Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/smartslider3.php
Error occurred
<?php class N2SS3 { public static $version = '3.3.25'; public static $revision = '5488'; public static $completeVersion; public static $plan = 'pro'; public static $product = 'smartslider3'; public static $campaign = 'smartslider3'; public static $source = ''; public static $forceDesktop = false; public static function shouldSkipLicenseModal() { return true; } public static function applySource(&$params) { static $isSourceSet = false; if (!$isSourceSet) { if (defined('SMARTSLIDER3AFFILIATE')) { N2SS3::$source = SMARTSLIDER3AFFILIATE; } N2SS3::$source = apply_filters('smartslider3_hoplink', N2SS3::$source); $isSourceSet = true; } if (!empty(self::$source)) { $params['source'] = self::$source; } } public static function getProUrlHome($params = array()) { self::applySource($params); return 'https://smartslider3.com/?' . http_build_query($params); } public static function getProUrlPricing($params = array()) { self::applySource($params); return 'https://smartslider3.com/pricing/?' . http_build_query($params); } public static function getWhyProUrl($params = array()) { self::applySource($params); $params['utm_campaign'] = N2SS3::$campaign; $params['utm_medium'] = 'smartslider-' . N2Platform::getPlatform() . '-' . N2SS3::$plan; return 'https://smartslider3.com/pro-features/?' . http_build_query($params); } public static function getSampleSlidesUrl($params = array()) { self::applySource($params); return 'https://smartslider3.com/slides/' . self::$version . '/free/?' . http_build_query($params); } public static function getActivationUrl($params = array()) { self::applySource($params); return 'https://secure.nextendweb.com/activate/?' . http_build_query($params); } public static function getUpdateInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'smartslider3', 'plugin' => 'nextend-smart-slider3-pro/nextend-smart-slider3-pro.php' ); } public static function getDomain() { $domain = parse_url(N2Uri::getFullUri(), PHP_URL_HOST); if (empty($domain)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if (empty($domain) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } } return $domain; } public static function api($_posts, $returnUrl = false) { $isPro = 0; $posts = array( 'product' => self::$product, 'pro' => $isPro ); return N2::api($_posts + $posts, $returnUrl); } public static function hasApiError($status, $data = array()) { extract($data); switch ($status) { case 'OK': return false; case 'PRODUCT_ASSET_NOT_AVAILABLE': N2Message::error(sprintf(n2_('Demo slider is not available with the following ID: %s'), $key)); break; case 'ASSET_PREMIUM': N2Message::error('Premium sliders are available in PRO version only!'); break; case 'ASSET_VERSION': N2Message::error('Please <a href="https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/article/414-update" target="_blank">update</a> your Smart Slider to the latest version to be able to import the selected sample slider!'); break; case 'LICENSE_EXPIRED': N2Message::error('Your license has <a href="https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1101-activation#nokey" target="_blank">expired</a>! Get new one: <a href="https://smartslider3.com/pricing" target="_blank">smartslider3.com</a>.'); break; case 'DOMAIN_REGISTER_FAILED': N2Message::error('Smart Slider 3 PRO license is not registered on the current domain. Please activate this domain by following <a href="https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1101-activation" target="_blank">the license activation documentation</a>.'); break; case 'LICENSE_INVALID': N2Message::error('Smart Slider 3 PRO license is not registered on the current domain. Please activate this domain by following <a href="https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1101-activation" target="_blank">the license activation documentation</a>.'); N2SmartsliderLicenseModel::getInstance() ->setKey(''); return array( "sliders/index" ); break; case 'UPDATE_ERROR': N2Message::error('Update error, please update manually!'); break; case 'PLATFORM_NOT_ALLOWED': N2Message::error(sprintf('Your license is not valid for Smart Slider3 - %s!', N2Platform::getPlatformName())); break; case 'ERROR_HANDLED': break; case '503': N2Message::error('Licensing server is down. Try: Global Settings -> Framework settings -> Secondary server -> On'); break; case null: N2Message::error('Licensing server not reachable. Try: Global Settings -> Framework settings -> Secondary server -> On'); break; default: N2Message::error('Debug: ' . $status); N2Message::error('Licensing server not reachable. Try: Global Settings -> Framework settings -> Secondary server -> On'); break; } return true; } public static function showBeacon($search = '') { if (intval(N2SmartSliderSettings::get('beacon', 1))) { echo '<script>!function(e,o,n){window.HSCW=o,window.HS=n,n.beacon=n.beacon||{};var t=n.beacon;t.userConfig={},t.readyQueue=[],t.config=function(e){this.userConfig=e},t.ready=function(e){this.readyQueue.push(e)},o.config={docs:{enabled:!0,baseUrl:"https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/"},contact:{enabled:!0,formId:"5bf2183c-77e2-11e5-8846-0e599dc12a51"}};var r=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],c=e.createElement("script");c.type="text/javascript",c.async=!0,c.src="https://djtflbt20bdde.cloudfront.net/",r.parentNode.insertBefore(c,r)}(document,window.HSCW||{},window.HS||{});HS.beacon.ready(function () {HS.beacon.search("' . $search . '");});</script>'; } } public static function initLicense() { } public static function sliderChanged() { do_action('smartslider3_slider_changed'); } } N2SS3::$completeVersion = N2SS3::$version . 'r' . N2SS3::$revision; N2SS3::$plan = 'free';
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |