Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/media/dist/smartslider-frontend.js
Error occurred
(function(){var N=this;N.N2_=N.N2_||{r:[],d:[]},N.N2R=N.N2R||function(){N.N2_.r.push(arguments)},N.N2D=N.N2D||function(){N.N2_.d.push(arguments)}}).call(window); N2D('SmartSliderBackgrounds', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @constructor */ function SmartSliderBackgrounds(slider) { this.device = null; //this.load = $.Deferred(); this.slider = slider; this.hasFixed = false; this.lazyLoad = slider.parameters.lazyLoad; this.lazyLoadNeighbor = slider.parameters.lazyLoadNeighbor; this.deviceDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.slider.sliderElement.one('SliderDevice', $.proxy(this.onSlideDeviceChangedFirst, this)); this.slider.sliderElement.on('visibleSlidesChanged', $.proxy(this.onVisibleSlidesChanged, this)); this.slider.sliderElement.on('slideCountChanged', $.proxy(this.onVisibleSlidesChanged, this)); } SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.whenWithProgress = function (arrayOfPromises) { var cntr = 0, deferred = $.Deferred(); for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfPromises.length; i++) { $.when(arrayOfPromises[i]).done(function () { deferred.notify(++cntr, arrayOfPromises.length); }); } $.when.apply($, arrayOfPromises).done(function () { deferred.resolveWith(null, arguments); }); return deferred; }; /** * * @returns {N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground[]} */ SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.getBackgroundImages = function () { var images = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.slider.realSlides.length; i++) { images.push(this.slider.realSlides[i].background); } return images; }; SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.onVisibleSlidesChanged = function () { if (this.lazyLoad == 1) { this.load = $.when.apply($, this.preLoadSlides(this.slider.getVisibleSlides(this.slider.currentSlide))); } else if (this.lazyLoad == 2) { // delayed this.load = $.when.apply($, this.preLoadSlides(this.slider.getVisibleSlides(this.slider.currentSlide))); } }; SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.onSlideDeviceChangedFirst = function (e, device) { this.onSlideDeviceChanged(e, device); this.deviceDeferred.resolve(); this.slider.sliderElement.on('SliderDevice', $.proxy(this.onSlideDeviceChanged, this)); if (this.lazyLoad == 1) { this.preLoadSlides = this.preloadSlidesLazyNeighbor; this.load = this.whenWithProgress($, this.preLoadSlides(this.slider.getVisibleSlides(this.slider.currentSlide))); } else if (this.lazyLoad == 2) { // delayed this.preLoadSlides = this._preLoadSlides; $(window).on('load', $.proxy(this.preLoadAll, this)); this.load = this.whenWithProgress($, this.preLoadSlides(this.slider.getVisibleSlides(this.slider.currentSlide))); } else { this.preLoadSlides = this._preLoadSlides; this.load = this.whenWithProgress(this.preLoadAll()); } }; SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.onSlideDeviceChanged = function (e, device) { this.device = device; for (var i = 0; i < this.slider.realSlides.length; i++) { if (this.slider.realSlides[i].background) { this.slider.realSlides[i].background.updateBackgroundToDevice(device); } } }; SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.preLoadAll = function () { var deferreds = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.slider.realSlides.length; i++) { deferreds.push(this.slider.realSlides[i].preLoad()); } return deferreds; }; SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype._preLoadSlides = function (slides) { var deferreds = []; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(slides) !== '[object Array]') { slides = [slides]; } for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { deferreds.push(slides[i].preLoad()); } return deferreds; }; SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.preloadSlidesLazyNeighbor = function (slides) { var deferreds = this._preLoadSlides(slides); if (this.lazyLoadNeighbor) { var j = 0, previousSlide = slides[0].previousSlide, nextSlide = slides[slides.length - 1].nextSlide; while (j < this.lazyLoadNeighbor) { deferreds.push(previousSlide.preLoad()); previousSlide = previousSlide.previousSlide; deferreds.push(nextSlide.preLoad()); nextSlide = nextSlide.nextSlide; j++; } } var renderedDeferred = $.Deferred(); if (deferreds[0].state() != 'resolved') { var timeout = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.slider.load.showSpinner('backgroundImage' + slides[0].index); timeout = null; }, this), 50); $.when.apply($, deferreds).done($.proxy(function () { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } else { this.slider.load.removeSpinner('backgroundImage' + slides[0].index); } setTimeout(function () { renderedDeferred.resolve(); }, 100); }, this)); } else { setTimeout(function () { renderedDeferred.resolve(); }, 100); } deferreds.push(renderedDeferred); return deferreds; }; SmartSliderBackgrounds.prototype.hack = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.slider.realSlides.length; i++) { if (this.slider.realSlides[i].background) { this.slider.realSlides[i].background.hack(); } } }; return SmartSliderBackgrounds; }); N2D('FontSize', function ($, undefined) { var $testElement; function getDocumentElementFontSize() { /** * Font size min value is 6px and max is 10000px, but browser calculates the rem/em/% with the non-normalized value. * So if the <html> font-size set to 2px, jQuery will return 6px. But if we place an element with 4rem, then * that element's font-size will be 2px*4 = 8px * To prevent this, we use 10rem for getting the font size. */ if ($testElement === undefined) { $testElement = $('<div style="font-size:10rem;"></div>').appendTo('body'); } return parseFloat($testElement.css('fontSize')) / 10; } return { toRem: function (pxValue) { return (pxValue / getDocumentElementFontSize()) + 'rem'; } }; }); N2D('SmartSliderLoad', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} smartSlider * @param parameters * @constructor */ function SmartSliderLoad(smartSlider, parameters) { this.parameters = $.extend({ fade: 1, scroll: 0 }, parameters); this.deferred = $.Deferred(); /** * @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} */ this.smartSlider = smartSlider; this.spinnerCouner = 0; this.id = smartSlider.sliderElement.attr('id'); this.$window = $(window); this.spinner = $('#' + this.id + '-spinner'); } SmartSliderLoad.prototype.start = function () { if (this.parameters.scroll) { var $window = $(window); $window.on('scroll.' + this.id, $.proxy(this.onScroll, this)); this.onScroll(); } else if (this.parameters.fade) { this.loadingArea = $('#' + this.id + '-placeholder').eq(0); this.showSpinner('fadePlaceholder'); n2c.log('Fade on load - start wait'); var spinnerCounter = this.spinner.find('.n2-ss-spinner-counter'); if (spinnerCounter.length) { spinnerCounter.html('0%'); this.smartSlider.backgrounds.load .progress($.proxy(function (current, total) { spinnerCounter.html(Math.round(current / (total + 1) * 100) + '%'); }, this)); } this.showSlider(); } else { this.showSlider(); } }; SmartSliderLoad.prototype.onScroll = function () { if ((this.$window.scrollTop() + this.$window.height() > (this.smartSlider.sliderElement.offset().top + 100))) { n2c.log('Fade on scroll - reached'); this.$window.off('scroll.' + this.id); this.showSlider(); } }; SmartSliderLoad.prototype.loadLayerImages = function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(); this.smartSlider.sliderElement.find('.n2-ss-layers-container').n2imagesLoaded() .always(function () { deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred; }; SmartSliderLoad.prototype.showSlider = function () { $.when(this.smartSlider.responsive.ready, this.smartSlider.backgrounds.load, this.loadLayerImages()).always($.proxy(function () { this._showSlider(); }, this)); }; SmartSliderLoad.prototype._showSlider = function (cb) { n2c.log('Images loaded'); this.smartSlider.responsive.isReadyToResize = true; $.when.apply($, this.smartSlider.widgetDeferreds).done($.proxy(function () { n2c.log('Event: BeforeVisible'); this.smartSlider.responsive.invalidateResponsiveState = true; this.smartSlider.responsive.doResize(); if (this.smartSlider.mainAnimation) this.smartSlider.mainAnimation.setToStarterSlide(this.smartSlider.starterSlide); this.smartSlider.starterSlide.setStarterSlide(); this.smartSlider.sliderElement.trigger('BeforeVisible'); this.smartSlider.responsive.alignElement.addClass('n2-ss-align-visible'); n2c.log('Fade start'); this.smartSlider.sliderElement .addClass('n2-ss-loaded') .removeClass('n2notransition'); this.spinner.find('.n2-ss-spinner-counter').html(''); this.removeSpinner('fadePlaceholder'); $('#' + this.id + '-placeholder').remove(); this.loadingArea = this.smartSlider.sliderElement; if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(this.deferred); } else { this.deferred.resolve(); } this.smartSlider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('Show'); }, this)); }; SmartSliderLoad.prototype.loaded = function (fn) { this.deferred.done(fn); }; SmartSliderLoad.prototype.showSpinner = function (spinnerKey) { if (this.spinnerCouner === 0) { this.spinner.appendTo(this.loadingArea).css('display', ''); } this.spinnerCouner++; }; SmartSliderLoad.prototype.removeSpinner = function (spinnerKey) { this.spinnerCouner--; if (this.spinnerCouner <= 0) { this.spinner.detach(); this.spinnerCouner = 0; } }; return SmartSliderLoad; }); N2D('ScrollTracker', function ($, scope, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function ScrollTracker() { this.started = false; this.items = []; } ScrollTracker.prototype.add = function ($el, mode, onVisible, onHide) { var item = { $el: $el, mode: mode, onVisible: onVisible, onHide: onHide, state: 'unknown' }; this.items.push(item); this._onScroll(item, Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight)); if (!this.started) { this.start(); } }; ScrollTracker.prototype.start = function () { if (!this.started) { $(window).on('scroll.scrollTracker', $.proxy(this.onScroll, this)); this.started = true; } }; ScrollTracker.prototype.onScroll = function (e) { var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight); for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this._onScroll(this.items[i], viewHeight); } }; ScrollTracker.prototype._onScroll = function (item, viewHeight) { var rect = item.$el[0].getBoundingClientRect(), isBigPlayer = rect.height > viewHeight * 0.7, isVisible = true; if (item.mode === 'partly-visible') { if ((isBigPlayer && (rect.bottom < 0 || rect.top >= rect.height))) { isVisible = false; } else if (!isBigPlayer && (rect.bottom - rect.height < 0 || rect.top - viewHeight + rect.height >= 0)) { isVisible = false; } } else if (item.mode === 'not-visible') { isVisible = rect.top - viewHeight < 0 && rect.top + rect.height > 0; } if (isVisible === false) { if (item.state !== 'hidden') { if (typeof item.onHide === 'function') { item.onHide(); } item.state = 'hidden'; } } else { if (item.state !== 'visible') { if (typeof item.onVisible === 'function') { item.onVisible(); } item.state = 'visible'; } } }; return new ScrollTracker(); }); N2D('SmartSliderApi', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function SmartSliderApi() { this.sliders = {}; this.readys = {}; } SmartSliderApi.prototype.makeReady = function (id, slider) { this.sliders[id] = slider; if (typeof this.readys[id] !== 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < this.readys[id].length; i++) { this.readys[id][i].call(slider, slider, slider.sliderElement); } } }; SmartSliderApi.prototype.ready = function (id, callback) { if (typeof this.sliders[id] !== 'undefined') { callback.call(this.sliders[id], this.sliders[id], this.sliders[id].sliderElement); } else { if (typeof this.readys[id] == 'undefined') { this.readys[id] = []; } this.readys[id].push(callback); } }; SmartSliderApi.prototype.trigger = function (el, eventName, e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } var $el = $(el), parts = eventName.split(','), slide = $el.closest('.n2-ss-slide,.n2-ss-static-slide'), lastEvent = slide.data('ss-last-event'); if (!$el.data('ss-reset-events')) { $el.data('ss-reset-events', 1); slide.on('layerAnimationPlayIn.resetCounter', $.proxy(function (slide) { slide.data('ss-last-event', ''); }, this, slide)); } var match = parts.length - 1; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i] === lastEvent) { match = i; } } if (match === parts.length - 1) { eventName = parts[0]; } else { eventName = parts[match + 1]; } slide.data('ss-last-event', eventName); slide.triggerHandler('ss' + eventName); }; SmartSliderApi.prototype.applyAction = function (e, action) { if (this.isClickAllowed(e)) { var el = e.currentTarget, ss = $(el).closest('.n2-ss-slider').data('ss'); ss[action].apply(ss, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); } }; SmartSliderApi.prototype.applyActionWithClick = function (e) { if (this.isClickAllowed(e)) { if (!nextend.shouldPreventClick) { e.preventDefault(); this.applyAction.apply(this, arguments); } } }; SmartSliderApi.prototype.isClickAllowed = function (e) { /** * Check for nested click events */ return !$.contains(e.currentTarget, $(e.target).closest('a[href!="#"], *[onclick][onclick!=""], *[data-n2click][data-n2click!=""], *[n2-lightbox]').get(0)); }; SmartSliderApi.prototype.openUrl = function (e, target) { if (this.isClickAllowed(e)) { var $el = $(e.currentTarget), href = $el.data('href'); if (typeof target === 'undefined') { target = $el.data('target'); } if (target === '_blank') { var w = window.open(); w.opener = null; w.location = href; } else { n2const.setLocation(href); } } }; var scroll = { to: function (top) { $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: top}, window.n2ScrollSpeed || 400); }, top: function () { scroll.to(0); }, bottom: function () { scroll.to($(document).height() - $(window).height()); }, before: function (el) { scroll.to(el.offset().top - $(window).height()); }, after: function (el) { scroll.to(el.offset().top + el.height()); }, next: function (el, selector) { var els = $(selector), nextI = -1; els.each(function (i, slider) { if ($(el).is(slider) || $.contains(slider, el)) { nextI = i + 1; return false; } }); if (nextI !== -1 && nextI <= els.length) { scroll.element(els.eq(nextI)); } }, previous: function (el, selector) { var els = $(selector), prevI = -1; els.each(function (i, slider) { if ($(el).is(slider) || $.contains(slider, el)) { prevI = i - 1; return false; } }); if (prevI >= 0) { scroll.element(els.eq(prevI)); } }, element: function (selector) { var offset = $(window.n2ScrollOffsetSelector).height(); scroll.to($(selector).offset().top - offset); } }; SmartSliderApi.prototype.scroll = function (e, fnName) { if (this.isClickAllowed(e)) { e.preventDefault(); scroll[fnName].apply(window, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); } }; window.n2ss = new SmartSliderApi(); return SmartSliderApi; }); N2D('SmartSliderAbstract', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param elementID * @param parameters * @constructor */ function SmartSliderAbstract(elementID, parameters) { /** * @type {N2Classes.EditorAbstract} */ this.editor = null; this.startedDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.visibleDeferred = $.Deferred(); if (elementID instanceof $) { elementID = '#' + elementID.attr('id'); } var id = elementID.substr(1); this.elementID = id; if (window[id] && window[id] instanceof SmartSliderAbstract) { if (window[id].__$sliderElement && !$.contains(document.body, window[id].__$sliderElement.get(0))) { // Slider element might get removed even before shown. Fix for Elementor Popup } else if (window[id].sliderElement === undefined) { console.error('Slider [#' + id + '] inited multiple times'); return; } else if ($.contains(document.body, window[id].sliderElement.get(0))) { console.error('Slider [#' + id + '] embedded multiple times'); return; } } this.readyDeferred = $.Deferred(); N2D(elementID, $.proxy(function () { return this; }, this)); this.isAdmin = !!parameters.admin; this.id = parseInt(id.replace('n2-ss-', '')); // Register our object to a global variable window[id] = this; if (parameters.isDelayed !== undefined && parameters.isDelayed) { $(window).ready($.proxy(function () { this.waitForExists(id, parameters); }, this)); } else { this.waitForExists(id, parameters); } } SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.kill = function () { this.killed = true; var id = this.sliderElement.attr('id'); var $placeholder = $('#' + id + '-placeholder'); if ($placeholder.length) { $placeholder.remove(); } else { N2R('documentReady', function ($) { $('#' + id + '-placeholder').remove(); }); } var $margin = this.sliderElement.closest('.n2-ss-margin'); if ($margin.length) { $margin.remove(); } else { N2R('documentReady', $.proxy(function ($) { this.sliderElement.closest('.n2-ss-margin').remove(); }, this)); } var $align = this.sliderElement.closest('.n2-ss-align'); if ($align.length) { $align.remove(); } else { N2R('documentReady', $.proxy(function ($) { this.sliderElement.closest('.n2-ss-align').remove(); }, this)); } /** * If the killed slider has a dependency we force them to show */ n2ss.makeReady(this.id, this); this.readyDeferred.resolve(); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.waitForExists = function (id, parameters) { var deferred = $.Deferred(), existsCheck = function () { var $el = $('#' + id); if ($el.length) { deferred.resolve($el); } else { setTimeout(existsCheck, 500); } }; deferred.done($.proxy(this.onSliderExists, this, id, parameters)); existsCheck(); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.onSliderExists = function (id, parameters, $sliderElement) { this.__$sliderElement = $sliderElement; if ($sliderElement.prop('tagName') === 'TEMPLATE') { var dependency = $sliderElement.data('dependency'), delay = $sliderElement.data('delay'), rocketLoad = $.proxy(function () { var rocketSlider = $($sliderElement.html()); $sliderElement.replaceWith(rocketSlider); this.waitForDimension($('#' + id), parameters); $(window).triggerHandler('n2Rocket', [this.sliderElement]); }, this); if (dependency && $('#n2-ss-' + dependency).length) { n2ss.ready(dependency, $.proxy(function (slider) { slider.ready(rocketLoad); }, this)); } else if (delay) { setTimeout(rocketLoad, delay); } else { rocketLoad(); } } else { this.waitForDimension($sliderElement, parameters); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.waitForDimension = function ($sliderElement, parameters) { var deferred = $.Deferred(), startDimensionCheck = function () { var hasDimension = $sliderElement.is(':visible'); if (hasDimension) { deferred.resolve(); } else { setTimeout(startDimensionCheck, 200); } }; startDimensionCheck(); deferred .done($.proxy(this.onSliderHasDimension, this, $sliderElement, parameters)); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.initCSS = function () { if (this.parameters.css) { $('<style type="text/css">' + this.parameters.css + '</style>') .appendTo('head'); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.onSliderHasDimension = function ($sliderElement, parameters) { this.killed = false; if (n2const.isIE) { $sliderElement.attr('data-ie', n2const.isIE); } else if (n2const.isEdge) { $sliderElement.attr('data-ie', n2const.isEdge); } this.slideClass = this.slideClass || 'FrontendSliderSlide'; /** * @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsive} */ this.responsive = false; this.mainAnimationLastChangeTime = 0; /** * @type {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide} */ this.currentSlide = null; this.currentRealSlide = null; this.staticSlide = false; this.isShuffled = false; /** * @type {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide[]} */ this.slides = []; this.visibleSlides = 1; this.sliderElement = $sliderElement.data('ss', this); this.needBackgroundWrap = false; /** * Block carousel in vertical touch + revert * @type {boolean} */ this.blockCarousel = false; this.parameters = $.extend({ admin: false, playWhenVisible: 1, playWhenVisibleAt: 0.5, perspective: 1000, callbacks: '', autoplay: {}, blockrightclick: false, maintainSession: 0, align: 'normal', controls: { touch: 'horizontal', keyboard: false, mousewheel: false, blockCarouselInteraction: 1 }, hardwareAcceleration: true, layerMode: { playOnce: 0, playFirstLayer: 1, mode: 'skippable', inAnimation: 'mainInEnd' }, foreverLayerAnimation: false, parallax: { enabled: 0, mobile: 0, horizontal: 'mouse', vertical: 'mouse', origin: 'enter' }, load: {}, mainanimation: {}, randomize: { randomize: 0, randomizeFirst: 0 }, responsive: {}, lazyload: { enabled: 0 }, postBackgroundAnimations: false, initCallbacks: [], dynamicHeight: 0, lightbox: [], lightboxDeviceImages: [], titles: [], descriptions: [], allowBGImageAttachmentFixed: 1, backgroundParallax: { strength: 0, tablet: 0, mobile: 0 }, particlejs: 0 }, parameters); this.disabled = { layerAnimations: false, layerSplitTextAnimations: false, backgroundAnimations: false, postBackgroundAnimations: false }; if (n2const.isSamsungBrowser) { this.disabled.layerSplitTextAnimations = true; this.disabled.postBackgroundAnimations = true; } if (!this.isAdmin) { if (!parameters.responsive.desktop || !parameters.responsive.tablet || !parameters.responsive.mobile) { var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent, 801), isTablet = !!md.tablet(), isMobile = !!md.phone(); if (!parameters.responsive.mobile && isMobile || !parameters.responsive.tablet && isTablet || !parameters.responsive.desktop && !isTablet && !isMobile) { this.kill(); return; } } } this.initCSS(); this.firstSlideReady = $.Deferred(); try { eval(this.parameters.callbacks); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } this.startVisibilityCheck(); n2ss.makeReady(this.id, this); this.widgetDeferreds = []; this.sliderElement.on('addWidget', $.proxy(this.addWidget, this)); if (this.isAdmin) { this.changeTo = function () { }; } this.load = new N2Classes.SmartSliderLoad(this, this.parameters.load); this.backgrounds = new N2Classes.SmartSliderBackgrounds(this); this.__initSlides(); $.when(this.overrideFirstSlide()).done($.proxy(this.onFirstSlideInitialized, this)); if (navigator.userAgent.match('UCBrowser')) { $('html').addClass('n2-ucbrowser'); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.overrideFirstSlide = function () { if (typeof window['ss' + this.id] !== 'undefined') { if (typeof window['ss' + this.id] === 'object') { return window['ss' + this.id].done($.proxy(function (forceActiveSlideIndex) { if (forceActiveSlideIndex !== null) { this.changeActiveBeforeLoad(forceActiveSlideIndex); } }, this)) } else { var forceActiveSlideIndex = typeof window['ss' + this.id] !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(window['ss' + this.id]) : null; if (forceActiveSlideIndex !== null) { this.changeActiveBeforeLoad(forceActiveSlideIndex); } } } else { if (!this.isAdmin && this.parameters.maintainSession && typeof sessionStorage !== 'undefined') { var sessionIndex = sessionStorage.getItem('ss-' + this.id); if (sessionIndex !== null) { this.changeActiveBeforeLoad(parseInt(sessionIndex)); } this.sliderElement.on('mainAnimationComplete', $.proxy(function (e, animation, previous, next) { sessionStorage.setItem('ss-' + this.id, next); }, this)); } } return true; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.changeActiveBeforeLoad = function (index) { if (index >= 0 && index < this.realSlides.length && this.starterSlide !== this.realSlides[index]) { this.unsetActiveSlide(this.starterSlide); this.starterSlide = this.realSlides[index]; this.setActiveSlide(this.realSlides[index]); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.startCurrentSlideIndex = function () { this.currentRealSlide = this.currentSlide = this.starterSlide; this.setActiveSlide(this.currentSlide); if (!parseInt(this.parameters.carousel)) { this.initNotCarousel(); } else { this.initCarousel(); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.onFirstSlideInitialized = function () { //Prepare linked list of slides for (var i = 0; i < this.realSlides.length; i++) { this.realSlides[i].setNext(this.realSlides[i + 1 > this.realSlides.length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1]); } this.startCurrentSlideIndex(); this.firstSlideReady.resolve(this.currentSlide); for (var j = 0; j < this.parameters.initCallbacks.length; j++) { (new Function('$', this.parameters.initCallbacks[j])).call(this, $); } if (this.disableLayerAnimations === true) { this.disabled.layerAnimations = true; } this.widgets = new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgets(this); this.sliderElement.on({ universalenter: $.proxy(function (e) { if (!