'), '$1'); text = text.replace(new RegExp('(</?(?:' + blocklist + ')(?: [^>]*)?>)\\s*</p>', 'gi'), '$1'); text = text.replace(/(<br[^>]*>)\s*\n/gi, '$1'); // Add <br> tags. text = text.replace(/\s*\n/g, '<br />\n'); // Remove <br> tags that are around block tags. text = text.replace(new RegExp('(</?(?:' + blocklist + ')[^>]*>)\\s*<br />', 'gi'), '$1'); text = text.replace(/<br \/>(\s*<\/?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)>)/gi, '$1'); // Remove <p> and <br> around captions. text = text.replace(/(?:<p>|<br ?\/?>)*\s*\[caption([^\[]+)\[\/caption\]\s*(?:<\/p>|<br ?\/?>)*/gi, '[caption$1[/caption]'); // Make sure there is <p> when there is </p> inside block tags that can contain other blocks. text = text.replace(/(<(?:div|th|td|form|fieldset|dd)[^>]*>)(.*?)<\/p>/g, function (a, b, c) { if (c.match(/<p( [^>]*)?>/)) { return a; } return b + '<p>' + c + '</p>'; }); // Restore the line breaks in <pre> and <script> tags. if (preserve_linebreaks) { text = text.replace(/<wp-line-break>/g, '\n'); } // Restore the <br> tags in captions. if (preserve_br) { text = text.replace(/<wp-temp-br([^>]*)>/g, '<br$1>'); } return text; } return ItemText; }); N2D('ItemVimeo', ['Item'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments Item */ function ItemVimeo() { this.type = 'vimeo'; N2Classes.Item.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } ItemVimeo.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.Item.prototype); ItemVimeo.prototype.constructor = ItemVimeo; ItemVimeo.needSize = true; ItemVimeo.prototype.added = function () { this.needFill = ['vimeourl']; this.generator.registerField('#item_vimeovimeourl'); }; ItemVimeo.prototype.getName = function (data) { return data.vimeourl; }; ItemVimeo.prototype.parseAll = function (data) { var vimeoChanged = this.values.vimeourl != data.vimeourl; N2Classes.Item.prototype.parseAll.apply(this, arguments); if (data.image == '') { data.image = '$system$/images/placeholder/video.png'; } data.image = nextend.imageHelper.fixed(data.image); if (vimeoChanged && data.vimeourl != '') { var vimeoRegexp = /https?:\/\/(?:www\.|player\.)?vimeo.com\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/([^\/]*)\/videos\/|album\/(\d+)\/video\/|video\/|)(\d+)(?:$|\/|\?)/, vimeoMatch = data.vimeourl.match(vimeoRegexp); var videoCode = false; if (vimeoMatch) { videoCode = vimeoMatch[3]; } else if (data.vimeourl.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { videoCode = data.vimeourl; } if (videoCode) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.getJSON('https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/' + encodeURI(videoCode) + '.json').done($.proxy(function (data) { $('#item_vimeoimage').val(data[0].thumbnail_large).trigger('change'); }, this)).fail(function (data) { if (data.privateurl == 0) { N2Classes.Notification.error('Video not found or private.'); } }); } else { N2Classes.Notification.error('The provided URL does not match any known Vimeo url or code.'); } } }; ItemVimeo.prototype._render = function (data) { var $node = $('<div class="n2-ow"></div>').css({ width: '100%', height: '100%', minHeight: '50px', background: 'url(' + data.image + ') no-repeat 50% 50%', backgroundSize: 'cover' }); $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-player n2-ss-layer-player-cover"><img src="" /></div>') .appendTo($node); this.$item.append($node); }; ItemVimeo.prototype.fitLayer = function () { return true; }; return ItemVimeo; }); N2D('ItemYoutube', ['Item'], function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments Item */ function ItemYoutube() { this.type = 'youtube'; N2Classes.Item.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } ItemYoutube.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.Item.prototype); ItemYoutube.prototype.constructor = ItemYoutube; ItemYoutube.needSize = true; ItemYoutube.prototype.added = function () { this.needFill = ['youtubeurl', 'image', 'start']; this.generator.registerFields(['#item_youtubeyoutubeurl', '#item_youtubeimage', '#item_youtubestart']); }; ItemYoutube.prototype.getName = function (data) { return data.youtubeurl; }; ItemYoutube.prototype.parseAll = function (data) { var youTubeChanged = this.values.youtubeurl !== data.youtubeurl; N2Classes.Item.prototype.parseAll.apply(this, arguments); if (data.image === '') { data.image = '$system$/images/placeholder/video.png'; } data.image = nextend.imageHelper.fixed(data.image); if (youTubeChanged) { var youtubeRegexp = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/, youtubeMatch = data.youtubeurl.match(youtubeRegexp); if (youtubeMatch) { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.getJSON('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=' + encodeURI(youtubeMatch[2]) + '&part=snippet&key=AIzaSyC3AolfvPAPlJs-2FgyPJdEEKS6nbPHdSM').done($.proxy(function (_data) { if (_data.items.length) { var thumbnails = _data.items[0].snippet.thumbnails, thumbnail = thumbnails.maxres || thumbnails.standard || thumbnails.high || thumbnails.medium || thumbnails.default, url = thumbnail.url; if (this.values.youtubeurl == '{video_url}') { url = url.replace(youtubeMatch[2], '{video_id}'); } $('#item_youtubeimage').val(url).trigger('change'); } }, this)).fail(function (data) { N2Classes.Notification.error(data.error.errors[0].message); }); } else { N2Classes.Notification.error('The provided URL does not match any known YouTube url or code!'); } } }; ItemYoutube.prototype.fitLayer = function () { return true; }; ItemYoutube.prototype._render = function (data) { var $node = $('<div class="n2-ow"></div>').css({ width: '100%', height: '100%', minHeight: '50px', background: 'url(' + data.image + ') no-repeat 50% 50%', backgroundSize: 'cover' }); if (parseInt(data.playbutton)) { $('<div class="n2-ss-layer-player n2-ss-layer-player-cover"><img src="" /></div>') .appendTo($node); } this.$item.append($node); }; return ItemYoutube; }); N2D('smartslider-backend')
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