Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/media/dist/system-backend.js
Error occurred
(function(){var N=this;N.N2_=N.N2_||{r:[],d:[]},N.N2R=N.N2R||function(){N.N2_.r.push(arguments)},N.N2D=N.N2D||function(){N.N2_.d.push(arguments)}}).call(window); N2D('NextendVisualManagerModals', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param visualManager * @constructor */ function NextendVisualManagerModals(visualManager) { this.visualManager = visualManager; this.linkedOverwriteOrSaveAs = null; this.saveAs = null; } NextendVisualManagerModals.prototype.getLinkedOverwriteOrSaveAs = function () { if (this.linkedOverwriteOrSaveAs == null) { var context = this; this.linkedOverwriteOrSaveAs = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 500, 140 ], title: '', back: false, close: true, content: '', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-grey n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Save as new') + '</a>', '<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Overwrite current') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function () { this.title.html(n2_printf(n2_('%s changed - %s'), context.visualManager.labels.visual, context.visualManager.activeVisual.name)); if (context.visualManager.activeVisual && !context.visualManager.activeVisual.isEditable()) { this.loadPane('saveAsNew'); } else { this.controls.find('.n2-button-green') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); context.visualManager.saveActiveVisual(context.visualManager.activeVisual.name) .done($.proxy(function () { this.hide(e); context.visualManager.setAndClose(context.visualManager.activeVisual.id); context.visualManager.hide(); }, this)); }, this)); this.controls.find('.n2-button-grey') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.loadPane('saveAsNew'); }, this)); } } } }, saveAsNew: { size: [ 500, 220 ], title: n2_('Save as'), back: 'zero', close: true, content: '<form class="n2-form"></form>', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Save as new') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function () { var button = this.controls.find('.n2-button'), form = this.content.find('.n2-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger('click'); }).append(this.createInput(n2_('Name'), 'n2-visual-name', 'width: 446px;')), nameField = this.content.find('#n2-visual-name').focus(); if (context.visualManager.activeVisual) { nameField.val(context.visualManager.activeVisual.name); } button.on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var name = nameField.val(); if (name == '') { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('Please fill the name field!')); } else { context.visualManager._saveAsNew(name) .done($.proxy(function () { this.hide(e); context.visualManager.setAndClose(context.visualManager.activeVisual.id); context.visualManager.hide(); }, this)); } }, this)); } } } }, false); } return this.linkedOverwriteOrSaveAs; }; NextendVisualManagerModals.prototype.getSaveAs = function () { if (this.saveAs === null) { var context = this; this.saveAs = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 500, 220 ], title: n2_('Save as'), back: false, close: true, content: '<form class="n2-form"></form>', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Save as new') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function () { var button = this.controls.find('.n2-button'), form = this.content.find('.n2-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger('click'); }).append(this.createInput(n2_('Name'), 'n2-visual-name', 'width: 446px;')), nameField = this.content.find('#n2-visual-name').focus(); if (context.visualManager.activeVisual) { nameField.val(context.visualManager.activeVisual.name); } button.on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var name = nameField.val(); if (name == '') { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('Please fill the name field!')); } else { context.visualManager._saveAsNew(name) .done($.proxy(this.hide, this, e)); } }, this)); } } } }, false); } return this.saveAs; }; return NextendVisualManagerModals; }); N2D('NextendVisualCore', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param visual * @param visualManager * @constructor */ function NextendVisualCore(visual, visualManager) { this.id = visual.id; this.visualManager = visualManager; this.setValue(visual.value, false); this.visual = visual; this.visualManager.visuals[this.id] = this; } NextendVisualCore.prototype.compare = function (value) { var length = Math.max(this.value.length, value.length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!this._compareTab(typeof this.value[i] === 'undefined' ? {} : this.value[i], typeof value[i] === 'undefined' ? {} : value[i])) { return false; } } return true; }; NextendVisualCore.prototype._compareTab = function (a, b) { var aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a); var bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b); if (a.length === 0 && bProps.length === 0) { return true; } if (aProps.length != bProps.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) { var propName = aProps[i]; // If values of same property are not equal, // objects are not equivalent if (a[propName] !== b[propName]) { return false; } } return true; }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.setValue = function (value, render) { var data = null; if (typeof value == 'string') { var decoded = value; if (decoded[0] != '{') { this.base64 = decoded; decoded = N2Classes.Base64.decode(decoded) } else { this.base64 = N2Classes.Base64.encode(decoded); } data = JSON.parse(decoded); } else { data = value; } this.name = data.name; this.value = data.data; if (render) { this.render(); } }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.isSystem = function () { return (this.visual.system == 1); }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.isEditable = function () { return (this.visual.editable == 1); }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.activate = function (e, cb) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } this.visualManager.changeActiveVisual(this); if (typeof cb == 'function') { this.visualManager.controller.asyncVisualData(this.value, this.visualManager.showParameters, cb); } else { this.visualManager.controller.load(this.value, false, this.visualManager.showParameters); } }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.active = function () { }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.notActive = function () { }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.delete = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } N2Classes.NextendModal.deleteModal('n2-visual', this.name, $.proxy(function () { this._delete(); }, this)); }; NextendVisualCore.prototype._delete = function () { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.visualManager.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'deleteVisual' }), data: { visualId: this.id }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { var visual = response.data.visual; if (this.visualManager.activeVisual && this.id == this.visualManager.activeVisual.id) { this.visualManager.changeActiveVisual(null); } this.removeRules(); delete this.visualManager.visuals[this.id]; delete this.set.visuals[this.id]; this.row.remove(); this.visualManager.$.trigger('visualDelete', [this.id]); }, this)); }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.removeRules = function () { }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.render = function () { }; NextendVisualCore.prototype.isUsed = function () { return false; }; return NextendVisualCore; }); N2D('NextendFragmentEditorController', ['NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param previewModesList * @constructor */ function NextendFragmentEditorController(previewModesList) { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.previewModesList = previewModesList; this.initPreviewModes(); if (previewModesList) { this.renderer = this.initRenderer(); this.clearTabButton = this.lightbox.find('.n2-editor-clear-tab') .on('click', $.proxy(this.clearCurrentTab, this)); this.tabField = new N2Classes.FormElementRadio('n2-' + this.type + '-editor-tabs', ['0']); this.tabField.element.on('nextendChange.n2-editor', $.proxy(this.tabChanged, this)); this.previewModeField = new N2Classes.FormElementRadio('n2-' + this.type + '-editor-preview-mode', ['0']); this.previewModeField.element.on('nextendChange.n2-editor', $.proxy(this.previewModeChanged, this)); this.previewModeField.options.eq(0).text(n2_('Current tab')); } } NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype); NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.constructor = NextendFragmentEditorController; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.loadDefaults.call(this); this.currentPreviewMode = '0'; this.currentTabIndex = 0; this._renderTimeout = 0; this._delayStart = 0; }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.initPreviewModes = function () { }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.initRenderer = function () { }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype._load = function (visual, tabs, parameters) { this.currentVisual = []; for (var i = 0; i < visual.length; i++) { this.currentVisual[i] = $.extend(true, this.getCleanVisual(), visual[i]); } this.localModePreview = {}; if (parameters.previewMode === false) { this.availablePreviewMode = false; } else { this.availablePreviewMode = parameters.previewMode; if (tabs === false) { tabs = this.getTabs(); } for (var i = this.currentVisual.length; i < tabs.length; i++) { this.currentVisual[i] = this.getCleanVisual(); } if (parameters.previewHTML !== false && parameters.previewHTML != '') { this.localModePreview[parameters.previewMode] = parameters.previewHTML; } } this.currentTabs = tabs; if (tabs === false) { tabs = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.currentVisual.length; i++) { tabs.push('#' + i); } } this.setTabs(tabs); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.asyncVisualData = function (visual, showParameters, cb) { if (visual == '') { visual = this.getEmptyVisual(); } var tabs = this.previewModesList[showParameters.previewMode].tabs, currentVisual = []; for (var i = 0; i < visual.length; i++) { currentVisual[i] = $.extend(true, this.getCleanVisual(), visual[i]); } for (var i = currentVisual.length; i < tabs.length; i++) { currentVisual[i] = this.getCleanVisual(); } cb(currentVisual, tabs); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.getCleanVisual = function () { return {}; }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.getTabs = function () { return this.previewModesList[this.availablePreviewMode].tabs; }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.setTabs = function (labels) { this.tabField.insideChange('0'); for (var i = this.tabField.values.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { this.tabField.removeTabOption(this.tabField.values[i]); } this.tabField.options.eq(0).text(labels[0]); for (var i = 1; i < labels.length; i++) { this.tabField.addTabOption(i + '', labels[i]); } this.makePreviewModes(); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.tabChanged = function () { if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } var tab = this.tabField.element.val(); this.currentTabIndex = tab; if (typeof this.currentVisual[tab] === 'undefined') { this.currentVisual[tab] = {}; } var values = $.extend({}, this.currentVisual[0]); if (tab != 0) { $.extend(values, this.currentVisual[tab]); this.clearTabButton.css('display', ''); } else { this.clearTabButton.css('display', 'none'); } this.editor.load(values); this._tabChanged(); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype._tabChanged = function () { this._renderPreview(); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.clearCurrentTab = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } this.currentVisual[this.currentTabIndex] = {}; this.tabChanged(); this._renderPreview(); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.makePreviewModes = function () { var modes = []; // Show all preview mode for the tab count if (this.availablePreviewMode === false) { var tabCount = this.tabField.options.length; if (typeof this.previewModes[tabCount] !== "undefined") { modes = this.previewModes[tabCount]; } this.setPreviewModes(modes); } else { modes = [this.previewModesList[this.availablePreviewMode]]; this.setPreviewModes(modes, this.availablePreviewMode); } }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.setPreviewModes = function (modes, defaultMode) { for (var i = this.previewModeField.values.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { this.previewModeField.removeTabOption(this.previewModeField.values[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { this.previewModeField.addTabOption(modes[i].id, n2_('Live')); } if (typeof defaultMode === 'undefined') { defaultMode = '0'; } this.previewModeField.insideChange(defaultMode); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.previewModeChanged = function () { var mode = this.previewModeField.element.val(); if (this.currentTabs === false) { if (mode == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.currentVisual.length; i++) { this.tabField.options.eq(i).text('#' + i); } } else { var tabs = this.previewModesList[mode].tabs; if (tabs) { for (var i = 0; i < this.currentVisual.length; i++) { this.tabField.options.eq(i).text(tabs[i]); } } } } this.currentPreviewMode = mode; this._renderPreview(); this.setPreview(mode); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.setPreview = function (mode) { }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.propertyChanged = function (e, property, value) { this.isChanged = true; this.currentVisual[this.currentTabIndex][property] = value; this.renderPreview(); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.renderPreview = function () { var now = $.now(); if (this._renderTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._renderTimeout); if (now - this._delayStart > 100) { this._renderPreview(); this._delayStart = now; } } else { this._delayStart = now; } this._renderTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(this._renderPreview, this), 33); }; NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype._renderPreview = function () { this._renderTimeout = false; }; return NextendFragmentEditorController; }); N2D('NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase() { this.loadDefaults(); this.lightbox = $('#n2-lightbox-' + this.type); } NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { this.type = ''; this._style = false; this.isChanged = false; this.visible = false; }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.init = function () { this.lightbox = $('#n2-lightbox-' + this.type); }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.pause = function () { }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.getEmptyVisual = function () { return []; }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.get = function () { return this.currentVisual; }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.load = function (visual, tabs, parameters) { this.isChanged = false; this.lightbox.addClass('n2-editor-loaded'); if (visual == '') { visual = this.getEmptyVisual(); } this._load(visual, tabs, parameters); }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype._load = function (visual, tabs, parameters) { this.currentVisual = $.extend(true, {}, visual); }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.addStyle = function (style) { if (this._style) { this._style.remove(); } this._style = $("<style>" + style + "</style>").appendTo("head"); }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.show = function () { this.visible = true; N2Classes.WindowManager.get().addWindow("visual"); }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.close = function () { this.visible = false; N2Classes.WindowManager.get().removeWindow(); }; return NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase; }); N2D('NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor', ['NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor() { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.editor = this.initEditor(); this.editor.$.on('change', $.proxy(this.propertyChanged, this)); } NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype); NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.constructor = NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor; NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.initEditor = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditor(); }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.propertyChanged = function (e, property, value) { this.isChanged = true; this.currentVisual[property] = value; }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype._load = function (visual, tabs, parameters) { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerBase.prototype._load.apply(this, arguments); this.loadToEditor(); }; NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.loadToEditor = function () { this.editor.load(this.currentVisual); }; return NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor; }); N2D('NextendVisualRenderer', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param editorController * @constructor */ function NextendVisualRenderer(editorController) { this.editorController = editorController; } NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.deleteRules = function (modeKey, pre, selector) { var mode = this.editorController.previewModesList[modeKey], rePre = new RegExp('@pre', "g"), reSelector = new RegExp('@selector', "g"); for (var k in mode.selectors) { var rule = k .replace(rePre, pre) .replace(reSelector, selector); nextend.css.deleteRule(rule); } }; NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.getCSS = function (modeKey, pre, selector, visualTabs, parameters) { var css = '', mode = this.editorController.previewModesList[modeKey], rePre = new RegExp('@pre', "g"), reSelector = new RegExp('@selector', "g"); for (var k in mode.selectors) { var rule = k .replace(rePre, pre) .replace(reSelector, selector); css += rule + "{\n" + mode.selectors[k] + "}\n"; if (typeof parameters.deleteRule !== 'undefined') { nextend.css.deleteRule(rule); } } if (modeKey == 0) { var visualTab = visualTabs[parameters.activeTab]; if (parameters.activeTab != 0) { visualTab = $.extend({}, visualTabs[0], visualTab); } css = css.replace(new RegExp('@tab[0-9]*', "g"), this.render(visualTab)); } else if (mode.renderOptions.combined) { for (var i = 0; i < visualTabs.length; i++) { css = css.replace(new RegExp('@tab' + i, "g"), this.render(visualTabs[i])); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < visualTabs.length; i++) { visualTabs[i] = $.extend({}, visualTabs[i]); css = css.replace(new RegExp('@tab' + i, "g"), this.render(visualTabs[i])); } } return css; }; NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.render = function (visualData) { var visual = this.makeVisualData(visualData); var css = '', raw = ''; if (typeof visual.raw !== "undefined") { raw = visual.raw; delete visual.raw; } for (var k in visual) { css += this.deCase(k) + ": " + visual[k] + ";\n"; } css += raw; return css; }; NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.makeVisualData = function (visualData) { var visual = {}; for (var property in visualData) { if (visualData.hasOwnProperty(property) && typeof visualData[property] !== 'function') { this['makeStyle' + property](visualData[property], visual); } } return visual; }; NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.deCase = function (s) { return s.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (a) { return '-' + a.toLowerCase() }); }; return NextendVisualRenderer; }); N2D('NextendFragmentEditor', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendFragmentEditor() { this.fields = {}; this.$ = $(this); } NextendFragmentEditor.prototype.load = function (values) { this._off(); this._on(); }; NextendFragmentEditor.prototype._on = function () { for (var id in this.fields) { this.fields[id].element.on(this.fields[id].events); } }; NextendFragmentEditor.prototype._off = function () { for (var id in this.fields) { this.fields[id].element.off('.n2-editor'); } }; NextendFragmentEditor.prototype.trigger = function (property, value) { this.$.trigger('change', [property, value]); }; return NextendFragmentEditor; }); N2D('NextendVisualWithSet', ['NextendVisualCore'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param visual * @param set * @param visualManager * @constructor */ function NextendVisualWithSet(visual, set, visualManager) { this.set = set; N2Classes.NextendVisualCore.prototype.constructor.call(this, visual, visualManager); } NextendVisualWithSet.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualCore.prototype); NextendVisualWithSet.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualWithSet; NextendVisualWithSet.prototype.active = function () { var setId = this.set.set.id; this.visualManager.changeSet(setId); N2Classes.NextendVisualCore.prototype.active.call(this); }; return NextendVisualWithSet; }); N2D('NextendVisualWithSetRow', ['NextendVisualWithSet'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendVisualWithSetRow() { N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSet.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSet.prototype); NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualWithSetRow; NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.createRow = function () { this.row = $('<li></li>') .append($('<a href="#"></a>').text(this.name).on('click', $.proxy(this.activate, this))); if (!this.isSystem()) { this.row.append($('<span class="n2-actions"></span>') .append($('<div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-s" href="#"><i class="n2-i n2-i-delete n2-i-grey-opacity"></i></div>') .on('click', $.proxy(this.delete, this)))); } return this.row; }; NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.setValue = function (value, render) { N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSet.prototype.setValue.call(this, value, render); if (this.row) { this.row.find('> a').html(this.name); } }; NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.active = function () { this.row.addClass('n2-active'); N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSet.prototype.active.call(this); }; NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.notActive = function () { this.row.removeClass('n2-active'); N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSet.prototype.notActive.call(this); }; return NextendVisualWithSetRow; }); N2D('NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection', ['NextendVisualWithSetRow'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param visual * @param set * @param visualManager * @constructor */ function NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection(visual, set, visualManager) { this.checked = false; visual.system = 1; visual.editable = 0; N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype); NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection; NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype.createRow = function () { var row = N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.createRow.call(this); this.checkbox = $('<div class="n2-list-checkbox"><i class="n2-i n2-i-tick"></i></div>') .on('click', $.proxy(this.checkOrUnCheck, this)) .prependTo(row.find('a')); return row; }; NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype.setValue = function (data, render) { this.name = data.name; this.value = data.data; if (this.row) { this.row.find('> a').html(this.name); } if (render) { this.render(); } }; NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype.activate = function (e, cb) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } this.visualManager.changeActiveVisual(this); this.visualManager.controller.setAnimationProperties(this.value); }; NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype.checkOrUnCheck = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (this.checked) { this.unCheck(); } else { this.check(); } }; NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype.check = function () { this.checked = true; this.checkbox.addClass('n2-active'); this.activate(); }; NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection.prototype.unCheck = function () { this.checked = false; this.checkbox.removeClass('n2-active'); this.activate(); }; return NextendVisualWithSetRowMultipleSelection; }); N2D('NextendVisualSetsManager', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param visualManager * @constructor */ function NextendVisualSetsManager(visualManager) { this.visualManager = visualManager; this.$ = $(this); } return NextendVisualSetsManager; }); N2D('NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable', ['NextendVisualSetsManager'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param visualManager * @constructor */ function NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable(visualManager) { this.modal = null; N2Classes.NextendVisualSetsManager.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.$.on({ setAdded: function (e, set) { new N2Classes.NextendVisualSet(set, visualManager); }, setChanged: function (e, set) { visualManager.sets[set.id].rename(set.value); }, setDeleted: function (e, set) { visualManager.sets[set.id].delete(); visualManager.setsSelector.trigger('change'); } }); this.manageButton = $('#' + visualManager.parameters.setsIdentifier + '-manage') .on('click', $.proxy(this.showManageSets, this)); } NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualSetsManager.prototype); NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable; NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable.prototype.isSetAllowedToEdit = function (id) { if (id == -1 || typeof this.visualManager.sets[id] == 'undefined' || this.visualManager.sets[id].set.editable == 0) { return false; } return true; }; NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable.prototype.createVisualSet = function (name) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.visualManager.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'createSet' }), data: { name: name }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { this.$.trigger('setAdded', response.data.set) }, this)); }; NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable.prototype.renameVisualSet = function (id, name) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.visualManager.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'renameSet' }), data: { setId: id, name: name }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { this.$.trigger('setChanged', response.data.set); N2Classes.Notification.success(n2_('Set renamed')); }, this)); }; NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable.prototype.deleteVisualSet = function (id) { var d = $.Deferred(), set = this.visualManager.sets[id], deferreds = []; $.when(set._loadVisuals()) .done($.proxy(function () { for (var k in set.visuals) { deferreds.push(set.visuals[k]._delete()); } $.when.apply($, deferreds).then($.proxy(function () { N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.visualManager.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'deleteSet' }), data: { setId: id }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { d.resolve(); this.$.trigger('setDeleted', response.data.set); }, this)); }, this)); }, this)) .fail(function () { d.reject(); }); return d .fail(function () { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('Unable to delete the set')); }); }; NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable.prototype.showManageSets = function () { var visualManager = this.visualManager, setsManager = this; if (this.modal === null) { this.modal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 500, 390 ], title: n2_('Sets'), back: false, close: true, content: '', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-add-new n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Add new') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function () { this.title.html(n2_printf(n2_('%s sets'), visualManager.labels.visual)); this.createHeading(n2_('Sets')).appendTo(this.content); var data = []; for (var k in visualManager.sets) { var id = visualManager.sets[k].set.id, label = $('<span></span>').text(visualManager.sets[k].set.value) if (setsManager.isSetAllowedToEdit(id)) { data.push([label, $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-xs n2-radius-s n2-button-grey n2-uc n2-h5">' + n2_('Rename') + '</div>') .on('click', {id: id}, $.proxy(function (e) { this.loadPane('rename', false, false, [e.data.id]); }, this)), $('<div class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-xs n2-radius-s n2-button-red n2-uc n2-h5">' + n2_('Delete') + '</div>') .on('click', {id: id}, $.proxy(function (e) { this.loadPane('delete', false, false, [e.data.id]); }, this))]); } else { data.push([label, '', '']); } } this.createTable(data, ['width:100%;', '', '']).appendTo(this.createTableWrap().appendTo(this.content)); this.controls.find('.n2-add-new') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.loadPane('addNew'); }, this)); } } }, addNew: { title: n2_('Create set'), size: [ 500, 220 ], back: 'zero', close: true, content: '<form class="n2-form"></form>', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Add') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function () { var button = this.controls.find('.n2-button'), form = this.content.find('.n2-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger('click'); }).append(this.createInput(n2_('Name'), 'n2-visual-name', 'width: 446px;')), nameField = this.content.find('#n2-visual-name').focus(); button.on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { var name = nameField.val(); if (name == '') { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('Please fill the name field!')); } else { setsManager.createVisualSet(name) .done($.proxy(function (response) { this.hide(e); N2Classes.Notification.success(n2_('Set added')); visualManager.setsSelector.val(response.data.set.id).trigger('change') }, this)); } }, this)); } } }, rename: { title: n2_('Rename set'), size: [ 500, 220 ], back: 'zero', close: true, content: '<form class="n2-form"></form>', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-green n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Rename') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function (id) { var button = this.controls.find('.n2-button'), form = this.content.find('.n2-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); button.trigger('click'); }).append(this.createInput(n2_('Name'), 'n2-visual-name', 'width: 446px;')), nameField = this.content.find('#n2-visual-name') .val(visualManager.sets[id].set.value).focus(); button.on('click', $.proxy(function () { var name = nameField.val(); if (name == '') { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('Please fill the name field!')); } else { setsManager.renameVisualSet(id, name) .done($.proxy(this.goBack, this)); } }, this)); } } }, 'delete': { title: n2_('Delete set'), size: [ 500, 190 ], back: 'zero', close: true, content: '', controls: ['<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-grey n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Cancel') + '</a>', '<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-l n2-radius-s n2-button-red n2-uc n2-h4">' + n2_('Yes') + '</a>'], fn: { show: function (id) { this.createCenteredSubHeading(n2_printf(n2_('Do you really want to delete the set and all associated %s?'), visualManager.labels.visuals)).appendTo(this.content); this.controls.find('.n2-button-grey') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.goBack(); }, this)); this.controls.find('.n2-button-red') .text('Yes, delete "' + visualManager.sets[id].set.value + '"') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); setsManager.deleteVisualSet(id) .done($.proxy(this.goBack, this)); }, this)); } } } }, false); } this.modal.show(false, [this.visualManager.setsSelector.val()]); }; return NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable; }); N2D('NextendVisualSet', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param set * @param visualManager * @constructor */ function NextendVisualSet(set, visualManager) { this.set = set; this.visualManager = visualManager; this.visualList = $('<ul class="n2-list n2-h4"></ul>'); this.visualManager.sets[set.id] = this; if (set.referencekey != '') { this.visualManager.setsByReference[set.referencekey] = set; } this.option = $('<option value="' + set.id + '"></option>').text(set.value) .appendTo(this.visualManager.setsSelector); } NextendVisualSet.prototype.active = function () { $.when(this._loadVisuals()) .done($.proxy(function () { this.visualList.appendTo(this.visualManager.visualListContainer); }, this)); }; NextendVisualSet.prototype.notActive = function () { this.visualList.detach(); }; NextendVisualSet.prototype.loadVisuals = function (visuals) { if (typeof this.visuals === 'undefined') { this.visuals = {}; for (var i = 0; i < visuals.length; i++) { this.addVisual(visuals[i]); } } }; NextendVisualSet.prototype._loadVisuals = function () { if (this.visuals == null) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.visualManager.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'loadVisualsForSet' }), data: { setId: this.set.id }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { this.loadVisuals(response.data.visuals); }, this)); } return true; }; NextendVisualSet.prototype.addVisual = function (visual) { if (typeof this.visuals[visual.id] === 'undefined') { this.visuals[visual.id] = this.visualManager.createVisual(visual, this); this.visualList.append(this.visuals[visual.id].createRow()); } return this.visuals[visual.id]; }; NextendVisualSet.prototype.rename = function (name) { this.set.value = name; this.option.text(name); }; NextendVisualSet.prototype.delete = function () { this.option.remove(); delete this.visualManager.sets[this.set.id]; }; return NextendVisualSet; }); N2D('NextendVisualManagerCore', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param parameters * @constructor */ function NextendVisualManagerCore(parameters) { this.loadDefaults(); this.$ = $(this); window.nextend[this.type + 'Manager'] = this; this.modals = this.initModals(); this.lightbox = $('#n2-lightbox-' + this.type); this.notificationStack = new N2Classes.NotificationStack(this.lightbox.find('.n2-top-bar')); this.visualListContainer = this.lightbox.find('.n2-lightbox-sidebar-list'); this.parameters = parameters; this.visuals = {}; this.controller = this.initController(); if (this.controller) { this.renderer = this.controller.renderer; } this.firstLoadVisuals(parameters.visuals); $('.n2-' + this.type + '-save-as-new') .on('click', $.proxy(this.saveAsNew, this)); this.cancelButton = $('#n2-' + this.type + '-editor-cancel') .on('click', $.proxy(this.hide, this)); this.saveButton = $('#n2-' + this.type + '-editor-save') .off('click') .on('click', $.proxy(this.setVisual, this)); } NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.setTitle = function (title) { this.lightbox.find('.n2-logo').html(title); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { this.mode = 'linked'; this.labels = { visual: n2_('visual'), visuals: n2_('visuals') }; this.visualLoadDeferreds = {}; this.showParameters = false; }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.initModals = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerModals(this); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.firstLoadVisuals = function (visuals) { for (var k in visuals) { this.sets[k].loadVisuals(visuals[k]); } }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.initController = function () { }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.getVisual = function (id) { if (parseInt(id) > 0) { if (typeof this.visuals[id] !== 'undefined') { return this.visuals[id]; } else if (typeof this.visualLoadDeferreds[id] !== 'undefined') { return this.visualLoadDeferreds[id]; } else { var deferred = $.Deferred(); this.visualLoadDeferreds[id] = deferred; this._loadVisualFromServer(id) .done($.proxy(function () { deferred.resolve(this.visuals[id]); delete this.visualLoadDeferreds[id]; }, this)) .fail($.proxy(function () { // This visual is Empty!!! deferred.resolve({ id: -1, name: n2_('Empty') }); delete this.visualLoadDeferreds[id]; }, this)); return deferred; } } else { try { var decoded = id; if (decoded[0] != '{') { decoded = N2Classes.Base64.decode(decoded) } JSON.parse(decoded); return { id: 0, name: n2_('Static') }; } catch (e) { // This visual is Empty!!! return { id: -1, name: n2_('Empty') }; } } }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype._loadVisualFromServer = function (visualId) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'loadVisual' }), data: { visualId: visualId }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { n2c.error('@todo: load the visual data!'); }, this)); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.show = function (data, saveCallback, showParameters) { N2Classes.Esc.add($.proxy(function () { this.hide(); return true; }, this)); this.notificationStack.enableStack(); this.showParameters = $.extend({ previewMode: false, previewHTML: false }, showParameters); $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); this.lightbox.css('display', 'block'); $(window) .on('resize.' + this.type + 'Manager', $.proxy(this.resize, this)); this.resize(); this.loadDataToController(data); this.controller.show(); this.$.on('save', saveCallback); this._show(); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype._show = function () { $(':focus').blur(); $(window).on({ 'keydown.visual': $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.target.tagName != 'TEXTAREA' && e.target.tagName != 'INPUT') { if (e.keyCode == 13) { this.saveButton.trigger('click'); } } }, this) }); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.setAndClose = function (data) { this.$.trigger('save', [data]); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.hide = function (e) { this.controller.pause(); this.notificationStack.popStack(); if (typeof e !== 'undefined') { e.preventDefault(); N2Classes.Esc.pop(); } this.controller.close(); this.$.off('save'); $(window).off('resize.' + this.type + 'Manager'); $('body').css('overflow', ''); this.lightbox.css('display', 'none'); $(window).off('keydown.visual'); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.resize = function () { var h = this.lightbox.height(); var sidebar = this.lightbox.find('.n2-sidebar'); sidebar.find('.n2-lightbox-sidebar-list').height(h - 1 - sidebar.find('.n2-logo').outerHeight() - sidebar.find('.n2-sidebar-row').outerHeight() - sidebar.find('.n2-save-as-new-container').parent().height()); var contentArea = this.lightbox.find('.n2-content-area').addClass('n2-scrollable'); contentArea.height(h - 1 - contentArea.siblings('.n2-top-bar, .n2-table').outerHeight()); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.getDataFromController = function (data, showParameters, cb) { this.showParameters = $.extend({ previewMode: false, previewHTML: false }, showParameters); return this.loadDataToController(data, cb); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.loadDataToController = function (data) { if (this.isVisualData(data)) { $.when(this.getVisual(data)).done($.proxy(function (visual) { if (visual.id > 0) { visual.activate(); } else { console.error(data + ' visual is not found linked'); } }, this)); } else { console.error(data + ' visual not found'); } }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.isVisualData = function (data) { return parseInt(data) > 0; }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.setVisual = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch (this.mode) { case 0: break; case 'static': this.modals.getLinkedOverwriteOrSaveAs() .show('saveAsNew'); break; case 'linked': default: if (this.activeVisual) { if (this.activeVisual.compare(this.controller.get('set'))) { //if (this.getBase64(this.activeVisual.name) == this.activeVisual.base64) { this.setAndClose(this.activeVisual.id); this.hide(e); } else { if (this.activeVisual && !this.activeVisual.isEditable()) { this.modals.getLinkedOverwriteOrSaveAs() .show('saveAsNew'); } else { this.modals.getLinkedOverwriteOrSaveAs() .show(); } } } else { this.modals.getLinkedOverwriteOrSaveAs() .show('saveAsNew'); } break; } }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.saveAsNew = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.modals.getSaveAs() .show(); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype._saveAsNew = function (name) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'addVisual' }), data: { setId: this.setsSelector.val(), value: N2Classes.Base64.encode(JSON.stringify({ name: name, data: this.controller.get('saveAsNew') })) }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { var visual = response.data.visual; this.changeActiveVisual(this.sets[visual.referencekey].addVisual(visual)); }, this)); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.saveActiveVisual = function (name) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'changeVisual' }), data: { visualId: this.activeVisual.id, value: this.getBase64(name) }, dataType: 'json' }).done($.proxy(function (response) { this.activeVisual.setValue(response.data.visual.value, true); }, this)); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.changeActiveVisual = function (visual) { if (this.activeVisual) { this.activeVisual.notActive(); this.activeVisual = false; } if (visual /*&& (this.mode == 0 || this.mode == 'linked')*/) { if (this.mode == 'static') { this.setMode('linked'); } visual.active(); this.activeVisual = visual; } }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.getBase64 = function (name) { return N2Classes.Base64.encode(JSON.stringify({ name: name, data: this.controller.get('set') })); }; NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.removeRules = function (mode, visual) { this.renderer.deleteRules(mode, this.parameters.renderer.pre, '.' + this.getClass(visual.id, mode)); }; return NextendVisualManagerCore; }); N2D('NextendVisualManagerEditableSets', ['NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets'], function ($, undefined) { /** * Sets are editable * Ex.: Layout * * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendVisualManagerEditableSets() { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendVisualManagerEditableSets.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype); NextendVisualManagerEditableSets.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualManagerEditableSets; NextendVisualManagerEditableSets.prototype.initSetsManager = function () { new N2Classes.NextendVisualSetsManagerEditable(this); }; return NextendVisualManagerEditableSets; }); N2D('NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection', ['NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets'], function ($, undefined) { /** * Multiple selection * Ex.: Background animation, Post background animation * * @memberOf N2Classes */ function NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection(parameters) { window.nextend[this.type + 'Manager'] = this; // Push the constructor to the first show as an optimization. this._lateInit = $.proxy(function (parameters) { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.constructor.call(this, parameters); }, this, parameters); } NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype); NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection; NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.lateInit = function () { if (!this.inited) { this.inited = true; this._lateInit(); } }; NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.show = function (data, saveCallback, controllerParameters) { this.lateInit(); this.notificationStack.enableStack(); N2Classes.Esc.add($.proxy(function () { this.hide(); return true; }, this)); $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); this.lightbox.css('display', 'block'); $(window) .on('resize.' + this.type + 'Manager', $.proxy(this.resize, this)); this.resize(); var i = 0; if (data != '') { var selected = data.split('||'), hasSelected = false; for (; i < selected.length; i++) { $.when(this.getVisual(selected[i])).done(function (visual) { if (visual && visual.check) { visual.check(); if (!hasSelected) { hasSelected = true; visual.activate(); } } }); } } this.$.on('save', saveCallback); this.controller.start(controllerParameters); if (i == 0) { $.when(this.activeSet._loadVisuals()) .done($.proxy(function () { for (var k in this.activeSet.visuals) { this.activeSet.visuals[k].activate(); break; } }, this)); } this._show(); }; NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.setVisual = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setAndClose(this.getAsString()); this.hide(e); }; NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.getAsString = function () { var selected = []; for (var k in this.sets) { var set = this.sets[k]; for (var i in set.visuals) { if (set.visuals[i].checked) { selected.push(set.visuals[i].id); } } } if (selected.length == 0 && this.activeVisual) { selected.push(this.activeVisual.id); } return selected.join('||'); }; NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection.prototype.hide = function (e) { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.hide.apply(this, arguments); for (var k in this.sets) { var set = this.sets[k]; for (var i in set.visuals) { set.visuals[i].unCheck(); } } }; return NextendVisualManagerMultipleSelection; }); N2D('NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore', ['NextendVisualManagerEditableSets'], function ($, undefined) { /** * Static and linked mode * Ex.: Style, Fonts, Animation * * @memberOf N2Classes */ function NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore() { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerEditableSets.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.linkedButton = $('#n2-' + this.type + '-editor-set-as-linked'); this.setMode(0); } NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerEditableSets.prototype); NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore; NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.setMode = function (newMode) { if (newMode == 'static') { this.changeActiveVisual(null); } if (this.mode != newMode) { switch (newMode) { case 0: //this.modeRadio.parent.css('display', 'none'); this.cancelButton.css('display', 'none'); this.saveButton .off('click'); break; case 'static': default: this.cancelButton.css('display', 'inline-block'); this.saveButton .off('click') .on('click', $.proxy(this.setVisualAsStatic, this)); this.linkedButton .off('click') .on('click', $.proxy(this.setVisualAsLinked, this)); break; } this.mode = newMode; } }; NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.loadDataToController = function (data, cb) { if (parseInt(data) > 0) { $.when(this.getVisual(data)).done($.proxy(function (visual) { if (visual.id > 0) { this.setMode('linked'); visual.activate(false, cb); } else { this.setMode('static'); if (typeof cb == 'function') { this.controller.asyncVisualData('', this.showParameters, cb); } else { this.controller.load('', false, this.showParameters); } } }, this)); } else { var visualData = ''; this.setMode('static'); try { visualData = this.getStaticData(data); } catch (e) { // This visual is Empty!!! } if (typeof cb == 'function') { this.controller.asyncVisualData(visualData, this.showParameters, cb); } else { this.controller.load(visualData, false, this.showParameters); } } }; NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.getStaticData = function (data) { var decoded = data; if (decoded[0] != '{') { decoded = N2Classes.Base64.decode(decoded) } var d = JSON.parse(decoded).data; if (typeof d === 'undefined') { return ''; } return d; }; NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.setVisualAsLinked = function (e) { this.setVisual(e); }; NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.setVisualAsStatic = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setAndClose(this.getBase64(n2_('Static'))); this.hide(e); }; return NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore; }); N2D('NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets', ['NextendVisualManagerCore'], function ($, undefined) { /** * Sets are visible * * @memberOf N2Classes */ function NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets() { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype); NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.constructor = NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets; NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.firstLoadVisuals = function (visuals) { this.sets = {}; this.setsByReference = {}; this.setsSelector = $('#' + this.parameters.setsIdentifier + 'sets_select'); for (var i = 0; i < this.parameters.sets.length; i++) { this.newVisualSet(this.parameters.sets[i]); } this.initSetsManager(); for (var k in visuals) { this.sets[k].loadVisuals(visuals[k]) } this.activeSet = this.sets[this.setsSelector.val()]; this.activeSet.active(); this.setsSelector.on('change', $.proxy(function () { this.activeSet.notActive(); this.activeSet = this.sets[this.setsSelector.val()]; this.activeSet.active(); }, this)); }; NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.initSetsManager = function () { new N2Classes.NextendVisualSetsManager(this); }; NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype._loadVisualFromServer = function (visualId) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'loadSetByVisualId' }), data: { visualId: visualId }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { this.sets[response.data.set.setId].loadVisuals(response.data.set.visuals); }, this)); }; NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.changeSet = function (setId) { if (this.setsSelector.val() != setId) { this.setsSelector.val(setId) .trigger('change'); } }; NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.changeSetById = function (id) { if (typeof this.sets[id] !== 'undefined') { this.changeSet(id); } }; NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets.prototype.newVisualSet = function (set) { return new N2Classes.NextendVisualSet(set, this); }; return NextendVisualManagerVisibleSets; }); N2D('NextendFontEditor', ['NextendFragmentEditor'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendFontEditor() { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditor.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.fields = { family: { element: $('#n2-font-editorfamily'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeFamily, this) } }, color: { element: $('#n2-font-editorcolor'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeColor, this) } }, size: { element: $('#n2-font-editorsize'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeSize, this) } }, lineHeight: { element: $('#n2-font-editorlineheight'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeLineHeight, this) } }, weight: { element: $('#n2-font-editorweight'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeWeight, this) } }, decoration: { element: $('#n2-font-editordecoration'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeDecoration, this) } }, align: { element: $('#n2-font-editortextalign'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeAlign, this) } }, shadow: { element: $('#n2-font-editortshadow'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeShadow, this) } }, letterSpacing: { element: $('#n2-font-editorletterspacing'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeLetterSpacing, this) } }, wordSpacing: { element: $('#n2-font-editorwordspacing'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeWordSpacing, this) } }, textTransform: { element: $('#n2-font-editortexttransform'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeTextTransform, this) } }, css: { element: $('#n2-font-editorextracss'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeCSS, this) } } }; } NextendFontEditor.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditor.prototype); NextendFontEditor.prototype.constructor = NextendFontEditor; NextendFontEditor.prototype.load = function (values) { this._off(); var family = values.afont.split('||'); // split for a while for compatibility this.fields.family.element.data('field').insideChange(family[0]); this.fields.color.element.data('field').insideChange(values.color); this.fields.size.element.data('field').insideChange(values.size .split('||') .join('|*|') ); this.fields.lineHeight.element.data('field').insideChange(values.lineheight); this.fields.weight.element.data('field').insideChange(values.weight); this.fields.decoration.element.data('field').insideChange([ values.italic == 1 ? 