$(e.target).closest('.n2-full-screen-widget').length) { this.sliderElement.addClass('n2-hover'); this.widgets.setState('hover', true); } }, this), universalleave: $.proxy(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.sliderElement.removeClass('n2-hover'); this.widgets.setState('hover', false); }, this) }); this.controls = {}; if (this.parameters.blockrightclick) { this.sliderElement.bind("contextmenu", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } this.initMainAnimation(); this.initResponsiveMode(); if (this.killed) { return; } try { var removeHoverClassCB = $.proxy(function () { this.sliderElement.removeClass('n2-has-hover'); this.sliderElement[0].removeEventListener('touchstart', removeHoverClassCB, window.n2const.passiveEvents ? {passive: true} : false); }, this); this.sliderElement[0].addEventListener('touchstart', removeHoverClassCB, window.n2const.passiveEvents ? {passive: true} : false); } catch (e) { } this.initControls(); this.startedDeferred.resolve(this); if (!this.isAdmin) { var event = 'click'; if (this.hasTouch()) { event = 'n2click'; } this.sliderElement.find('[data-n2click]').each(function (i, el) { var el = $(el); el.on(event, function (event) { eval(el.data('n2click')); }); }); this.sliderElement.find('[data-click]').each(function (i, el) { var el = $(el).on('click', function (event) { eval(el.data('click')); }).css('cursor', 'pointer'); }); this.sliderElement.find('[data-n2middleclick]').on('mousedown', function (event) { var el = $(this); if (event.which == 2 || event.which == 4) { event.preventDefault(); eval(el.data('n2middleclick')); } }); this.sliderElement.find('[data-mouseenter]').each(function (i, el) { var el = $(el).on('mouseenter', function (event) { eval(el.data('mouseenter')); }); }); this.sliderElement.find('[data-mouseleave]').each(function (i, el) { var el = $(el).on('mouseleave', function (event) { eval(el.data('mouseleave')); }); }); this.sliderElement.find('[data-play]').each(function (i, el) { var el = $(el).on('n2play', function (event) { eval(el.data('play')); }); }); this.sliderElement.find('[data-pause]').each(function (i, el) { var el = $(el).on('n2pause', function (event) { eval(el.data('pause')); }); }); this.sliderElement.find('[data-stop]').each(function (i, el) { var el = $(el).on('n2stop', function (event) { eval(el.data('stop')); }); }); if (window.n2FocusAllowed === undefined) { window.n2FocusAllowed = false; $(window).on({ keydown: function () { window.n2FocusAllowed = true; }, keyup: function () { window.n2FocusAllowed = false; } }); } this.sliderElement.find('a').on({ focus: $.proxy(function (e) { if (n2FocusAllowed) { var slide = this.findSlideByElement(e.currentTarget); if (slide && slide !== this.currentRealSlide) { this.directionalChangeToReal(slide.index); } } }, this) }); } this.preReadyResolve(); this.sliderElement.find('[role="button"],[tabindex]').not('input,select,textarea') .keypress(function (event) { if (event.charCode === 32 || event.charCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); $(event.target) .click() .triggerHandler('n2Activate'); } }) .on('mouseleave', function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).blur(); }); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.__initSlides = function () { var $slides = this.sliderElement.find('.n2-ss-slide'); for (var i = 0; i < $slides.length; i++) { this.slides.push(new N2Classes[this.slideClass](this, $slides.eq(i), i)); } this.starterSlide = this.slides[0]; for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { this.slides[i].init(); if (this.slides[i].$element.data('first') == 1) { this.starterSlide = this.slides[i]; } } /** * @type {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide[]} */ this.realSlides = this.slides; this.afterRawSlidesReady(); this.randomize(this.slides); var staticSlide = this.sliderElement.find('.n2-ss-static-slide'); if (staticSlide.length) { this.staticSlide = new N2Classes.FrontendSliderStaticSlide(this, staticSlide); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.afterRawSlidesReady = function () { }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.setVisibleSlides = function (visibleSlides) { if (visibleSlides !== this.visibleSlides) { this.visibleSlides = visibleSlides; this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('visibleSlidesChanged'); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.getVisibleSlides = function (relativeSlide) { if (relativeSlide === undefined) relativeSlide = this.currentSlide; return [relativeSlide]; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.getActiveSlidesCompat = function (relativeSlide) { return this.getVisibleSlides(relativeSlide); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.findSlideBackground = function (slide) { return slide.$element.find('.n2-ss-slide-background'); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.getRealIndex = function (index) { return index; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.randomize = function (slides) { this.randomizeFirst(); if (this.parameters.randomize.randomize) { this.shuffleSlides(slides); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.randomizeFirst = function () { if (this.parameters.randomize.randomizeFirst) { this.unsetActiveSlide(this.starterSlide); this.starterSlide = this.realSlides[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.realSlides.length)]; this.setActiveSlide(this.starterSlide); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.shuffleSlides = function (slides) { slides.sort(function () { return 0.5 - Math.random(); }); var $container = slides[0].$element.parent(); for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].$element.appendTo($container); slides[i].setIndex(i); } this.isShuffled = true; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.addWidget = function (e, deferred) { this.widgetDeferreds.push(deferred); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.started = function (fn) { this.startedDeferred.done($.proxy(fn, this)); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.preReadyResolve = function () { // Hack to allow time to widgets to register setTimeout($.proxy(this._preReadyResolve, this), 1); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype._preReadyResolve = function () { this.load.start(); this.load.loaded($.proxy(this.readyResolve, this)); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.readyResolve = function () { n2c.log('Slider ready'); $(window).scroll(); // To force other sliders to recalculate the scroll position this.readyDeferred.resolve(); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.ready = function (fn) { this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(fn, this)); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.startVisibilityCheck = function () { if (!this.isAdmin && this.parameters.playWhenVisible) { this.ready($.proxy(function () { $(window).on('scroll.n2-ss-visible' + this.id + ' resize.n2-ss-visible' + this.id, $.proxy(this.checkIfVisible, this)); this.checkIfVisible(); }, this)); } else { this.ready($.proxy(function () { this.visibleDeferred.resolve(); }, this)); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.checkIfVisible = function () { var playWhenVisibleAt = this.parameters.playWhenVisibleAt, windowOffsetTop = $(window).scrollTop(), windowHeight = $(window).height(), bodyHeight = $(document).height(), sliderBoundingClientRect = this.sliderElement[0].getBoundingClientRect(), requiredVisibility = windowHeight * playWhenVisibleAt / 2, topLine = windowOffsetTop + requiredVisibility, bottomLine = windowOffsetTop + windowHeight - requiredVisibility; if (windowOffsetTop < requiredVisibility) { topLine *= (windowOffsetTop / requiredVisibility); } if (windowOffsetTop + windowHeight > bodyHeight - requiredVisibility) { bottomLine += windowOffsetTop + windowHeight - bodyHeight + requiredVisibility; } var sliderAbsoluteTop = windowOffsetTop + sliderBoundingClientRect.top, sliderAbsoluteBottom = windowOffsetTop + sliderBoundingClientRect.bottom; if (this.isAdmin || (sliderAbsoluteTop <= bottomLine && sliderAbsoluteTop >= topLine) || (sliderAbsoluteBottom >= topLine && sliderAbsoluteBottom <= bottomLine) || (sliderAbsoluteTop <= topLine && sliderAbsoluteBottom >= bottomLine)) { $(window).off('.n2-ss-visible' + this.id); this.visibleDeferred.resolve(); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.visible = function (fn) { this.visibleDeferred.done($.proxy(fn, this)); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.isPlaying = function () { if (this.mainAnimation.getState() !== 'ended') { return true; } return false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.focus = function (isSystem) { var needFocus = false; if (this.responsive.parameters.focusUser && !isSystem) { needFocus = true; } if (needFocus) { /** * .getBoundingClientRect() adjusted by the $(window).scrollTop() */ var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), focusOffsetTop = this.responsive.focusOffsetTop, focusOffsetBottom = this.responsive.focusOffsetBottom, windowHeight = $(window).height(), sliderBoundingClientRect = this.sliderElement[0].getBoundingClientRect(), topLine = sliderBoundingClientRect.top - focusOffsetTop, bottomLine = windowHeight - sliderBoundingClientRect.bottom - focusOffsetBottom; if (topLine <= 0 && bottomLine <= 0) { // Do nothing, slider is taller than the screen and the the slider on the screen } else if (topLine > 0 && bottomLine > 0) { // Do nothing, slider is shorter than the screen and the the slider on the screen } else { var targetTop = scrollTop; if (topLine < 0) { if (-topLine <= bottomLine) { // scroll to the top edge targetTop = scrollTop - focusOffsetTop + sliderBoundingClientRect.top; } else { // scroll to the bottom edge targetTop = scrollTop + focusOffsetBottom + sliderBoundingClientRect.bottom - windowHeight; } } else if (bottomLine < 0) { if (-bottomLine <= topLine) { // scroll to the bottom edge targetTop = scrollTop + focusOffsetBottom + sliderBoundingClientRect.bottom - windowHeight; } else { // scroll to the top edge targetTop = scrollTop - focusOffsetTop + sliderBoundingClientRect.top; } } if (targetTop !== scrollTop) { return this._scrollTo(targetTop, Math.abs(scrollTop - targetTop)); } } } return true; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype._scrollTo = function (targetTop, duration) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); window.nextendScrollFocus = true; $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: targetTop}, duration, $.proxy(function () { deferred.resolve(); setTimeout(function () { window.nextendScrollFocus = false; }, 100); }, this)); return deferred; }; /** * Change is carousel if: * - first slide -> -1 slide not exists * - last slide -> +1 slide not exists */ SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.isChangeCarousel = function (direction) { if (direction === 'next') { return this.currentSlide.index + 1 >= this.slides.length; } else if (direction === 'previous') { return this.currentSlide.index - 1 < 0; } return false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.initNotCarousel = function () { this.next = function (isSystem, customAnimation) { var nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index + 1; if (nextIndex < this.slides.length) { return this.changeTo(nextIndex, false, isSystem, customAnimation); } return false; }; this.previous = function (isSystem, customAnimation) { var nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index - 1; if (nextIndex >= 0) { return this.changeTo(nextIndex, true, isSystem, customAnimation); } return false; }; this.isChangePossible = function (direction) { var nextIndex = false; if (direction === 'next') { nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index + 1; if (nextIndex >= this.slides.length) { nextIndex = false; } } else if (direction === 'previous') { nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index - 1; if (nextIndex < 0) { nextIndex = false; } } if (nextIndex !== false && nextIndex !== this.currentSlide.index) { return true; } return false; }; var hideOrShowArrows = $.proxy(function (i) { if (i === 0) { this.widgets.setState('nonCarouselFirst', true); } else { this.widgets.setState('nonCarouselFirst', false); } if (i === this.slides.length - 1) { this.widgets.setState('nonCarouselLast', true); } else { this.widgets.setState('nonCarouselLast', false); } }, this); this.startedDeferred.done($.proxy(function () { hideOrShowArrows(this.currentSlide.index); }, this)); this.sliderElement.on('sliderSwitchTo', function (e, i) { hideOrShowArrows(i); }); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.isChangePossibleCarousel = function (direction) { var nextIndex = false; if (direction === 'next') { nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index + 1; if (nextIndex >= this.slides.length) { nextIndex = 0; } } else if (direction === 'previous') { nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index - 1; if (nextIndex < 0) { nextIndex = this.slides.length - 1; } } if (nextIndex !== false && nextIndex !== this.currentSlide.index) { return true; } return false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.initCarousel = function () { this.next = this.nextCarousel; this.previous = this.previousCarousel; this.isChangePossible = this.isChangePossibleCarousel; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.nextCarousel = function (isSystem, customAnimation) { var nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index + 1; if (nextIndex >= this.slides.length) { nextIndex = 0; } return this.changeTo(nextIndex, false, isSystem, customAnimation); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.previousCarousel = function (isSystem, customAnimation) { var nextIndex = this.currentSlide.index - 1; if (nextIndex < 0) { nextIndex = this.slides.length - 1; } return this.changeTo(nextIndex, true, isSystem, customAnimation); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.directionalChangeToReal = function (nextSlideIndex) { this.directionalChangeTo(nextSlideIndex); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.directionalChangeTo = function (nextSlideIndex) { if (nextSlideIndex > this.currentSlide.index) { this.changeTo(nextSlideIndex, false); } else { this.changeTo(nextSlideIndex, true); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.changeTo = function (nextSlideIndex, reversed, isSystem, customAnimation) { nextSlideIndex = parseInt(nextSlideIndex); if (nextSlideIndex !== this.currentSlide.index) { n2c.log('Event: sliderSwitchTo: ', 'targetSlideIndex'); this.sliderElement.trigger('sliderSwitchTo', [nextSlideIndex, this.getRealIndex(nextSlideIndex)]); var time = $.now(); $.when($.when.apply($, this.backgrounds.preLoadSlides(this.getVisibleSlides(this.slides[nextSlideIndex]))), this.focus(isSystem)).done($.proxy(function () { if (this.mainAnimationLastChangeTime <= time) { this.mainAnimationLastChangeTime = time; // If the current main animation haven't finished yet or the prefered next slide is the same as our current slide we have nothing to do var state = this.mainAnimation.getState(); if (state === 'ended') { if (typeof isSystem === 'undefined') { isSystem = false; } var animation = this.mainAnimation; if (typeof customAnimation !== 'undefined') { animation = customAnimation; } this._changeTo(nextSlideIndex, reversed, isSystem, customAnimation); n2c.log('Change From:', this.currentSlide.index, ' To: ', nextSlideIndex, ' Reversed: ', reversed, ' System: ', isSystem); animation.changeTo(this.currentSlide, this.slides[nextSlideIndex], reversed, isSystem); this._changeCurrentSlide(nextSlideIndex); } else if (state === 'initAnimation' || state === 'playing') { this.sliderElement.off('.fastChange').one('mainAnimationComplete.fastChange', $.proxy(function () { this.changeTo.call(this, nextSlideIndex, reversed, isSystem, customAnimation); }, this)); this.mainAnimation.timeScale(this.mainAnimation.timeScale() * 2); } } }, this)); return true; } return false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype._changeCurrentSlide = function (index) { this.currentRealSlide = this.currentSlide = this.slides[index]; this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('sliderChangeCurrentSlide'); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype._changeTo = function (nextSlideIndex, reversed, isSystem, customAnimation) { }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.revertTo = function (nextSlideIndex, originalNextSlideIndex) { this.unsetActiveSlide(this.slides[originalNextSlideIndex]); this.setActiveSlide(this.slides[nextSlideIndex]); this._changeCurrentSlide(nextSlideIndex); this.sliderElement.trigger('sliderSwitchTo', [nextSlideIndex, this.getRealIndex(nextSlideIndex)]); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.setActiveSlide = function (slide) { slide.$element.addClass('n2-ss-slide-active'); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.unsetActiveSlide = function (slide) { slide.$element.removeClass('n2-ss-slide-active'); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.findSlideByElement = function (element) { element = $(element); for (var i = 0; i < this.realSlides.length; i++) { if (this.realSlides[i].$element.has(element).length === 1) { return this.realSlides[i]; } } return false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.findSlideIndexByElement = function (element) { var slide = this.findSlideByElement(element); if (slide) { return slide; } return -1; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.initMainAnimation = function () { this.mainAnimation = false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.initResponsiveMode = function () { this.dimensions = this.responsive.responsiveDimensions; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.hasTouch = function () { return this.parameters.controls.touch != '0' && this.slides.length > 1; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.initControls = function () { if (!this.parameters.admin) { if (this.hasTouch()) { switch (this.parameters.controls.touch) { case 'vertical': new N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouchVertical(this); break; case 'horizontal': new N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal(this); break; } } if (this.parameters.controls.keyboard) { if (typeof this.controls.touch !== 'undefined') { new N2Classes.SmartSliderControlKeyboard(this, this.controls.touch.axis); } else { new N2Classes.SmartSliderControlKeyboard(this, 'horizontal'); } } if (this.parameters.controls.mousewheel) { new N2Classes.SmartSliderControlMouseWheel(this); } this.controlAutoplay = new N2Classes.SmartSliderControlAutoplay(this, this.parameters.autoplay); this.controlFullscreen = new N2Classes.SmartSliderControlFullscreen(this); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.getSlideIndex = function (index) { return index; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.slideToID = function (id, direction) { for (var i = 0; i < this.realSlides.length; i++) { if (this.realSlides[i].id === id) { return this.slide(this.getSlideIndex(i), direction); } } var slider = $('[data-id="' + id + '"]').closest('.n2-ss-slider'); if (slider.length && this.id === slider.data('ss').id) { return true; } if (slider.length) { $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: slider.offset().top}, 400); return slider.data('ss').slideToID(id, direction); } }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.slide = function (index, direction) { if (index >= 0 && index < this.slides.length) { if (direction === undefined) { if (parseInt(this.parameters.carousel)) { if (this.currentSlide.index === this.slides.length - 1 && index === 0) { return this.next(); } else { if (this.currentSlide.index > index) { return this.changeTo(index, true); } else { return this.changeTo(index); } } } else { if (this.currentSlide.index > index) { return this.changeTo(index, true); } else { return this.changeTo(index); } } } else { return this.changeTo(index, !direction); } } return false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.startAutoplay = function (e) { if (typeof this.controlAutoplay !== 'undefined') { this.controlAutoplay.pauseAutoplayExtraPlayingEnded(e, 'autoplayButton'); return true; } return false; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.getAnimationAxis = function () { return 'horizontal'; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.getDirectionPrevious = function () { if (n2const.isRTL() && this.getAnimationAxis() === 'horizontal') { return 'next'; } return 'previous'; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.getDirectionNext = function () { if (n2const.isRTL() && this.getAnimationAxis() === 'horizontal') { return 'previous'; } return 'next'; }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.previousWithDirection = function () { return this[this.getDirectionPrevious()](); }; SmartSliderAbstract.prototype.nextWithDirection = function () { return this[this.getDirectionNext()](); }; return SmartSliderAbstract; }); N2D('SmartSliderWidgets', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @constructor */ function SmartSliderWidgets(slider) { this.slider = slider; this.sliderElement = slider.sliderElement.on('BeforeVisible', $.proxy(this.onReady, this)); this.widgets = {}; this.excludedSlides = {}; this.states = { hover: false, nonCarouselFirst: false, nonCarouselLast: false, currentSlideIndex: -1, singleSlide: false }; this.widgets = { previous: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-arrow-previous'), next: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-arrow-next'), bullet: this.sliderElement.find('.n2-ss-control-bullet'), autoplay: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-autoplay'), indicator: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-indicator'), bar: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-bar'), thumbnail: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-thumbnail'), shadow: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-shadow'), fullscreen: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-fullscreen'), html: this.sliderElement.find('.nextend-widget-html') }; } SmartSliderWidgets.prototype.setState = function (name, value) { if (this.states[name] != value) { this.states[name] = value; var parts = name.split('.'); switch (parts[0]) { case 'hide': this.onStateChangeSingle(parts[1]); break; case 'nonCarouselFirst': this.onStateChangeSingle(this.slider.getDirectionPrevious()); break; case 'nonCarouselLast': this.onStateChangeSingle(this.slider.getDirectionNext()); break; default: this.onStateChangeAll(); break; } } }; SmartSliderWidgets.prototype.onStateChangeAll = function () { for (var k in this.widgets) { this.onStateChangeSingle(k); } }; SmartSliderWidgets.prototype.onStateChangeSingle = function (widgetName) { if (this.widgets[widgetName].length) { var state = true; if (this.widgets[widgetName].hasClass('n2-ss-widget-display-hover')) { state = this.states.hover; } if (state) { if (widgetName === this.slider.getDirectionPrevious() && this.states.nonCarouselFirst) { state = false; } else if (widgetName === this.slider.getDirectionNext() && this.states.nonCarouselLast) { state = false; } } if (state) { var key = widgetName + '-' + (this.states.currentSlideIndex + 1); if (this.excludedSlides[key]) { state = false; } } if (state && this.states['hide.' + widgetName] !== undefined && this.states['hide.' + widgetName]) { state = false; } if (state && this.states['singleSlide']) { if (widgetName === 'previous' || widgetName === 'next' || widgetName === 'bullet' || widgetName === 'autoplay' || widgetName === 'indicator') { state = false; } } this.widgets[widgetName].toggleClass('n2-ss-widget-hidden', !state); } }; SmartSliderWidgets.prototype.onReady = function () { this.slider.sliderElement .on('slideCountChanged', $.proxy(function () { this.setState('singleSlide', this.slider.slides.length <= 1); }, this) ); this.dimensions = this.slider.dimensions; this.$vertical = this.sliderElement.find('[data-position="above"],[data-position="below"]').not('.nextend-shadow'); var hasExcluded = false for (var k in this.widgets) { var exclude = this.widgets[k].attr('data-exclude-slides'); if (exclude !== undefined) { var excludedSlides = exclude.split(','); for (var i = excludedSlides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var parts = excludedSlides[i].split('-'); if (parts.length === 2) { var start = parseInt(parts[0]), end = parseInt(parts[1]); if (start <= end) { for (var j = start; j <= end; j++) { excludedSlides.push(j); } } } else { excludedSlides[i] = parseInt(excludedSlides[i]); } } if (excludedSlides.