Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/themes/sparks/template-contact.php
Error occurred
<?php /* Template Name: Contact */ ?> <?php /* Edit the error messages here --------------------------------------------------*/ $nameError = __( 'Please enter your name.', 'zilla' ); $emailError = __( 'Please enter your email address.', 'zilla' ); $emailInvalidError = __( 'You entered an invalid email address.', 'zilla' ); $commentError = __( 'Please enter a message.', 'zilla' ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $errorMessages = array(); if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) { if(trim($_POST['contactName']) === '') { $errorMessages['nameError'] = $nameError; $hasError = true; } else { $name = trim($_POST['contactName']); } if(trim($_POST['email']) === '') { $errorMessages['emailError'] = $emailError; $hasError = true; } else if ( !is_email( trim($_POST['email']) ) ) { $errorMessages['emailInvalidError'] = $emailInvalidError; $hasError = true; } else { $email = trim($_POST['email']); } if(trim($_POST['comments']) === '') { $errorMessages['commentError'] = $commentError; $hasError = true; } else { if(function_exists('stripslashes')) { $comments = stripslashes(trim($_POST['comments'])); } else { $comments = trim($_POST['comments']); } } if(!isset($hasError)) { $emailTo = zilla_get_option('general_contact_email'); if (!isset($emailTo) || ($emailTo == '') ){ $emailTo = get_option('admin_email'); } $subject = '[Contact Form] From '.$name; $body = "Name: $name \n\nEmail: $email \n\nComments: $comments"; /* By default form will send from wordpress@yourdomain.com in order to work with a number of web hosts' anti-spam measures. If you want the from field to be the user sending the email, please uncomment the following line of code. */ // $headers[] = 'From: ' . $name . ' <' . $email . '>'; $headers[] = 'Reply-To: ' . $email; wp_mail( $emailTo, $subject, $body, $headers ); $emailSent = true; } } ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#contactForm").validate({ messages: { contactName: '<?php echo $nameError; ?>', email: { required: '<?php echo $emailError; ?>', email: '<?php echo $emailInvalidError; ?>' }, comments: '<?php echo $commentError; ?>' } }); }); </script> <!--BEGIN #content--> <div id="content" class="block clearfix"> <?php zilla_content_start(); ?> <!--BEGIN #primary .hfeed--> <div id="primary" class="hfeed" role="main"> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <?php zilla_page_before(); ?> <!--BEGIN .hentry--> <div <?php post_class() ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <?php zilla_page_start(); ?> <!--BEGIN .entry-content --> <div class="entry-content"> <?php if(isset($emailSent) && $emailSent == true) { ?> <div class="thanks"> <p><?php _e('Thanks, your email was sent successfully.', 'zilla') ?></p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php if(isset($hasError) || isset($captchaError)) { ?> <p class="error"><?php _e('Sorry, an error occured.', 'zilla') ?><p> <?php } ?> <form action="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" id="contactForm" method="post"> <ul class="contactform"> <li><label for="contactName"><?php _e('Name', 'zilla') ?><span class="required"> *</span></label> <input type="text" name="contactName" id="contactName" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['contactName'])) echo $_POST['contactName'];?>" class="required requiredField" /> <?php if(isset($errorMessages['nameError'])) { ?> <span class="error"><?php echo $errorMessages['nameError']; ?></span> <?php } ?> </li> <li><label for="email"><?php _e('Email', 'zilla') ?><span class="required"> *</span></label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['email'])) echo $_POST['email'];?>" class="required requiredField email" /> <?php if(isset($errorMessages['emailError'])) { ?> <span class="error"><?php echo $errorMessages['emailError']; ?></span> <?php } ?> <?php if(isset($errorMessages['emailInvalidError'])) { ?> <span class="error"><?php echo $errorMessages['emailInvalidError']; ?></span> <?php } ?> </li> <li class="textarea"><label for="commentsText"><?php _e('Message', 'zilla') ?><span class="required"> *</span></label> <textarea name="comments" id="commentsText" rows="20" cols="30" class="required requiredField"><?php if(isset($_POST['comments'])) { if(function_exists('stripslashes')) { echo stripslashes($_POST['comments']); } else { echo $_POST['comments']; } } ?></textarea> <?php if(isset($errorMessages['commentError'])) { ?> <span class="error"><?php echo $errorMessages['commentError']; ?></span> <?php } ?> </li> <li class="buttons"> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" id="submitted" value="true" /> <button type="submit"><?php _e('Send Email', 'zilla') ?></button> </li> </ul> </form> <?php } ?> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <?php zilla_page_end(); ?> <!--END .hentry--> </div> <?php zilla_page_after(); ?> <?php endwhile; endif; ?> <!--END #primary .hfeed--> </div> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php zilla_content_end(); ?> <!--END #content .block--> </div> <?php get_footer(); ?>
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