'italic' : '', values.underline == 1 ? 'underline' : '' ].join('||')); this.fields.align.element.data('field').insideChange(values.align); this.fields.shadow.element.data('field').insideChange(values.tshadow.replace(/\|\|px/g, '')); this.fields.letterSpacing.element.data('field').insideChange(values.letterspacing); this.fields.wordSpacing.element.data('field').insideChange(values.wordspacing); this.fields.textTransform.element.data('field').insideChange(values.texttransform); this.fields.css.element.data('field').insideChange(values.extra); this._on(); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeFamily = function () { this.trigger('afont', this.fields.family.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeColor = function () { this.trigger('color', this.fields.color.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeSize = function () { this.trigger('size', this.fields.size.element.val().replace('|*|', '||')); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeLineHeight = function () { this.trigger('lineheight', this.fields.lineHeight.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeWeight = function () { this.trigger('weight', this.fields.weight.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeDecoration = function () { var value = this.fields.decoration.element.val(); var italic = 0; if (value.indexOf('italic') != -1) { italic = 1; } this.trigger('italic', italic); var underline = 0; if (value.indexOf('underline') != -1) { underline = 1; } this.trigger('underline', underline); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeAlign = function () { this.trigger('align', this.fields.align.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeShadow = function () { this.trigger('tshadow', this.fields.shadow.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeLetterSpacing = function () { this.trigger('letterspacing', this.fields.letterSpacing.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeWordSpacing = function () { this.trigger('wordspacing', this.fields.wordSpacing.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeTextTransform = function () { this.trigger('texttransform', this.fields.textTransform.element.val()); }; NextendFontEditor.prototype.changeCSS = function () { this.trigger('extra', this.fields.css.element.val()); }; return NextendFontEditor; }); N2D('NextendFontEditorController', ['NextendFragmentEditorController'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param previewModesList * @param defaultFamily * @constructor */ function NextendFontEditorController(previewModesList, defaultFamily) { this.defaultFamily = defaultFamily; N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.fontSize = 16; this.preview = $('#n2-font-editor-preview').css('fontSize', '16px'); this.initBackgroundColor(); } NextendFontEditorController.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype); NextendFontEditorController.prototype.constructor = NextendFontEditorController; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.loadDefaults.call(this); this.type = 'font'; this.preview = null; this.fontSize = 14; }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.initPreviewModes = function () { this.previewModes = { 1: [this.previewModesList['simple']], 2: [this.previewModesList['link'], this.previewModesList['hover'], this.previewModesList['accordionslidetitle']], 3: [this.previewModesList['paragraph'], this.previewModesList['list']] }; }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.initRenderer = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendFontRenderer(this); }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.initEditor = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendFontEditor(); }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype._load = function (visual, tabs, parameters) { if (visual.length) { visual = this.fixBold(visual); visual[0] = $.extend({}, this.getEmptyFont(), visual[0]); } N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype._load.call(this, visual, tabs, parameters); }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.asyncVisualData = function (visual, showParameters, cb) { if (visual.length) { visual = this.fixBold(visual); visual[0] = $.extend({}, this.getEmptyFont(), visual[0]); } N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.asyncVisualData.call(this, visual, showParameters, cb); }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.fixBold = function (visual) { for (var i = 0; i < visual.length; i++) { if (visual[i].bold !== undefined) { if (visual[i].weight !== undefined) { delete visual[i].bold; } else { if (visual[i].bold == 1) { visual[i].weight = 700; } else if (visual[i].bold > 0) { visual[i].weight = visual[i].bold; } delete visual[i].bold; } } } return visual; } NextendFontEditorController.prototype.getEmptyFont = function () { return { color: "000000ff", size: "14||px", tshadow: "0|*|0|*|0|*|000000ff", afont: this.defaultFamily, lineheight: "1.5", weight: 400, italic: 0, underline: 0, align: "left", letterspacing: "normal", wordspacing: "normal", texttransform: "none", extra: "" }; }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.getCleanVisual = function () { return { extra: '' }; }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.getEmptyVisual = function () { return [this.getEmptyFont()]; }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.initBackgroundColor = function () { new N2Classes.FormElementText("n2-font-editor-background-color"); new N2Classes.FormElementColor("n2-font-editor-background-color", 0); var box = this.lightbox.find('.n2-editor-preview-box'); $('#n2-font-editor-background-color').on('nextendChange', function () { box.css('background', '#' + $(this).val()); }); }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype._renderPreview = function () { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype._renderPreview.call(this); this.addStyle(this.renderer.getCSS(this.currentPreviewMode, '', '.' + this.getPreviewCssClass(), this.currentVisual, { activeTab: this.currentTabIndex })); }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.setPreview = function (mode) { var html = ''; if (typeof this.localModePreview[mode] !== 'undefined') { html = this.localModePreview[mode]; } else { html = this.previewModesList[mode].preview; } var fontClassName = this.getPreviewCssClass(), styleClassName = nextend.fontManager.styleClassName, styleClassName2 = nextend.fontManager.styleClassName2; html = html.replace(/\{([^]*?)\}/g, function (match, script) { return eval(script); }); this.preview.html(html); }; NextendFontEditorController.prototype.getPreviewCssClass = function () { return 'n2-' + this.type + '-editor-preview'; }; return NextendFontEditorController; }); N2D('NextendFont', ['NextendVisualWithSetRow'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendFont() { N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendFont.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype); NextendFont.prototype.constructor = NextendFont; NextendFont.prototype.removeRules = function () { var used = this.isUsed(); if (used) { for (var i = 0; i < used.length; i++) { this.visualManager.removeRules(used[i], this); } } }; NextendFont.prototype.render = function () { var used = this.isUsed(); if (used) { for (var i = 0; i < used.length; i++) { this.visualManager.renderLinkedFont(used[i], this); } } }; NextendFont.prototype.isUsed = function () { if (typeof this.visualManager.parameters.renderer.usedFonts[this.id] !== 'undefined') { return this.visualManager.parameters.renderer.usedFonts[this.id]; } return false; }; return NextendFont; }); N2D('NextendFontManager', ['NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendFontManager() { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendFontManager.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype); NextendFontManager.prototype.constructor = NextendFontManager; NextendFontManager.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.loadDefaults.apply(this, arguments); this.type = 'font'; this.labels = { visual: n2_('font'), visuals: n2_('fonts') }; this.styleClassName = ''; this.styleClassName2 = ''; }; NextendFontManager.prototype.initController = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendFontEditorController(this.parameters.renderer.modes, this.parameters.defaultFamily); }; NextendFontManager.prototype.addVisualUsage = function (mode, fontValue, pre) { /** * if fontValue is numeric, then it is a linked font! */ if (parseInt(fontValue) > 0) { return this._addLinkedFont(mode, fontValue, pre); } else { try { this._renderStaticFont(mode, fontValue, pre); return true; } catch (e) { // Empty font return false; } } }; NextendFontManager.prototype._addLinkedFont = function (mode, fontId, pre) { var used = this.parameters.renderer.usedFonts, d = $.Deferred(); $.when(this.getVisual(fontId)) .done($.proxy(function (font) { if (font.id > 0) { if (typeof pre === 'undefined') { if (typeof used[font.id] === 'undefined') { used[font.id] = [mode]; this.renderLinkedFont(mode, font, pre); } else if ($.inArray(mode, used[font.id]) == -1) { used[font.id].push(mode); this.renderLinkedFont(mode, font, pre); } } else { this.renderLinkedFont(mode, font, pre); } d.resolve(true); } else { d.resolve(false); } }, this)) .fail(function () { d.resolve(false); }); return d; }; NextendFontManager.prototype.renderLinkedFont = function (mode, font, pre) { if (typeof pre === 'undefined') { pre = this.parameters.renderer.pre; } nextend.css.add(this.renderer.getCSS(mode, pre, '.' + this.getClass(font.id, mode), font.value, { deleteRule: true })); }; NextendFontManager.prototype._renderStaticFont = function (mode, fontJsonOrBase64, pre) { if (typeof pre === 'undefined') { pre = this.parameters.renderer.pre; } var jsonFont = fontJsonOrBase64; if (jsonFont[0] != '{') { jsonFont = N2Classes.Base64.decode(jsonFont); } nextend.css.add(this.renderer.getCSS(mode, pre, '.' + this.getClass(fontJsonOrBase64, mode), JSON.parse(jsonFont).data, {})); }; /** * We should never use this method as we do not track if a font used with the same mode multiple times. * So there is no sync and if we delete a used font, other usages might fail to update correctly in * special circumstances. * @param mode * @param fontId */ NextendFontManager.prototype.removeUsedFont = function (mode, fontId) { var used = this.parameters.renderer.usedFonts; if (typeof used[fontId] !== 'undefined') { var index = $.inArray(mode, used[fontId]); if (index > -1) { used[fontId].splice(index, 1); } } }; NextendFontManager.prototype.getClass = function (font, mode) { if (parseInt(font) > 0) { return 'n2-font-' + font + '-' + mode; } else if (font == '') { // Empty font return ''; } else if (font == '{') { font = N2Classes.Base64.encode(font); } // Font might be empty with this class too, but we do not care as nothing wrong if it has an extra class // We could do try catch to JSON.parse(N2Classes.Base64.decode(font)), but it is wasting resource return 'n2-font-' + md5(font) + '-' + mode; }; NextendFontManager.prototype.createVisual = function (visual, set) { return new N2Classes.NextendFont(visual, set, this); }; NextendFontManager.prototype.setConnectedStyle = function (styleId) { this.styleClassName = $('#' + styleId).data('field').renderStyle(); }; NextendFontManager.prototype.setConnectedStyle2 = function (styleId) { this.styleClassName2 = $('#' + styleId).data('field').renderStyle(); }; return NextendFontManager; }); N2D('NextendFontRenderer', ['NextendVisualRenderer'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendFontRenderer() { N2Classes.NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendFontRenderer.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualRenderer.prototype); NextendFontRenderer.prototype.constructor = NextendFontRenderer; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.getCSS = function (modeKey, pre, selector, visualTabs, parameters) { visualTabs = $.extend([], visualTabs); visualTabs[0] = $.extend(this.editorController.getEmptyFont(), visualTabs[0]); if (this.editorController.previewModesList[modeKey].renderOptions.combined) { for (var i = 1; i < visualTabs.length; i++) { visualTabs[i] = $.extend({}, visualTabs[i - 1], visualTabs[i]); if (visualTabs[i].size === visualTabs[0].size) { visualTabs[i].size = '100||%'; } else { var size1 = visualTabs[0].size.split('||'), size2 = visualTabs[i].size.split('||'); if (size1.length === 2 && size2.length === 2 && size1[1] === 'px' && size2[1] === 'px') { visualTabs[i].size = Math.round(size2[0] / size1[0] * 100) + '||%'; } } } } return N2Classes.NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.getCSS.call(this, modeKey, pre, selector, visualTabs, parameters); }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStylecolor = function (value, target) { target.color = '#' + value.substr(0, 6) + ";\ncolor: " + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(value); }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStylesize = function (value, target) { var fontSize = value.split('||'); if (fontSize[1] == 'px') { target.fontSize = (fontSize[0] / this.editorController.fontSize * 100) + '%'; } else { target.fontSize = value.replace('||', ''); } }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyletshadow = function (value, target) { var ts = value.split('|*|'); if (ts[0] == '0' && ts[1] == '0' && ts[2] == '0') { target.textShadow = 'none'; } else { target.textShadow = ts[0] + 'px ' + ts[1] + 'px ' + ts[2] + 'px ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(ts[3]); } }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyleafont = function (value, target) { var families = value.