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < excludedSlides.length; i++) { this.excludedSlides[k + '-' + excludedSlides[i]] = true; } hasExcluded = true; } } } if (hasExcluded) { var refreshSlideIndex = $.proxy(function (e, targetSlideIndex) { this.setState('currentSlideIndex', targetSlideIndex); }, this); refreshSlideIndex(null, this.slider.currentRealSlide.index); this.slider.sliderElement .on({ sliderSwitchTo: refreshSlideIndex }); } this.variableElementsDimension = { width: this.sliderElement.find('[data-sswidth]'), height: this.sliderElement.find('[data-ssheight]') }; this.variableElements = { top: this.sliderElement.find('[data-sstop]'), right: this.sliderElement.find('[data-ssright]'), bottom: this.sliderElement.find('[data-ssbottom]'), left: this.sliderElement.find('[data-ssleft]') }; this.slider.sliderElement.on('SliderAnimatedResize', $.proxy(this.onAnimatedResize, this)); this.slider.sliderElement.on('SliderResize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this)); this.slider.sliderElement.one('slideCountChanged', $.proxy(function () { this.onResize(this.slider.responsive.lastRatios); }, this)); this.onResize(this.slider.responsive.lastRatios); this.onStateChangeAll(); }; SmartSliderWidgets.prototype.onAnimatedResize = function (e, ratios, timeline, duration) { for (var key in this.widgets) { var el = this.widgets[key], visible = el.is(":visible"); this.dimensions[key + 'width'] = visible ? el.outerWidth(false) : 0; this.dimensions[key + 'height'] = visible ? el.outerHeight(false) : 0; } // Compatibility variables for the old version this.dimensions['width'] = this.dimensions.slider.width; this.dimensions['height'] = this.dimensions.slider.height; this.dimensions['outerwidth'] = this.sliderElement.parent().width(); this.dimensions['outerheight'] = this.sliderElement.parent().height(); this.dimensions['canvaswidth'] = this.dimensions.slide.width; this.dimensions['canvasheight'] = this.dimensions.slide.height; this.dimensions['margintop'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginTop; this.dimensions['marginright'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginRight; this.dimensions['marginbottom'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginBottom; this.dimensions['marginleft'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginLeft; var variableText = ''; for (var key in this.dimensions) { var value = this.dimensions[key]; if (typeof value == "object") { for (var key2 in value) { if (typeof value[key2] == "number") { variableText += "var " + key + key2 + " = " + value[key2] + ";"; } } } else if (typeof value == "number") { variableText += "var " + key + " = " + value + ";"; } } eval(variableText); for (var k in this.variableElementsDimension) { for (var i = 0; i < this.variableElementsDimension[k].length; i++) { var el = this.variableElementsDimension[k].eq(i); if (el.is(':visible')) { var to = {}; try { to[k] = eval(el.data('ss' + k)) + 'px'; for (var widget in this.widgets) { if (this.widgets[widget].filter(el).length) { if (k == 'width') { this.dimensions[widget + k] = el.outerWidth(false); } else if (k == 'height') { this.dimensions[widget + k] = el.outerHeight(false); } eval(widget + k + " = " + this.dimensions[widget + k] + ";"); } } } catch (e) { console.log(el, ' position variable: ' + e.message + ': ', el.data('ss' + k)); } timeline.to(el, duration, to, 0); } } } for (var k in this.variableElements) { for (var i = 0; i < this.variableElements[k].length; i++) { var el = this.variableElements[k].eq(i); try { var to = {}; to[k] = eval(el.data('ss' + k)) + 'px'; timeline.to(el, duration, to, 0); } catch (e) { console.log(el, ' position variable: ' + e.message + ': ', el.data('ss' + k)); } } } }; SmartSliderWidgets.prototype.onResize = function (e, ratios, responsive, timeline) { if (timeline) { return; } for (var k in this.variableElements) { for (var i = 0; i < this.variableElements[k].length; i++) { var last = this.variableElements[k].data('n2Last' + k); if (last > 0) { this.variableElements[k].css(k, 0); } } } for (var key in this.widgets) { var el = this.widgets[key], visible = el.length && el.is(":visible"); if (el.length && el.is(":visible")) { this.dimensions[key + 'width'] = el.outerWidth(false); this.dimensions[key + 'height'] = el.outerHeight(false); } else { this.dimensions[key + 'width'] = 0; this.dimensions[key + 'height'] = 0; } } for (var k in this.variableElements) { for (var i = 0; i < this.variableElements[k].length; i++) { var last = this.variableElements[k].data('n2Last' + k); if (last > 0) { this.variableElements[k].css(k, last); } } } // Compatibility variables for the old version this.dimensions['width'] = this.dimensions.slider.width; this.dimensions['height'] = this.dimensions.slider.height; this.dimensions['outerwidth'] = this.sliderElement.parent().width(); this.dimensions['outerheight'] = this.sliderElement.parent().height(); this.dimensions['canvaswidth'] = this.dimensions.slide.width; this.dimensions['canvasheight'] = this.dimensions.slide.height; this.dimensions['margintop'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginTop; this.dimensions['marginright'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginRight; this.dimensions['marginbottom'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginBottom; this.dimensions['marginleft'] = this.dimensions.slider.marginLeft; var variableText = ''; for (var key in this.dimensions) { var value = this.dimensions[key]; if (typeof value == "object") { for (var key2 in value) { if (typeof value[key2] == "number") { variableText += "var " + key + key2 + " = " + value[key2] + ";"; } } } else if (typeof value == "number") { variableText += "var " + key + " = " + value + ";"; } } eval(variableText); for (var k in this.variableElementsDimension) { for (var i = 0; i < this.variableElementsDimension[k].length; i++) { var el = this.variableElementsDimension[k].eq(i); if (el.is(':visible')) { try { el.css(k, eval(el.data('ss' + k)) + 'px'); for (var widget in this.widgets) { if (this.widgets[widget].filter(el).length) { if (k == 'width') { this.dimensions[widget + k] = el.outerWidth(false); } else if (k == 'height') { this.dimensions[widget + k] = el.outerHeight(false); } eval(widget + k + " = " + this.dimensions[widget + k] + ";"); } } } catch (e) { console.log(el, ' position variable: ' + e.message + ': ', el.data('ss' + k)); } } } } for (var k in this.variableElements) { for (var i = 0; i < this.variableElements[k].length; i++) { var el = this.variableElements[k].eq(i); try { var value = eval(el.data('ss' + k)); el.css(k, value + 'px'); el.data('n2Last' + k, value); } catch (e) { console.log(el, ' position variable: ' + e.message + ': ', el.data('ss' + k)); } } } this.slider.responsive.refreshStaticSizes(); }; return SmartSliderWidgets; }); N2D('SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @param parameters * @constructor */ function SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract(slider, parameters) { this.state = 'ended'; this.isTouch = false; this.isReverseAllowed = true; this.isReverseEnabled = false; this.reverseSlideIndex = null; this.isNoAnimation = false; this.slider = slider; this.parameters = $.extend({ duration: 1500, ease: 'easeInOutQuint' }, parameters); this.parameters.duration /= 1000; this.sliderElement = slider.sliderElement; this.timeline = new NextendTimeline({ paused: true }); this.sliderElement.on('mainAnimationStart', $.proxy(function (e, animation, currentSlideIndex, nextSlideIndex) { this._revertCurrentSlideIndex = currentSlideIndex; this._revertNextSlideIndex = nextSlideIndex; }, this)); } SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.setToStarterSlide = function (slide) { }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.enableReverseMode = function () { this.isReverseEnabled = true; this.reverseTimeline = new NextendTimeline({ paused: true }); this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('reverseModeEnabled', this.reverseSlideIndex); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.disableReverseMode = function () { this.isReverseEnabled = false; }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.setTouch = function (direction) { this.isTouch = direction; }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.setTouchProgress = function (progress) { if (this.state !== 'ended') { if (this.isReverseEnabled) { if (progress === 0) { this.reverseTimeline.progress(0); this.timeline.progress(progress, false); } else if (progress >= 0 && progress <= 1) { this.reverseTimeline.progress(0); this.timeline.progress(progress); } else if (progress < 0 && progress >= -1) { this.timeline.progress(0); this.reverseTimeline.progress(Math.abs(progress)); } } else { if (progress <= 0) { this.timeline.progress(Math.max(progress, 0.000001), false); } else if (progress >= 0 && progress <= 1) { this.timeline.progress(progress); } } } }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.setTouchEnd = function (hasDirection, progress, duration) { if (this.state != 'ended') { if (this.isReverseEnabled) { this._setTouchEndWithReverse(hasDirection, progress, duration); } else { this._setTouchEnd(hasDirection, progress, duration); } } }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype._setTouchEnd = function (hasDirection, progress, duration) { if (hasDirection && progress > 0) { this.fixTouchDuration(this.timeline, progress, duration); this.timeline.play(); } else { this.revertCB(this.timeline); this.fixTouchDuration(this.timeline, 1 - progress, duration); this.timeline.reverse(); this.willRevertTo(this._revertCurrentSlideIndex, this._revertNextSlideIndex); } }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype._setTouchEndWithReverse = function (hasDirection, progress, duration) { if (hasDirection) { if (progress < 0 && this.reverseTimeline.totalDuration() > 0) { this.fixTouchDuration(this.reverseTimeline, progress, duration); this.reverseTimeline.play(); this.willRevertTo(this.reverseSlideIndex, this._revertNextSlideIndex); } else { this.willCleanSlideIndex(this.reverseSlideIndex); this.fixTouchDuration(this.timeline, progress, duration); this.timeline.play(); } } else { if (progress < 0) { this.revertCB(this.reverseTimeline); this.fixTouchDuration(this.reverseTimeline, 1 - progress, duration); this.reverseTimeline.reverse(); } else { this.revertCB(this.timeline); this.fixTouchDuration(this.timeline, 1 - progress, duration); this.timeline.reverse(); } this.willCleanSlideIndex(this.reverseSlideIndex); this.willRevertTo(this._revertCurrentSlideIndex, this._revertNextSlideIndex); } }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.fixTouchDuration = function (timeline, progress, duration) { var totalDuration = timeline.totalDuration(), modifiedDuration = Math.max(totalDuration / 3, Math.min(totalDuration, duration / Math.abs(progress) / 1000)); if (modifiedDuration !== totalDuration) { timeline.totalDuration(modifiedDuration); } }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.getState = function () { return this.state; }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.timeScale = function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { this.timeline.timeScale(arguments[0]); return this; } return this.timeline.timeScale(); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.changeTo = function (currentSlide, nextSlide, reversed, isSystem) { this._initAnimation(currentSlide, nextSlide, reversed); this.state = 'initAnimation'; this.timeline.paused(true); this.timeline.eventCallback('onStart', this.onChangeToStart, [currentSlide, nextSlide, isSystem], this); this.timeline.eventCallback('onComplete', this.onChangeToComplete, [currentSlide, nextSlide, isSystem], this); this.timeline.eventCallback('onReverseComplete', null); this.revertCB = $.proxy(function (timeline) { timeline.eventCallback('onReverseComplete', this.onReverseChangeToComplete, [nextSlide, currentSlide, isSystem], this); }, this); if (this.slider.parameters.dynamicHeight) { var tl = new NextendTimeline(); this.slider.responsive.doResize(null, tl, nextSlide, 0.6); this.timeline.add(tl); } if (!this.isTouch) { this.timeline.play(); } }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.willRevertTo = function (slideIndex, originalNextSlideIndex) { this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('mainAnimationWillRevertTo', [slideIndex, originalNextSlideIndex]); this.sliderElement.one('mainAnimationComplete', $.proxy(this.revertTo, this, slideIndex, originalNextSlideIndex)); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.revertTo = function (slideIndex, originalNextSlideIndex) { this.slider.revertTo(slideIndex, originalNextSlideIndex); // Cancel the pre-initialized layer animations on the original next slide. this.slider.slides[originalNextSlideIndex].triggerHandler('mainAnimationStartInCancel'); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.willCleanSlideIndex = function (slideIndex) { this.sliderElement.one('mainAnimationComplete', $.proxy(this.cleanSlideIndex, this, slideIndex)); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.cleanSlideIndex = function () { }; /** * @abstract * @param currentSlide * @param nextSlide * @param reversed * @private */ SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype._initAnimation = function (currentSlide, nextSlide, reversed) { }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.onChangeToStart = function (previousSlide, currentSlide, isSystem) { this.state = 'playing'; var parameters = [this, previousSlide.index, currentSlide.index, isSystem]; n2c.log('Event: mainAnimationStart: ', parameters, '{NextendSmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract}, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex, isSystem'); this.sliderElement.trigger('mainAnimationStart', parameters); this.slider.slides[previousSlide.index].trigger('mainAnimationStartOut', parameters); this.slider.slides[currentSlide.index].trigger('mainAnimationStartIn', parameters); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.onChangeToComplete = function (previousSlide, currentSlide, isSystem) { var parameters = [this, previousSlide.index, currentSlide.index, isSystem]; this.clearTimelines(); this.disableReverseMode(); this.slider.slides[previousSlide.index].trigger('mainAnimationCompleteOut', parameters); this.slider.slides[currentSlide.index].trigger('mainAnimationCompleteIn', parameters); this.state = 'ended'; n2c.log('Event: mainAnimationComplete: ', parameters, '{NextendSmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract}, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex, isSystem'); this.sliderElement.trigger('mainAnimationComplete', parameters); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.onReverseChangeToComplete = function (previousSlide, currentSlide, isSystem) { SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.onChangeToComplete.apply(this, arguments); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.clearTimelines = function () { // When the animation done, clear the timeline this.revertCB = function () { }; this.timeline.clear(); this.timeline.timeScale(1); }; SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract.prototype.getEase = function () { if (this.isTouch) { return 'linear'; } return this.parameters.ease; }; return SmartSliderMainAnimationAbstract; }); N2D('SmartSliderControlAutoplay', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; var preventMouseEnter = false; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @param parameters * @constructor */ function SmartSliderControlAutoplay(slider, parameters) { this._paused = true; this._wait = false; this._disabled = false; this._currentCount = 0; this._progressEnabled = false; this.timeline = null; this.hasButton = false; this.deferredsMediaPlaying = null; this.deferredMouseLeave = null; this.deferredMouseEnter = null; this.mainAnimationDeferred = true; this.autoplayDeferred = null; this.slider = slider; this.parameters = $.extend({ enabled: 0, start: 1, duration: 8000, autoplayToSlide: 0, autoplayToSlideIndex: -1, allowReStart: 0, pause: { mouse: 'enter', click: true, mediaStarted: true }, resume: { click: 0, mouse: 0, mediaEnded: true } }, parameters); if (this.parameters.enabled) { this.parameters.duration /= 1000; slider.controls.autoplay = this; this.deferredsExtraPlaying = {}; this.slider.visible($.proxy(this.onReady, this)); } else { this.disable(); } this.clickHandled = false; slider.controls.autoplay = this; }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.preventClickHandle = function () { this.clickHandled = true; setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.clickHandled = false; }, this), 300); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.onReady = function () { this.autoplayDeferred = $.Deferred(); var obj = { _progress: 0 }; this.timeline = NextendTween.to(obj, this.getSlideDuration(this.slider.currentSlide.index), { _progress: 1, paused: true, onComplete: $.proxy(this.next, this) }); if (this._progressEnabled) { this.enableProgress(); } var sliderElement = this.slider.sliderElement; if (this.parameters.start) { this.continueAutoplay(); } else { this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlaying(null, 'autoplayButton'); } sliderElement.on('mainAnimationStart.autoplay', $.proxy(this.onMainAnimationStart, this)); if (this.parameters.pause.mouse != '0') { sliderElement.on("touchend.autoplay", function () { preventMouseEnter = true; setTimeout(function () { preventMouseEnter = false; }, 300) }); switch (this.parameters.pause.mouse) { case 'enter': sliderElement.on('mouseenter.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayMouseEnter, this)); sliderElement.on('mouseleave.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayMouseEnterEnded, this)); break; case 'leave': sliderElement.on('mouseleave.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayMouseLeave, this)); sliderElement.on('mouseenter.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayMouseLeaveEnded, this)); break; } } if (this.parameters.pause.click && !this.parameters.resume.click) { sliderElement.on('universalclick.autoplay', $.proxy(function (e) { if (!this.clickHandled) { this.pauseAutoplayUniversal(e); } }, this)); } else if (!this.parameters.pause.click && this.parameters.resume.click) { sliderElement.on('universalclick.autoplay', $.proxy(function (e) { if (!this.clickHandled) { this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlayingEnded(e, 'autoplayButton'); } }, this)); } else if (this.parameters.pause.click && this.parameters.resume.click) { sliderElement.on('universalclick.autoplay', $.proxy(function (e) { if (!this.clickHandled) { if (!this._paused) { this.pauseAutoplayUniversal(e); } else { this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlayingEnded(e, 'autoplayButton'); } } }, this)); } if (this.parameters.pause.mediaStarted) { this.deferredsMediaPlaying = {}; sliderElement.on('mediaStarted.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayMediaPlaying, this)); sliderElement.on('mediaEnded.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayMediaPlayingEnded, this)); } if (this.parameters.resume.mouse != '0') { switch (this.parameters.resume.mouse) { case 'enter': if (!this.hasButton || this.parameters.pause.mouse == '0') { sliderElement.on('mouseenter.autoplay', $.proxy(function (e) { this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlayingEnded(e, 'autoplayButton'); }, this)); } else { sliderElement.on('mouseenter.autoplay', $.proxy(this.continueAutoplay, this)); } break; case 'leave': if (!this.hasButton || this.parameters.pause.mouse == '0') { sliderElement.on('mouseleave.autoplay', $.proxy(function (e) { this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlayingEnded(e, 'autoplayButton'); }, this)); } else { sliderElement.on('mouseleave.autoplay', $.proxy(this.continueAutoplay, this)); } break; } } if (this.parameters.resume.mediaEnded) { sliderElement.on('mediaEnded.autoplay', $.proxy(this.continueAutoplay, this)); } sliderElement.on('autoplayExtraWait.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlaying, this)); sliderElement.on('autoplayExtraContinue.autoplay', $.proxy(this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlayingEnded, this)); this.slider.sliderElement.on('mainAnimationComplete.autoplay', $.proxy(this.onMainAnimationComplete, this)); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.enableProgress = function () { if (this.timeline) { this.timeline.eventCallback('onUpdate', $.proxy(this.onUpdate, this)); } this._progressEnabled = true; }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.onMainAnimationStart = function (e, animation, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex, isSystem) { this.mainAnimationDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.deActivate(0, 'wait'); for (var k in this.deferredsMediaPlaying) { this.deferredsMediaPlaying[k].resolve(); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.onMainAnimationComplete = function (e, animation, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex) { if (this.parameters.autoplayToSlideIndex >= 0 && this.parameters.autoplayToSlideIndex == this.slider.currentRealSlide.index + 1) { this.limitAutoplay(); } this.timeline.duration(this.getSlideDuration(currentSlideIndex)); this.mainAnimationDeferred.resolve(); this.continueAutoplay(); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.getSlideDuration = function (index) { var slide = this.slider.realSlides[this.slider.getRealIndex(index)], duration = slide.minimumSlideDuration; if (duration == 0) { duration = this.parameters.duration; } return duration; }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.continueAutoplay = function (e) { if (this.autoplayDeferred.state() == 'pending') { this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); } var deferreds = []; for (var k in this.deferredsExtraPlaying) { deferreds.push(this.deferredsExtraPlaying[k]); } for (var k in this.deferredsMediaPlaying) { deferreds.push(this.deferredsMediaPlaying[k]); } if (this.deferredMouseEnter) { deferreds.push(this.deferredMouseEnter); } if (this.deferredMouseLeave) { deferreds.push(this.deferredMouseLeave); } deferreds.push(this.mainAnimationDeferred); this.autoplayDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.autoplayDeferred.done($.proxy(this._continueAutoplay, this)); $.when.apply($, deferreds).done($.proxy(function () { if (this.autoplayDeferred.state() == 'pending') { this.autoplayDeferred.resolve(); } }, this)); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype._continueAutoplay = function () { if ((this._paused || this._wait) && !this._disabled) { this._paused = false; this._wait = false; n2c.log('Event: autoplayStarted'); this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('autoplayStarted'); if (this.timeline.progress() == 1) { this.timeline.pause(0, false); } this.startTimeout(null); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayUniversal = function (e) { //this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); this.pauseAutoplayExtraPlaying(e, 'autoplayButton'); this.deActivate(null, 'pause'); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayMouseEnter = function () { if (!preventMouseEnter) { this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); this.deferredMouseEnter = $.Deferred(); this.deActivate(null, this.parameters.resume.mouse == 'leave' ? 'wait' : 'pause'); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayMouseEnterEnded = function () { if (this.deferredMouseEnter) { this.deferredMouseEnter.resolve(); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayMouseLeave = function () { this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); this.deferredMouseLeave = $.Deferred(); this.deActivate(null, this.parameters.resume.mouse == 'enter' ? 'wait' : 'pause'); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayMouseLeaveEnded = function () { if (this.deferredMouseLeave) { this.deferredMouseLeave.resolve(); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayMediaPlaying = function (e, obj) { if (typeof this.deferredsMediaPlaying[obj] !== 'undefined') { this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); } this.deferredsMediaPlaying[obj] = $.Deferred(); this.deActivate(null, 'wait'); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayMediaPlayingEnded = function (e, obj) { if (typeof this.deferredsMediaPlaying[obj] !== 'undefined') { this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); this.deferredsMediaPlaying[obj].resolve(); delete this.deferredsMediaPlaying[obj]; } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayExtraPlaying = function (e, obj) { if (typeof this.deferredsExtraPlaying[obj] !== 'undefined') { this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); } this.deferredsExtraPlaying[obj] = $.Deferred(); this.deActivate(null, 'pause'); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.pauseAutoplayExtraPlayingEnded = function (e, obj) { if (typeof this.deferredsExtraPlaying[obj] !== 'undefined') { this.autoplayDeferred.reject(); this.deferredsExtraPlaying[obj].resolve(); delete this.deferredsExtraPlaying[obj]; } this.continueAutoplay(); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.deActivate = function (seekTo, mode) { if (mode == 'pause') { if (!this._paused) { this._paused = true; if (seekTo !== 0) { n2c.log('Event: autoplayPaused'); this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('autoplayPaused'); } } } else if (mode == 'wait') { if (!this._wait) { this._wait = true; if (seekTo !