Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/goldin10/public_html/getoutyourbox.com/wp-content/plugins/caldera-forms/assets/js/viewer/viewer.js
Error occurred
/** * A VueJS-powered entry viewer for Caldera Forms * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param formId Form ID * @param formStore Form data store, should be created with CFFormStoreFactory() * @param entryStore Entry data store, should be created with CFEntriesStoreFactory() * @param api API instance for this form. Should be instance of CFAPI * @param config Configuration. Probably CF_ENTRY_VIEWER_2_CONFIG, but you can add your own if you like. * * @returns {*} * * @constructor */ function CFEntryViewer2( formId, formStore, entryStore, api, config ){ var $singleEntryZone = jQuery( document.getElementById( config.targets.entry ) ); return new Vue({ data: function() { return { form: formStore.state, entries: entryStore.state, page: 1, perPage: api.getPerPage(), totalPages: entryStore.getTotalPages(), singleEntry: {}, currentView: 'empty' } }, el: '#caldera-forms-entries', components : { 'single-entry' : { template: '#' + config.targets.entries, data: function () { return { singleEntryFields: Object, singleEntry: Object } } }, }, mounted: function () { this.paginationButtons(); }, methods:{ paginationButtons: function(){ var $el = jQuery( this.$el ); var $next = $el.find( '.caldera-forms-entry-viewer-next-button' ), $prev = $el.find( '.caldera-forms-entry-viewer-prev-button' ); if( this.page >= this.totalPages ){ $next.prop( 'disabled', true ).attr( 'aria-disabled', true ); }else{ $next.prop( 'disabled', false ).attr( 'aria-disabled', false ); } if( this.page == 1 ){ $prev.prop( 'disabled', true ).attr( 'aria-disabled', true ); }else{ $prev.prop( 'disabled', false ).attr( 'aria-disabled', false ) } }, nextPage: function(){ var self = this; this.$set( this, 'page', this.page + 1 ); jQuery.when( api.getEntries( self.page ) ).then( function(d){ entryStore.setEntries(d); self.$set( self, 'entries', entryStore.state ); self.paginationButtons(); }, function(){ self.notAllowed(); }); }, prevPage: function(){ if( 0 >= this.page - 1 ){ return false; } var self = this; this.$set( this, 'page', this.page - 1 ); jQuery.when( api.getEntries( self.page ) ).then( function(d){ entryStore.setEntries(d); self.$set( self, 'entries', entryStore.state ); self.paginationButtons(); }, function(){ self.notAllowed(); }); }, entryHasField: function( fieldId, entryId ){ var entry = entryStore.getEntry( entryId ); if ( false !== entry ) { return entryStore.getFieldFromEntry(entry, fieldId); } else { return false; } }, updatePerPage: function(){ var self = this; api.setPerPage( this.perPage ); jQuery.when( api.getEntries( self.page ) ).then( function(d){ entryStore.setEntries(d); self.$set( self, 'entries', entryStore.state ); }); api.savePerPage( this.perPage ); }, fieldValue: function( fieldId, entry ){ if( 'string' == typeof entry[ fieldId ] ){ return entry[ fieldId ]; }else if( 'object' == typeof entry[ 'fields' ][ fieldId ] ){ return entry[ 'fields' ][ fieldId ].value; }else{ return ''; } }, showSingle: function( entryId ){ var $modal, entry = entryStore.getEntry( entryId ), fields = formStore.getAllFields(); var single = Vue.extend({ template: '#' + config.templates.entry, data: function(){ return { fields: fields, entry: entry } }, methods: { fieldValue: function (fieldId) { if ('string' == typeof entry[fieldId]) { return entry[fieldId]; } else if ('object' == typeof entry['fields'][fieldId]) { return this.checkResult( entry['fields'][fieldId].value ); } else { return ''; } }, close: function () { $singleEntryZone.empty(); $modal.destroy(); }, checkResult: function ( value ) { //Check if value is an object and return the values only ( this is useful for checkboxes values ) if(typeof value === "object"){ value = Object.values(value); } return value } }, }); $singleEntryZone.empty(); var newDiv = document.createElement("div"); jQuery( newDiv ).attr( 'id', config.targets.entry + '-' + entryId ); jQuery( newDiv ).appendTo( $singleEntryZone ); new single().$mount('#' + config.targets.entry + '-' + entryId ); $modal = jQuery('[data-remodal-id=' + entryId +']').remodal(); $modal.open(); }, notAllowed: function (r) { if ( 'object' != typeof r && 404 != r.status ) { $singleEntryZone.remove(); jQuery('#caldera-forms-entries-nav').remove(); jQuery(document.getElementById('caldera-forms-entries')).html('<div class="alert alert-warning">' + config.strings.not_allowed + '</div>'); } } } }); }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.2.34 | Генерация страницы: 0.12 |