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < families.length; i++) { families[i] = this.getFamily(families[i] .replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm, '') .replace(/"|'/gm, '')); } target.fontFamily = families.join(','); }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.getFamily = function (family) { var translatedFamily = $(window).triggerHandler('n2Family', [family]); if (translatedFamily === undefined) { translatedFamily = family; } return "'" + translatedFamily + "'"; }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStylelineheight = function (value, target) { target.lineHeight = value; }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyleweight = NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStylebold = function (value, target) { if (value == 1) { target.fontWeight = 'bold'; } else if (value > 1) { target.fontWeight = value; } else { target.fontWeight = 'normal'; } }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyleitalic = function (value, target) { if (value == 1) { target.fontStyle = 'italic'; } else { target.fontStyle = 'normal'; } }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyleunderline = function (value, target) { if (value == 1) { target.textDecoration = 'underline'; } else { target.textDecoration = 'none'; } }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStylealign = function (value, target) { target.textAlign = value; }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyleletterspacing = function (value, target) { target.letterSpacing = value; }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStylewordspacing = function (value, target) { target.wordSpacing = value; }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyletexttransform = function (value, target) { target.textTransform = value; }; NextendFontRenderer.prototype.makeStyleextra = function (value, target) { target.raw = value; }; return NextendFontRenderer; }); N2D('NextendImageEditor', ['NextendFragmentEditor'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendImageEditor() { this.previews = null; this.desktopImage = ''; N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditor.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.fields = { 'desktop-size': { element: $('#n2-image-editordesktop-size'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeSize, this, 'desktop') } }, 'desktop-retina-image': { element: $('#n2-image-editordesktop-retina-image'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeImage, this, 'desktop-retina') } }, 'desktop-retina-size': { element: $('#n2-image-editordesktop-retina-size'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeSize, this, 'desktop-retina') } }, 'tablet-image': { element: $('#n2-image-editortablet-image'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeImage, this, 'tablet') } }, 'tablet-size': { element: $('#n2-image-editortablet-size'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeSize, this, 'tablet') } }, 'tablet-retina-image': { element: $('#n2-image-editortablet-retina-image'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeImage, this, 'tablet-retina') } }, 'tablet-retina-size': { element: $('#n2-image-editortablet-retina-size'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeSize, this, 'tablet-retina') } }, 'mobile-image': { element: $('#n2-image-editormobile-image'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeImage, this, 'mobile') } }, 'mobile-size': { element: $('#n2-image-editormobile-size'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeSize, this, 'mobile') } }, 'mobile-retina-image': { element: $('#n2-image-editormobile-retina-image'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeImage, this, 'mobile-retina') } }, 'mobile-retina-size': { element: $('#n2-image-editormobile-retina-size'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeSize, this, 'mobile-retina') } } }; this.previews = { desktop: $('#n2-image-editordesktop-preview'), 'desktop-retina': $('#n2-image-editordesktop-retina-preview'), tablet: $('#n2-image-editortablet-preview'), 'tablet-retina': $('#n2-image-editortablet-retina-preview'), mobile: $('#n2-image-editormobile-preview'), 'mobile-retina': $('#n2-image-editormobile-retina-preview') }; var generateTablet = $(this.buttonGenerate()) .on('click', $.proxy(this.generateImage, this, 'tablet')) .insertAfter(this.fields['tablet-image'].element.parent()); var generateMobile = $(this.buttonGenerate()) .on('click', $.proxy(this.generateImage, this, 'mobile')) .insertAfter(this.fields['mobile-image'].element.parent()); } NextendImageEditor.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditor.prototype); NextendImageEditor.prototype.constructor = NextendImageEditor; NextendImageEditor.prototype.load = function (image, values) { this._off(); for (var k in this.fields) { var keys = [k.substring(0, k.lastIndexOf("-")), k.substring(k.lastIndexOf("-") + 1)]; this.fields[k].element.data('field').insideChange(values[keys[0]][keys[1]]); } this.desktopImage = image; this.makePreview('desktop', image); if (values.desktop.size == '0|*|0') { this.getImageSize(image) .done($.proxy(function (width, height) { this.fields['desktop-size'].element.data('field').insideChange(width + '|*|' + height); }, this)); } for (var k in values) { if (typeof values[k].image != 'undefined') { this.makePreview(k, values[k].image); } } this._on(); }; NextendImageEditor.prototype.changeImage = function (device, e, field) { var image = field.element.val(); if (this.makePreview(device, image)) { this.getImageSize(image) .done($.proxy(function (width, height) { this.fields[device + '-size'].element.data('field').insideChange(width + '|*|' + height); }, this)); } else { this.fields[device + '-size'].element.data('field').insideChange('0|*|0'); } this.trigger(device, 'image', image); }; NextendImageEditor.prototype.changeSize = function (device, e, field) { this.trigger(device, 'size', field.element.val()); }; NextendImageEditor.prototype.makePreview = function (device, image) { if (image) { this.previews[device].html('<img style="max-width:100%; max-height: 300px;" src="' + nextend.imageHelper.fixed(image) + '" />'); return true; } else { this.previews[device].html(''); return false; } }; NextendImageEditor.prototype.getImageSize = function (image) { var deferred = $.Deferred(), newImage = new Image(); newImage.onload = function () { deferred.resolve(newImage.width, newImage.height); }; newImage.src = nextend.imageHelper.fixed(image); if (newImage.complete || newImage.readyState === 4) { newImage.onload(); } return deferred; }; NextendImageEditor.prototype.buttonGenerate = function () { return '<a href="#" class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-m n2-radius-s n2-button-grey n2-h5 n2-uc">' + n2_('Generate') + '</a>'; }; NextendImageEditor.prototype.generateImage = function (device) { var image = this.desktopImage; if (image == '') { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('Desktop image is empty!'), { timeout: 3 }); return false; } else { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(nextend.imageManager.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'generateImage' }), data: { device: device, image: image }, dataType: 'json' }).done($.proxy(function (response) { var image = response.data.image; this.fields[device + '-image'].element.data('field').insideChange(nextend.imageHelper.make(image)); }, this)); } }; NextendImageEditor.prototype.trigger = function (device, property, value) { this.$.trigger('change', [device, property, value]); }; return NextendImageEditor; }); N2D('NextendImageEditorController', ['NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendImageEditorController() { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendImageEditorController.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype); NextendImageEditorController.prototype.constructor = NextendImageEditorController; NextendImageEditorController.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype.loadDefaults.call(this); this.type = 'image'; this.currentImage = ''; }; NextendImageEditorController.prototype.get = function (type) { return this.currentVisual; }; NextendImageEditorController.prototype.getEmptyVisual = function () { return { desktop: { size: '0|*|0' }, 'desktop-retina': { image: '', size: '0|*|0' }, tablet: { image: '', size: '0|*|0' }, 'tablet-retina': { image: '', size: '0|*|0' }, mobile: { image: '', size: '0|*|0' }, 'mobile-retina': { image: '', size: '0|*|0' } }; }; NextendImageEditorController.prototype.initEditor = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendImageEditor(); }; NextendImageEditorController.prototype._load = function (visual, tabs, parameters) { this.currentImage = visual.visual.image; N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorControllerWithEditor.prototype._load.call(this, visual.value, tabs, parameters); }; NextendImageEditorController.prototype.loadToEditor = function () { this.currentVisual = $.extend({}, this.getEmptyVisual(), this.currentVisual); this.editor.load(this.currentImage, this.currentVisual); }; NextendImageEditorController.prototype.propertyChanged = function (e, device, property, value) { this.isChanged = true; this.currentVisual[device][property] = value; }; return NextendImageEditorController; }); N2D('NextendImage', ['NextendVisualCore'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendImage() { N2Classes.NextendVisualCore.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendImage.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualCore.prototype); NextendImage.prototype.constructor = NextendImage; NextendImage.prototype.setValue = function (value, render) { this.base64 = value; this.value = JSON.parse(N2Classes.Base64.decode(value)); }; NextendImage.prototype.activate = function (e) { if (typeof e !== 'undefined') { e.preventDefault(); } this.visualManager.changeActiveVisual(this); this.visualManager.controller.load(this, false, this.visualManager.showParameters); }; return NextendImage; }); N2D('NextendImageManager', ['NextendVisualManagerCore'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendImageManager() { this.referenceKeys = {}; N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendImageManager.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype); NextendImageManager.prototype.constructor = NextendImageManager; NextendImageManager.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerCore.prototype.loadDefaults.apply(this, arguments); this.type = 'image'; this.labels = { visual: n2_('image'), visuals: n2_('images') }; this.fontClassName = ''; }; NextendImageManager.prototype.initController = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendImageEditorController(); }; NextendImageManager.prototype.createVisual = function (visual) { return new N2Classes.NextendImage(visual, this); }; NextendImageManager.prototype.firstLoadVisuals = function (visuals) { for (var i = 0; i < visuals.length; i++) { this.referenceKeys[visuals[i].hash] = this.visuals[visuals[i].id] = this.createVisual(visuals[i]); } }; NextendImageManager.prototype.getVisual = function (image) { if (image == '') { N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('The image is empty'), { timeout: 3 }); } else { var referenceKey = md5(image); if (typeof this.referenceKeys[referenceKey] !== 'undefined') { return this.referenceKeys[referenceKey]; } else if (typeof this.visualLoadDeferreds[referenceKey] !== 'undefined') { return this.visualLoadDeferreds[referenceKey]; } else { var deferred = $.Deferred(); this.visualLoadDeferreds[referenceKey] = deferred; this._loadVisualFromServer(image) .done($.proxy(function () { deferred.resolve(this.referenceKeys[referenceKey]); delete this.visualLoadDeferreds[referenceKey]; }, this)) .fail($.proxy(function () { // This visual is Empty!!! deferred.resolve({ id: -1, name: n2_('Empty') }); delete this.visualLoadDeferreds[referenceKey]; }, this)); return deferred; } } }; NextendImageManager.prototype._loadVisualFromServer = function (image) { return N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.parameters.ajaxUrl, { nextendaction: 'loadVisualForImage' }), data: { image: image }, dataType: 'json' }) .done($.proxy(function (response) { var visual = response.data.visual; this.referenceKeys[visual.hash] = this.visuals[visual.id] = this.createVisual(visual); }, this)); }; NextendImageManager.prototype.isVisualData = function (data) { return data != ''; }; NextendImageManager.prototype.setVisual = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.controller.isChanged) { this.saveActiveVisual(this.activeVisual.name) .done($.proxy(function (response) { $(window).trigger(response.data.visual.hash, this.activeVisual.value); this.hide(e); }, this)); } else { this.hide(e); } }; NextendImageManager.prototype.getBase64 = function () { return N2Classes.Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(this.controller.get('set'))); }; NextendImageManager.prototype.loadDataToController = function (data) { if (this.isVisualData(data)) { $.when(this.getVisual(data)).done($.proxy(function (visual) { if (visual.id > 0) { visual.activate(); } else { console.error(data + ' visual is not found linked'); } }, this)); } else { this.hide(); N2Classes.Notification.error(n2_('Image field can not be empty!')); } }; return NextendImageManager; }); N2D('NextendStyleEditor', ['NextendFragmentEditor'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendStyleEditor() { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditor.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.fields = { backgroundColor: { element: $('#n2-style-editorbackgroundcolor'), events: { 'nextendChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeBackgroundColor, this) } }, opacity: { element: $('#n2-style-editoropacity'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeOpacity, this) } }, padding: { element: $('#n2-style-editorpadding'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changePadding, this) } }, boxShadow: { element: $('#n2-style-editorboxshadow'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeBoxShadow, this) } }, border: { element: $('#n2-style-editorborder'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeBorder, this) } }, borderRadius: { element: $('#n2-style-editorborderradius'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeBorderRadius, this) } }, extracss: { element: $('#n2-style-editorextracss'), events: { 'outsideChange.n2-editor': $.proxy(this.changeExtraCSS, this) } } }; } NextendStyleEditor.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditor.prototype); NextendStyleEditor.prototype.constructor = NextendStyleEditor; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.load = function (values) { this._off(); this.fields.backgroundColor.element.data('field').insideChange(values.backgroundcolor); this.fields.opacity.element.data('field').insideChange(values.opacity); this.fields.padding.element.data('field').insideChange(values.padding); this.fields.boxShadow.element.data('field').insideChange(values.boxshadow); this.fields.border.element.data('field').insideChange(values.border); this.fields.borderRadius.element.data('field').insideChange(values.borderradius); this.fields.extracss.element.data('field').insideChange(values.extra); this._on(); }; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.changeBackgroundColor = function () { this.trigger('backgroundcolor', this.fields.backgroundColor.element.val()); }; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.changeOpacity = function () { this.trigger('opacity', this.fields.opacity.element.val()); }; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.changePadding = function () { this.trigger('padding', this.fields.padding.element.val()); }; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.changeBoxShadow = function () { this.trigger('boxshadow', this.fields.boxShadow.element.val()); }; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.changeBorder = function () { this.trigger('border', this.fields.border.element.val()); }; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.changeBorderRadius = function () { this.trigger('borderradius', this.fields.borderRadius.element.val()); }; NextendStyleEditor.prototype.changeExtraCSS = function () { this.trigger('extra', this.fields.extracss.element.val()); }; return NextendStyleEditor; }); N2D('NextendStyleEditorController', ['NextendFragmentEditorController'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendStyleEditorController() { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.preview = $('#n2-style-editor-preview') .css('fontSize', '16px'); this.initBackgroundColor(); } NextendStyleEditorController.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype); NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.constructor = NextendStyleEditorController; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.loadDefaults.call(this); this.type = 'style'; this.preview = null; }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.initPreviewModes = function () { this.previewModes = { 2: [this.previewModesList['button'], this.previewModesList['box']], 3: [this.previewModesList['paragraph']] }; }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.initRenderer = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendStyleRenderer(this); }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.initEditor = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendStyleEditor(); }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype._load = function (visual, tabs, parameters) { if (visual.length) { visual[0] = $.extend({}, this.getEmptyStyle(), visual[0]); } N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype._load.call(this, visual, tabs, parameters); }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.asyncVisualData = function (visual, showParameters, cb) { if (visual.length) { visual[0] = $.extend({}, this.getEmptyStyle(), visual[0]); } N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype.asyncVisualData.call(this, visual, showParameters, cb); }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.getEmptyStyle = function () { return { backgroundcolor: 'ffffff00', opacity: 100, padding: '0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px', boxshadow: '0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|000000ff', border: '0|*|solid|*|000000ff', borderradius: '0', extra: '' }; }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.getCleanVisual = function () { return { extra: '' }; }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.getEmptyVisual = function () { return [this.getEmptyStyle()]; }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.initBackgroundColor = function () { new N2Classes.FormElementText("n2-style-editor-background-color"); new N2Classes.FormElementColor("n2-style-editor-background-color", 0); var box = this.lightbox.find('.n2-editor-preview-box'); $('#n2-style-editor-background-color').on('nextendChange', function () { box.css('background', '#' + $(this).val()); }); }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype._renderPreview = function () { N2Classes.NextendFragmentEditorController.prototype._renderPreview.call(this); this.addStyle(this.renderer.getCSS(this.currentPreviewMode, '', '.' + this.getPreviewCssClass(), this.currentVisual, { activeTab: this.currentTabIndex })); }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.setPreview = function (mode) { var html = ''; if (typeof this.localModePreview[mode] !== 'undefined' && this.localModePreview[mode] != '') { html = this.localModePreview[mode]; } else { html = this.previewModesList[mode].preview; } var styleClassName = this.getPreviewCssClass(), fontClassName = nextend.styleManager.fontClassName, fontClassName2 = nextend.styleManager.fontClassName2, styleClassName2 = nextend.styleManager.styleClassName2; html = html.replace(/\{([^]*?)\}/g, function (match, script) { return eval(script); }); this.preview.html(html); }; NextendStyleEditorController.prototype.getPreviewCssClass = function () { return 'n2-' + this.type + '-editor-preview'; }; return NextendStyleEditorController; }); N2D('NextendStyleManager', ['NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendStyleManager() { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendStyleManager.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype); NextendStyleManager.prototype.constructor = NextendStyleManager; NextendStyleManager.prototype.loadDefaults = function () { N2Classes.NextendVisualManagerSetsAndMore.prototype.loadDefaults.apply(this, arguments); this.type = 'style'; this.labels = { visual: n2_('style'), visuals: n2_('styles') }; this.styleClassName2 = ''; this.fontClassName = ''; this.fontClassName2 = ''; }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.initController = function () { return new N2Classes.NextendStyleEditorController(this.parameters.renderer.modes); }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.addVisualUsage = function (mode, styleValue, pre) { /** * if styleValue is numeric, then it is a linked style! */ if (parseInt(styleValue) > 0) { return this._addLinkedStyle(mode, styleValue, pre); } else { try { this._renderStaticStyle(mode, styleValue, pre); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } }; NextendStyleManager.prototype._addLinkedStyle = function (mode, styleId, pre) { var used = this.parameters.renderer.usedStyles, d = $.Deferred(); $.when(this.getVisual(styleId)) .done($.proxy(function (style) { if (style.id > 0) { if (typeof pre === 'undefined') { if (typeof used[style.id] === 'undefined') { used[style.id] = [mode]; this.renderLinkedStyle(mode, style, pre); } else if ($.inArray(mode, used[style.id]) == -1) { used[style.id].push(mode); this.renderLinkedStyle(mode, style, pre); } } else { this.renderLinkedStyle(mode, style, pre); } d.resolve(true); } else { d.resolve(false); } }, this)) .fail(function () { d.resolve(false); }); return d; }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.renderLinkedStyle = function (mode, style, pre) { if (typeof pre === 'undefined') { pre = this.parameters.renderer.pre; } nextend.css.add(this.renderer.getCSS(mode, pre, '.' + this.getClass(style.id, mode), style.value, { deleteRule: true })); }; NextendStyleManager.prototype._renderStaticStyle = function (mode, styleJsonOrBase64, pre) { if (typeof pre === 'undefined') { pre = this.parameters.renderer.pre; } var jsonStyle = styleJsonOrBase64; if (jsonStyle[0] != '{') { jsonStyle = N2Classes.Base64.decode(jsonStyle); } nextend.css.add(this.renderer.getCSS(mode, pre, '.' + this.getClass(styleJsonOrBase64, mode), JSON.parse(jsonStyle).data, {})); }; /** * We should never use this method as we do not track if a style used with the same mode multiple times. * So there is no sync and if we delete a used style, other usages might fail to update correctly in * special circumstances. * @param mode * @param styleId */ NextendStyleManager.prototype.removeUsedStyle = function (mode, styleId) { var used = this.parameters.renderer.usedStyles; if (typeof used[styleId] !== 'undefined') { var index = $.inArray(mode, used[styleId]); if (index > -1) { used[styleId].splice(index, 1); } } }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.getClass = function (style, mode) { if (parseInt(style) > 0) { return 'n2-style-' + style + '-' + mode; } else if (style == '') { return ''; } // style might by empty with this class too, but we do not care as nothing wrong if it has an extra class // We could do try catch to JSON.parse(N2Classes.Base64.decode(style)), but it is wasting resource return 'n2-style-' + md5(style) + '-' + mode; }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.createVisual = function (visual, set) { return new N2Classes.NextendStyle(visual, set, this); }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.setConnectedStyle = function (styleId) { this.styleClassName2 = $('#' + styleId).data('field').renderStyle(); }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.setConnectedFont = function (fontId) { this.fontClassName = $('#' + fontId).data('field').renderFont(); }; NextendStyleManager.prototype.setConnectedFont2 = function (fontId) { this.fontClassName2 = $('#' + fontId).data('field').renderFont(); }; return NextendStyleManager; }); N2D('NextendStyleRenderer', ['NextendVisualRenderer'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendStyleRenderer() { N2Classes.NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendStyleRenderer.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualRenderer.prototype); NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.constructor = NextendStyleRenderer; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.getCSS = function (modeKey, pre, selector, visualTabs, parameters) { visualTabs[0] = $.extend(this.editorController.getEmptyStyle(), visualTabs[0]); return N2Classes.NextendVisualRenderer.prototype.getCSS.call(this, modeKey, pre, selector, visualTabs, parameters); }; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.makeStylebackgroundcolor = function (value, target) { target.background = '#' + value.substr(0, 6) + ";\n\tbackground: " + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(value); }; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.makeStyleopacity = function (value, target) { target.opacity = parseInt(value) / 100; }; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.makeStylepadding = function (value, target) { var padding = value.split('|*|'), unit = padding.pop(); for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) { padding[i] += unit; } target.padding = padding.join(' '); }; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.makeStyleboxshadow = function (value, target) { var s = value.split('|*|'); if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == '0' && s[2] == '0' && s[3] == '0') { target.boxShadow = 'none'; } else { target.boxShadow = s[0] + 'px ' + s[1] + 'px ' + s[2] + 'px ' + s[3] + 'px ' + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(s[4]); } }; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.makeStyleborder = function (value, target) { var border = value.split('|*|'); target.borderWidth = border[0] + 'px'; target.borderStyle = border[1]; target.borderColor = '#' + border[2].substr(0, 6) + ";\n\tborder-color:" + N2Color.hex2rgbaCSS(border[2]); }; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.makeStyleborderradius = function (value, target) { var radius = value.split('|*|'); radius.push(''); target.borderRadius = value + 'px'; }; NextendStyleRenderer.prototype.makeStyleextra = function (value, target) { target.raw = value; }; return NextendStyleRenderer; }); N2D('NextendStyle', ['NextendVisualWithSetRow'], function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function NextendStyle() { N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NextendStyle.prototype = Object.create(N2Classes.NextendVisualWithSetRow.prototype); NextendStyle.prototype.constructor = NextendStyle; NextendStyle.prototype.removeRules = function () { var used = this.isUsed(); if (used) { for (var i = 0; i < used.length; i++) { this.visualManager.removeRules(used[i], this); } } }; NextendStyle.prototype.render = function () { var used = this.isUsed(); if (used) { for (var i = 0; i < used.length; i++) { this.visualManager.renderLinkedStyle(used[i], this); } } }; NextendStyle.prototype.isUsed = function () { if (typeof this.visualManager.parameters.renderer.usedStyles[this.id] !== 'undefined') { return this.visualManager.parameters.renderer.usedStyles[this.id]; } return false; }; return NextendStyle; }); N2D('NextendBrowse', function ($, undefined) { var cache = {}; /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param url * @param uploadAllowed * @constructor */ function NextendBrowse(url, uploadAllowed) { this.url = url; this.uploadAllowed = parseInt(uploadAllowed); this.currentPath = $.jStorage.get('browsePath', ''); var timeout = null; this.node = $('<div class="n2-browse-container"/>').on('dragover', function (e) { if (timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } else { $(e.currentTarget).addClass('n2-drag-over'); } timeout = setTimeout(function () { $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('n2-drag-over'); timeout = null; }, 400); }); nextend.browse = this; } NextendBrowse.prototype.clear = function () { if (this.uploadAllowed) { this.node.find('#n2-browse-upload').nUIFileUpload('destroy'); } this.node.empty(); }; NextendBrowse.prototype.getNode = function (mode, callback) { this.clear(); this.mode = mode; if (mode == 'multiple') { this.selected = []; } this.callback = callback; this._loadPath(this.getCurrentFolder(), $.proxy(this._renderBoxes, this)); return this.node; }; NextendBrowse.prototype._renderBoxes = function (data) { this.clear(); if (this.uploadAllowed) { this.node.append($('<div class="n2-browse-box n2-browse-upload"><div class="n2-h4">' + n2_('Drop files anywhere to upload or') + ' <br> <a class="n2-button n2-button-normal n2-button-m n2-radius-s n2-button-grey n2-uc n2-h4" href="#">' + n2_('Select files') + '</a></div><input id="n2-browse-upload" type="file" name="image" multiple></div>')); this.node.find('#n2-browse-upload').nUIFileUpload({ url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.url, { nextendaction: 'upload' }), sequentialUploads: true, dropZone: this.node, pasteZone: false, dataType: 'json', paramName: 'image', add: $.proxy(function (e, data) { var box = $('<div class="n2-browse-box n2-browse-image"><div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-s n2-button-blue n2-radius-s"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-tick"></i></div><div class="n2-browse-title">0%</div></div>'); var images = this.node.find('.n2-browse-image'); if (images.length > 0) { box.insertBefore(images.eq(0)); } else { box.appendTo(this.node); } data.box = box; data.formData = {path: this.currentPath}; data.submit(); }, this), progress: function (e, data) { var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10); data.box.find('.n2-browse-title').html(progress + '%'); }, done: $.proxy(function (e, data) { var response = data.result; if (response.data && response.data.name) { cache[response.data.path].data.files[response.data.name] = response.data.url; data.box .on('click', $.proxy(this.clickImage, this, response.data.url)) .find('.n2-browse-title').html(response.data.name); var ext = response.data.url.split('.').pop(); if (ext != 'mp4' && ext != 'mp3') { data.box.css('background-image', 'url(' + encodeURI(nextend.imageHelper.fixed(response.data.url)) + ')'); } if (this.mode == 'multiple') { this.selected.push(response.data.url); data.box.addClass('n2-active'); } } else { data.box.destroy(); } N2Classes.AjaxHelper.notification(response); }, this), fail: $.proxy(function (e, data) { data.box.remove(); N2Classes.AjaxHelper.notification(data.jqXHR.responseJSON); }, this) }); $.jStorage.set('browsePath', this.getCurrentFolder()); } if (data.path != '') { this.node.append($('<div class="n2-browse-box n2-browse-directory"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-up"></i></div>').on('click', $.proxy(function (directory) { this._loadPath(directory, $.proxy(this._renderBoxes, this)) }, this, data.path + '/..'))); } for (var k in data.directories) { if (data.directories.hasOwnProperty(k)) { this.node.append($('<div class="n2-browse-box n2-browse-directory"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-folder"></i><div class="n2-browse-title">' + k + '</div></div>').on('click', $.proxy(function (directory) { this._loadPath(directory, $.proxy(this._renderBoxes, this)) }, this, data.directories[k]))); } } for (var k in data.files) { if (data.files.hasOwnProperty(k)) { var box = $('<div class="n2-browse-box n2-browse-image" title="' + k + '"><div class="n2-button n2-button-icon n2-button-s n2-button-blue n2-radius-s"><i class="n2-i n2-it n2-i-tick"></i></div><div class="n2-browse-title">' + k + '</div></div>') .on('click', $.proxy(this.clickImage, this, data.files[k])); var ext = data.files[k].split('.').pop(); if (ext != 'mp4' && ext != 'mp3') { box.css('background-image', 'url(' + encodeURI(nextend.imageHelper.fixed(data.files[k])) + ')'); } this.node.append(box); if (this.mode == 'multiple') { if ($.inArray(data.files[k], this.selected) != -1) { box.addClass('n2-active'); } } } } }; NextendBrowse.prototype._loadPath = function (path, callback) { if (typeof cache[path] === 'undefined') { cache[path] = N2Classes.AjaxHelper.ajax({ type: "POST", url: N2Classes.AjaxHelper.makeAjaxUrl(this.url), data: { path: path }, dataType: 'json' }); } $.when(cache[path]).done($.proxy(function (response) { this.currentPath = response.data.path; cache[response.data.path] = response; cache[path] = response; callback(response.data); }, this)); }; NextendBrowse.prototype.clickImage = function (image, e) { if (this.mode == 'single') { this.callback(image); } else if (this.mode == 'multiple') { var i = $.inArray(image, this.selected); if (i == -1) { $(e.currentTarget).addClass('n2-active'); this.selected.push(image); } else { $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('n2-active'); this.selected.splice(i, 1); } } }; NextendBrowse.prototype.getSelected = function () { return this.selected; }; NextendBrowse.prototype.getCurrentFolder = function () { return this.currentPath; }; return NextendBrowse; }); N2D('IconPack', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @constructor */ function IconPack(manager, data) { this.currentQuery = ''; this.manager = manager; this.data = data; this.$li = $('<li><a href="#">' + data.label + '</a></li>') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.activate(); }, this)) .appendTo(this.manager.$ul); } IconPack.prototype.load = function () { if (this.data.isLoaded === undefined) { $("head").append("<link rel='stylesheet' href='" + this.data.css + "' type='text/css' media='screen'>"); this.data.isLoaded = true; } }; IconPack.prototype.render = function () { if (this.data.$tab === undefined) { var $tab = $('<div class="n2-form-tab "></div>').appendTo(this.manager.$content); $tab.append('<div class="n2-h2 n2-content-box-title-bg">' + this.data.label + '</div>'); var $desc = $('<div class="n2-description"></div>').appendTo($tab); for (var icon in this.data.data) { $('<div class="n2-icon" data-identifier="' + this.data.id + ':' + icon + '" data-kw="' + this.data.data[icon].kw.toLowerCase() + '">' + this._render(icon) + '</div>') .on('click', $.proxy(function (e) { this.manager.selectIcon($(e.currentTarget).data('identifier'), e); }, this)).appendTo($desc); } this.data.$tab = $tab; this.$icons = $tab.find('.n2-icon'); } }; IconPack.prototype.activate = function () { this.manager.activate(this); this.$li.addClass('n2-active'); this.load(); this.render(); this.search(this.manager.getQuery()); this.manager.$content.append(this.data.$tab); }; IconPack.prototype.search = function (query) { if (this.currentQuery !== query) { if (query.length <= 1) { this.$icons.css('display', ''); } else { var $matched = this.$icons.filter("[data-kw*='" + query + "']"); this.$icons.not($matched).css('display', 'none'); $matched.css('display', ''); } } this.currentQuery = query; }; IconPack.prototype.deActivate = function () { this.$li.removeClass('n2-active'); this.data.$tab.detach(); }; IconPack.prototype._render = function (icon) { if (this.data.isLigature) { return '<i class="n2i ' + this.data.class + '">' + icon + '</i>'; } return '<i class="n2i ' + this.data.class + " " + this.data.prefix + icon + '"></i>'; }; IconPack.prototype.getIcon = function(icon) { if (this.data.isLigature) { return { "class": this.data.class, "ligature": icon }; } return { "class": this.data.class + " " + this.data.prefix + icon, "ligature": "" }; }; return IconPack; }); N2D('Icons', function ($, undefined) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param data * @constructor */ function Icons(data) { N2Classes.Icons = this; this.data = data; this.$ul = $('<ul class="n2-list"/>'); this.iconPacks = {}; for (var k in this.data) { this.iconPacks[this.data[k].id] = new N2Classes.IconPack(this, this.data[k]); } for (this.defaultId in this.iconPacks) { break } } Icons.prototype.render = function (key) { var parts = key.split(':'); if (parts.length !== 2) { return false; } var id = parts[0], icon = parts[1]; if (this.iconPacks[id] === undefined) { return false; } var iconPack = this.iconPacks[id]; if (iconPack.data.data[icon] === undefined) { return false; } iconPack.load(); return iconPack.getIcon(icon); }; Icons.prototype.showModal = function (cb, value) { this.callback = cb; var isCreate = false; if (this.modal === undefined) { isCreate = true; this.startModal(); } var hasActive = false; var selected = value.split(':'); if (this.iconPacks[selected[0]] !== undefined) { this.iconPacks[selected[0]].activate(); hasActive = true; } if (isCreate && !hasActive) { this.iconPacks[this.defaultId].activate(); } this.modal.show(); }; Icons.prototype.selectIcon = function (icon, e) { this.callback(icon); this.modal.hide(e); }; Icons.prototype.startModal = function () { var $container = $('<div class="n2-modal-content-with-sidebar"></div>'), $sidebar = $('<div class="n2-modal-sidebar"></div>').appendTo($container); this.$content = $('<div class="n2-modal-right-content"></div>').appendTo($container); var $sidebarContainer = $('<div />').appendTo($sidebar); this.$search = $('<input class="n2-h5" placeholder="' + n2_("Search") + '" type="text" name="search-icon" value="" style="width:166px;"/>') .on('keyup', $.proxy(function (e) { var query = $(e.target).val(); this.activePack.search(query); }, this)) .appendTo($('<div class="n2-form-element-text n2-border-radius" style="margin: 15px 10px;"/>').appendTo($sidebarContainer)); this.$ul.appendTo($sidebarContainer); this.modal = new N2Classes.NextendModal({ zero: { size: [ 1200, 600 ], fit: true, title: n2_('Icons'), back: false, close: true, content: $container } }, false); this.modal.setCustomClass('n2-icons-modal'); }; Icons.prototype.activate = function (iconPack) { if (this.activePack !== undefined) { this.activePack.deActivate(); } this.activePack = iconPack; }; Icons.prototype.getQuery = function () { return this.$search.val(); }; return Icons; }); N2D('NextendFontServiceGoogle', function ($) { /** * @memberOf N2Classes * * @param style * @param subset * @param fonts * @constructor */ function NextendFontServiceGoogle(style, subset, fonts) { this.style = style; this.subset = subset; this.fonts = fonts; $(window).on('n2Family', $.proxy(this.loadFamily, this)); } NextendFontServiceGoogle.prototype.loadFamily = function (e, family) { var familyLower = family.toLowerCase(); if (typeof this.fonts[familyLower] !== 'undefined') { $('<link />').attr({ rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' + encodeURIComponent(this.fonts[familyLower] + ':' + this.style) + '&subset=' + encodeURIComponent(this.subset) }).appendTo($('head')); return this.fonts[familyLower]; } return family; }; return NextendFontServiceGoogle; }); N2D('system-backend')
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