== 0) { n2c.log('Event: autoplayWait'); this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('autoplayWait'); } } } if (this.timeline) { this.timeline.pause(seekTo, false); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.disable = function () { this.deActivate(0, 'pause'); this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('autoplayPaused'); this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('autoplayDisabled'); this.slider.sliderElement.off('.autoplay'); n2c.log('Autoplay: disable'); this._disabled = true; }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.startTimeout = function (time) { if (!this._paused && !this._disabled) { this.timeline.play(time); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.next = function () { this.timeline.pause(); this._currentCount++; /** * We have reached the maximum slides in the autoplay so disable it completely */ if (this.parameters.autoplayToSlide > 0 && this._currentCount >= this.parameters.autoplayToSlide || this.parameters.autoplayToSlideIndex >= 0 && this.parameters.autoplayToSlideIndex == this.slider.currentRealSlide.index + 2) { this.limitAutoplay(); } this.slider.nextCarousel(true); }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.limitAutoplay = function () { n2c.log('Autoplay: auto play to slide value reached'); if (!this.parameters.allowReStart) { this.disable(); } else { this._currentCount = 0; this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('autoplayExtraWait', 'autoplayButton'); } }; SmartSliderControlAutoplay.prototype.onUpdate = function () { this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('autoplay', this.timeline.progress()); }; return SmartSliderControlAutoplay; }); N2D('SmartSliderControlFullscreen', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @param direction * @param parameters * @constructor */ function SmartSliderControlFullscreen(slider, direction, parameters) { this.slider = slider; this.responsive = this.slider.responsive; this._type = this.responsive.parameters.type; this._forceFull = this.responsive.parameters.forceFull; this.forceFullpage = this._type == 'auto' || this._type == 'fullwidth' || this._type == 'fullpage'; if (this.forceFullpage) { this._upscale = this.responsive.parameters.upscale; this._minimumHeightRatio = $.extend({}, this.responsive.parameters.minimumHeightRatio); this._maximumHeightRatio = $.extend({}, this.responsive.parameters.maximumHeightRatio); } this.isFullScreen = false; this.fullParent = this.slider.sliderElement.closest('.n2-ss-align'); this.browserSpecific = {}; var elem = this.slider.sliderElement[0]; if (elem.requestFullscreen) { this.browserSpecific.requestFullscreen = 'requestFullscreen'; this.browserSpecific.event = 'fullscreenchange'; } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { this.browserSpecific.requestFullscreen = 'msRequestFullscreen'; this.browserSpecific.event = 'MSFullscreenChange'; } else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) { this.browserSpecific.requestFullscreen = 'mozRequestFullScreen'; this.browserSpecific.event = 'mozfullscreenchange'; } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { this.browserSpecific.requestFullscreen = 'webkitRequestFullscreen'; this.browserSpecific.event = 'webkitfullscreenchange'; } else { this.browserSpecific.requestFullscreen = 'nextendRequestFullscreen'; this.browserSpecific.event = 'nextendfullscreenchange'; this.fullParent[0][this.browserSpecific.requestFullscreen] = $.proxy(function () { this.fullParent.css({ position: 'fixed', left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', backgroundColor: '#000', zIndex: 1000000 }); document.fullscreenElement = this.fullParent[0]; this.triggerEvent(document, this.browserSpecific.event); $(window).trigger('resize'); }, this); } if (document.exitFullscreen) { this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen = 'exitFullscreen'; } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen = 'msExitFullscreen'; } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen = 'mozCancelFullScreen'; } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen = 'webkitExitFullscreen'; } else { this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen = 'nextendExitFullscreen'; this.fullParent[0][this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen] = $.proxy(function () { this.fullParent.css({ position: '', left: '', top: '', width: '', height: '', backgroundColor: '', zIndex: '' }); document.fullscreenElement = null; this.triggerEvent(document, this.browserSpecific.event); }, this); } document.addEventListener(this.browserSpecific.event, $.proxy(this.fullScreenChange, this)); }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype.switchState = function () { this.isFullScreen = !this.isFullScreen; if (this.isFullScreen) { this._fullScreen(); } else { this._normalScreen(); } }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype.requestFullscreen = function () { if (!this.isFullScreen) { this.isFullScreen = true; this._fullScreen(); return true; } return false; }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype.exitFullscreen = function () { if (this.isFullScreen) { this.isFullScreen = false; this._normalScreen(); return true; } return false; }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype.triggerEvent = function (el, eventName) { var event; if (document.createEvent) { event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent(eventName, true, true); } else if (document.createEventObject) {// IE < 9 event = document.createEventObject(); event.eventType = eventName; } event.eventName = eventName; if (el.dispatchEvent) { el.dispatchEvent(event); } else if (el.fireEvent && htmlEvents['on' + eventName]) {// IE < 9 el.fireEvent('on' + event.eventType, event);// can trigger only real event (e.g. 'click') } else if (el[eventName]) { el[eventName](); } else if (el['on' + eventName]) { el['on' + eventName](); } }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype._fullScreen = function () { if (this.forceFullpage) { this.responsive.isFullScreen = true; this.responsive.parameters.type = 'fullpage'; this.responsive.parameters.upscale = true; this.responsive.parameters.forceFull = false; this._marginLeft = this.responsive.containerElement[0].style.marginLeft; this.responsive.containerElement.css(n2const.rtl.marginLeft, 0); } this.fullParent.css({ width: '100%', height: '100%', backgroundColor: $('body').css('background-color') }).addClass("n2-ss-in-fullscreen"); this.fullParent.get(0)[this.browserSpecific.requestFullscreen](); }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype._normalScreen = function () { if (document[this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen]) { document[this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen](); } else if (this.fullParent[0][this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen]) { this.fullParent[0][this.browserSpecific.exitFullscreen](); } }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype.fullScreenChange = function () { if (this.isDocumentInFullScreenMode()) { this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('n2FullScreen'); $('html').addClass('n2-in-fullscreen'); this.isFullScreen = true; $(window).trigger('resize'); //needed for Safari } else { if (this.forceFullpage) { this.responsive.isFullScreen = false; this.responsive.parameters.type = this._type; this.responsive.parameters.upscale = this._upscale; this.responsive.parameters.forceFull = this._forceFull; this.responsive.parameters.minimumHeightRatio = this._minimumHeightRatio; this.responsive.parameters.maximumHeightRatio = this._maximumHeightRatio; this.responsive.containerElement.css(n2const.rtl.marginLeft, this._marginLeft); this.fullParent.css({ width: '', height: '', backgroundColor: '' }).removeClass("n2-ss-in-fullscreen"); $('html').removeClass('n2-in-fullscreen'); $(window).trigger('resize'); this.isFullScreen = false; this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('n2ExitFullScreen'); } } }; SmartSliderControlFullscreen.prototype.isDocumentInFullScreenMode = function () { // Note that the browser fullscreen (triggered by short keys) might // be considered different from content fullscreen when expecting a boolean return ((document.fullscreenElement && document.fullscreenElement !== null) || // alternative standard methods (document.msFullscreenElement && document.msFullscreenElement !== null) || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen); // current working methods }; return SmartSliderControlFullscreen; }); N2D('SmartSliderControlKeyboard', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; var keyboardManager; function KeyboardManager() { /** * @type {SmartSliderControlKeyboard[]} */ this.controls = []; document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove.bind(this), { capture: true }); } KeyboardManager.prototype.onMouseMove = function (e) { this.mouseEvent = e; }; /** * @param {SmartSliderControlKeyboard} control */ KeyboardManager.prototype.addControl = function (control) { this.controls.push(control); }; KeyboardManager.prototype.onKeyDown = function (e) { if (e.target.tagName.match(/BODY|DIV|IMG/) && !e.target.isContentEditable) { var $slider; if (this.mouseEvent) { $slider = this.findSlider(document.elementFromPoint(this.mouseEvent.clientX, this.mouseEvent.clientY)); if ($slider) { $slider.trigger('SliderKeyDown', e); return; } } if (document.activeElement !== document.body) { $slider = this.findSlider(document.activeElement); if ($slider) { $slider.trigger('SliderKeyDown', e); return; } } for (var i = 0; i < this.controls.length; i++) { this.controls[i].onKeyDown(false, e); } } }; KeyboardManager.prototype.findSlider = function (element) { var $slider, $element = $(element); if (!$element.hasClass('n2-ss-slider')) { $slider = $element.closest('.n2-ss-slider'); } else { $slider = $element; } if ($slider.length) { return $slider; } return false; }; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @param direction * @param parameters * @constructor */ function SmartSliderControlKeyboard(slider, direction, parameters) { this.slider = slider; this.parameters = $.extend({}, parameters); if (direction === 'vertical') { this.parseEvent = SmartSliderControlKeyboard.prototype.parseEventVertical; } else { this.parseEvent = SmartSliderControlKeyboard.prototype.parseEventHorizontal; } if (!keyboardManager) { keyboardManager = new KeyboardManager(); } keyboardManager.addControl(this); this.slider.sliderElement.on('SliderKeyDown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this)); slider.controls.keyboard = this; } SmartSliderControlKeyboard.prototype.isSliderOnScreen = function () { var offset = this.slider.sliderElement.offset(), scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), height = this.slider.sliderElement.height(); if (offset.top + height * 0.5 >= scrollTop && offset.top - height * 0.5 <= scrollTop + $(window).height()) { return true; } return false; }; SmartSliderControlKeyboard.prototype.onKeyDown = function (e, keyDownEvent) { if (!keyDownEvent.defaultPrevented && this.isSliderOnScreen()) { if (this.parseEvent.call(this, keyDownEvent)) { keyDownEvent.preventDefault(); } } }; SmartSliderControlKeyboard.prototype.parseEventHorizontal = function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 39: // right arrow this.slider[n2const.isRTL() ? 'previous' : 'next'](); return true; case 37: // left arrow this.slider[n2const.isRTL() ? 'next' : 'previous'](); return true; default: return false; } }; SmartSliderControlKeyboard.prototype.parseEventVertical = function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 40: // down arrow if (!this.slider.isChangeCarousel('next') || !this.slider.parameters.controls.blockCarouselInteraction) { this.slider.next(); return true; } return false; case 38: // up arrow if (!this.slider.isChangeCarousel('previous') || !this.slider.parameters.controls.blockCarouselInteraction) { this.slider.previous(); return true; } return false; default: return false; } }; return SmartSliderControlKeyboard; }); N2D('SmartSliderControlMouseWheel', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @constructor */ function SmartSliderControlMouseWheel(slider) { this.preventScroll = { local: false, global: false, localTimeout: false, globalTimeout: false }; this.slider = slider; document.addEventListener('wheel', $.proxy(this.onGlobalMouseWheel, this), { passive: false }); slider.controls.mouseWheel = this; } SmartSliderControlMouseWheel.prototype.hasScrollableParentRecursive = function (isUp, el) { if (el === this.slider.sliderElement[0]) { return false; } if (el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight) { var overflow = $(el).css('overflow'); if (overflow !== 'hidden' && overflow !== 'visible') { if (isUp) { if (el.scrollTop > 0) { return true; } } else { if (el.scrollTop + el.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight) { return true; } } } } return this.hasScrollableParentRecursive(isUp, el.parentNode); }; SmartSliderControlMouseWheel.prototype.onGlobalMouseWheel = function (e) { if (this.preventScroll.local) { e.preventDefault(); } else { if (this.preventScroll.global) { e.preventDefault(); } if (this.slider.sliderElement[0] === e.target || $.contains(this.slider.sliderElement[0], e.target)) { if (!e.shiftKey && !this.hasScrollableParentRecursive(e.deltaY < 0, e.target)) { this.onMouseWheel(e); } } } }; SmartSliderControlMouseWheel.prototype.onMouseWheel = function (e) { var up = e.deltaY < 0; if (up) { if (!this.slider.isChangeCarousel('previous') || !this.slider.parameters.controls.blockCarouselInteraction) { this.slider.previous(); e.preventDefault(); this.local1(); this.global(); } } else { if (!this.slider.isChangeCarousel('next') || !this.slider.parameters.controls.blockCarouselInteraction) { this.slider.next(); e.preventDefault(); this.local1(); this.global(); } } }; SmartSliderControlMouseWheel.prototype.local1 = function () { if (this.preventScroll.local !== false) { clearTimeout(this.preventScroll.localTimeout); } this.preventScroll.local = true; this.preventScroll.localTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.preventScroll.local = false; }, this), 1000); }; SmartSliderControlMouseWheel.prototype.global = function () { if (this.preventScroll.global !== false) { clearTimeout(this.preventScroll.globalTimeout); } this.preventScroll.global = true; this.preventScroll.globalTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.preventScroll.global = false; }, this), 1500); }; return SmartSliderControlMouseWheel; }); N2D('SmartSliderControlTouch', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @constructor * @abstract */ function SmartSliderControlTouch(slider) { this.slider = slider; this.minDistance = 10; /** * true if the drag will update the progress of the animation during interaction * false if the drag translated into swipe at the end of the interaction * @type {boolean} */ this.interactiveDrag = true; this.preventMultipleTap = false; this._animation = slider.mainAnimation; this.swipeElement = this.slider.sliderElement.find('> .n2-ss-swipe-element'); this.$window = $(window); if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1) { var parent = this.swipeElement.parent(); if (parent.css('opacity') !== "1") { this.swipeElement.parent().one('transitionend', $.proxy(this.initTouch, this)); } else { this.initTouch(); } } else { this.initTouch(); } this.slider.sliderElement.on('sliderChangeCurrentSlide', $.proxy(this.updatePanDirections, this)); this.swipeElement.addClass('n2-grab'); slider.controls.touch = this; } SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.initTouch = function () { if (this._animation.isNoAnimation) { this.interactiveDrag = false; } this.eventBurrito = N2Classes.EventBurrito(this.swipeElement.get(0), { mouse: true, axis: this.axis === 'horizontal' ? 'x' : 'y', start: $.proxy(this._start, this), move: $.proxy(this._move, this), end: $.proxy(this._end, this) }); this.updatePanDirections(); this.cancelKineticScroll = $.proxy(function () { this.kineticScrollCancelled = true; }, this); }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype._start = function (event) { this.currentInteraction = { type: event.type === 'pointerdown' ? 'pointer' : (event.type === 'touchstart' ? 'touch' : 'mouse'), state: $.extend({}, this.state), action: 'unknown', distance: [], distanceY: [], percent: 0, progress: 0, scrollTop: this.$window.scrollTop(), animationStartDirection: 'unknown', hadDirection: false }; this.logDistance(0, 0); }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype._move = function (event, start, diff, isRealScrolling) { if (!isRealScrolling || this.currentInteraction.action !== 'unknown') { this.currentInteraction.direction = this.measure(diff); var distance = this.get(diff); if (this.currentInteraction.hadDirection || Math.abs(distance) > this.minDistance || Math.abs(diff.y) > this.minDistance) { this.logDistance(distance, diff.y); if (this.currentInteraction.percent < 1) { this.setTouchProgress(distance, diff.y); } if (this.currentInteraction.type === 'touch' && event.cancelable) { if (this.currentInteraction.action === 'switch' || this.currentInteraction.action === 'hold') { this.currentInteraction.hadDirection = true; return true; } } } } return false; }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype._end = function (event, start, diff, isRealScrolling) { if (this.currentInteraction.action === 'switch') { var hasDirection = isRealScrolling ? 0 : this.measureRealDirection(); if (this.interactiveDrag) { var progress = this._animation.timeline.progress(); if (progress < 1) { this._animation.setTouchEnd(hasDirection, this.currentInteraction.progress, diff.time); } // Switch back the animation into the original mode when our touch is ended this._animation.setTouch(false); } else { if (hasDirection) { this.callAction(this.currentInteraction.animationStartDirection) } } this.swipeElement.removeClass('n2-grabbing'); } this.onEnd(); delete this.currentInteraction; if (Math.abs(diff.x) < 10 && Math.abs(diff.y) < 10) { this.onTap(event); } else { nextend.preventClick(); } }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.onEnd = function () { if (this.currentInteraction.action === 'scroll' && this.currentInteraction.type === 'pointer') { var firstDistance = this.currentInteraction.distanceY[0], lastDistance = this.currentInteraction.distanceY[this.currentInteraction.distanceY.length - 1]; /** * Simple kinetic scroll implementation */ var amplitude = (firstDistance.d - lastDistance.d) / (lastDistance.t - firstDistance.t) * 10, timestamp = Date.now(), kineticScroll = $.proxy(function () { requestAnimationFrame($.proxy(function () { var elapsed, delta; if (!this.kineticScrollCancelled && amplitude) { elapsed = Date.now() - timestamp; delta = amplitude * Math.exp(-elapsed / 325); if (delta > 1 || delta < -1) { this.$window.scrollTop(this.$window.scrollTop() + delta); kineticScroll(); return; } } delete this.kineticScrollCancelled; document.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this.cancelKineticScroll); }, this)); }, this); this.kineticScrollCancelled = false; kineticScroll(); document.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.cancelKineticScroll); } }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.setTouchProgress = function (distance, distanceY) { this.recognizeSwitchInteraction(); var progress, percent = this.getPercent(distance); this.currentInteraction.percent = percent; if (this.currentInteraction.action === 'switch') { if (this.interactiveDrag) { switch (this.currentInteraction.animationStartDirection) { case 'up': progress = percent * -1; break; case 'down': progress = percent; break; case 'left': progress = percent * -1; break; case 'right': progress = percent; break; } this.currentInteraction.progress = progress; this._animation.setTouchProgress(progress); } } else if (this.currentInteraction.action === 'unknown' || this.currentInteraction.action === 'scroll') { this.startScrollInteraction(distanceY); } }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.startScrollInteraction = function (distanceY) { /** * EDGE: pan-x and pan-y does not work with Precision Touchpad, so we must use touch-action:none * With touch-action:none, user is not able to scroll over the slider, so we must simulate kinetic scroll * @see https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/20733813/ */ if (this.axis === 'vertical' || n2const.isEdge) { /** * Scroll is not allowed in fullscreen mode */ if (!this.slider.controlFullscreen.isFullScreen) { this.currentInteraction.action = 'scroll'; if (this.currentInteraction.type === 'pointer') { /** * Pointer events do not scroll if the touch-action CSS property defined which * is required for Edge. * @see https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2017/12/07/better-precision-touchpad-experience-ptp-pointer-events/ */ this.$window.scrollTop(Math.max(0, this.currentInteraction.scrollTop - distanceY)); } } } }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.recognizeSwitchInteraction = function () { if (this.currentInteraction.action === 'unknown') { if (this._animation.state === 'ended') { var direction = this.currentInteraction.direction; if (direction !== 'unknown') { /** * This direction is allowed to change slides */ if (this.currentInteraction.state[direction]) { this.currentInteraction.animationStartDirection = direction; if (this.interactiveDrag) { // Force the main animation into touch mode horizontal/vertical this._animation.setTouch(this.axis); var isChangePossible = this.callAction(direction, false); if (!isChangePossible) { // Prevent scroll enabled, but carousel not. Do not allow to scroll } } this.currentInteraction.action = 'switch'; this.swipeElement.addClass('n2-grabbing'); } } } else if (this._animation.state === 'playing') { this.currentInteraction.action = 'hold'; } } }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.logDistance = function (realDistance, realDistanceY) { if (this.currentInteraction.distance.length > 3) { this.currentInteraction.distance.shift(); this.currentInteraction.distanceY.shift(); } this.currentInteraction.distance.push({ d: realDistance, t: Date.now() }); this.currentInteraction.distanceY.push({ d: realDistanceY, t: Date.now() }); }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.measureRealDirection = function () { var firstDistance = this.currentInteraction.distance[0], lastDistance = this.currentInteraction.distance[this.currentInteraction.distance.length - 1]; if ((lastDistance.d >= 0 && firstDistance.d > lastDistance.d) || (lastDistance.d < 0 && firstDistance.d < lastDistance.d)) { return 0; } return 1; }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.onTap = function (e) { if (!this.preventMultipleTap) { $(e.target).trigger('n2click'); this.preventMultipleTap = true; setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.preventMultipleTap = false; }, this), 500); } }; /** * @abstract */ SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.updatePanDirections = function () { }; SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.setState = function (newStates, doAction) { if (typeof arguments[0] !== 'object') { newStates = {}; newStates[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]; doAction = arguments[2]; } var isChanged = false; for (var k in newStates) { if (this.state[k] !== newStates[k]) { this.state[k] = newStates[k]; isChanged = true; } } if (isChanged && doAction && this.eventBurrito.supportsPointerEvents) { this.syncTouchAction(); } }; return SmartSliderControlTouch; }); N2D('SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal', 'SmartSliderControlTouch', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch */ function SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal() { this.state = { left: false, right: false }; this.axis = 'horizontal'; N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype); SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype.constructor = SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal; SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype.callAction = function (direction, isSystem) { switch (direction) { case 'left': return this.slider[n2const.isRTL() ? 'previous' : 'next'].call(this.slider, isSystem); case 'right': return this.slider[n2const.isRTL() ? 'next' : 'previous'].call(this.slider, isSystem); } return false; }; SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype.measure = function (diff) { if ((!this.currentInteraction.hadDirection && Math.abs(diff.x) < 10) || diff.x === 0 || Math.abs(diff.x) < Math.abs(diff.y)) return 'unknown'; return diff.x < 0 ? 'left' : 'right'; }; SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype.get = function (diff) { return diff.x; }; SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype.getPercent = function (distance) { return Math.max(-0.99999, Math.min(0.99999, distance / this.slider.dimensions.slider.width)) }; SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype.updatePanDirections = function () { var currentSlideIndex = this.slider.currentSlide.index, nextSlideAllowed = currentSlideIndex + 1 < this.slider.slides.length, previousSlideAllowed = currentSlideIndex - 1 >= 0; if (this.slider.parameters.carousel) { nextSlideAllowed = true; previousSlideAllowed = true; } if (n2const.isRTL() && this.slider.getAnimationAxis() !== 'vertical') { this.setState({ right: nextSlideAllowed, left: previousSlideAllowed }, true); } else { this.setState({ right: previousSlideAllowed, left: nextSlideAllowed }, true); } }; SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal.prototype.syncTouchAction = function () { var touchAction = { 'pan-y': false, 'none': false }; /** * EDGE: pan-y does not work with Precision Touchpad. Must use none * @see https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/20733813/ */ if (n2const.isEdge) { touchAction.none = true; } else { if (this.state.left) { touchAction['pan-y'] = true; } if (this.state.right) { touchAction['pan-y'] = true; } } var touchActions = []; for (var k in touchAction) { if (touchAction[k]) { touchActions.push(k); } } this.swipeElement.css('touch-action', touchActions.join(' ')); }; return SmartSliderControlTouchHorizontal; }); N2D('SmartSliderControlTouchVertical', 'SmartSliderControlTouch', function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch */ function SmartSliderControlTouchVertical() { this.state = { up: false, down: false }; this.action = { up: 'next', down: 'previous' }; this.axis = 'vertical'; N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype); SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.constructor = SmartSliderControlTouchVertical; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.callAction = function (direction, isSystem) { switch (direction) { case 'up': return this.slider.next.call(this.slider, isSystem); case 'down': return this.slider.previous.call(this.slider, isSystem); } return false; }; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.measure = function (diff) { if ((!this.currentInteraction.hadDirection && Math.abs(diff.y) < 1) || diff.y == 0 || Math.abs(diff.y) < Math.abs(diff.x)) return 'unknown'; return diff.y < 0 ? 'up' : 'down'; }; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.get = function (diff) { return diff.y; }; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.getPercent = function (distance) { return Math.max(-0.99999, Math.min(0.99999, distance / this.slider.dimensions.slider.height)) }; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.updatePanDirections = function () { this.setState({ down: !this.slider.isChangeCarousel('previous') || !this.slider.parameters.controls.blockCarouselInteraction, up: !this.slider.isChangeCarousel('next') || !this.slider.parameters.controls.blockCarouselInteraction }, true); }; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.syncTouchAction = function () { var touchAction = { 'pan-x': false, 'none': false }; /** * EDGE: pan-x does not work with Precision Touchpad. Must use none * @see https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/20733813/ */ if (n2const.isEdge) { touchAction.none = true; } else { if (this.state.up) { touchAction['pan-x'] = true; } if (this.state.down) { touchAction['pan-x'] = true; } } var touchActions = []; for (var k in touchAction) { if (touchAction[k]) { touchActions.push(k); } } this.swipeElement.css('touch-action', touchActions.join(' ')); }; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype._start = function (event) { this.slider.blockCarousel = true; N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype._start.apply(this, arguments); }; SmartSliderControlTouchVertical.prototype.onEnd = function (event) { N2Classes.SmartSliderControlTouch.prototype.onEnd.apply(this, arguments); this.slider.blockCarousel = false; }; return SmartSliderControlTouchVertical; }); N2D('SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground} background * @param $el * @constructor */ function SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor(background, $el) { this.$el = $el; } SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor.prototype.getLoadedDeferred = function () { return true; }; return SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor; }); N2D('SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide} slide * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderBackgrounds} manager * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground} background * @param $background * @constructor */ function SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage(slide, manager, background, $background) { this.loadStarted = false; this.loadAllowed = false; this.slide = slide; this.manager = manager; this.background = background; this.deferred = $.Deferred(); this.$background = $background; this.blur = $background.data('blur'); if (background.mode === 'blurfit') { if (window.n2FilterProperty) { this.$background = this.$background.add(this.$background.clone() .insertAfter(this.$background)); this.$background.first().css({ margin: '-' + (7 * 2) + 'px', padding: (7 * 2) + 'px' }).css(window.n2FilterProperty, 'blur(' + 7 + 'px)'); } else { background.element.attr('data-mode', 'fill'); background.mode = 'fill'; } } if (window.n2FilterProperty) { if (this.blur > 0) { this.$background.last().css({ margin: '-' + (this.blur * 2) + 'px', padding: (this.blur * 2) + 'px' }).css(window.n2FilterProperty, 'blur(' + this.blur + 'px)'); } else { this.$background.last().css({ margin: '', padding: '' }).css(window.n2FilterProperty, ''); } } if (n2const.isWaybackMachine()) { this.mobileSrc = this.tabletSrc = this.desktopSrc = $background.data('desktop'); } else { this.desktopSrc = $background.data('desktop') || ''; this.tabletSrc = $background.data('tablet') || ''; this.mobileSrc = $background.data('mobile') || ''; if (n2const.isRetina) { var retina = $background.data('desktop-retina'); if (retina) { this.desktopSrc = retina; } retina = $background.data('tablet-retina'); if (retina) { this.tabletSrc = retina; } retina = $background.data('mobile-retina'); if (retina) { this.mobileSrc = retina; } } } } SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.getLoadedDeferred = function () { return this.deferred; }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.preLoad = function () { this.loadAllowed = true; this.manager.deviceDeferred.done($.proxy(function () { this.updateBackgroundToDevice(this.manager.device); this.waitForImage(); }, this)); }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.waitForImage = function () { this.$background.n2imagesLoaded({background: true}, $.proxy(function (e) { /** * The injected element must have a background image. If some other script changed it for lazy loading * There will be no images, so we know that we have to try again to check for load later. * Swift Performance does this with lazyload-background-images option. */ if (e.images.length > 0) { var img = e.images[0].img; this.width = img.naturalWidth; this.height = img.naturalHeight; switch (this.background.mode) { case 'tile': case 'center': if (n2const.devicePixelRatio > 1) { this.$background.css('background-size', (this.width / n2const.devicePixelRatio) + 'px ' + (this.height / n2const.devicePixelRatio) + 'px'); } break; } this.deferred.resolve(); } else { setTimeout($.proxy(this.waitForImage, this), 100); } }, this)); }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.updateBackgroundToDevice = function (device) { var newSrc = this.desktopSrc; if (device.device === 'mobile') { if (this.mobileSrc) { newSrc = this.mobileSrc; } else if (this.tabletSrc) { newSrc = this.tabletSrc; } } else if (device.device === 'tablet') { if (this.tabletSrc) { newSrc = this.tabletSrc; } } if (newSrc) { this.setSrc(newSrc); } else { this.setSrc(''); } } SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.setSrc = function (src) { if (this.loadAllowed) { if (src !== this.currentSrc) { if (src === '') { this.$background.css('background-image', ''); } else { this.$background.css('background-image', 'url("' + src + '")'); } this.currentSrc = src; } } }; SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage.prototype.fadeOut = function () { NextendTween.to(this.$background, 0.3, { opacity: 0 }); }; return SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage; }); N2D('SmartSliderSlideBackground', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FrontendSliderSlide} slide * @param element * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderBackgrounds} manager * @constructor */ function SmartSliderSlideBackground(slide, element, manager) { this.loadStarted = false; this.types = this.types || { color: 'SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor', image: 'SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage', video: 'SmartSliderSlideBackgroundVideo' }; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.slide = slide; this.element = element; if (slide.slider.needBackgroundWrap) { var $elements = element.find('> *'); this.$wrapElement = $('<div class="n2-ss-slide-background-wrap n2-ow" />') .appendTo(element) .append($elements); } else { this.$wrapElement = this.element; } this.manager = manager; this.loadDeferred = $.Deferred(); /** * @type {{color: boolean|N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundColor, image: boolean|N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundImage, video: boolean|N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundVideo}} */ this.elements = { color: false, image: false, video: false }; this.currentSrc = ''; this.mode = element.data('mode'); this.opacity = element.data('opacity'); var $image = this.element.find('.n2-ss-slide-background-image'); if ($image.length) { this.elements.image = new N2Classes[this.types.image](slide, manager, this, $image); } var $color = this.element.find('.n2-ss-slide-background-color'); if ($color.length) { this.elements.color = new N2Classes[this.types.color](this, $color); } var deferreds = []; for (var k in this.elements) { if (this.elements[k]) { deferreds.push(this.elements[k].getLoadedDeferred()); } } $.when.apply($, deferreds).then($.proxy(function () { this.loadDeferred.resolve(); }, this)); } SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.preLoad = function () { if (!this.loadStarted) { this.slide.$element.find('[data-lazysrc]').each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.attr('src', $this.data('lazysrc')); }); this.loadStarted = true; } if (this.loadDeferred.state() === 'pending') { if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.preLoad(); } } return this.loadDeferred; }; SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.fadeOut = function () { if (this.elements.image) { this.elements.image.fadeOut(); } }; SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.hack = function () { NextendTween.set(this.element, { rotation: 0.0001 }); }; SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.hasColor = function () { return this.elements.color; }; SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.hasImage = function () { return this.elements.image; }; SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.hasVideo = function () { return this.elements.video; }; SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.hasBackground = function () { return this.elements.color || this.elements.image || this.elements.video; }; SmartSliderSlideBackground.prototype.updateBackgroundToDevice = function (device) { if (this.hasImage()) { this.elements.image.updateBackgroundToDevice(device); } }; return SmartSliderSlideBackground; }); N2D('FrontendComponent', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.FrontendComponentSlideAbstract} slide * @param parent * @param $layer * @param $children * @constructor */ function FrontendComponent(slide, parent, $layer, $children) { this.wraps = {}; this.isVisible = true; this.device = ''; this.children = []; this.slide = slide; this.parent = parent; this.$layer = $layer.data('layer', this); this.skipSelfAnimation = false; this.stateCBs = []; this.state = { InComplete: false }; var $mask = this.$layer.find('> .n2-ss-layer-mask'); if ($mask.length) { this.wraps.mask = $mask; } var $parallax = this.$layer.find('> .n2-ss-layer-parallax'); if ($parallax.length) { this.wraps.parallax = $parallax; } switch ($layer.data('pm')) { case 'absolute': this.placement = new N2Classes.FrontendPlacementAbsolute(this); break; case 'normal': this.placement = new N2Classes.FrontendPlacementNormal(this); break; case 'content': this.placement = new N2Classes.FrontendPlacementContent(this); break; default: this.placement = new N2Classes.FrontendPlacementDefault(this); break; } this.parallax = $layer.data('parallax'); this.baseSize = this.baseSize || 100; this.isAdaptiveFont = this.get('adaptivefont'); this.refreshBaseSize(this.getDevice('fontsize')); if ($children) { for (var i = 0; i < $children.length; i++) { switch ($children.eq(i).data('sstype')) { case 'content': this.children.push(new N2Classes.FrontendComponentContent(this.slide, this, $children.eq(i))); break; case 'row': this.children.push(new N2Classes.FrontendComponentRow(this.slide, this, $children.eq(i))); break; case 'col': this.children.push(new N2Classes.FrontendComponentCol(this.slide, this, $children.eq(i))); break; case 'group': break; default: this.children.push(new N2Classes.FrontendComponentLayer(this.slide, this, $children.eq(i))); break; } } } } FrontendComponent.prototype.setState = function (name, value) { this.state[name] = value; for (var i = 0; i < this.stateCBs.length; i++) { this.stateCBs[i].call(this, this.state); } }; FrontendComponent.prototype.addStateCallback = function (cb) { this.stateCBs.push(cb); cb.call(this, this.state); }; FrontendComponent.prototype.refreshBaseSize = function (fontSize) { if (this.isAdaptiveFont) { this.baseSize = (16 * fontSize / 100); } else { this.baseSize = this.parent.baseSize * fontSize / 100; } }; FrontendComponent.prototype.start = function () { this.placement.start(); for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].start() } var rotation = this.get('rotation') || 0; if (rotation / 360 != 0) { var $el = this.addWrap('rotation', "<div class='n2-ss-layer-rotation'></div>"); NextendTween.set($el[0], { rotationZ: rotation }); } }; FrontendComponent.prototype.onDeviceChange = function (device) { this.device = device; var wasVisible = this.isVisible; this.isVisible = this.getDevice(''); if (this.isVisible === undefined) this.isVisible = 1; if (wasVisible && !this.isVisible) { this.$layer.data('shows', 0); this.$layer.css('display', 'none'); this.$layer.triggerHandler('visibilityChange', [0]); } else if (!wasVisible && this.isVisible) { this.$layer.data('shows', 1); this.$layer.css('display', ''); this.$layer.triggerHandler('visibilityChange', [1]); } if (this.isVisible) { var fontSize = this.getDevice('fontsize'); this.refreshBaseSize(fontSize); if (this.isAdaptiveFont) { this.$layer.css('font-size', N2Classes.FontSize.toRem(16 * fontSize / 100)); } else { this.$layer.css('font-size', fontSize + '%'); } for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].onDeviceChange(device) } this.placement.onDeviceChange(device); this.onAfterDeviceChange(device); } }; FrontendComponent.prototype.onAfterDeviceChange = function (device) { }; FrontendComponent.prototype.onResize = function (ratios, dimensions, isStatic) { if (this.isVisible || this.placement.alwaysResize) { if (this.isAdaptiveFont) { var fontSize = this.getDevice('fontsize'); this.$layer.css('font-size', N2Classes.FontSize.toRem(16 * fontSize / 100)); } for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].onResize(ratios, dimensions, isStatic) } this.placement.onResize(ratios, dimensions, isStatic); } }; FrontendComponent.prototype.getDevice = function (property, def) { var value = this.$layer.data(this.device + property); if (value != undefined) { return value; } if (this.device != 'desktopportrait') { return this.$layer.data('desktopportrait' + property); } if (def !== undefined) { return def; } return 0; }; FrontendComponent.prototype.get = function (property) { return this.$layer.data(property); }; FrontendComponent.prototype.hasLayerAnimation = function () { return this.animationManager !== undefined; }; FrontendComponent.prototype.getParallaxNodes = function () { var parallaxed = []; if (this.isVisible) { if (this.parallax) { parallaxed.push(this.$layer[0]); } for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { parallaxed.push.apply(parallaxed, this.children[i].getParallaxNodes()); } } return parallaxed; }; FrontendComponent.prototype.addWrap = function (key, html) { if (this.wraps[key] === undefined) { var $el = $(html); switch (key) { case 'rotation': if (this.wraps.mask !== undefined) { $el.appendTo(this.wraps.mask); } else if (this.wraps.parallax !== undefined) { $el.appendTo(this.wraps.parallax); } else { $el.appendTo(this.$layer); } $el.append(this.getContents()); break; } this.wraps[key] = $el; } return $el; }; FrontendComponent.prototype.getContents = function () { return false; }; return FrontendComponent; }); N2D('FrontendPlacement', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param layer * @constructor */ function FrontendPlacement(layer) { this.layer = layer; this.alwaysResize = false; } FrontendPlacement.prototype.start = function () { }; FrontendPlacement.prototype.onDeviceChange = function (mode) { }; FrontendPlacement.prototype.onResize = function (ratios, dimensions, isStatic) { }; return FrontendPlacement; }); N2D('FrontendSliderSlide', ['FrontendComponentSlideAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments FrontendComponentSlideAbstract */ function FrontendSliderSlide(slider, $element, index) { this.isStaticSlide = false; this.originalIndex = index; this.index = index; this.localIndex = index; this.$element = $element.data('slide', this); this.id = this.$element.data('id'); /** * * @type {boolean|N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground|N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin} */ this.background = false; this.slides = [this]; if (!slider.parameters.admin) { this.minimumSlideDuration = $element.data('slide-duration'); if (!$.isNumeric(this.minimumSlideDuration)) { this.minimumSlideDuration = 0; } } else { this.minimumSlideDuration = 0; } var $container = $element.find('.n2-ss-layers-container'); N2Classes.FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, slider, $container); } FrontendSliderSlide.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype); FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.constructor = FrontendSliderSlide; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.init = function () { N2Classes.FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.init.call(this); var $image = this.slider.findSlideBackground(this); if ($image.length > 0) { if (this.slider.isAdmin) { this.background = new N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackgroundAdmin(this, $image, this.slider.backgrounds); } else { this.background = new N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground(this, $image, this.slider.backgrounds); } } this.$element.data('slideBackground', this.background); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.setStarterSlide = function () { N2Classes.FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.setStarterSlide.call(this); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.setIndex = function (index) { this.localIndex = this.index = index; }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.preLoad = function () { if (this.background) { return this.background.preLoad(); } return true; }; /** * Linked list * @param previousSlide */ FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.setPrevious = function (previousSlide) { this.previousSlide = previousSlide; }; /** * Linked list * @param nextSlide */ FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.setNext = function (nextSlide) { this.nextSlide = nextSlide; nextSlide.setPrevious(this); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.hasBackgroundVideo = function () { return this.background.hasVideo(); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.getTitle = function () { return this.$element.data('title'); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.getDescription = function () { return this.$element.data('description'); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.getThumbnail = function () { return this.$element.data('thumbnail'); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.getThumbnailType = function () { return this.$element.data('thumbnail-type'); }; FrontendSliderSlide.prototype.hasLink = function () { return !!this.$element.data('haslink'); }; return FrontendSliderSlide; }); N2D('FrontendComponentSlideAbstract', ['FrontendComponent'], function ($, undefined) { var SlideStatus = { NOT_INITIALIZED: -1, INITIALIZED: 0, READY_TO_START: 1, PLAYING: 2, ENDED: 3, SUSPENDED: 4 }; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} slider * @param {jQuery} $el * @constructor * @augments FrontendComponent */ function FrontendComponentSlideAbstract(slider, $el) { this.baseSize = 16; /** * @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} */ this.slider = slider; if (!this.isCurrentlyEdited()) { this.status = SlideStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED; N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.constructor.call(this, this, this, $el, $el.find('> .n2-ss-layer, > .n2-ss-layer-group')); this.skipSelfAnimation = true; this.slider.sliderElement.on({ SliderDeviceOrientation: $.proxy(function (e, modes) { this.onDeviceChange(modes.device + modes.orientation.toLowerCase()); }, this), SliderResize: $.proxy(function (e, ratios, responsive) { this.onResize(ratios, responsive.responsiveDimensions); }, this) }); N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.start.call(this); } } FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype); FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.constructor = FrontendComponentSlideAbstract; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.is = function (slideObject) { return this === slideObject; }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.isCurrentlyEdited = function () { return this.slider.parameters.admin && this.$element.hasClass('n2-ss-currently-edited-slide'); }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.trigger = function () { this.$element.trigger.apply(this.$element, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.triggerHandler = function () { return this.$element.triggerHandler.apply(this.$element, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.init = function () { }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.refreshBaseSize = function (fontSize) { }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.onResize = function (ratios, dimensions) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].onResize(ratios, dimensions, this.isStaticSlide) } }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.hasLayers = function () { return this.children.length > 0; }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.onDeviceChange = function (device) { this.device = device; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].onDeviceChange(device) } this.placement.onDeviceChange(device); }; FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.setStarterSlide = function () { }; return FrontendComponentSlideAbstract; }); N2D('FrontendSliderStaticSlide', ['FrontendComponentSlideAbstract'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @augments FrontendComponentSlideAbstract */ function FrontendSliderStaticSlide(slider, $element) { this.isStaticSlide = true; this.$element = $element.data('slide', this); N2Classes.FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype.constructor.call(this, slider, $element); this.init(); } FrontendSliderStaticSlide.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendComponentSlideAbstract.prototype); FrontendSliderStaticSlide.prototype.constructor = FrontendSliderStaticSlide; return FrontendSliderStaticSlide; }); N2D('FrontendPlacementAbsolute', ['FrontendPlacement'], function ($, undefined) { function getPos($element) { return { left: $element.prop('offsetLeft'), top: $element.prop('offsetTop') } } /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param layer * @constructor */ function FrontendPlacementAbsolute(layer) { this.linked = []; this.parentLayer = false; this.$parent = false; N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype); FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.constructor = FrontendPlacementAbsolute; FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.start = function () { var parentID = this.layer.get('parentid'); if (parentID) { this.$parent = $('#' + parentID); if (this.$parent.length == 0) { this.$parent = false; } else { this.parentLayer = this.$parent.data('layer'); this.parentLayer.placement.addLinked(this); this.onResize = function () { }; } } }; FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.addLinked = function (childPlacement) { this.linked.push(childPlacement); this.alwaysResize = true; }; FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.onResize = FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.onResizeLinked = function (ratios, dimensions, isStatic) { var $layer = this.layer.$layer; var ratioPositionH = ratios.slideW, ratioSizeH = ratioPositionH, ratioPositionV = ratios.slideH, ratioSizeV = ratioPositionV; if (!parseInt(this.layer.get('responsivesize'))) { ratioSizeH = ratioSizeV = 1; } $layer.css('width', this.getWidth(ratioSizeH)); $layer.css('height', this.getHeight(ratioSizeV)); if (!parseInt(this.layer.get('responsiveposition'))) { ratioPositionH = ratioPositionV = 1; } var left = this.layer.getDevice('left') * ratioPositionH, top = this.layer.getDevice('top') * ratioPositionV, align = this.layer.getDevice('align'), valign = this.layer.getDevice('valign'); var positionCSS = { left: 'auto', top: 'auto', right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto' }; if (this.$parent && this.$parent.data('layer').isVisible) { var position = getPos(this.$parent), p = {left: 0, top: 0}; switch (this.layer.getDevice('parentalign')) { case 'right': p.left = position.left + this.$parent.width(); break; case 'center': p.left = position.left + this.$parent.width() / 2; break; default: p.left = position.left; } switch (align) { case 'right': positionCSS.right = ($layer.parent().width() - p.left - left) + 'px'; break; case 'center': positionCSS.left = (p.left + left - $layer.width() / 2) + 'px'; break; default: positionCSS.left = (p.left + left) + 'px'; break; } switch (this.layer.getDevice('parentvalign')) { case 'bottom': p.top = position.top + this.$parent.height(); break; case 'middle': p.top = position.top + this.$parent.height() / 2; break; default: p.top = position.top; } switch (valign) { case 'bottom': positionCSS.bottom = ($layer.parent().height() - p.top - top) + 'px'; break; case 'middle': positionCSS.top = (p.top + top - $layer.height() / 2) + 'px'; break; default: positionCSS.top = (p.top + top) + 'px'; break; } } else { switch (align) { case 'right': positionCSS.right = -left + 'px'; break; case 'center': positionCSS.left = ((isStatic ? $layer.parent().width() : dimensions.slide.width) / 2 + left - $layer.width() / 2) + 'px'; break; default: positionCSS.left = left + 'px'; break; } switch (valign) { case 'bottom': positionCSS.bottom = -top + 'px'; break; case 'middle': positionCSS.top = ((isStatic ? $layer.parent().height() : dimensions.slide.height) / 2 + top - $layer.height() / 2) + 'px'; break; default: positionCSS.top = top + 'px'; break; } } $layer.css(positionCSS); for (var i = 0; i < this.linked.length; i++) { this.linked[i].onResizeLinked(ratios, dimensions, isStatic) } }; FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.getWidth = function (ratio) { var width = this.layer.getDevice('width'); if (this.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(width)) { return width; } return (width * ratio) + 'px' }; FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.getHeight = function (ratio) { var height = this.layer.getDevice('height'); if (this.isDimensionPropertyAccepted(height)) { return height; } return (height * ratio) + 'px' }; FrontendPlacementAbsolute.prototype.isDimensionPropertyAccepted = function (value) { if ((value + '').match(/[0-9]+%/) || value == 'auto') { return true; } return false; }; return FrontendPlacementAbsolute; }); N2D('FrontendPlacementContent', ['FrontendPlacement'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param layer * @constructor */ function FrontendPlacementContent(layer) { N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } FrontendPlacementContent.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype); FrontendPlacementContent.prototype.constructor = FrontendPlacementContent; return FrontendPlacementContent; }); N2D('FrontendPlacementDefault', ['FrontendPlacement'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param layer * @constructor */ function FrontendPlacementDefault(layer) { N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } FrontendPlacementDefault.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype); FrontendPlacementDefault.prototype.constructor = FrontendPlacementDefault; return FrontendPlacementDefault; }); N2D('FrontendPlacementNormal', ['FrontendPlacement'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param layer * @constructor */ function FrontendPlacementNormal(layer) { N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } FrontendPlacementNormal.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendPlacement.prototype); FrontendPlacementNormal.prototype.constructor = FrontendPlacementNormal; FrontendPlacementNormal.prototype.onDeviceChange = function () { this.updateMargin(); this.updateHeight(); this.updateMaxWidth(); this.updateSelfAlign(); }; FrontendPlacementNormal.prototype.updateMargin = function () { var margin = this.layer.getDevice('margin').split('|*|'), unit = margin.pop(), baseSize = this.layer.baseSize; if (unit == 'px+' && baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; for (var i = 0; i < margin.length; i++) { margin[i] = parseInt(margin[i]) / baseSize; } } this.layer.$layer.css('margin', margin.join(unit + ' ') + unit); }; FrontendPlacementNormal.prototype.updateHeight = function () { var height = this.layer.getDevice('height'), unit = 'px'; if (height > 0) { var baseSize = this.layer.baseSize; if (baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; height = parseInt(height) / baseSize; } this.layer.$layer.css('height', height + unit); } else { this.layer.$layer.css('height', ''); } }; FrontendPlacementNormal.prototype.updateMaxWidth = function () { var value = parseInt(this.layer.getDevice('maxwidth')); if (value <= 0 || isNaN(value)) { this.layer.$layer.css('maxWidth', '') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '0'); } else { this.layer.$layer.css('maxWidth', value + 'px') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } }; FrontendPlacementNormal.prototype.updateSelfAlign = function () { this.layer.$layer.attr('data-cssselfalign', this.layer.getDevice('selfalign')); }; return FrontendPlacementNormal; }); N2D('FrontendComponentCol', ['FrontendComponent'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slide * @param parent * @param $el * @constructor */ function FrontendComponentCol(slide, parent, $el) { this.$content = $el.find('.n2-ss-layer-col:first'); N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.constructor.call(this, slide, parent, $el, this.$content.find('> .n2-ss-layer')); } FrontendComponentCol.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype); FrontendComponentCol.prototype.constructor = FrontendComponentCol; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.onDeviceChange = function (device) { N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.onDeviceChange.apply(this, arguments); this.updateOrder(); this.updatePadding(); this.updateInnerAlign(); this.updateMaxWidth(); }; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.updatePadding = function () { var padding = this.getDevice('padding').split('|*|'), unit = padding.pop(), baseSize = this.baseSize; if (unit === 'px+' && baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] = parseInt(padding[i]) / baseSize; } } this.$content.css('padding', padding.join(unit + ' ') + unit); }; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.updateInnerAlign = function () { this.$layer.attr('data-csstextalign', this.getDevice('inneralign')); }; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.updateMaxWidth = function () { var value = parseInt(this.getDevice('maxwidth')); if (value <= 0 || isNaN(value)) { this.$layer.css('maxWidth', '') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '0'); } else { this.$layer.css('maxWidth', value + 'px') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } }; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.getWidthPercentage = function () { return parseFloat(this.$layer.data('colwidthpercent')); }; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.getRealOrder = function () { var order = this.getDevice('order'); if (order == 0) { return 10; } return order; }; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.updateOrder = function () { var order = this.getDevice('order'); if (order == 0) { this.$layer.css('order', ''); } else { this.$layer.css('order', order); } }; FrontendComponentCol.prototype.getContents = function () { return this.$content; }; return FrontendComponentCol; }); N2D('FrontendComponentContent', ['FrontendComponent'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slide * @param parent * @param $el * @constructor */ function FrontendComponentContent(slide, parent, $el) { this.$content = $el.find('.n2-ss-section-main-content:first'); N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.constructor.call(this, slide, parent, $el, this.$content.find('> .n2-ss-layer')); } FrontendComponentContent.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype); FrontendComponentContent.prototype.constructor = FrontendComponentContent; FrontendComponentContent.prototype.onDeviceChange = function (device) { N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.onDeviceChange.apply(this, arguments); this.updatePadding(); this.updateInnerAlign(); this.updateMaxWidth(); this.updateSelfAlign(); }; FrontendComponentContent.prototype.updatePadding = function () { var padding = this.getDevice('padding').split('|*|'), unit = padding.pop(), baseSize = this.baseSize; if (unit == 'px+' && baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] = parseInt(padding[i]) / baseSize; } } this.$content.css('padding', padding.join(unit + ' ') + unit); }; FrontendComponentContent.prototype.updateInnerAlign = function () { this.$layer.attr('data-csstextalign', this.getDevice('inneralign')); }; FrontendComponentContent.prototype.updateMaxWidth = function () { var value = parseInt(this.getDevice('maxwidth')); if (value <= 0 || isNaN(value)) { this.$layer.css('maxWidth', '') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '0'); } else { this.$layer.css('maxWidth', value + 'px') .attr('data-has-maxwidth', '1'); } }; FrontendComponentContent.prototype.updateSelfAlign = function () { this.$layer.attr('data-cssselfalign', this.getDevice('selfalign')); }; FrontendComponentContent.prototype.getContents = function () { return this.$content; }; return FrontendComponentContent; }); N2D('FrontendComponentLayer', ['FrontendComponent'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slide * @param parent * @param $el * @constructor */ function FrontendComponentLayer(slide, parent, $el) { N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.constructor.call(this, slide, parent, $el); if (this.wraps.mask !== undefined) { this.$item = this.wraps.mask.children(); } else if (this.wraps.parallax !== undefined) { this.$item = this.wraps.parallax.children(); } else { this.$item = $el.children(); } } FrontendComponentLayer.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype); FrontendComponentLayer.prototype.constructor = FrontendComponentLayer; FrontendComponentLayer.prototype.getContents = function () { return this.$item; }; return FrontendComponentLayer; }); N2D('FrontendComponentRow', ['FrontendComponent'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slide * @param parent * @param $el * @constructor */ function FrontendComponentRow(slide, parent, $el) { this.$row = $el.find('.n2-ss-layer-row:first'); this.$rowInner = this.$row.find('.n2-ss-layer-row-inner:first'); N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.constructor.call(this, slide, parent, $el, this.$rowInner.find('> .n2-ss-layer')); } FrontendComponentRow.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype); FrontendComponentRow.prototype.constructor = FrontendComponentRow; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.onDeviceChange = function (device) { N2Classes.FrontendComponent.prototype.onDeviceChange.apply(this, arguments); this.updatePadding(); this.updateGutter(); this.updateInnerAlign(); }; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.onAfterDeviceChange = function (device) { this.updateWrapAfter(); }; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.updatePadding = function () { var padding = this.getDevice('padding').split('|*|'), unit = padding.pop(), baseSize = this.baseSize; if (unit === 'px+' && baseSize > 0) { unit = 'em'; for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] = parseInt(padding[i]) / baseSize; } } this.$row.css('padding', padding.join(unit + ' ') + unit); }; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.updateInnerAlign = function () { this.$layer.attr('data-csstextalign', this.getDevice('inneralign')); }; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.updateGutter = function () { var gutterValue = this.getDevice('gutter'), sideGutterValue = gutterValue / 2; if (this.children.length > 0) { for (var i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.children[i].$layer .css('margin', sideGutterValue + 'px'); } } this.$rowInner.css({ width: 'calc(100% + ' + (gutterValue + 1) + 'px)', margin: -sideGutterValue + 'px' }); }; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.getSortedColumns = function () { var columns = $.extend([], this.children).sort(function (a, b) { return a.getRealOrder() - b.getRealOrder(); }); for (var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!columns[i].isVisible) { columns.splice(i, 1); } } return columns; }; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.updateWrapAfter = function () { var wrapAfter = parseInt(this.getDevice('wrapafter')), columns = this.getSortedColumns(), columnsLength = columns.length, isWrapped = false; if (columnsLength === 0) { return false; } if (wrapAfter > 0 && wrapAfter < columnsLength) { isWrapped = true; } this.$row.attr('row-wrapped', isWrapped ? 1 : 0); var i; if (isWrapped) { var flexLines = []; for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { var row = Math.floor(i / wrapAfter); if (typeof flexLines[row] === 'undefined') { flexLines[row] = []; } flexLines[row].push(columns[i]); columns[i].$layer .attr('data-r', row) .toggleClass('n2-ss-last-in-row', (i + 1) % wrapAfter === 0 || i === columnsLength - 1); } var gutterValue = this.getDevice('gutter'); for (i = 0; i < flexLines.length; i++) { var flexLine = flexLines[i], sumWidth = 0, j; for (j = 0; j < flexLine.length; j++) { sumWidth += flexLine[j].getWidthPercentage(); } for (j = 0; j < flexLine.length; j++) { flexLine[j].$layer.css('width', 'calc(' + (flexLine[j].getWidthPercentage() / sumWidth * 100) + '% - ' + (n2const.isIE || n2const.isEdge ? gutterValue + 1 : gutterValue) + 'px)'); } } } else { var sumWidth = 0; for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { sumWidth += columns[i].getWidthPercentage(); } for (i = 0; i < columnsLength; i++) { columns[i].$layer .css('width', (columns[i].getWidthPercentage() / sumWidth * 100) + '%') .removeClass('n2-ss-last-in-row') .attr('data-r', 0); } columns[columnsLength - 1].$layer.addClass('n2-ss-last-in-row'); } }; FrontendComponentRow.prototype.getContents = function () { return this.$row; }; return FrontendComponentRow; }); N2D('SmartSliderResponsive', function ($, undefined) { var isTablet = null, isMobile = null; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} slider * @param parameters * @constructor */ function SmartSliderResponsive(slider, parameters) { this.disableTransitions = false; this.disableTransitionsTimeout = null; this.lastClientHeight = 0; this.lastClientHeightTime = 0; this.lastOrientation = 0; this.pixelSnappingFraction = 0; this.focusOffsetTop = 0; this.focusOffsetBottom = 0; this.isFullScreen = false; this.invalidateResponsiveState = true; this.parameters = $.extend({ desktop: 1, tablet: 1, mobile: 1, onResizeEnabled: true, type: 'auto', downscale: true, upscale: false, constrainRatio: true, minimumHeight: 0, maximumHeight: 0, minimumHeightRatio: 0, maximumHeightRatio: { desktopLandscape: 0, desktopPortrait: 0, mobileLandscape: 0, mobilePortrait: 0, tabletLandscape: 0, tabletPortrait: 0 }, maximumSlideWidth: 0, maximumSlideWidthLandscape: 0, maximumSlideWidthRatio: -1, maximumSlideWidthTablet: 0, maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape: 0, maximumSlideWidthMobile: 0, maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape: 0, maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight: 0, forceFull: 0, forceFullOverflowX: 'body', forceFullHorizontalSelector: '', sliderHeightBasedOn: 'real', decreaseSliderHeight: 0, focusUser: 1, deviceModes: { desktopLandscape: 1, desktopPortrait: 0, mobileLandscape: 0, mobilePortrait: 0, tabletLandscape: 0, tabletPortrait: 0 }, normalizedDeviceModes: { unknownUnknown: ["unknown", "Unknown"], desktopPortrait: ["desktop", "Portrait"] }, verticalRatioModifiers: { unknownUnknown: 1, desktopLandscape: 1, desktopPortrait: 1, mobileLandscape: 1, mobilePortrait: 1, tabletLandscape: 1, tabletPortrait: 1 }, minimumFontSizes: { desktopLandscape: 0, desktopPortrait: 0, mobileLandscape: 0, mobilePortrait: 0, tabletLandscape: 0, tabletPortrait: 0 }, ratioToDevice: { Portrait: { tablet: 0, mobile: 0 }, Landscape: { tablet: 0, mobile: 0 } }, sliderWidthToDevice: { desktopLandscape: 0, desktopPortrait: 0, mobileLandscape: 0, mobilePortrait: 0, tabletLandscape: 0, tabletPortrait: 0 }, basedOn: 'combined', desktopPortraitScreenWidth: 1200, tabletPortraitScreenWidth: 800, mobilePortraitScreenWidth: 440, tabletLandscapeScreenWidth: 1024, mobileLandscapeScreenWidth: 740, orientationMode: 'width_and_height', overflowHiddenPage: 0, focus: { offsetTop: '', offsetBottom: '' } }, parameters); if (slider.isAdmin) { this.doResize = NextendThrottle(this.doResize, 50); } this.loadDeferred = $.Deferred(); /** * @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderAbstract} */ this.slider = slider; this.sliderElement = slider.sliderElement; } SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode = { SCREEN: 0, ADMIN_LANDSCAPE: 1, ADMIN_PORTRAIT: 2, SCREEN_WIDTH_ONLY: 3 }; SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation = { UNKNOWN: 0, LANDSCAPE: 1, PORTRAIT: 2 }; SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation = { 0: 'Unknown', 1: 'Landscape', 2: 'Portrait' }; SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode = { UNKNOWN: 0, DESKTOP: 1, TABLET: 2, MOBILE: 3 }; SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode = { 0: 'unknown', 1: 'desktop', 2: 'tablet', 3: 'mobile' }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.start = function () { if (nextend.fontsDeferred === undefined) { N2R('windowLoad', $.proxy(function () { this.loadDeferred.resolve(); }, this)); } else { nextend.fontsDeferred.always($.proxy(function () { this.loadDeferred.resolve(); }, this)); } this.normalizeTimeout = null; this.delayedResizeAdded = false; this.deviceMode = SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.UNKNOWN; this.orientationMode = SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.SCREEN; this.orientation = SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.UNKNOWN; this.lastRatios = { ratio: -1 }; this.lastRawRatios = { ratio: -1 }; this.normalizedMode = 'unknownUnknown'; this.widgetMargins = { Top: [], Right: [], Bottom: [], Left: [] }; this.staticSizes = { paddingTop: 0, paddingRight: 0, paddingBottom: 0, paddingLeft: 0 }; this.enabledWidgetMargins = []; this.alignElement = this.slider.sliderElement.closest('.n2-ss-align'); this.$section = this.alignElement.parent(); var ready = this.ready = $.Deferred(); this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('SliderResponsiveStarted'); this.sliderElement.one('SliderResize', function () { ready.resolve(); }); if (this.parameters.type === 'fullpage' && this.parameters.sliderHeightBasedOn === '100vh') { this.$viewportHeight = $('<div style="height:100vh;width:0;position:absolute;bottom:0;visibility:hidden;"></div>').appendTo('body'); } this.containerElementPadding = this.sliderElement.parent(); this.containerElement = this.containerElementPadding.parent(); if (!this.slider.isAdmin && this.parameters.overflowHiddenPage) { $('html, body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); } if (this.parameters.orientationMode == 'width') { this.orientationMode = SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.SCREEN_WIDTH_ONLY; } nextend.smallestZoom = Math.min(Math.max(this.parameters.sliderWidthToDevice.mobilePortrait, 120), 320); switch (this.parameters.basedOn) { case 'screen': break; default: if (isTablet == null) { var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent, 801); isTablet = !!md.tablet(); isMobile = !!md.phone(); } } n2c.log('Responsive: Store defaults'); this.storeDefaults(); if (this.parameters.minimumHeight > 0) { this.parameters.minimumHeightRatio = this.parameters.minimumHeight / this.responsiveDimensions.startHeight; } if (this.parameters.maximumHeight > 0 && this.parameters.maximumHeight >= this.parameters.minimumHeight) { this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio = { desktopPortrait: this.parameters.maximumHeight / this.responsiveDimensions.startHeight }; this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.desktopLandscape = this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.desktopPortrait; this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.tabletPortrait = this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.desktopPortrait; this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.tabletLandscape = this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.desktopPortrait; this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.mobilePortrait = this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.desktopPortrait; this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.mobileLandscape = this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio.desktopPortrait; } if (this.parameters.maximumSlideWidth > 0) { this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio = { desktopPortrait: this.parameters.maximumSlideWidth / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideWidth, desktopLandscape: this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthLandscape / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideWidth, tabletPortrait: this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthTablet / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideWidth, tabletLandscape: this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideWidth, mobilePortrait: this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthMobile / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideWidth, mobileLandscape: this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideWidth }; if (this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight) { this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio = $.extend({}, this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio); for (var k in this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio) { this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio[k] *= this.parameters.verticalRatioModifiers[k]; } } } n2c.log('Responsive: First resize'); if (N2Classes.Zoom !== undefined) { N2Classes.Zoom.add(this); } this.onResize(); $(window).on('SliderContentResize', $.proxy(function (e) { this.invalidateResponsiveState = true; this.onResize(e); }, this)); if (this.parameters.onResizeEnabled || this.parameters.type == 'adaptive') { $(window).on({ resize: $.proxy(this.onResize, this), orientationchange: $.proxy(this.onResize, this) }); this.sliderElement.on('SliderInternalResize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this)); if (window.ResizeObserver !== undefined) { var width = 0, observer = new ResizeObserver($.proxy(function (entries) { entries.forEach($.proxy(function (entry) { if (width !== entry.contentRect.width) { width = entry.contentRect.width; this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('SliderInternalResize'); } }, this)); }, this)); observer.observe(this.containerElement.parent().get(0)); } else { try { /** * We can detect every width changes with a dummy iframe. */ var iframe = $('<iframe class="bt_skip_resize" title="Resize helper" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts" style="margin:0;padding:0;border:0;display:block;width:100%;height:0;min-height:0;max-height:0;"/>') .on('load', $.proxy(function (e) { var width = 0, $frame = $(e.target.contentWindow ? e.target.contentWindow : e.target.contentDocument.defaultView).on('resize', $.proxy(function (e) { var newWidth = $frame.width(); if (width !== newWidth) { width = newWidth; this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('SliderInternalResize'); } }, this)); /** * Proxy window lang to the iframe */ $frame[0].document.getElementsByTagName("HTML")[0].setAttribute("lang", window.document.getElementsByTagName("HTML")[0].getAttribute('lang')); }, this)).insertBefore(this.containerElement); } catch (e) { } } } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.getOuterWidth = function () { return this.responsiveDimensions.startSliderWidth + this.responsiveDimensions.startSliderMarginLeft + this.responsiveDimensions.startSliderMarginRight; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.storeDefaults = function () { // We should use outerWidth(true) as we need proper margin calculation for the ratio this.responsiveDimensions = { startWidth: this.sliderElement.outerWidth(true), startHeight: this.sliderElement.outerHeight(true), startSliderMarginhorizontal: 0, startSliderMarginvertical: 0 }; /** * @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsiveElement[]} */ this.horizontalElements = []; this.verticalElements = []; this.init(); this.margins = { top: this.responsiveDimensions.startSliderMarginTop, right: this.responsiveDimensions.startSliderMarginRight, bottom: this.responsiveDimensions.startSliderMarginBottom, left: this.responsiveDimensions.startSliderMarginLeft } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.addHorizontalElement = function (element, cssproperties, ratioName, name) { ratioName = ratioName || 'ratio'; var responsiveElement = new N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsiveElement(this, ratioName, element, cssproperties, name); this.horizontalElements.push(responsiveElement); return responsiveElement; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.addVerticalElement = function (element, cssproperties, ratioName, name) { ratioName = ratioName || 'ratio'; var responsiveElement = new N2Classes.SmartSliderResponsiveElement(this, ratioName, element, cssproperties, name); this.verticalElements.push(responsiveElement); return responsiveElement; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.resizeHorizontalElements = function (ratios) { for (var i = 0; i < this.horizontalElements.length; i++) { var responsiveElement = this.horizontalElements[i]; if (typeof ratios[responsiveElement.ratioName] === 'undefined') { debugger; console.log('error with ' + responsiveElement.ratioName); } responsiveElement.resize(this.responsiveDimensions, ratios[responsiveElement.ratioName], false, 0); } this.slider.sliderElement.triggerHandler('SliderResizeHorizontal'); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.updateVerticalRatios = function (ratios) { return ratios; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._updateVerticalRatios = function (ratios) { var targetHeight = this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideHeight * ratios.slideH, hasMainContent = false; this.sliderElement.find('.n2-ss-section-main-content') .addClass('n2-ss-section-main-content-calc') .each(function (i, el) { var height = $(el).outerHeight(); if (height > targetHeight) { hasMainContent = true; targetHeight = height; } }).removeClass('n2-ss-section-main-content-calc'); if (hasMainContent) { ratios.slideH = targetHeight / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideHeight; ratios.h = Math.max(ratios.h, ratios.slideH); } return ratios; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.resizeVerticalElements = function (ratios, timeline, duration) { for (var i = 0; i < this.verticalElements.length; i++) { var responsiveElement = this.verticalElements[i]; if (typeof ratios[responsiveElement.ratioName] === 'undefined') { console.log('error with ' + responsiveElement.ratioName); } responsiveElement.resize(this.responsiveDimensions, ratios[responsiveElement.ratioName], timeline, duration); } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.getDeviceMode = function () { return SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[this.deviceMode]; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.getDeviceModeOrientation = function () { return SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[this.deviceMode] + SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[this.orientation]; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.onResize = function (e) { if (!this.slider.mainAnimation || this.slider.mainAnimation.getState() != 'playing') { this._onResize(e); } else if (!this.delayedResizeAdded) { this.delayedResizeAdded = true; this.sliderElement.on('mainAnimationComplete.responsive', $.proxy(this._onResize, this, e)); } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._onResize = function (e) { this.doResize(e); this.delayedResizeAdded = false; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.doNormalizedResize = function () { if (this.normalizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.normalizeTimeout); } this.normalizeTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(this.doResize, this), 10); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._getOrientation = function () { if (this.orientationMode == SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.SCREEN) { if (window.orientation !== undefined) { /** * window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight are messed up in IOS Chrome * So we will use the deprecated window.orientation. */ if (Math.abs(window.orientation) === 90) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE; } else { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT; } } else if (window.innerHeight <= window.innerWidth) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE; } else { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT; } } else if (this.orientationMode == SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.ADMIN_PORTRAIT) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT; } else if (this.orientationMode == SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.ADMIN_LANDSCAPE) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE; } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._getDevice = function () { switch (this.parameters.basedOn) { case 'combined': return this._getDeviceDevice(this._getDeviceScreenWidth()); case 'device': return this._getDeviceDevice(SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.DESKTOP); case 'screen': return this._getDeviceScreenWidth(); } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._getDeviceScreenWidth = function () { var viewportWidth = window.innerWidth; if (this.orientation == SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT) { if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.mobilePortraitScreenWidth) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.MOBILE; } else if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.tabletPortraitScreenWidth) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.TABLET; } } else { if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.mobileLandscapeScreenWidth) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.MOBILE; } else if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.tabletLandscapeScreenWidth) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.TABLET; } } return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.DESKTOP; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._getDeviceAndOrientationByScreenWidth = function () { var viewportWidth = window.innerWidth; if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.mobilePortraitScreenWidth) { return [SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.MOBILE, SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT]; } else if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.mobileLandscapeScreenWidth) { return [SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.MOBILE, SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE]; } else if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.tabletPortraitScreenWidth) { return [SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.TABLET, SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT]; } else if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.tabletLandscapeScreenWidth) { return [SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.TABLET, SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE]; } else if (viewportWidth < this.parameters.desktopPortraitScreenWidth) { return [SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.DESKTOP, SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT]; } return [SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.DESKTOP, SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE]; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._getDeviceDevice = function (device) { if (isMobile === true) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.MOBILE; } else if (isTablet && device != SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.MOBILE) { return SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.TABLET; } return device; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._getDeviceZoom = function (ratio) { var orientation; if (this.orientationMode == SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.ADMIN_PORTRAIT) { orientation = SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.PORTRAIT; } else if (this.orientationMode == SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.ADMIN_LANDSCAPE) { orientation = SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceOrientation.LANDSCAPE; } var targetMode = SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.DESKTOP; if (ratio - this.parameters.ratioToDevice[SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[orientation]].mobile < 0.001) { targetMode = SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.MOBILE; } else if (ratio - this.parameters.ratioToDevice[SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[orientation]].tablet < 0.001) { targetMode = SmartSliderResponsive.DeviceMode.TABLET; } return targetMode; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.updateOffsets = function () { this.focusOffsetTop = 0; if (this.parameters.focus.offsetTop !== '') { var $offsetTopElements = $(this.parameters.focus.offsetTop); for (var i = 0; i < $offsetTopElements.length; i++) { this.focusOffsetTop += $offsetTopElements.eq(i).outerHeight(); } } this.focusOffsetBottom = 0; if (this.parameters.focus.offsetBottom !== '') { var $offsetBottomElements = $(this.parameters.focus.offsetBottom); for (var i = 0; i < $offsetBottomElements.length; i++) { this.focusOffsetBottom += $offsetBottomElements.eq(i).outerHeight(); } } }; /** * Snapping the slider to rounded pixel to fix issues related to a Chrome rendering bug * @see https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=936006#c6 */ SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.doPixelSnapping = function () { var left = this.containerElementPadding[0].getBoundingClientRect().left + this.pixelSnappingFraction, fraction = Math.max(0, left % 1); if (fraction !== this.pixelSnappingFraction) { this.containerElementPadding.css({ 'marginLeft': (-fraction) + 'px', 'marginRight': (-fraction) + 'px' }); this.pixelSnappingFraction = fraction; } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.doResize = function (e, timeline, nextSlide, duration) { this.doPixelSnapping(); this.updateOffsets(); if (!this.disableTransitions) { this.disableTransitions = true; this.sliderElement.addClass('n2notransition'); if (this.disableTransitionsTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.disableTransitionsTimeout); } this.disableTransitionsTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.sliderElement.removeClass('n2notransition'); this.disableTransitions = false; }, this), 500); } if (!this.containerElementPadding.is(':visible')) { /** * The slider is not visible, so there is nothing to resize. */ return false; } // required to force recalculate if the thumbnails widget get hidden. this.refreshMargin(); var maxWidth; if (this.slider.parameters.align === 'center') { if (this.parameters.type === 'fullpage') { this.alignElement.css('maxWidth', 'none'); } else { maxWidth = this.responsiveDimensions.startWidth; if (this.staticSizes) { maxWidth += this.staticSizes.paddingLeft + this.staticSizes.paddingRight; } this.alignElement.css('maxWidth', maxWidth); } } if (!this.slider.isAdmin) { if (this.parameters.forceFull) { if (this.parameters.forceFullOverflowX !== 'none') { $(this.parameters.forceFullOverflowX).css('overflow-x', 'hidden'); } var customWidth = 0, adjustLeftOffset = 0; if (this.parameters.forceFullHorizontalSelector !== '') { var $fullWidthTo = this.sliderElement.closest(this.parameters.forceFullHorizontalSelector); if ($fullWidthTo && $fullWidthTo.length > 0) { customWidth = $fullWidthTo.width(); adjustLeftOffset = $fullWidthTo.offset().left; } } var windowWidth = customWidth > 0 ? customWidth : (document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth), outerEl = this.containerElement.parent(), outerElLeft = outerEl.offset().left, outerElOffset; if (n2const.rtl.isRtl) { outerElOffset = windowWidth - (outerElLeft + outerEl.outerWidth()); } else { outerElOffset = outerElLeft; } this.containerElement.css(n2const.rtl.marginLeft, -outerElOffset - parseInt(outerEl.css('paddingLeft')) - parseInt(outerEl.css('borderLeftWidth')) + adjustLeftOffset) .width(windowWidth); } } var ratio = this.containerElementPadding.width() / this.getOuterWidth(); var hasOrientationOrDeviceChange = false, lastOrientation = this.orientation, lastDevice = this.deviceMode, targetOrientation = null, targetMode = null; if (this.orientationMode === SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.SCREEN_WIDTH_ONLY) { var deviceOrientation = this._getDeviceAndOrientationByScreenWidth(); targetMode = deviceOrientation[0]; targetOrientation = deviceOrientation[1]; } else { targetOrientation = this._getOrientation() } if (this.orientation !== targetOrientation) { this.orientation = targetOrientation; hasOrientationOrDeviceChange = true; n2c.log('Event: SliderOrientation', { lastOrientation: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[lastOrientation], orientation: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[targetOrientation] }); this.sliderElement.trigger('SliderOrientation', { lastOrientation: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[lastOrientation], orientation: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[targetOrientation] }); } if (this.orientationMode !== SmartSliderResponsive.OrientationMode.SCREEN_WIDTH_ONLY) { targetMode = this._getDevice(ratio); } if (this.deviceMode !== targetMode) { this.deviceMode = targetMode; this.sliderElement.removeClass('n2-ss-' + SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[lastDevice]) .addClass('n2-ss-' + SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[targetMode]); n2c.log('Event: SliderDevice', { lastDevice: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[lastDevice], device: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[targetMode] }); this.sliderElement.trigger('SliderDevice', { lastDevice: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[lastDevice], device: SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[targetMode] }); hasOrientationOrDeviceChange = true; } if (!this.slider.isAdmin) { if (this.parameters.type === 'fullpage') { var clientHeight = 0; if (this.parameters.sliderHeightBasedOn === '100vh') { clientHeight = window.n2ClientHeight || this.$viewportHeight.height(); } else { if (window.matchMedia && (/Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i).test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera)) { var innerHeight, isOrientationChanged = false; if (e && e.type === 'orientationchange') { isOrientationChanged = true; } if (n2const.isIOS) { innerHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { innerHeight = window.innerHeight; } if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches) { // landscape clientHeight = Math.min(screen.width, innerHeight); if (this.lastOrientation != 90) { isOrientationChanged = true; this.lastOrientation = 90; } } else { clientHeight = Math.min(screen.height, innerHeight); if (this.lastOrientation != 0) { isOrientationChanged = true; this.lastOrientation = 0; } } clientHeight = window.n2ClientHeight || clientHeight; var time = $.now(); /** * If screen height change smaller than this value, then we will skip that resize. * @type {number} */ var dismissDeltaChange = 100; if ((/SamsungBrowser/i).test(navigator.userAgent)) { dismissDeltaChange = 150; } if (!isOrientationChanged && Math.abs(clientHeight - this.lastClientHeight) < dismissDeltaChange && time - this.lastClientHeightTime > 400) { clientHeight = this.lastClientHeight; } else { this.lastClientHeight = clientHeight; this.lastClientHeightTime = time; } } else { clientHeight = window.n2ClientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; } } if (n2const.isBot) { clientHeight = Math.min(clientHeight, (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth)); } this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio[this.getDeviceModeOrientation()] = this.parameters.minimumHeightRatio = (clientHeight - this.getVerticalOffsetHeight()) / this.responsiveDimensions.startHeight; } } if (hasOrientationOrDeviceChange) { this.invalidateResponsiveState = true; var lastNormalized = this._normalizeMode(SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[lastDevice], SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[lastOrientation]), normalized = this._normalizeMode(SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[this.deviceMode], SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[this.orientation]); if (lastNormalized[0] !== normalized[0] || lastNormalized[1] !== normalized[1]) { this.normalizedMode = normalized[0] + normalized[1]; n2c.log('Event: SliderDeviceOrientation', { lastDevice: lastNormalized[0], lastOrientation: lastNormalized[1], device: normalized[0], orientation: normalized[1] }); this.sliderElement.trigger('SliderDeviceOrientation', { lastDevice: lastNormalized[0], lastOrientation: lastNormalized[1], device: normalized[0], orientation: normalized[1] }); } } var zeroRatio = this.parameters.sliderWidthToDevice[this.normalizedMode] / this.parameters.sliderWidthToDevice.desktopPortrait; if (!this.parameters.downscale && ratio < zeroRatio) { ratio = zeroRatio; } else if (!this.parameters.upscale && ratio > zeroRatio) { ratio = zeroRatio; } this._doResize(ratio, timeline, nextSlide, duration); if (this.slider.parameters.align === 'center') { maxWidth = this.responsiveDimensions.slider.width; if (this.staticSizes) { maxWidth += this.staticSizes.paddingLeft + this.staticSizes.paddingRight; } if (this.responsiveDimensions) { maxWidth += this.responsiveDimensions['startSliderMarginhorizontal']; } this.alignElement.css('maxWidth', maxWidth); } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._normalizeMode = function (device, orientation) { return this.parameters.normalizedDeviceModes[device + orientation]; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.getNormalizedModeString = function () { var normalized = this._normalizeMode(SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[this.deviceMode], SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[this.orientation]); return normalized.join(''); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.getModeString = function () { return SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceMode[this.deviceMode] + SmartSliderResponsive._DeviceOrientation[this.orientation]; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.enabled = function (device, orientation) { return this.parameters.deviceModes[device + orientation]; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._doResize = function (ratio, timeline, nextSlide, duration) { var ratios = { ratio: ratio, w: ratio, h: ratio, slideW: ratio, slideH: ratio, fontRatio: 1 }; this._buildRatios(ratios, this.slider.parameters.dynamicHeight, nextSlide); ratios.fontRatio = ratios.slideW; var isChanged = false; for (var k in ratios) { if (ratios[k] != this.lastRawRatios[k]) { isChanged = true; break; } } if (this.invalidateResponsiveState || isChanged) { this.lastRawRatios = $.extend({}, ratios); this.resizeHorizontalElements(ratios); this.finishResize(ratios, timeline, duration); } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.finishResize = function (ratios, timeline, duration) { this.loadDeferred.done($.proxy(function () { var cb = $.proxy(function () { this.finishResize = this._finishResize; this.finishResize(ratios, timeline, duration); }, this); if ((/OS X.*Version\/10\..*Safari/.exec(window.navigator.userAgent) && /Apple/.exec(window.navigator.vendor)) || /CriOS/.exec(window.navigator.userAgent)) { setTimeout(cb, 200); } else { cb(); } }, this)); this.invalidateResponsiveState = false; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._finishResize = function (ratios, timeline, duration) { this.invalidateResponsiveState = false; ratios = this.updateVerticalRatios(ratios); this.resizeVerticalElements(ratios, timeline, duration); this.lastRatios = ratios; if (timeline) { this.sliderElement.trigger('SliderAnimatedResize', [ratios, timeline, duration]); timeline.eventCallback("onComplete", function () { this.triggerResize(ratios, timeline); }, [], this); } else { this.triggerResize(ratios, false); } }; /** * Admin only */ SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.doVerticalResize = function () { var ratios = this.updateVerticalRatios($.extend({}, this.lastRawRatios)), isChanged = false; for (var k in ratios) { if (ratios[k] != this.lastRatios[k]) { isChanged = true; break; } } if (isChanged) { this.finishVerticalResize(ratios); } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.finishVerticalResize = function (ratios) { this.loadDeferred.done($.proxy(function () { this.finishVerticalResize = this._finishVerticalResize; this.finishVerticalResize(ratios); }, this)); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._finishVerticalResize = function (ratios) { this.resizeVerticalElements(ratios, false, 0); this.lastRatios = ratios; this.triggerResize(ratios, false); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.triggerResize = function (ratios, timeline) { n2c.log('Event: SliderResize', ratios); this.sliderElement.trigger('SliderResize', [ratios, this, timeline]); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._buildRatios = function (ratios, dynamicHeight, nextSlide) { var deviceModeOrientation = this.getDeviceModeOrientation(); if (this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio[deviceModeOrientation] > 0 && ratios.slideW > this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio[deviceModeOrientation]) { ratios.slideW = this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio[deviceModeOrientation]; } ratios.slideW = ratios.slideH = Math.min(ratios.slideW, ratios.slideH); var verticalRatioModifier = this.parameters.verticalRatioModifiers[deviceModeOrientation]; ratios.slideH *= verticalRatioModifier; if (this.parameters.type === 'fullpage') { ratios.h *= verticalRatioModifier; if (this.parameters.minimumHeightRatio > 0) { ratios.h = Math.max(ratios.h, this.parameters.minimumHeightRatio); } if (this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio[deviceModeOrientation] > 0) { ratios.h = Math.min(ratios.h, this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio[deviceModeOrientation]); } if (this.slider.isAdmin) { if (!this.parameters.constrainRatio) { ratios.w = ratios.slideW; ratios.h = ratios.slideH; } else { ratios.slideH = Math.min(ratios.slideH, ratios.h); ratios.slideH = ratios.slideW = Math.min(ratios.slideW, ratios.slideH); } } else { if (!this.parameters.constrainRatio) { ratios.slideW = ratios.w; if (this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio[deviceModeOrientation] > 0 && ratios.slideW > this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio[deviceModeOrientation]) { ratios.slideW = this.parameters.maximumSlideWidthRatio[deviceModeOrientation]; } ratios.slideH = ratios.h; } else { ratios.slideH = Math.min(ratios.slideH, ratios.h); ratios.slideH = ratios.slideW = Math.min(ratios.slideW, ratios.slideH); } } } else { ratios.h *= verticalRatioModifier; if (this.parameters.minimumHeightRatio > 0) { ratios.h = Math.max(ratios.h, this.parameters.minimumHeightRatio); } if (this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio[deviceModeOrientation] > 0) { ratios.h = Math.min(ratios.h, this.parameters.maximumHeightRatio[deviceModeOrientation]); } ratios.slideH = Math.min(ratios.slideH, ratios.h); ratios.slideW = ratios.slideH / verticalRatioModifier; if (this.slider.type === "showcase") { ratios.slideW = Math.min(ratios.slideW, ratios.w); ratios.slideH = Math.min(ratios.slideW, ratios.slideH); } if (dynamicHeight) { /** @type {N2Classes.SmartSliderSlideBackground} */ var backgroundImage; if (nextSlide !== undefined && nextSlide.background.elements.image !== undefined) { backgroundImage = nextSlide.background.elements.image; } else if (this.slider.currentSlide.background.elements.image !== undefined) { backgroundImage = this.slider.currentSlide.background.elements.image; } if (backgroundImage !== undefined && backgroundImage.width > 0 && backgroundImage.height > 0) { var backgroundRatioModifier = (this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideWidth / backgroundImage.width) * (backgroundImage.height / this.responsiveDimensions.startSlideHeight); if (backgroundRatioModifier > 0) { ratios.slideH *= backgroundRatioModifier; ratios.h *= backgroundRatioModifier; } } } } this.sliderElement.triggerHandler('responsiveBuildRatios', [ratios]); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.getVerticalOffsetHeight = function () { if (this.isFullScreen) { return 0; } var h = this.focusOffsetTop + this.focusOffsetBottom; if (this.slider.widgets.$vertical) { for (var i = 0; i < this.slider.widgets.$vertical.length; i++) { h += this.slider.widgets.$vertical.eq(i).outerHeight(); } } return h + this.parameters.decreaseSliderHeight; }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.addMargin = function (side, widget) { this.widgetMargins[side].push(widget); if (widget.isVisible()) { this._addMarginSize(side, widget.getSize()); this.enabledWidgetMargins.push(widget); } this.doNormalizedResize(); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.addStaticMargin = function (side, widget) { if (side == 'Bottom' || side == 'Top') return; if (!this.widgetStaticMargins) { this.widgetStaticMargins = { Top: [], Right: [], Bottom: [], Left: [] }; } this.widgetStaticMargins[side].push(widget); this.doNormalizedResize(); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.refreshMargin = function () { for (var side in this.widgetMargins) { var widgets = this.widgetMargins[side]; for (var i = widgets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var widget = widgets[i]; if (widget.isVisible()) { if ($.inArray(widget, this.enabledWidgetMargins) == -1) { this._addMarginSize(side, widget.getSize()); this.enabledWidgetMargins.push(widget); } } else { var index = $.inArray(widget, this.enabledWidgetMargins); if (index != -1) { this._addMarginSize(side, -widget.getSize()); this.enabledWidgetMargins.splice(index, 1); } } } } this.refreshStaticSizes(); }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype.refreshStaticSizes = function () { if (this.widgetStaticMargins) { var staticSizes = { paddingTop: 0, paddingRight: 0, paddingBottom: 0, paddingLeft: 0 }; for (var side in this.widgetStaticMargins) { var widgets = this.widgetStaticMargins[side]; for (var i = widgets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var widget = widgets[i]; if (widget.isVisible()) { staticSizes['padding' + side] += widget.getSize(); } } } for (var k in staticSizes) { this.containerElementPadding.css(staticSizes); } this.staticSizes = staticSizes; } }; SmartSliderResponsive.prototype._addMarginSize = function (side, size) { var axis = null; switch (side) { case 'Top': case 'Bottom': axis = this._sliderVertical; break; default: axis = this._sliderHorizontal; } axis.data['margin' + side] += size; this.responsiveDimensions['startSliderMargin' + side] += size; }; return SmartSliderResponsive; }); N2D('SmartSliderResponsiveElement', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor * @param responsive {SmartSliderResponsive} caller object * @param ratioName {String} * @param element {jQuery} * @param cssProperties {Array} Array of properties which will be responsive * @param name {String} we will register the changed values for this namespace in the global NextendSmartSliderResponsive objects' responsiveDimensions property */ function SmartSliderResponsiveElement(responsive, ratioName, element, cssProperties, name) { this._lastRatio = 1; this.responsive = responsive; this.ratioName = ratioName; this.element = element; this._readyDeferred = $.Deferred(); if (typeof name !== 'undefined') { this.name = name; } else { this.name = null; } this.data = {}; this.helper = { /** * Holds the current element's parent element, which is required for the centered mode */ parent: null, /** * Holds the current element's parent original width and height for images */ parentProps: null, /** * If font size is enabled for the current element, this will hold the different font sized for the different devices */ fontSize: false, /** * If this is enabled, the responsive mode will try to position the actual element into the center of the parent element */ centered: false }; this._lateInit(cssProperties); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype._lateInit = function (cssProperties) { this._cssProperties = cssProperties; this.reloadDefault(); /** * If font-size is responsive on the element, we init this feature on the element. */ if ($.inArray('fontSize', cssProperties) != -1) { this.data['fontSize'] = this.element.data('fontsize'); this.helper.fontSize = { fontSize: this.element.data('fontsize'), desktopPortrait: this.element.data('minfontsizedesktopportrait'), desktopLandscape: this.element.data('minfontsizedesktoplandscape'), tabletPortrait: this.element.data('minfontsizetabletportrait'), tabletLandscape: this.element.data('minfontsizetabletlandscape'), mobilePortrait: this.element.data('minfontsizemobileportrait'), mobileLandscape: this.element.data('minfontsizemobilelandscape') }; // Sets the proper font size for the current mode //this.setFontSizeByMode(this.responsive.mode.mode); // When the mode changes we have to adjust the original font size value in the data this.responsive.sliderElement.on('SliderDeviceOrientation', $.proxy(this.onModeChange, this)); } // Our resource is finished with the loading, so we can enable the normal resize method. this.resize = this._resize; // We are ready this._readyDeferred.resolve(); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.reloadDefault = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._cssProperties.length; i++) { var propName = this._cssProperties[i]; this.data[propName] = parseInt(this.element.css(propName)); } if (this.name) { var d = this.responsive.responsiveDimensions; for (var k in this.data) { d['start' + N2Classes.StringHelper.capitalize(this.name) + N2Classes.StringHelper.capitalize(k)] = this.data[k]; } } }; /** * You can use it as the normal jQuery ready, except it check for the current element list * @param {function} fn */ SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.ready = function (fn) { this._readyDeferred.done(fn); }; /** * When the element list is not loaded yet, we have to add the current resize call to the ready event. * @example You have an image which is not loaded yet, but a resize happens on the browser. We have to make the resize later when the image is ready! * @param responsiveDimensions * @param ratio */ SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.resize = function (responsiveDimensions, ratio) { this.ready($.proxy(this.resize, this, responsiveDimensions, ratio)); this._lastRatio = ratio; }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype._resize = function (responsiveDimensions, ratio, timeline, duration) { if (this.name && typeof responsiveDimensions[this.name] === 'undefined') { responsiveDimensions[this.name] = {}; } var to = {}; for (var propName in this.data) { var value = this.data[propName] * ratio; if (typeof this[propName + 'Prepare'] == 'function') { value = this[propName + 'Prepare'](value); } if (this.name) { responsiveDimensions[this.name][propName] = value; } to[propName] = value; } if (timeline) { timeline.to(this.element, duration, to, 0); } else { this.element.css(to); if (this.helper.centered) { var verticalMargin = this.getVerticalMargin(parseInt((this.helper.parent.height() - this.element.height()) / 2)), horizontalMargin = this.getHorizontalMargin(parseInt((this.helper.parent.width() - this.element.width()) / 2)); this.element.css({ marginLeft: horizontalMargin, marginRight: horizontalMargin, marginTop: verticalMargin, marginBottom: verticalMargin }); } } this._lastRatio = ratio; }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.getHorizontalMargin = function (left) { return left; }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.getVerticalMargin = function (top) { return top; }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype._refreshResize = function () { this.responsive.ready.done($.proxy(function () { this._resize(this.responsive.responsiveDimensions, this.responsive.lastRatios[this.ratioName]); }, this)); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.widthPrepare = function (value) { return Math.round(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.heightPrepare = function (value) { return Math.round(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.marginLeftPrepare = function (value) { return parseInt(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.marginRightPrepare = function (value) { return parseInt(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.lineHeightPrepare = function (value) { return value + 'px'; }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.borderLeftWidthPrepare = function (value) { return parseInt(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.borderRightWidthPrepare = function (value) { return parseInt(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.borderTopWidthPrepare = function (value) { return parseInt(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.borderBottomWidthPrepare = function (value) { return parseInt(value); }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.fontSizePrepare = function (value) { var mode = this.responsive.getNormalizedModeString(); if (value < this.helper.fontSize[mode]) { value = this.helper.fontSize[mode]; } return N2Classes.FontSize.toRem(value); }; /** * Enables the centered feature on the current element. */ SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.setCentered = function () { this.helper.parent = this.element.parent(); this.helper.centered = true; }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.unsetCentered = function () { this.helper.centered = false; }; SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.onModeChange = function () { this.setFontSizeByMode(); }; /** * Changes the original font size based on the current mode and also updates the current value on the element. */ SmartSliderResponsiveElement.prototype.setFontSizeByMode = function () { this.element.css('fontSize', this.fontSizePrepare(this.data['fontSize'] * this._lastRatio)); }; return SmartSliderResponsiveElement; }); N2D('FrontendItemVimeo', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @param id * @param sliderid * @param parameters * @param hasImage * @param start * @constructor */ function FrontendItemVimeo(slider, id, sliderid, parameters, hasImage, start) { this.state = { scroll: false, slide: false, play: false, continuePlay: false }; this.readyDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.slider = slider; this.playerId = id; this.$playerElement = $("#" + this.playerId); this.$cover = this.$playerElement.find('.n2-ss-layer-player-cover'); this.start = start; this.parameters = $.extend({ vimeourl: "//vimeo.com/144598279", autoplay: "0", reset: "0", title: "1", byline: "1", portrait: "0", loop: "0", color: "00adef", volume: "-1" }, parameters); if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1) { this.parameters.autoplay = 0; } if (parseInt(this.parameters.autoplay) === 1 || !hasImage || n2const.isMobile) { this.ready($.proxy(this.initVimeoPlayer, this)); } else { this.ready($.proxy(function () { this.$playerElement.on('click.vimeo n2click.vimeo', $.proxy(function (e) { this.$playerElement.off('.vimeo'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.initVimeoPlayer(); this.safePlay(); }, this)); }, this)); } } FrontendItemVimeo.vimeoDeferred = null; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.ready = function (callback) { if (FrontendItemVimeo.vimeoDeferred === null) { FrontendItemVimeo.vimeoDeferred = $.getScript('https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js'); } FrontendItemVimeo.vimeoDeferred.done(callback); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.initVimeoPlayer = function () { var playerElement = $('<iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" id="' + this.playerId + '-frame" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/' + this.parameters.vimeocode + '?autoplay=0&' + '_video&title=' + this.parameters.title + '&byline=' + this.parameters.byline + "&background=" + this.parameters.background + '&portrait=' + this.parameters.portrait + '&color=' + this.parameters.color + '&loop=' + this.parameters.loop + (this.parameters.quality == '-1' ? '' : '&quality=' + this.parameters.quality) + '" style="position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>'); this.$playerElement.prepend(playerElement); this.isStatic = playerElement.closest('.n2-ss-static-slide').length; this.player = new Vimeo.Player(playerElement[0], {autoplay: true}); this.promise = this.player.ready(); this.promise.then($.proxy(this.onReady, this)); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.onReady = function () { var volume = parseFloat(this.parameters.volume); if (volume >= 0) { this.setVolume(volume); } this.slide = this.slider.findSlideByElement(this.$playerElement); var layer = this.$playerElement.closest(".n2-ss-layer"); if (this.$cover.length) { if (n2const.isMobile) { this.$cover.css('pointer-events', 'none'); } layer.one('n2play', $.proxy(function () { NextendTween.to(this.$cover, 0.3, { opacity: 0, onComplete: $.proxy(function () { this.$cover.remove(); }, this) }); }, this)); } this.player.on('play', $.proxy(function () { if (!this.isStatic) { this.slider.sliderElement.trigger('mediaStarted', this.playerId); } layer.triggerHandler('n2play'); }, this)); this.player.on('pause', $.proxy(function () { layer.triggerHandler('n2pause'); if (this.state.continuePlay) { this.setState('continuePlay', false); this.setState('play', true); } else { this.setState('play', false); } }, this)); this.player.on('ended', $.proxy(function () { if (!this.isStatic) { this.slider.sliderElement.trigger('mediaEnded', this.playerId); } layer.triggerHandler('n2stop'); this.setState('play', false); }, this)); if (!this.isStatic) { //pause video when slide changed this.slider.sliderElement.on("mainAnimationStart", $.proxy(function (e, mainAnimation, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex, isSystem) { if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat(this.slider.slides[currentSlideIndex])) == -1) { if (parseInt(this.parameters.reset)) { this.reset(); } this.setState('slide', false, true); } else { this.setState('slide', true, true); } }, this)); } if (this.parameters['scroll-pause'] !== '') { N2Classes.ScrollTracker.add(this.$playerElement, this.parameters['scroll-pause'], $.proxy(function () { this.setState('scroll', true, true); }, this), $.proxy(function () { this.setState('continuePlay', true); this.setState('scroll', false, true); }, this)); } else { this.setState('scroll', true, true); } if (this.isStatic || $.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat(this.slider.currentSlide)) !== -1) { this.setState('slide', true, true); } if (parseInt(this.parameters.autoplay) === 1) { this.slider.visible($.proxy(this.initAutoplay, this)); } this.readyDeferred.resolve(); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.initAutoplay = function () { if (!this.isStatic) { //change slide this.slider.sliderElement.on("mainAnimationComplete", $.proxy(function (e, mainAnimation, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex, isSystem) { if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat(this.slider.slides[currentSlideIndex])) >= 0) { this.setState('play', true); this.setState('slide', true, true); } else { this.setState('slide', false, true); } }, this)); if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat()) >= 0) { this.setState('play', true); this.setState('slide', true, true); } } else { this.setState('play', true); this.setState('slide', true, true); } }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.setState = function (name, value, doAction) { doAction = doAction || false; this.state[name] = value; if (doAction) { if (this.state.play && this.state.slide && this.state.scroll) { this.play(); } else { this.pause(); } } }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.play = function () { this.slider.sliderElement.trigger('mediaStarted', this.playerId); if (this.start != 0) { this.safeSetCurrentTime(this.start); } this.safePlay(); this.player.getCurrentTime().then($.proxy(function (seconds) { if (seconds < this.start && this.start != 0) { this.safeSetCurrentTime(this.start); } this.safePlay(); }, this)).catch($.proxy(function (error) { this.safePlay(); }, this)); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.pause = function () { this.safePause(); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.reset = function () { this.safeSetCurrentTime(this.start); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.setVolume = function (volume) { this.safeCallback($.proxy(function () { this.promise = this.player.setVolume(volume); }, this)); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.safeSetCurrentTime = function (time) { this.safeCallback($.proxy(function () { this.promise = this.player.setCurrentTime(time); }, this)); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.safePlay = function () { this.safeCallback($.proxy(function () { this.promise = this.player.getPaused(); this.safeCallback($.proxy(function (paused) { if (paused) { this.promise = this.player.play(); } }, this)); }, this)); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.safePause = function () { this.safeCallback($.proxy(function () { this.promise = this.player.getPaused(); this.safeCallback($.proxy(function (paused) { if (!paused) { this.promise = this.player.pause(); } }, this)); }, this)); }; FrontendItemVimeo.prototype.safeCallback = function (callback) { if (this.promise && Promise !== undefined) { this.promise .then(callback) .catch(callback); } else { callback(); } }; return FrontendItemVimeo; }); N2D('FrontendItemYouTube', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param slider * @param id * @param parameters * @param hasImage * @constructor */ function FrontendItemYouTube(slider, id, parameters, hasImage) { this.state = { scroll: false, slide: false, InComplete: false, play: false, continuePlay: false }; this.readyDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.slider = slider; this.playerId = id; this.$playerElement = $("#" + this.playerId); this.$cover = this.$playerElement.find('.n2-ss-layer-player-cover'); this.parameters = $.extend({ youtubeurl: "//www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKmIwHAFjSU", youtubecode: "MKmIwHAFjSU", center: 0, autoplay: "1", related: "1", volume: "-1", loop: 0, modestbranding: 1, reset: 0, query: [], playsinline: 0 }, parameters); if (parseInt(this.parameters.autoplay) === 1 || !hasImage || n2const.isMobile) { this.ready($.proxy(this.initYoutubePlayer, this)); } else { this.$playerElement.on('click.youtube n2click.youtube', $.proxy(function (e) { this.$playerElement.off('.youtube'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.ready($.proxy(function () { this.readyDeferred.done($.proxy(function () { this.play(); }, this)); this.initYoutubePlayer(); }, this)); }, this)); } } FrontendItemYouTube.YTDeferred = null; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.ready = function (callback) { if (FrontendItemYouTube.YTDeferred === null) { FrontendItemYouTube.YTDeferred = $.Deferred(); if (window.YT === undefined) { $.getScript("https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"); } if (window._EPYT_ !== undefined) { /** * Fix for https://wordpress.org/plugins/youtube-embed-plus/ */ (function (deferred) { var check = function () { if (window._EPADashboard_.initStarted === true) { deferred.resolve(); } else { setTimeout(check, 100); } }; check(); })(FrontendItemYouTube.YTDeferred); } else { (function (deferred) { var check = function () { if (window.YT !== undefined && window.YT.loaded) { deferred.resolve(); } else { setTimeout(check, 100); } }; check(); })(FrontendItemYouTube.YTDeferred); } } FrontendItemYouTube.YTDeferred.done(callback); }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.fadeOutCover = function () { if (this.coverFadedOut === undefined && this.$cover.length) { this.coverFadedOut = true; NextendTween.to(this.$cover, 0.3, { opacity: 0, onComplete: $.proxy(function () { this.$cover.remove(); }, this) }); } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.initYoutubePlayer = function () { var $layer = this.$playerElement.closest(".n2-ss-layer"); this.layer = $layer.data('layer'); if (this.$cover.length) { if (n2const.isMobile) { this.$cover.css('pointer-events', 'none'); } $layer.one('n2play', $.proxy(this.fadeOutCover, this)); } this.isStatic = this.$playerElement.closest('.n2-ss-static-slide').length; var vars = { enablejsapi: 1, origin: window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host, wmode: "opaque", rel: 1 - this.parameters.related, start: this.parameters.start, end: this.parameters.end, modestbranding: this.parameters.modestbranding, playsinline: this.parameters.playsinline }; if (parseInt(this.parameters.autoplay) === 1) { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1) { this.parameters.volume = 0; } else if (n2const.isIOS) { this.parameters.autoplay = 0; try { if ('playsInline' in document.createElement('video')) { this.parameters.autoplay = 1; this.parameters.volume = 0; vars.playsinline = 1; } } catch (e) { } } } if (n2const.isIOS && this.parameters.controls) { vars.use_native_controls = 1; } if (this.parameters.center == 1) { vars.controls = 0; } if (this.parameters.controls != 1) { vars.autohide = 1; vars.controls = 0; } if (+(navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC') >= 0 && navigator.userAgent.search("Firefox") > -1)) { vars.html5 = 1; } for (var k in this.parameters.query) { if (this.parameters.query.hasOwnProperty(k)) { vars[k] = this.parameters.query[k]; } } var data = { videoId: this.parameters.youtubecode, wmode: 'opaque', playerVars: vars, events: { onReady: $.proxy(this.onReady, this), onStateChange: $.proxy(function (state) { switch (state.data) { case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING: case YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING: if (!this.isStatic) { if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getVisibleSlides(this.slider.currentSlide)) !== -1) { this.slider.sliderElement.trigger('mediaStarted', this.playerId); } } $layer.triggerHandler('n2play'); break; case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED: $layer.triggerHandler('n2pause'); if (this.state.continuePlay) { this.setState('continuePlay', false); this.setState('play', true); } else { this.setState('play', false); } break; case YT.PlayerState.ENDED: if (this.parameters.loop == 1) { this.player.seekTo(this.parameters.start); this.player.playVideo(); } else { if (!this.isStatic) { this.slider.sliderElement.trigger('mediaEnded', this.playerId); } $layer.triggerHandler('n2stop'); this.setState('play', false); } break; } }, this) } }; if (this.parameters['privacy-enhanced'] || (jQuery && jQuery.fn.revolution)) { data.host = 'https://www.youtube-nocookie.com'; } this.player = new YT.Player(this.playerId + '-frame', data); this.slide = this.slider.findSlideByElement(this.$playerElement); if (this.parameters.center == 1) { this.$playerElement.parent().css('overflow', 'hidden'); this.onResize(); this.slider.sliderElement.on('SliderResize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this)) } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.onReady = function () { var volume = parseFloat(this.parameters.volume); if (volume > 0) { this.setVolume(volume); } else if (volume !== -1) { this.player.mute(); } if (this.isStatic || $.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat(this.slider.currentSlide)) !== -1) { this.setState('slide', true, true); } if (this.parameters.autoplay == 1) { this.slider.visible($.proxy(this.initAutoplay, this)); } if (!this.isStatic) { //pause video when slide changed this.slider.sliderElement.on("mainAnimationStart", $.proxy(function (e, mainAnimation, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex) { if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat(this.slider.slides[currentSlideIndex])) == -1) { this.setState('slide', false, true); } else { this.setState('slide', true, true); } }, this)); if (parseInt(this.parameters.reset)) { this.slider.sliderElement.on("mainAnimationComplete", $.proxy(function (e, mainAnimation, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex) { if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getVisibleSlides(this.slider.slides[currentSlideIndex])) == -1) { if (this.player.getCurrentTime() !== 0) { this.player.seekTo(this.parameters.start); } } }, this)); } } this.readyDeferred.resolve(); if (this.parameters['scroll-pause'] !== '') { N2Classes.ScrollTracker.add(this.$playerElement, this.parameters['scroll-pause'], $.proxy(function () { this.setState('scroll', true, true); }, this), $.proxy(function () { this.setState('continuePlay', true); this.setState('scroll', false, true); }, this)); } else { this.setState('scroll', true, true); } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.onResize = function () { var controls = 100, parent = this.$playerElement.parent(), width = parent.width(), height = parent.height() + controls, aspectRatio = 16 / 9, css = { width: width, height: height, marginTop: 0 }; css[n2const.rtl.marginLeft] = 0; if (width / height > aspectRatio) { css.height = width * aspectRatio; css.marginTop = (height - css.height) / 2; } else { css.width = height * aspectRatio; css[n2const.rtl.marginLeft] = (width - css.width) / 2; } this.$playerElement.css(css); }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.initAutoplay = function () { this.setState('InComplete', true, true); if (!this.isStatic) { //change slide this.slider.sliderElement.on("mainAnimationComplete", $.proxy(function (e, mainAnimation, previousSlideIndex, currentSlideIndex) { if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat(this.slider.slides[currentSlideIndex])) >= 0) { this.setState('play', true); this.setState('slide', true, true); } else { this.setState('slide', false, true); } }, this)); if ($.inArray(this.slide, this.slider.getActiveSlidesCompat()) >= 0) { this.setState('play', true); this.setState('slide', true, true); } } else { this.setState('play', true); this.setState('slide', true, true); } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.setState = function (name, value, doAction) { doAction = doAction || false; this.state[name] = value; if (doAction) { if (this.state.play && this.state.slide && this.state.InComplete && this.state.scroll) { this.play(); } else { this.pause(); } } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.play = function () { if (this.isStopped()) { if (this.coverFadedOut === undefined) { setTimeout($.proxy(this.fadeOutCover, this), 200); } this.slider.sliderElement.trigger('mediaStarted', this.playerId); this.player.playVideo(); } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.pause = function () { if (!this.isStopped()) { this.player.pauseVideo(); } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.stop = function () { this.player.stopVideo(); }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.isStopped = function () { var state = this.player.getPlayerState(); switch (state) { case -1: case 2: case 5: return true; break; default: return false; break; } }; FrontendItemYouTube.prototype.setVolume = function (volume) { this.player.setVolume(volume * 100); }; return FrontendItemYouTube; }); N2D('smartslider-frontend')
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.07 |